29 September 2018

Destiny, Fate and Karma

"DESTINY may be likened to a man who must travel to a distant city, whether or not he wishes to make the journey, the destination being his Destiny. He may choose to go by way of a river or by way of a plain; whether through mountains or through forests, on foot or on horseback, slow or fast, and whatever befalls him because of this decision is Fate.

If a tree falls on him because he chose the forest path, it was fated, for luck is an element of Fate. Destiny leaves no choice. Fate gives limited choice which may be good or bad but it cannot be averted. What is fated must be, for at no point can there be any turning back.

The circumstances of the traveller conform to the Law of Sowing and Reaping. He may travel in comfort or pain, in happiness or in sorrow, with strength or weakness, heavily burdened or lightly burdened, well-prepared or ill-prepared. When the destination is set according to the decrees of a former life, then the circumstances of the journey should conform with the desire of the traveller. For what use is it desiring a great destination when the Law of Sowing and Reaping decrees that an intolerable burden be carried on the way? Far better to have lesser aspirations. 

The decrees of Fate are many. The decrees of Destiny are few."

From In The Beginning - The Kolbrin - Chapter 5:3-4 

~ g

The Seven Cosmic Domains

It has been mentioned often in this blog that the aim of Path of Return is to guide the candidate out of the Seventh Cosmic Domain and into the Divine Kingdom, the higher Sixth Cosmic Domain. These terms may be foreign or confusing to some. Will try to explain in a simplified manner.

First off, one must remember that SEVEN is the number of the Divine. Seven Rays emanate from the Logos of a system. Each of the Seven Rays contain six sub-rays, for a total of 49 of these primordial Divine Rays. This establishes a pattern, an energy/frequency pattern that is used throughout the Creation. When this pattern is encountered, one knows that the Divine is at work.

We will now reference the diagram below.

It starts at the top with the Threefold Godhead resident on the 1st Cosmic Plane. From the Godhead emanates Seven mighty forces, Seven Rays, Seven Logoi. The diagram shows that each of these initial Seven Logoi emanates seven sub-logoi. This pattern continues throughout all of the subsequent Cosmic Domains.

A Logos is the head of a solar system. A solar system consists of a central Sun and at a family of planetary bodies.

The diagram shows us seven Cosmic Domains. The first six Cosmic Domains are Divine. The Seventh is not. It is the Seventh Cosmic Domain, the Cosmic Physical Plane, that is our current home while in exile from our true home, the Sixth.

Following the pattern introduced earlier, the Seventh Cosmic Domain is sub-divided into seven sub-domains. These domains are the ones that are more familiar to humanity:

1. The World of God corresponds to the Adi Plane

2. The World of Virgin Spirits corresponds to the Anupadaka Plane

3. The World of Divine Spirit corresponds to the Atmic Plane

4. The World of Life Spirit correspond to the Buddhic Plane

5. The World of Thought corresponds to the Manasic Plane

6. The World of Desire corresponds to the Astral Plane

7. The Physical World corresponds to the Physical Plane (You Are Here)

The inhabitants of each Cosmic Domain can see into all of the Cosmic domains below it. The inhabitants of a Cosmic Domain cannot see into the Domain(s) above it. This accounts for the difficulty of mortals to see into the Divine Kingdoms.

As the Cosmic Domains move from the First to the Seventh, the vibrational frequency decreases with each step downwards.

Each Cosmic Domain is separated by a vibration or frequency gap. In order to move from one Cosmic Domain to another, the frequency gap must be bridged. That is the purpose of the Path of Return: to increase the vibration of the microcosm until it matches the vibration of the Sixth Cosmic Domain. 

During these end-times, a bridge has been constructed that allows microcosms of the correct frequency to "cross over" into the Sixth. The Living Body of the Spiritual School constitutes such a bridge, or ark. Transfiguration is the inevitable end result, the transformation of the entire microcosm.  

“Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." D. Anka

"If you wish to find the Secrets of the Universe, you must think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration" - Nicola Tesla

Once a microcosm has been liberated by this process of transfiguration, it will disappear from physical view. This is because it has moved into a vibrational frequency that is higher than the physical human eye was designed to perceive. That's all that "invisibility" is - the inability to visually perceive higher frequencies of vibration. 

The Liberated Ones can no longer be seen but they still exist, in a higher plane, the Divine Sixth Cosmic Domain. As prevoiusly mentioned, they are able to see into the Physical Realm below them. From this vantage point, they remain willing and available to help their fallen brothers and sisters attain salvation. 

It is hoped that the foregoing has explained a little bit about the Cosmic Domains and the relationship of the Seventh to the Sixth.

~ g

28 September 2018

The Gnostic Key To The New Testament

Everyone has an opinion about the Bible. Most of these opinions are negative. The rest of them are violently defensive. The reason for the confusion and dismissal of the Bible is due primarily to humanity's tendency to interpret the Bible literally. Because of glaring inconsistencies that are sprinkled throughout the Bible, humanity finds it impossible to reconcile the Bible as "the word of God" and thus throw it in the fire. 

Be advised that over the centuries the Bible has undergone many translations. The enemies of the Gnosis were hard at work strategically inserting land mines into the Bible, modifying language, excluding entire gospels, etc. The result is the confusion that exists today. For example, the New Testament has been seriously damaged by these tactics. What the Adversary does not understand is that there is an entire narrative embedded in the New Testament that has been skillfully hidden within the Gospels. No matter how the prevailing authorities try to maim and deface the glorious message of salvation aimed at humanity, they will not succeed. Truth cannot be erased.

This post will attempt to cut through the sludge and provide a measure of clarity. We will start with the following:

The Bible cannot be understood without the Gnostic Key in hand.

What is the Gnostic Key? It is the key that opens the door of understanding to the gnostic Path of Return. This Path leads to dissolution of the personality and rebirth of the True Soul that lies sleeping within the heart of the microcosmic Spirit-Spark Atom. This is the Path that leads to Liberation from this fallen nature-order.

Since the Fall of Man, this Path was made available to humanity as a way to return to their former Divine Home. We are talking many millions of years. Unfortunately, humanity has been too distracted by the things of this material world to answer the Call that is sounded continuously. This Call is actually a Divine vibration that seeks to re-link with the Spirit-spark Atom of the human-being, which is also Divine in nature. This calling vibration is the Christ-ray, Kristos, as the ancient Greeks named it, long before the man Jesus appeared on the world-stage.

The first guide to using the gnostic key to the New Testament is to understand the over-riding purpose of the New Testament and the symbolism used to achieve that purpose. This post will not attempt to justify or explain any literal interpretations of the New Testament. We are going to focus solely upon the symbolism. In brief:

Birth of the Christ-child: represents the Awakening of the sleeping Divine Spark. This Spirit-Spark Atom is the Divine nucleus of the microcosm. Its location corresponds to the upper right ventricle of the heart. It is not part of the physical heart, it is part of the immortal microcosm. It is likened to a Rose but when it lies dormant, we call it the Rosebud. The stable where the Christ-child is born represents the cave of the human heart - filthy, unkempt and cluttered with the things of this nature.

John the Baptist: represents the human-being who has made the decision to go the Path. Such a one wants to purify the mental, astral, etheric and physical vehicles of the personality in order to create a suitable environment for the forces of the Rose to grow and work within the microcosm. That is why it is said that such a one is "as one crying in the wilderness" striving to "make straight the paths" for "the One Who Is To Come". The latter statement is a symbolic reference to the Other One, the sleeping True Soul within the heart of the microcosm that is endeavoring to re-establish Itself. 

We refer to this representation as "the Johannine man", the John-man. He represents the stage of purification on the Path. Here is where the Rose begins to bloom.

Jesus: symbolizes the Soul-man. He is the candidate on the Path who has succeeded in linking the True Soul with the radiations of the Divine Spirit, thus giving birth to the Spirit-Soul. The Spirit-Soul is the Original True Soul of the fallen Divine human-being. Its destiny is to re-link the True Soul to the Divine Spirit, the substance of the Sophia. The True Soul, emanating from the heart of the candidate, must connect with a Reason, the Divine Spirit.

The Jordan River: represents the blood, also the serpent-fire system.

The Baptism at the Jordan: Here is where the John-man hands over control of the microcosm to the Jesus-man. The candidate has advanced sufficiently on the purifying stage of the Path that he/she voluntary chooses to turn over control of all thinking, willing, feeling and action to the Divine part of him, which is growing ever stronger. 

On the banks of the Jordan, the Jesus-man is anointed ("Kristos" means "to anoint") with water from the Jordan. This water represents the purified blood-state of the candidate. As the Jesus-man is anointed, a dove comes to rest upon his forehead. Doves and eagles are ancient symbols of the Divine Spirit. So, we can see that this baptism symbolizes the radiations of the Divine Spirit re-linking with the newly reborn Soul, the Spirit-Soul. This reunification establishes the candidate on the road to transfiguration. The Spirit-Soul will now seek to unite with the Divine Spirit.  

Once the Jesus-man has been baptized in this manner, he is christened, anointed. He becomes a Christ

Shortly after the Baptism on the Jordan, John the Baptist is beheaded. This symbolizes the complete surrender of the John (the Seeking Man) to Jesus (the Soul-Man).

The Christ: the Christ is not a man. It is a mighty inter-cosmic Divine radiation. It is the Second Aspect of the Logos, which is also called The Father. The Christ-ray is called "the Son" because that which issues from a father is the son. Once the Jesus-man accepts this Christ-ray into his/her being, he/she becomes one with the Father ("I and my Father are One").

The literal interpretation of this Sonship has posed problems in understanding from the times of the Pharisees up to the present day. "How can someone claim to be the Son of God?" they cry. 

You just learned how. 

The Temptation in the Desert: the "desert" or "wilderness" always represents the material world, this fallen nature-order. Once the candidate has surrendered the self and the "I" recedes in order to allow the Other One to lead the way, the forces of this nature-order will immediately assemble to place obstacles in his/her way. These obstacles can take the form of appeals to the desire nature of the human-being or to the pride-nature of the "I". The forces of this nature attempt to derail the candidate's journey by repeatedly testing the lower nature, looking to cause a fall.

The Twelve Apostles: represent the twelve cranial nerves. These twelve nerves transmit astral impulses to the entire body. In their fallen state, these nerves respond to the aeonic forces of fallen nature and carry out their orders. The twelve cranial nerves must be purified as well, so that they can carry out the will of the Father, not that of the nature aeons.

Jerusalem: Jerusalem represents the head sanctuary.

The Upper Room: represents the optic thalamus, which is positioned in the mid-brain behind the frontal bone.

The Last Supper: represents the candidate's final farewell to the world of matter.

The Garden of Gethsemane: represents the second thoughts that many candidates have when they realize that in order to achieve liberation from this nature-order, the personality, the "I" must die. Not in the physical sense, but in the sense that the "I" must abdicate its throne and relinquish the leadership of the microcosm to the Other One, the reborn Original True Human-Being.

The Crucifixion: the physical body is hung up on the Cross of Matter. It is nailed there, indicating a permanent loss of action. This represents the death of the "I" and the end of its influence over the thinking, willing, feeling and acting of the personality.

The Resurrection: represents the rebirth of the Original Divine Man. "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He (the old personality) is not here, He (the Divine Human-Being) is risen.".

The Ascension: the liberated microcosm, the newly-Christed personality, takes leave of the world of the senses and returns to the Divine Kingdom.

The enemies of the Gnosis have done their very best to keep the Truth from you. The Universal Gnostic Brotherhood has worked just as hard to protect the Truth by providing it with an impenetrable disguise, one that enables the Truth to "hide in plain sight". You have been given the Key that will be needed to decipher the New Testament. Above all things, you must remember that

- the Christ is not a man, it is a Divine radiation, an inter-cosmic force that surrounds and interpenetrates this planet. 

- After the baptism at the Jordan, everything that the Jesus-man says is actually the Christ-Spirit speaking through him. Any miracles performed are due to the Divine powers of the Christ-ray working through the man Jesus.

- Finally, and most importantly, you must recognize that it is the destiny of all men to also become Christs ("That which I do, you shall do greater things than these"). The Christ, speaking through Jesus, implores humanity to "be My followers". Not followers in the sense of blind sheep, but followers in the sense of people of insight who wish to attain Christhood as well.

It is hoped that the foregoing will be of some use. People ask what is Truth and where can it be found? One place where it can be found is in the New Testament, protected by a disguise, waiting for Man to find the Key that will decrypt the cipher and unlock the door to the Mysteries.

You now have that Key.

~ g

14 September 2018

Answers to "Mind-Traps, Beliefs and Languages"

The following is a reponse to a recent question. The response was too long to fit in the Comments section.

Re : "I am wondering if you can ask you about mind-traps, beliefs and language.

Sometimes I feel like I am caught in words, beliefs and spiritual concepts that I am repeating from books, lectures and other more "advanced" people. For example speaking about gnosis, seven rays, light vestures, 6th cosmic domains, reflection spheres, etheric bodies and a plethora of all the invisible things in the ether.

Are all these not inexperiencal ideas for the readers and listeners rather than a living experience?"

Answer: What you have mentioned above are not simply ideas but represent Knowledge that Man once possessed but has forgotten over the ages. These truths are as old as mankind. They are not "made up" by earthly authorities but are periodically revealed to Man by Divine messengers sent for that purpose, usually during times of Harvest. We are once again in such a period.

For those who wish to walk the Path of Return, such Knowledge is indispensable. Man must first understand himself, his environment and the forces arrayed against him, or he will most certainly be victimized by negative forces and risk falling into a pit from which he cannot escape. In the words of the ancient oracle:

"Man, Know Thyself"

Can one achieve Liberation from this nature order without this Knowledge? That i cannot answer. i only know that it is better to Know than to Not-Know. It is difficult to climb a mountain when one does not have all of the gear that is required. In order to obtain a true "living experience" one must first know what it means to truly live.

Re: " If the TAO cannot be spoken, then these concepts are only a metaphorical reference point for us humans?"

Answer: TAO is the Unmanifested One. It is Ineffable, Unknowable. However, it makes itself known by that which it brings into manifestation. All of the Cosmic Domains, with their universes, galaxies, star systems, solar systems, planetary systems and mankinds are manifestations emanating from The Unmanifested One. We are tasked to learn all that we can about this Creation and to use its gifts with wisdom. Otherwise, we will continue to stumble in the dark, being constantly victimized by dark entities who know EXACTLY how this Creation works and wickedly uses that knowledge to exploit and enslave those who do not Know.

How can one begin to even think of liberation from this nature-order if one does not understand its characteristics or the design of one's own mortal vehicles? Would we hand our car keys to a 12 year old who has never been behind the wheel and say, "Drive"?

Re: " I wonder if it may be important not get to caught up fully in beliefs"

Answer: It is important to seek Gnosis, the True Knowledge of God. Then we will Know from experience and not simply Believe. Belief implies doubt. The items that you mentioned are true beyond doubt. Their reality has been hidden from humanity in order to keep us blind, ignorant and imprisoned. Even so, one should always explore all matters for oneself and confirm their truthfulness via one's own heart and mind.

Re: " Or it is necessary to fully immerse one's mind in beliefs?"

Answer: One must seek True Knowledge, not Beliefs.

Re: " Should the Light provide/transmit all that is needed for you to shine rather than books and lectures? If so, then the light is very selective on the beings that carry this out on Earth."

Answer: The Light of the Gnosis will work WITH you. It will not work FOR you.

This business of Transfiguration requires some work on the part of the human-being. Our life-wave fell to this domain due to our own poor choices. It must be our choice to leave this domain in order for Liberation to work. There has to be a VOLUNTARY SURRENDER of the "I". Secondly, at this stage our microcosms are so defiled and polluted that if the Gnosis were to attempt to transmute, transform and transfigure us without any help on our part we would burn to a crisp due to the extremely high frequency of its Divine vibration.

That is why a Plan is in place to bring us to the gate of Liberation in safety, gradually and harmoniously. However, the willing participation of the human-being is critical to the success of this Process. No guru, master or disembodied entity can do this for you. Nor can we just stand in the Light and say, "Save me!". There is work that must be done by the candidate. 

The books and presentations are not simply words. Words are Thoughts transformed into Sound. Sound is vibration. Words carry the vibration of the Gnosis to all those who read or hear about it. They act as a carrier wave to bring a Divine vibration to humanity in a format that can be safely and efficiently assimilated by the subtle vehicles of our personality. There is a magical element connected with the powers of Thought and Speech.

The Gnosis is not selective. The Gnosis is available to ALL of humanity. In fact, it is nearer than hands and feet. The problem with connecting with the Gnosis is that humanity is not checking for it. We are too involved in our phones, our alcohol, our mind-altering substances, in chasing money and sex. We simply do not bother or even care. That does not make the Gnosis selective. It reveals Man to be very, very unwise, spiritually under-developed and mentally immature.

Yet, it will always be present, always ready to assist those who wish to abandon this fallen realm and return home.

"One thing, o mortals, is established here by us, namely: that God has decided that before its end, the world will be presented with a stream of Truth, Light and Greatness, such as He ordained should accompany Adam in Paradise!" - Confessio Fraternitatis 1616

all love,

~ g