29 October 2013

From Earth To 'Heaven' And Back Again

Human personalities have four lower vehicles: the dense physical body, the etheric double (vital body), the astral vehicle (emotional or desire body) and the mental vehicle.

In the ordinary course of events, after the moment of death the etheric, astral and mental vehicles of the personality are withdrawn from the dense physical body. The physical shell, deprived of the animating forces of the vital body, appears to the physical eye as cold and lifeless. As the masses of men do not have knowledge of the existence of the invisible worlds, grief and mourning ensue.

Meanwhile, the so-called 'dead' person is alive and well on the other side of the veil. In fact, it is almost certain that the first thought the so-called dead person has will be something similar to the following:

"Am I dead?"

Here is the classic example of the question that answers itself. For if one were 'dead' as some would have us believe, consciousness would cease and we would be rendered senseless. In wonder, the so-called dead person will perceive that he still has a body (although it is the etheric double he is now utilizing) even as he can view his own abandoned shell, lying where he left it. Eventually, the realization dawns,

"Well, I'll be darned...I'm alive!"

Yes, you're alive, buddy. And welcome to proof of the continuity of life. It's too bad that this truth could not have been embraced during the physical life. It would have left the personality a little better prepared for what happens after "death". Welcome to the reflection-sphere.

The reflection-sphere is what mankind calls "heaven". It is thus named because it is basically a reflection of life here in the physical plane. Also, it is said that events first take place in the reflection-sphere before manifesting or reflecting themselves onto the physical plane.

The reflection-sphere has varying planes of activity that correspond with the remaining vehicles of the so-called 'dead' personality. There is an etheric plane, an astral plane and a mental plane. The personality will ascend these planes in succession, experiencing for a time on the etheric plane before eventually discarding its etheric double. It will then take its remaining two vehicles (astral and mental) to the astral plane, where it will experience for a time and eventually drop the astral body before moving on to the mental plane. When its time there has expired, the mental body is dissolved. At that point, nothing is left of the personality, the John or Jane Doe who lived the previous life on the physical earth. Only the emptied microcosm remains, keeping within it the karma of the most recent personality and merging it with the accumulated karma of all the previous lives that inhabited the microcosm.

From the above, we can draw several conclusions:

- the true consciousness resides with the microcosm
- it is the microcosm that seeks reincarnation
- 'eternal life' in the 'hereafter' of the churches is a lie
- we are temporary images, image-bearers

As image-bearers, we are brought into existence for One Purpose: to assist the microcosm in awakening the Seed that lies at its center so that the True Man that sleeps within may be restored to Divine Life. If we do not accomplish that mission while in the physical, we will meet the fate outlined above: a few hundred years in the reflection-sphere and then dissolution. The microcosm will begin the task of seeking another personality that will, hopefully, succeed where we have failed.

The alternative to repeated turns on the Wheel-of-Death-and-Rebirth can only be found when one effects a fundamental reversal and succeeds in turning his or her focus in a completely different direction. There is a Path that leads to true immortality, but it is as narrow as a razor's edge and must be walked with one-pointed focus and devotion. It is the fivefold gnostic Path of Rebirth and is open to all who truly desire Liberation.

~ g


Anonymous said...

So many questions Sir, hope you will be able to shed some light;-

1. If true consciousness resides within the microcosm, who chooses the circumstance of its next incarnation?
2. If our present circumstance is nothing but that of an image-bearer, does this true consciousness have what could be ascribed as 'true personality".
3. If in any such lifetime as this when a personality has initiated or begun the path of liberation, does this become the final personality of the microcosm?
4. All microcosm will eventually return to the ALL during the "pralaya" so could you clarify what is really "true immortality".
5. Gnostic s often describe the material world as a creation of the Demiurge or "lesser GOD" so how did the microcosm's end up getting trapped here.

You may have already touched on these topics in your vast blog, if so just direct me to the pages. Thanks for your time.

BrotherGee said...

Will answer in two comments, Questions 1 and 2 first.

1. If true consciousness resides within the microcosm, who chooses the circumstance of its next incarnation?

Answer: There are vast creative intelligences serving the Logos whose duty it is to assist microcosms in planning the circumstances of the microcosm's next incarnation. They are referred to as the Lords of Destiny and are part of what is collectively known as the Elohim.

The Lords of Destiny handle details such as what will be the timing of the moment of birth as it relates to the astrological position of the stars and planets, the choice of parents, race, nationality, location, etc., as well as setting up the general blueprint for the new personality's pending incarnation.

2. If our present circumstance is nothing but that of an image-bearer, does this true consciousness have what could be ascribed as 'true personality".

Answer: The germ of the 'true personality' resides in the Spirit-spark atom, the Divine Spark, which is located in the center of the microcosm. The True Man, the divine "Other One" can only be brought forth, reborn, via the efforts of the image-bearer, the personality, whose job it is to - while in physical incarnation - attract the Divine forces necessary to awaken the Rose of the Heart. Once awakened, the process of Transmutation and Transformation can begin.

Questions 3 and 4 next...

BrotherGee said...

Answers to Questions 3 and 4...

3. If in any such lifetime as this when a personality has initiated or begun the path of liberation, does this become the final personality of the microcosm?

Answer: You're on the right track. Let's put it this way. The personality that succeeds in breaking through will be the last one that will be generated via involuntary reincarnation on the Wheel-of-Death-and-Rebirth. The personality's consciousness will merge with the Divine consciousness of the Reborn Original Man, availing it of the totality of knowledge, powers and experiences accumulated by all of the previous personalities that inhabited the microcosm.

Reincarnation is governed by karma. As long as there is karma to balance, or unsatisfied material desires, the microcosm will be compelled to return a new personality to the earth-plane. Karma must be balanced on the plane where it was generated. That is why the candidate is asked to practice detachment from the things of the world.
One of the benefits of walking the Path of Return in humility, sincerity and devotion is that at some point the microcosmic karma is erased, eliminating the need to reincarnate in the usual fashion. By then, the transfigured microcosm will be re-connected with Spirit and re-linked with the Divine. Any decision to take on a new personality will be an entirely voluntary one, usually done when such action will be of benefit or service to humanity.

4. All microcosms will eventually return to the ALL during the "pralaya" so could you clarify what is really "true immortality".

Answer: It is true, the entire All-manifestation is eternal and all will eventually return to The All. However, there is a difference between having an unconscious eternal existence and having an eternal existence that is infused with Divine consciousness. At this moment, man is conscious on the physical plane but unconscious to that which is Divine.

The term 'immortality' in the context of the blog-post is used relative to human existence, which is unquestionably temporary. Man's consciousness is a fallen, earth-focused consciousness that is turned inwards, towards himself. Divine consciousness is that which is connected with Spirit and thereby linked with The All. Even further, a Divine Consciousness is turned outwards, away from the self. It recognizes that “each one is the other” and voluntarily carries out the will of The All.

Q 5 next and last...

BrotherGee said...

5. Gnostics often describe the material world as a creation of the Demiurge or "lesser GOD" so how did the microcosm's end up getting trapped here.

Answer: The Seventh Cosmic Plane, our sevenfold Physical manifestation was created for use as a cosmic laboratory, where divine entities could create and experiment (in service to The All) with materials that were denser and slower in vibration than could be found in the Divine Realms. What sets this lowest Cosmic Plane apart from the higher ones is Duality, the continuous play of countless pairs of opposites, symbolically mythologized as the Tree of Good and Evil.

The warning was given to these divine beings to not "involve" themselves in their creations, but they did not listen and fell victim to the pull of Duality. There are many familiar stories regarding this "fall". Most of them have been trivialized and misunderstood, some reduced to the realm of fairy tale. But there is a pure seed of Truth in all of these tales, as they allegorically relate the circumstances that cursed the human life-wave to this existence long eons ago.

Not all of these Divine entities fell. Those who did not succumb to the lure of duality were immediately marshaled to rescue their fallen brethren. These are the Elohim mentioned earlier.

By divine fiat, an "emergency-order" of existence was established where these microcosms could work their way out of the Physical realm and back to their Divine Home. That emergency-order is the physical universe we now inhabit.

You asked some very good questions. i'm looking for links to past posts that may shed more light. When found, i will post them here.


~ g

Anonymous said...

Your answers are profound yet simple and to the point, and they clarify a lot of random questions that occur to me while stumbling along the path. Thank you so much for your time and indulgence Sir.

Anonymous said...

hi g-

good conversation. i'd like to add that when all planes (physical, astral, mental) are vibrationaly transcended, what remains is the soul. the soul too is part of the fallen world, which i will describe simply as everything below the christ plane. upon transfiguration, the individual soul too is shed upon union to the one united soul.

i understand that your original blog addresses this and my addition is merely a different choice of terminology, however i felt to rephrase in terms perhaps more familiar to many.


BrotherGee said...


Well put, my friend.