20 September 2015

The Mystery of the Sphinx and the Pyramid


We should not see the Sphinx as being unconnected to the Pyramid and its mystery. In ancient Egypt, the classical kings received the epithet: 'living sphinx, image of the Lord of the Universe'. That is a Sun God, descended into matter.

Perhaps you understand this symbol. The human-being is a fallen angel in a state of cleavage: one part of the microcosm imprisoned in the Original Life Field, totally incapable of any activity; the other, cast down into the nature-born urge for survival. The human-being is the Sphinx!

The knowledge of this has repeatedly been lost and not a word of this is mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. It has been lost, just as the Sphinx has repeatedly been totally covered by the desert sands. This sign, hewn out of rock and spanning the ages, is gaped at by tourists. It is said that they feel respect but they do not understand.

Perhaps many will begin to understand when their illusions of existence are torn to shreds in the impending world development. Then they may well remember the column that stands between the front paws of the Sphinx. The story on the column is, briefly:

Prince Thotmes, the son of an Egyptian king, had ordered the Sphinx to be excavated from the desert sand. He was used to riding around the desert and hunting for wild animals. On one of those hunts the prince went to rest in the shadow of the Sphinx in the afternoon. He fell asleep and dreamt that the Sphinx began to talk to him. He said:

"Look at me, my son, Thotmes. I am your Father. My face and my heart are turned towards you, for you belong to me. Behold my state of suffocation. I am in danger of being buried by the sand of this desert on which I am lying.

I have waited until you will do what was in my heart, for I knew that you were my son, my protector!

As a pupil of the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross you will understand the language of the Sphinx. You, too, have excavated the Sphinx and it is speaking to you ever more clearly.

The old, lost knowledge of Transfigurism has been excavated again in this century, not by studying or reading books, but by pilgrimage, by the process of life, by really going the Path, by real exertion, by the radiations of the Magnetic Power Field.

You, too, can clearly see the situation of the nature-born human-being as that of someone who is held in a suffocating grasp. The grip of this nature is constantly on the point of burying you. The human-being is a god who has become human according to this nature.

From "The Mystery of the Sphinx and the Pyramid" - The Living Word - Catharose de Petri


Surprise! The Sphinx represents the dual aspect of the present human-being. The body of the Sphinx represents the lower nature, the physical human-being rooted to the earth, mired in this nature-order. The top portion, the royal visage high above the earth, stares at the eastern horizon, awaiting the New Dawn. As we have moved (or will soon move, depending upon who does the calculations) into the zodiacal Age of Aquarius, the Sun rises (or will rise) in this constellation. On the western horizon, behind the Sphinx and 180 degrees opposite of Aquarius, is the constellation of Leo. The cosmic symbolism is inescapable. The Sphinx now faces the constellation that is represented as a Man pouring a pitcher of water. Behind it is the constellation that is represented as a Lion, the so-called "king of beasts".

There are no coincidences. The Sphinx is a symbolic image in limestone of what the candidate on the Path is striving to become again: a god-man. The Great Pyramid that it guards also contains a profound message -- about the Path itself.

~ g

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