21 February 2018

A New Candle

Reincarnation, or Rebirth, is like a candle in a room. We can view the candle as the personality and the room as the microcosm.

During life the candle burns brightly, then fades and finally goes out. The candle is not re-lit. Instead, a new candle is lit to light the same room. The old candle is discarded. 

The End

02 February 2018

Be Mindful Of Spiritual Wickedness In High Places

This post responds to a comment posted in "The Reflection-Sphere".

Re: "How do you know if you are being used by entities from the reflection sphere?"

It's not like you will hear voices in your head saying "Do this" or "Do that". The aeons transmit their subtle influences via the lights of the microcosmic auric being, the so-called "higher self", which in turn transfers these subtle influences to the human brain system, specifically the twelve cranial nerves that control the physical instrument. The mental and emotional bodies are also affected by these impulses. The end result is that although the human-being may believe that it was his thinking, willing and feeling that caused him to execute a certain act, in truth, he is simply a marionette responding to the pull of the strings being manipulated by his aeonic puppet master.

If your actions are selfish, self-focused, unloving, not mindful of the needs of others, etc., then the impulse for those actions is being transmitted to you by the aeons of this nature. You can tell because those actions are a reflection of the thoughts that create them, and such selfish thought-forms are encouraged and circulated by the unholy aeons. That is the way that you can tell if you are being manipulated by the aeons of this nature. Examine your thoughts, your emotions and your resulting actions. Then you will know.

Re: "Are you saying one should not listen to wisdom from ascended masters?" 

In the reflection-sphere, the so-called "dead" are exposed to a wider range of information than we have access to here in the physical realm. They also have the ability to take on any shape, form or appearance that they wish. These two factors enable them to easily impersonate well-known historical figures, saints, masters, space brothers, etc.

Yes, there are higher regions of the reflection-sphere where so-called "good" entities dwell, who try to influence humanity in their own way to "do good". We call them light-spirits. The information that they are imparting may be of high quality and accuracy or of a very dubious quality, rife with subtle errors and misinterpretations. Information from so-called "ascended masters", etc., like all information obtained from beyond the veil, should be received with careful discernment. If there are contradictions or misstatements, one would be wise to discount the information being shared.

There is another factor that can affect the information being transmitted from beyond. The channel being used to receive, interpret and transmit information to humans can unwittingly color the message and distort it. For example, if the reflection-sphere entity is transmitting a scientific message and the channel does not have a scientific intellect, the message will be distorted by the channel to fit his limited scientific understanding. For this reason, channeled messages should beheld up to the heart for examination. If it doesn't feel right, then it isn't right.

The reflection-sphere is the realm of delusion and deception. An entity calling itself St. Paul could easily be someone's recently-deceased Grandma Betsy. Therefore we must be careful about the messages that we receive from non-physical entities. Some of these entities have evil intent, others are trying to help but can make mistakes, and then there is a very small fraction of these entities who are pure enough and sincere enough to get a genuine message through. Of course, they must find a channel that is just as pure and just as sincere.

Finally, if the message is one of Fear, then it is not coming from a member of the Universal Brotherhood. True Children of the Light would never try to lower the vibration of any physical human-being through fear. Also, if the entity uses flattery and praise when it refers to you, that entity is not of Light. Flattery is a tool of the Dark Brothers, and they will use it to appeal to our prideful nature (if present) and get us to let our guard down.

We're not saying that all messages from beyond the veil are not helpful or factual. Of course there is powerful, truthful information coming through. What we are saying is that we must not accept a message out-of-hand just because an entity says its name is so-and-so. Always use discernment, as there is a lot of mischief going on in the reflection-sphere.


~ g