29 August 2014

The Doctrine Of The Faith


The Good is Life, Light, Intelligence, the Word. It is the Son of God. It is God Himself. Evil is Lucifer or Satan. It is pride, ambition, excessive desires and lies. But one day, Christ, the Conqueror, will return the repenting Lucifer to the feet of the God of Love! And the God of Love will, in utter compassion, forgive Lucifer's ambitious revolt!

The Sun is the Creator. Lucifer only constructs the form. Lucifer, moved by pride and ambition, wanted to imitate the works of the Logos; he is the mimicker of God.

Hence his work is only a lie, an imperfect world, a collapse, nothingness.

The world is an animal. The elements, the forests and mountains have a voice, a language. The plants have affections, feelings. The stars are Spirits clothed in Fire. The Heavenly Hosts, the morning stars, and the choirs of the stars are real.

A human-being consists of Spirit and Matter, of life and substance. The soul, the heavenly human-being, is the work of the Son. The body, the earthly human-being, is the work of matter.

Souls are lower angels that have been expelled from Heaven. The birth of a human-being is the fall of an angel.

Hence creation is a fall, life is a penance, and the earth is a place of testing and chastisement.

The exiled souls return to Heaven by Purification. First of all, this Purification occurs on earth; next from star to star; by successive ascensions, according to one's progress on the Path of Perfection.

Life is a sullied garment that is discarded at death; it can (and should) become the first stage of the Path of the Mysteries: from caterpillar to pupa, and from pupa to the perfect insect (the butterfly).

The unworthy souls evolve from star to star until their Final Deliverance into the heart of God.

'There is no hell in Eternal Love!'

From "On The Path to the Holy Grail"  - Antonin Gadal


A short but powerful excerpt. The first paragraph symbolically and eloquently traces the trajectory of humanity's collective and individual journey away from, and back to, the Father.

There is much to contemplate here.

~ g

18 August 2014

Atlantis, Redux


Various theories exist regarding the ancient, lost world-empire of Atlantis. However, there is very little precise knowledge about it, which accounts for the multiplicity of the theories and speculations; occult science does not provide the laity with one single detail. Yet it is an established fact that nothing in the dualistic world-order is lasting, for values, forces and conditions are constantly changing. Consequently, there can be no building in this order, in the sense of constant unfoldment and growth, because every rise is followed by a fall. In the Original dualistic order this rising and fading of things was not analogous to good and evil; it did not mean that good was nullified by bad, and bad, in turn, by good. In the Beginning, rising and fading was simply a process of change. How long a particular situation lasted was not determined by man or by human influences, but by the natural laws of this stratum of life.

However, the Fall of Man also disturbed and corrupted our stratum of life, so that natural duality has now been replaced by avenging duality, a situation in which, through man's activities, tensions repeatedly arise which call for destruction and change. In the pre-human state, re-grouping of continents and seas was not a catastrophe for mankind, but it is now, because the process of natural and avenging duality are encroaching on each other. Natural duality is repeatedly forced into action by man's wickedness, by human duality.

As one might imagine, the appearance of the earth during the Atlantean period had to change into that of the Aryan period, through the action of natural duality. One might also be able to imagine that the governors of our Fate made use of this change to teach mankind a lesson, to open a new possibility, in order to teach man how to go the Path back to his Original home, the Kingdom of Heaven.

However, one might want to imagine that, in view of man's sinful state, the change of natural duality could be used as a punishment, as a great twilight, an extinguishing of unholy consciousness, as a 'draught of oblivion'. Then, for the sinner, the new surroundings provide a clean slate, a new beginning, and for him, too, the change of natural duality would be a portal of renewal.

Two developments are therefore conceivable: one for the part of mankind that did not participate in the Great Sin of the Atlantean period, and one for the sinful part. These two developments actually exist. We are now living in the Aryan period. One part of mankind lives in this period as a consequence of the sin of Atlantis, having been hurled into this period with a draught of oblivion. The other part has received great new possibilities. That is why we speak of an Aryan period, for this means literally, 'the period of sanctification'. A true Aryan is a saint; one who, with the help of natural duality, passes through the Portal of Eternity of the True Kingdom. Orientalists have made Aryans of all Europeans. This stupidity became an insanity among the Nazis, who imagined themselves to be king-Aryans and awarded themselves the right and the power to 'aryanize' others.

A further re-arrangement of the continents, analogous to the one described here, is now approaching. A new era will dawn, the Jupiter era, in which all matter in its present form will be done away with. The sinners of this dispensation, those who have become completely crystallized in matter, will no longer be able to maintain themselves in this life-field, which will then be without matter, and they will perish. In this way, the separation between the two developments will come about. All the processes connected with this will become increasingly apparent, namely, the processes of degeneration, harvest and liberation, and finally, the great end-processes.

From "The Structure of the Earth and the Dialectical Life-Field" - Elementary Philosophy of the Modern Rosycross - Jan van Rijckenborgh


There is nothing new under the sun. Cycles begin and end, great civilizations rise, shine and fade into oblivion. The catastrophic demise of legendary Atlantis is once again poised to repeat itself. Many will suffer the consequences...unless they can awaken in time.

~ g

14 August 2014

Let Go


We have just discussed the farewell, the moment that the new body of the Spiritual School and the magnetic  field of ordinary nature have drifted so far apart that a link is no longer possible. At that moment, the natural scientific farewell is celebrated. But there is still another farewell, the farewell to the world for each pupil who enters the heavenly ship, the magnetic body of the School. One should know that such a farewell is a demand, an absolute necessity; yet, one should realize that it is easy to fulfil. It is out of the question that the School should demand something from you that you could not fulfill or that you could fulfill only with much difficulty and pain.

We say this with emphasis because it is out of the question that a pupil can continue to exist in two fields. At present, you are in a phase of transition, you participate in two worlds. You are of this nature and, as a pupil, of the New Life. But this is an impossible state of affairs that can be only temporary. That is why a choice is necessary. The Sermon on the Mount states very clearly that we will have to choose between God and mammon.

Mammon is often seen as the god of money and to a certain extent, that is right. But that is not the most profound meaning of the Sermon on the Mount; by mammon you should understand everything of this world; hence, the choice between God and this world.

The problems of the soul which prevent a choice and its smooth realization lie principally in the form of self-maintenance of every description. You think you are prevented from choosing on account of all your dualistic difficulties. You think that you are not in a position to do anything right, as you have already succumbed to so many obstacles of ordinary nature. But we say to you: remember the evangelical expression: "Whoever loses his life for My sake, will find it".

Leave your dualistic difficulties for what they are. Do not try to disentangle them. For with every knot you disentangle, you perhaps fasten two other knots even more strongly. Nobody on the horizontal level has ever found a solution to the tangle, a way out of the labyrinth of ordinary nature. The deeper you enter the Maze of Life,  the more new passages, the more new doors you will meet and behind each door another labyrinth will be found. There is no liberation from this. Leave your difficulties for what they are and lose yourself. Take leave of yourself and your difficulties. You will get rid of all your difficulties and miseries if only you let go of yourself. A conscious neutralization is demanded.

From "The Gnosis In Present-Day Manifestation" - Jan van Rijckenborgh


06 August 2014



You will have been able to determine from our previous commentary that the twelve zodiacal aeons exercise a threefold power:

-- in the first place, on our planet
-- secondly, n every microcosm by way of the auric being's magnetic firmament
-- thirdly, on the twelve magnetic points in the brain of the personality.

When a candidate has freed himself from the grip of the aeons, when he has dethroned the twelvefold brain-god and has realized a new twelvefold magnetic circle in the head sanctuary, then the twelve aeons are, in fact, deprived of one-third of their power in relation to that one individual who has gone the Path. Hence, being 'liberated in Christ', being 'born of God', and more of such mystical sayings in the Bible obtain a very profound and exceptional meaning.

Whoever is able to fulfill this first phase of the Path, the phase of self-dissolution in the grace of The Rose, and is able to break up the magnetic system of ordinary nature to which he is bound is immediately liberated. And although existentially still completely a nature-being and so still in the world and within the system of the Twelve Aeons, such a person will no longer find any hindrance on account of this second sidereal birth. He has become a child of God. He has been freed of all ties forever.

Some outsiders call the philosophy of the modern Spiritual School a sombre, black and melancholic doctrine; but we ask you, can you think of even one message that is more joyful than the one of the Spiritual School?

Of course one can understand such an opinion of outsiders, because it must sound sombre and hopeless when the modern Spiritual School says: 'Expect nothing from this nature! Dissociate yourself from it! Spend absolutely no energy on it!' To people who still expect everything from the I and from this world-order, it must sound depressing when we teach radical self-dissolution.

But for those who see the escape and the ascension from this vale of tears and who have fixed their hearts on the Original Fatherland, it is an immense joy to be able to establish that the Path begins with a radical, absolute liberation. It is absolutely out of the question that such liberation could be expected only at the end of the interminable course of development in the Gnosis. We would like to permeate you with this joy and pour it over you.

From 'The Joyful Message of the Modern Spiritual School"' - The Gnostic Mysteries of Pistis Sophia - J. van Rijckenborgh 


All other systems of development maintain that one progresses from stage to stage until finally he or she becomes an "initiate". The process is said to take many lives before one can attain the pinnacle.

Only the Path of Liberation offers a truth well-hidden from all seekers. That truth is that one is initiated when the Rose begins to bloom. After that initial awakening, we are provided with everything necessary to successfully complete the journey to Freedom. One has but to take those first steps and them seriously pursue the One Goal.

"I can do all things through the Christ-radiations, which strengthen me."

We start the Path with victory assured. It's not a matter of if, but when. And the 'when' is decided by the effort one puts into performing The Great Work.

~ g