31 March 2009

"Many Mansions"

John 14:2 In my Father's House there are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

John 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to me, so that where I am, you may be also.


"In Creator's Universes, there are many planets and suns suitable for the spiritual level of every human being. If this were not the case, I would not be telling you this. I will return someday to retrieve you (that's us) so that you may be with me again, in a Higher Realm".

Please take a look at the following crude illustration drawn by Yours Truly:

BEFORE Planetary Ascension

In the "BEFORE" section, we see the Earth and its inhabitants as things are presently. There are Humans of various levels of Spiritual Vibration experiencing on this planet at this time. From left to right we see

- the very Low-vibrating, Negative, Service-to-Self human and non-human beings
- Mixed-vibration or "Neutral" beings (these are in the over-whelming majority)
- High-vibration, Positive, Service-to-Others human and non-human beings

There are also large numbers of beings that fall between Negative-Mixed and Mixed-Positive.

In the illustration, the "vibration" of these classes of Beings is described by the lines which fill them in. Negative=horizontal lines, Positive= vertical lines and Mixed=horizontal and negative.

The Earth itself carries a Mixed Vibratory Rate, which allows it to accomodate these various Beings and their varying stages of Spiritual Vibration. The Planet is currently in the process of moving away from 3D/4D Reality into a Higher, Lighter, Positive 5D Reality.

AFTER Planetary Ascension

In the "AFTER" section, we see that the Earth will "split". The old 3D/4D Earth and the new 5D Earth will co-exist for a very short time. Each Earth will be able to support Beings of specific vibratory rates. Those of Negative character and Service-to-Self will be left with the Old 3D Earth, which is destined for Destruction. These Beings run the risk of having their Soul Essence permanently Re-Absorbed by The Creation, to await another Evolutionary Period many eons from now. They will begin again as Virgin Spirits, with no memory of their past Evolution. It is truly a sad fate which awaits these ones of Evil intent.

The "Neutrals" will be Evacuated to other 3D planets suitable for their level of Vibration. These are the "fence-straddlers", the people who go through Life believing that they ARE their body, never Seeking to go within to really communicate with Creator, etc. They can go either way, and usually need someone to "lead" them in one direction or another. They will not advance. An attempt will be made to evacuate these but if their wishy-washy Vibration does not allow them to be "picked up" successfully, they will Transition naturally and Re-incarnate on other 3D planets elsewhere in the Universe. Remaining "neutral" will not guarantee advancement. It has been written "No Choice Is Still A Choice".

Those of high-enough Positive Vibration, who are Service-to-Others type people will be given the opportunity to be evacuated from 3D/4D Earth. They will not Transition. Their bodies will Transform into something Higher which will enable them to be "picked up" and placed aboard the evacuation ships, which exist in 5D but will materialize in 3D/4D for a short period in order to complete this Assignment. These Positive humans will either be re-located on the New 5D Earth and other higher planets or be given the choice of returning to their home planets. These Transformed Humans will be the "seeds" of The Sixth Root Race, the "new breed". These are the ones who will reap the rewards of long ages of advancement to become the New Custodians of a Pristine and Glorious New Earth.

Well, there it is in a nutshell. I figured that sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. We are on the brink of a great Adventure. We are thisclose to punching our "Ticket" out of here. Keep working on yourselves, keep striving to be Unselfish, Non-judgmental and as Loving and Forgiving as you can be. Meditate often - in Silence - so that you can speak to and listen to the God within you. Turn your back on the ways of Materialism and Egotism.

So much awaits Those Who Hear the Call. Don't Despair, don't Give up. The Goal is in Sight.

All Love,

~~ G

30 March 2009

The Origins and Purpose of Disease

A very quick note on the origin and purpose of Disease.

The Origins of Disease

Disease is the manifestation of a Spiritual Imbalance. If we over-indulge in Sensed activities such as Anger, Fornication, Drugs and Alcohol, Fear, Worry, Regret, etc. we will inevitably bring on a Spiritual imbalance which will manifest itself as Illness or Disease.

Disease. The word speaks for itself...Dis Ease.

Illness and Disease are Effects that WE (our Spirit) choose to experience in order to learn some lesson. To prevent Illness and Disease we should (1) live Lives of Balance according to the Laws of Creation, and (2)

... stop believing that we are "Sick".

We have the Power to heal ourselves. Of course, we can't just say, "I'm Healthy!" and then proceed to inject ourselves with heroin or cocaine. We live in a Physical world and we must still obey Physical laws. We have to first work to Eliminate the bad habits that are causing our Imbalance, and then we have to Assert that we no longer wish to experience the sickness that comes with the resulting illnesses and Diseases.

Where Does Disease Come From?

We think that we "catch" diseases or that we're "born with genetic tendencies". No one realizes that we "develop" disease as I outlined above, based on what parts of our Personality are unbalanced.

In addition to that, is the little-known fact that we don't "catch" disease. If this were true, all doctors would be dead by now. The Truth is that diseases originate from the soil of the Earth and that WE CARRY WITHIN OUR BEING THE SEEDS OF EVERY DISEASE EVER KNOWN TO MAN.

Follow me, now.

Ancient man used to cremate the dead. This is the right and proper way to take care of the lifeless physicall body, for a couple of reasons. One, it allows man's Etheric Body to release from this Earth plane quicker. Two, it disperses the molecules of whatever disease that the person died of and, in effect, destroys the disease and prevents it from spreading.

When Man started BURYING the Dead, he made a critical mistake. This practice contaminated the soil. The same soil which thousands of years later, other men would be planting and harvesting from. Animals would eat the vegetation that grew from this soil. All of these products would be consumed by humans. After being ingested or breathed in, these molecules of disease are made a part of Man. There, they hibernate until Man does something NEGATIVE to activate a disease.

I'm going to stop here and give everyone time to think about what I've just written. I'll attempt to elaborate later on.

All Love, Love to All...

~~ G

27 March 2009

Stay Ready

Today may seem like just another day, but that's how it always is before something fantastic happens. Pearl Harbor (Dec . 7, 1941) was just another sleepy Sunday until all hell broke loose. September 11, 2001 was a beautiful day, not a cloud blemished a clear, blue sky. Then all hell broke loose.

When our Reckoning begins, it will be on a Day like many others that we have experienced in our Lives. A "normal", regular day where we are about our normal, regular business. Then, unbelievable things will happen everywhere in the World at once. A Global Event will take place that will not fail to gain the attention of every Man, Woman and Child on Earth. No one will be able to ignore it or explain it away.

The World will Stand Still.

Those of you who have made the decision to research the possibilities for our immediate future by reading this blog or examining other sources, will be better prepared than most of the rest of the world and will know that there is naught to Fear. You will know that the Time of the Choosing is at hand. Those who have not prepared themselves Spiritually will have much to Fear.

Whether you believe the things that I've set forth in this blog or not, my humble, yet strong advice is for you to err on the side of Caution, and PREPARE yourself. As I always say, if I'm wrong, then I'm just some crazy guy whose blog you once came across. But if I'm right, then if you have read earlier posts in this blog, you will have an Idea of what is happening and what you need to do to Survive it.

I feel that we are very close to some very big Happenings. There is literally not much time left to Life as we've come to know it here on Earth. I urge all of you to begin to make changes in your life now, before it's too late. The changes are not difficult, they only appear to be. Fairly simple rule of thumb:


We've been taught that Hate and Might means Strength and that Love and Compassion represent Weaknesses. This is a Lie. To Love, to Give, to Embrace are the marks of an Advanced Spirit Experiencing As Human. Love and Compassion = Strength. Those who understand and live this concept will stand the best chance of travelling into the New Earth and beyond, in higher dimensions where Selfishness and Evil are not allowed.

One day, very soon, many are going to look back and say "Wow. Didn't see THAT coming".

Unless you PREPARE yourself INSIDE. Then, nothing will surprise you. You will understand that Cycles are ending, that we must leave the Earth and that we are destined to resume our Experiencing somewhere else, soon.

All Love,

~~ G

23 March 2009

The "Problem" with Homosexuality

The "Problem" with Homosexuality...

...is not what one may think.

There's nothing inherently wrong with people being attracted to members of their own sex. Once we understand Rebirth, the Immortality of the Soul and the role we play in planning our Physical incarnations, we can approach things like this from a Cosmic perspective and begin to Understand.

First of all, We plan our Incarnations. This is Truth. Although most are not aware of and do not accept this Truth does not make it any less of a Fact. We set up our Incarnations in order to obtain the maximum amount of Experience for our Souls. We need this Experience in order to attempt to raise our Vibration, our Consciousness and our Awareness of what the Creator is. This is what Creation is about. Experience, Discovery and Unfolding.

Although our Spirit/Souls are basically bi-sexual/androgynous, we have to choose a sex/body before we incarnate onto the Planet. After thousands of incarnations, it is quite normal for some Spirit/Souls to develop a preference for a particular sex. As an example, I quite enjoy being a guy, and I'm pretty sure that I will be putting up a bit of a fuss before my next Incarnation if I have to be a Girl. No offense, Ladies!

We are supposed to alternate sexes with each incarnation, boy-girl-boy-girl, etc. So, let's say that I choose to not incarnate as a Girl. If my "Girl" Life comes up and I'm thoroughly attached to being a Guy, I may incarnate with what humans see as Lesbian tendencies. A Spirit/Soul that incarnates as Guy, yet does not desire to live as a Guy, may incarnate with what Society calls Homosexual tendencies.

Homosexuality: A Choice or a Birthright?

Gay and lesbian people adamantly maintain that they "knew" they were different from a very young age. They are correct. The paragraphs above explain why. HOMOSEXUALITY IS BOTH A CHOICE AND A BIRTHRIGHT. The Choice is made prior to Incarnation. The BirthRight is cemented at Birth.

There is nothing inherently wrong with same-sex attraction. A true "Love" attraction between members of the same sex is not frowned upon by Creation for such an attraction is actually an attraction of Soul-to-Soul. True "Love" is a Soul Connection and temporary Earth designations cannot affect that. No, the "problem" with homosexuality has nothing to do with guys-liking-guys or girls-liking-girls.

So What's The Problem?

The problem with HOMOSEXUALITY is the same problem that we have with HETEROSEXUALITY.


Humans fornicate way too much and for way too many poor reasons. Humans fornicate for self-pleasure, control, domination, ego-gratification and oh, maybe once in a while, a couple will actually CHOOSE to have a child. Heterosexual couples copulate mindlessly, not thinking about consequences until the pregnancy test or the STD test comes back positive. Then they have to deal with the results of their reckless actions.

Homosexuals fornicate for the same reasons as heterosexuals, only they have a bonus attached. No babies. That's right, no matter how many times a gay or lesbian person partakes in sexual activity with a same-sex member, the probability of a resulting pregnancy is about, oh, ZERO PERCENT.

Naturally, this leads many homosexuals to over-indulge in sexual activity. Although a pregnancy test is not in their future, the STD test most certainly is.

AIDS, God's "punishment"? Uh, no.

AIDS is not a punishment meted out by God to a specific group of people. AIDS is a man-made disease that accidently found its way into the gay community and was able to proliferate due to the promiscuity of members of that community. No judgments here, just fact. AIDS was designed in a laboratory, by human beings, to decrease African populations. Unfortunately, Haitian volunteers in Africa who were falsely "vaccinated for smallpox" by The World Health Organization brought it to the U.S. through Florida.

More fake Tuberculosis "inoculations" in San Francisco and New York in the late '70s and early '80's completed the infection of the United States. Global air travel took care of the rest of the world. I digress here, but the point is this: gays and lesbians should not feel overwhelming Guilt or Responsibility for AIDS. The AIDS virus was a bio-chemical war tactic that proliferated past the predictions and control of its Creators. The power to stop the AIDS epidemic rests in each Human's ability to successfully Control their Sexual Urges and to take Responsibility for their Actions. It's that simple, and that hard.

Abuse of the Sex Function

No matter which group we are referring to, homo- or hetero- sexual, both groups can (and do) create their own Hells by abusing the sacred Sex Function. Man was not granted the ability to copulate and orgasm with another human being just so he could use it as Entertainment. Sex has a very Powerful and Important function, the secret of which has been withheld from us for centuries. I hope to talk more about this in the future.

If I were to say that we should have sex only when we consciously desire to bring a child in the world, most people would look at me as if I were crazy. Perhaps even you.

And now you see why there's a "problem".

If we Humans cannot see the Logic in that, if we Humans cannot control our Desire for the "sensations" of wanton Sexual Intercourse, then we Humans deserve what we get.

If We sow the Wind, then We shall Reap the Whirlwind.

When we begin to think Cosmically, we begin to think in a grown-up fashion. As a result, the Lies that have constructed and upheld our Society will begin to crumble like a bad coookie.

Creator Loves ALL Its Creations. Any Misery or Misfortune that we Experience WE CREATE FOR OURSELVES.

All Love,

~~ G

P.S.: Love your Brother or Sister, Care about them, have Compassion for them. You cannot be given to know what Another's Journey entails. And trust me, sometime in one or more of our many past lives, we have indulged in sexual debauchery. Just because one may have overcome Coarse Desires does not give one the right to judge and hate another. That "other" is simply on their own Path, and whether it's a few steps behind or a few steps ahead, that "other" deserves Love and Respect because he or she is a Representation of the Creator.

22 March 2009

The Stillness Of Mind-Knowing

The Brain is not The Mind.

The Brain is simply a recorder of Physical Sensed Information. We memorize things about our Physical Existence and store them in our Physical Brain, where they remain until we retrieve it. When we transition, the brain will cease to function.

The Mind is superior to the Brain, and far less tangible. The Mind will survive Transition ("death"). The Mind of each Individual is linked to the Higher Self, which in turn is linked to the Universal Mind of the Creator. Creator is Omniscient, there are no gaps in Its knowledge. Remember that the root of the word knowledge is the word "KNOW". All of us have the ability to tap into this Vast reservoir of Cosmic Knowledge. As things stand now, our Minds are only able to Connect with only a small fraction of the Total Knowledge that our Higher Selves have access to. One of the reasons for this is because most Humans are not sufficiently tuned to their Spiritual Self. We are too focused on the Coarse, Lower Vibrations of Sensed Physical Existence.

This is one reason why Humans must sleep. It is the only time most people get an opportunity to Communicate with their Higher Self and Higher Cosmic Knowledge. During the hours of sleep, the lower vehicles remain with the Body to sustain our bodily functions while the higher vehicles leave the body and travel the Ethers for Instruction and Enlightenment. This Activity is not to be confused with Dreaming. Most of the things that take place when we are sleep we are unable to consciously bring back with us upon awakening. These experiences are not lost, however. They are stored in our Sub-Conscious Mind, where they can be tapped through the process of Meditation.

Meditation, simply put, is the Art of Being Silent. In that Silence - if one can attain it - will be found the portions of Higher Knowledge that we have stored or wish to obtain. We write our Desire-to-Know on our Heart, then we go into the Silence and listen for the Answer. It will not come in words, you will not "hear" a voice...but there will be an Answer.

Higher Knowledge. It cannot be found in a man-made book, or Brain recordings. Higher Knowledge can only be obtained by accessing the Stillness of Mind-Knowing.

Meditation is your Key.

All Love,

~~ G

20 March 2009

The Twinkling of an Eye

I Corinthians Chapter 15 Verses 50-52

50 Now I say, my brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither does corruption inherit incorruption.

51 Behold, I tell you a Mystery: We shall not all die, but we shall all be changed.

52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet, for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed.

As I've previously stated, I'm not a Bible-thumper, but Truth is where you find it.

I'm just sayin'... *smile*

~~ G

19 March 2009

Upside-Down and Backwards

The Secret Rulers of this World, our Controllers, do not rule or control via Force.

They Rule and Control us through the integrated system of Money, Usury and Credit. They are Directly responsible for the financial "crisis" that is gripping the world today.

They are a Minority, and so, they must work in the Shadows. However, even a minority, when armed with a tried-and-true Plan can move mountains. Well, our Controllers have been moving mountains for centuries.

How? How are they able to continually pull the wool over the eyes of The Masses?

French Revolution
Russian Revolution
World Wars I and II
The Great Depression
September 11, 2001

We are taught in our schools from an early age that all of these are "organic" occurrences. That they occurred "naturally", due to a combination of factors that historians attribute to "human nature". Well, we have been lied to. Everything that happens in this World is Directed, Orchestrated and Executed from a Plan which is Ancient, Secret and Effective. The Number One reason why this Plan works is because The Masses have been purposely Distracted and Misled for centuries to look one way while The Brotherhood of the Serpent works its black deeds behind our backs.

Their Ultimate aims, which They have worked centuries to implement, are

- the elimination of all borders
- the elimination of nationalism
- 90% reduction in the world's population
- total control of the remaining 10% via a single, despotic, dictatorial World Government
- to prepare the planet for its takeover by their long-awaited "King" or "Messiah"

Now, I am going to give you the most important piece of advice that you can be given in regards to the workings of our Physical World...

...Upside-Down and Backwards.

Whatever you read in your History books, turn it around and you'll have the Truth. Whatever you see, hear or read in "the press", turn it upside-down and you'll have the truth. Anything that comes from the "official" propaganda organs of whatever country you live in, flip it and you will have an idea of what is really being advanced by our Controllers. They are accomplished Liars. We all know that for a Liar to succeed, he or she must have a Trusting Victim.

As an example, take Saddam Hussein. Saddam Hussein was painted as a "monster". The real problem with Saddam Hussein was that he was a Dictator. A dictator cannot be Infiltrated and Manipulated like a republican government can. The Dictator is one man with one vision who has complete autonomy in what he does. In order for our Controllers to effect their takeover of the World, all despots and dictators must be taken down and republican or democratic governments put in place to replace them. These "governments of the people" can then be successfully infiltrated by those whom our Controllers choose to carry out their bidding.

In addition, Iraq is a very important country, not for its Oil, but because it was the ancient colony of the Beings who came to this Earth and proceeded to Enslave Mankind. These Beings are returning, and the U.S. Armed Forces, the military arm of our Controllers, was sent in to establish a presence in this area, in preparation for "The Return". Here's a little more un-asked-for advice...

...Stop Trusting Men of Power and Prestige. Such Men Cannot and Should Not Be Trusted.

Whatever you See, Hear or Read, run it through your own System of Discernment before you Accept or Reject it. We have been bent over and ruthlessly violated by our Secret Rulers for centuries. It is time for THIS Generation of Light to stand up and state firmly, to our "Leaders", to our "Historians", to our "Teachers", to our "Clergy"....

... "No more. I do not believe you. You are a Liar, a Communicator of Falsehoods designed to Imprison my Mind and Extinguish the Light of my Spirit".

Then we tear ourselves away from the TV and proceed to search out The Truth for Ourselves. It shall, indeed, Set You Free.

All Love,

~~ G

17 March 2009


The hardest thing for any Spirit-Experiencing-As-Human to do is to accept the realization that the "world" we live in, it's history, its traditions and our current societies are all carefully orchestrated lies designed to Separate us from one another and sever our Connection with Creator Source.

In order for one to even begin trying to grasp the Truth of our Existence, one must be ready to suspend their trust in everything that has been taught to them since the time they were old enough to walk. All that we have learned are Lies. Not just a few things. About 97% of the Human "Knowledge" we are familiar with on Earth is either False, Inaccurate, Tampered with, purposely Misleading or an outright bold-faced Lie.

We have been "fed" these Lies by Humans we trusted. These Humans, our Leaders, our Parents, our Teachers, were fed those same Lies by those who taught them. And on and on into the past it goes. The Lies are now so entrenched that we will vehemently fight anyone who challenges what we believe to be "the truth".

When I write about What Is To Come, it sounds fantastic, impossible. I sound like the proverbial "Chicken Little", clucking that "the sky is falling!". But if everyone knew the TRUE history of this Planet, the many Cycles that have come and gone prior to this one, they would no longer scoff. If we had been taught, from birth, the truth about Endings and Beginnings, the Immortality of the Soul, of our Eternal Journey, nothing that I've written here would surprise or frighten anyone.

Knowing the truth about ancient civiliations such as Atlantis and Lemuria, their origins and their demise, knowledge of those things alone would be enough to open our eyes to what is really "real". Unkown to billions of Humans is the fact that there is a group of beings who feel they know best. They feel that we are but "sheep", "cattle", whose lot it is to be led by the nose to serve the purposes of these so-called "higher beings". These are the beings who have manipulated Mankind for hundreds of thousands of years. These are the beings who rule us, unseen, behind a curtain of Lies and Deception. These are the beings who are determined to stop as many of us as possible from exploding our crysalis and becoming the beautiful "butterflies" our Creator intended for us to be.

Please, whether you believe the things that have been written here or not, I'm asking you to please, please change your life and prepare your physical and spiritual vehicles for a New Experience. Love those who hate you. Forego Anger, Jealousy, Greed, etc. GIVE. Give and give and give and give. Then give some more. Not money. Give YOU. Serve your brother or sister. Try to make his or her life a little better. A kind word, a pat on the back, a smile to a stranger. Whatever is needed.

We're not animals, murderers or killers. Those are Behaviors that have been Taught to us by malevolent beings. Inside, we are Love. We are the Creator's greatest Creation. We are so much more Regal and Splendid than we Know or Remember. Let's crawl out of the muck, clean ourselves off and live Knowing that we have the Power within Us to Conquer all Evils, to Accomplish All Things.


All Love,

~~ G