29 July 2017


Decided to share this response to a recent comment.


With all of its struggle, violence, frustration and disappointments many remain completely satisfied with material life. Although there is a constant undercurrent of unpleasantness, they try to combat this by pursuing some ephemeral "happiness", either for themselves or for others. They work to make a paradise of the physical world, which cannot be done. When introduced to the transfiguristic philosophy, one that states without pretense that we must leave this world to achieve true liberation, their "I" recoils in fear and they either lash out or withdraw. Not all are ready for the Gnosis.

There are countless religions and spiritual movements that claim to have "the answer" when, in reality, they have only a piece of the Truth, or nothing at all. It has been proven that if a group takes a kernel of Truth and wraps complete falsehood around it, people will respond to that muffled kernel of Truth while dismissing all that is false about a movement. By this method, billions are misled daily, living what they believe to be pious lives. In fact, they are being led straight to the reflection-sphere by these religious brotherhoods. They die without an inkling of how far away from the Truth they really were.

Our mankind is but one of myriads of mankinds inhabiting myriads of galaxies populating myriads of universes. With the exception of a very few, most of these entities, no matter how highly evolved are fallen entities, struggling to escape this fallen realm, the Seventh Cosmic Domain, but not knowing how.

It is not money, per se, that rules the world. It is the selfish desire of humans to acquire happiness and comfort for themselves in whatever way possible. The root of evil in this world is S-E-L-F-I-S-H-N-E-S-S.

i avoid personal focus, but will try to answer your final questions as briefly and succinctly as possible. Yes, i have a job, children, earthly obligations and responsibilities. These are things that must be attended to. The time of the hermit who escapes humanity by living in a cave is long past. We who are of the Gnosis must live among the people, always remembering to be in the world but not of the world.

No matter what earthly task we are engaged in, as long as we keep the knowledge that we have an opened Rose of the Heart and a firm link with the Universal Gnostic Chain, we can remain free. We work, as we must, but as soon as an earthly task is completed, our thoughts should turn back to things of the Spirit, thoughts of the Gnosis.

The School makes very few demands of its pupils. Vegetarianism, no drugs, no nicotine, no alcohol. A celibate lifestyle is requested, but not demanded. True pupils will follow those basic requirements freely, as they will realize that the New Soul cannot be born if we are polluting the physical, astral and mental bodies at the same time. These habits of behavior will only bring harm to the pupil, as their effects will not mesh well with those of the purifying Gnostic radiations.

No one is forced to attend any of the conferences, lectures or meetings that are offered by the School. Everything about the Path entails a voluntary effort by the pupil to do that which is needful. He or she cannot and will not be forced. Liberation is in their hands. The School simply provides the necessary insight and the power-field to assist in the Great Work.

A "fulfilling" life is not the aim of a serious pupil, as we know that no happiness can be found on the earth-plane. Our joy lies in the knowledge that we have found at last, within this incarnation, the Golden Thread that will lead us away from this earthly vale of tears and back to the Divine Kingdom, back to our Original Home.

~ g


22 July 2017

The Reflection-Sphere

A reader asks: "What does The School mean when it talks about the reflection sphere? Is it the astral world?"

This nature-order is composed of two halves: a material-sphere and a reflection-sphere. The material-sphere is the physical realm, the region that we live in during our physical lives. The reflection-sphere is the invisible "other side" of which most humans do not become aware of until they pass over. It is the region that the personality passes into after the physical life has ended.

Remember, there is no death. At death, so-called, it is only the physical body and the lower half of the etheric double that are laid aside. As the man's consciousness releases its focus on the physical world, the magnetic bonds that held the physical atoms together are relaxed, resulting in the disintegration of the physical body that we know as decay. All of the elements that composed the physical body are returned to their source, the earth.

The remaining parts of the personality, the parts that most cannot see, continue to have a life of sorts in the reflection-sphere. Here, a kind of slow dissolution also takes place, but over a longer period of time. More on that in a bit.

The reflection-sphere embraces the spheres of "hell" and "purgatory" (the sphere of purification) as well as that which in earthly religions is wrongly called "heaven" or "eternal life". All of these regions of the reflection-sphere are just as temporary and finite as those of the physical world. It is the temporary abode of the so-called dead, which does not imply that the deceased personality will be raised up to a new life. On the contrary, there is no survival of the fourfold personality (physical body, etheric body, astral body, mental body).

As the remains of the fourfold personality ascend through the etheric, astral and mental regions of the reflection-sphere, each of these subtle bodies slowly dissolve, by way of a process. Over time, the remains of the etheric body is dropped, then the astral body disintegrates and finally the mental body follows suit. The only things remaining from the deceased earthly personality is the immortal Divine Spark and four "permanent atoms" that will be used as the blueprint for generating the next personality to return to the material-sphere. The entire process generally takes from 700-1,000 earth years to complete.

The astral realm vibrates at a higher frequency than the physical realm, and possesses peculiar properties of reflection, hence the name reflection-sphere. Man's thoughts and desires radiate from his light-vesture and are attracted to similar thoughts and desires that have accumulated in our astral atmosphere ( "like attracts like" ). The astral realm then mirrors, or reflects these thoughts and desires back to humanity, who, having an affinity to these thoughts and desires, invariably act upon them, ultimately radiating those vibrations once again back to the reflection-sphere. Hence the circuit is closed and mankind is trapped within a deadly embrace.

The above interaction accounts for how aeons are formed. This symbiotic cycle of dependency between man and the astral world has resulted in the establishment of countless reflection-sphere brotherhoods, as well as a proliferation of "light-spirits", "ascended masters", "invisible colleges", etc., etc. All of these reflection-sphere phenomena can only survive by way of the forces that are transmuted and radiated by billions of human-beings. We are their "food". Mankind's astral radiations are the ambrosia, the "food of the gods". It is by ingesting and assimilating the light-forces emanating from mankind that these astral entities are able to prolong their stay in the reflection-sphere. They do not wish to return to physical incarnation.

Of course, this give-take-give relationship must result in some unhealthy associations between human and astral entities. As humans are mostly unaware of this on-going parasitic astral activity, they are easily victimized by those on the other side who are absolutely aware of how this works and recognize that the prolongation of their lives in the reflection-sphere depends upon the continued availability of light-power that can only be provided by humans in physical bodies. This is why the ancients maintained that:

"Man does not live, he is lived".

There will be more on this topic in future posts. For now we'll stop here and absorb this bit of insight. If there are questions, feel free.

~ g

16 July 2017

Like Attracts Like

Contrary to what we have been indoctrinated to believe, opposites are not attracted to one another. Opposites repel, they do not attract. At times, opposites may complement one another, but even that will be due to the existence between them of some element of attraction that brings them together through a process of bonding.

Only things of like nature are attracted to other things of like nature. The reasoning behind this is quite simple and clear, if given enough thought. When something is attracted to something else, it is expressing an affinity, a magnetic desire to collect or aggregate more of itself. This is known as attraction. When a thing encounters that which is of an opposing magnetic polarity to it, that thing will not have a desire to attract that which is not like itself. Instead of moving towards that opposite thing, it will move away. This is repulsion.

The number one use of the Fallacy of Opposites Attract is in the realm of personal relationships. Human-beings are prone to saying such things as,

"My partner and I are so unlike. But you know what they say: opposites attract!"

The reason why people say these things is because they are ignorant of the above-stated Law that Like Attracts Like. They focus on what is unlike in their partner, characterize it as being opposite of their own nature, and, at a loss to explain their attraction to one who is so much not (apparently) like them, they attribute the phenomena to the Fallacy of Opposites Attract. If people were to look deeper, if they were to try and understand the infallible Cosmic Law of Cohesion (Like Attracts Like) that rules here in the Seventh Cosmic Domain, they would begin to see a clearer picture.

If one is attracted to some other one that has traits that are dissimilar to one's own, then either of the following things are happening:

1. one is so much more attracted to similarities that exist between one and one's partner that they accept or ignore the existence of their partner's negative or, polar opposite traits.

2. one possesses within one's own auric field, traces of the traits that they characterize as being undesirable, or "opposite".

If your partner likes to argue, and you do not, then why are you with that person? What attracted you to someone with that trait? Either you have chosen to ignore that trait in your partner while accepting and focusing on the common traits shared by both of you, or you yourself have argumentative traits within your auric field. Many do not like to even consider the possibility of the latter.

The ancients stated that "the world we see is a reflection of who we ourselves are". From within our microcosm we peer out through an invisible sea of habits, fears, desires, likes and dislikes. As we look through this vibrational fog, it colors the appearance of everything that our senses receive, so that if we are the argumentative type, we will see an argument in everything others say or do. If we are sexually-focused, we will see sensual overtones in everything that we observe in the world around us. If reject or dislike ourselves, we will see rejection and dislike in every person that we come in contact with.

Predisposition to violence, fear of harm to the self, selfish focus upon the accumulation of wealth or power, all these things and more exist in one's aura and color one's perception of one's world. If we see ourselves attracting irresponsible types, abusive types, miscreants and other assorted negative types into our lives, we must look to ourselves when we experience the repercussions of these associations. Chickens will always come home to roost! It does not matter if you have been a saintly person in this life, thus making you "undeserving" of such treatment from others. What about the life of the previous personality in the microcosm? Or the life of the ones before that? There is a strong possibility that in previous lives you were the irresponsible type, the abusive type, the miscreant, etc. Although no longer acted out upon the physical realm, traces of those traits may still exist somewhere within your aura. Traces of those traits are enough to attract the same emanating from others, thus resulting in the seeming phenomena of attracting that which appears to be opposite of one's self, when in fact, what is being attracted is the same.

There is another saying that goes: "Be the one that you wish to attract". If there is a particular type of mate that one has in mind, one should first make sure that they have self-examined their own traits, both positive and negative, for it is these vibrations that will radiate forth from one's microcosm to attract their own from another microcosm.

The responsibility for the people we attract into our lives, the experiences that we have, etc. belongs solely to each one of us. The objective world is truly a mirror. You are being shown yourself. Like Attracts Like. It must be so on this plane of existence. It is Law. You can learn to work with this Law, or you can continue to work against it, and reap the consequences

Remember that what is returned to you originated from that which is within you. Do not waste time arguing and speculating that it can't be possible, because it is not only possible, it is fact. Spend your time instead diligently working to identify your undesirable traits and then endeavor to expel them from your microcosm as soon as possible. If one persists in this process of purification, one will begin to see the clouds lifting. The people, places and things that once vexed and troubled you will begin to fall away. Why? Because you will no longer have an attraction or desire for those things. Instead, the things that you desire and have an affinity for will become a constant in your life. It is hoped here that all of your desires will be pure and unselfish ones!

One asks: how will I know for certain? How will I know that the negative traits have been purged forever? You'll know. You'll know because when you look out at the world, the world will no longer reflect those things back to you.

Now, a final question will be asked. Having read and contemplated the foregoing, can you begin to understand the origin of your attraction to the Gnosis, its Universal teachings and the liberating Path of Return?

Like Attracts Like.

~ g

11 July 2017

A Pen In The Hand Of God

"Gossip, Cruelty and Superstition. These three great crimes you must avoid, for they are fatal to all progress, because they sin against Love. But not only must you refrain from evil, you must also be active in doing good. You must be so filled with the intense desire of Service that you are ever on watch to render it to all around you -- not to human-beings alone but even to animals and plants. You must render it in small things every day, that the habit might be formed, so that you may not miss the rare opportunity when the Great Thing offers itself to be done. For if you yearn to be one with God, it is not for your own sake; it is that you may be a channel through which God's Love may flow to reach your fellow human-being.

They who are on the Path exist not for themselves, but for others; for they have forgotten themselves, in order that they may serve others. They are a pen in the hand of God, through which God's Thought may flow, and find for Itself an expression down here, which without a pen it could not have. Yet at the same time they are also a living plume of fire, raying out upon the world the Divine Love that fills their hearts.

The wisdom which enables you to help, the will which directs the wisdom, the Love which inspires the will -- these are your qualifications. Will, Wisdom and Love are the three aspects of the Logos; and you, who wish to enroll yourselves to serve God, must show forth these Aspects to the world."

From "Love" - At The Feet Of The Master - by (Alcyone) J. Krishnamurti

Creator works through that which has been created, but only when the created being voluntarily allows itself to become a pure channel for the Divine Love that surpasses all understanding.

~ g

09 July 2017

Plan "B"

A reader writes: "OK so plan A failed. We are now in plan B emergency-order. Seems very hard to escape this prison with all those aeonic warders guarding us but even death does not free us from this prison."


You are correct. Death does not free us from the physical plane, it simply shifts our "location" to the other side of the material-sphere, the reflection-sphere, where the deceased personality slowly dissolves and an entirely new personality is prepared for rebirth into the physical realm.

There is only one way to get off this never-ending Wheel of Death and Rebirth. We must embrace the Path of Return, the Path of the True Way.

When the sleeping Divine Spark is awakened by the candidate's sincere desire to leave this plane of existence, a change begin to take place in the candidate's microcosm. In short order, the microcosm is no longer completely of the earth, earthy. It has begun to attract and assimilate some of that which is is Divine. Upon the death of the personality, such a microcosm can no longer withdraw to the reflection-sphere, as it no longer vibrates in complete harmony with that sphere. Instead, it moves on to the Vacuum of Shamballa, a special etheric-astral region that is not in any way a part of the ordinary reflection-sphere.

Two things: first, when the candidate makes the decision to begin this process of Return, he or she should make an effort to enter the Spiritual School. The School is existentially linked to Shamballa as its physical-world counterpart. Both regions are enclosed within the sphere of the Thirteenth Aeon, the electromagnetic bridge between the Seventh Cosmic Domain (Cosmic Physical) and the Sixth Cosmic Domain, the Divine Astral. It is the Ark that has returned to take us Home, at least those who have their Lamps lit.

Secondly, we should not enter the Path in order to selfishly "gain eternity for ourselves". Once we enter the Path, immortality is assured, as long as we continue to grow in the Gnosis. We, as personalities, are not to be concerned with our own survival. Our task is to awaken and liberate the Other One that is waiting to be reborn within our microcosm. That is our ultimate duty. We, as personalities will share in all of the benefits of Transfiguration, whatever they may be. We, as personalities, will be the last personality in the microcosm. There will be no further need of rebirth, unless we voluntarily choose to return for the sake of helping mankind.

That is the outline for Plan "B" - God's Divine Plan of Salvation. The fivefold Gnostic plan of salvation consists of five important steps:

Yearning for Salvation
New Attitude of Life

This Plan is infallible. It has always worked and will always work. The individual microcosmic personality has to react positively to the Plan. Periodically, subject to certain cosmic cycles, there is a harvest of those personalities who have recognized their hopelessly fallen state, recognized that a rescue Plan exists and made the voluntary choice to participate in the Plan by going the Path of Return.

That Cycle of Harvest has returned once again, here at the end of a major world-cycle. All who are ready to take advantage of the Grace Of An Age should do so, voluntarily, in sincerity and humility, as soon as they are able.

~ g

04 July 2017

In His Image

A reader recently commented: "But GOD has allowed free will in heaven, how is this possible? If GOD created everything and therefore is in everything, why did he allow human beings to have free will. Until we can answer this question its all just speculation."

Creator creates what It wills, and always according to a Divine Plan of Evolution. The resulting creations do not undergo the dialectical process of birth and decay, but evolve from power to power and from glory to glory. In this way, the Creation fulfills the Plan and manifests the Glory of its Creator.

Although infused within every part of Its Creation, the Creator simultaneously stands apart from it. This is a key truth and one that is very difficult for many to understand. Creator permeates the entire Creation, but It does not live in Its Creation.

To administer the Creation, Creator emanated co-creators. The co-creators work directly with the root-substance of the various planes of the manifested universes to create the diversity of life that is found in the myriad universes.

The Creator creates beings that are an image of Itself. This must be so, for in order to create in the manifested universes, co-creators must possess and make use of the same powers and properties of the One True Creator. The co-creators, in line with the will of the Creator, also have the ability to create beings who are the image of the One True Creator. We once belonged to such a group of co-creators.

"Created in His image" means what it says. Creator has the freedom to create what It wills and It bestows this freedom upon all co-Creators. Creator also needs no other in order to create. Creator contains both male (positive) and female (negative) polarities and is able to create without a consort. The same goes for the co-created entities. The Holy Language states: "male and female, He created them". This fragment should actually read: "male-female, He created them". That's "male-female" as in hermaphrodite, able to create without a consort. Just another example of how the Holy Language has been subtly tampered with to mislead you.

Co-creators also have complete "Freedom of Choice", as opposed to the overused and misunderstood term "Free Will". As long as Choice is exercised in voluntary service of the Divine Plan of Evolution, everything will proceed from power to power and from glory to glory. When Choice is exercised selfishly, in service of the co-creating entity, serious problems will arise. That which is created will be defective. The Power granted to the co-creator will be gradually withdrawn. The co-creating entity will fall out of the Divine Realms and end up in a region of the Creation where it is no longer able to unfold the powers granted to it by its Creator. The fallen entity will not have the ability to escape the lower region and will have to be rescued.

Yes, it is difficult to believe that we, the lowly worms of the universe that we have been brainwashed to believe that we are, could ever have been Divine, or ever have shared in all of the attributes of God, the Father. We have been taught instead that we are in some long occult process of "development" and that if we do everything that the churches or nature-born occult systems of initiation tell us to do, we might one day become an angel, or an initiate, or an Adept. Granted, this is technically true, because all roads will eventually lead to Final Liberation. God's Divine Plan of Salvation will succeed in the end, even if it takes many trillions of years. Dei Gloria Intacta! The Glory of God's Plan is unassailable! However, that path is the slow, meandering path of bitter experience and painful disappointments. There is a more direct route to Liberation: the Path of Return.

Our heritage is far more glorious than we have been led to believe, and so is our future, so-called. We are on the Path not to obtain Divinity but to regain Divinity.

It is difficult to shake off ages of false teachings and aeonic control, but we must. This is how the aeons of this nature have managed to keep mankind chained to earth, by telling us that we are worthless "sinners" undeserving of redemption or salvation and by training us to believe that we have never been anything Higher, that there is no possible way that we, as Divine beings, could've made the mistakes necessary to fall from our high estate into the Pit of Hell.

In response to a recent comment by another reader, Lectorium Rosicrucianum is a modern-day mystery school, one of the last to appear during the end of this major world-cycle. Its job is to reveal to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see that there is a way back to Divine status, a straight and narrow way. But "one cannot pour new wine into old skins". This phrase from the Holy Language means that we cannot receive the revelations that are being presented by LRC and all true Messengers of God if we are going to continue to hold on to the false teachings of the agents of the archons and the aeons. The myth that man's only road to salvation lies in developing towards some ephemeral higher goal at a snail's pace, step-by-step, life-after-life, initiation-after-initiation, is one of those misleading teachings.

We must empty ourselves of the lies that have become a part of us, and open ourselves to receive the New Wine, the revelation of Truth that has come to set us free.

~ g

02 July 2017

Marooned In The Garden Of The Gods

A reader has asked: "If the Divine Kingdom was all that good, what are we doing here?"

Our human life-wave did not make a voluntary choice to maroon itself in the Seventh Cosmic Domain. It was the result of an error, a mistake, driven by self-will.

When we were in the Divine Realms, we were co-creators with God. As our will was aligned with God's will, we were omniscient, omnipresent and had the power to design living forms. These powers were not ours, but were the powers of God, manifested through us. Whatever glorious things we were able to do were made possible by our constant linkage with the Father, with Source.

A portion of the Creation was set aside for us, the Children of God, to design and create. This region was/is the Physical Realm, the Seventh Cosmic Domain. The Physical Realm was to be a workshop, a laboratory, a Garden of the Gods, where we could experiment with life and life-forms. We created everything from mineral formations, to plant and animal species, to human races. All things were possible.

We were to observe one rule: we were not to get involved with our creations, we were not to attempt to live inside of that which we were creating, especially the human races. The pull of duality was very strong. If we became too entangled, too involved, the magnetic properties of the Cosmic Physical Realm would pull us down like quicksand.

A group of us did not pay attention to this warning. Instead of continuing to align our will with God's will, we followed our own desires, our own self-will. We decided to go into business for ourselves. We chose to dabble directly in the Physical Realm, we chose to live inside of our creations.

As predicted, this had a negative effect on our microcosms, effectively dropping its vibration from the high frequencies need to thrive in the Divine Realms to a much lower frequency, more suited to the Physical plane. As we continued to "fall" in vibration, the Divine part of us slowly atrophied until finally, the Light of the central Divine Spark could no longer communicate with our Divine Home. It became obvious that we were not going to be able to return to the Divine Kingdom without help. In order to rescue these fallen microcosms, a Divine Plan of Salvation was developed and put into action.

The Seventh Cosmic Domain, that which was once a Garden of the Gods, was turned into an emergency-order. It was tweaked so that it would become a suitable location to house fallen microcosms until a way could be found to bring them back Home.

To answer our reader's question, no one intended to leave the Divine Kingdom and end up marooned in the Physical Realm. It was simply the price paid for not having followed the will of the Father, and for disregarding all warnings. Once we made the voluntary choice to follow our own self-will, things got messy. We are now trapped here, far away from Home, with very little memory of who we really are, where we've come from, and how to get back there.

Here's another way of looking at it. A group of schoolchildren go on a field trip in the woods. They are told what to do and what not to do. They are also told to stick together and to not wander off. One child sees something interesting just off the path that they are travelling and makes a quick dash into the woods to get a better look. When he gets there, the item that he wanted to look at is gone. He turns around to rejoin his classmates and realizes that he is lost. Just that quickly, everything has changed.

The child is never found by searchers. He remains in the woods abandoned and alone. He learns to adapt to his new condition. In order to survive, he devolves to the level of an animal. In a few years, all memories of his former life have vanished. He believes that he is a creature of the woods, and always has been.

Via the broadest of outlines, this post has attempted to answer the question "what are we doing here?". Now for the follow-up question: "how do we get out of here?". In order to return Home, we must re-align our will with that of the Father. In order to do this we must surrender our I-centrality. Most of us are spiritually asleep and disconnected from conscious contact with God. We think we have a connection to the Divine, but we do not. The churches, temples and mosques teach that man requires their priests, preachers, rabbis and imans to act as intermediaries between man and God. It's not even a teaching, its straight-up brain-washing. Listen closely to the following and commit it to memory: you do not need the help of any intermediary to reconnect you with the Father. The Kingdom of God is within you! It sleeps with your Divine Spark, awaiting proper and correct actions from you that will awaken and unfold its Power.

~ g