30 November 2013

A Stranger On Earth IV


The Soul-Directed Life

When a man lives from the Soul he is conscious of the great love and goodness of the Gnosis every moment of the day. When you are Soul-born and take part in the Gnosis, nothing can happen to you; then, nothing can cause you sorrow; then, according to the Bible, not a hair on your head shall be harmed. To be allowed to take part in a Life-field in which there is nothing of the disintegration of duality, in which there is no enmity, in which the fiery tongues of hatred, criticism, slander and conflict are entirely lacking, gives an experience of unlimited joy -- of which many Soul-men have borne testimony throughout the history of mankind.

For each Soul-born man it is necessary to end the day in this way. When, after completing the day's work we retire to our bedroom for the night's rest, our thoughts and our considerations must not be allowed to dwell upon the many aspects of duality, for duality is always a scourge. It usually tends to sadness and the urges of the "I" of nature. No, having arrived at the end of the day, we write Pymander's blessing in ourselves. We allow the intense current of gnostic blessing to go through us, to permit Pure Joy to fulfill us, even during those hours which, dualistically speaking, there would be ample reason to worry and complain.

If in this way we have brought ourselves in harmony with the Living Salvation of the Gnosis and our respiration has acquired the quiet rhythm of inner satisfaction and thankfulness, we can fall asleep like a child, entirely directed towards the True Light. Then, the sleep of the body becomes the soberness of the Soul, that is, the complete awakening of the Soul in its own world, the gnostic astral field.

The sleep of the body, as we said, should not start in a general, dualistic inclination, even if it is of an innocent nature -- but in complete Soul-inclination. If you live daily out of the Soul, if you subordinate every thing else to the Soul-inclination, it will be relatively easy; the Soul-consciousness is nourished and the Soul awakens in the field destined  and prepared for it. It is almost an axiom that: he who goes to sleep Soul-inclined, awakens the Soul, makes it Conscious. After what has been explained, you will see the great significance and the enormous advantage of this.

What is especially important is the inclination, the vibration of the astral self, when the body falls asleep. This determines our entire nocturnal experience. Whoever knows of this will have experienced that man awakens as he went to sleep. A brooding man will say, when talking about his cobwebs: "I go to bed with it and wake up with it". That speaks for itself! But he himself calls it into being; it is his faulty inclination that keeps him imprisoned in this way. The vibration of the astral self when falling asleep is the same as when you awaken. It is a destined inclination that places you in surroundings during sleep that are similar to those when you arise.

If a person is of a worrying disposition and feels justified in being angry with someone else, the following happens: after a day of sulking and brooding, his body is exhausted and he goes to bed. In the reverie-state just before sleep, he dwells once more on all his troubles and sorrows  and on the one who has angered him; in this state-of-mind, he falls asleep.

The next morning when he awakens, his consciousness will be occupied with much the same situation. His bodily vitality has been partially restored and the body is charged with new vitality. But as soon as the image of his enemy returns, the burning pain of everything that keeps his anger alive flows into his emotional being. And with his new vitality he decides: "Today I'll do this. If he says this, I'll say that. I'll take this or that attitude towards him". Consequently, upon awakening in that state, he is prepared again for the fight. The same struggle starts anew and so he never gets rid of the enmity!

However, the same law can be applied in a liberating sense. He who goes to sleep Soul-inclined sends the Soul to the Home of the Souls, prepared for him in the School. Like attracts like.

Now, when going to sleep you should not ask yourself anxiously, "Am I sufficiently Soul-inclined tonight?" And don't worry about whether you have employed the right method. You should change the center-of-gravity of your day-life! Your entire day-life should be in the sign of the Soul, in a life of service. Then in the evening too, before going to sleep, you will be Soul-directed and feel a great thankfulness. As soon as you fall asleep, the Soul will enter the astral field of the School in a state of soberness, with a quality of consciousness that conforms with the level of Soul development the pupil has attained.

Of course, there is a difference in Soul development. There are a variety of matured Souls, maturing Souls and newly-awakened Souls among pupils. But whatever your Soul-development may be, it is certain that, as soon as you go to sleep Soul-inclined, the Soul will direct itself to the Home of Souls, the gnostic astral field. It will be there immediately in the state-of-consciousness that corresponds with your level of Soul development. Everything experienced in this situation, the Soul brings back into the body as a Treasure, in the morning. In the meantime, the body has recovered its vitality and you are ready to direct the New Attitude of Life to greater glory. You will have the strength not only to Think about it, to Yearn for it, but to break through to the Deed. A more powerful new faculty will fill your entire being and the Process of Transfiguration will accelerate accordingly.

You will no doubt see the imperative Truth of all this and you will realize that you yourself have the responsibility and the means for your gnostic development. Your fate is in your own hands. In duality, man is the plaything of the Fate that governs him; in the Gnosis he has his fate in his own hands.

The Path of the Gnosis does not require any heavy methods that are difficult to understand; neither breathing or other exercises, nor countless prayer instructions. It requires that you stand in the Soul-directed life. This is the Key to your salvation.

If you see this clearly and elevate yourself to a true Soul-directed life, the life of the Soul-born man, you will always write Pymander's Benefaction in your heart and look forward in measureless Joy to the daily hour of the Awakening of the Soul. Once you have experienced this it will never leave you. Such an experience is not like dualistic joy -- giving rise to shouting, soon to pass away as the dying of a single sunbeam in a heavy cloud. No, it is a constant Joy, a perpetuating sense of Salvation replenishing the serious pupil completely.

From "The Awakening Of The Soul (I)" The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. 1 - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Here we are given profound instruction. The Key to growing in the Gnosis and moving forward on the Path lies in the life-focus of the candidate. During our day-life we should profess our Soul-directedness via our deeds, our acts of selfless service to all those whom we may come across. With our astral body charged in this way, we enter the sleep-state where we are immediately taken up, not to the ordinary astral-realms of the natural reflection-sphere, but to the gnostic astral field that has been prepared for all those who walk the Path in sincerity, humility and steadfastness. Here our reborn New Soul is nourished, with astral ethers of a pure, unsullied nature.

The dreams we have are no indication of where our reborn Soul has traveled during the hours of sleep. Our dreams are a result of the brain having to discharge certain energies and are more often than not, a confused and veiled mess. Pay them no attention. What we bring back from our nightly stay in the gnostic astral field will be etched into the new Soul as impressions that will stay with us as we once again take up our Soul-directed day-life.

JVR does not speak idly when he reminds us that we hold our fate in our own hands. No magical incantations, mantrams or spells are required, nor intermediaries or priests. No amount of money needs to exchange hands.

By day, live in the sign of the Soul, live Soul-directed. By night, bathe in the restorative, replenishing, pure ethers of the Gnostic Astral Field. Each day and night, you will grow stronger in the Gnosis, each day the construction of the New Soul will reach a higher level.

May you intuitively understand and, more importantly, immediately begin to apply in your life that which has been offered.

"The sleep of the body becomes the soberness of the Soul, the closing of the eyes, the real Seeing; the Silence becomes as a pregnancy of the Good for him and the proclaiming of the Word will result in fruitful works of salvation" -- Corpus Hermeticum

~ g

A Stranger On Earth III


Non-Conflict, No Criticism, No Judgement
When you read about the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelations (Rev. 21:23), you will understand that for the new-born Soul there is no longer day and night -- there is one uninterrupted life in the Light.

The astral necessities of life of most pupils are increasing at an accelerating pace; their lives are moving very clearly in the intended direction. So, for all of them the compelling question arises: 'How can we enter the new astral field, the new Body of the School?' 'How can we make use of this great mercy?' Well, in order to participate in the gnostic astral field of the Spiritual School, it is necessary that you completely free yourself, inwardly, of the ordinary daily grind in the life-signature of mankind and that your entire day-life be in the sign of the Soul. Your day-life should be one continuous experience of pupilship in selfless service, borne by the undeniable love of mankind of the true Soul and supported by the complete absence of conflict.

You cannot impress it too deeply into your consciousness that the normal life-attitude of conflict -- being continually possessed by all kinds of passions, irritations, moodiness and similar mental states, completely destroys everything that has been built up in you of the new astral consciousness. Therefore, a life without conflict is absolutely necessary.

Such a day-life, in itself, is already an intense grace, a dynamic environment for the growth of the Soul. It is to a high degree instructive to be an objective person, able to let pass the things that used to take hold of you compellingly, to stir your temper to the boiling point, and simply to observe without reacting -- not on account of indifference, but because of the state of the New Birth of your Soul.

When you see a person do something stupid or nasty, you can posture with Pharisaism, haughtiness, or indifference, with a "Thank God I'm not like him" or "There but for the grace of God go I". However, you can also observe that person objectively and send him, through inner compassion, the entire love of your Soul. Then, you will not only avoid a binding with his state-of-being (which would have occurred in the first case), but also support him in that very moment with the radiation of your Soul. In this way you will help your fellow pupil from moment-to-moment and lighten his way on the so-often rocky path that leads to the breakthrough, to the Living State of the Soul.

He who knows the blessings of such a day-life will no doubt at night be able to repeat from within the words of Hermes: "I, however, wrote Pymander's benefaction within me; and when I was completely filled with this, a supreme joy came over me".

From "The Awakening Of The Soul (I)" The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. 1 - Jan van Rijckenborgh


These words are posted in the home of this writer, as a reminder prior to starting each day:


                                                       No Criticism

                                                                  No Judgement

~ g

29 November 2013

A Stranger On Earth II


The Gnostic Astral Field

In previous discussions we explained that the fulfilment of pupilship makes the candidate fundamentally a 'stranger on earth'. You should thoroughly understand the meaning of this. We certainly do not mean that the pupil should develop an attitude of eccentricity towards everything the School designates as duality; nor that this alienation would mean a certain indifference towards all that lives and exists. Most certainly we do not mean a revolutionary attitude of life with regard to society.

No, the estrangement from the world is a fundamental state-of-being. It is a state-of-being which occurs because of the change of the personality. As soon as this change happens there is no longer a place to be found in the nature-of-death where it can rest. Because of this the candidate will feel like an outcast.

Every candidate who has drawn the astral consciousness up into the heart, supported by a consequent pupilship, a continuous purification of the heart and a self-negating, ministering life will arrive at this situation. Then he gets into that peculiar situation, sometimes fortunately of a very short duration, that when trying to sleep he is actually unable to enter the sleep-state. As soon as bodily fatigue would send him into sleep, the tenuous part of the personality stands, as it were, before a wail and is forced back into the body again as it cannot find a life-field, a respiration-field for the astral consciousness. This, in fact, proves that the personality is beginning to change. If the candidate does not know how to act in such a situation, physical difficulties could arise. That is why it is being discussed.

Many candidates already know this alienation and, thank God, an ever-increasing number will enter into the peculiar situation just described. They then must know how to act. They should then realize that there is a home for them, a gnostic astral field that has been prepared for them. Only then will the candidate fully realize what the School means for him or her. The Spiritual School, as a Living Body, as a gnostic group, maintains such a merciful place of rest for its pupils.

Just as there is an astral body around the physical body, so is there an astral body that surrounds the Body of the Spiritual School. The Living Body of the School also possesses an astral aspect; it is fed with the astral Bread of Life of the pure, gnostic Nature. This astral field breathes in the Universal Gnosis, in the Original Astral Substance. This is the soul-home for all those who, as a result of their growing soul-state, discover themselves strangers on earth.

We have tried to show that the soul possesses a clear, positive astral aspect. This is the most striking quality of the genesis of the Soul. It is wrapped from the beginning in a vesture of astral substance. If the candidate supports the growth of the soul by a very determined, positive attitude of life; when, at a given moment, he is unable to breathe, is unable to live any longer in the nature-of-death with its great dangers, then it is apparent that no vacuum must occur, but rather that a new home for the soul should take up the candidate.

It should be observed: to the extent that the New Astral Vesture is formed, the old astral vesture disappears. A pupil in the Spiritual School does not practices asceticism, nor any other kind of desire ethics, but perseveres in the process of astral transfiguration. In the pupil a transfiguration occurs, the transfiguration of his astral being, which precedes the development of the New Mentality.

Let us assume that you have drawn the astral consciousness up into the heart and that you are a serious and dynamic candidate, one who perseveres, who does not quake under compelling consequences -- one who does not seek to compromise. Then, the Soul has been born in your heart. When you steadfastly continue to purify the heart, permitting the new-born Soul room for expansion, the New Astral Vesture will unfold accordingly. Then, the quality of your personality can be readily distinguished from that of your fellow-man. As soon as you venture upon your pupilship, transfiguration begins and continues to that certain critical point which we have indicated as being a 'stranger on earth'. The structure of your body is then quite different from that of your dualistic fellow-man. Then your entire personality unmistakeably experiences new astral necessities of life.

If you understand all this, you can decide for yourself whether you are already living out of these new astral necessities of life, whether your entire being already longs for the New Life-Elixir. In proportion to the astral transfiguration taking place within the candidate, there is the ever-increasing need for gnostic sidereal (astral) food, of building materials for that growth. This can be fully furnished by the innate astral field of the young Gnosis.

That is why you should not only be with us during your day-consciousness but, in accordance with the development of the Work, it has now also become necessary that, as soon as you are ripe for it, you are with us in the consecrated holy halls of the young Gnosis during the sleep-state -- in the day-consciousness of the Soul.

From "The Awakening Of The Soul (I)" The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. 1 - Jan van Rijckenborgh


There is a lot going on when we sleep. It is where we recharge our astral batteries, so to speak. Unfortunately, this recharging takes place in the astral-sphere of the nature-of-death. The candidate on the Path is in need of a different kind of astral nourishment. He or she requires a pure astral substance that is not-of-this-world. Such a Region of Peace does exist. The question now is, how can the candidate take refuge there during the sleep-life?

~ g

28 November 2013

A Stranger On Earth


What will happen then, when what was said of Jesus the Lord becomes a reality for you, too:

"...there was no place on Earth where He could lay His head".

Do you realize what a delightful indication this is? The ignorant religious man experiences this as something terrible. Jesus the Lord who had no place where He could lay His head.

However, what is meant here is an incomprehensible blessing. When your astral self can no longer enter the astral sphere of the nature-of-death; when a splitting of the personality is no longer possible and the condition of sleep, normal to dualistic life, can no longer take place, what is going to happen then?

Then something else opens to you. The young Gnosis possesses a group body, a New Field of Life, a new, Pure Astral Sphere which the group keeps drawn around it. This becomes your resting-place, which is in equilibrium with the necessities of your upward course of development; a delightful, pure place where you can spend your nocturnal life, completely safe in the Living Body of the Gnosis.

We need to clarify yet another aspect. Until now we have viewed the sidereal birth only in connection with the individual course of development. However, the one who goes the way of soul-development will not stop at this, but will increasingly demonstrate the typical characteristics of the Soul-man, for instance, by an unceasingly impersonal force of love, completely disregarding his own interests in a spontaneous and absolute serving attitude of life.

Whoever gives priority to the soul's life-course will adjust all the ever-recurring duties and responsibilities harmoniously. When you live out of the soul, when you are renewed in the astral self and your deepest and highest longings are directed towards the School and its exalted aims, it not only becomes still within you, but this Silence, this Harmony also radiates into your immediate surroundings. Then something new is manifested around you. Here also, Silence, Rest and Harmony develop. Everything that excited you previously and caused tensions, disappears. It will become as the tripping of a bird on your roof, or the buzzing of a fly against the window. For everything that is relegated to a secondary place will no longer hinder you. It will no longer cause difficulties, no longer create conflicts, for you will have entered into the grand and glorious life of the Soul. You will look at each other with the glance of the Soul and you will understand the struggle of those who perhaps worry or are in a tight spot because of one or another tension and, consequently, act wrongly, or differently from what you are used to.

Whoever begins to live out of the Soul, contributes to the establishment of true harmony in all the circles of life in which he moves. Service to humanity, emanating from the Soul, keeps all aspects of life enclosed within the Soul. Whoever is absorbed in all this has become a complete stranger on earth. He who is transfigured in the astral self does not feel like a stranger on earth, but he is one. No longer does a place of rest exist on earth for his Inner Being; he is as one ostracized.

For him the Home of the Soul opens, the Golden Head of the Living Body, the new gnostic astral field. For him the sleep of the body becomes the soberness of the Soul, the closing of the eyes, the real seeing; the Silence becomes as a pregnancy of the Good for him and the proclaiming of the Word will result in fruitful works of salvation.

From "The Way to Alienation" The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. 1 - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Those who walk the Path in humility and self-surrender -- evidenced not by speech, but by deeds -- will undergo a change in the astral body, a change in vibration. As the astral self is drawn up into the heart, this change in vibration can manifest itself in sleeplessness, insomnia. Why does this occur?

When the nature-born person goes to sleep, there takes place what is known as a "splitting of the personality". The lower two ethers of the etheric body (chemical, life) remain with the physical body while the two higher ethers (light, reflecting) and the astral body head off to the astral plane of the reflection-sphere.

What's important to note is that one's astral vehicle heads off to the region of the astral plane that is in harmony with one's astral vibration. This means that whatever condition one finds oneself in astrally upon falling asleep will determine where the astral body will travel during sleep. Whatever one's desires were focused during the waking-state will charge the astral body with a certain level of vibration. Because like attracts like, the astral body spends the hours of sleep in the region of the reflection-sphere which best matches its vibration.

But when one has shifted his or her focus away from the mundane cares of the natural-world there is a different effect on the astral body. If the day-life is focused upon walking the Path not only in theory but in fact, desiring nothing for the self and living only to selflessly serve others, the astral body is charged with a different, much higher vibration. When sleep comes for such a one, it is difficult to obtain, because the ordinary astral-sphere of this nature does not vibrate at such a high level, and must, therefore, reject the intruder. This sometimes makes it very difficult for those who have begun to walk the Path to fall asleep as easily as they once used to.

This is what is meant by being a "stranger on earth", or "having no place to rest one's head". For those who are in the process of rejecting the natural world, the once hospitable regions of the reflection-sphere are no longer so. They are outcasts, invaders. The candidate on the Path must now find somewhere else to reside during the hours of rest. But where?

~ g

22 November 2013

The Longing That Leads To True Life


If your astral consciousness is drawn up into the heart, you are, consequently, the subject of interference of two worlds. The old and the new one seize you; it is a situation more difficult to endure because of the tensions it provokes. Therefore, take your cross, your rosycross, and go the Path that leads from Bethlehem to Golgotha, so that you may walk in the New Light.

To this end, it is necessary that the astral consciousness, during the hours of sleep, is not found again in the astral sphere of the nature-of-death. This is the first task. Imagine that you could free yourself for several nights from this astral sphere; you would then experience what an enormous blessing results from it.

Therefore, apply your new possibilities by living out of them, by taking them into account every hour of the day and by drawing the necessary consequences. Do not allow yourself to be dragged along in common behaviour, either as an individual, or with others, but direct yourself to The Great Aim and bring your being in harmony with it. When one is young one strives after maturity and social success. In the promising youth of gnostic pupilship, standing before the gates of the New Life, you likewise need to prepare for this Life and become mature as to the Soul-man and arrive in the Soul-world.

Of course you will still have to carry out your social tasks. We all have our duties and responsibilities which demand fulfilment and which weigh heavily. Do not neglect your duties. However, when you realize the Eternal Importance propelling the Soul-man within you to Life, then everything social, everything dualistic, however necessary to occupy yourself with for some time, will become of secondary importance. We do not mean that it does not matter any longer, only that The Great Aim will predominate in you by day and by night.

All the rest becomes spontaneously subservient. While you are occupied with whatever it may be, the Voice of the Soul will be heard and you will be able to listen to its rejoicing. When the astral self, drawn up into the heart, sends out its Longing for a New Life, all the rest will recede into the background as a matter of course. This Longing needs to resound in you by day and by night as one continuous tone. Then you will go the Way of Self-Surrender, the logical Way of Transfiguration, directly and in practice.

You know what Longing is. What have you not longed for in your life? When you look back on all those multifarious desires you know that a certain desire can be so strong that it becomes completely dominant. Well, when your longing for the Liberating Life, for the Gnosis, has that kind of depth and intensity, the astral self will become devoted, in self-surrender, to 'It', to 'Tao' to the Rose of roses, to the Gnosis. In this way, you will sing your thirteen songs of repentance, oh Pistis Sophia.

If you stand in this Process without any force of (nature-born) will, your astral self will no longer thrive, no longer breathe in the astral sphere of the nature-of-death. Then the natural astral self will die and the astral sphere of the nature-of-death will have to let you go, as a matter-of-course, because it can no longer reach you. Then, with respect to the astral self, you will have died according to nature.

From "The Road To Alienation" The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. 1 - Jan van Rijckenborgh


21 November 2013

Purification Of The Heart


When we awaken in the new, gnostic morning, the purification of the heart must be taken in hand in a very serious way from that moment on. Therefore, it is worthwhile to describe the average pupil of the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross. One can say that nearly every pupil is engaged in drawing the astral self up into the heart. In this way, he draws the drape from a window, as it were, where he can see a new light, shining as a rising dawn.

As soon as the pupils are able to look through the window of the heart, they come to know that real inner happiness can be found only on an entirely different spiral of life. The Rose of the Heart begins to speak because a new state is entered, the Gnostic Light has penetrated into their blood and developed entirely different motives in their system, so they stand at the gate of an entirely new process of development. Or, speaking in the language of the gnostic gospel of the Pistis Sophia: they stand before the gates of the Thirteenth Aeon.

If you are in this situation, the old process of development has not yet left you. At least, the old life has left its marks deeply in your heart sanctuary and that is why it must be purified. As long as the heart has not become pure according to the standards of the Gnosis, the new direction you gave to the astral consciousness will be only partially possible. The latent possibilities of the heart sanctuary cannot yet be freed; the old state of life continues to play an important part in your life and the consciousness, during sleep, returns to the astral sphere of the nature-of-death with all the ensuing consequences.

So you are, to a great extent, by virtue of your state-of-being, subjects of interference to the reflection-sphere, even to a higher degree than might be considered normal, because its inhabitants know that they are about to lose you. It is obvious that your life, for the moment, is more difficult, because in this situation both the Gnosis and nature have a role in your life. It is clear that the inner conflict may become more acute. You can read of these things in the Pistis Sophia, which is completely inspired by the experiences of the pupil who wakes up in the heart and seriously considers the consequences of it.

Whoever draws the astral consciousness up into the heart, penetrates into the holy halls of the universal Gnostic Brotherhood. However, the candidate, just as the Pistis Sophia, is sent back to purify the heart from numerous stains in various stages.

Pupils of the Spiritual School seek the Pure Light, the Liberating Life -- and because you have drawn your consciousness up into the heart, you know from within that the Pure Light exists. It is the pure, Original sidereal substance, the Pure Astral Force, just as it exists in the universal Gnostic Chain. The important thing now is that you reform the sidereal body -- the desire, or astral body -- in accordance with the standards of the Gnosis. What each pupil must achieve is the transfiguration of the astral self. It must be made pure, just as the Gnostic Light is pure. According to inner Knowledge you can cherish the hope of achieving this necessary purification, the first aspect of Transfiguration.

Therefore, you must now radically take yourself in hand, yet without forcing yourself, for that only causes extra tensions. Then the grand and glorious process, of which we have spoken in detail, develops. In the purified heart, the Immortal Soul is born, the basis for an entirely new type of man. This soul-basis consists of four principles of consciousness: the new material, the new etheric, the new astral and the new mental consciousness. First the astral consciousness must develop, then the mental and finally the etheric and material consciousness.

In this way the new soul-state will make itself felt in the blood and the nerve-fluid and, further, will manifest itself powerfully in the astral fluids of your being, upon which you new birth depends. Finally, on this basis the renewing principle begins to establish the new mentality with which the new state-of-consciousness has become complete. This entire process is indicated as the new sidereal birth.

From "The Way To Alienation" The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. 1 - Jan van Rijckenborgh


The heart is home to the sleeping Divine Spark. It must be purified, i.e., raised in vibration, in order to provide proper conditions for the Rosebud to bloom. It is from this sleeping Spirit-Spark Atom that the New Man will be re-born. But first, the heart of the candidate and eventually the entire astral body as well, must be purified.

~ g

16 November 2013

Shifting The Seat Of Desire


The Spiritual School does not help with a 'come with us and everything will be alright'. Every pupil must begin by helping himself and to this end the School shows him the Path. Only when one really and truly goes this Path does one receive the power, the radiation and the help of the Gnosis. The key to the Path of Liberation lies in the possibility to give a different direction to the astral consciousness. No other key will fit the door of The Path.

The astral self will not change when you have been taken along to the Spiritual School by your father or mother, or by a friend or acquaintance, or because one makes an appeal to you or sympathizes with you. Your astral self must spontaneously, out of necessity, seek this Path and behave accordingly. We are not in need of people who simply seek but of people who, after having found, behave themselves accordingly.

The majority of people live from the liver-spleen system, from their ordinary needs and instincts. The astral self is established in this system, especially in the solar plexus. The functions of the heart and the head are entirely subjected to it.

The heart and the head can be extraordinarily well-cultivated; the heart, for example, as to fine taste and feeling, and the head with respect to intellectual understanding. Yet, as long as the astral self lies imprisoned in the solar plexus and man, as a result, is one mass of self-maintenance, of I-centrality and is completely earthly-inclined, the pupilship of the gnostic Spiritual School is useless. The School can only meet a person, can only give a helping hand when this person gives evidence of freeing the astral self from the solar plexus to draw it up into the heart.

When one is engaged in doing this -- one cannot will this, the time must be right for it -- he proves that he has reached a dead-end as far as nature is concerned; that he realizes that duality is without prospects. He then begins to rise above his instincts, which have made him so happy and which are so completely one with nature.

When one is engaged in drawing the astral self up into the heart, where it in fact belongs, he will make a strange discovery Now that he views the world, not from the solar plexus, but from the heart, he finds corroborated what he perhaps subconsciously suspected: the absolute lack of prospects of the nature-of-death. You can repeat this or hear somebody else say it, but you will discover it for yourself as soon as you begin to draw the astral consciousness up into the heart. Then you will not establish it on the basis of some faith or other, or on philosophical  reflection, no, then you will know it.

The consciousness can be deluded by the astral sphere and its almost unlimited faculty of projection as long as it lies anchored in the liver-spleen system. However, if the consciousness draws itself up into the heart, the delusion is over. Since the astral consciousness always desires, is always directed upon some form of attainment, a new desire will develop -- the yearning for salvation.

Yearning for salvation from the solar plexus is nonsense, it is always a label. In reality, it expresses the continual desire for gratification of the "I" at the expense of others. The true yearning for salvation awakens in the heart sanctuary; a desire, unknown until that moment, born on the basis of rejection of duality. Only then is a new direction given to the astral consciousness.

The astral sphere of duality can always answer a person and satisfy him as long as his desires do not rise above the level of the "I". However, if one frees oneself from that level, then deliverance is in sight, then the Gnosis comes to meet that one on The Path. Then, the very first task is to purify the heart.

However, as we said before, the heart sanctuary, and no less the head sanctuary, have been so much abused that when astral consciousness is drawn up into a sanctuary that is extremely damaged and decayed, it must be conscientiously restored and purified.

From "Escape From Astral Bondage - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. 1 - Jan van Rijckenborgh


One must have reached a dead-end to nature, one must be through with what the natural world-order has to offer, before he can begin the process of drawing the astral self up into the heart sanctuary. Every part of duality must be unmasked, seen for what it is not and then rejected. If one attempts to hold on to anything of this dualistic nature-order -- even the so-called "good" aspects -- it will be difficult to undertake the journey back to the Original Nature-Order, the Divine Kingdom.

As Man cannot serve two masters, nor can the candidate on the Path of Return partake of two nature-orders. Those who seek Liberation are presented with an "either-or" choice. There is no middle-ground.

~ g

Men of Remembrance

The following question was asked recently:

Andrew: You mention, "To approach the truth, one must look from the inside-out." What is doing the looking?

Answer: Your question appears to be born out of the observation that if man is asleep and not in full control of his personality, then what part of him is doing the seeking?

With each life, there is an accumulation of experience. After death, this life-experience is added to the previous life-experiences of all prior personalities that inhabited the microcosm. During many thousands of incarnations, some personalities of the microcosm may have come across the truth of the Gnosis at some point. Perhaps there was merely an interest shown during a certain life, or perhaps a personality began walking the Path in one life only to fall away during another life; but the association with the Gnosis, the Truths learned, the experience of attempting to awaken the Divine Spark were not lost, can never be lost. That remains a part of the accumulated life-experience of the microcosm, to be re-born within each future personality constructed therein.

So we come to the present life. One may have an urge, a stirring, a feeling of restlessness with the world that one cannot explain. He seeks and he seeks, as if urged on from within...where does this urge to seek originate? It originates from the microcosmic memory spoken of above.

Somewhere within the personality is the memory of Truth. The personality is driven to seek this Truth. Sometimes they seek in the wrong direction, like the churches or some form of humanism. Such searches on the horizontal level of duality are ultimately unsuccesful and do not bear fruit.

However, when their seeking brings them once again to the doorstep of the Gnosis and the Path of Liberation, it is not as if they have found something new, rather it is as if they have regained something which had been lost, long ago. We call such persons Men of Remembrance.

Not all people fall into this category of human-being. The term is reserved for those who find the Gnosis after what is sometimes a tireless, driven, relentless seeking during the physical life. ~ g

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Here is what The New Call has to say on the issue of "Remembrance":

Q. Is each personality new, experiencing physical life for the first (and only) time? And is the personality required to somehow or other hear and respond to the promptings of its divine spark, necessarily in the absence of any prior accumulated experience other than that deriving solely from its own lifetime? Have I got that right?

A. Not quite. Although the personality is fresh and new, its soul's memory is not. A man of remembrance is one who, through lifetimes of dualistic experience (which is recorded in the soul), gradually hones his 'spiritual senses' to recognize Truth, and thus he also comes to discern the nature of the fallen world. In the vast majority of cases such a remembrance is derived from experiences in previous lifetimes.

This is the usual way in which souls 'progress' towards remembrance in the universe of death on the wheel. However, it is a very slow and arduous road involving much pain and suffering (via reincarnation) in duality. When the Christ-Consciousness appears on Earth at the end of cycles, the Way is opened for humanity and the 'express train' - the Ark of Christ - offers all true candidates for harvest a very quick and permanent egress from the fields of darkness: the Final Liberation, which is the ultimate goal of all fallen life.


All of us gathered here are actively engaged in this process of Remembering. This time around, may we all obtain The One Goal and be lead to The Good End.

~ g

12 November 2013

In The Beginning...


In the beginning it was intended that all manifestations of duality would be created without mind, would be matter only. For as soon as matter is connected with Spirit, an almost impossible situation arises. Then, an intellectual activity arises and matter, which is subject to incessant change, enters the state of death with its prisoners.

When the luminous Spark, the Spirit, associates with matter in an incorrect, unscientific manner, matter and Spirit merge. Spirit is eternal and invariable, whereas matter is continually changing, converting. When these two are united, matter drags along the Spirit -- the luminous Spark. Due to this unnatural connection, crystallization occurs. Matter resists and Spirit tries to maintain Itself but, through this latter activity, matter crystallizes, for then everything opposes the conversion. In this way Eternity is locked up in a series of sorrows.

As a modern man who is familiar with natural science, you know that there is Life in matter. There is Life and  Power in every atom of matter, but no Spirit in the sense of Living Mankind. Therefore, Heavenly Mankind was allowed to use matter in such a way that through its Life and Power, in due course, something would grow, be enabled to rise above matter.

Just think of the story of the Sorcerer's Apprentice. He begins to experiment and connects himself with forces he cannot control; these forces are then released and begin to dominate him; so he is washed away in the sea of Life.

When conscious Life, the Spirit, is tied to the matter of the Seventh Cosmic Domain (the cosmic physical plane), it always leads to sorrow and death. When the Spirit tries to maintain Itself in matter, a process sets in that we all recognize as crystallization. All the elements of nature, with their activities, powers and potentialities, were once handed over to God's creatures, a heavenly truly Divine Mankind, who were active in a Divine workshop. Heavenly Man entered, as it were, a Wonder-Garden, a Paradise. He tried to co-operate with the Seven Rectors (g: also known as the Seven Rays, the Seven Logoi, the Seven Rishis, etc., etc.) and understood everything that awoke out of nature into natural life.

Because this workshop was so marvelously beautiful and lived out of the Higher Mind, Heavenly Man forgot his real home, from time to time, and remained active in the Wonder-Garden, seeing himself as the center of it. When he saw his reflection in the water, he began to love it and wanted to live with it. At that moment, the will created a very unwise image and nature -- matter -- embraced its beloved and interwove itself completely with it. Heavenly Man, who had accepted the Garden of the Gods as the palace of the Gods, was taken prisoner.

That is why, of all creatures on earth, only man is twofold -- mortal with respect to the body of matter, and immortal with respect to the Heavenly principle, the True Man. The immortal suffers unbearably on account of being tied to matter, which is transitory. Though the Heavenly principle that has sunken into dualistic man is more distinguished and noble than its husk, it has nevertheless become its servant. However, the fatal consequences of the integration of Heavenly Man with duality, as we experience them now, were not apparent at first. This process spanned many billions of years. The development of these consequences has taken place quite gradually; the history of the Fall lies between the initial phases of integration and the ultimate change and crystallization in the profound depths of matter. It is the history of the world which began with the development of the Seven Races.

Heavenly Man was male-female** and able to create out of himself . In this way Heavenly Mankind pro-created seven sub-types, entirely in conformity with the Seven Rectors, the seven Aspects of the solar system. These seven root-races, as they are called in the Universal Doctrine, not only populated the earth, but the entire universe, the solar system, in great Glory. As a result, Heavenly Mankind was gradually tied to its own creation and creatures. Later still,one of the sexual aspects atrophied in the newly-generated man and because of this separation of the sexes, male-female relationships, as we know them now, came into being.

** g: male-female, also known as 'hermaphrodite'. This is what is actually meant in Genesis 5:2 when it states "...male and female created He them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created".

This series of ideas can be re-traced in the Universal Doctrine and in the Holy Language. Consider Paul the Apostle's hermetic ideas. He talks of God's creature tied to matter and how it yearns for Liberation and Salvation. Think of his joy when he ascertained how the Creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the Sons of God. This revelation will be carried out in accordance with the gnostic plan of salvation. It is so grand a scheme that we never tire of talking about it. Just think of the Original Heavenly Man, which generated the seven root-races and how, out of these, countless sub-races emanated, with all the myriad entities belonging to the sub-races. In all of them, the Light-Principle was established.

The Spark of Light which was once Perfect Light, also lies within us, as the seed-kernel, the Spirit-Spark Atom. We, too, can take part in the mighty plan of salvation. If you so wish, the process of your salvation can come about with great rapidity, if only you dedicate yourself to your Calling, if only you separate Light and darkness, Spirit and matter, the Eternal and the transitory, that is, -- fate. But before undertaking this process, before attempting to cleave the waters, making way for a left and a right to emerge, you should allow the Spirit to enter and purify your heart, thereby permitting the Light-Principle within you to awaken.

Through this process, all of you should dedicate yourselves to your Calling.

From "The Position of the Dualistic Order in the Cosmic Septenary" -  The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. I - Jan Van Rijckenborgh


11 November 2013

"The Food Of The Gods"


As we know, the reflection-sphere hierarchy is in great distress because their demand for light-force exceeds the supply of light-force being produced on the material-sphere.

All entities living in the material-sphere and, consequently, making use of a physical body, generate earthly light-force; which means that they transform the ethers which they themselves receive from the cosmic regions surrounding us. This transformation or transmutation of inter-cosmic light-force takes place through

- the blood,
- the internal secretions (hormones),
- the nerve fluid,
- the serpent-fire, and
- the consciousness fluid.

This light-force thus transformed by human-beings, both individually and in groups, constitutes 'the bread of life' for all of those who dwell in the reflection-sphere. The dwellers of the reflection-sphere themselves are unable to transmute inter-cosmic light-force for their own use, for the reason that they lack the necessary personality organism. They no longer have use of the indispensable physical body, since their densest vehicle consists of the etheric body. Therefore, if they wish to maintain the remains of their personality (g: astral body, mental body and perhaps a portion of the etheric double), they have to do this by absorbing light-power which is either put at their disposal voluntarily or is simply stolen by them.

All great religious, idealistic and occult groups in the material-sphere furnish their counterparts in the reflection-sphere, either voluntarily or involuntarily, practically all the light-power which they produce through their activities. Collectively, those who live in the physical life-field thus maintain a gigantic parasitical group in the reflection-sphere.

Now, what do we see developing in the practices of the present time?

We notice that in the past century, as a result of all kinds of terrible events which hit mankind so hard, a general decline of the religious and idealistic inclinations of the masses, and a widespread slackening of related activities. Humanity, to a considerable extent, is becoming 'realistic' and completely a-religious. By this we mean that, although  humanity holds a theoretical faith, as a sort of mystic decorum, this faith no longer has any concrete influence over them, nor does it lend any force to the life of the multitude, in the sense of its original purpose. The religious and idealistic tendencies have been completely diverted in a political, social and economic direction.

The churches are becoming nearly empty, and the light-force operations from the reflection-sphere, as applied to church-goers, do not give such a rich harvest as before. Idealism becomes more and more extinct; and practical idealism manifests itself in the form of contributions to various organizations. Moreover, these organizations, out of political considerations, are more than ever being taken over by the governments, who know that poverty and need breed revolution and revolutionary factions. This is why, at present, the general humanistic practices usually are not based on philanthropy, but prompted by purely matter-of-fact, 'realistic' considerations.

Now, as a result of all this, of which you are fully aware, humanity has brought about, either through individual activity or that of groups, a very great change in the transmutation processes of light-power.

The present transmutation processes produce excessive chemical-ether and life-ether and a very great amount of reflecting-ether of very dubious quality, but very, very little light-ether!

Here the reflecting-ether (or thought-ether) is only attracted and converted insofar as man needs it for projects of a grossly material nature, whilst the light-ether, which formerly was abundantly unleashed by religious, humanistic, and idealistic waves and mass movements, is now only attracted for the immediate maintenance of the body. Only the two lower ethers -- the chemical-ether and the life-ether -- which are to take care of the formation of creatures and things and their maintenance, are produced in sufficient quantity.

In view of this situation, we can now affirm with certainty that the dwellers of the reflection-sphere have no use for the two lower ethers, except those entities belonging to the lowest gradations of earth-bound beings (g: known as "shades"). But those entities have never yet had to complain about a lack of 'food' or the possibility to obtain it.

However, the light-ether and the pure reflecting-ether -- the so-called "higher" ethers -- are the ones that constitute the bread par excellence for the dead who desire to maintain themselves on yonder side, because the remains of their life-bodies, at the moment of passing, are composed of those ethers. Therefore, it is clear that when humanity, in the material-sphere, no longer supplies sufficient light-power composed of the two higher ethers, the entire reflection-sphere hierarchy and their vassals are brought to very great distress, compelling them to exert themselves to the utmost to reactivate the production of light-force, which is indispensable for maintaining themselves in the reflection-sphere.

Now, the Great Play that is to be performed finds its ground in this particularly deadly struggle for life.

From "The Shadow of the Coming Events" - Unmasking - Jan van Rijckenborgh


The human personality-system attracts and assimilates various ethers from the surrounding cosmos. This is one of the main functions of the chakras. The five fluids listed above and certain ductless glands also play key roles. What is required for the maintenance of the human personality is transmuted and retained. Anything in excess of that is thrown off from the body, or liberated. This excess portion of light-force is what Greek "mythology" referred to as ambrosia, the Food of the Gods.

~ g

In ancient Greek mythology, ambrosia (Greek: ἀμβροσία) is sometimes the food or drink of the Greek gods (or demigods), often depicted as conferring ageless immortality upon whoever consumed it. It was brought to the gods in Olympus by doves, so it may have been thought of in the Homeric tradition as a kind of divine exhalation of the Earth - Wikipedia

09 November 2013

Spiritual Wickedness In High Places - Comments

Brian, responses to your recent questions follow below. Too lengthy to fit into the Comments section.

Q: The Catholic Church has without a doubt disintegrated. What about the state of Christianity, Islam and Hindism? They still hold vast numbers, or is it a case of technology, progress, atheism, trans-humanism and materialism removing light ethers from the reflection sphere?

A. Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc. are laboring as well. All of these religions still hold millions under their spell, however the quality of the ethers given off by the faithful (yes, there are different gradations) has deteriorated to a level that renders them almost useless to light-spirits.

Q: Are not these beings in the reflection sphere infinitely clever? Would they have generated new "plans"?

A: They have no need of a new plan. The old one has worked just fine for hundreds of thousands of years. This, due to humanity's consistent inability to figure out what the "plan" actually is.

When humanity is shown the plan, laughter or derision is the response.

Q: Would anybody in this modern digital age even believe in a returned Christ as Rijckenborgh states?

A: If you're asking whether a large majority of humanity will fall for the Final Act of the Great Play, the sham "return of the Christ", the answer is of course they will. Why? First off, let's address the concept of the "modern digital age". There is nothing "modern" about the times we live in. We are cavemen and cavewomen compared to what man was during the height of the Atlantean civilization.

During that epoch, mankind made use of technology that would leave "modern" man's mouth agape. A lot of this Atlantean technology had nothing to do with machines and everything to do with the use and abuse of thought-power, solar and lunar energy, astral forces, earth energies, etc. Our little dinky computers are but toys in comparison. Sadly, because humanity doesn't know any better, we puff out our chests and beat our breasts in pride thinking that we have reached the "height of modernization" and sit at the top of the heap as far as civilizations go. Well, humanity is mistaken. We are children in comparison to past civilizations, and we know very little about the true nature of this world, this Universe and this Creation.

Returning to Atlantis, many of the secrets to their technology were spirited away and hidden prior to the Destructions. There are groups who have always known where these secret technologies are and have been using them against mankind for centuries.

Now, why will humanity fall for the Great Ruse? Because the Dark Brothers, as always, will utilize their twin weapons of  (1) the super-natural and (2) the element of surprise.

All of humanity knows the story of Jesus, the Christed One, even if they are of another religion. Some support it, others dismiss it, but a major portion of humanity is aware of it. So, someday, when all of humanity simultaneously looks into the stratosphere and sees living images of "the Christ" surrounded by living images of other known "gods" (i.e., "Krishna", "Buddha", "Moses", "Quetzacoatl", "Blue Kachina", etc.) in a show of unity and brotherhood, their first reactions will be awe, then fear, as they realize that they must now hurry to "clean up their act" because "the Christ" has returned and they certainly do not want to end up in "hell".

What will they then do? They will rush back to the abandoned churches, temples, synagogues, etc., in order to desperately pray for forgiveness. For the light-spirits, it will be a smorgasbord! A feast! Bon apetit!

P.S.: if humans will believe that two granite-and-steel buildings, 110-stories tall, can be vaporized into dust after being hit by two aluminum planes, they will believe anything.

Q: Wouldn't be in their interest to develop a transhumanist movement? And ultimately AI? Isn't this where light ethers are now going to the Google? Facebook and Twitter brotherhood? Look how these guys are selling the future?

A: There are four main types of ethers:

chemical - physical plane
life - etheric plane
light - astral plane
reflecting - mental plane.

Light-spirits, the majority of whom are loitering in the astral planes of the reflection-sphere, require astral ethers, the purer, the better, in order to maintain themselves.

The purest light-ethers are given off by humans when they are absorbed in some sort of spiritual or devotional activity, such as prayer. Trans-humanism and other futurist movements are primarily intellectual in nature. Thoughts in this direction will release reflecting-ether of a dubious nature but will not liberate the necessary quality or quantity of pure astral ethers (light-ether).

The futurist movement serves to convince man that his technological progress lies before him in a linear, step-by-step fashion. So, when humans are confronted with a 10,000 magnitude phenomena like the hijacking of every radio, television, mobile and computer transmission in the entire world, they will react in astonishment because no one has ever mentioned that such a thing could ever be possible. They will look upon the phenomena as "magic" or "the hand of God". In truth, such a trick is child's play in the hands of those who will be carrying out the plans of the Reflection-Sphere Hierarchy.

Q: Other areas the dark brotherhood are obviously in control are Hollywood, Media, Finance and Governments. Each of the areas holding a huge grip on humanity rendering them entranced, docile or in fear.

A: This is unequivocally correct.

Q: Are people who practice Meditation, Yoga or take Psychedelics all stuck in the reflection sphere?

Meditation puts one in touch with the reflection-sphere. Psychedelics, drugs of all types and alcohol open one to influences from the reflection-sphere.

Anyone who dies having failed to awaken their Divine Spark will head directly to the reflection-sphere, no matter how holy or spiritual they were during life. There are no exceptions. Nothing personal, that's just the way it is.

Let's put it this way: Mother Theresa is now residing in the reflection-sphere. She was as "holy" as they come, but she spent her life dedicated to the work of the earthly church, unwittingly serving the ends of the light-spirits and aeons of this nature.

The true Rosicrucian, one who humbly understands what it means to "attach the rose to the cross", does not practice meditation, concentration, visualization, astral travel, breathing exercises and the like. Such a one's primary duty is to open the heart for the Touch of the Christ, the Gnosis. Once this is done, one must attempt to live life in such a way as to enable that Influence to grow in strength and power (new attitude of life). The "I" can do nothing to advance this process. The "I" must stand aside (self-surrender). The process of Rebirth will be undertaken and managed by the Gnosis. lt is the Christ that will do the work within us.

Q: How many have actually gotten out of the reflection sphere? Currently there are only 15,000 LR members in the world but from what I understand every human on the planet must receive the Gnosis and follow the five fold path so that is 7 billion to work on. Also Christ is the only that has transfigured and maybe Carlos Casteneda!

A: The reflection-sphere is jammed to the rafters with entities of all types. However, many millions of earth-bound entities have escaped the reflection-sphere over the course of hundreds of thousands of years. The Gnosis is not something brand new, it has been with mankind since before the Fall, hundreds of millions of years ago. During that time, many have successfully completed the climb out of this Pit of Despair. These ones headed first to Shamballa where they completed the process of transfiguration and obtained final Liberation from the Wheel. Upon obtaining Liberation, the entity is given the choice of leaving the earth-planes for good or remaining behind to help those who are still lost. The entities who choose the latter path, the Path of Service, work from behind-the-scenes, in the Vacuum of Shamballa. Occasionally, depending upon the needs of mankind, some of our liberated brothers and sisters will take a physical form and walk amongst men in an attempt to bring them true Knowledge, Wisdom and Light.

Christ is the entity most widely known to have achieved transfiguration during the end of the Piscean Age. However, he is definitely not the only one. He's just the only one that we have been made aware of. Those who wish to control humanity do not want such information to become public knowledge. If humanity knew that such a thing was possible, an uncountable multitude would reject this miserable world and immediately begin walking the Path of Return.

This is why the life of the Christ was and is ridiculed and scorned. If there is one thing the human being fears most, it's being looked upon as a "kook" or a "nut". Humans want to "fit in", so they will turn away from any truth that threatens to place them on the fringes of what is considered to be "normal". The enemies of the Gnosis have managed to place doubt in the minds of fallen humanity, who have neither the will nor the insight to recognize that the blueprint to the Path of salvation is staring us in the face.

As for the "7 billion", that number represents only those who are currently in physical incarnation. It is said that there are around 60 billion souls that compose this segment of the human life-wave. Approximately two-thirds of these souls will continue on with the New Earth at the end of this cycle. The other one-third will have to repeat the cycle, from scratch. Human evolution has many more millions of years to go so there is plenty of time for those souls who need it. The reason that The Gate has opened once again at the end of this major world-cycle is to provide an opportunity for all mankind to make one of the following choices:

- obtain Liberation now when the Cycle ends, or
- join the New Race and work towards obtaining Liberation in the future, or
- have their microcosms swept clean when the reflection-sphere is cleansed and purified.

Q: From speaking with some long term LR members they don't have many answers other than what was written by JVR 50 years ago.

A: Those who have awakened their Divine-Spark and have gained insight into the nature of duality are normally focused upon walking the Path. It is not necessary for them to have "answers" when they have located the one answer that has proven to be true.

Being a pupil of LR does not make one all-knowing or omniscient. However, these ones recognize that they have obtained the "one thing needful" and realize that the most important thing they can do for humanity is to live lives of purity, humility and selfless service to humanity.

There are other members of LR and of the world at-large, who know a bit more. These ones recognize their duty to share what they have heard and stand ready to assist mankind in obtaining much-needed insight.

Q:  I find this aspect of his writings(the cosmic day,sham return of Christ and the great initiative) in line with another 2012 Mayan Calendar type scenario.

What light ethers are we feeding with all this stuff?

A: As for JVR and the warnings he published in The Shadow of the Coming Events (Unmasking) let's just say this: a prophecy or prediction is useless unless offered in advance of the event that it references. His job is done. We have been warned. One doesn't have to believe these warnings, but it might be a darn good idea to remember them.

The ether-bleedings released by humanity as a result of the 2012 / Doomsday scenarios were mostly tinged with fear. The vibration of fear is a relatively slow one which only benefits lower astral entities who vibrate at that level. The light-spirits that we are discussing require pure ethers of a very high vibration.

Q: I understand that many mystics and visionaries tell of such tales and there is the vague historical evidence but I guess God in his genius will try to help 15,000 Gnostics and stick them in a hidden residence in the Gobi desert if anything does happen?

Unable to determine if the "God in his genius" statement was written out of scorn, despair, frustration or levity. In any event, this is the response:

The Plan of the Logos is not to help "15,000 gnostics". The Plan of the Logos is to awaken and retrieve ALL souls that have been trapped in duality on the rotating Wheel of Death and Rebirth for endless eons of time. THE PATH OF RETURN IS OPEN TO EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING WHO HAS A SPIRIT-SPARK ATOM. God does not play favorites.

The human life-wave fell into this alternate reality and is now trapped here because we do not understand how duality works and we do not know the rules for escape. This is why those who do achieve Liberation return to earth again and again, as divine avatars. Because they've been where we are today. They know that we walk in blindness because they themselves once walked in blindness.

What is the fate of the Avatars and Messengers of Mercy when they appear on earth? They are ridiculed, persecuted, scorned and ostracized by blind and foolish mankind. The most recent and well-known One was crucified.

No, my friend. The harvest is not reserved for "15,000 gnostics", it is reserved for all of mankind. God waits with open arms for His prodigals to shake off the Sleep of Ages and return home. The choice to do so, however, is ours alone to make. We must voluntarily decide to Return.

During what remains of this Great Day of Manifestation, which has reached the halfway point, we have an eternity to do so, many trillions of years. At the end of this cycle of Creation, when the seventh Round of the seventh Globe of the seventh World Period has come to a close, all will have returned home. Until then, the pioneers will continue to lead the way, as they always have. In unimaginable love and mercy, they will return as many times as necessary to shed light on the Path. A light that their brothers and sisters can someday follow...when they are finally ready to do so.

all love,

~ g

08 November 2013

Spiritual Wickedness In High Places - Conclusion


Every idealistic group of a time-spatial nature, dualistic nature -- no matter which aim motivates it, be it of a religious or any other tendency, primitive or cultured -- attracts light-forces, either positive-magically or mystic magically. As said, these are ethers which, over and above personal needs, are attracted by the group and gather round it to form a sphere entirely of its own.

Any person belonging to the group attaches himself fundamentally to this sphere and is fed by it in a super-personal manner; so much so that, when a member of the group dies and consequently his microcosm abandons the material body and is ready for further dissolution of the personality, this dissolution can be retarded or even completely halted by the fact that numerous light-forces, emanating from the group-sphere in question, feed the remains of the personality destined for dissolution. This can be in such a measure that no further dissolution of the personality can take place. Thus a reflection-sphere life of a very unnatural type is created.

~ g: you may wish to re-read that paragraph as many times as necessary to ensure that the importance of what has been stated is not overlooked.

Now, those who, out of fear of life, resign themselves to this state and who are in touch, after death, with all those who stayed behind in the material sphere, will do their utmost to inspire the group to which they had belonged, to stimulate and incite them to continue the work pursued by the group. For the keeping alive of the group-sphere by those who still have at their disposal all four vehicles of their personalities means continuance of existence for the "living-dead" maintaining themselves in the reflection-sphere.

Thus, over the course of time, the reflection-sphere groups have unintentionally developed from out of earthly striving, the consequences of which became apparent at a given moment. These consequences could not be checked and, once having been caught therein, the only thing to do was to resign themselves thereto. Therefore, it is a fact that the two spheres of existence maintain each other, as it were, by means of a chain reaction.

When one knows all this, further investigation of the reflection-sphere can reveal how extraordinarily intricate and complex this  two-sphere culture has become, and how, impelled by the struggle for life, it has been possible to set up and divide the reflection-sphere as a general life-field, with homes to satisfy each single group.

But you will also discover how many Spirit-spark entities, hampered in their natural course by these retarding consequences and knowing that their microcosm is this caught, contribute, by this very situation, to the earthly multiplication of life-spark entities, so that in the material-sphere, they can breed a flock of creatures who are trained to continually supply the group caught in the reflection-sphere with sufficient light-power.

The entire dualistic nature, with its two spheres, has become top-heavy with unholy, though well-intentioned life, where nobody, from the top-down, feels safe. Yet so many, yes millions of people, consider themselves so very good, so deeply religious, or so thoroughly white-magical.

Now do you understand why, in the classical Rosycross, every brother and sister had to promise not to use his or her knowledge for prolonging life, either here below or in the reflection-sphere? For whosoever becomes involved therein, will be irretrievably caught in the cobweb.

If you are now able to comprehend this entire outline of reality, it will become clear to you that all this must inevitably build up to a cosmic crisis. The entire dualistic life field feels itself threatened, because the numerous side-effects of fundamentally un-godly living result in obfuscation of the total dualistic field. As a consequence, the light-power is no longer sufficient to feed un-natural after-life in the reflection-sphere, and inter-cosmic dangers arise.

In regards to this we advise you to deepen your insights as much as possible, in order that you may thoroughly realize why the dualistic hierarchy is engaged in the execution of their scheme for developing a world-wide theocratic fascism.

They want to force a great inter-cosmic flow of light-power, and to make this possible by applying natural science.

They want to make use of this in order to ensure an adequate balance between the consumption of light-power (by them) and the supply of light-power (from us) -- in short, to express it in an orthodox way, in order to firmly establish an earthly messianic kingdom.

You may wonder what is to be understood by the term "dualistic hierarchy".

It is the organization embodying all the brotherhoods of the reflection-sphere, at lease the largest and most prominent of them -- something in the nature of a Reflection-Sphere International.

From "The Shadow of the Coming Events" - Unmasking - Jan van Rijckenborgh


As this has been taking place over many thousands of years, the reflection-sphere has grown crowded with these entities, these light-spirits. Ages ago, it was easy to get superstitious and gullible man to venerate the dead, worship the dead, focus their thoughts and feelings on the dead. From ancient Atlantean priests and priestesses to Egyptian pharaohs to the "saints" of the churches to modern-day pop icons like Elvis and Michael Jackson, reflection-sphere entities have been able to retain a part of their personalities on the other side by leeching light-power from those living on the earth-sphere (okay, we don't know about Elvis and Michael but for illustrative purposes, they are prime candidates for this type of phenomena).

It is a reciprocal relationship. As different earthly groups invoke the memory or the name of their dead leaders, founders, etc., light and reflecting ethers are liberated by humans that are absorbed by these reflection-sphere entities, allowing them to maintain their astral bodies indefinitely. In return, the light-spirits send inspiration or other vibrational "favors" to the group, which helps to reinforce the group-belief and keep the circle of dependency going.

Because mankind has no knowledge of the invisible worlds, the true nature of "death" or the power of our own thoughts and feelings, we unwittingly allow ourselves to be victimized in this fashion while contributing to the log-jam of souls trapped in the reflection-sphere. In their desperate bid to remain "alive" beyond the veil, these light-spirits have helped to pollute the astral-spheres of the earth. Their quest to un-naturally prolong their existence in a temporary sphere has led to a crisis-point. A tension has been built up that must be released. Additionally, man no longer frequents the churches, which was a major source of ether-bleedings for them.

With their demise clearly staring them in the face, these groups are banding together in order to trick mankind into collectively offering up the tremendous amounts of light-power that they now require. This is the purpose behind their staging of The Great Play, which, even now, is well underway. 

To be fore-warned is to be fore-armed.

~ g

06 November 2013

Spiritual Wickedness In High Places

The previous post discussed the existence of the reflection-sphere. It reminds us of the following:

- that there is another, invisible side to the physical world
- the microcosm is bound, by its karma, to cycle through this invisible world and then return to the physical
- that this wheel-of-death-and-rebirth is mandatory for all fallen microcosms

As always, there are exceptions:

a. upon physical death, personalities who have begun walking the Path of Rebirth during physical incarnation will take a detour to Shamballa. There, the process of transmutation will continue to its glorious conclusion in a supportive atmosphere composed of pure ethers

b. upon physical death, personalities who have discovered, by way of occult practices, how to prolong both physical life and life in the hereafter, can delay their return to physical incarnation, indefinitely. These "un-natural" entities in effect, become aeons. The following excerpt elaborates.


You may be aware, from our literature, of how the different groups in the land on yonder side of death -- the reflection-sphere -- develop, and how they maintain themselves. The dualistic order is a nature-of-death, consisting of two main spheres: the material sphere, which is the domain of existence of man born of matter -- and the refection-sphere, which is the realm of the dead. In this nature-order, which is characterized by the ceaseless variability of all things, all microcosms, in a circular course of rising, shining and fading (what we call living and dying), are in turn being animated and emptied. This means that again and again they are supplied with a new personality which, after its course through the material sphere, vanishes again.

Hence, the material sphere is the field of life of the personality, whereas the reflection-sphere is the field where microcosms are emptied.

In the course of this uninterrupted rotation through the two spheres of this nature-of-death, a sum of experiences, a remembrance, a power, a total result of all manifestation of the personality is registered in every microcosm, until finally, it will be possible to obtain in a microcosm a personality which, by virtue of microcosmic maturity of experience, is able to make the resolution and produce the strength to depart from this nature-of-death to the regions of Another Cosmic Order. This does not mean a departure to the reflection-sphere as a consequence of corporeal death, but a victory over death and a negation of the refection-sphere.

Now, we know that in the process of unfoldment of the plan underlying the nature-of-death, contingencies and irregularities occur. This entire creation, knowing that it is subject to death in this order of time and space, tries to escape this death -- not in the only possible way, but in a thousand different, ineffective ways which we all know.

There is an immense fear of death, simply because humans do not know true Life. Hence, there is a general urge to prolong life in every possible manner. Facing the truth, it must be said that every urge for the fulfillment of life proceeds from this immeasurable fear of death.

Eternity calls mortal man; but now mortal man, knowing that he is subject to the temporal, proceeds to fight against his nature, because of this fear of death. This battle has produced some very unnatural results. One of these is the congealing or delaying of the dissolution of the personality in the reflection-sphere -- the dissolution in the 'beyond' of the remains of the personality. This means a tying-down to the earth in some gradation.

How is such a congealing brought about? How is it maintained? Simply by means of robbing and wrongly using light-power; that is to say, by ether radiations and ether forces.

End Part 1

From "The Shadow of the Coming Events"  - Unmasking - Jan van Rijckenborgh


The reflection-sphere was originally intended to be a temporary abode that microcosms would pass through while dissolving one personality and replacing it with another. For long thousands of years, certain entities have discovered the secret to extending their time in the reflection-sphere, much to the detriment of all humanity.

To our great misfortune, their sham "immortality" is purchased at the expense of those of us here in the material sphere.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places". Ephesians 6:12