31 August 2013

The Cathars - Part 2

In brief, the following will attempt to outline what the Church of Rome was up against in dealing with the formidable rival that had overtaken the South of France in the late 12th century.

From "The Treasure of Montsegur"


Council after Council is held and condemns 'the errors of the heretics', and particularly those of Southern France who, from the Council of Tours onwards, are known as 'Albigenses'. This name simply means the people of the ecclesiastical province of Albi, for it was natural for the Church to distinguish such movements according to their geographic distribution in the ecclesiastical provinces.

The position in Southern France was indeed at this time most serious from the point-of-view of the Church. Elsewhere, the movements of revolt had sooner or later burned themselves out or succumbed before the hostility of the well-organized forces of Church and State. But in Southern France at this critical moment, when people were aspiring to a more ardent Christianity, not only did the Roman Church seem to have lost all sense of its mission, but a rival Church, claiming equal, or rather superior Apostolic authority, was undertaking a systematic effort at conversion, and by the second half of the 12th century had virtually displaced the Church of Rome as the recognized vehicle of Christian revelation throughout Languedoc. This movement was Catharism, by far the most important of the anti-Catholic movements of the period.

Catharism was no spontaneous popular movement called into being by the haphazard inspiration of visionary enthusiasts or chance reformers; it was a definitely organized Church with a distinctive rite of admission and a trained priestly caste. It claimed to be nothing less than the true Church of Christ, its orders handed down in unbroken succession from the Apostles and retaining the power, which the false Church of Rome  had lost or never possessed, of 'baptizing with the Holy Spirit and with Fire'. Against this stupendous claim and the success of its ministers the Catholic Church found itself obliged to mobilize all its resources, finally raising against it a Crusade which was pursued more relentlessly than any against the Saracen infidel, and then creating an Inquisition to hunt down Cathars to the last man, even in the trackless valleys and impenetrable caves of the Pyrenees, never resting until it was satisfied that the last of them had been exterminated.


To understand why Catharism was successful in drawing adherents away from the Roman Church, we have the following: 


To explain the success of Catharism against Catholicism in 12th century Languedoc, all that is necessary is to compare the picture of practical Christianity presented by the two Churches to an age avid for a vital religion. For the Roman, we cannot do better than a quote from Pope Innocent III himself, the very Pope who would call down the Crusade against the 'Albigenses':

"Simoniacs who sell justice, absolve the rich and condemn the poor. They do not keep even the laws of the Church. They accumulate benefices and entrust the priesthood and ecclesiastical dignities to unworthy priests and illiterate children. Hence, the insolence of the heretics; hence the contempt of nobles and people for God and His Church. In this region, prelates are the laughing stock of the laity...the Archbishop of Narbonne knows no other God than money, his heart is a bank".

In contrast to this was the life and character of the Cathars, whose name means 'Pure' from the Greek Katharos. This name was strictly applied only to those who had received the Consolamentum or Baptism of the Spirit. These alone formed the Church, and they acted as ministers of religion to the mass of people who were simply 'Credents' or Believers. The true Cathari were usually called Perfecti or Parfaits by the Catholics, while to their own followers they were known simply as the 'Good Men' or the 'Good Christians'. Their aim above all was to live the Pure Life in strict obedience to the teachings of The Christ. Renouncing all worldly possessions they devoted themselves not only to an active ministry of preaching, but to healing the sick, teaching the young, and aiding the people even in their manual labor, asking nothing in return. They travelled the country indefatigably, carrying no money, seeking no reward save the joy of winning souls for Christ, shirking no sacrifice and subjecting themselves to the most rigid asceticism.

From "Catharism: The Historical Setting" - The Treasure of Montesgur - Birks, Gilbert


The Church tried persuasion, debate and excommunication (where not only was one kicked out of the the Catholic Church but one's goods, possessions and lands could be declared forfeit by the Church...declared forfeit!!). They even went so far as to try and emulate the Cathars by creating an order of monks Cistercian)who would take on poverty and walk the countryside preaching Catholicism, in imitation of the Cathari.

Every one of these measures failed to produce the desired result. And on this planet, we all know that where Persuasion fails, Force cannot be far behind.

~ g

The Cathars - Part 1

It is not widely known but there was a time when the Catholic Church was threatened with irrelevance and possible extinction. Today, this organization has over a billion "followers" and reigns as the number one religion on the planet, to the spiritual detriment of all of humanity. But there was a time early in its history when it trembled in fear of an upstart, a rival. These were a group of true , gnostic Christians who, by their unassailable example of living, were able to attract many believers and draw tens of thousands of Catholics away from the Roman Church.

This group was called The Cathars.

The name Cathar originates from the Greek word katharoi, meaning "pure". The Cathars were called "the Pure Ones", a reference not only to their way of life, but to their adherence to the original and true teachings of the Christ.

This group managed to convert the whole of the  Languedoc primarily by the soundness of their beliefs and the transparent honesty of their lives. The people responded to these "good men" who walked amongst them in poverty and humility. The Cathars stood in stark contrast to the ostentatious wealth and pretentiousness of the orthodox church.The Roman Church, at that time only 700 years old, recognized that the movement represented a clear and present danger to the comfortable racket they had enjoyed un-opposed for centuries.

It was this realization that inexorably led to a great confrontation that has been neatly expunged from the history books and left the Catholic Church drenched in blood up to its shoulders that can never be washed away.

The following is taken from "The Church's War on the Cathars"


"During the eleventh and twelfth centuries, the region known as the Languedoc, spreading approximately southward from the Loire to the Pyrenees down into Arragon and eastward to the Rhone, became the most highly civilized area of Western Europe. Its fertile soil and pleasant climate provided the means for a leisurely life. The Rhone and the Garonne were notable routes of communication and the passage of many Crusaders on their way to the East gave an immense stimulus to trade.

Above all the Moslem conquest of Spain had brought the influence of Arabic culture. The larger cities had schools of medicine, mathematics and astrology where Arabian scholarship was imparted. Jews were not debarred from public life and were highly respected as doctors and teachers. The Catholic Church no longer held the monopoly of knowledge; and were gradually losing their power hold in the Languedoc.

The wealth of the monastic orders and the intolerance of the bishops roused the contempt of the nobles who accused them of self-indulgence and lack of interest in the poor. The common priests, through the neglect of their superiors, had fallen into discredit on account of their poverty and illiteracy.

Very different was the behaviour of the Cathars. Their eloquence in presenting their beliefs and their untiring care for all in need of help won the devotion of both nobles and common people. They became known by the name of bons hommes ("good men"). When the leaders of the Catholic Church realized how widely the movement had spread, it was already too late to stem the tide.

It was inevitable that sooner or later the clash would come, for no expressions of faith could be more diametrically opposed between the Catholics and the Cathars.".


This from "Cathar and Cathar Beliefs in the Languedoc"


In the Languedoc, famous at the time for its high culture, tolerance and liberalism, the Cathar religion took root and gained more and more adherents during the twelfth century. By the early thirteenth century Catharism was probably the majority religion in the area, supported by the nobility as well as the common people. This was yet another annoyance to the Roman Church which considered the feudal system to be divinely ordained as the natural order (Cathars disliked the feudal system because it depended on oath-taking).

In open debates with leading Catholic theologians Cathars seem to have come out on top. This was embarrassing for the Roman Church, not least because they had fielded the best professional preachers in Europe against what they saw as a collection of uneducated weavers and other manual workers. Worse still, a number of Catholic priests had become Cathar adherents (Catharism was a religion that seems to have appealed especially to the theologically literate. Whole Cathedral chapters are known to have defected, as they did for example at Orleans). Worse, the Catholic Church was held up to public ridicule (some of the richest men in Christendom, bejewelled, dressed in finery, and preaching poverty, provided an irresistible target even to contemporary Catholics in the Languedoc). Worst yet, Cathars refused to pay tithes to the Catholic Church.

The Cathar view of the Catholic Church was as bleak as the Catholic Church's view of the Cathar Church. On the Cathar side it manifested itself in ridiculing Catholic doctrine and practices, and characterising the Catholic Church as the "Church of Wolves". The Catholics accused Cathars of heresy or apostasy and said they belonged to the "Synagogue of Satan". The Catholic side created some striking propaganda. When the propaganda proved only partly successful, there was only one option left - a crusade - the Albigensian Crusade.


End of Part One

Then, as now, the Catholic Church was populated by hypocrites, egotists, sadists and opportunists. The Pope was considered the ruler of the entire civilized world. Kings and noblemen groveled and pleaded before his personage. Why? Because the Church then, as now, held the threat of eternal damnation in hell over the heads of the entire world. If you did not believe in the teachings of the Catholic church, you were certain to have a "hot" date with Satan when you passed from this world.

Only the Roman Church had the "power" to condemn men to hell or to absolve them of their sins, which they were happy to do...for a price. This was done via a money-making scheme called "indulgences", where anyone could buy absolution for the right price. The wealthier you were, the higher the price.

The common people, then, as now, may have been poor and illiterate, but they were not stupid. They could recognize a racket when they saw one. Animosity towards the Roman Church had already grown steadily over the centuries. The people were ready for a linking with a pure, true understanding of the relationship between God and men - gnosis. The Cathars presented this region of Southern France with an opportunity to obtain access to that understanding. They provided the people with a choice. When the Cathar doctrine was compared with Church dogma, the Church was exposed for the shell that it was. Former devout Catholics defected in droves. The stage was set for an epic battle of survival from which only one victor could emerge.

By the way, the word "heresy" has come to be known as "thoughts and doctrines opposed to the orthodox church". However, the true origin of the word indicates something much different:

heresy (noun)  from the Greek hairesis "a taking or choosing, a choice.

~ g

27 August 2013

Links In The Chain

The Gnosis is with us always. Even in the darkest periods of mankind's many epochs, this Divine Flame is kept alive on the earth-plane by those whose job it is to maintain this Link with the Divine Kingdom.

Every major earth-cycle follows the same pattern. It begins with a purified astral atmosphere, which humanity can take advantage of to begin walking the transfiguristic path. It is during these early stages that Divine Helpers are sent to earth to assist mankind in walking the Path. All ancient cultures have "myths" that tell of a time when "the gods walked amongst men".

As a cycle progresses to its nadir, humanity becomes less and less spiritual. Mankind, through wrong-thinking, begins to create aeons which gradually grow in power and influence. These aeons eventually begin to rule the minds of men. The Divine Helpers withdraw, partially because the astral atmosphere of the earth is no longer hospitable to beings of an incredibly high vibration and pratly because the realization that it is now time for man to learn from another Teacher: the Effects that will result from his erroneous Causes.

The descent continues. Man stumbles blindly in the dark. The Path of Return is forgotten and the Gnosis becomes an anathema in this nature-order. Perversion and error dominate the hearts and minds of men. Anything that attempts to alert man to the doctrine of the two nature-orders or to the possibility of permanent escape from the earth-planes (Liberation) is hunted down and summarily destroyed, with prejudice.

It is during these times that the caretakers of the Gnosis go underground. The mystery schools and gnostic brotherhoods pull up the drawbridge, shutting their doors to the profane, like the petals of a flower closing at twilight.

This is not an act of abandonment. Those few who continue to seek The Way will always be found and will always be helped. This is simply about preservation of the earthly outposts of the Gnosis so that seeking mankind will have a place to turn, even when times have reached a point of Godlessnes.

Predictably, man's persistent error eventually pollutes the astral atmosphere so much that the chances for microcosms to locate and walk the Path of Return greatly diminishes. It is then that a cosmic revolution takes place, a cyclic cleansing of this nature-order that returns the subtle spheres of the earth-plane to a pristine state. Atsome point during the cleansing, a harvest is gathered of all those who have followed the Good Law. These ones represent the Remnant who are always moved to a protected location prior to any cataclyms. The refection-sphere is purified and a new cycle begins. The Divine Teachers are able to return once more and assist the Remnant in their development towards godhood.

Age after age, the pattern never changes

During man's recent history, the past 12,500 years or so, the following groups or divine personalities have made their appearance on the world stage and devoted their efforts to maintaining the earthly link to the Chain of Universal Brotherhoods. Some of the names:

Lao Tzu
The Druids
The Buddha
The Essenes
Jesus, The Christ
The Manicheans
The Bogomils
The Waldenses
The Cathars
The Templars
The Classical Rosicrucians

There were many, many more. Be they Persian, Hindu, Chinese, Mayan, Aztec, these brotherhoods existed in all countries, at all times. In a bit, one of these groups will be discussed here. Those who are referred to as "the preceding brotherhood" -- the Cathars.

~ g

19 August 2013

The Chain Of Universal Brotherhoods

The Universal Chain of Brotherhoods is composed of all entities who have preceded us on the Path of Return and successfully obtained Liberation from the Wheel of Death-and-Rebirth.

When an entity brings its walk on the Path to what the Cathars referred to as "the good end", it means that the microcosm has been sufficiently purified and a new, immortal soul has been constructed to replace the old, mortal soul. Due to the awakening of the Divine Spark which re-links the candidate with the Gnosis, the new soul is built not from the four ethers of this nature-order (reflecting, light, life and chemical ethers), but from the four pure ethers of the Divine Realms. Once this purified new soul-state is situated within the personality, Spirit is then able to descend and take up residence in the head sanctuary.

The newly-combined Spirit-Soul now drives all the thinking, feeling and willing for the evolving personality. The importance of this cannot be under-stated because, as has been mentioned here before, it is the quality of our thoughts and feelings that condition the ethers which are used to build the etheric (or vital) body. It is the etheric body that animates the physical shell. Thus, the presence of the reborn Spirit-Soul eventually results in a new etheric / physical body. This completes the transfiguration of the candidate as the tri-unity of Spirit, Soul and Body are re-united once more.

In addition, the karma of the candidate is erased, ensuring a release from the Wheel. It is our karma and our active desires that force us to return to physical life. Walking the Path in self-surrender, undergoing the endura, is meant to neutralize our desires. The tranfiguristic process takes care of the karmic aspect.

The change outlined above is not a new phenomenon. It has been with humanity since the very first moments of the original Fall from Grace. Since time immemorial, Divine Ones have worked unceasingly on behalf of fallen humanity to reveal The Way Home and to guide those who were ready to make the journey. There are a multitude who have indeed been successful in obtaining Liberation. This is a wonderful comfort, for it shows that success on the Path is possible and that the Divine Plan of the Logos is unassailable.

Note: This is a universal process. Microcosmic candidates for Liberation exist in all parts of the galaxy and they hail from a vast array of planets and star-systems. There are many different life-waves stranded here on the Seventh Cosmic Plane. Among these diverse life-forms, there are those who have also heard The Call and are attempting to walk the same Path of Return as we.

After earning their release from the nature-of-death, the Liberated Ones do not leave the material-spheres for far distant shores of 'bliss' and nirvanic peace. By nature of the link they have forged with the Divine Kingdom, they now embody those states-of-being, it has become a part of who their newly-restored Divine nature. There is no need for them to 'go' anywhere to locate it. What they do is remain close to the earth-sphere, in order to reach back and extend a helping-hand to assist their brothers and sisters who are still lost and foundering under the rulership of the aeons of this nature.

In every age of humanity, these Liberated Ones exert their influence, most often through mystery schools or gnostic brotherhoods established somewhere on earth. Together, each of these schools or gnostic brotherhoods on the physical plane join to form the newest, youngest link in the Chain of Universal Brotherhoods of Liberated Ones. At the end of every World Age or epoch, a harvest is gathered of all those microcosms that have obtained the soul-state required to escape the nature-of-death once and for all. The mystery schools and young gnostic brotherhoods, having served their purpose in helping to enable the harvest for that Age (however small or large), are taken up into the Living Body of the Universal Chain. There, they assume their places alongside their Divine Brothers as Helpers of Humanity. Their new mission, to provide assistance to the next group of mystery schools, gnostic brotherhoods, prophets and messengers that will inevitably make their appearance during the next World Age or Day of Manifestation.

With each new link, the Chain of Universal Brotherhoods grows stronger. As the power-field of this Gnostic Living Body increases, so do the chances that all of mankind will eventually obtain The Good End. 

"And he who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the House of My God; and he will go out no more"  Revelations 3:12

~ g

18 August 2013

The New Shamballa


At the juncture of time in which we live it is important to draw your full attention to these words.*

*the author is referring to the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 24, verses 3-14 and 23-31

If the human endocrine system is forced in any way, one of the most obvious consequences is an increase of the sensory sensitivity. What this sensitivity can involve and often causes you know quite well.

There can be many causes for human sensitivity. It is usually either hereditary factors or karma that play a major role in this. It is also possible for people to bring their endocrine system into a disharmonious and hence undesirable state, for example by doing occult exercises. There are innumerable people who can be called more or less sensitive in some part of their sensory system.

Generally speaking, sensitivity can be found

- in the emotional sphere,
- or in the sphere of hearing,
- or in the sphere of sight,
- or in the sphere of the intellectual organism.

The sensory activities can then be called 'deeper'. They are 'more sensitive', their sphere of action is greater, and they can successfully encounter a higher radiation factor.

This super-normal sensitivity in some direction need not necessarily be dangerous, provided the person concerned does not pursue this with his whole "I", and regard himself as being in a "state of grace", a "chosen one" with extraordinary gifts. For quite obviously this super-normal sensitivity is always one with respect to the astral plane of the nature-of-death, because that astral plane is the life atmosphere of humanity.

You will therefore realize that almost all illnesses connected with the nervous system and leading to highly abnormal behavior are caused by sensitivity that totally breaks down the endocrine system when it is driven on by the "I". A door is then opened for forces on yonder side of the veil, with all the regrettable consequences. These facts, which have always been known, can be an introduction to the following:

Many people, especially doctors and psychiatrists, have been struck by the increase, around the world, of the number of super-normal or para-normal people, and that keeping pace with this is an enormous increase in excessive sensitivity.

The causes of this must be quite well known to you by now. The astral revolution in the human bio-sphere, caused in a forced way, has first of all seized all the negatively sensitive people in all their diversity or is doing so. This is the reason why all over the world the institutions that care for such people are over-flowing.

But this is only the beginning of the trouble, because in the period which we now have entered we will be confronted by the fact that every human-being will be made sensitive by the extremely abnormal conditions of the astral field of life. Almost every human-being will begin to suffer from forms of above-normal mental expression, which will lie within the sphere of action of the pituitary gland. That means on the one hand expansion of the senses of sight , hearing and feeling, and on the other, begin seized by various baser passions with all the consequences for body and soul.

In other words, the masses will be made 'involuntary clairvoyants' as it is called in the School. That is to say that these phenomena will occur outside of the autonomous nervous system. Then a situation will arise in which the vast majority of people will be able to perceive much of what goes on in the etheric world, and experience this in a rather unpleasant manner.

In addition the time of the false Christs will commence. False Christs and false prophets will arise. They will show signs and miracles so as to lead astray the chosen ones where possible.

You will understand that such a horrible paranormal life, aroused in such an artificial manner, is not accompanied by any reasonable discriminatory factor whatsoever, nor by any capability of resistance, and so will create a perfect foundation for The Great Imitation.

The false prophets will praise human progress very highly, especially the results of nuclear science. However, every development has two sides and offers two possible results. Forcing the astral sphere of life will inevitably give rise to a mighty inflow of astral waves from the astral planes of the Original Kingdom.

The light-power that arises from this will obscure even the brightest, clearest light of the Sun and the Moon. The mighty fire, appearing with great power, i.e., with an enormous vibration, will suddenly strike dumb the false Christs and prophets. To their great bewilderment the masses with their paranormal sight will suddenly see much of the New Manifestation as long as that is possible, albeit for only one short hour.

One short hour -- for in this fire-storm a geological reaction of great violence will take place as a last response.

And in this mighty violence the bewildered masses will behold something of the Sons of God, the Chain of the Universal Brotherhood of Christ, which will save its last link, the young Gnostic Brotherhood, and watch over it for the founding of a new Shamballa.

"The New Shamballa" - The Living Word - Catharose di Petri


In the Last Days, the etheric vision of all humanity will be restored. We will be able to see that which lies "beyond the veil" Much of what we see will not be very pretty. It will serve, among other things, to shatter any illusions one may have about the after-life state in this nature-order. Those who are not prepared in advance for these events will, without question, be confused and quite possibly, misled.

If you are presently attempting to walk the Path of Return in sincerity and humility, then you have formed a link with the young Gnostic Brotherhood, the most recent and final link in the Chain of Universal Brotherhoods. The link may be strong or weak, but it still serves to connect you to the One Reality, the Original Divine Kingdom.

Nurture and maintain this Link at all costs. It is your lifeline. It is your boarding-pass for the Ark of Light that is once again preparing to set sail.

~ g

15 August 2013

Transfiguration In The Time Of The End


For millions of years physical humanity has been wandering around on the earth. For millions of years fallen humanity has been occupied in breaking through the nadir of materiality and thus converting its involutionary course into an evolutionary one, in order to resume its journey to the Father's House. For millions of years Divine entities have been trying to impel humanity fully to develop the mental consciousness that is organically present and to use it for its exalted purpose, namely to achieve Transfiguration.

In order to save it from crystallization, how many cataclysms have already struck earthly humanity that has not gone the Path of Transfiguration, but, to the contrary, clings to the earth?

Lemuria, that enormous continent reaching from the southern part of the Pacific Ocean to Africa in the west (Madagascar, the Himalayas, Sumatra, Australia and Easter Island are remnants of it), was destroyed by volcanic eruptions, by fire. With it went the group of Lemurians known as the Sons of Darkness who had to perish as, in their self-maintenance, they committed the most horrible crimes, while the other group of Lemurians, known as the Sons of Light and Wisdom, escaped.

Atlantis, situated at the location of the present Atlantic Ocean (the British Isles and the Azores are remnants of it), served as a field of development for fallen humanity. Seven races developed in Atlantis and from one of these had to develop the Root Race for the seven races of our present Aryan epoch. It was the fifth sub-race, the original Semites, which was chosen for this purpose, because the germ of Mind was present in them. It was from this that cunning developed in Atlantis, Atlantean craftiness that degenerated into evil.

Long before Atlantis was submerged those members of the Semitic race that were designated for it were led eastward. First they were led to a region where such countries as Israel are now situated; later on a small group was led to the Gobi Desert. Atlantis disappeared from the earth, swallowed up by the ocean. Just as was the case in Lemuria, only the godless Atlanteans of the Black Island perished, while the Atlantean inhabitants of the White Island escaped the flood.

To endure the formation of as pure an Aryan Root Race as possible, very severe laws were made. For example, it was forbidden to marry into other races. However, many members of the chosen group disobeyed this law. This is why the previously mentioned small group left the present Middle East for the Gobi Desert.

About a million years ago the Aryan Root Race was formed there, and when this new race had grown to a large population through the incarnation of increasing number of entities, the first mass migration took place about 200,000 years later.

The Aryan race migrated southwards and mixed with the inhabitants of India, and from this the first sub-race, the Indo-Aryan race, was formed. After that, the following were formed:

secondly: the Babylonian-Assyrian-Chaldean sub-race,
thirdly: the Persian-Greek-Latin sub-race,
fourthly: the Celtic sub-race,
fifthly: the Germanic-Anglo-Saxon sub-race.

The first four sub-races all had their outstanding cultures. We can at best read about them in books or see their expressions in museums, but much has become lost in the course of time.

What is the situation with the European, belonging to the fifth sub-race? In him the germ of the intellect has reached its full maturity.

To what end has the European used his intellect? To develop the highly esteemed European culture? To war on each other with the most refined techniques? To invent the nuclear bomb and the hydrogen bomb? To think up lugubrious projectiles that are shot into space to land on the moon or on one of the planets! Or to damage the Van Allen belts and thus disturb the harmony of the universe! Till now the European has used his intellect to maintain his godless, unholy life.

Is it a wonder that the unholy fire is blazing in the highest heat sphere and is threatening to overwhelm humanity? Is it a wonder that cultural philosophers predict the end of the West? Is it a wonder that it was predicted long ago that Great Britain and Europe would go down in fire? Surely not!

Our School makes a real distinction between initiation long ago and now, between initiation before the Christian calendar and after. For the person who was born before the commencement of the Christian calendar the possibility existed of soul rebirth. The person born in the period of the Christian calendar is able to accomplish transfiguration, i.e. to call into being the Spirit-Soul Man. Transfiguration can be achieved by all because they have a mind. The mind enables the human being to become a Gnostic, i.e. one who possesses Knowledge of his True Destination, one who Knows. The Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross makes it possible for its pupils to go the Path of Transfiguration in a practical sense and thus rise above the coming flood, by means of the Magnetic Living Body, by the Ark built in the last seventy-five years.

From 'Transfiguration in the Time of the End" - The Living Word - Catharose de Petri


Humanity has been wandering in the desert for a long, long time. At regular intervals, a window of opportunity opens for mankind. This Opportunity presents itself and then it withdraws, taking with it all those who heard The Call and worked to prepare themselves for the journey.

We have reached another such fork in the road. The Great Separation is underway. Like a cosmic game of musical chairs, the overriding question is this:

Where will you be when the music stops?

~ g

06 August 2013

The Mystery Of Speech And Sound - Conclusion


By dividing the exhaled air, the prana, into various currents of vibration, in keeping with the thought-image behind them, and in this way conducting the differentiated prana outward via the larynx, themental and thus the astral become audible. They are converted into sound. Consonants and vowels form words in magic characters, sound-images.

All these sound images have their origin on the astral plane. So this primary origin is invoked by the magic of speech; it is vivified, liberated, activated. This activity, this magic, naturally has results. These results may be helpful and liberating, but they can also be encapsulating and dangerous, as much for the sender as for the receiver.

That is why Lao Tzu warns that he who speaks little is spontaneous and natural. Every nature-born human being has his own, fundamental astral nature. So his primary concern should be to prevent this state of being from deteriorating or crystallizing any further than it has already. The human tendency to chatter on meaninglessly leads not only to the wastage of creative energy, but also to serious damage, not only to the person concerned, but to others.

Those who speak little, because they are conscious of these things, because they know what they are doing and are aware of their responsibility, remain themselves and are completely natural. Then the foundation is present for liberating self-realization.

So protect yourself from meaningless chatter; avoid gossip and scandal-mongering. The so-called higher creative power is many times more harmful than the lower creative power. Sometimes people have the tendency to make their thoughts known to others in a very invasive way. Standing right next to them, leaning over them almost, they pour out their word-streams, spewing their criticism and stirring up their listeners with their exhaled air, infecting them with their astral state-of-being. You must protect yourself from this kind of behavior.

From "He Who Speaks Little Is Spontaneous and Natural" - The Chinese Gnosis - Catharose de Petri, Jan van Rijckenborgh
