29 August 2014

The Doctrine Of The Faith


The Good is Life, Light, Intelligence, the Word. It is the Son of God. It is God Himself. Evil is Lucifer or Satan. It is pride, ambition, excessive desires and lies. But one day, Christ, the Conqueror, will return the repenting Lucifer to the feet of the God of Love! And the God of Love will, in utter compassion, forgive Lucifer's ambitious revolt!

The Sun is the Creator. Lucifer only constructs the form. Lucifer, moved by pride and ambition, wanted to imitate the works of the Logos; he is the mimicker of God.

Hence his work is only a lie, an imperfect world, a collapse, nothingness.

The world is an animal. The elements, the forests and mountains have a voice, a language. The plants have affections, feelings. The stars are Spirits clothed in Fire. The Heavenly Hosts, the morning stars, and the choirs of the stars are real.

A human-being consists of Spirit and Matter, of life and substance. The soul, the heavenly human-being, is the work of the Son. The body, the earthly human-being, is the work of matter.

Souls are lower angels that have been expelled from Heaven. The birth of a human-being is the fall of an angel.

Hence creation is a fall, life is a penance, and the earth is a place of testing and chastisement.

The exiled souls return to Heaven by Purification. First of all, this Purification occurs on earth; next from star to star; by successive ascensions, according to one's progress on the Path of Perfection.

Life is a sullied garment that is discarded at death; it can (and should) become the first stage of the Path of the Mysteries: from caterpillar to pupa, and from pupa to the perfect insect (the butterfly).

The unworthy souls evolve from star to star until their Final Deliverance into the heart of God.

'There is no hell in Eternal Love!'

From "On The Path to the Holy Grail"  - Antonin Gadal


A short but powerful excerpt. The first paragraph symbolically and eloquently traces the trajectory of humanity's collective and individual journey away from, and back to, the Father.

There is much to contemplate here.

~ g


Anonymous said...

'The birth of a human-being is the fall of an angel.'

For whatever reason, this statement brought tears to my eyes. Oh How how the 'controllers' are manipulating the masses and the 'end times' scenarios are being hastened all over the world. The problem with the 'truth' is that it is so profound and simple, for a generation fed on melodrama and complexity it is not so easy to digest. This post encapsulates the truth with such simplicity that it will not invite more than a cursory glance from the casual reader. Well we are all going to be jolted by the truth if we do not respond to the gentle nudges.

BrotherGee said...

Indeed, the casual reader's eyes will glaze over in annoyance as soon as he reads the words "Christ" and "God". This because humanity has been disillusioned by ages of sham religions and the purposely erroneous doctrines of the orthodox religions.

The entities on both sides of the veil who orchestrate world events are slowly and carefully building to a certain crescendo, at which point they will execute the final act of their Great Play, the Fake Return of the Christ.

Those who are given to know better must remain neutral and objective throughout the run-up to their final gambit, taking care not to side with this or that faction. In this way, they will avoid the possibility of being caught up in the reactive, devotional tidal wave that is destined to sweep the world.

~ g