14 October 2017

The Unselfish

This post responds to a comment posted in Opening The Rose - The Fivefold Path To Liberation


(1) The transfiguristic process, as described, is not a selfish process. Throughout the description given, an "Other One" is referred to. It is not for the self that the sincere candidate seeks Liberation, it is to liberate the "Other One" who arises as a result of an opened Rose of the Heart.

When The Goal has been reached nothing of the human personality will remain. Perhaps this was not made clear enough. The candidate's consciousness will merge with the consciousness of the resurrected New Man, the "Other One", but the form does not persist, nor does the selfish "I" that once was.

Anyone who attempts to walk this Path in the selfish manner that you have described will not be successful. One cannot have it both ways. Once cannot execute the most Unselfish of acts while simultaneously thinking only of the self.

To "know thyself" is to know that the personal self is but a temporary image-bearer, whose sole purpose in life is to remember its Calling and to pursue it. That is embedded in the meaning of "Man, Know Thyself". If the image-bearer is successful in completing its Task, there will be nothing left of the personal self when The Goal has been reached.

It might help to think of the personal self as the yolk within an egg. The yolk is there to provide nourishment and sustenance for the chick that is forming inside the egg. As the chick grows, the volume of yolk gradually decreases. Eventually, the chick emerges fully-formed and there is no yolk to be seen anywhere. All of this takes place within the same eggshell. Transfiguration follows this pattern (As Above, So Below). By way of analogy, the "yolk" represents the personal self, the "egg" is the microcosm and the chick represents the "Other One", the resurrected New Man, the glorified Divine Personality.

(2) Once the goal of Final Liberation has been achieved, the victorious candidate does not straightaway ride off into the sunset. At that point, all Liberated Ones are presented with a Choice:

a. return to the Divine Kingdom and beyond, severing all future contact with earth-humanity forever, or,

b. remain behind within reach of the earth-sphere in order to help other lost and confused image-bearers to achieve the same Goal. In Buddhism this is known as "The Great Renunciation". The Liberated One can reincarnate - voluntarily, and by choice - in order to walk amongst men once again, if or when required to do so in service of the Divine Plan.

The large majority of Liberated Ones choose to remain behind. They recognize a duty to mankind, to their fallen brothers and sisters who are still struggling in darkness. Having climbed the summit of evolutionary achievement, they voluntarily choose to delay their own Evolution in order to help the fallen. It is from these exalted ranks that humanity gets its Christs, its Buddhas, its Krishnas, its Hermes Trismegistuses, its Bodhisattvas, etc.

Some may view the Liberated Ones who decline choice (b) as committing the ultimate Selfish Act. This view is mistaken. At that high level of evolution, having completed The Great Work, Liberated Ones are presented with the privilege of choosing their next step. There is no judgment, either way. Both Choices are valid choices. To the human-being, choosing to not remain behind appears 'selfish', but it is not. Earthly thinking will find it difficult to penetrate this apparent paradox, but there is no paradox.

3) Mother Theresa is indeed an example of humanism and earthly "love". As a nature-born human-being, there is a desire to help humanity but for lack of knowledge, she and others pursue this desire on a horizontal level. Yes, feeding and clothing those in need will help them - on a temporary basis. However, in order to truly help humanity and provide our fallen brothers and sisters with permanent relief from sorrow, those who can must walk the Path of Liberation. Doing so weakens the grip of the archons and aeons on the rest of humanity and provides more workers in the vineyard to serve the Divine Plan of Salvation.

"I will be with you always, even until the end of the Age" - The Christ


~ g

13 October 2017

Opening The Rose - The Fivefold Path To Liberation

How does one open the Rosebud? How does one awaken the Rose of the Heart, the latent Divine Spark that sleeps within the center of the microcosm?

The sleeping Rose is a Divine principle. It is the only part of the human personality that is not-of-this-world, As such, it will not respond to dialectical measures to awaken it. Therefore, the following practices will not be of any use in awakening the Rose:

- meditation
- concentration
- yoga
- splitting of the personality (i.e., astral travel, etc.)
- breathing exercises
- special diets
- tantric practices
- various narcotics and hallucinogens
- kundalini (as taught to the masses of the current era)

The above practices might help one to obtain consciousness in the astral planes of this nature-order, but they will still be prisoners of the Seventh Cosmic Domain, the undivine physical realm. They may achieve great heights and be crowned as "initiates" in the lofty heights of the reflection-sphere but they will still be lashed to the fence-posts of the earth-spheres.

That which is undivine can obtain no reaction from that which is Divine.The only way to awaken this Divine Principle - the Spirit-Spark Atom -  is to relink it with its Divine Origin, the Sixth Cosmic Domain. Once this Link is re-established, the Rose will awaken on its own. The candidate must not "do" anything to interfere or help in this process of Rebirth. The candidate must stand aside in not-doing and allowed the process to unfold. The most that one can do is to surrender the personal self to The Goal, as will be mentioned below.

There are five steps that the candidate must fulfill in order to reach the Good End.

Insight - "Man, Know Thyself". The candidate must gain insight as to his origins, his attributes, his current predicament, the nature of his imprisonment and the discovery of a Path to Liberation. The candidate must undertake to learn everything that he can about the Path of Return.

Yearning - once insight has been established and the candidate knows the truth about the earth experience that he has for so long accepted as "reality" and about the capabilities that have been embedded in the human personality for use in transfiguring the microcosm, he can do one of two things:

1. dismiss all that he has learned and go back to life as it was
2. from the depths of his being, begin to yearn with all of his might for Liberation

Self-surrender - to begin the process, the candidate must offer up his earthly personality. That is, he must stop living selfishly for the self, and instead, live for others. To serve the self is against everything the Gnosis represents. God, the Logos, The Only Good, gives to all. God does not take. If one is looking to re-link with the Divine, one must reflect that single attribute of the Divine, for only Like Attracts Like.

Gnostic Rosicrucians refer to this self-surrender as the endura, a "dying daily" to the things of this world. It is probably the most difficult part of the entire process because the self will not easily relinquish its control or its desires. Through weakness and uncertainty, the candidate will falter time and time again, yielding to selfishness. But he must persevere and weather all storms. He must remember that it is not he who will fight this battle against the self, but the Other One within, who is stepping forth from the opened Rose, gaining in power and might with each passing moment.

New Attitude of Life - once the self has been moved to the background, the Other One must take the lead in the life of the candidate. The candidate must effect a fundamental reversal in his manner of living and being. The earthly things that he once desired and reveled in he must renounce for good. The New Life that he leads while still on earth must consist of the following attributes:

- Complete Unselfishness
- Non-Attachment
- No Judgment
- No Criticism or Gossip
- Constant Service-To-Others
- Devotion to the Gnosis

As this New Attitude of Life becomes automatic for the candidate, the power of the Rose will manifest itself to an ever larger degree. The entire microcosm will begin to fill with the Light of the Gnosis. The New Soul, the Spirit-Soul will seek to re-unite with the Spirit. The Bride shall await the Bridegroom.

Liberation - Devotion to the New Life will result in permanent separation from the earth-spheres.  By way of a process, the old personality will completely diminish in its authority. It will not be erased, but will merge into the glory of the reborn microcosm. A total Transfiguration of all the vehicles of the personality will take place. That earthly personality will be the last earthly personality to incarnate in the microcosm. It will not taste death, but will instead share in the omniscient, omnipotent. multi-dimensional capabilities of the Heavenly Original Man. The Divine Link will be re-established. Eternity will break into Time. The microcosm will celebrate its victory over death and its return to the Fatherland, the Sixth Cosmic Domain.

There, in the briefest of summaries, is the fivefold process that must be followed in order to open the Rose, to allow it to bloom and restore the microcosm to Divinity.

~ g

01 October 2017

Transfiguration: The Ultimate Goal

"Transfiguration means devoting oneself as an earthly, nature-born human-being to the creation, the genesis of the Other One; to the vivification of the 'image with the dead eyes'.

Can we do that? Yes, we can. It is even our calling, our task, our vocation. It is for that we have come into being. If we do nothing more than follow our natural urges as earthly beings, then, as we follow the road of dialectical experience, of rising, shining and fading, the time will come when death will take us.

If, however, we take up our Calling, we will see a Heavenly Man growing within our microcosm, Who will stand before us as the wholly Other One. And through his devotion, his self-surrender to that Other One, the earthly man will one day die, merge and rise again in Him who is the Other One. This second death then signifies the victory over death".

From "The Essential Mystery of Man" The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol III - Jan van Rijckenborgh

This is man's true Calling. This is why we return. As personalities, it is our job to deliver the microcosm back to its Divine Home. That is the reason behind the Divine Plan of Salvation. This plan is being thwarted by the fact that the personality, the image-bearer, has forgotten his task, has gone off the rails and is following its own self-will, which is in error. As a result, Ignorance has taken the lead in the life of the personality, with Fear as the horseman.

It is the greatest triumph when even one human personality remembers his purpose and decides to take up his task. From that moment on, a change begins to take place within the microcosm. This change, if nurtured, encouraged and supported by the Gnosis, will ultimately result in the liberation of the Other One from the prison of the natural body. The personality responsible for initiating this transfiguration will not taste death, but will merge its consciousness with that of the newly reborn Divine Man and, in unity, will leave this finite nature-order and return to the Sixth Cosmic Domain.

The true candidate must release self-focus and recognize that he is but an image-bearer, with a very important task to perform for the Other entity that sleeps within the microcosm. Most are not ready to let go of their self, as they fear some sort of "annihilation". This is so far from the truth. When one takes up the task of delivering the microcosm from this fallen universe, that one begins to live, truly.

~ g

Truth Not Well-Received

"There is a time during the developmental phases of the young brother or sister of the Rosycross, when they think that the world will welcome this announcement with great enthusiasm. They are naive enough to assume that just as they were allowed to immerse themselves for the first time in the Living Water of the Universal Knowledge, so others will follow their Awakening Call with great gladness. Then they learn to understand the truth of the words of the Fama Fraternitatis:

The careless world will be but little pleased herewith and slander, derision, and mockery will increase. Laughter, derision, and mockery are the reward of the servant of God whenever they dare to speak and testify of the Universal Knowledge"