31 March 2012

What Has Been Before...


All radiations and rays of the nature-laws, in their intervention with the entire Universe and with every mortal person, describe orbits in the Universe, circles, spirals, ingoing and outgoing radiations. We do not allude here to astrological influences; we have not directed our attention here in the least toward the radiation of planets and of zodiacal signs which come to us. No, here we mean inter-cosmic currents; inter-cosmic currents that have their source, not in the dualistic Universe, not in the seventh cosmic sphere, but in the spheres which lie above this.

In the entire dualistic universe immense cosmic currents and radiations are continually active, and cosmic currents and radiations describe orbits, run courses.

We spoke of in-coming and out-going radiations; of radiations which require a certain period of time. Radiations which continually return, be it on a higher or be it on a lower plane. On a higher plane, whenever the level of mankind gives occasion thereto; on a lower plane, whenever mankind  walks a degenerative way. Wherewith we would but say: all these inter-cosmic currents and radiations teach and influence every living creature, be it man, be it beast, bE it plant, be it mineral. Our manner of reaction upon these inter-cosmic radiations is very diverse, however, and so it is possible that one and the same ray awakens one group unto life, and is extremely fatal and demolishing for another group. Therefore it is clear, that in an order of time and space such as ours, all things come and all things go, only to turn up again.

An analysis of the natural course of events, an analysis of occurrences in the year 1956, is completely the same as a similar course of hundreds or thousands of years ago. Just imagine that at this moment certain mighty inter-cosmic currents stir us all, have seized us all. If you now take into account, that inter-cosmic radiations describe an orbit, then it is quite clear, that these same radiations have already stirred mankind previously! Now, just imagine that we have also existed ten thousand years ago for instance, then we should be able to establish and determine with great certainty the facts which are repeating themselves in the present, by reason of the experiences of that former time. So, a prophecy in connections with mankind thousands of years ago may be more or less alike to a prophecy of the present, if mankind has reached the same point upon a certain electromagnetic orbit as at that time; whereby, of course, we must take into account the social, technical and political differences.

Thus, it is possible, and it is toward this that our eyes are directed, that the Great Pyramid of Giza describes for instance, a complete piece of the future history of mankind, if one dips back into the past: in such a way the chronology of the Pyramid of Giza can point out the fate of mankind during a portion of an entire sidereal year.

The Pyramid namely contains a chronology which embraces approximately six thousand years. It speaks of two consummations of fate, namely the fate of mankind in a decaying sense, because the same inter-cosmic radiations can give rise to different reactions, both positive as well as negative.

So, it is a question of the fate of man, of mankind; the fate of the conversion or the fate of the aversion. If you react positively to the inter-cosmic radiations, then they will lead you unto Life; if not, then in one way or another you will be broken. So it is and so it always be with every true prophecy. Every analysis of the activity of the inter-cosmic radiations is always two-fold. For this reason also you can find it expressed in the Gospel: whenever the Son of man appears and the Light breaks open and the blessed are raised up unto Him, then the judgement immediately follows; the masses who have not chosen are cut off -- Here is alluded to the fate of those who have definitely refused to react positively to the inter-cosmic radiations.

From Unmasking - J. van Rijckenborgh


"What Has Been Before, Will Be Again"

Radiation Laws and Prophecy


Now, in the Universe there are certain laws which provide a regularity and are called: radiation laws. Throughout the entire dualistic universe the radiation laws regulate the living conditions of all entities and the great respirating and exhaling processes of the stars and planets., of the planetary and zodiacal systems. One might speak of a gigantic clockwork, which indicates the course of things in the order of time and space, and from which nothing and no one can escape.Everyone must submit himself  to these radiation laws, which govern the entire Universe. Therefore, it is quite evident that the possibilities whereby a gnostic-minded group may follow and reach its aim, also answer to suchlike laws.

When a gnostic body submits itself exactly according to the indications of the relative radiation laws, then this group will be able to travel its way and reach the aim of the path, without any hindrance, without any obstacle.

A group of gnostic-minded persons does not just come to the fore at a given moment in world history. No, the gnostic groups also come and go according to natural laws, according to radiation laws which regulate all of this, just as all other things and developments come and go according to these same laws. Thus, it is possible that people, who have studied those laws and who understand their workings and who have also investigated the course of these laws in the order of space and time, can point --  with their fingers upon the inter-cosmic clockwork, as it were -- toward happenings which will irrevocably come. When they do so, this, however, is no prophecy, no astrology, but a conviction based upon knowledge of the universal governing Law; a sober and business-like taking into account of the irrevocable natural and lawful course of events.  Neither are there any mysterious whispering voices, spiritualistic controls or anything of that sort; no mysterious hocus-pocus, but only some knowledge of the radiation laws which govern the Omni-revelation.

When the ancient prophets spoke about God, the coming Interventions or the coming Punishments, then they alluded to the nature-powers of which we have spoken, which powers are irresistably active. They knew, that if one accumulates tensions the explosion is bound to come at the appointed time. One can very often establish the moment of the explosion beforehand.

Now, one can ask: is it any use prophesying? If the course of things in the entire Omni-revelation is indispensable, why should we find it necessary to warn each other beforehand? Yes, for the man in the mass, for man as a herd-animal, that has indeed no point. But it has for the seeker who, when he is seized by the Gnosis, might find the Path of Liberation!

For the seeker it is really of importance, that a warning should reach him or her at the right time and in the right place. If you still exist in the seeking stage and hungrily feel for the One Way of Liberation, without being able to see this clearly before you; if all sorts of doubts press upon you, in consequence of which you remain still in indecision, then, in this condition, a warning is quite definitely in order: 'Take your places now upon the Path and submit yourselves to the urge of the Logos!'.

One can escape from the fate of duality by going the way of the true destiny of mankind. That is why it is also a question of love for God and mankind, to go out and spread the warning when it has come and has been understood.

From Unmasking - J. van Rijckenborgh


The inter-cosmic and cosmic radiation laws are as regular and reliable as the second hand on a clock. To get an idea of the regularity of such radiations, picture in your mind's eye a lighthouse, with its cyclopean beam sweeping the night in a slow, regular 360-degree circle. The weather may change, the condition of the sea may change, as may the vessels that sail past; the lighthouse-beam, however, does not change. It comes, goes, and returns again.

So it is with the inter-cosmic radiations, the Christine radiations mentioned so often here. These radiations are regular and periodic. The wise are aware of the duration of the spiraling cosmic cycles and are able to offer prophecy based on a combination of this special knowledge and objective observation of mankind's state-of-being. No crystal balls, no seances or tarot cards, simply a prediction, based on the reality of these regular, periodic, cyclic radiations that have swept this solar system since the first Day of Manifestation and will continue to do so until this World Period has come to a close.

~ g

28 March 2012

The New Chosen


We discussed the fact that for those who do not find and walk the true Path of Liberation, a catastrophe arises, a crisis phase, in which various explosions will develop as discharges of accumulated tensions.

Before these discharges take place, there is still a certain balance because, as the Holy Language says 'God's people are still to be found upon earth'.

By 'God's people' is meant the group of those who are busy preparing themselves to walk the Path of the Gnosis. This group attracts all sorts of gnostic powers and radiations which descend into our nature, thus creating and maintaining a certain balance, so that the discharges of the sundry magnetic storms cannot yet take place.

However, as soon as the gnostic-minded group becomes conscious of that Path, sees the various aspects of that Path clearly before them, and also become conscious of their own state and the possibilities of being able to leave this earth of blood and tears, by means of a 'Living Body'*, (i.e. a gnostic building of living soul powers, just as 'Noah's Ark' or the 'Heavenly ship' of the ancient Egyptians), then another situation arises. Then the cosmic radiations change. The group of the sons of God will then be isolated from the ordinary course of the earth by way of a process: they will travel the way toward its New Life-Field, the world of Living Souls, called by Christ the Kingdom of Heaven; and they will be removed from the ordinary dualistic earth. As a consequence, the powers of the ordinary dualistic nature are no longer kept in check and they begin to run their natural course.

All of this is quite easily made clear by a simple example.

Imagine that a number of persons are about to commit a great evil. These persons, who are so intent upon criminal enterprises, may be withheld from such deeds and kept in hand by a strong line of conduct and by control. The tensions, however, will continue to increase! Because thoughts and desires, wishes directed upon evil deeds, do not remain still, they cannot be kept in line. As a consequence, tensions accumulate. Then, when the authority is withdrawn and sets itself to other tasks and the malevolent masses are left to their own devises, then one knows what will happen: the tension breaks loose!

From Unmasking - J. van Rijckenborgh


The foregoing describes the global situation we are living in right this minute. The old order is on the verge of collapse. Political, financial, religious, moral, etc....all of man's institutions are crumbling into dust. This cannot be denied. One can see it with one's own eyes. So, then, what is holding the world back from plunging over the Cliff of Insanity?

It is the presence on earth of the "New Chosen". These are the ones who have made the conscious decision to walk the Path of Liberation and are remaining steadfast in their efforts. Even if one has taken but their very first steps on The Path, if those steps are marked by a sincere aspiration to someday attain the One Goal of Humanity (Liberation), that one will be counted among the New Chosen.

When the number of the New Chosen has been completed, when a "critical mass" of those who have chosen to walk the Path has been assembled, these ones will be taken, - again, the word is taken - from the physical earth sphere to a place where they will continue their evolution in the New Life-Field, higher spheres of existence. When those Souls of Light are removed from this sphere, all that is holding back the prophesied destruction will be removed, and the onslaught, the Tribulations will begin in earnest for those who are left. The Earth, along with the souls who remain, will undergo a cleansing by astral fire.

Digging a hole in the ground, or carving a bunker into a mountainside will not protect those who choose death instead of Life. They will bear the brunt of the storm, as all of man's past evils return to fall upon him in a frenzy. The only way to escape the Tribulations that are just over the horizon is to make the choice to leave the physical earth. This choice should not be made because one wants to 'save his or her skin', as it were. The choice must be made from a deep longing to be done with duality, coupled with a new attitude of life and a desire to learn what it will take to walk the Path of Liberation to its completion. In the New World, the New Life-Field, man will be given the tools, the Teachers and the time needed to assist us in taking our next steps on that Glorious Road.

Harvest is a periodic, cyclic event. In every age of humanity, at a given moment in time, the Sorting and the Choosing takes place. This cannot be avoided. It is as the hand of a clock striking the hour. There is no more time to vacillate, speculate or waste in fruitless debate. You must choose now. Those who wait for the last minute will have to jump very high indeed, in order to make The Ark.

The wise will choose to leave 3D 'reality' for what it truly is. An illusive world of constant pain, constant sorrow and constant tears. It can't be made into a heaven, there can be no lasting 'peace'. This is an emergency-order, a temporary, ever-changing sphere of existence which was developed by the Elohim with one purpose in mind: to guide man to such a state of despair that he would want to have no more to with the world and would cry out for freedom. We were only supposed to visit this place, not stay here forever!

The following questions are put to you:

Have you had enough?

Are you ready to join the New Chosen?

~ g

27 March 2012

The Mystery Of The Gobi - Part IV



In the middle of the immense, virgin desert of the Gobi is the mysterious oasis. This Holy Land, in which no profane human foot has ever trod, is called among other things: Shamballa, "the City of the Gods".

Shamballa is the centre of the action-field of the Universal Brotherhood insofar as it is active in this dualistic nature-order. Shamballa is the power-field of the divine helpers; a power-field not to be explained from this nature-order and not maintaining any link with the material-sphere or the reflection-sphere, but nevertheless present in this earthly nature as a help to us all.

The function of Shamballa can be compared to that of a transformer. The universal life-substance and the universal intervention of the Logos are transformed in Shamballa, "the City of the Gods", into a tension which the world and mankind can endure. Shamballa is a field of contact from which suggestions, vibrations and radiations emanate, flowing horizontally all over the world. Shamballa is an immanent touch of a transcendental reality.

It is also from the City of the Gods that bonafide messengers go out to lost humanity, messengers who, under a variety of names, carry out their work wherever it is necessary. Shamballa is the gate to the Original Life, the only and absolute Gate to Liberation. Shamballa is the Key to the new, sparkling life.

It sounds strange to many people to hear of a universal point of contact that can be geographically located. But is it stranger than expecting one's salvation in the reflection-sphere, the domain of the dead, of entities who have lost the greater part of their vehicles and who will consequently have no choice but to restore their mutilation by reincarnation?

Is it stranger than to cling for the protection of one's soul to some church institution which distinguishes itself from what is earthly and dualistic only insofar as its representatives speak a language that in no way accords with their own reality? Is it stranger and less logical than imagining or hearing in the abstract of a God who exists and is enthroned in unreality?

On the contrary, it is stranger that not more people who are metaphysically and spiritually sensitive have discovered that they are lost in the greatest mystifications.

Without exaggeration, one can say that man's entire metaphysical and spiritual life has become stuck in the grip of the reflection-sphere. Everything and everyone asks the dead, belongs to the dead, and lives and strives out of the dead.

The consequence is a general sickening of mankind, a swift march downhill, tumbling into a pool of lies, slander and treachery, a disappearance of moral norms. and a startlingly rapid increase in blood and nervous diseases. Such is the result for mankind of taking a course that deviates from the way, the truth and the life.

When you make your way towards the focus of the universal mysteries, you do not develop some sort of delirium, manifesting itself in speech or writing, and there is no question of over-shadowing and the resulting theft of nerve-fluid, for then you live and exist out of power. In his first epistle to the Corinthians, Paul rightly observes that "The Kingdom of God consists not in words, but in power".

That is the signature of Shamballa; when a pupil of the modern Spiritual School approaches the Heart of the World, his weakness will be transformed into power, a power that will become a reality-of-being for him and will not forsake him even for one second. It is this same power in various gradations and potencies that bears and impels and fulfills the work of salvation. All those who live out of this power have become "possessors of might" in accordance with their state-of-being.

All Holy Language, with its innumerable legends, myths, epistles and accounts, gives evidence of this, just as it also speaks of Shamballa and the divine impulses which emanate from there at fixed times in the form of messengers and in other ways.


From "The Brotherhood OF Shamballa" - J. van Rijckenborgh, Catharose De Pietri

24 March 2012

The Mystery Of The Gobi - Part III

The Desert of Nature


You have heard that nobody can approach the Heart of the Universal Brotherhood who does not know the lost and forgotten Word and who therefore cannot pronounce it. You have also been told how the pupil on the Path can rediscover this Word, since it is, as you know, a state of being, an entry into the Immovable Kingdom, which cannot possibly be realized and experienced by the ordinary man of this nature.

The human beings which populate this earth have a spirit, soul and body that are neither structurally nor fundamentally suited for participation in the New Life. Consequently, there is no point at all in inducing them to cultivate spirit or soul in a whatever manner. In the first place, liberation could not be gained in this way, and in the second place, cultivation of what is not of God would be a formidable obstacle to liberation. For this reason, the essence of liberation should be considered from quite a different angle and one should learn to understand all that has been said about it in the Holy Language in a totally different way. As dualistic beings, we need to realize that man must first die if he is to be truly born.

In the course of the ages, it has become abundantly clear that man does not understand this fundamental doctrine, because of an unsuited comprehension-faculty which causes all attempts to end in cultivation of the ordinary personality. That is why it is first necessary to approach the concept of "man" as it is understood in the science of ttransfiguration.

In the science of transfiguration, "man" is composite., a system of phenomena contained within one structure. We refer to this structure as the microcosm. Within the microcosm there are undesirable phenomena resulting from and maintained by sin. There are also possibilities and developments that were once able to unfold to completion, but that once able to unfold to completion, but that for aeons were restricted until finally, they were reduced to nuclei in the microcosm.

The science of transfiguration also teaches the existence of various "flashes of spirit" active within one microcosm. What in our philosophy is called "dualistic man", is the result and essence of one of these "flashes of spirit".

Now, this entire dualistic being, with its behavior, results and causes, must die, must perish so that the True Man can manifest himself once more. The Universal Doctrine refers to this process as rebirth, transmutation, also as "the Alchemical Wedding". The method followed in this process, referred to as magic or alchemy, results in knowing and being able to use the lost and forgotten Word.

Now, let us suppose that you have found The Key and are willing to die fundamentally. Then you would know that "dying" in this sense means to reduce the entire dualistic I-being to a biological minimum, to the state of childship which is referred to in the First Epistle of John, chapter 3. Only if you are standing on this basis does it make any sense to tell you more about the Brotherhood of the Siddha, the inhabitants of the Heart of the Gobi.

How does the pupil reach this heart? This is the question which the pupil must have continually in mind; and if it is really a supplication, it will always be answered in accordance with his state of being.

Logically and fundamentally, there is but one answer to such a question. However, this one answer is composed of countless aspects and rays, just as the one sunlight splits up into a whirl of rays. The answers are therefore the succession of rays which the pupil can receive as he follows The Path. For him or her, these rays form a shining staircase leading to the One Aim.

Experience has shown that there is no point in troubling a seeker with a ray of the universal Light to which he is not yet ennobled, He would neither be able to perceive nor respond to it, for the simple reason that he does not yet have a pure ether-concentration in the constellation of his respiration-field.

As The Path is the way leading to eternity, it is certain that on it there will be an eternal variety of radiations of ever-increasing beauty, of ever more merciful glory, of ever more intense light and of ever more dynamic, majestic power. It is in this sense that you should understand the intervention of the present World-Brotherhood. It develops a radiation for us in this age, adapting it to our state of being as individual human beings and as humanity as a whole. So the question: "how does the pupil penetrate to the Heart of the World?" takes on a new and urgent character.

It is not possible to find an answer to this question by consulting old and yellow parchments; nor can we cling to what the ancients have said on this subject. One needs to be able to listen to and understand the heart-beat of the present. When you can do that, the answer will come to you sparkling and new, and at the same time, you will understand what the ancients really said.

You have now heard a good deal about the Gobi, about the universal nucleus of the World-Brotherhood situated in Central Asia. There is indeed a formidable universal focus there, a point of contact of the Immovable Kingdom; the true Holy Land of the Sons of Will and Yoga.

As regards what we want to say here, however, you may forget this and even ignore it. Listen to the call of the Brotherhood as a call emanating from a voice and a focus which are very close to you. And let it penetrate your consciousness fully, that in order to be able to answer this call, you yourself will have to undertake a journey through the desert. As regards spirit, soul and matter, your life in this nature is a desert;  an arid desert in which you live and exist.

We know very well that millions of people would flatly deny that this is so, and maybe you, too, disagree with us. It is possible that you do not consider your path through the desert; that you do not experience your dualistic state of life as a miserable, arid and deathly state, and that you will therefore deny, perhaps, that you are in a state of such deathly foresakeness. This is possible, because for many people, life in this world is full of beauty and excitement. Think only of the many artists who express this in various ways.

The "desert awareness" is therefore a discovery, a tremendous self-discovery and at the same time, an intense mercy. One could even compare it with being born into a new awareness of life. Indeed, the Holy Language does call it a birth, but a birth entirely on the horizontal level of duality. It is the birth of John the Precursor, the man in the wilderness, the preacher in the desert.

And just as this figure is described in the Gospel, so the apprentice-builder has to be born as a man in the desert. The scales must fall from his eyes and he must see this world as it is. Then, such a pupil will no longer say: "I live", "I am", because he knows that he is not a living, but a dying creature. The greatest reality in this field of existence is death, and life is but a shadow.


From "The Brotherhood of Shamballa" by J. van Rijckenborgh and Catharose de Pietri

Man is born, he lives, he dies. All this without ever having become aware of the True Purpose of his wasted life. We are born as image-bearers, whose purpose is to liberate the Other One who lies imprisoned within us. If human beings were aware of their high calling, our sacred task, perhaps we would not debase ourselves in the various ways we do.

We are living, existing and dying in a spiritual desert, a state of life as far removed from Reality as we can possibly get. What's even more unfortunate is that we are enjoying it, that we are blissfully wasting our precious few moments as the current inhabitant of our microcosm in debauchery and bacchanalia.

It would be as if a fireman were sent to a burning house to rescue a victim. He prepares himself, he collects his gear, dresses properly, consults his handbooks. He is ready to perform his mission of mercy. But just before he enter the burning house, he notices a swimming pool in the backyard. He immediately drops his gear, strips to his underwear, and jumps into the pool. There he plays while the house burns to the ground, its occupant, lost. He then drowns in the pool. End of story.

That is what our lives have been. Sacred opportunitys to escape from  the desert of life, wasted.

~ g

The Mystery Of The Gobi - Part II


The wonderful oasis in the Gobi, the earthly focus of the Universal Brotherhood, is effectively protected from all intrusions. Even the most modern technical aids would fail hopelessly in any attempt to approach this Holy Land. Large groups of nature-spirits protect the region, and the atmospheric conditions are such that the most adverse weather would immediately obstruct anyone and anything seeking to desecrate the heart of the Gobi.

Those who wish to approach this Heart of the World will need to regain knowledge of the forgotten Word. To prevent any mystification that may exist with regard to this lost and forgotten Word, we would like to inform you about it, insofar as we are able to do so. One can philosophize fervently and seriously on this subject and by plunging into bona fide literature about it, one might equip oneself with a tremendous amount of knowledge.

But what would be the use of it? Philosophy is certainly the key to science, but only if one knows how to forge it into a key that really fits the Eternal Universal Door, and one is able to use the key successfully. If this is not the case, one's philosophy is simply ballast. That is why, long ago, it could be stated in the Bible: "Blessed are the poor in knowledge". What an enormous advantage have those who are able to approach the mysteries of God open-mindedly, like children. Their reaction to the Spiritual School is often remarkably pure.

For years, many people have seen the School of the Rosycross as an institution in which one could enrich one's knowledge of philosophy. However, the School of the Rosycross would be very poor and dangerous indeed if it were not quite different and much more than that. Behind the outer garment of the School is the Body, by means of which and in which the ennobled pupil can learn how to forge the key with which the gate can be opened. In this connection, we would like to draw our attention to one of our sayings:

"We assure you that our treasures, though of infinite value, are hidden in such a simple way as to cause the research of wayward science to fail entirely".

Many people have sought diligently for the inner school, the work-place in which the work is carried out on the basis of the only Cornerstone, but they have not found it. Such persons have loaded the workers with scorn and slander and surrounded them with indifference. They have satiated themselves with the philosophical aspects of the School and, not being able to go further than the Forecourt, have turned away, burdened with the pain of undigested knowledge. The key cannot be bought, stolen or prepared by philosophical means.

To be able to pass from the Forecourt into the Sanctuary, quite a different construction process is necessary. The following words from the ritual quoted above are therefore given to the pupil as a warning:

"Consequently, although our building has been approached by thousands, it will forever remain untouched, inaccessible and hidden to the wicked world".

We wanted to draw your attention to these things before speaking to you about the lost and forgotten Word. Those who understand what we are going to say as a contribution to a philosophical clarification will be simply hanging a new millstone around their necks. However, those who are able to taste the practical meaning, the stimulus to self-freemasonry contained in our words, will be able to forge The Key in the light of a new in-dwelling seven-branched candelabrum. May this candelabrum be a lamp unto your feet and a light on your path.

From "The Brotherhood of Shamballa" - J. van Rijckenborgh, Catherose de Pietri

22 March 2012

The Mystery Of The Gobi - Part I

The Last Remnant


Insofar as the Universal Brotherhood devotes itself to this world and fallen mankind, the centre of its activity is in the heart of the Gobi Desert in Central Asia. All the other foci of spiritual activity we have discussed with you in recent years, such as those of Australia, the Great Pyramid, the Pillars of Hercules on the southern slopes of the Atlas mountains, and the Himalayas, as well as various other activities of the Brotherhood such as those at the two poles, originate from and are guided by the true spiritual heart of the world in the most inaccessible part of the Gobi.

In reality the Gobi is not a sand desert but rather, a disconsolate, arid steppe region of, for us, immeasurable size. It is as unknown and far more inaccessible than for instance, the Gran Chaco of South America. Very few travelers have tried to penetrate into the heart of the Gobi. It is surrounded by loneliness and terror. With a few minor exceptions, there is no literature concerning this area and its mysteries. this is largely because the attention of spiritual speculators is directed towards more familiar parts of the globe. There is a well-known work by Marco Polo, written in the 13th century while he was held prisoner. Marco Polo travelled along the tea-route to China, part of which led through the Gobi. He wrote of the deep fear and holy veneration by which people living around the Gobi are possessed due to the large number of uncanny apparitions that occur there.

The cause of these spectral phenomena is quite clear to the gnostic. The planetary ethers in the Gobi are so transparent and so concentrated that the chemical and etheric spheres of the material world merge into each other almost unnoticeably. As a consequence, phenomena of the reflection-sphere become perceptive to the normal physical senses. This phenomenon has caused the deadly fear of the Gobi which has to this day ensured the total ignorance of the profane with regard to this area.

Yet, the Gobi has always played a part in the most ancient Universal Knowledge. From the beginning of duality, the heart of this area has been referred to as the Holy Land of the Sons of God. When the Bible and the initiates speak of the Holy Land of our planet, they certainly do not mean the region where the Arabs and Jews fight each other with Western arms.

All metaphysical impulses towards regeneration are sent forth from this heart of the world, to spread in rays all over the earth, and leave their tracks everywhere. The ingenious construction of the Great Pyramid, the wisdom and strength of the Manicheans and Cathars and the mission of the modern Rosycross are to be explained from this one source. The Order of the Siddha, the Universal Brotherhood, has its seat in this Holy Land.

Many legends have been woven around the Gobi, and fragments of bygone historical events have been used as the basis for mysterious tales. Through such tales, ancient wisdom tells us that once, long before the pre-Lemurian civilization, there was an extensive inland island sea where there are now only salt lakes and arid deserts. On twelve islands in the heart of this sea dwelt the "Last Remnant" of the Divine Race. These islands were of wonderful beauty. The divine inhabitants were also known as the "Sons of Will and Yoga" or as the "true Elohim, who were said to be masters of all mysteries of nature and to possess the unpronounceable Word, which is now lost. They knew the mysteries of the Original nature and preserve them for those who are ennobled to them.

This island realm still exists as an oasis in the Gobi. All those who know the secret Word are aware of this and have admittance there. It is impossible to find an ordinary way into the Gobi oasis. The whole region is carefully protected against alien intruders both from the land and from the air. There are only seven secret entrances, which are indicated in veiled terms as the seven subterranean passages to Shamballa.

It is our task to discuss these things with you and to inform you of the depths of all the wisdom mankind once possessed, for the time of revelation has come, and it is certainly not our intention, in the midst of the nervous tensions of our times, to deal with these holy matters in a few sentences so that by tomorrow they will have been forgotten again.

Long ago, it was prophesied that all that is hidden would one day be revealed; but it was also said that many false prophets would arise and we are warned not to believe every spirit, but to test them whether they really are of God. The Bible warns: "By this you know the spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus has come in the flesh is of God, but every spirit that does not confess this is not of God".

Whenever a great change is about to occur in the development of the world, the things hidden in God, the Absolute, are revealed and the whole of mankind is confronted with the life of absolute reality of the Immovable Kingdom.

This revelation, this unfolding, does not come primarily as a judgement, but as a call to resurrection, as a tremendous help to regeneration. Also, this revelation should not be seen as a public demonstration, but as a hardly bearable sacrifice of love by those who are dedicated to God, for us in our distress.

When this sacrifice is made, it will only be possible to recognize it as the spirit of God if it can be irrefutably connected with the confession that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. This does not mean having some historical belief that 2,000 years ago someone called Jesus came into the flesh; it means the manifestation of the Jesus-realization and the Christ-radiation in your own being, in your own flesh, with scientific certainty and in perfect power, beauty and reality.

The revelations of the Last Times, which will preceded the Great Revolution, will give man a complete vision of the true life of Original mankind and will inevitable bring about the unmasking of all metaphysical speculators, both ecclesiastical and theological as well as philosophical. Also, they will confront everyone without exception with a decisive choice. So the time is no longer far away when everywhere people will speak with perplexity or veneration, with fear, rage or intense gratitude about the seven passages to Shamballa.

Mankind today is confronted with an intensely critical phase. The revelation of the coming times will therefore be of greater magnitude than ever before, because of the urgency of the situation. This revelation is intended to provide a basis for the rebirth of the greatest possible number of people.

All of us need to know once more the liberating, lost and forgotten Word. When the Bible speaks about the One Word of God, it does not mean a collection of mutilated or totally deformed manuscripts of greater or lesser value. First and foremost, we should understand it to mean: the one liberating Word which leads to Life; the Way, the method, the holy science leading to the universal life of the Immovable Kingdom.

The Universal Brotherhood, referred to in the Bible as the "Last Remnant", expresses itself in the Gobi oasis, which has been specially prepared for this purpose, cosmically, atmospherically and scientifically. If you consult your Bible and the sacred books of other peoples, you will find a great number of veiled stories concerning the "Last Remnant". It is said that the last remnants of ancient races were led away after all the others had perished. Taken literally, such information has always led to mystification.

The "Last Remnant" is a mystical term referring to those entities who are rising out of mankind's ordinary path of life by following the path to the Original Life. Those who belong to the Last Remnant are taken up into a new circle of existence; all others follow mankind's ordinary dualistic course, with its usual aspects, right to its ordinary destination in accordance with the laws of nature.

May it be given to all of you to plumb with us the depths of the "Abyss of Universal Knowledge" and may the Sons of Wisdom of the Hidden Holy Land lead all of you to rebirth.

The seven passages to Shamballa are being opened wide for you. You have only to enter. May the unpronounceable Word, the Word that is still lost, be revealed to you, now and for all eternity.


From "The Brotherhood of Shamballa" - J. van Rijckenborgh, Catherose de Pietri

The Mystery of the Gobi - Introduction

"The things that man knows can in no way be compared, numerically speaking, with the things that are unknown" -- Chuang


Indeed, human knowledge is very limited in comparison with what ought to be known. There are so many mysteries in the cosmos and microcosmos and the Logos shows us in a vast number of impenetrable phenomena that no one can be blamed for the fact that human understanding remains far behind the Universal Reality.

This situation is actually quite serious, for the Logos does not scatter its Universal Knowledge over the world unintelligently and at random. Every divine revelation is based entirely on necessity and absolute reason. The knowledge that has been lost is therefore an accusation against mankind, confronting us, from time to time, with very disagreeable consequences, and bringing mankind into humiliating situations.

Consequently, you may well understand the periodical attempts of the Spiritual School to lead at least a part of mankind back to the original basis of necessity and absolute reason, in order to evoke a reaction which is is in harmony with divine requirements. It is in this light that you should consider this discussion.

It is not our intention simply to speak about the Gobi desert in an interesting way. It is our task to inform you about things which are bound to come soon and which must not find you unprepared.

It is our innermost desire that with us, you will be able to testify of the happy time when there will be revealed not only a part of the world hitherto unknown and hidden, but also many wonderful works and creatures of the Original nature that have never been seen before, making us realize why we are called microcosm and how far our knowledge of the Original nature and of God can extend. For the majority, our time is alarming because  of the turmoil of social, political and economic events. For only a few, our era is an alarming and breathtaking prelude to a cosmic revolution which will be effected not only from above, but also from below.

In order to understand everything connected with this, we will need to approach the mystery of the Gobi desert. The unveiling which this will involve should not be seen as a desecration, but rather, as a ripening of the time and as a Fama Fraternitatis for all those who have ears to hear and eyes to see.


From "The Brotherhood of Shamballa" - J. van Rijckenborgh, Catherose de Pietri

21 March 2012

The 'Sent Ones'


First of all, we must define the radiation-field of the Universal Chain of Brotherhoods and, secondly, the power-field of the 'Sent Ones'.

The radiation-field of the Universal Chain of Brotherhoods is populated by entities who have attained a state of life on a higher level than the natural one. They have been liberated from matter. They form an order of increasingly pure, holy and divine beings, one great hierarchy of human spirits who are consciously able to impel the light of the Holy Spirit to activity. So we can call them direct members of the Body of Christ. They   become 'one of us', and for that purpose they bore a light-shaft between our natural state and the Kingdom which is not of this world.

That is how this Hierarchy of the Light manifests itself, and it draws around itself a circle of  'Sent Ones'. This circle is linked directly with the Divine Light that shines into this world of death in order to save what threatens to be lost.

Where do the  'Sent Ones' come from so suddenly? In them speaks not only what we call 'pre-remembrance', but at the same time a certain predisposition, a pre-destiny, even though they are still imprisoned in biological fetters.

From the Fama Fraternitas R.C. we learn that the Universal Doctrine descended with Adam, right from the very first moments of The Fall. This means that ever since the first second of The Fall, efforts have been made to save mankind and a circle of  'Sent Ones' has existed. Of course, in those early times, man's body was not so crystallized as it is now. His heavenly body had not yet died and his dualistic system was still in the process of development.

In that situation, a group of human beings arose from among all the others, in whom was imprinted something else in addition to pre-remembrance -  a certain sensitivity to the touch of the heavenly Hierarchy. As soon as the Hierarchy willed it, this faculty would begin to speak in the 'Sent One'. The ancient mystics called this pre-disposition 'the treasure of the wondrous jewel', thereby referring to a certain activity of the serpent-fire.

In every period of human development, a number of these pre-destined entities who are ennobled to it by their way of life and who, for whatever reason, have risen to such a mission, are used as Sent Ones. As we said, every Sent One bears within him the wondrous jewel; his serpent-fire is in that particular condition. The spirit-soul nucleus in the head has its foci in the heart, head and pelvis and as such, is the Holy Spirit in its effect.

There are many men who carry the jewel within them and yet are not eligible to work as Sent Ones. Why not? Because their jewel is too tightly locked  in dualistic fetters; because it is still too closely bound to matter and dualistic appetites. Eventually, once such a person has become 'burnt out' with respect to nature, once he has reached a dead end within himself, the jewel may perhaps begin to speak again.

You should understand the words 'burnt out with respect to nature' in the right way. There are those who are bound to the wheel of birth and death who come into the world with the firm decision, from youth on, to devote themselves to the soul and through it, serve others, come what may. Such persons can also be used as Sent Ones. All the others will first have to be healed of their self-inflicted wounds in the radiation-field of the Christ, before later being permitted to be Grail-bearers, with youthful and dedicated vitality.

All Sent Ones bear the same signature: they serve from their youth onwards; they dissociate themselves from dualistic lower life, and they work in a state which is as pure as possible. By all of these things, they show that they are burnt out with respect to nature. For them, dualistic life no longer offers any basis.

Well then, a bonafide Spiritual School is formed by a group of Sent Ones who are known to be reliable. There are various grades  of Sent Ones, but it is very difficult to describe them because they have such individual variations. However, with the help of others, every Sent One constructs a force-field, a magnetic field of work with which the Universal Chain of Brotherhoods links itself at the appropriate time.

Seen as an order, the Brotherhood of the Golden Rosycross  is a higher unity. For the rest, there is a wide diversity of brothers and sisters who are sent out to many different countries and who are quite independent as to their missions. All of them, however, have this in common:

- they are bound to one another by their mission;
- they are bound to the Christ by the jewel;
- they are bound to their task by their attitude to life;

By this threefold fellowship the brothers and sisters recognize each other.

The predisposed entity takes up his task relatively early in life. Around him, he spreads the light of the jewel he bears within him, and in that light he makes his first preparations. If these preparations find favor in the eyes of the Chain of Brotherhoods, the Hierarchy forms a link with the light of the jewel; with the light that the jewel produces, spreads and radiates.  In this way, the magnetic field is formed.

In the force-field of the Sent Ones there should be active, among other things: the merciful soul-power of the Christ, and the creative essence, which is the fire-ether emanating from and generated by the Holy Spirit. As a result of the activity of the reflecting- and light-ethers, as well as of higher astral substance, abstract thoughts develop in the magnetic field, so that the divine radiations can express themselves therein as the Universal Doctrine without being deformed in advance by any concrete thought.

Brothers and sisters, you are being called by such a magnetic field. As soon as you have made your personal decision, you will be admitted to such a force-field. Your conscious link with the Magnetic Body of the Spiritual School must be made on the basis of the three-fold fundamental law of the Christ-mysteries:

Unity - Freedom - Love. Amen.


From "The Light-Vesture Of The New Man" - J. van Rijckenborgh

The Call issues forth to all who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Your past does not matter. Your station in life does not matter. What matters is your present and future attitude to life. What shall you choose? The nature of death with all of its gaudy trinkets and its inevitable ending? Or the new life-field, the Bridge to a New World and life eternal?

The Ark is now boarding. The gangplank is preparing to be lifted.

Let come all who will.

~ g

20 March 2012

The Bridge In The Desert

We live in a fallen, un-divine universe. The One Goal of Humanity is to leave this un-divine universe and return to the Divine Universe from which we have fallen. This begs the question: how can we do that if everything about this universe is fallen? Where is our divine life-raft? Where is our divine rope?

It begins in our hearts. Located in the upper right ventricle of the heart is a single divine atom, composed of divine substance. Long ages ago, when humanity "fell" into matter, this primordial atom was the only part of our divine heritage that we were able to carry with us. This atom sits in the geometric center of our microcosm, a spot that corresponds with the previously mentioned ventricle in the heart. We call this divine atom the "spirit-spark", or, the "rosebud". Fully open, it is a rose with seven petals, but this Rose is closed for so many men and women. However, when the rose-atom is touched by the gnosis, the Rose of the Heart will start to bloom, its petals will begin to unfold. This unfolding attracts more divine light, and will continue to do so as long as the candidate maintains the link.With the establishment of this link, the process of transfiguration -  the transformation of the soul - will have begun.

"But wait a minute!", one might say. "How can we attract more of what is divine if we are engulfed on all sides by what is un-divine? Where is this 'divine light' coming from?". This is a very good question. It is absolutely true that the divine cannot partake in what is un-divine. For one thing, the divine vibration is so strong, so powerful, that if it were to fully manifest itself in our fallen universe, all would be incinerated. We would immediately cease to exist. So, in order to reach the hearts of humanity, this divine energy must be 'stepped down' to a frequency that humanity can handle and safely respond to.

For this purpose, a group of souls set out to provide this service for mankind. They were to supply a location within this un-divine universe where the divine radiations, the gnosis, could be kept in close proximity to humanity. They were to act as a 'transformer station', a 'bridge' of sorts, between fallen humanity and the Divine Kingdom.

It took many ages to build this location in time-space. Primarily because there were precious few humans who were of a pure enough nature to attract these divine energies. But, as is evidenced by what happened 2,000 years ago, a location was indeed built. It started with one very special human being, then twelve, then five hundred, and so on, until today all can be assured that this Bridge exists. It has been built and it is fully functional. From a specific location on earth, members of the Universal Brotherhood constantly project divine, Christine rays, showering the entire world with a power that is not of this world. Without ceasing, they put forth The Call and patiently awaiting man's response.

Our response.

Once we respond to the call of the gnosis, our Rose opens and we are immediately linked to this divine field of life. From that point, we have available to us all the attributes and capabilities of the divine realms, but we must maintain our link by staying on The Path. This link serves as an umbilical cord of sorts, where etheric and astral energies can be delivered to us as we begin the process of transfiguring our microcosms.

The special entities spoken of earlier were able to construct and maintain this divine fortress within these undivine confines due to a massive group effort. They have managed to form a 'vacuum' of sorts, where a stepped-down radiation of the Divine Light may dwell.

We call this vacuum "the Vacuum of Shamballa". It's location: the Gobi Desert.

Next: The Sent Ones

~ g

19 March 2012

Failure Of The Pure Idea

Religion. The word comes from the Latin 'religio' or 'religare' which essentially means "to bind, or link". This is accurate because the original purpose of the True World Religion was to 're-link' mankind with the Divine. As the ages passed and mankind sank deeper into matter, this pure religion became corrupted, then fragmented, until it is now a mere shell of what it once was.

Government. In the distant past, nations and nation-states were led by divine priest-kings who were literally descended from the divine realms. These were the times when "the gods walked among men". These priest-kings ruled with love and compassion, for their mission was to lift their people out of darkness and into the Light. As man sank deeper into matter, the people no longer listened. The divine rulers were forced to abandon the earth in order to allow humanity to experience the harsh lessons that would result from their corruption. Greedy kings and corrupt royal families took the place of the divine rulers. Eventually, revolutions overthrew the greedy kings and greedy civilians took their place. Today, the idea of benevolent rulership is a shell of what it once was, as the halls of government are now populated by the worst that humanity has to offer in the way of statesmen and women.

Banking. Banking was once a noble and honorable profession. Bankers provided a valuable service during a time when it was extremely dangerous to travel with large amounts of gold and silver coins jingling in one's purse. Because today's coins are made from worthless scrap metal, many have never heard the sound made by coins composed of precious metals. It is a distinctly metallic, jingly sound that the robbers and highwaymen of the day knew well.

The job of the banker was to safely store your money until you returned from your travels. For that, he charged a small fee. Eventually, that idea got corrupted as well, as greedy people gravitated towards the banking business. They invented the idea of "fractional reserve banking" where, if you deposited $10,000 with them and went away, they would keep say, $1,000 on hand and lend the remaining $9,000 out to other parties at interest. If you came back early from your trip and asked for your $10,000, all you might get was a sheepish grin and a shrug of the shoulders. But these greedy persons were also cunning and shrewd, and it was easy to show a trusting client a safe full of his $1,000 worth of gold (combined with the gold of others) and convince him that his money was "all there". So now, instead of just being a simple caretaker of other people's money, they became usurious lenders as well. i think we all know how that turned out.

So, what's your point? The point that is being made is that we can't base our attitude towards life on what we see around us. What we see around us is the degraded, defiled, desecrated remains of once-noble traditions. We can't denounce the idea of government just because man has tarnished the reality of it. We can't vilify the idea of banking, in its purest sense, simply because flawed humanity has corrupted the institution.

And it is complete folly to denounce the one reality of The Christ or His mission simply because the churches, temples and meeting halls are administered by vipers, have hidden or distorted the Holy Language and have cruelly shed the blood of millions of innocents over the past few thousand years. That would be akin to looking at the Great Pyramid of Giza and remarking "what an ugly, useless pile of rocks". The edifice that we see today is nowhere near what it was during the time of its former glory and usefulness.

All of these institutions were borne out of the noblest of ideas, the purest of intentions. Although the current reality is a now a sordid mess, a Pure Idea still rests behind each of these institutions. When The New World has completed its re-birthing, the Pure Ideas that once were shall return to mankind. The Divine Helpers will re-appear to once again assist humanity in 're-linking' with the Divine Realms. The Earth will be populated by the seeds of a New Race of humans who will understand what group-unity really means; who will live to serve, who will think of what's good for the group, before themselves. When a Pure Idea is placed before those with pure hearts, the product of that idea will also be pure.

To all who would turn away from what is True simply because you were "brought up" in a certain religion or are 'agnostic' or, worse yet, 'atheist'...the following warning applies: you are making the biggest mistake that you could ever make, all based upon the apparent 'failure' that you see around you. What you see is the result of the failure of men to maintain the purity of an Idea. It does not represent failure of the Pure Idea.

Seek. Find. Know.

~ g

The Two Murderers


Think, in this connection, of the fact that three crosses stood on the hill of Golgotha: the cross of the Lord in the middle, with the crosses of the two murderers on either side. This is a beautiful symbolic story of tremendous reality for every human being.

Who or what are the two murderers? The first is the I-central self, with its rock-hard, I-centered behavior. It must be totally liquidated, never to rise again. And there is also another murderer, who can be explained from the psyche of present-day man. When, as a young person, you enter this world you are, as it were, kicked and pushed into all kinds of habits. You are forced to don the strait-jacket of this world, the strait-jacket of convention. And you trudge along, you jog on. But where to? You do not know. You are only certain of one thing: that death will be the end of it all. What will happen then, only heaven knows! So it seems to you, in that situation.

And once, as a young person, you have donned the strait-jacket of convention, many good qualities are stifled, many of the possibilities latent in you are killed, murdered; many aspects of your being in which outsiders see a promise for the future are neutralized. That strait-jacket, which makes you stand in obedience to the nature of this world, neutralizes ever higher possibility within you.

So if you then decide to walk the path of the Christine revelation, the path of the living Rosycross, the cross of the second murderer is erected alongside the cross of the neutralized I-centrality. From this second cross, your long-neglected higher potentialities confess in deep humility: 'Lord, we have recognized you!' And then the words resound: 'Today I say unto you, you shall be with me in the new state of life'. Do you now understand the meaning of the three crosses on the hill of Golgotha?

If you go on following the same course as mankind in general, the functions of the head sanctuary will be completely isolated. They will crystallize into stereotyped activities, into cliches which will make it impossible for the nature, the directedness of your light-vesture to be changed in a positive way. Then the serpent-fire which, among other things, controls the nervous system, will not be able to lead you to liberating initiatives. Is it not so with many of you, that although you believe in the values and powers of the Other Realm, although you are inwardly certain about them and able to discuss them scientifically, you no longer have the strength to take any positive liberating initiative? That is so because you have delayed plunging the sword into your own being for so long. The will, seated at the top of the serpent-fire and corresponding with the pineal gland, then remains bound, oriented towards the old things, towards the habits of the old life. And your eyes, which are also controlled by the pineal gland, finally see only the values of the old world; they remain directed downwards, to the horizontal line.

We are telling you this, we must tell you this, to make it clear that if you want to share in the new possibilities of our times, you will have to change completely and open wide the door of your heart. And you will have to do it very soon; straight-away, in fact! For 'what the heart does not want, will not gain entrance to the head'.

Your heart should be absolutely free of criticism. Criticism causes the most serious poisoning of the nervous system imaginable. All the barriers which arise in you as a result of criticism must be removed. There are countless people just like you as far as their state of being is concerned. They work as you do, they too, are laden with taints and personality faults, just as you are. Your heart should be absolutely free from aversion, free from criticism.

And, in addition, your heart should no longer be darkened by all those feelings of hatred you so often cherish. You must banish this lovelessness utterly from you, for it renders your heart completely inaccessible. So now you will feel with us the need to change all that as quickly as possible; not with cultural motives, for when your light-vesture is not functioning properly, all culture is only a cloak you have put on, which will soon be torn or worn away. No, certainly not with cultural motives, but motivated by the touch of the new inter-cosmic radiation-field (the Christine Rays) which, as we have explained, now encompasses us and our fellow human beings.


From "The Light-Vesture Of The New Man" by J. van Rijckenborgh

17 March 2012

An Answer For Anonymous

This post is in answer to a question by a reader who commented in "2012 - What If Nothing Happens?".

Anonymous said...

This just sounds a lot like death to me. I hear about how our world is changing, how awesome it will be after the light has taken over. Then I hear about how we will be 'rescued' 'taken up' in a 'harvest'. Not sure I like the idea of a HARVEST. I'm all for our light brothers coming to help us make this transition to world of love and peace I have read so much about for so long.

I just wish I could figure out what is what...and what to believe. Will the children all go as they are pure of spirit? Please explain more fully

* * * * *

This is not about 'death'. There Is No Death. Anytime the human thinks of 'not being here', or of discarding the material vehicle, he thinks it means 'death'. This is simply because most humans are so rooted in matter that they believe that 'man is his body', that the dissolution of the physical body is the end of the man. They cannot bring themselves to realize that the physical body is not the only body that man has or that there are many dimensions, many densities of reality, and that we are only cognizant of this material one, because that is where our 'focus' is.

Well, now our 'focus' is about to shift. We are about to change dimensions. Humanity is preparing to move from one house (the material-sphere) to another (etheric, astral and higher spheres). If we cooperate with the energies that are sweeping the planet, WE WILL MAKE THE TRANSITION WITHOUT LOSING CONSCIOUSNESS.

'Harvest' is not a word to be afraid of. It means 'a reaping of that which is ready'. After untold millions of years of evolution in the material plane, those of us who have learned the lessons of the earth-sphere will be given the opportunity to move forward in our evolution. Again, it has nothing to do with 'death'. On the contrary, those who make the Harvest will find themselves in a state of life where 'death', as we know it, will become a thing of the past. For example, one of the things that will take place is that human life-spans will increase to 1,000 years before it becomes time to lay the material body aside. Another is that, unlike now, man will retain conscious remembrance of prior lives. Thus, death will finally be seen for what it is, a 'break' of sorts. This is something humanity cannot see as of now due to the "veil" that has been put in place to prevent continuity of consciousness.

If the word 'Harvest" disturbs you, then use the word "Graduation", for that is what is taking place. Those who have 'made the grade', so to speak, who have learned to: love others as ourselves, to serve humanity, to give without expectation of return, to care for the planet, to embrace the apparent differences in one another, to relate to our fellow man as fellow souls, will be moving on with the earth into a higher density of existence, where man will Love, Learn and Live in relative Peace and Harmony. Humanity, as a unified life-wave, will continue its progress towards the Great Goal - ultimate Liberation from matter.

Many are worried about the fate of their children. Know that the children will be taken care of. The truth is that many of our young have already 'made the grade' so to speak, and are incarnating at this time as part of a mission to assist the planet and humanity as it undergoes this Great Transformation. That is why the quality of child that we see today is much different than in the past. They are generally more intelligent, more intuitive, loving, generous, etc. You have to realize that behind every physical human being is a living soul with millions of years of experience. It is just that this time around, in this particular incarnation, they happen to be three or five or seven years old.

A significant portion of today's children are special souls (think of the so-called 'crystal' and 'indigo' children). They've incarnated for a specific purpose and their mission will not be revealed until the proper time. Do not worry unduly about their physical safety.

The entire planet is about to undergo this transformation. No one will be able to run from it, hide from it, or wish it away. The choice will be a simple 'either-or'. Either we choose to move with the Christine radiations, the inter-cosmic rays which will enable you to smoothly ascend into The New World, or we hang on to the material world and be swept away with it.

Thus, there would appear to be but one rational choice. Once we make that choice, and then demonstrate our intent by LIVING OUR CHOICE, we will find that there is no reason to be fearful. In fact, we will embrace what is to come and anxiously await that Quantum Moment as we would Christmas. And 'Christmas' it shall be, as we will be re-born into a New Race of men and women.

The closest description that can be given of what is about to happen is that of the caterpillar / butterfly. The caterpillar prepares itself, spins its cocoon, undergoes a metamorphosis and emerges a butterfly. From birth, the caterpillar had within itself everything that it needed to make the change.

So do we.

Therefore, prepare without fear. Trust in the Divine Plan of Salvation.

~ g

P.S.: Please understand that the above refers to aspects of the Lesser Harvest. The Greater Harvest will involve those souls who are ready to leave the material-spheres completely (including the subtler spheres - etheric, astral. etc.) and return to the Divine realms.

Think of it as an express bus and a local bus which are headed for the same destination. Both buses are guaranteed to reach their destination, it's just that one bus will be making more stops along the way.

The important thing is to be sure that you are on one of those buses.

16 March 2012

The Light-Vesture Of The New Man (3)

Transfiguration - The Transformation of Matter


As stated in the first address, the condition of your light-vesture is decisive for your entire future. If you allow this statement to penetrate deeply into your consciousness, you will feel the urge to put your hand to the plow for, as you should realize very clearly, man's personality is animated by this interplay of vital fluids. As you now know, the light-vesture is called to a higher good, to a higher order, to a state of life which is lasting, eternal. That is why your light-vesture, your soul-garment, must be resurrected. In this resurrection your light-vesture must rise out of this nature of death. The entire resurrection of Christ is comprised in this mystery. The etheric man is the man of the future.

'Of course,' you will say, 'after death we will exist in a much more subtler vehicle.' No, friends, that is not what we mean! The process of arising about which we are speaking is a process in which the entire personality, and thus also the material body, participates. And the way in which this process works can now be explained to you, for the near future will give proof of it.

As you know, our philosophy states that the material atoms, the atoms from which the material vehicle is formed, are hollow and permeated by etheric atoms which are prismatic in shape. We would like you to visualize this image clearly: the hollow material atom, interpenetrated by the prismatic etheric atom. Through this link, the material atom comes to life. So the life of the material atom is totally dependent on the etheric atom with which it is permeated. The material atom lives by the grace of the etheric atom. From this, one can deduce that matter in general, everything that is manifested in matter, is dependent upon a law of vibration. And as a result, the various atoms acquire different properties, which they then manifest in their respective ways. So whenever we work with the various kinds of etheric atoms in the ordinary ways known to man, the material atoms are manifested as solids, liquids and gases.

The situation is quite different, though, when the vibration quality of the seven kinds of etheric atoms is intensified, becoming increasingly dynamic and fiery. In other words, when the fifth ether increases in potency and becomes dominant in your life, as is happening in our times, the properties of the material phenomenon known to us as solids, liquids and gases will change entirely.

We are explaining this in such a scientific way in order to show that the philosophy of the Rosycross is a clear, although as yet unknown, natural science. When the fifth ether begins to affect the world and human development, the minimum result will be that the material phenomena become less dense; they will dissolve and free themselves completely from their present material bonds.

This process of spiritualization, of the transformation of matter, is threefold. The legend of Jesus Christ's resurrection in three days, too, stems from this Universal Knowledge. This legend tells us how, at a certain moment, people came to the grave to find the gravestone removed and the grave completely empty.

Contrary to its aim, however, this legend has completely crystallized the Universal Knowledge. People speak of a miracle, but what happened was not at all miraculous. For when the vibration level of the co-operating etheric forces becomes more rarefied this always gives rise to what is called 'transfiguration'. And this is, among other things, the gradual changing of material phenomena into etheric manifestations. That is why the tomb of Jesus the Lord was found empty according to the resurrection legend. His physical body had disappeared; it had passed through the essence of death and risen into an entirely new, different life.

So you see that the philosophy of the Rosycross comes to you through the Christian revelation of two thousand years ago. The unfoldment of the Christian revelation is nothing else than the actualization of the philosophy of the Rosycross. The course of development which began 2,000 years ago inevitably had to end in a time like ours, in which an inter-cosmic radiation-field will bring all mysteries into the light of day and reduce to nothing all the myths and legends, replacing them with reality itself.

Dualistic man calls the process of Christ's resurrection a miracle. But you should now understand that every human being is capable of this miracle, by virtue of his light-vesture, providing that vesture and its vital fluids comply with certain laws. That is why it is said from time to time in the Holy Language: 'Be my followers'. Not followers in the sense meant by the church, but followers in an absolute, revealing way.


From "The Light-Vesture Of The New Man" J. van Rijckenborgh

The Light-Vesture Of The New Man (2)

The Light-Vesture


In addition, it is our task to confront you, clearly and concisely, with the spirit of the ascent now beginning. It is our mission to guide you, if possible, to a very concrete decision, and we are also directed to tell you that it has been granted to us to invoke the blessing of the Brotherhood, The Universal Brotherhood, upon this decision, this resolution which will affect every aspect of your life.

We have to emphasize that in the coming days, this blessing will be poured out over all of us if, from within, you make this one positive decision and then enter, on that basis, into the great process of self-realisation. For, as will now be clear, the fundamental thing is for you to be taken up in a mighty process.

By so doing, we shall be able to lead to lead the whole of mankind into a new, mighty course of development....That is why we are again drawing your attention to your light-vesture. And without losing ourselves in extensive explanations, we ask you: What are you doing about the care of your light-vesture?

If we were to examine this now, at this moment, we would probably encounter rather poor results, generally speaking. On the positive side, it might appear that you are a vegetarian and practice certain reforms in your life as a result. But did you know that the results of your vegetarianism are almost entirely neutralized as far as your light-vesture is concerned by all the other harmful substances circulating in your blood?  Your ordinary food intake alone is enough to cause this. We are thinking, here, of the many chemical and synthetic substances added to our food these days.

And what are you doing about the care of your nerve-ether, which, in our modern times is placed under the most terrific tensions? And what are you doing to ensure that your spinal spirit-fire functions correctly? Has it ever occurred to you that you have a task to perform in that respect?

A matter wich may be somewhat more familiar to you is the care of the endocrine system - for it is gradually dawning on mankind that almost all illnesses are directly related to disturbances of the endocrine system, disturbances which people generally try to neutralize by means of so-called 'medicines' or, if need be, surgery.

And what would you have to say about the proper care of your 'consciousness-flame'? Have you ever heard of it? People say 'My consciousness is, my consciousness exists, and that's that.' And people say: 'This type of person is like this, and that type of person is like that. This is his character and that is her character.' And that is the basis on which we associate with one another.

But what we want to say to you is: get used to the fact that the whole of your five-fold light-vesture forms one indivisible system. We want to impress upon you that all the conditions man sees and experiences as illness are caused and maintained by disharmonies in the light-vesture.  Hereditary influences giving rise to disturbances will disappear if you place your entire light-vesture firmly under the relevant laws of life. And if you do this while you are still young, you will certainly overcome all hereditary influences. Illnesses and weakness which have existed right from birth will quickly cease to cause any obstruction, if only one sees to it that one's light-vesture functions in the right way.

'What is the light-vesture, then?' you might ask. It is the representative in the body, in the material self, of the etheric double.

We use the term 'etheric double'  to make clear that the material self lives solely by means of that double, that vital body. Man lives by the grace of the etheric body, and in the particular by the grace of his light-vesture. The material atoms of which the the material self is composed do not exist independently, but depend on their co-operation with the etheric atoms. That is why it is logical to say that it is only possible for a living being to express itself in this material world because of the presence of the light-vesture.

It is equally rational to say that the light-vesture is not only to animate and maintain the material body. That is purely incidental. The true calling of the light-vesture is much higher, but the fulfillment of this calling is dependent upon the way in which you use your light-vesture here and now, and in the near future.

If you realize this, you will also feel the need to prepare your light-vesture for its great and so glorious task. Keeping your material body in a state of cleanliness and purity is of great importance. All the care you give your material body is therefore excellent and highly commendable. But of far greater importance is the proper care of your light-vesture. In the near future, this will be the most important task for all of us. We need to prepare our light-vestures for their great and glorious task.


From "The Light-Vesture Of The New Man"  J. Van Rijckenborgh

15 March 2012

The Light-Vesture Of The New Man



In our philosophy, man's various vital fluids are referred to as the 'light-vesture' . This is formed from the blood and its system, the nerve-fluid and its system, the endocrine system, the serpent fire and the flame of the consciousness. Even in a natural state of being these each of these fluids emits its own very powerful etheric light. That is why we speak of a light-vesture. You should understand that this concept has been known to insiders throughout the ages.

Every human being wears a light-vesture. From this it is clear that the quality and nature of these inter-acting vital fluids determine one's level of vibration. They determine one's general orientation with respect to life and also, most importantly, one's state of health.  Health and sickness are always directly related to the state of one's light-vesture. So the quality and nature of these vital fluids also determine whether one will remain in the ordinary, familiar, earth-bound animal state or whether one will have regenerative - and therefore liberating - possibilities of transcending the ordinary animal state.

The transcendence of the animal state, this arising, this resurrection out of the animal state of the light-vesture, will be imperative for every human being in the coming times. Owing to the impact of the new radiation field, this necessity will shortly become highly acute. However, we would like to emphasize that the transcendence we mean is not in any way an automatic process of development comparable, for instance, with the transition from childhood to adulthood. No, all of us are confronted with a personal choice. That is why we spoke with such emphasis about the new attitude to life. Which of you is practicing this new attitude to life? Have you already made this decisive choice?

We say to you: this choice is not merely desirable and cannot be made in a state of exaltation and religious ecstasy...no, in the very near future, it will become, quite soberly, an absolute necessity. It is in this light that the new attitude to life should be understood. The new attitude to life must be chosen by each one of you personally. This process must be lived and experienced by you in its entirety. That is why we speak of self-realization. This process of transcendence, this resurrection process, this self-realization, is bound up with the great and glorious mystery of Man, in the highest, monadic sense of the word. That is why we have had to speak to you for so long about this feast of the beginning ascent, of the beginning resurrection from the nature of death: because each one of you has to make a definite decision. Each one of you must enter into that process. Or not, with all the consequences!

For there are but two roads:  the road of regenerative ascent, and that of degenerative descent. Now you are still free to choose between these two roads. But none of us can tell how much time mankind still has to make this all-decisive choice and to make it a reality by the new way of life.


From "The Light-Vesture Of The New Man" - J. van Rijckenborgh

07 March 2012

Under The Sky

"Under the sky, we are all one family. It just so happens that people are different"

 - Bruce Lee -

04 March 2012

The Seven Worlds of the Seventh Cosmic Plane

The diagram on the left represents the seven sub-planes of the 7th Cosmic Plane - the Cosmic Physical Plane (refer to prior post). All of physical Man's vehicles of consciousness are built from the matter of these planes.

The right-hand column reads "Vehicles of Man". The Divine Spirit, Life Spirit and Human Spirit combine to form the Ego. In the East, this combination of vehicles is referred to as Atma-Buddhi-Manas. This three-fold Ego is the Soul or microcosm of the man.

The Mind or Mental Body is composed of matter from the lower Mental World (defined here as The World of Thought).

The three lowest vehicles are the Desire Body (Astral), the Vital Body (Etheric Double) and the Dense Body (Physical). These combine to form The Personality.

The Ego is sometimes referred to as The Individuality, and has a relative permanence. The Personality is temporary, and its three vehicles slowly dissolve after death. A new Personality is assembled for each new incarnation. The experiences of the previous life are assimilated into the soul body: The Ego or microcosm. The man's karma is also held over. The things that made him Mr. or Ms. Smith are not retained. In each life, a fresh personality is developed. Its characteristics depend on on what lessons and experiences The Lords of Destiny have scheduled for the man in his upcoming life.

The Mind is the link between these two sets of three-fold vehicles. These vehicles are what makes the physical Man who he is. However, in most humans, there is a disconnect between the three-fold Physical body and the three-fold Spirit body. The Ego (microcosm) puts forth the lower bodies of The Personality in order to navigate the Physical realms. All of these bodies are made of fallen matter, and thus respond to fallen stimulus. This makes it difficult for divine impulses to be attracted or assimilated by the physical man. As billions of Personalities labor under this limitation, we have the world-conditions that man presently struggles with.

Although this diagram depicts the seven worlds in a linear fashion, this is only for descriptive purposes. These worlds actually interpenetrate one another and occupy the same space.

There are sentient beings of all descriptions experiencing within each of these planes. Planets, suns, entire galaxies. We cannot see them because we have not yet developed the appropriate sense organs. Wherever you are sitting right now, you are not alone.

This is a vast subject which can barely be summarized by posts such as these. It is hoped that posting this diagram will serve to give the reader a sense of the layers of substance that combine to form the entity known as Man. It must be recognized that man is not "just" his physical body, but is a composite of several bodies of increasing subtlety. These bodies are temporary, but necessary - for the time we are in incarnation - if we wish to undertake the Great Work unto which we have been tasked - the liberation of our microcosms from bondage to the lower worlds.

~ g

03 March 2012

The Seven Cosmic Planes

The All

In the diagram above, the top triangle represents The All. The Omniscient, Omnipresent, Unknowable, Ineffable, Immutable, Source Of All That Is.

The All has three aspects: Will-Power, Love-Wisdom and Active Intelligence.In this diagram, they are designated as Power, The Word and Motion. Potato, potahto. These aspects have been known to men throughout the ages as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is the Trinity (the Tri-unity).

The Seven Great Logoi

Emanating from The All are Seven Rays. The ancient Hindu named them the Seven Rishi. These Seven Emanations of The All are tasked with manifesting the Creation.

The Seven Cosmic Planes

The Creation is manifested through seven grades of matter ranging from the divine spiritual to the fallen, un-divine Physical. The diagram shows seven Cosmic Planes. Although the Planes are represented in a linear, top-down fashion, this is done only for ease of understanding. In actuality, each of these Cosmic Planes inter-penetrate one another. These planes all share the same space, as it were.

The Seven Great Logoi occupy the 1st Cosmic Plane, closest to The All. Each Logos emanates seven sub-logos into the Cosmic Plane "below" them, the 2nd Cosmic Plane. Each of these sub-logos, in turn, emanate seven sub-sub-logoi of their own. This system of propagation continues throughout the Seven Cosmic Planes until finally, our own 7th Cosmic Plane is reached. The 7th is the Cosmic Physical Plane, where our Solar Logos, the logos of thus solar system resides.

The Seventh Cosmic Plane, The Physical

The 7th Cosmic Plane, the Physical, is sub-divided into seven grades of matter, ranging from the most subtle to the the most dense. These are The Seven Worlds, and on the lowest physical plane of this lowest Cosmic Plane is where humankind currently resides. As one look will reveal, we are as far away from The All as a creature in this Creation can possibly be.

The Solar Logos

The 1st Physical plane is represented in the diagram as "The World Of God" (remember here what is meant by "God" ). Our Solar Logos - God - in emulation of The All, resides on this plane and issues forth from Itself Seven Rays, whose job it is to assist in manifesting this local Creation.

These are the Seven Cosmic Planes. This is the field of manifestation for The Creation.

~ g

GOD, God and gods

GOD - The All. The Unknowable, Unchangeable Source Of All There Is. Creative Infinity. No Beginning, No End. Eternal In All Directions.

The All is within and without all that exists. Every created thing is created from and by The All. The All creates by Thought. Because it is the All, Its thoughts take shape as Universes, Galaxies, Logoi and other foci of Its Power. When the All thinks, Creations are born.

God - The Logos. A Logos is a divine entity designated to be the center of a system of evolution. Such systems are called solar systems. The Logos of each system is called a Solar Logos. The physical representative of the Logos of our solar system is the Sun.

Think of a Logos as a projection of The All. All-Knowing, All-Powerful, Giver of Life to the planets and beings of its system. Any star with at least one planet is a Logos. There are billions and billions of stars in this galaxy alone. Therefore...

"gods" - gods are entities which occupy a position between Logos and human. They may be divine or undivine. These gods possess powers above and beyond the normal human. Some work in service of the Divine Plan of Evolution -- these are Elohim, as referenced in the Bible and elsewhere.

There are other "gods" who serve the natural order. Over the ages, humans have mistaken these "nature-gods" for GOD, The All. This has caused many complications in human understanding of The All, even unto this day and is the reason for certain races of men being led astray by "race-gods" impersonating The All (see Jehovah, Yahweh, etc.).

There are also lesser "gods" who have been created solely by the concentrated thoughts of humanity over long periods of time. These are called aeons. Aeons also have a certain type of power, but their power derives from the humanity that has created them.

When humans pray to their "god" they are basically praying to an aeon. That is because what humans consider to be GOD, The All, is not a true conception, but creations of their fearful imagination and the fearful imaginations of their forefathers. Man worships false gods and kills over these false gods. Perhaps now we will have a better idea of why.

In light of what has been written above, we must be reminded that it is also eerroneous to "worship" the Sun as God. The Sun is a physical representation of a divine, spiritual being. Just as you and i are image-bearers, physical representations of divine, spiritual entities. The big difference is that the Sun is linked with Its Divine Spirit and hence, with The All. We are totally disconnected from our divine spirit, and are in the first stages of re-establishing that connection.

The Sun gives life-sustaining prana, provides energy and power for the use of all planetary inhabitants. It shines on good and bad alike, favoring none. These are the attributes of divinity, of the Solar Logos - to give and to love unceasingly, asking nothing in return.

GOD, God, "gods"...it is important to know the difference.

~ g

02 March 2012

The Cause Of The World's Unrest

The following is addressed to the observation that the world is at odds with itself. Revolutions, rumors of war, government overthrow, "occupy" movements, etc. are simply the visible effects of a hidden cause.


And now we ask you: what is the cause of all this? Let us consider this question very carefully in the light of everything we discussed so far. What is the cause?

Wickedness? Absolutely not.

Maliciousness? Certainly not.

Only ignorance! Only deception! Only lack of the one truly human education! There is no question of maliciousness!

In every human being, born into this world in a body of the emergency-order, an urge is stirring; a primordial urge to attain the aim of his terrestrial existence here.

But when you do not know what the aim is? When you have not been in the least informed concerning that aim?

And when nevertheless that urge is chasing you on? Then you will do the most ridiculous things!

In essence, the nationalistic idea in so many a nation and race is but an appeal to the primordial urge-after-attainment existing in every human being.

But, what are you to attain by virtue of your emergency status? Why are you here in this world?

To return to the Original Fatherland! To return, as a soul-man, to the lost Kingdom of God.

Such is your calling!

But when you do not know this, then the tensions discharge in every manner you could think of. For that, you need not be wicked or mischievous! Real criminals, really bad people are scarce in this world. And even those people we may pity and consider to be ill, seriously ill.

With whatever people out of every nation or race one speaks, they will all talk about their right; about the right to live as a free nation. Who could deny this right? Why should any country or person be enslaved by another country or person? Has not every country or person a right to be free? Is it not a justified demand that one should be and live in accordance with one's own status? These people of the various races and nations are bearing witness out of their history and, mind this: also out of their religion! The whole of their priesthood is in service of their race-god! And here we stand eye-to-eye with the abnormality, for a race-god and a race-spirit are but a concentration of forces residing in the hereafter.

Friends, never, never, never permit yourselves to be caught by a nationalistic intoxication! Be objective in your estimation of the worldly things, for you are a called son of God. Never let yourselves be tempted to hate your fellow men.

Have love for every human being!


Part II, Chapter IV - Unmasking - Jan van Rijckenborgh