30 July 2018


It will always be there. Lurking in the shadows. Whispering in the dark. Tapping you on the shoulder. It is the part of our being that we cannot run away from but must turn and face head-on.

When we think we have it under control is when we are the most vulnerable. It exerts a subtle, yet powerful, almost irresistible pull that we must do our best to ignore.

We have wrestled with this dragon for long ages. It is a difficult battle because this foe knows our every desire and how to awaken them in us. Those who are now on the Path will find that the battle has only gotten more difficult, more intense, as the predator doubles its efforts to hold on to its prey.

Do not be discouraged in the wake of temporary losses. Do not become overconfident by victories small or large. This is a battle that only the growing New Soul is equipped to fight. We, as personalities, are urged to stand aside. The Higher seeks to subdue the lower. The Other One steps forth to reestablish control over the microcosm. Stand aside and maintain a neutral position as the battle rages.

Those who are persevering on the Path, take heart. Victory has been assured. Eternity will triumph over Time. The dragon will be slain.

~ g

21 July 2018

Rosebud, Rose-Bloom

Dedicated To The Few.

~ g

04 July 2018

The House

A man is gifted with a furnished house. The house has a beautiful exterior. The furnishings, although serviceable, are a bit worn and in need of care. The same goes for the plumbing and the electrical wiring. But the exterior is beautiful. So much so, that passers-by are constantly stopping to stare in awe at the almost hypnotic beauty of the house.

This gives the man a great feeling of pride. He loves the attention bestowed upon his house and the sensation derived from it. He vows to always keep up the appearance of the house.

Years pass. The man spends huge sums of money beautifying the exterior of the house. A fresh coat of paint every two years, expensive windows and doors, top-of-the-line lighting. He spares no effort to present the best face possible for his home.

Meanwhile, within the house, things have not gone so well. There has been no upkeep. The furnishings have declined due to age. The plumbing is shot and the wiring is dangerously frayed. Every room is cluttered with junk and there is a general stench that is unbearable. Vermin roam freely.

Outside of the home, passers-by remain in awe and admiration of the handsome exterior of what appears to be a lovely home. None have a clue of the darkness to be found within. 

So much of humanity behaves like the man with the beautiful house. Untold hours are spent in the mirror or on the business end of a selfie, glorifying a perceived external beauty. Meanwhile, the Inner Man, the subtle bodies (etheric, astral, mental) and the soul-fluids are polluted, unbalanced, dis-eased and neglected. These ones rot from within while working obsessively to present a facade to the world.

The body is a temple, yes, but that statement refers to more than just the exterior. The tools that we need to accomplish the task of Transfiguration are kept within the human-being. The bodily fluids, organs and subtle energies must be kept in a purified state in order to work properly towards this purpose. Bear in mind that the exterior of a living thing always depends upon the state of the interior. We must do what is necessary to keep the temple/house in optimum working condition. Those who wish to walk the Path, should seek the insight necessary to achieve this purification.

It matters not what the house looks like to those who are passing by. What matters is the state of the microcosmic home that we are preparing for the rebirth of the Soul and the descent of the Spirit.

~ g

03 July 2018

The Mysteries

mys · ter · y

1. something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain

The Path of Return is the ancient path of Liberation. It is the Key to escaping this fallen nature-order. When humanity fell from the Divine Kingdom as a result of its own self-willed thinking, desiring and action, this Key of Salvation descended with us by order of the Logos, so that Man might always have the opportunity and the means to return Home.

Through the ages this knowledge has been carefully guarded and veiled from the eyes of the profane. The Gnostic Path of Return has always aimed to liberate a great Power, a Power which, in the hands of the selfish or insincere can do more harm than good. To those who were found to be worthy, these secrets were revealed. For those who remained under the spell of Matter, the Path remained a mystery.

Why a mystery? It is a mystery because it is difficult to imposssible for many to understand or accept that a human-being can be transformed into a god. The mystery is extended further by the knowledge offered that no external cause, intermediary or initiate is necessary. The Power to accomplish this Great Mystery lies within us. The ages-old Path that must be walked is a path of Self-Initiation.

The days of the guru are over. Man has reached a point in his development where he has the ability to understand these things independently, if he can free his thinking from the straitjacket of lies in which this nature-order has bound him. At the end of this major world-cycle, the training wheels have been taken off, so to speak. That which has been Hidden is now being brought to Light. It is up to each individual to see the Mystery being unfolded before him or her and to pursue the miraculous Transformation promised by that Mystery with insight, yearning, and in full self-surrender.

Awaken, brothers and sisters. Awaken and receive the Light-Vesture that you left behind, the Light-Vesture that has been yours since the Beginning.

~ g