27 March 2017

Worth A Thousand Words

“We are placing you before the imperishable Gnosis, which has as its starting point the idea that the Divine Spirit is held captive in the world of the senses and that, consequently, it is necessary to rise up out of this prison, out of this imprisoned Soul-man. In this way, the Original Spirit-Man can be united with the Primary Source of All Things, by means of insight, professing, and striving.”

—J. van Rijckenborgh and Catharose de Petri, The Great Revolution (1989)

Depicted above:

Red-Orange: the Physical Body
Green: the Etheric Double
White Outline: the Astral Body
Pale-Yellow (around the head): the Mental Body
Pink-Violet: the Respiration Field
Circle with Twelve Lights: the Lipika (where the karma and experiences of the microcosm are stored)
Horizontal Ray: the nature-born influences of the Earth-plane
Vertical Ray: the influence of Spirit, accessible when the Spark has been awakened
Light in the center of the Microcosm, corresponding with the heart, is the Divine Spark.
The Ray of Light touching the Divine Spark: is the Gnosis.

Keep this image with you always.
~ g

22 March 2017


We mention on this blog Cosmic Domains, reflection-spheres, etc. Truly 'extra'-terrestrial domains that are qualitatively different from the physical realm that we experience with our five senses.

Many find it difficult to believe that there is an entire universe beyond-the-veil in what is known as the reflection-sphere. It's even harder for them to believe that there are whole other densities or dimensions, such as the Sixth Cosmic Domain, which are presently outside of our ability to perceive, even though they are nearer than hands and feet.

Perhaps it would be easier to accept if one recognized that every night, when we close our eyes we travel to the astral realm of the reflection-sphere. The physical body remains in bed, maintained by the lower two ethers (chemical ether, life ether). The Silver Cord keeps the physical body and part of the etheric body connected to the astral body. Tethered in this way, the astral body along with the two higher ethers of the etheric body (light, reflecting) travels great distances, participating in various experiences during the hours of sleep. In the morning, the astral body returns to slip back into the physical body. The body awakens and we are back to 'reality'.

It happens so often and so naturally that we take it for granted. Not realizing or understanding that our dreams are the result of our consciousness experiencing in the astral regions of the reflection-sphere while the physical body sleeps and undergoes repair.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. There are many other 'realities' out there, including the Great Reality that beckons from the Divine Kingdom. Accept that the physical world is but the lowest rung on a Ladder that stretches endlessly into the Infinite. Acknowledge that although it is in latency, you have the power and ability to climb that Ladder. You can, and will, someday walk amongst the Stars. Even more, the Sixth Cosmic Domain is within your reach, if you choose to walk the straight and narrow Path that leads to the Divine Light. How soon any of this takes place is entirely up to you. It all begins with a firm decision to leave this world behind and to Seek the Kingdom within.

~ g

12 March 2017

Liberation 101

For those who have chosen to walk the Path, these books can serve as a critical source of insight and a foundation to build upon.

Elementary Philosophy of the Modern Rosycross

From the back cover:

"In this book the authors explain that: 'not everything that calls itself  "Rosycross" is the true Rosycross in the universal, gnostic sense of the word'. What then should we understand as the universal meaning of the Rosycross?

All who are seeking an answer in an unprejudiced way should read this book. It indicates clearly what one needs to know if one truly wishes to find Liberation.

It sketches the meaning of magic and initiation, involution and evolution, birth and death, and it emphasizes the importance of processes of regeneration and redemption of the world.

In conclusion, the Golden Rosycross and its task in today's world are placed before us as a mighty, radiant beacon".

 The Coming New Man

"What do you know about freedom? What do you know about liberation? What is freedom for you? If, upon hearing the words freedom and liberation, your thoughts rise beyond the concepts commonly held in our society, The Coming New Man may be the book for you.

The Coming New Man takes you along on a search for the other one within you. It takes you along on a developmental journey to your true destination.

In The Coming New Man, Jan van Rijckenborgh describes the human being as a system of bodies enclosed by a microcosm. The Divine nucleus is located at the centre of this microcosm, the centre of the Original human-being we once were. The central issue is: who were we, who are we, and where are we going?

The Coming New Man is based on the Universal Teachings, the common thread that has run through all world religions and mystical schools from the outset of the human race. They are the teachings of the Gnosis, the teachings of inner knowledge and recognition. Every age and every period in human development formulates its own ways to liberation, its own Path to Life.

This book, addressed to the human being of the 20th and 21st centuries, will help you to experience this in detail if you are open to it. It describes the human struggle for Light. It contains the key to correct self-analysis, which is a process of self-purification, and the next step in the form of an openness to a spiritual future. The ultimate goal is transfiguration, which is the development of a new Human Being who lives from forces we can scarcely comprehend.

This book describes the new human being in detail, enabling the modern seeker to recognize him and wend his way to following in his footsteps."
                                                      *     *     *

For those who may follow the opportunity to read the above, this writer will be happy to answer any questions that may arise from your study.

~ g

07 March 2017

Immortality Or Death? The Choice Is Yours

You are a temporary personality. A natural phenomena created for the express purpose of helping to Liberate the microcosm that you inhabit.

If you fail in this endeavor, death will be your share. Yes. you'll spend some time in "heaven" (the reflection-sphere) but slowly, like the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz, you will dissolve away, leaving not a trace of the "you" who was.

Your Consciousness will persist, as will your Karma, and all the positive and negative receipts of the life just lived. But "you" will be gone, to be replaced in the future by a new personality, whose job it will be to try and accomplish what you failed to accomplish.

If you succeed in this endeavor, if your personality manages to locate the Path of the True Way, the Path of Return, then Immortality will be your share. The remains of your personality will not take the common road to the reflection-sphere and gradual dissolution. Your soul vehicles, minus the physical body, will instead travel to the Vacuum of Shamballa, the outpost of the Universal Brotherhood here on earth.

We refer to Shamballa as a vacuum because it is sustained by ethers that are not of this world. The high vibration that is to be found there is conducive to helping those souls who have begun their Walk while in the physical to complete the Great Work with all the help and support needed. Victory is assured.

The Journey starts here. You have reached the Gate of Choice. You must decide: will I take the road of least resistance and remain rooted to the earth-plane or will I fulfill my mission and travel the Way of the Stars? There is no middle ground. The proposition is either-or. It must be one or the other. You cannot have both. Remember that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom.

Fear nothing. Choose with Wisdom.

~ g

03 March 2017

Of Parallel Universes And Wormholes

We're going to keep this very simple.

Nature-born science proudly announces their theories that "parallel" universes must exist and can be entered via the use of "wormholes", neither of which have yet been discovered.

Even when our "authorities" are on the right track, they mislead mankind with their self-taught theories. We will reconcile these theories here.

Parallel Universes

There are parallel universes, but they are not to be thought of as being actually parallel to one another. Parallel universes are actually concentric universes, meaning that they exist within the same space and interpenetrate one another. We all know that the atom is mostly "empty" space. With that in mind, it should not be hard to comprehend that worlds composed of different arrangements of atoms can exist in the same space without touching one another.

Here in the Cosmic Physical Plane, the Seventh Cosmic Domain, there are actually seven Earths. All seven are of different densities. All seven exist within the same space.


Wormholes have been described as a shortcut between two parallel universes, usually depicted in the manner shown in the picture above, which is conceptually incorrect. The entry-point into any of the concentric universes is your state-of-consciousness. Remember:  "a state-of-consciousness is a state-of-life". Attune your state-of-consciousness to the proper vibration and you will perceive a different universe. That is your "wormhole".

Seven Cosmic Domains

There are Seven Cosmic Domains. Each Cosmic Domain is sub-divided into seven sub-planes. Again, all Domains and sub-planes interpenetrate one another. An aspect of you (not the physical personality, but the True Man) presently exists on all of these Domains and sub-planes. You are not aware of this as you are unable to perceive any of them at this time. The focus of your consciousness is narrowly restricted to the Earth-plane, the seventh sub-plane of the Seventh Cosmic Domain. We who are on the Path are trying to return to the Sixth Cosmic Domain.

The Universal Doctrine reveals that the way to perceive these extra realities is to release our focus on this physical reality, to which we cling as with a death-grip. Liberation is the key to omnipresence and omniscience. The Path of Return shows the Seeker the way.

“Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”  - D. Anka

~ g