26 May 2010

A Vision of Our Future

From The Revelation - Barbara Marx Hubbard © 1995

A Vision of Our Future


You-in -the-future will be as different from yourselves-in-the-present as you today are different from early Homo-Sapiens, several hundred thousand years ago.

Your body will not decay. It will shine with the radiance of the total love you feel for God and all beings.

Your eyes will be lit with the fire of Joy that you are the blessed son or daughter of God, co-creative on a universal scale.

Your feet will be like fine brass. You will glow with a bio-magnetic field through which you will materialize and dematerialize, ascend and descend, from one vibratory plane to another. You will glitter and coruscate with the radiance generated by the intensity of your coherent thought in alignment with God.

Your voice will have the sound of many waters. It will flow effortlessly with the profound oratory of perfect meaning and truth in every word.You will know what to say at all times as your mind is linked with the Mind of God. Remember the most eloquent moment of your life. Multiply it by the intelligence of God and imagine what you will sound like when you have inherited God-like powers!

Out of your mouth will come words of perfect discernment: Yes, this is consonant with God's will; No, that is not consonant with God's will. Your voice will be a two-edged sword. You will constantly cut away that which is off the mark. You will be able to align your will with the Will of God at all times. Your power to create or destroy will come from God.

Your countenance will be as glorious as the Sun, shining with the strength given to you by your heirship as a son or daughter of God. As Jesus was transfigured, so you will be transfigured when you recognize that you are the direct children of God.

Your nervous systems must be prepared to accept the shock of seeing yourself-in-the-future in its full potential. Your self-confidence must be high enough to accept your inheritance. Confidence means "to trust with". You are trusting me, as an elder brother who has already plunged from the high-diving board when he beckons you onward saying "Follow me. You can do it, too".

Do not be afraid, Beloved. I have come to earth to demonstrate your potential. I took a mortal body like yours to demonstrate your potential to build a new body. I did not suffer on the cross and rise again on the third day to show you what I could do, but what you can do. Yours is the power. Yours is the glory. That is my message to you!


Your move.

~~ g

Re: One Foot...

... just want to add that the previous post One Foot In, One Foot Out does not imply that such "straddling" is the best choice. Those of weak or irresolute will can find themselves overcome by this strategy, as the Illusion is powerful.

Not only that, but time is very, very short. We no longer have the luxury of being able to "meander through the meadow", smelling the flowers. There are very few grains left in the hour-glass.

It is best to take all steps possible now to make a full and complete break with the Illusion. Eventually, all must do so anyway. One can either choose to do so now, while Grace is available to assist everyone, or one can continue "struggling in the bog" for another few hundred thousands of years...or more.

Live a life of intelligent detachment. Neutralize your emotions. Be neither for nor against those things which are of the world. Meditate. Seek Truth. Purify your vehicles. Stay above the fray.

Remember: Energy Follows Thought; What Is Focused Upon, Grows.

We must withdraw our focus from this undivine kingdom, and re-direct that focus towards the Divine Kingdom we wish to realize.

~~ g

21 May 2010

One Foot In, One Foot Out...

A question arose recently regarding the difficulties of living a life of detachment while one is still enmeshed in the Illusion. Although the road to Liberation requires extricating oneself from the Illusion, the difficulties of modern life should pose little impediment if one sincerely works to adjust one's Thinking and one's Approach to the Dual Life.

The following is excerpted from "Serving Humanity" by Alice Bailey / Djwhal Kuhl



1. Progress is made in spite of, and not because of existing conditions. For disciples. . .there is no retiring from the world. There is no condition of physical peace wherein the soul may (not) be invoked. . . .The work has to go forward in clamour. The point of peace must be found in the midst of riot. Wisdom must be attained in the very midst of intellectual turmoil, and the work of co-operation with the Hierarchy on the inner side of life, must proceed amidst the devastating racket of modern life in the great cities.

2. Your problem is not to get rid of difficulties, but simply to be indifferent as to whether they exist or not.

3. Be content with your duty and the immediate service which will lead you a step further upon the way unto which you are ordained, and this way you can travel rapidly and with eager feet, or slowly and with lagging steps.


The trained intuitive or disciple lives ever the dual life of mundane activity and of intense and simultaneous spiritual reflection. This will be the outstanding characteristic of the Western disciple in contra-distinction to the Eastern disciple, who escapes from life into the silent places and away from the pressures of daily living and constant contact with others.

The task of the Western disciple is much harder, but that which he will prove to himself and to the world as a whole, will be still higher. This is to be expected if the evolutionary process is to mean anything.


If one wishes to, or is constrained to, maintain their earthly responsibilities, then by all means, do so. A key was given to all embedded in a phrase spoken by The Christ:

"Render unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar; render unto God that which belongs to God".

What we are dealing with now is what The Christ was specifically referring to over 2,000 years ago.

Pay your taxes. File those invoices. Clothe, feed and care for those entrusted to your care. Do all the things that are required of those of us who chose to incarnate in the modern world, in this closing cycle. But only give these things the time that they are allotted, reserving time for spiritual introspection, investigation, meditation, communion with the Divine Higher Self.

Don't brood and complain over your taxes. Don't place undue emphasis or commiserate upon the perceived "drudgery" or "thanklessness" of your job. Don't immerse yourself in unnecessary worry and fear over the future for your children and loved ones. All will be cared for in the manner, and within the limits, that their evolution calls for.

If one is driven to attend to such matters, then give these things only the attention that is required of them, and then immediately turn one's attention back towards The Goal - purification of your vehicles, subduing of the ego/personality, selflessly serving others, effecting the Fundamental Reversal that will lead one to Final Liberation from the Wheel of Death and Rebirth, towards the reclamation of the Immortality that has always been yours.

Your Mind and Heart are perfectly capable of being in one place while your Hands and Feet are in another. Ponder this!

The Battle of Armageddon is an inner, as well as an outer, battle. The Path to Liberation is open to all. The duration of the Journey can be as swift or as slow as one wills it. Each Soul will choose the difficulty of The Journey, its own Itinerary and its own rate of Ascent.

All Love,

~~ g

18 May 2010

Maxims for the Aquarian Age III

Final installment of "Maxims for the Aquarian Age" from The New Call. Each of these maxims are discussed and explained in detail in the full text of TNC. Most are self-explanatory. All are helpful.


Channelling (mediumship) constitutes a definite distraction to real spiritual attainment.

• Due to the extant ignorance of mankind and the intensity of the period, channelling today is proving itself to be more often a curse than a gift.

One basic truth is often used as a foundation for a whole pile of deception.

Earnest and intelligent seeking is the essential first step toward revelation and spiritual success.

• The very act of seeking sets natural forces in motion that greet the seeker in order to impart certain 'secrets' which that individual may be ready to behold; Life responds as if to an invitation.

Humble seeking is an integral and inseparable part of the New World Consciousness.

• In demanding the attention of the Spirit, loving service is the great nemesis of the ego, for it threatens its very existence.

• In serving the Spirit in all we shall find that our own highest needs are met by way of such service.

The path of spiritual service is the most splendid, noble and holy way; it is the Royal Road for which all other disciplines are but preparatory.

• If there ever was one solution to absolutely every problem throughout mankind's history, all the way up to the present and on into Eternity, it must surely be. . . serve, and keep serving; give, and never stop giving.

• Generally, the most valuable service that may be rendered today in this unique period is to spread the vital truth of the times.

• When we cease in our seeking for ourselves alone, and when in knowing greater freedom from the burdens created by personal desire we are able to demonstrate compassion and goodwill to others, we open a channel for the Love of Spirit to flow through us.

Service is love in action.

• Service may be said to be the most supreme meditation, for it is the one great and eternal Meditation that endures within the Heart of the Universe itself.

• All who would cross the threshold between the old and the New and emerge into the magnificence of the New World must possess a genuine love of others and, therefore, an attitude that naturally impels their wish to be of service.

• The divine Helpers of the race can do little more for men than they would do for other men.

• Upon selflessly and appropriately sharing with others that which has been revealed to us, more is given from within.

• In the times ahead, all that which is held to oneself, anything that is not offered selflessly in service to others, and everything which is not contributed toward the One Divine Work upon Earth will be taken away.

• If it is to be known at all, the real turmoil during the coming times will be experienced from within, and not from outer conditions.

• As long as our objectives lie within the material plane, we shall necessarily be wholly subject to the laws which pertain to the physical world.

• If our personal desires can be sublimated by right understanding, we shall possess a great deal more ability to lift ourselves beyond the physical plane and its conditions.

• All those of humanity who aspire to take their rightful place before the presently widening portal of spiritual opportunity that leads into the magnificence of the New World, should ensure today that they are aware, dedicated, actively useful and so prepared.

• Opportunity has been given by those invisible Servants of the race upon the inner side of life, and they now await humanity's active and positive response to their call.


These maxims, and their origin, represent an example of one such Opportunity. It is hoped that one will recognize, accept, and ultimately pass on to others of like mind, the Loving Service that has been offered.

All Love,

~~ g

Maxims for the Aquarian Age II

Continuing with the dispersal of "Maxims for the Aquarian Age", from The New Call.


Positive thoughts and healthy emotions react most favourably upon both the subtle and physical bodies of man, and improve their ability to assimilate life-force and to receive other beneficial energies.

• Our inner biological pharmacopoeia is triggered in accordance with the unique events passed through and the subsequent choices made.

• All energies that have in past been successfully drawn upon by aspirants seeking self-improvement are today being withdrawn as the whole planet enters its next and higher level of expression.

• Today a new note is sounding forth: the note of growth through the service of the race.

• Spiritual aspirants are most truly progressing when they assist the progress of others.

• Under the laws of the Aquarian age, assistance is given only to those who have transcended selfish aspiration and lost sight of their own progress in the genuine and selfless impulse to be of service to others.

• Depending upon the purity of each individual's motives and orientation toward helpfulness rests the possibility of utilising today's spiritual opportunities successfully.

• Success and survival during the birth of the New World is a question of US, not I.

• People need one another, and as soon as just a small increase in the percentage of the human race begins to truly appreciate the untold advantages of working together for a selfless cause, then, ensuing under the Law of Synergy, great accomplishments will be known - worldwide.

• Union is harmony and strength.

• Universal law guarantees that success will be known when a number of sincerely dedicated people work together with enthusiasm, perseverance and a common, unselfish focus.

• A period of time approaches when community and co-operative living will be essential to the survival of the race.

No community will survive during and after the tribulations unless it is built and maintained upon the sure and sturdy foundations of a joint spiritual aspiration and a selfless ethic.

True community resides in the hearts of its members as a spiritual attitude, and not as some external objective or even a common desire to attain it.

• Communities of the new era may consist only of true friends.

• It is Love which is the new currency of the Aquarian age.

Unity consciousness is the new keynote being sounded abroad today, and is the hallmark of the person in the New World.

• Upon the understanding response to the collective needs of mankind will depend the rapidity with which each person will be able to achieve the next revelation and expansion of consciousness which is, for him, possible.

• The expansion and radiation today of the New World Consciousness is one very potent principle that can salvage mankind and evoke that New Spirit which can and will build the New World.

• The Portal of Initiation leading to the New World may only be traversed in group-formation; such is a law of the Aquarian age.

• If group-collaboration is absent, if the true team-spirit is not being demonstrated today, then there is not much that the divine Helpers of the race upon the inner side of life can do for humanity in these unique times.

• Due to the present influx of spiritual energy in our solar system, group-potential is unparalleled today.

Each member of the human family must now choose between love and fear, wisdom and ignorance.

• In the very near future, one way or another, each individual will have made a necessary choice to affiliate with either the Islands of Light or the caverns of darkness; there will be no grey areas.

• The dawning light of the New Day is throwing shadows in all directions.

• It is only by shining a light into darkness that we are able to see clearly and so deal with the shadow side of life in a positive way.

• Blind and unintelligent submission to external authorities is inherently dangerous.

• Spiritual teachers and gurus are not utilised today in the same unthinking and deferential way as in past times.

• The real and qualified spiritual teachers in the Aquarian age will not gather disciples around themselves.

• Psychism is not a sanction for true, spiritual work.

• Psychic ability does not necessarily (or even usually) correspond to spiritual purity.


End Part II

...Almost done.

~~ g

Maxims for the Aquarian Age

These can be found near the end of The New Call document, but are being placed here in the next couple of posts for the benefit of any who may happen by. Basically, these maxims summarize the contents of this important message. Of course, one would do well to read the entire document, but if one is unable or un-willing, these maxims distill the message nicely. One is advised to keep these handy, and to not only read them, but take them to Heart.


EVERY PERSON IS TODAY BEING COMPELLED TO MAKE A CHOICE that shall greatly affect both the present course of their life and their future soul-development, throughout incalculable incarnations.

• Like a rainstorm, one of the chief and concluding effects of the impending tempest will be that of global purification.

• The impending and necessary cleansing of the Earth and of all sentient life thereupon may be difficult or moderate for each individual depending upon the degree of preparation attained.

• Denial or disregard of impending planetary developments will certainly not diminish them or prevent them from occurring.

• It is new understanding that will transform the world, not merely the desire for change.

• Those men and women who have embodied altruistic attitudes for much or all of their lives will be greatly advantaged in the times to come, as they are stimulated and exceptionally blessed by the incoming streams of new energy.

• For those who are virtuous and who have prepared themselves due to their understanding of the present world-crisis and opportunity, cosmic frequencies are and will continue to be responsible for many positive spiritual awakenings.

• As frequencies rise, the power of thought is magnified, affecting all of life much more tangibly and swiftly than heretofore.

• Each individual's consciousness (which is an integral part of the planetary vibration) must be raised to a minimal level in order to qualify for entrance into the New World.

• The easiest way to raise the vibration of consciousness for most people is to evoke the powers of the Spirit, and this may be done by focusing out of and away from the personal self, and upon some higher and worthy purpose.

• It is the demonstration of love alone that shall positively affect a person's consciousness and raise one's vibration.

• Today, at the end of this 75,000-year major cycle, and consequently due to the unprecedented grace afforded each and every person on Earth, it is much easier for all humanity to ascend in consciousness.

• The Aquarian age is not a time of workshops, courses and lectures; it is an era of active participation for the greater good.

Active and altruistic response to the present need is demanded today in order for success to be known, not passive acquiescence.

• It is critical in these times to subscribe sincerely and fully to all that is new and righteous, for the Harvest Time is at hand.

• Generally, the greatest good that anyone can confer at this time upon Earth - for others as well as for themselves - is to help toward raising the planetary vibration, and this may be achieved by truly benevolent thinking and selfless, loving activity.

Separation, on any level, is destructive; a relic of ignorance from the past.

Co-operation and unity are the goals of the immediate future.

Active goodwill is seen as the touchstone that will transform the world.

Selfish spirituality is imitation spirituality.

• The forces of the old do not have the power to affect anyone who attunes to the New.

• The old cannot withstand the New, for such is the Divine Plan for humanity.

Whoever is in conflict with anything through resistance, worry, fear, aversion, dependence or selfish desire of it is automatically of the old to the same degree as that conflict.

• It is by constructive and benign thinking alone that we may heal ourselves by rising above the dense and debilitating thought-clouds that we have unwittingly cultivated during an inimical past.

• If the mind makes a practise of rectitude in its thinking, there is no evil that can make entrance into it.

• The vibration of Love is both the greatest protector and benefactor in the universe.


End Part I

Got a few more coming...

~~ g

14 May 2010

Be In The World, Not Of The World

To effectively neutralize the effects of Duality's ever-moving pendulum of Opposites, it helps if one works to develop an attitude of intelligent detachment. We're not asked to be cruel or un-caring, we are asked to recognize the origins of what the physical realms present to us from one moment to the next. We are then advised to not allow these presentments to grab hold of us mentally or emotionally and wring an impulsive reaction out of us.

Again, one is not being advised to become a robot, or to not have empathy, compassion for others, etc. One is being advised to act intelligently to life stimuli, instead of blindly re-acting to situations out of ignorance. Things happen (for the better) when one can adopt such an attitude while on the physical plane.

The following from "Serving Humanity" by Alice Bailey.



You must develop the attentiveness of the One who looks on at life and at the life struggle of others. It is necessary for you to learn that when you can avoid identifying yourself so closely with people, refraining from suffering so consciously with them, you can be of greater service to them, and a finer friend and helper. Therefore, for you, detachment is an outstanding requirement and a quality to be cultivated.

This is not the detachment of of self-protection or of self-immunization or of aloofness, but that soul detachment which works from soul levels and -- seeing all life in the Light which streams from the soul -- regards everything from the standpoint of Eternity. You must see people truly, and as they are -- with their faults and their virtues, their divinity and their humanity.

You ought to acquire that inner, divine detachment which sees life in its true perspective. A man is thus left free and untouched by aught that may occur. The ideal attitude for you is that of the Onlooker who is in no way identified with aught that may happen on the physical and emotional planes, and whose mind is a limpid Reflector of Truth. This truth is intuitively perceived , because there are no violent mental reactions or emotional states of response.

Work with detachment and, because you are demanding nothing for the separated self, all things will therefore come to you.

The Middle Way

Your personality attachments must develop into a deeper attachment to the souls within the forms. Thus understanding grows. There is a vice of detachment as well as a vice of attachment, and the true Servant of the Plan seeks the middle way.

Divine Indifference

You must learn to view what is said or suggested by any group brother, with a complete and carefully developed "divine indifference". Note the use of the word "divine" for it holds the clue to the needed attitude. It is a different thing to the indifference of not caring, or the indifference of a psychologically developed "way of escape" from that which is not pleasant; nor is it the indifference of superiority.

It is the indifference which accepts all that is offered, uses what is serviceable, learns what can be learnt, but is not held back by personality reactions. It is the normal attitude of the soul to the not-self. It is the negation of prejudice, of all narrow preconceived ideas, of all personality tradition, influence or background. It is the process of detachment from "the world, the flesh and the devil".

What is indifference? I wonder...if you understand the significance of this word "indifference"? It means, in reality, the achieving of a neutral attitude to that which is regarded as the Not-self. It is active repudiation without any concentration upon that which is repudiated.


Remember to "Be In the World, Yet Not of The World".

~~ g

11 May 2010

Duality? What's That?

Experience on this planet is governed by Pairs of Opposites. Every thing has it's anti-, or opposite-thing. Because we experience in a balanced Creation, a given "thing" and it's "anti-thing" must exist in balance to one another. Here. Get a pencil and paper. Draw a circle. Now draw a straight line through the circle. On one side of the line, write "Good". On the other side of the line write "Bad".

You have just out-pictured the attributes of "Good" and "Bad", perfectly balanced. Notice that "Good" and "Bad" are contained within the same circle. They are two sides of the same thing. These opposites, ALL pairs of opposites in the fallen realms, must maintain a balance in relation to each other. Remember this axiom from The Hermetic Kybalion:

V. The Principle of Rhythm

"Everything flows, out and in. Everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."

"The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left". This is a good example of what Duality is. Every thing has its polar opposite. Those opposites must remain in balance. Therefore, each time we have a thought or feeling, we inspire its opposite to manifest itself.

Take another look at the circle we just drew. Now imagine that we have a thought to do something "good". With that one "good" thought, immediately, the line that divides "Good" from "Bad" is no longer straight. It will bend a little as the "Good" side grows in area a little bit. Due to the aforementioned Law of Balance, the "Bad" side will immediately move to regain the ground that it lost, and "bad" thought impulses will be generated. Ultimately, Balance is restored.

We think that we are doing "good" when we move to help others, save the world, send thoughts of "light and love". In actuality, all we are really doing is perpetuating evil by compelling it to "push back" against the "good" that has disturbed the balance between the two. The archons, aeons and light-spirits assist in this process, and benefit from our misguided acts.

Love-Hate, Wealth-Poverty, War-Peace, etc. What's written above can be applied to any of these. In fact, it can be applied to any of the Pairs of Opposites that you can think of.

This is how man ignorantly maintains evil in the world, even when he does his best to "do good". This is why evil flourishes and thrives despite our best efforts. Have you ever wondered why is it that we can be blissfully happy one moment, and then a few minutes, hours or days later we are as miserable as can be?

You just found out why. That's Duality

That's why, in the Garden, it was called "The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil". The inhabitants were advised to not eat the fruit thereof as it would set the pendulum in motion, and Man's suffering would begin.

That being said, it now appears as if that was the Plan all along, as it is only by way of Suffering that most of humanity will be able to reach the conclusion that this world cannot be improved upon, cannot be changed by our efforts (no matter how sincere) and will never be a Paradise. When this realization dawns upon the Man or Woman, it is hoped that he or she will then be ready to open their hearts to the Christine Radiations that have always been available to us, waiting for us to respond, to invite them in.

It is then that we can begin the Long Journey Home.

~~ g

09 May 2010

The Two Kingdoms

The Divine, Immutable Kingdom (aka "The Eternal Heaven"):

Where knowledge of one's connection to The Creator and to all other entities is constant and Self-evident. Heaven. Joy, Happiness, Bliss are ever-present and eternal. There are no Polarities. From where the Human Life-Wave "fell", and seeks to return - to continue experiencing in The Divine Plan of Evolution.

The Un-divine, Mutable Kingdom (aka "The Emergency Order"):

Where Knowledge of one's connectedness to The Creator and all Creation has been severed. Duality. Where Joy, Happiness, Bliss are temporal and fleeting. All is Polarity, as every thing has its Opposite-thing. Where the Human Life-Wave now endeavors to escape, via The Divine Plan of Salvation established for the purpose of salvaging fallen Souls before they crystallize beyond redemption.

YOU Are Here.

These two kingdoms are separate and distinct from one another. They exist as entire Universes in separate realms of vibration.

The Question:

People are always asking, "If God 'loves' us so much, if God is 'everywhere', then why does he allow such-and-such to happen here on Earth? Why does God 'allow' pain and suffering?".

The Answers:

The Love of the Creator is in all things. Just because one cannot effectively sense or interpret that Love does not mean that it does not exist.

Souls from our Life-Wave once lived, moved and had their being within the Bosom of Divine Love. While investigating the Realms of Matter, a segment of that Life-Wave became ensnared in the lower vibration of Fear and gradually lost their connection with The Source of All.

These souls, as they continued to respond to external stimuli in Fear, became more and more polluted. Their negative karma grew uncontrollably, their "self" focus intensified, until it became apparent that unless something was done, these souls would ultimately have to be purged by Fire, and lost forever.

Out of Love for these fallen Souls (you and i) this planet was quarantined by Divine Fiat, and an "emergency order" was established. Human souls would continue to take on physical bodies, but would live shortened lives, in order to minimize the extent of mischief they would surely generate. Human souls would have to experience "death" and retire to what has been called "the reflection sphere"(what humans now erroneously believe to be a "permanent" after-life). The physical robe would be dropped and the soul would spend perhaps hundreds of years there, assimilating their experiences, only to prepare for yet another turn on the seemingly un-ending "Wheel of Birth and Death".

The purpose of the emergency order is to allow fallen souls, via "free will" choices, to find their way back to The Divine Kingdom, to re-establish their connectedness with The Creator and to all of Creation. Fallen human souls, which have erroneously considered themselves as separate and apart from The Source of All and from one another, would remain trapped here until such time as those erroneous ways of thinking and behaving were completely and fundamentally reversed.

By allowing fallen human souls to "learn from their mistakes", a Wisdom-Greater-Than-Man's knew that eventually, after perhaps eons of pain resulting from Separative and Selfish behavior, some souls would tire of the game, show receptiveness to the Divine Radiations, and thus begin the long climb upwards, out of the bog of Matter, back to towards The Divine Kingdom.

So yes, Creator does Allow, and yes, Creator does Love. Through the implementation of The Divine Plan of Salvation administered here in the emergency order, souls have been saved, are being saved and will continue to be saved from eternal extinguishment. This is the Ultimate example of Creator's Love and Dedication to each and everyone of us.

The use of "free will" in the emergency order is one of the keys to the Plan's success. If someone tells a child not to touch something hot, explains the consequences, etc., that child may or may not learn to not touch something hot. As we know, most children will not retain such information and a painful experience with something hot usually proves to be a much better teacher, effecting more lasting results.

It is hoped that the foregoing will be given deep consideration. For more detail on this subject, please see this past post regarding The Emergency Order.

~~ g

07 May 2010


Divine vs. Un-Divine

di·vine [dih-vahyn]

1. proceeding from God or a god: divine laws.
2. heavenly; celestial: the divine kingdom

un·di·vine [un-dih-vahyn]


1. opposite of divine
2. not heavenly; celestial: the un-divine kingdom


Immutable vs. Mutable


1. not mutable; unchangeable; changeless.


1. liable or subject to change or alteration.
2. given to changing; constantly changing; fickle or inconstant


Eternal vs. Temporal


1. without beginning or end; lasting forever; always existing
(opposed to temporal): eternal life.
2. perpetual; ceaseless; endless:

tem·po·ral [tem-per-uhl, tem-pruhl]

1. of or pertaining to time.
2. pertaining to or concerned with the present life or this world; worldly: temporal joys.
3. enduring for a time only; temporary; transitory (opposed to eternal).


The Spiral vs. The Circle

spi·ral [spahy-ruhl]

1. Geometry. a plane curve generated by a point moving around a fixed point while constantly receding from or approaching it.


1. Circling around a center at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance.
2. Coiling around an axis in a constantly changing series of planes; helical.

cir·cle [sur-kuhl]

1. A series or process that finishes at its starting point or continuously repeats itself; a cycle.


Polarity vs. Neutrality

po·lar·i·ty  [poh-lar-i-tee, puh-]

1. the presence or manifestation of two opposite or contrasting principles or tendencies.

neu·tral [noo-truhl, nyoo-]

1. Belonging to neither kind; not one thing or the other; indifferent.

Hold onto these. You're going to need them.

~ g

01 May 2010

Nothing's As Easy As It Looks

Recent posts regarding "dimensional shift", an aspect of the "ascension process" were presented to illustrate one of the possibilities that lie ahead. It was not intended to imply that attainment would be easy.

A Reminder: Nothing's As Easy As It Looks.

There is much work that has to be done in order to make a run at transfiguration, or even activation of the heart center, which must be done before any other work can be attempted. There is no single school, book, or guru that can make one "certified" for expanded awareness and higher consciousness. There is only serious WORK that must be done, and that work takes place right in this moment, in whatever situation that you find yourself in at this moment.

Recently came across this definition of Spirituality: "Spirituality is a conscious transformative process that turns the lower into the higher."

A key word there is "conscious", as in: one must be aware of what one has to do to effect this "transformative process".

Next, an observation :

"Does it help to know that there are seven planes of consciousness when our marriages are breaking up or our teenage child doing hard drugs? Probably not. But what might help is an understanding that experience is the carrier of consciousness and to be able to accept that whatever hell these experiences put us through on the subplanes of the mental and astral planes (accessed through our personalities), they will, for sure, be providing some kind of opportunity to change consciousness in some way.". - FDK

We are urged to not discount the value of the common experiences that present themselves to us in each moment. To do so is to waste valuable time. It is not enough to have knowledge of what it takes to effect a change in consciousness. It is living that knowledge - practical application - that will offer tangible results.

One cannot just say, think or feel that one is dedicated to Service. Right Action, constantly, unceasingly, consciously and selflessly undertaken in response to every experience/opportunity is the only thing that will provide proof of one's legitimate service orientation.

In the areas of Harvestability, one is not judged by what one knows, but by what one does.