23 April 2017

Heavy Karmic Baggage

The question below was posed by a reader in the Comments section of "How Can God Have A Son?".

"I still have a problem in seeing that we return to earth because someone in the distant past ran up a huge karmic debt and the present human being in the microcosm has to pay it off!"

Understood. Let's try to eliminate the confusion.

That "someone in the distant past" was you. All of the "someone's" who have previously inhabited your microcosm were you. Man is a microcosm. You can think of the microcosm as a container. This container houses all of the accumulated force-centers, powers, attributes, experiences, karma and destiny of the entity. The microcosm is permanent, immortal. The personalities that it generates to experience life in the material world are temporary, mortal, finite.

It is the microcosm that is the individuality, not the personality.

The personality is a creation of the microcosm, sent forth into the material world to gather experience, knowledge and wisdom for the benefit of the microcosm. When the personality expires, the physical body disintegrates, the soul-bodies return to the reflection-sphere where they also dissolve, albeit more slowly, over time. At some future point (it may take hundreds of years), there will be nothing left of the personality that was you on this earth in 2017. The microcosm will have been emptied, as it were. The experiences gathered by that most recent dissolved personality will remain with the microcosm, where it will contribute to the overall advancement or deterioration of that entity. Another drop of water will be added to an ocean of water.

Understand that you are not 'separate' from all the previous personalities that have inhabited your microcosm. All of those personalities were/are you. When we say 'you', we mean the individuality, the microcosmic consciousness. It is like being an actor in a stage company. For one production, you will play Hamlet. When that production closes, you play Mary, Queen of Scots in the next. When that production closes, you will play a coal-miner from West Virginia. When that production closes, you will play a slave-owner, and so on. The stage remains the same. The roles played in each production change. All of the roles were different, but the actor behind those roles was the same individual.

The Karma that has been accumulated by the previous personalities in the microcosm automatically becomes the share of each new personality upon rebirth. Many look at the foregoing and think that it is patently unfair. "What have I done to deserve this burden? Why must I pay for what 'others' have done before me?". Why? Because you were those "others". The accumulated Karma is your microcosmic karma, generated over thousands of years of death and rebirth.

Of course, it is nearly impossible to expunge thousands of years of Karmic debt in one short human lifetime of 72 (on average) years. This is especially true when we are kept in ignorance and as a result continue to pile even more negative karma atop the heavy baggage that the microcosm already carries. This too, is seen as an injustice. But it is an injustice of our own making.

Fortunately, there is a way out. Even more fortunately, you are living in a time when the way out is being revealed to all mankind. This doesn't mean that all of mankind will accept the revelation, it simply means that the way out is being revealed so that all may have the opportunity to freely choose whether to abandon their ways and take advantage of That Which Is Being Offered.

The way out is Forgiveness. An attempt will be made to explain this in the next post.

In the interim, please take a few minutes to read the short story contained in the link to the 2015 post below. It may help to further illustrate what has just been written.

"The Scales Shall Be Balanced, The Debt Shall Be Paid"

~ g

16 April 2017

"How Can God Have A Son?"

This past week, the following conversation was overheard.

A Muslim was trying to understand the import behind the Christian celebration of Easter. As he learned more, he spoke of what his faith had taught him: That Jesus was a normal human-being. That Jesus was "just" a prophet. That Mohammed was and is the "true" and "last" prophet.

In a matter-of-fact manner, he uttered the following: "We do not believe that Jesus was the Son of God. How can God have a Son? He's God! Who would He mate with?", etc., etc.

It was difficult to not jump in at this point. However, there is no point in presenting the gnostic point-of-view to those who are bound by nature-religions. Nothing good can come out of such conversations. Confrontation is probably the most likely outcome.

So it will be undertaken here to try and resolve the paradox for our Muslim friend.

First, one must cease to think of God as a human-type figure. The veritable "old man with a beard" who lives in the sky does not exist. God, the Creator, the Divine Architect, the All-In-All has no beginning and no end. Although formless, the All contains the potentiality for all forms. The All has no Creator. The All creates from Itself. The entire visible Universe is an emanation of the All, Who permeates the entire Creation yet simultaneously stands apart from it.

What is a "son"? The common response is that the son is the male offspring of a man and a woman. When the term is used in reference to the Second Aspect of the Trinity, it is referring not to a human offspring, but to an emanation of Energy, a Divine Vibration, sent forth from the All in order to accomplish a particular purpose in Creation. As reflected in humanity, most sons are like their fathers. This reflection mimics the example set by the Divine Father and the Divine Son.

In the current Age, the Son of the Father is called "The Christ". The Christ is not a man but a Divine radiation or vibration. It carries all of the attributes of the Father, as a Son should.

Jesus the human-being, walked the Path of Return while on this earth in order to bring this Divine Energy back to the planet. The churches refer to him as "Jesus Christ", similar to "John Smith" or Anna Jackson". But Christ was never Jesus' last name. The addition of the word "Christ" to the name "Jesus" simply meant that Jesus had accepted this Divine Energy into His microcosm. He was the Christed One.

So, the "Son" of God is not a physical human-being, this is true. But God, the Father of All, does have a "Son", the energy of which permeates the entire Creation. This 'Son" is the only such emanation, hence the title "only-begotten". The All needs no partner to mate with. The All creates from Itself.

Our Muslim friend will wrestle with this question for the remainder of his incarnation. Hopefully, having read the foregoing, you won't have to.

~ g

Resurrection Day

The Feast of the Resurrection (a.k.a. "Easter") has an important esoteric meaning for the candidate on the Path. It represents the culmination of the efforts made to complete the endura, the effacement of the nature-born personality.

The true meaning of the church feast-days have been lost to the ravages of time and deceit. The truths that support them have been buried beneath an opaque veneer of disingenuous church story-telling. Give the flock fairy-tales, let them wonder about the rest. Lie to them and tell them that they must have "faith" that the fairy-tales told to them by their priests have value.

Time for some Truth.

Christmas (opening of the Rosebud): the Divine Spark is awakened in the Cave of the Heart. The Babe is born.

Baptism at the Jordan (Birth of the Soul-Man) Spirit descends "like a dove", to begin the transmutation process within the microcosm.

Lent (the Endura, Self-Surrender): the candidate renounces the things of nature and vows to walk the Path in self-surrender. 

Good Friday (the Crucifixion, Transmutation): via the process of transmutation, the candidate "hangs up" the material body upon the Cross of Matter

Easter Sunday (the Resurrection, Transfiguration): the candidate is transfigured, reborn as a New Man - Spirit, Soul and Body, the Whole Tri-Unity, reunited.

There. Easily recognizable when one has the Gnostic Key in hand.

Many other religions have similar sequences. That is because most religions spring from the same fount. However, due to the manipulations of those whose goal it is to control humanity by withholding from us the reality of the gnostic Path of Return, the core truths of all religions have been fragmented, polluted and corrupted beyond recognition,

The signs of our Great Goal are present all around us. We have but to wipe the mud from our eyes, open them, and see.

~ g

He Is Risen (Re-post)

The following is re-posted once again, in remembrance of  Easter and of The Resurrection that must take place within all of us ~ g


Let us pose the obvious question, the one logical problem:

'How can the fallen human-being become a god again? How can the prodigal son Thotmes return home?'

This problem and its solution is given in every Universal Philosophy: we are humans who are to become gods. The Great Messengers of humanity were gods who became human in order to show humans how to become gods.

If this problem stands clearly before you, you will know it was born 'in conflict', and that the road to it was toil and trouble. Like Prince Thotmes, you have to excavate your Sphinx, which will pose a great problem to you personally. If you neglect your Work for one moment, you will sink back into the bottomless depths of this nature. Then you will feel at one with this world, and you will become accustomed to it again. You must understand that for the defeated soul the question: 'How does the fallen human become a god again?' will develop enough motivation to be able to go the Path as a pilgrim to seek an answer the that question.

Hence we can say: Whoever has seen the Sphinx will enter the Pyramid.

The Pyramid is a temple of resurrection and not of worship. It is a temple not for symbolic acts but for instruction. It is a sepulchre. People can create a lot of mystification about it, but as the Pyramid is hewn in stone its essential language cannot be destroyed.

In our opinion everyone who has seen the Sphinx from within and everyone to whom the Sphinx has spoken, like Prince Thotmes, will be able to understand the stone language of the Pyramid. We say that the Sphinx makes the Call and that the Pyramid points out the Path.

From "The Mystery of the Sphinx and the Pyramid" - The Living Word - Catharose de Petri


The ancients speak to us in symbols. Once you have the gnostic Key in hand, it is like reading an open book.

The Great Pyramid is a four-sided triangle, with a square base. Around the base one can draw a perfect circle. Triangle, Square, Circle.

These shapes have symbolic meaning:

Circle = the Eternal Spirit
Triangle = the Threefold Soul
Square = the fourfold Body

Thus the Pyramid itself represents the reunification of Spirit, Soul and Body, which is the ultimate aim of the transfiguristic Path of Return.

The interior of the Pyramid is constructed in such a way as to outline the steps of this Path using specific measurements, angles, different types of stone and sacred numerology (gematria). The exalted beings who constructed the Great Pyramid did so using a silent, common language that could speak to all human-beings, no matter what the time period. Of course, those human-beings would have to have the gnostic Key in hand.

During the time of the ancients, there were very, very few who were motivated to walk the Path of Return. Around the ancient world, those who showed that they were sincere about doing so were brought to secret places of initiation. This was the purpose of the Mayan and Aztec temples in the West. This was the purpose of the extensive system of caves in the Sabarthes region of southern France. This was the purpose of the Great Pyramid.

The Pyramid is not a tomb, as present-day bumbling archaeology chooses to define it. No physical human-being was ever buried there. It was a tomb for the I-being. It was where a true pupil was taken to complete the endura. It was where the old human-being died as to this nature and the New Man rose in its place.

That is why the "tomb" in the King's Chamber is empty. In silence, it expresses what was written regarding the Christed One on the day of His resurrection as a Divine Human Being:

"Why do you look for the Living among the dead? He is not here, He is risen". Luke 24:5-6

~ g

12 April 2017

No Less Miraculous, No Less Attainable

We keep coming back to the caterpillar, as its metamorphosis into a butterfly serves as a fitting allegory for what man can and must do. The butterfly was created for the express purpose of inspiring wonder in the minds of men, in the hope that someday, men would move beyond wonder, and realize that the miracle of the butterfly is an example of the miracle that awaits all spirit-spark entities.

If the Creator can program a caterpillar to spin a chrysalis, dissolve within it and then reconstitute itself as a beautiful winged creature, what makes you think that the Creator would not program us, mankind, Creator's highest creation, to do something not only similar but exceedingly wondrous and glorious in its magnitude!

You have within you the tiny Seed Atom that is required to make this human metamorphosis a reality. It lies at the center of your microcosm and it is waiting to be awakened and joined to the personality. It is your Divine Spark, the Spirit-spark, the Rosebud, the Jewel in the Lotus. It is the part of you that will manage your transfiguration into a New Man/Woman, but only if you follow the Path that has been set out for man to follow, the Path of the True Way, the Path that leads away from this world and its reflection-sphere. The Path that leads back to Eternity.

Do not sell yourself short. Do not resign yourself to "impossibility". This transformation is eminently possible, and within your ability to complete, even though the rulers of this world have worked overtime to keep that Knowledge from you. Vow to follow the Path, no matter the obstacles. Renounce the world and all the matter therein. Be in the world, but not of the world. Remember the miraculous example of the caterpillar / butterfly that was provided for you to emulate.

What lies ahead for the candidate on the Path is No Less Miraculous, and No Less Attainable.

"Verily, I say to you, the works that I do, you shall do also; and greater works than these shall you do" -- The Christ, talking to YOU.

~ g

06 April 2017

The Warrior


1. Stand aside in the coming battle, and though thou fightest, be not thou the warrior.

2. Look for the Warrior and let him fight in thee.

3. Take his orders for battle and obey them.

4. Obey him, not as though he were a general, but as though he were yourself, and his spoken words were the utterance of your secret desire; for he is yourself, yet infinitely wiser and stronger than yourself. Look for him, else in the fever and hurry of the fight you may pass him, and he will not know you unless you know him. If your cry reaches his listening ear, then he will fight in you and fill the dull void within. And if this is so, then you can go through the fight cool and unwearied, standing aside and letting him battle for you. Then it will be impossible for you to strike one blow amiss.

But if you do not look for him, if you pass him by, then there is no safeguard for you. Your brain will reel, your heart grow uncertain, and in the dust of the battlefield your sight and senses will fail, and you will not know your friends from your enemies.

He is yourself, yet you are but finite and liable to error. He is Eternal and sure. He is Eternal Truth. When once he has entered you and become your Warrior, he will never utterly desert you, and at the Day of Great Peace, he will become One with you.

From Light On The Path - Part Two - Mabel Collins


Who is the Warrior? The Warrior is the Other One, the True Inner Man that is rising to wakefulness with the opening of the Rose of the Heart.

As we walk the Path, we will encounter obstacles with every step. If we try to fight these obstacles with our "I", we will most likely fail. Remember, the "I" cannot kill the "I". Therefore, whatever battles are to be fought , whatever obstacles have to be overcome, the "I" must  stand aside and allow the Other One within to wield the sword.

This is the epitome of self-surrender. The road we are walking, we do not walk alone. The trials we must face, we do not face alone. Whatever the challenge may be, always remember that it is not you who must battle the forces of the aeons of this nature, but the power of the Gnosis, the Other One within. There is your Warrior.

~ g

02 April 2017

Wake Up And Return

"Yet you are sleeping, dreaming dreams. Wake up and return! Taste and eat the True Food! Hand out the Word and the Water of Life! Cease from the evil lusts and desires and the teachings that have no basis"

From 'The Concept of Our Great Power" - Nag Hammadi Library - Codex VI, Tractate 4

~ g