30 January 2013

The Veils Between Life And Death - Conclusion


The coming era will have a most beneficial and inspiring influence on creative artists, particularly in music and painting. The extension of the invisible color spectrum and also of our known scale of notes from seven to nine, is inherent in the atmospheric revolution. Infra-red and ultra-violet will become visible and, at the same time, the corresponding sounds will become audible, because hearing, as well as sight, will be extended.

A new manifestation of form in painting will bring what is remote closer to us, and could thus exert a very liberating influence. Our modern painters, who have long had more than enough of painting ordinary pictures and who, inwardly, are no longer able to sustain their extremism, may be very helpful to the Spiritual School through a pictorial art that will give form to breaking the chains and gaining Liberation. Music will likewise be able to surmount its present superficiality and break through to new possibilities.

However, there is one formidable dark cloud on the horizon, for technology will also utilize the consequences of the atmospheric revolution to develop a kind of sound-bomb with an ultra-violet radiation field. This sound-bomb, which will emit a very high, piercing tone, will not cause an explosion but a sudden disintegration, a sudden pulverisation of all solids, liquids and gases (BG: did someone say 9/11?  Oh, sorry, that was me).  The overall effect of this will be even more terrible than that of the atomic bomb.

We do not wish to occupy ourselves any longer with a further prognosis of this extraordinary future. This chapter would then become too spectacular; we would miss the mark, giving our readers one-sided information. It should be fully understood that the atmospheric revolution, with all its extremely complicated consequences, is only one aspect of the new omni-genesis. The serious and interested investigator of the future will need to possess a versatile faculty for keen observation. The esoteric student of the New Era will in no respect resemble the student of the past.

A call to reflect upon a New Era, a new task, and accordingly upon a totally different initiation-mystery, is now resounding over the entire world to all those who are spiritually sensitive. By stating this, we do not wish to injure anyone or anything, nor to diminish the glory of the ancients; we are thankful for what our predecessors have given us. They have drawn our consciousness out of the lower self, directing our attention to sublime concepts of great value. Now, however, they want us to attune ourselves to The Call and the demands of the present.

The initiative which the modern Rosycross is currently taking may not be viewed as the activity of a sectarian group; what the Spiritual School has to offer is meant for all.

The spiritual revolution will commence in Europe and from there continue its triumphal march over the entire world. The spiritual field over Europe is pregnant with events which are soon to be born. In this chapter, we have tried to describe something of these coming events so that their arrival will not find the reader entirely unprepared.

"The Veils Between Life and Death" - The Great Revolution - J. van Rijckenborgh



The Veils Between Life And Death - Part II


This situation may also cause certain churches to flourish temporarily. When the nature-spirits and their activities become visible, some o them will be mistaken for "angels", for entities of a superhuman form and splendor, because of a lack of nature-scientific knowledge.

This danger is not imaginary when one considers, for example, that numerous nature-spirits, erroneously termed angels, cooperate in the construction of a eucharistic form during the celebration of  mass. The formation of such a eucharistic form is a natural, biological process, a moulding and arranging of various etheric substances which, magnetized with the aid of magic, naturally attract numerous other forces.

One can imagine what will happen when such proceedings can be generally observed and the bewildered congregation sees a nature-spirit of majestic stature (some are up to four or five meters in height) floating through the church, constructively participating in the magic of the mass. Even now, one can say with certainty what the reaction will be. It will create a tremendous opportunity for propaganda, with all the attendant consequences.

It will be very difficult to make it clear to such a perplexed group of people that an occurrence of this kind is due neither to a divine revelation nor to the elevated state of those who suddenly begin to see these etheric processes, but that it is solely the atmospheric revolution which is responsible. That is why it is good to announce these events beforehand, and the Spiritual School of the Rosycross therefore considers it a duty to inform its interested friends and adherents about all this. If the reader of esoteric literature is informed to some extent about what exists and occurs in the etheric sphere and how the lives of plants and animals are, in many respects, governed from that sphere, he may be able to imagine what an indescribable alteration is going to take place in human consciousness and behavior, and what a vast quantity of new delusions will gain power over thousands of people.

The four classes of nature-spirits existing in the etheric sphere (BG: gnomes, salamanders, sylphs and undines) have often been used for black magic practices during the course of world history. Usually this was done by various groups of priests who in this way endeavored to strengthen their grip on the masses. As a result of the atmospheric revolution we may again expect a multiplicity of priestly activities. However, just as in the past, the results of these activities will be the reverse of what was intended because of the influence of the Christ -Hierarchy and, through it, of the Spiritual School. The Spiritual School is preparing itself with the utmost speed for a mighty effort, and in its activity, it, too, will make use of all these new atmospheric possibilities. By extracting the two intercosmic higher ethers (BG: light and reflecting ethers), it will bestow a new faculty of discrimination  upon those who have attained a certain stage on the path of genesis of the New Man. By means of this faculty, it will be possible clearly to distinguish absolute good from sham good and from evil; for all things originating from this nature, evil as well as good, cannot possibly clothe themselves in these higher ethers.

"The Veils Between Life and Death" - The Great Revolution - J. van Rijckenborgh


Although it may appear hard to believe, there are fantastic events just over the horizon. Humanity is going to be exposed to things that will challenge the imagination and boggle the intellect. If we are not careful, we will fall for the etheric pyrotechnics that are about to envelop the world.

There are going to be a lot of deceptions, a lot of shenanigans, all of it designed to fool YOU into falling to your knees in adoration of certain aeonic forces and allowing your light-power to be siphoned from you. This is your fore-warning:

Do not fall for any of the heavenly phenomena that you are going to see! All of it is part of a plan by nefarious forces to extend their stay in the reflection-sphere by draining YOU of your light-power. During this period, STAY OUT OF THE CHURCHES. This is where the robbery will take place, as those who are not privy to this information will be fooled into thinking that the churches are where their salvation lies.

When this happens - and it will - it is hoped that you will think back to what you read here. You have been fore-warned. Again, as has often been repeated in this blog:

You don't have to believe what you have just read, you just have to remember it.

~ g

29 January 2013

The Veils Between Life And Death


We explained that because of all the atmospheric agitation, many strange phenomena will begin to claim the attention of mankind. We also stated that the fading away of many natural veils between this side of death and the other, due to the powerful activity of inert gas B, will reveal much that hitherto has been hidden. It is necessary to examine this matter more closely.

The chemical element phosphorous is essential to bring about "materialisations" during certain spiritualistic experiments. The manifesting entities withdraw phosphorus from the cerebellum of the medium and from the others present at the seance and drape this fluorescent substance around forms of astral matter which they wish to show to the assembled company. The human blood, tissues, nerves and bones contain phosphoric substances of varying potency  and composition, and with the help of these it is fairly easy for entities who know what they are doing to provide the spiritualistic seekers with some satisfaction.

However, such a materialisation is practically always a contrived scene and not a reality; a "contrived scene' in the sense that the controlling entities project an arbitrary, fantasy form into the astral substance, animating and clothing it with fluorescent phosphorous. For example, during an esoteric investigation, we once saw the lovely form of a young girl and the majestic figure of an oriental robed in white, whereas the animators of those images offered a far less impressive and pleasing sight, arousing disgust because of their very repulsive appearance.

Likewise, in the ordinary material sphere of life, it frequently happens that a human being projects to the outside world a certain form of spirit, soul and body which is not at all his true one.  Sometimes a great deal of trouble, tension and sorrow are necessary before one is able to distinguish between pretence and reality.

On the other side of the veil it is much easier to use the perfidious weapons of pretence, at least against those who still exist in the physical plane. Astral substance is very pliable; thought forms can very easily be clothed in ethers and even in solids, liquids and gases. Just as man, in his own auric sphere, maintains a pantheon of self-created , animated thought-forms of an intellectual and religious nature, so there are also numerous earth-bound spirits who increase human delusion by means of astral projections, or at least they try to do so and, unfortunately, succeed only too well among many ignorant people.

In the near future the atmosphere of the material world will be rendered phosphorescent  by the influence of inert gas B. In some regions of the globe such a situation has already been forced into existence by nuclear experiments. By making very large areas radioactive for many weeks, a great concentration of inert gases has been caused to develop over these parts of the world. This has changed the atmosphere in such a radical way that very peculiar phenomena have developed.

You can probably imagine the consequences of this phosphorization. All the entities residing in the etheric sphere will become visible to the material eye. This includes the many nature-forces and nature-spirits, but especially the earth-bound spirits who, although dead, cannot or will not leave our earthly sphere and cling by every possible means to this sphere and to those who are still in their physical bodies. All of these, whether voluntarily or against their will, will become visible to the material eye.

This general unmasking will cause emotions to run very high and will, among other things, put an end to the wave of spiritualism which is passing through the world and which is responsible for so much terrible mischief. When what has so far been invisible to ordinary sight becomes generally visible, thousands of people who have indulged in these experiments will turn away in disgust. By this rejection they will develop such a strong, repelling magnetic power that the earth-bound spirits will be forced to withdraw from the etheric sphere of the material world.

Thus we can see how, in addition to causing many precarious situations, the atmospheric revolution will also bring many blessings, provided that people react in the right way. One can practically predict such a reaction, for as soon as it becomes generally evident and verifiable what kinds of entities manifest themselves at the seance tables, how they impersonate deceased relatives, and how it is possible to keep up such a deception, then the whole spiritualistic group will turn away from their exploitation of the spirits with a cry of revulsion.

However, when much that has been hidden until now becomes visible, this may also cause great confusion and lead to very regrettable errors. The fluorescent, etheric sphere will begin to play tricks on the nature-religious human being. It will be able to bring back the times when primitive peoples made gods of nature-spirits, worshipping them, and by doing so, forgetting the "One Thing Needful".

"The Veils Between Life and Death" - The Great Revolution - J. van Rijckenborgh


As a part of what is to come, etheric sight will be bestowed on mankind. Those who are not prepared for this will be taken completely by surprise. This new manifestation, this "unmasking"  will be helpful in that it will show the "True colors" of all humans. For instance, no longer will a person be able to sweet-talk you to your face his face while thinking completely evil thoughts about you. All will be made visible to the physical eye. However, mankind has little experience with seeing in the etheric realms, so mistakes can be made. The next post will discuss that.

~ g

21 January 2013

C. R. C. -- The Thirteenth


What constitutes the mystery of Christian Rosycross? Whenever Christian Rosycross is spoken of, the starting-point is always a good faith in the mysteries of spiritual life, a faith not only with regards to the person, but also with regards to the great secrets of the spiritual life. Christian Rosycross is an individuality who works both while incarnated and while he does not possess a physical body. He works not only as a physical being by means of physical powers, but above all, spiritually by means of spiritual powers.

We know that humanity not only lives for itself but lives in a relationship to the great human development. When an ordinary human being dies, his etheric body dissolves in the universe. However, a part of this dissolving etheric body continues its existence, and hence we are always surrounded by the remains of the etheric bodies of the deceased, either for our benefit or in a detrimental way. They affect us, either in a positive sense or in a negative sense to the extent that we are good or bad. This means that we  experience comprehensive effects of the etheric bodies of great individualities. Therefore, a great power emanates from the etheric body of Christian Rosycross, which can affect our soul. It is our task to become aware of these powers. As Rosicrucians, we appeal to this power.


The origin of the Rosicrucian movement can be found in the 13th century. At the time, in the 13th century, personalities particularly suited for initiation had to be selected. The initiation itself could only take place after this short period of darkening.

At a certain place in Europe, a highly spiritual Lodge, a college of twelve, was formed, which had absorbed the sum total of the spiritual wisdom of antiquity as well as of their own time.

The karma of humanity had ordained that seven of these twelve persons embodied what had been preserved of the remnants of the wisdom of the ancient Atlantean period for humanity.

Four others who, unlike the seven personalities mentioned before, could not look back on ancient times long past, joined these seven persons. But these four personalities could look back on the occult wisdom humanity had acquired in the four post-Atlantean cultural periods. The first one was able to look back on the Proto-Indian time, the second on the Proto-Persian culture period, the third on the Egyptian-Chaldean-Babylonian cultural period, the fourth on the Greek-Latin culture.

Together with the seven, these four united in the college of wise men in the 13th century. The twelfth person possessed in a certain sense the least memory, but he was the most intellectually gifted of them and had the task of devoting himself to the outward sciences in particular.

These twelve different streams of wisdom co-operated as a unity. Thus, we must speak of twelve extraordinary individualities. This college of twelve possessed clairvoyance, in the form of memory, as well as intellectual wisdom. The seven successors of the seven Rishis could remember their ancient wisdom; the five others represented the wisdom of the five post-Atlantean cultures. In this way, the twelve represented the entire Atlantean and post-Atlantean wisdom.

However, the starting-point for a new culture was only possible because a thirteenth one joined the group of twelve. This thirteenth one was not a scholar in the usual meaning of that time. He was an individuality that had been incarnated at the time of the mystery of Golgotha.


The thirteenth was an individuality that had been incarnated at the time of the mystery of Golgotha. In subsequent incarnations he had prepared for his mission by a humble mind, by a devoted, pious life. He was a great soul, a devout, inwardly deeply mystical human being, who had been born with these characteristics and did not only acquire them. This thirteenth fully developed, supervised and looked after by the twelve, and from each of them he received all the wisdom they could give him.

These twelve now, who were all filled with and fully aware  of their spiritual task, and who were deeply aware of Christianity, realized that the outward Christianity of the Church presented only a distorted image of true Christianity. They were convinced that all spiritual life was contained in their twelve streams. In this way each of them influenced the pupil according to his own powers. Their aim was to achieve a synthesis of all religions, but they were aware that this aim could not be achieved by means of some theory, but by the activity of spiritual life.   

While the spiritual powers of the thirteenth increased infinitely, his physical powers strongly diminished. This reached the stage where the link with the outward life almost ceased to exist. Then, an event occurred that could take place in history only once. It was one of those events that can occur when the macrocosmic forces cooperate for the benefit of the fruits that have to ripen by such an event. In a few days the body of this thirteenth turned completely transparent. In short formulas, which were like short prayers, the twelve let their wisdom flow into the thirteenth, while the thirteenth was lying down, seemingly dead. This state ended when the soul of the thirteenth woke up as a new Soul.  In him, something like the birth of the twelve teachings of wisdom was present, so that also the twelve sages could learn something from the young one.

Within a few weeks the thirteenth returned to the twelve all the wisdom he had received from them, although in a new form that was given as if by the Christ Himself. What he revealed to them, the twelve called true Christianity, the synthesis of all religions. And they distinguished the Christianity of their time from this true Christianity. The result of the initiation of the thirteenth was that the remains of his etheric body were preserved in the spirit-sphere of the earth. From the spiritual world, this same tenuous spiritual-etheric body again illuminated and irradiated the new embodiment, the individuality of Christian Rosycross. He was the thirteenth in the circle of the twelve and he has been called that ever since that incarnation.

Esoterically, he was already Christian Rosycross in the 13th century, but exoterically he is called so since the 14th century only. And the pupils of this thirteenth are the successors of those other twelve of the thirteenth. These are the Rosicrucians.


As a result of the activity of the Rosicrucians, the etheric body of Christian Rosycross became ever stronger and more powerful through the centuries. It was not only active through Christian Rosycros, but also through all who became his pupils. Since the 14th century, Christian Rosycross has incarnated again and again. Thus the radiations of the etheric body of Christian Rosycross have also been active in the 19th century. By devotion to the powerful etheric body of Christian Rosycross , humanity will be able to partake in the new clairvoyance and sublime spiritual powers will appear. But this will be possible only for those people who truly follow the teachings of Christian Rosycross.

It is the task of the 20th century to make this etheric body so powerful that it will be able to work esoterically as well. All that are grasped by it may expect the same experience that Paul had near Damascus. Until now, this etheric body has only affected the School of the Rosicrucians. In the 20th century more and more people will be able to experience this activity and on its basis will also experience Christ in their etheric body, as a presence.

The work of the Rosicrucians makes it possible to experience the presence of the Christ in the etheric body. The number of those who are able to behold this will continue to increase. This world-presence must be attributed to the great event of the work of the twelve and of the thirteenth in the 13th and 14th centuries.

From an address given by Dr. Rudolf Steiner in Neuchatel Switerland on 27 September 1911 - "The World Brotherhood of the Rosycross" - Jan van Rijckenborgh



Stay Out Of The Churches


There are hundreds of millions of entities who have originated not from the Spirit, but from the aeonic cosmo-creators (creator gods), from the idea of the forces of nature. And since a creator is always bound to his creature and, in keeping with natural law, cannot forsake the work of his hands, the forces of nature always emanate a powerful impulse towards the preservation of their creation and their creatures, as well as the field in which they can thrive.

All this is amply described in the The Gnostic Gospel of the Pistis Sophia. All aeons are involved in maintaining their creations. They cannot do otherwise. In doing so, the aeons serve only themselves, for if their creations were to perish, they, too, would cease ti exist.

That is why the aeons maintain a hierarchically organized priesthood in this world, as you can read in the Pistis Sophia. It is a priesthood with but one aim, one task: to maintain the field of genesis, the life-field of the aeonic entities, in its dualistic state. It is their aim to keep the world the way it is. And the entities who inhabit this world must cooperate, as a great band of slaves for the aeons. And for these entities, the wheel turns through the material-sphere and the reflection-sphere, without end.

So a temporary, 'heavenly' life is established in the reflection-sphere. You will know just what to think of that! It is one of the ways in which the aeons try to protect themselves and their creatures. For the same reason the cult of the 'saints' has been encouraged and occult methods applied, which take into consideration even the tiniest details. In this way, the church of nature sets itself against the Church of the Spirit.

The natural result, alas, is betrayal, and the attempt to murder the Spirit and persecute the spiritual Man wherever he may be found. The church of the aeons does not possess a Universal Doctrine, for if it were to reveal and proclaim the truth underlying its development, it would have to acknowledge the superiority of the Spirit and the spiritual Man. Then it would quite simply have to make its teachings subordinate to the Doctrine of the Spirit, and that would mean its death.

So, for the sake of the continued existence of the church of the aeons, the Spirit must be betrayed and the church of the Spirit destroyed wherever it appears.

How is the Spirit betrayed? One method is to contaminate the Doctrine of the Spirit with the aid of theological vassals, who explain the divine order purely in terms of aeonic, nature-born needs. In short, one can betray the Spirit by advancing one's earth;y goals under the smokescreen of a stolen and desecrated spiritual doctrine. For once the Spirit has been betrayed and corrupted, it is easy to begin persecuting the Church of the Spirit and the spiritual Man. Only think of the betrayal of the Cathar Church, and the persecution of the Rosicrucians throughout all the ages; under the guise of having to "protect the spirit", or "for the glory of God".

If dictatorial forces, whether left-wing or right-wing, were again to take control, the Church of the Gnosis, the Church of the Spirit, would once again become a persecuted church. The notorious Council of Constantinople is also to be seen in this light. The Spirit was officially rejected at this council, under the pretext that "we already possess the spirit!". This council was held in the year 381. Its subject was the "regularization" of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Just imagine: "We are regularizing the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. We believe this, but not that. We accept this, but not that. We will do this, but not that". And so the council members went to work.

We should add  that the Greek Orthodox Church never recognized that council. But the Roman Catholic Church did so all the more! However, the decisions taken then were apparently not sufficient, because seventy years later, in the year 451, another church council was held, the Council of Chalcedonia. There, "official" decision were taken about the unity of the divine nature and human nature. "We", (aeonic, nature-born entities) "are linked with Christ" they said. The greatest betrayal of all times, the betrayal of Christ, whose holy name was attached like a label to all kinds of doctrinal tenets, began in the year 451. Christ and Mary were made into parade horses for the church, into purely aeonic gods.

From "The Classic Betrayal" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis Vol III - Jan van Rijckenborgh


There's a very good reason why the church is held in such disdain and low regard. The masses can sense that the institution is out-of-touch with its doctrine. It consistently says one thing and does another. This was not a problem in the Middle Ages, when poverty, fear and superstition kept the uneducated, un-questioning populace under the thumb of the cruel and amoral Popes. But we have now entered the Dawn of a New Age. All that is old, all that serves the Beast must be wiped away, purged by the Astral Fire that has come to purify this planet's material-sphere and reflection-sphere.

The Christ brought an important message for mankind as well as tangible benefits for the Earth and her future inhabitants. He passed on the Universal Doctrine of the Gnosis to his apostles, disciples and followers. These ones proceeded to spread the Pure Doctrine to the four corners of the known world at that time.

In the three hundred years following the departure of the Christ (notice the word 'departure', not 'death') the Pure Doctrine survived and thrived. Then, a devious plan was put into motion. Church 'fathers", in the interest of wanting to maintain control over the unwashed masses, joined forces to cobble together a unified church doctrine from among the amalgam of gnostic, pagan and pharisaic teachings that abounded. At least, that was their public purpose. Their REAL purpose was to delete, expunge and ban any and all of the true gnostic teachings that had been presented by the Christ during his sojourn on earth. The most important of these were

-- the doctrine of the two universes
-- the doctrine of transfiguration
-- the identities and purposes of the aeons

Without these key components of the Original Pure Doctrine, the new church's dogma was but a shell of what the Christ had taught. In the 1600 years since the first Council, things just got more and more diluted. The Doctrine of the Pure One devolved into the hollow "churchianity" which today we know so well. Millions have fallen on their knees before these false teachings, their souls captured after death to feed the aeons of the church.

For the past two thousand years, those who've tried to keep the Pure Doctrine alive have been persecuted, slandered, hunted down and massacred in a bloodthirsty attempt to exterminate the Gnosis, the Christ's true teachings, from the face of the earth. By way of example, most, if not all, of the Apostles met a horrific end. Then there was Mani in the 3rd century, the Cathars (Albigensians) during early 13th century, the Knights Templar, the classical Rosicrucians of the 15th century, all were pursued and brought to a bad end by the unholy di-unity of church and state. These happenings have been purged from the history books in order to control cand constrict your view of the world. If you want to know the truth about religion in the past 2,000 years, you must start with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd centuries after Christ. Because that is when the Truth was buried and the Beast took its seat on the throne.

One thing is certain. The diabolical beast-with-horns did not succeed in their attempt to eradicate the Gnosis from the earth-plane. It has resurfaced in this era stronger than ever and performing its sacred duty of awakening souls and directing them to the true Path of Liberation.

During these present times, critical times for the souls of all men and women, the church is the last place one wishes to be. Stay out of the churches! They exist solely to drain you of your light-power. The very light-power that you will need in order to successfully navigate the coming Transition. The churches utilize magic practices of which man is unaware in order to bind souls to their aeons while they are in the flesh as well as beyond-the-veil. The clergy act as the procurers, the carnival barkers, who will try to pull you into the snare by any means necessary.

Denomination does not matter. One man-made religion is no different from the other. All are flawed distortions. All serve the same aeon. You have been warned. Stay out of the churches.

Stay out of the churches!

~ g

19 January 2013

A Jump In Evolution

The following was originally posted on 7 May 2009.

Excerpted from "What Is To Come (Part II)" -- Universal Link - Borup, Denmark


This is a Message of Love to Mankind. God is Love and God is Merciful. God is The Almighty. God is He who guides Everything and Everyone. God is the Source of Life - nothing can live without God. And for this reason it would not be possible to do what we are going to do to the Earth without it being the Absolute Will of God.

Cleansing and Purification

Baptism was introduced and the baptismal service executed as a Rite, symbolising the Cleansing of the Spirit. Water was used as the spiritual Cleanser. It was water that symbolized the fact that one was desirous of that Spirit and Soul who wholly and sincerely wanted to give itself under God. Now I can inform you that we stand before a gigantic baptism, a new Baptism of Mankind. It is a baptism conditioning Admission into a stage of The Hierarchy where Man has hitherto never found himself. This baptism does not require Water, but Fire. Now Fire will be used as the Cleanser.

Fire will strike the Earth, The Earth will be purified in Fire, - but he who hears the Voice and he who heeds the Voice will - as truly as I am he who I am - be elevated into the air and from there witness what will happen to the Earth, which will be Cleaned and Purified in Fire; thereafter he will descend to Earth and continue his life in a new Spirit and with new Knowledge and new Understanding - in daily communion with Us and with Me - and consequently with God. Truly, it will be God's Kingdom now coming to Earth.

A "Jump" In Evolution

When you look about you in Nature you perceive infinitely many life forms manifested on this Earth on which you walk. Every single form of Life represents some part of God. Everything you see has been created by Him, by His force and His Spirit. When God desires that some life should go from one form to another it happens suddenly through a huge Upheaval. Man has seen and wondered at such upheavals, he has not been able to explain them, nor has he been able to understand how they happen. They have been called "mutations" and consist in a sudden "Jump" upwards on the Ladder - the Ladder of Life, on the road of Life towards God, to the great understanding of God and the close communion with God and to Life in His Spirit, manifested through His Law: True Fellowship Of All Beings.

It is a mutation like this that is now going to take place with Mankind - a Spiritual Mutation. Help will be coming to you from a rung above yours to help you acquire an Understanding of the value of God's Law. People have known God's Law for thousands of years - first in the law of Moses, later as it was written down by the four evangelists (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) - yes, it is all there; and when Man gets to understand it - when Man realizes its Meaning and tries to live accordingly, wholly and fully, then he will experience this Spiritual Mutation, and it will happen quickly.

How Life Will Be

The people here mentioned, who are to acquire this Spiritual Mutation, will come back to Earth in an entirely new Light - with an entirely new Knowledge - and, with Help from the Outside, given directly by Us, so that the Earth may once again become fertile and once again be able to produce the things the Earth was meant to produce. God's Spirit will be over everything and everyone, God's Spirit will help us reach the level we are meant to reach through mutual assistance. Every life on the Earth will be influenced by this. When I say that every life will be influenced it may sound strange to Man, but - just remember the old scriptures - it has been said as you know, that the Lion shall eat grass with the Sheep and this will come to happen. This will make you realize what happens when a planet is Elevated one step and Understanding becomes Perfect.

Man will live so perfectly that he will be able to manage everything and everyone surrounding him in such a way that everything will be in Peace and Harmony. No Killing will take place anymore. No Animal will ever again suffer harm. Everything will rest in peace and harmony. - Spiritual Understanding will not as yet be quite Perfect, but elevated so high that Life will in actual fact become as Paradise itself compared to the Life which has hitherto been manifested by Man. Thus it should be understood - for thus it is and so it will be.

Tribulation and "Loss"

There has been talk of perdition, but truly I say unto you - as I have said before: Nothing of that which has been Created will be Lost. The only Forfeit there is will be the loss of possibility this time to achieve that level which a great part of Humanity is to attain. But then this is something quite different. I have explained that it is a Spiritual Purification that is about to take place on Earth and he who does not fulfill the stipulations of the Law will be lost to this Earth - that is quite clear, but he or she will certainly not be lost to God.

It is not possible to be lost to God. God is always with every human being - as well as with all other living beings. Life continues Universally, Life continues Eternally - only that it continues elsewhere and on a level which the man or woman in question fulfills hierarchically speaking. That is to say: Those who are now "lost" are lost in the way that they will continue their lives in accordance with their present terrestrial patterns - in some other place. However, wait and see when My coming is a Reality, then you will find it a Loss, after all. Just imagine Yourself standing with a Friend on the fourth rung of a ladder, and your Friend suddenly takes one step upwards while you remain on the fourth rung. Then of course you have been left behind as compared with him, although you are still there.


We are about to experience a tremendous leap in human evolution, a "bridging of the gap" that will propel a significant number of humans towards the next phase of experience. There is a reason why there are "missing links" which confound science. Evolution proceeds slowly, gradually, until a point is reached where a new dispensation requires a new form of life.When this Turning Point is reached, a tension is created that builds up to a critical mass. When that critical mass is reached and the Time comes for a portion of mankind to take a Step Forward...


~ g

18 January 2013

God, Inc.

There are seven Cosmic Planes of existence. God, the All, the One True Creator, resides on the 1st Cosmic Plane. Technically, The All is everywhere, permeates everything and this remains true. But in relation to the Creation that emanates from It, we consider the 1st Cosmic Plane as the "home" of The All.

At the top of the diagram above, The All is Power. At the beginning of a Cosmic Day of Manifestation, there is nothing but The All. Everything else is in latency, potentiality.

The All then emanates from itself two aspects:

The Word

...and essentially forms a Trinity, a Tri-Unity.

The Word is the Love-aspect of God. This Love-aspect is the divine building-material of the Creation. When acted upon by the Motion-aspect, Universes are born. Life happens.

Emanating from this Original Tri-Unity are The Seven Great Logoi (sometimes referred to as The Seven Rays). These Divine Seven are sent forth to administer the Creation.

The Seven Logoi are omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient. They are created in the image of The One True Creator. They are completely in league with The All, and act as Divine Emissaries whose duty it is to bring the Thought of the All into manifestation.

Each of these original seven Logoi, in emulation of their Creator, issue forth seven sub-logoi of their own. These sub-logoi manifest on the next Cosmic Plane, the 2nd. As shown on the far right, each of these sub-logoi issue seven sub-sub-logoi. This method of extension repeats itself down through the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Cosmic Domains. The 7th Cosmic Domain is the duality in which we reside. It has seven sub-planes, the Seven Worlds of our physical domain.

Each sub-Logos is a mighty sun principle. These suns will have one or more planets in orbit around it. The sub-logos are charged with administering to their own creations in their own local systems. Each one of these systems we refer to as solar systems.

When you look into the night sky, realize that practically every star that you see is a sub-Logos, a Sun with at least one planet within its solar system.

Our Sun is such a Logos. This Logos is the God of our solar system. In the image of the One True Creator, it also has three aspects - Will, Wisdom and Activity. It emanated from itself seven sub-Logoi and they reside on the 1st plane of this 7th Cosmic Domain.

Each of these Logoi and sub-logoi are Gods in their own right. They are not the One True Creator, but are, in a manner-of-speaking, offspring of The All. These Logos are divine on the higher planes (1st thru 6th Cosmic Domain). On the 7th Cosmic Domain, all sub-logos are, to some extent, subject to duality.

If one studies the diagram, it will become evident that the total number of sub-logoi throughout the seven Cosmic Planes must be staggering. To this day, this writer has yet to do the math on how many are implied by this diagram.

That summarizes the makeup of the Divine Hierarchies of Logoi who create, command and guide their own solar systems in different universes, in seven different planes of matter. The One True Creator divides Itself into 'sub-creators' and allows them the freedom to create as they will. Like a giant  corporation, The All sits at the head and delegates the work of Creation to divine subordinates endowed with tremendous creative powers. When this creative activity is in line with the Thought of the All, things are swell. But when any of these sub-creations or creatures veer away from the Divine Plan, problems arise. That is how our human life-wave managed to fall from the 6th Cosmic Plane to this un-divine 7th, the Plane of Duality. Man became self-willed and stopped following the Divine Plan. The end result of this was a Fall.

We are currently in Cosmic Kindergarten, learning the most basic lessons of Love and Service. Liberating ourselves from the 7th Cosmic Plane and returning to the Divine 6th is the important task that we must accomplish at present.

One final note: at some point in the distant future, if humanity diligently follows the Divine Plan of Evolution, we will unite to become a Logos, a mighty sun with a solar system of our own to manage. Even so, our evolution will not stop there. Together, we shall continue ever onwards and upwards in a golden spiral of eternal Becoming.

The future that lies before us is so vast, so magnificent. It is our destiny to evolve from power to power, and from glory to glory.

Begin to honor the promise of your destiny. Abandon your self-willedness. Cease focusing on what the self wants, what the self likes / dislikes, what the self is feeling, etc. The best way to attract the healing, empowering rays of the Gnosis is to focus our energies away from ourselves and instead, towards our fellow man.

Live in service to others.

Love... all others...no matter who, no matter what. Maintain compassion for those who may wrong you, not hate.

Give...what you can, if you can, to whoever is truly in need. And we're not talking about money. Lend an ear. Lend a hand. Lend your heart.

Serve...find a way to help awaken a brother or sister who is still in darkness. If they do not respond, leave them to their destiny.

The Path to Liberation is paved by ACTION. When we allow God to work through us, we will be solidly on our way to regaining our Divine Inheritance.

all love,

~ g

"Start Where You Are, Use What You Have, Do What You Can"

15 January 2013

The Imperishable Seed Within (Conclusion)


Who and what is the New Man who arises from the Imperishable Seed? Who and what is the New Man, who is beckoning and calling you from the frontier you have reached? He is the Soul-man, who belongs to Eternity, he is the one whose Soul has been reborn. 

The dualistic human being who walks the path of the endura is the last entity in that microcosm to fall prey to the Realm of Death. In the Gospels, he is called John. The Soul-man is the First Man, the Jesus-man, who belongs to the Realm of Eternity.

The dualistic person who is willing to die the death of self-sacrifice for the Imperishable Seed within him, the person who is truly willing to be a Rosicrucian, passes through the gates of the voluntary death, via an alchemical transformation, into Eternity.  You will realize that there is much to be said on this subject, and that the candidate must know and experience a great deal before he can walk this sanctifying path of dying in Jesus the Lord. He must first walk The Way of the Cross with Roses, that magnificent path of sorrows. Yet, brothers and sisters, do not stop trying, do not lose heart; never stop trying. Otherwise your mistakes will be innumerable and you will never know whether you are strong enough. And anyone who does not know, and is therefore unable to dedicate himself to the laws of The Path, will be repeatedly misled by countless false lights and run the risk of becoming entirely lost to The Path. Remember the Biblical words: "My people are lost for lack of Knowledge".

That is why the candidate who devotes himself to the Path of the Rose, the path of liberating Service, has to walk a sevenfold road. This road is described in-depth in The Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross. It is the Path of Rebirth of the Original Man, a path that always leads through a valley of death. For rebirth to happen, something must die in order that something else -- something more noble, more sublime, more exalted -- might be given the opportunity to manifest itself. That is why this Path is characterized not only by profound joy and new inner unfoldment, but also -- to a certain extent and only for a time -- by suffering and sorrow. However, it is the suffering of the Fire of Purification, which destroys everything unholy and debased, in order to prepare a place for what is Immaculate, Pure and Imperishable.

All those who perceive the distress and the suffering of mankind in these times, and experience The Call going out from the Gnosis to the depths of his heart, will be unable to do otherwise than resolve to follow this sevenfold path of elevation and service.

Countless multitudes have been taught from childhood on to seek the kingdom of God, the realm of Christ, outside themselves. In consequence, all the values, all the abilities present in them for the purpose of establishing this kingdom, flow away. In this way, as if in a warped mirror-image, they project outside themselves what should be established within them. This image has no reality, no life, but is the product of delusion.

The Light, the modern Spiritual School of the Gnosis, cries out to all of them: Turn around! Return to your true Path of Life! You, too, can bring to life the Divine Nuclear Principle within you, the Rose of the Heart in your heart sanctuary. In you, too, the magical blood of renewal can perform  the miracle of Rebirth.

The Path we are showing to you must not be sought outside yourself -- where you will find only delusion and clouds of mist -- but turn to the Kingdom of God that is within you. Unlock this Divine World and set free the Immortal Man, the Soul-man in your heart, through your total, alchemical sacrifice. In the Rose you possess the Key to that world.

May the impending world revolution be, for all of us, the Dawn of Attainment!

Afterword - Esoteric Analysis of the Alchemical Wedding - Jan van Rijckenborgh


14 January 2013

The Imperishable Seed Within


We would like now to speak to those who are consciously preparing for the immediate future, in an awareness of all the coming events. We want to address those who possess a personality whose consciousness is focused upon the Magnificent and Glorious Aim that lies at the foundation of our microcosm. That aim is to awaken from its sleep of death the last remnant of the Original Man that lies sunken in the microcosm as an imperishable seed, and bring it to new life.

This Imperishable Seed in the centre of the microcosm is the foremost thing that has been forgotten by present-day man. It is this Seed of which the Bible says: "The Kingdom of God is within you", indeed, God Himself lies sunken within you. Having been mis-informed for centuries, present-day mankind has forgotten that the Kingdom of God is not to be sought outside himself. And it goes without saying that if one seeks outside what is only present inside, one will never find, and will stray further and further. And as a result one will fall all the more rapidly into the power of the anti-man within.

We call the last remnant of the Original Man -- the Christ-principle in man -- the "Rose of the Heart". When the personality is born in the microcosm, the Rose of the Heart coincides with the heart of the personality, and it will be able to manifest itself therein, provided the necessary conditions are created. Thus, the Rose is not a part of the personality and cannot be pin-pointed in it organically. The Rose is an organic part of the microcosm, and it is always at the disposal of the personality that is prepared to accept its high calling, its One True Vocation, and to demonstrate his willingness with action. Then, as we put it,  "the Rose is attached to the Cross", to the 'cross' of the personality. The dynamic personality, properly orientated, then receives the Seed-Grain of Renewal in the heart sanctuary and thus becomes a true Rosicrucian.

If a human being takes the decision to place his life in the service of his high, divine calling, and approach The Path in humility, he comes into contact with the radiation-field of the universal Gnosis. This exalted radiation-field is cosmic in nature, and in it the Divine Seed, the Last Remnant, can grow and flourish. It is impossible for this Imperishable Seed to germinate in the field of degenerate duality. Anyone who remains in that field and goes on absorbing himself in it so that it claims all of his attention, will perish; he will go the way of all flesh. Such a person can never be called a Rosicrucian; he can never, with C.R.C., be a Brother of the Rosycross.

All who wish to walk the True Path of Liberation need the light of the gnostic sun, the sunlight, the solar power radiating from the heart of our planet. And yet, the personality of the person who has to carry the Divine Seed to the Light, who must serve and help the Rose for such a long time, is entirely of this dualistic nature. So it is the person of whom it is said: "Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God" and thus cannot enter it, who must begin and accomplish The Great Work.

This is quite a marvelous situation, is it not? So marvelous, that anyone who fully fathoms its significance is, as it were, shot through with joy and gratitude. The human being who has fastened the Rose to the Cross, has temporarily connected duality and the Gnosis, time and eternity. This is clearly a scientific impossibility, a state that cannot be maintained. For that reason, the dualistic personality will devote himself to this impossibility, by serving totally the Rose of the Heart, the Imperishable Seed in him. His devotion and service will be so complete that he begins to prepare himself to die the alchemical death of self-surrender. He fulfills the words: 'He who is willing to lose his life for My sake, shall find the life'. The person who dedicates himself in this way, in total self-surrender to the Rose, enters transfiguration. It is a fully conscious, existential perishing in an absolute endura. It is the process exemplified by many Brotherhoods in the past.

The dualistic human being who thus devotes himself to the immortal Rose of the Heart, knows that he is entering a radiation-field that is not his. He knows that he will be totally consumed by it. So he dedicates himself to the fire, to the divine flames of Purification. Realize the mighty significance, the profound meaning of all those stories about this, which have been handed down to us from the past! For it is just this that is so wonderful: that if we dedicate our entire mortal being to the divine fire, that fire means Life for us.

A dualistic person who remains true to his nature, goes the way of death. Eventually, nothing will be left of him. But anyone who walks the path of the endura in total self-sacrifice, in complete devotion to the Original Man in him, is alchemically integrated into The New Man. Through the fire of his Way of the Cross, he merges alchemically with the New Human Being that arises from the Imperishable Seed. He is resurrected in the Other One. And in him unfolds a true alchemical wedding, just like the one C.R.C. describes. His voluntary perishing, his endura, is thus a death unto Life, a resurrection into imperishability, in contrast to dualistic death which is inescapably accompanied by the total destruction of nature.

From the Afterword of Esoteric Analysis of the Alchemical Wedding - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Imagine a transparent sphere in three dimensions. That sphere represents your microcosm. In the middle of the sphere, place a tiny dot. That tiny dot represents the Imperishable Seed, the Divine-Spark, the Rosebud. Now, place a human form within the transparent sphere, aligning it in such a way that the Rosebud is aligned with the the upper right-ventricle of the physical heart. This is the configuration of the microcosm and the personality when we are born.

At birth and during our lifetime there is no connection between the Divine-Spark and the human personality. A link between the two has not yet been established. This Divine-Spark, the Rose of the Heart "...is the divine seed which has been kept as a promise of salvation within fallen man, so that, one day, the moment will come when he will remember his Origin and will be filled with a longing for the House of the Father. Then the light of the spiritual sun, the light of the Gnosis, can awaken the slumbering Rose-bud. After a positive and persevering reaction the Process of Regeneration will commence in accordance with the Divine Plan of Salvation".

Just as a tiny seed carries within it everything necessary to generate a mighty adult tree, so too, does the sevenfold Divine-Spark contains within it everything that is required to re-establish the Original Divine Human Being. The Imperishable Seed lies dormant within the hearts of each one of us, waiting for us to execute the actions necessary to awaken It. Instead, we insist on taking the path of least resistance, content to frolic and play in the mud-pile that is this illusory existence, life after life failing to find our way to the House of the Father.

A seed requires good soil, water and sunshine in order to fulfil its potential. With these few humble assets, it can execute its pre-ordained mission to grow into a mighty tree. Awakening the Divine-Spark requires that man turn his gaze away from the physical illusion and begin to yearn with all his heart for the True Life, for a Return Home. It is this heartfelt longing that will attract the radiations of the Gnosis. This divine "rain" will then water the Imperishable Seed that man carries within. The petals of the Rose-bud, so tightly closed for so many long ages, will thirstily receive these divine radiations (for like attracts like) and steadily begin to unfold.

It is only then that the link between the Divine-Spark and the physical human is cemented. The "Rose" of the microcosm has been attached to "the Cross" of physical matter: man! The Great Work of alchemical transformation can begin! Thanks Be!

Do your part to ensure that this wonderful process of Re-birth can take place within you. You have all of the ingredients necessary to "bake this cake". What is now required is that you gain knowledge of the process while simultaneously making a fundamental reversal in the way that you live your life. There is nothing to be afraid of. You will not "die" or cease to be. In truth of fact, you will finally live. You will live in the manner that was intended for all of mankind prior to The Fall: Divine. Immortal. In Unity with All That Is.

May you attract, by way of your earnest longing, Living Water for the divine Seed you carry within.

Dei Gloria Intacta!

~ g

13 January 2013

The Great Initiative - Conclusion


It will now not be difficult for you to form an idea of the reaction of the greater part of mankind to this manifestation of the Universal Brotherhood. In the radiative power of this temporary enlightenment, mankind will need to make some very radical decisions. If necessary, this manifestation will take place three times in all, in order to ensure that even the most primitive will be able to understand what is required of them.

In this way, the door to the New Life will be opened wide. You will perhaps realize that not only will the individual psyche be restored as far as possible, but an amazing purification will also be brought about in all human beings, in all spheres of life, as a result of this experience and the effects of this mighty Light-Power.

The result will be a social revolution so grandiose and impressive that literally nothing in our current existence can be compared with it. Mankind will be guided into seven new courses of development involving all races, and no area will remain unaffected by this Great Transformation.

The Spirit-Soul will be able to descend, as a result of which man will be able to grow day-by-day in his discernment of good and evil, in his ability to determine what is in keeping with the Divine Plan and what is not. The religions will no longer blunder and grope, and theology as a science will disappear entirely while, needless to say, numerous other fields of science will change considerably.

Try to imagine this, for instance, in relation to morality; in relation to scientific goals, in relation to inner-city life and everything connected with it. In short, a mighty world revolution will rake place that will leave scarcely a single spot on earth untouched.

Our purpose in discussing all this is to ensure that you are ready to face it with the minimum of fuss. That is why we said that it would be a process in which the whole of mankind will have to grow, in which the whole of mankind will have to be educated. Present-day society is diseased to the core. It is riddled in every aspect with the cancer of lies, deceit and insincerity, and afflicted by the dangerous illness of all manner of speculations. What an intense blessing it will be when all mankind has been led into these healing processes of the psyche.

For so long we have been wrestling with the limits imposed upon us, in our efforts to pass through them. Well, that passage will be granted. All mankind will be led into a totally different state-of-life. And the consequences can be well-imagined. What an enormous work of reformation will have to be performed in every country and for every nation! For everyone will be faced with the harmonious and systematic fulfilment of the Great Divine Plan for the world and mankind, in and through self-realization.

In the coming times, the modern Spiritual School will give evidence of the place it occupies as servant of the Brotherhood. Working from its magnificent "Home Sancti Spiritus", its sevenfold Living Body, the Brotherhood of the Rosycross will permit nothing which is not in conformity with The Great Plan.

In the way described, mankind will enter an entirely new cultural period with a genuinely upward course. All psychological delusions of grandeur and conceit will be broken through so that each person will, if possible. be brought to his senses. As a result, many will be brought down from their pedestals, but equally, many will discover for the first time how much they are blessed on their path through life.

In this way, Truth and Reality will develop.  The veils of appearances will fall away from mankind. And thus processes will unfold which will involve harmonious, structural changes in every human being without exception. When all human beings have been guided into new channels psychologically and light begin to dawn in mans psyche, the racial body, too, will gradually become more subtle and the effects of the gravitational forces will also change, with enormous consequences.

The modern Spiritual School has brought about certain changes in its internal structure in order to prepare itself and its pupils for this totally new future. As School of the Golden Rosycross, we shall of course co-operate in total allegiance with the great World Brotherhood, since in everything that is to come we shall be expected to stand in True, Serving Love.

Therefore, brothers and sisters, all you who can understand the true essence of this Call, prepare yourselves as far as you are able. Dedicate yourself completely to The Great Work for Mankind, which is in need of so many servants.

From the Afterword of Esoteric Analysis of the Alchemical Wedding - Jan van Rijckenborgh


We have been given fore-knowledge of what is to come. A New Heaven and a New Earth will soon be mankind's New Reality. Stay ahead of the curve. Prepare now for that which is to come.

Love. Give. Serve.

~ g

11 January 2013

The Great Initiative


Like us, you will no doubt find the prospect of the world and mankind's current state anything but uplifting. One could easily lose heart over it. There are so few really sound, uncorrupted human beings in this world, and the majority neither heed them nor have faith in them. They are not capable of having faith in them, owing to the increasing degeneration of mankind's psychological state, and the thereby increasing power of the anti-man's grip. Thus, mankind has come to the end of its journey to the nadir of materiality. As we said before, its art, science and religion, as they have been known until now, have become worthless as sources of help and solutions. So what perspective is still open to mankind?

Powerless and without hope, he stands at the frontier, called to self-realization. And he has not prepared himself for this task in any way. Therefore, we ask again: what prospect does man have? Where is the supreme remedy that will break through the obstacles in and around the human being?

The young, gnostic Brotherhood answers that in this state of helplessness, the possibility has been born for the Sevenfold World Brotherhood of Christ to take a mighty world initiative, an initiative so far-reaching, so overpowering that the entire world dispensation will be changed by it.

Let us review the cardinal points. Firstly, the Moon Forces have totally withdrawn, as we explained. These forces, the Moon Angels, belong to a life-wave which in certain respects has preceded us on the Path of Development, but which does not belong to the human life-wave. Their task with respect to mankind was to help it along the road to the nadir of materiality, to stand by it until the descent had become total. This has now taken place.

That is why, in the service of the Christ Hierarchy, called in His name and by His task, the Sevenfold World Brotherhood must now take the initiative in the guidance of mankind. And we have explained why the initial stages of this period of transition are characterized by great confusion and the threat of terrible disaster. It is clear, though, that if man is to follow a path of self-realization, in the sense of genuinely transcending matter, in the sense of journeying back to the Original Fatherland, he will need to be capable of it. And if there are obstacles, they will need to be removed.

And we know that there are obstacles without number. There are countless difficulties -  we experience them. We also know that the powers and abilities that have served man until now, and which he is still trying to use, offer not a single hope of solution, not one prospect of healing for all the ills which threaten his destruction. That is the lesson mankind now has to learn, from bitter experience and in the face of extremely painful acts. The saying: "He who is not willing to hear, must feel," applies not only to child-rearing but is also a law of mankind's course of development.

So the trials at the border, the afflictions of the time in which we are living, are intended to make you  profoundly aware...that mankind has reached a total deadlock, or is rapidly approaching one.

In full awareness, you will need to understand what this experience has to teach you; you will need to feel and experience profoundly the pain of it. And when you have passed through the inevitable ordeal, when you are really working hard at the inner realization of its lessons, and the how and why of it all is beginning to glimmer in your consciousness, you will discover that neither communism, nor socialism, nor democracy, nor fascism, nor any natural-religious or atheistic form of life has any sense at all. And you will realize that no form of advancement is possible on the basis of the lying, quibbling practices that prevail between men and nations.

And then the Sevenfold World Brotherhood will take its Great Initiative, in order to give new direction to the world's course of development, which has reached a state of total stagnation and deadlock. And imprisoned mankind, diseased and ill to the very core, will be set free by this initiative.

How? By what initiative? Certainly not an international appeal or action, or some large-scale media campaign. And certainly not by opening special temples here  and there, although naturally, some temples will retain their value.

No, the Brotherhood will work through an initiative that can be experienced simultaneously by the whole of mankind, including the most primitive and even the most criminal and hardened people. An initiative, then, that no-one will be able to deny or repudiate. It will be a manifestation that will last at least twenty-four hours in one of the most subtle of the material domains, the stratosphere, and it will happen in such a way that every eye shall see it, every ear shall hear it and all the senses man possesses will react to it. It will be a manifestation of the Sevenfold World Brotherhood intended for all people and all races. All Brotherhoods participating in the Universal Chain will contribute. This manifestation will be accompanied by an intense outpouring of electromagnetic energy which will affect the entire human system and bring about a profound reaction in every human being. Among other things, this reaction will, for a time, bring about a certain condition in the head sanctuary of every human being, comparable with what we call the Spirit-Soul state.

As a result, human beings will temporarily have access to a certain amount of first-hand Knowledge and will have an active third eye at their disposal. They will thus become temporarily visionary and behold the plan of God for the world and mankind. They will begin to understand their True Task and Calling, and also what will happen if they refuse it.

End Part I

From Afterword - Esoteric Analysis of the Alchemical Wedding - Jan van Rijckenborgh


This future Event is not to be confused with the anticipated Fake Return of the Christ, which will attempt to trick man into believing that the New Testament legend has physically returned to earth. No, these are our Elder Brothers in service to the Divine Plan of Salvation and they will be executing a mission they have waited long ages to perform.

For a brief but glorious period of time, Man's "eye" will be opened. The Truth will be revealed to all. Those who have not yet done so will mercifully be given a final opportunity to make their Choice before the curtain falls.

You don't have to believe what you've just read. You just have to remember it.

~ g

09 January 2013

The Moon Angels


Those who have some knowledge of the inner realities that lie behind appearances, determining the life of mankind, know that until a comparatively short time ago, certain hierarchies of beings we call Moon Angels had to help guide man's destiny according to the Divine Plan.  They had to ensure the progress of humanity's course of unfoldment within certain limits, avoiding as far as possible any catastrophic development of the intellect, whilst still allowing the relative freedom of choice necessary for the growth of man's consciousness.

When the time came in which the mental faculties of a significant portion of mankind had developed sufficiently to be able to understand the plan of God and the path to its fulfilment, it became necessary to rouse mankind to greater self-responsibility. This was the moment the guiding hierarchies had been waiting for. The birth of what we refer to historically as "the Christian era" was the beginning of the time in which the Moon Hierarchies began to withdraw, to make room for the new path of development which had to be unlocked for mankind. This Path would lead man to the  Living Soul-State and the restored link with the Spirit under the guidance of the Christ and His Hierarchy.

Thus as mankind, we really are at a mighty turning point of the times, which accounts for the immense confusion affecting all areas of life. All the old values are falling away from man, or they are being shaken to such an extent that he is deprived of the certainty he needs so much.

Since the beginning of this era, the Moon Forces have withdrawn completely and mankind has entered, for the most part unconsciously, the state in which self-realization offers the only way out. The old norms expressed in religious ethical and other precepts and laws imparted by the Moon Hierarchies in the course of the ages, have lost their grip on mankind and man feels as if he is standing in a vacuum. People are exploring and seeking desperately for new certainties, new norms within which they can feel safe to some extent. But they do not find them. And they will never be found as long as people seek outside of themselves.

Mankind has entered the Period of Self-Realization, a time which has been announced since the beginning with the words: "The Kingdom of God is within you. Seek first the Kingdom, and all else will be added unto you". But now the urgent question arises: Is man ready for that? Has he made himself ready for the Great, Inescapable Task?

Afterword - Esoteric Analysis of the Alchemical Wedding - Jan van Rijckenborgh


There are innumerable entities that have been entrusted with overseeing and assisting the development of our human life-wave. The Moon Angels guided man during the Atlantean era right through the very early stages of this present Aryan epoch. These forces withdrew by design, as it was time to allow humanity to stand on its own and undergo the often painful experiences that would be necessary to bring its development to a certain point.

We have now reached the end of a major world-cycle of 75,000 years. It is time for the Logos to reap the fruits of what has been sown. As we approach the Time of the Reaping, another group of divine entities are standing by, waiting in the wings for their opportunity to assist mankind through our next glorious turn on the divine Spiral of Evolution.

~ g

No One Needs To Be Lost!


The crucial point is as follows, and we would like to ask your full attention for what we have to say. In its course through the world, mankind has reached the nadir of materiality. Matter will never be more dense, more solid, than it is now This phase is accompanied by the Time Of The End and the return to an upward course. This change of direction will be expressed in what one could call a "spiritualization" of matter, not in the sense of glorification, but in the sense of becoming more subtle, more refined.

In our view, this process has already begun, to a certain extent. This rarification of matter will mean that it is progressively dissolved. This is what the Book of Revelations means by "the fall of Babylon". Matter, all material structures, and everything that depends on matter for its existence, will not be able to maintain itself in the way currently possible, for the atomic state of the earth will be entirely transformed.

So it goes without saying that the rock-hard, materialistic human being whose hopes and strivings are focused entirely on matter, will not be able to go on in this way. As a result of the way in which the nature and structure of atoms is changing on our earth, a dividing line will shortly be drawn through the whole of mankind.

This does not mean, as is sometimes said, that mankind will be exterminated by dragons, monstrous reptiles, and the like, although the idea is indeed portrayed in certain symbolic stories and legends. No, the material human being will pass judgement upon himself! And that is something quite different. He who is of matter will quite naturally be judged by matter. He will have to bear the consequences of his condition.

That is why we are drawing your attention yet again, as we have been doing for so many years in the modern Spiritual School, to the crucial factor in all this: your state of consciousness. This is primarily controlled by your serpent-fire, which culminates in the head sanctuary. With the condition and possibilities available in our time, you are quite capable of adapting the serpent-fire system to the requirements of the Divine Plan for the world and mankind.

Knowing all this, we can imagine to a certain extent how the future will be for the world and mankind. Now that the nadir of materiality has been reached and our order of existence has therefore reached the bottom-most point of its descent, the atomic conditions of our world are changing, turning towards an ascent. In this way, a New Heaven and a New Earth will be unveiled.

No-one knows how quickly this development will unfold. No-one can tell how much time is left for us to join one of the groups that will be saved. But we can state with certainty that anyone who has heard The Voice and adapts himself wholeheartedly to The Plan, and thus, as a fundamental component of the Divine Plan, genuinely wins the Soul, is linked with the Spirit and will be helped in one way or another. So in fact, no-one needs to be lost! Everything depends on your own directedness and the way of life you consequently lead.

The holy language of the Book of Revelations tells of a group of human beings who are indeed engaged in the process of Redemption, but still lack the sign of the Son of Man and the mark on the right hand. In these people, the process of Liberation was begun during their life on earth. Thus, the serpent-fire was in manifestation to a greater or lesser extent, but The Process was prevented from continuing by their death, because various components of the personality were no longer present. In other words, the alteration of the atoms had overtaken them in their course of development. Such persons are nonetheless spared, they are preserved in a certain domain of transition so that in due time it will still be possible for them to be saved.

That is why we want to tell you that as long as you still exist here, as a human being in matter, there is always a possibility for you to be saved, provided you at least make a start with the serpent-fire process. For - do understand this - the Brotherhood will keep on helping you right up to the last moment. For it is the wish of our liberators, the Servants of the Gnosis, that no-one shall be lost!

From "The Seventh Day of Creation" - Esoteric Analysis of the Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Just one note. In the foregoing, the concept of being "saved" should not be construed in the manner put forth for long ages by the lying churches. "Churchianity" dangles their brand of salvation as a carrot-on-a-stick to appeal to the fear in those who do not know better.

To be saved, as referenced above, means that one's soul-state has reached a point where transfiguration is possible.

Remember: no-one needs to be lost!

~ g

08 January 2013

Caterpillar : Butterfly, Man : Angel

trans·fig·ure [trans-fig-yer] 

1. to change in outward form or appearance; transform.
2. to change so as to glorify or exalt.

Synonyms: transmute, renew.

met·a·mor·pho·sis [met-uh-mawr-fuh-sis]

1. Biology . a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism, as from the caterpillar to the pupa and from the pupa to the adult butterfly. .
2. a complete change of form, structure, or substance, as transformation by magic 
3. any complete change in appearance, character, circumstances, etc.
4. a form resulting from any such change.

Synonyms: mutation, transmutation.

trans·mute [trans-myoot]

to change from one nature, substance, form, or condition into another; transform.

Synonyms: metamorphose, convert, alter.

Much has been written here about the process of Transfiguration, which is the One Goal of Humanity, our Only Purpose for being here. What is Transfiguration?

Transfiguration is the process whereby the Sleeping Soul is awakened from the divine-spark of the personality. If properly nurtured, it will weave a new garment, a new light-vesture made of pure ethers, right alongside the old, mortal soul that we are born with. As this purification proceeds, at a given moment the Spirit, the Bridegroom, will descend upon the candidate in order to effect a re-unification with the reborn Spirit-Soul. From that point, the etheric vehicle undergoes its transformation. All of this occurs while the candidate retains his or her nature-born vehicles. These are maintained only to the biological minimum required for the proper functioning of the dense, physical body in the natural world. 

Outwardly, there will appear to be no change in the person, but inwardly? Ahhh! The true candidate lives two lives, but consciously endeavors to think and act out of self-surrender and service-to-others. If he or she persists in this effort then transfiguration, a transmutation of matter, can and will take place.

Only one human has been able to successfully complete this transformation on this side of the veil (initials J.C.). His Mission was twofold:

(a) to demonstrate The Way for future generations to follow and
(b) to provide physical proof that the process of Transfiguration is real.

However, during this special opportunity which always occurs at the end of a Major World Cycle of 75,000 years, humans now incarnate on this planet have the chance to effect the very same transfiguration as that single great entity achieved over 2,000 years ago.

Hard to believe? If something as lowly and insignificant as a caterpillar can transmute its cell structure and "magically" transfigure into a butterfly, why is it hard to believe that the Logos would not design an even more spectacular transformation for such an important creature as man?

Regarding this process, JVR wrote:


First of all, a body, of wondrous construction is moulded and brought forth into the field of the earth. Then this body is ensouled by a Soul-essence, as we have described. As a result, this body directs itself towards its Aim, its High Destiny: it sets out on its journey and enters The Ark. The body contains and is Life. The Soul becomes the Living Reality.

Then these two are animated by the Spirit, in the way originally intended. And so the three are united: body, Soul and Spirit; Spirit, Soul and body.

When the Spirit is out-poured over a human being, it always means that the Spirit enters the human being in the way discussed and makes its dwelling within him in the head sanctuary. In this way, it makes true "hallowing" possible; it enables healing, transfiguration, the genesis of the True Man, the alchemical wedding of C.R.C. to take place. The Spirit can never be out-poured and never will link itself with any human being unless, through soul-renewal, he is able to climb the spiral staircase to the top.

From "The Six Royal Figures" - Esoteric Analysis of the Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross - Jan van Rijckenborgh


We are born with a physical body and a mortal soul to animate it. When we die, both the body and the mortal soul disintegrate over time. After a thousand years in the reflection-sphere, a new mortal soul is generated and paired with a physical body for a new incarnation in the material-sphere. For many long ages, this has been the normal course of affairs for sleeping humanity. 'Round and 'round goes the wheel of death-and-rebirth.

However, there is one tiny atom, housed in the upper right ventricle of the human heart, which contains the germ of our Original, Immortal Soul. It lies asleep, waiting for us to perform the actions necessary to awaken it. If, during physical life, the human, through right-seeking, right-action and right-thought manages to discover and awaken this divine-spark, something Wonderful may happen.

Once the Rose opens to the Gnosis and the Spark is re-lit, the Original Soul begins to weave its new soul-garment. With this purified astral garment, Spirit will be attracted and able to enter the renewed mental body of the candidate. Then, Spirit and the New Soul will collaborate on the final piece, the reconstruction of the physical (etheric) body. When this transfiguration is complete, God will truly live (through the New Man) on the physical plane.

The Word will have been made Flesh. Eternity will have broken into Time.

Believe it or not.

~ g

“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do..."

-- The Christ, the Gnosis (speaking through the man, Jesus)

Servers Of The Divine Plan


IT IS NO SECRET TODAY TO THE ENQUIRING OR OBSERVANT MIND that momentous and unprecedented changes are transpiring within the solar system and upon Earth as the old Piscean era yields to the new Aquarian age. We are living in a period of radical purification and transformation in which everything is moving, changing, becoming. All peoples in every country of the world are presently experiencing the leading waves of a tremendous release of divine force upon Earth. An unparalleled global metamorphosis is now underway which is accelerating all-round human development, bringing major changes to Earthly life, and will presently lift humanity into a new era of advanced experience and expression as a New World is born.

Such a unique occasion is attracting the interest and attention of many other beings within the vast universe, and since planet Earth holds a key position in the local solar system and the galaxy as a whole, our globe has become a busy nucleus or intersection for much traffic from other planets, worlds and densities*. Members of various interstellar confederations - many of whom have their corresponding representatives in physical incarnation upon Earth at this time - have moved closer to our planet in order to assist with the now imminent Great Transition which shall positively affect all life on our world. The cry of humanity has been received, and loving support goes where it is required or earnestly requested.

* The term 'density' denotes a vibrational frequency of consciousness or plane of existence. The occult structure of the lower part of the universe in which we reside - the Cosmic Physical Plane - is most often described using a septenary model, i.e., seven ascending levels from the most dense or most material at the bottom level to the least dense or quickest vibration at the top. Each major level, or plane, can then be divided again into seven sub-levels. However, such clear-cut divisions are for conceptual convenience only, for, in truth, one level cannot really be distinguished from the next since the whole spectrum of vibratory frequencies changes by extremely subtle gradations. The most prevalent level of consciousness amongst the mass of human beings on Earth today - using the septenary model - is that of third-density approaching fourth.

Those whom we have called Servers emanate from other more highly evolved world systems where the general spiritual development has reached such a level that unconditional love and fellowship are spontaneously known and expressed. Many of these Servers are members of advanced civilisations that have achieved and maintained a far greater alignment with the divine Will than humanity and so have realised a much higher degree of rapport with the Universal Purpose, as well as unity of thought and activity with one another. In order to honour their voluntary commitment which was made to humanity long ago, some of these advanced beings have been taking human embodiments upon Earth for millions of years; others have presently offered their service to mankind in incarnation for the very first time; still others have opted not to utilise physical bodies at all and remain resident within the hidden worlds, yet in close attendance to our planet, working, watching, waiting and answering calls for assistance sounded by those in incarnation upon Earth who invoke their aid with unselfish motives and intelligent intent.

There are many and diverse classes of Servers who have taken human incarnation upon Earth today and who derive from the inner or higher planes of various star systems. These dedicated and dutiful agents of goodwill have volunteered to descend into the more dense spheres of our planetary body in order to lead humanity in a very important task. Not all of these emissaries are ordinary individual souls. In addition to a large number of group-souls and hierarchies of divine envoys who have necessarily divided their ranks in order to serve in individualised incarnation, there exist also upon Earth carefully selected elements of great multidimensional beings, or ultra-terrestrials, who principally and customarily function as one cosmic mind amongst a vast multitude of similar collective entities that operate throughout various worlds and densities spanning the universe. Like many tiny sparks sent forth from a great ethereal blaze, such exalted lives have chosen to temporarily fragment their unity in order to diffuse their service throughout certain lower-vibratory frequencies of the Cosmos, and to ultimately take physical embodiment upon our planet. This is a great act of compassion indeed, yet one which is deemed by these sublime intelligences to be most necessary at this important stage of Earth's spiritual development, and one which shall yield very positive consequences, the like of which humanity has never before witnessed throughout its entire history.

Those Servers who have taken numerous previous incarnations upon Earth have, in past, repeatedly struggled with the burdens, the dangers, the sorrows and the pain of everyday terrestrial living; in being confronted by all its peculiar trials and challenges, they have wrestled and fought for justice upon our planet. Collectively, they have trodden every step of the way of suffering, have undergone every mundane and psychical experience, have surmounted every difficulty, and have endured. These servants of the race have, many times, known the immolation of the personal or lower self; they are the martyrs and saints of yesteryear, and know well, therefore, that complete renouncement of every worldly value, an unconditional repudiation of all non-essentials, which is also the prescription for all truly spiritually-aspiring souls on Earth at this time. There is no adversity, no sacrifice, no bitter personal loss which they have not, in their time, experienced. They have explored all the avenues of knowledge available on Earth, descended into the deepest valleys of life and into the darkest depths of hell. From there they have climbed to the mountain top of spiritual accomplishment and have then proceeded to transcend both space and time, losing all identification with the individual self to become but focused points of light in the Universal Mind; and herein lies their qualification to serve mankind, for today they are back among us, to help.

Knowing, therefore, the quintessence of pain, and comprehending thoroughly the possible depths of sin and suffering attainable by humanity, the Servers' methods can be perfectly gauged to individual needs. Yet at the same time their realisation of the liberation to be achieved during this critical period - the end of a major world cycle - and their apprehension of the greater freedom that is assured through the rejection of the old and outmoded ways of life in exchange for the emerging new world paradigm, suffices to give them a complete understanding of the present needs of the human race.

Awakening Servers upon the planet today are generally characterised by an ardent and purposeful love which, in regard to the good of the whole, is uncompromising. They may be identified by a spiritual intelligence that has been gained through countless Earthly and extraterrestrial lives in which they have worked their way from the bottom of life and of evolution well nigh to their final emancipation from matter, soon to be realised by some of them. They are to be recognised by their depth of experience which has been forged by time itself together with a multiplicity of interactions with numerous and diverse life-forms, and by a courage and commitment that is the result of that experience, and which, having been produced by ages of endeavour, failure, and renewed endeavour, and having in the long run led to victory, can again today be placed at the feet of humanity in world service.

Those particular Servers who have become well-acquainted with life on Earth have cultivated an ability to persist even when they may seem to have undergone more than sufficient suffering, and they know a determination that triumphs over all setbacks, for it is founded upon a long-cultivated patience, extensive experience and divine Purpose. They may, therefore, also be recognised by their one-pointed dedication, which is both enlightened and intelligent and which is co-operative, adjusting itself to the immediate requirements of the human race, and thus fitting in with the current designs of the Divine Plan for Earth.

One might understandably ask the question: if there is indeed so much struggle, hardship and suffering involved in the Servers' physical-plane activity, why then do they not refrain from incarnating upon Earth at all, and simply help the world from the subtle planes by 'working from home', as it were? There are two main reasons for the Servers' physical presence upon the planet. Firstly, and most importantly, they incarnate in the physical world in order that archetypal ideas - carefully formulated within the Divine Mind - may be lived out by them on the plane of matter, and so be brought into manifestation in human consciousness. Once these archetypal ideas have been introduced to the consciousness of the race by being realised and lived by persons who form a part of that consciousness, they are caught up by humanity and become an integral part of its collective awareness and life-paradigm.

Secondly, Servers in physical incarnation are able to offer certain forms of assistance that incorporeal spiritual guides upon the inner planes cannot. For example, and due to their physical existence, Servers in Earthly embodiment possess the ability to contact humanity externally. Consequently, they are much more likely to find that their aid is received by those who are unable to be contacted by the invisible helpers of the race upon the inner or hidden side of life; their love may be welcomed by those who remain sceptical about the subtle worlds. It should be understood, however, that such succour given individually is but a tiny part of the overall duty of Servers, and presently the greater collective mission will unfold itself, as results derived from the Great Work of Ages begin to manifest upon Earth.

Many Servers who have incarnated primarily to aid in humanity's transition at this time are just now, today, becoming aware of the close attendance of a vast array of Cosmic Intelligences who are hidden to most, the exalted ranks to which they inherently belong. As vague yet familiar senses begin to form within their minds in accord with a predetermined and revolutionary process of remembrance that is presently being accelerated throughout the world, these Servers are beginning to consciously feel a sense of enormous purpose and urgency in their lives. Their necessarily imposed veil of forgetfulness is being lifted today by unseen hands, and their memories and higher spiritual faculties are returning to them.

The Servers are reawakening in preparation for the execution of a grand and noble work, the ramifications of which bear universal significance. They are beginning to recall the purpose of their duty to humanity and to planet Earth, and are remembering that they are an essential part of a vast, collective effort and a tremendously important task, the scope of which stretches back across millions of years and a myriad of past incarnations upon Earth and elsewhere, all geared toward the now imminent and conclusive glory. In their partial remembrance thus far, the Servers are perceiving with great felicity that they are about to realise the grand consummation of a vital phase of the Divine Plan for Earth, the solar system and beyond, the result of which shall cast life-enhancing reverberations throughout the universe.

From 'Who Are The Servers?' - Servers of the Divine Plan


If you have read the above then there is a strong possibility that you may be a Server. In life, there are no coincidences. We are led to certain destinations for a reason. It is very possible that your life circumstances were designed in such a way as to lead you to this point.

Anyone who wishes to read this important book may send me an email with "SDP" in the subject header.

Perhaps it is time to begin the process of remembering who you are as well as the mission you volunteered to execute here on Earth during this time of The Great Transition.

all love,

~ g