22 September 2009

Man, Control Thy Thoughts - Aeons and Archons

With love and respect to the creators of The New Call website (http://www.thenewcall.org/), I would like to post the following (bold emphasis and italics are mine).


Collectively, mankind constitutes a much larger thinking-desiring organism, and the sum total of the thoughts and desires in the auras of all the people that together make up mankind, interpenetrate and form what might be termed a 'radiation cloud' around the planet. This cloud is replete with the results of all human thinking, feeling and desiring, not only from causes created in the present but also from the past, for thought and astral energy creates certain elemental forms that can and do survive their creator in the flesh. There is, then, clearly an interaction between human beings and the planetary atmosphere; the human beings contribute toward the quality of subtle substance of the planetary aura in the form of mental, astral and etheric matter.

In the beginning phase of man's spiritual descent, or 'Fall from Grace' (the Garden of Eden days) the psychic atmosphere of this world was still virginal, void of these human emanations. However, with the passage of time they came into manifestation and are forever being strengthened by mankind's incessant ignorant and selfish activity.

Now what happens when many hundreds, sometimes many thousands, or even, over time, billions of people continuously project similar selfish or fear-based thoughts and desires (which include religious desires for personal salvation, personal empowerment, personal happiness, etc.)? Just think of the selfish prayers repeated endlessly in the churches; the wild enthusiasm of the crowds at football games; the mass outbursts of passion during blood-stirring political demonstrations or evangelistic speeches; the daily repeated negative suggestions in the media that are supposedly formulated in order to enlighten the masses and the millions of people who are all tuned in to the same violent TV programs simultaneously!

Like attracts like, and the corresponding vibrations thus launched into the atmosphere coalesce to form one great cloud of unwholesome energy. It is an elementary esoteric fact that when, over time, many people fix their minds upon one idea, a mighty astral image of that idea develops. The astral world possesses specific possibilities of reflection. So when the minds of many of us are continually fixed upon one and the same idea, then we shall discover that at a given moment a huge astral image has been generated, which is becoming clear and well-defined, and with which we are connected and in communication because we created it ourselves. It is thus that a collective spirit, a collective idea, a collective thought-form or a collective image is created and continuously fed by people of similar disposition and/or belief.

Over centuries such an image can and does become so fortified that it acquires consciousness and becomes an intelligent, self-directing being; a huge, living, feeding elemental being that has an agenda namely to perpetuate and fortify its own existence and nature. This it proceeds to do by inciting mankind, via mental and astral impression, to continue producing ethers of a like quality on which it can feed, on which it can grow. At first it is an image 'with dead eyes', but the moment comes when this image gains life and begins to hunger for more of the peculiar type of energy that spawned it. This is when it starts actually dominating us, when certain powers radiate from it and when it is even capable of attracting all kinds of undivine forces and of pouring these down onto the people. This is the way in which pseudo-religious beings (false gods) come into being. Such gigantic elemental beings can be and are utilized by the 'archons', entities residing in the subtle worlds who, with selfish and malefic intent, control and manipulate the mass-consciousness of humanity on earth by way of the images that man himself created.


Excerpted from
The New Call / Rare Insights http://www.thenewcall.org/rare_insights.htm

Some may have a difficult time in accepting what they've just read. I can only recommend that they read the pamphlet linked to above.

A couple of years ago, I read a book called "The War in Heaven" by Kyle Griffith. He discussed this at length and named these powerful elementals "Theocrats". At the time I was like, "yeah, uhhhh, okay?". Then I came across this information posted above which explained it in a much clearer fashion (or maybe it was my ability to understand which had "cleared up" a bit?).

In summary (to my understanding), human thoughts and emotions are food for beings that cannot be physically "seen". These elemental beings are called aeons and they are controlled by even more powerful beings called archons. The aeons siphon off the negative, gross energies from the billions of lower thoughts and emotions that humans generate moment-to-moment. They then regurgitate, or recycle, a portion of those negative thought-forms back towards humanity as "thought-clouds". These clouds then hang around, ready to influence or incite those who impulsively react in a negative manner to external stimuli or lower desires. The negative vibrations that result from these actions are again, used as food by the aeons and this cycle repeats itself, ad infinitum.

This is why Mankind has always been admonished to adjust his thinking. For if every human permanently turned their thoughts to those of Love, Kindness, Charity, Compassion, etc. these "powerful" beings would lose their "food source", shrivel up and expire quicker than a garden slug in the noon-day sun. But Humanity is stubborn. That stubborness is born out of ignorance. Once Man learns the Truth of how the Earth planes work and of our role in the tapestry, he can take the steps necessary to evict these free-loading elementals from his psychic atmosphere.

Although the hour is late, it is never to late to begin to live in a New Way as we approach the dawning of a New Age. Humankind should try to Purify all Thoughts and Emotions. Check our Desires before we Think and above all, THINK before we Act. Strive to turn away negative influences, thoughts and desires. For those who say that there is nothing Man can do to change Man's world, please reconsider.

Man, Control Thy Thoughts.

All Love,

~~ G

The New Call / Rare Insights http://www.thenewcall.org/rare_insights.htm

18 September 2009

There Is No Death

There is no death! The stars go down
To rise upon some other shore,
And bright in heaven's jeweled crown
They shine forevermore.

There is no death! The forest leaves
Convert to life the viewless air;
The rocks disorganize to feed
The hungry moss they bear.

There is no death! The dust we tread
Shall change, beneath the summer showers
To golden grain, or mellowed fruit,
Or rainbow-tinted flowers.

There is no death! The leaves may fall,
And flowers may fade and pass away--
They only wait, through wintry hours,
The warm, sweet breath of May.

There is no death! Although we grieve
When beautiful, familiar forms
That we have learned to love are torn
From our embracing arms--

Although with bowed and breaking heart,
With sable garb and silent tread,
We bear their senseless dust to rest,
And say that they are "dead,"

They are not dead! They have but passed
Beyond the mists that blind us here
Into the new and larger life
Of that serener sphere.

They have but dropped their robe of clay
To put their shining raiment on;
They have not wandered far away--
They are not "lost" nor "gone."

Though disenthralled and glorified
They still are here and love us yet;
The dear ones they have left behind
They never can forget.

And sometimes, when our hearts grow faint
Amid temptations fierce and deep,
Or when the wildly raging waves
Of grief or passion sweep,

We feel upon our fevered brow
Their gentle touch, their breath of balm;
Their arms enfold us, and our hearts
Grow comforted and calm

And ever near us, though unseen,
Our dear, immortal spirits tread--
For all God's boundless universe
Is life--there are no dead!


07 September 2009

Man, Control Thy Thoughts

Many years ago, I was given the following statement to think about:

"Thoughts are things. They go somewhere".

...and also, the following maxim: "Man, control thy thoughts"

Let's think about this for a second. How can we say that Thought does not have a physical presence? Because we can't detect it with one of our five senses? Well, then how can we explain the existence of that indefinable "little voice" in our head, that "silent impulse" that precedes our every act? We can't say that thought doesn't "exist", we know that it does. Therefore, it must take some sort of form, even though we may not be aware of, or understand, what that form may be.

Thoughts are built of a finer, more subtle material than our gross physical bodies. Subtler, even, than "invisible" matter like air, vapor or gases. C. W. Leadbeater, in his manual "The Astral Plane", calls this matter "elemental essence". He states,

"...elemental essence, wonderfully sensitive to the most fleeting human thought, responding with inconceivable delicacy in an infinitesimal fraction of a second to a vibration set up in it even by an entirely unconscious exercise of human will or desire...as soon as its impulse has worked itself out, it sinks back into the undifferentiated mass...from which it came".

So, every thought or impulse we have sets off a corresponding vibration, whose strength results from the type and intensity of the thought/impulse. This vibration quickly seizes the elemental essence and, well, I'll have Leadbeater explain it:

"It has already been explained that the elemental essence which surrounds us on every side is...singularly susceptible to human Thought. The action of the mere casual, wandering thought upon it, causing it to burst into a cloud of rapidly moving, evanescent forms, has already been described; we have now to note how it is affected when the human mind forms a definite, purposeful, thought or wish.

The effect produced is of the most striking nature. The thought seizes upon the plastic essence, and moulds it instantly into a living being of appropriate form -- a being which when once thus created is in no way under the control of its creator, but lives out a life of its own, the length of which is proportionate to the intensity of the thought or wish that called it into existence. It lasts, in fact, just as long as the thought-force holds it together. Most people's thoughts are so fleeting and indecisive that the elementals created by them last only a few minutes or a few hours, but an oft-repeated thought or an earnest wish will form an elemental whose existence may extend to many days.

Since the ordinary man's thoughts refer very largely to himself, the elementals which they form remain hovering about him and constantly tend to provoke a repetition of the idea which they represent, since such repetitions, instead of forming new elementals, would strengthen the old one, and give it a fresh lease of life.

A [man] who frequently dwells upon one wish often forms for himself an astral attendant which, constantly fed by fresh thought, may haunt for years, ever gaining more and more strength and influence over him; and it will easily be seen that if the desire be an evil one, the effect upon his moral nature may be of the most disastrous character.".

As outlined above, when we "think" a thought, or have an impulse, that thought or impulse does not just "disappear into thin air". It grabs an elemental "suit of clothes" and take a definite form, unseen by the un-trained human eye. These elemental thought entities are known as "thought- forms". The thought-form hangs around, indefinitely, and has the ability to grow in strength and even to affect the thoughts of others. I invite you to read on, from Leadbeater:

"Furthermore, it [BG: the thought-form] appears to be actuated, like most other beings, by an instinctive desire to to prolong its life, and thus reacts on its creator as a force constantly tending to provoke the renewal of the feeling which called it into existence. It also influences, in a similar manner, others with whom it comes into contact, though its rapport with them is naturally not so perfect.

Still more pregnant of result for good or evil are a man's thoughts about other people, for in that case they hover not around the thinker, but about the object of the thought. A kindly thought about any person, or an earnest wish for his good, will form and project towards him a friendly, artificial elemental. This is also true in the opposite direction of evil wishes and angry thoughts; and considering the amount of envy, hatred, malice and all uncharitableness that exists in the world, it will be readily understood that among the artificial elementals many terrible creatures are to be seen.

A man whose thoughts or desires are spiteful, brutal, sensual, avaricious, etc., moves through he world carrying with him a pestiferous [BG: there's a word, eh?] atmosphere of his own, peopled with the loathsome beings which he has created to be his companions. Thus he is not only a sadly evil case himself, but is a dangerous nuisance to his fellow man, subjecting all who have the misfortune to come into contact with to the risk of 'moral contagion' from the influence of the abominations with which he chooses to surround himself.

What has been written above will serve to enforce the statement already made as to the importance of maintaining strict control over our thoughts.".

I will end this segment with the following quotes:

"You live with your thoughts. So be careful what they are." - Eva Arrington

"All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts." - James Allen

"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, Joy follows like a shadow that never leaves." - Buddha

All Love,

~~ G

The Astral Plane, by C. W. Leadbeater, can be downloaded for free at http://www.scribd.com/

04 September 2009

Christ. Jesus. You.

Those who cringe at the sound of the words "Jesus Christ" will probably not finish this post. That is as it should be, as all are at different stages of Discernment and Development. It is fashionable these days to discount and ridicule the life of Jesus as a "myth". Those who do so cavalierly risk a prolonged and arduous Journey.


Jesus is/was not "God". At least not in the way that so many misguided souls look at him today. Jesus was a flesh-and-blood man - a very special man, of that there is no question - but a man nonetheless.

Jesus was a highly-developed Soul who had prepared and qualified himself over many lives for the role he was to play in recent human history. His physical parents, Joseph and Mary, were initiates and virgin. Being initiates of a high vibratory rate, they were able to consummate the act of conception in a pure manner, as a sacrament. Not as a lust-filled night-cap to a wild night of partying. The "virgin" birth refers to this Purity of Intent between Joseph and Mary, as well as their own physical state.

The man, Jesus was the result of this sacred Act. A special body was needed to perform the Special Work that lay ahead.

The concept of "Virgin birth" never meant that Mary conceived without having sex. In a physical world, that is preposterous. However, this falsity has been encouraged and allowed to stand by those opposed to Mankind's liberation because it was known that such dogma would cause doubt in the minds of many and turn them away from The Path.


Christ is not "a man". Christ is a Consciousness, also known in Greek as "Kristos" and in ancient Sumerian as "Kiristus" ("the Son who resides in the stars"). This Consciousness, this Energy exists everywhere . It is the Love Force of the Universe that emanates from Creator, throughout Creation. When beings align their Will with Christ Consciousness, they are willingly allowing Creator to work through them. When this happens, one's Acts are in union with the Will of the Creator. The key word here is "willingly". If one chooses to turn this Energy away, or block it, even unconsciously, then one has chosen to live without recognizing their connection to this Energy.

Jesus spent many years on earth remembering his purpose, studying and preparing himself to receive Christ Consciousness. This event finally took place upon his being baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. At that point he was no longer "Jesus", but "Jesus, the Christed One". Modern times have distilled this down to "Jesus Christ" as if that were his birth name, a la Joe Smith or Mary Avery. No. His first name, "Jesus", was who he had been. The second name "Christ" was what he became.

Once he aligned his Will with Christ Consciousness, he spent the remainder of his life doing "my Father's will". It was not Jesus "the man" who, from that point forward, lived, taught, healed, suffered and died on the cross, etc. but Jesus, the Christed One whose Life shone as a Lamp in a world consumed by darkness.

Jesus, the Christ did not "die for our sins". Sorry, but our Sins are and have always been, our Responsibility. Jesus, the Christ purposely lived his life in such a fashion as to leave an indelible blueprint for how the so-called "common" man or woman of this or any other Era must live to achieve Liberation from the Wheel of Death and Rebirth. Through the physical vehicle of Jesus, the Christ Consciousness left a Living, Shining Example of what a man or woman must do if they are to achieve Liberation from Darkness.


We are Souls using physical bodies to gain Experience in the lower densities, or dimensions. Existence in this 3rd density is such that every act we perform which is out-of-line with Christ Consciousness must be balanced by a corresponding re-action. In this way, Man vascillates back-and-forth, strapped uncontrollably to the Pendulum of Balance we've come to know as Karma. Even the "good" we do must be balanced by "evil" because "good" cannot exist without "evil". It needs its polar opposite in order to exist, at least that's the way it works in this 3D "reality".

Because of this fundamental misunderstanding of how Duality works, Mankind has found himself on a treadmill, a hamster-wheel of Death-Rebirth, Death-Rebirth. Little by little, life by life, Souls will take small steps forwards or backwards in their attempts to evolve out of the quagmire we've created for ourselves. The key to escaping this treadmill is to follow the example of Jesus, the Christ, or the teachings of Krishna, Buddha, Confucious, Lao Tzu etc. The great, true avatars of human history. These are men who achieved that state of alignment with Christ Consciousness which allowed them to act as Vehicles of the Creator's own Light. These were inspired ("in" + "spirited") beings, whose incarnations were a conscious "joint venture" between Man and Creator, as all of our lives can be.

The only difference between those men and us is that at some point they recognized this "reality" as folly and consecrated themselves to doing the will of the Creator in helping to bring Man out of Darkness.

We can do the same. We will do the same. The question for each soul is when? Will we start today? Tomorrow? Next life, a thousand Lives from now? It has been recorded:

John 14: 10-12

10 "Do you not believe that I am with my Father and my Father is with me? The words that I speak I do not speak of myself, but my Father who abides with me, does these works. 11 Believe that I am with my Father and my Father is with me, and if not, then believe because of the works. 12 Truly, truly I say to you, he who believes in me shall do the works that I do, and even greater than these things he shall do."


Remember: when you read the New Testament (specifically the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke or John) and the words of the post-baptized Jesus, realize that you are not reading the words of "a man". Those "words" are the energy of the universal Christ Consciousness speaking directly to YOU, through the man known as Jesus. You are reading the words of our Creator, in whom we Live and Move and have our Being. That Consciousness, that connection with the Creator is "the Father" of whom Jesus, the Christed One refers to. That relationship explains why these words were sounded from Heaven upon Jesus' baptizement: "This is my Beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased".

We are all Sons of the Father. Many of us have strayed far from Home. Our Father awaits our return still, with arms outstretched to us in Infinite Love. We must begin now to do the Work that will turn us off the Way of Darkness, the matter-born path and towards the Light which has always been our Home.

All Love,

~~ G