29 June 2017


For those who are not on the Path of Return, or who hesitate to take that first step on the Path, the following is for you:

The physical realm is not the only realm in the universe. There are other realms, astral and etheric, that exist within the same "space" that you now occupy. You cannot see all of the astral activity that constantly surrounds you because you have not yet activated the sense organs required to perceive that activity.

Of all the realms that make up the universe, the physical realm is the least real of them all. It is not permanent or lasting. It is part of an emergency-order.

The physical realm is one of constant change. It is the realm where pairs of opposites are constantly changing place as they attempt to maintain a balance. It is duality. It is dialectics. It is the opposite of the Divine Kingdom, which is the realm of absolutes. On earth, a freshly-picked apple is beautiful and aromatic. With the passage of "time", the apple ripens, then rots, then disintegrates and eventually vanishes. All else on Earth follows this pattern of Rising, Shining and Fading. This proves the unreality of the physical realm. How can something be "real" if it is here one minute and gone the next? Think about that. Really think about it.

In the Divine Kingdom, an apple is always an apple. Beautiful forever.

"Time", so-called, is part of the illusion. Time, as we know it, is a fiction. If the light of the Sun did not come and go, if the Sun did not disappear and reappear at twelve-hour intervals, if it were always light or always dark, would there be "time" on this planet? Time is a fiction.

Not only is the 24-hour day an illusion, so is the Past and the Future. There is only the Present moment. There is only a forever Now.

Even Death is an illusion. There is no death, there is only Change. As Hermes stated, "Man mistakes change for death". So-called "death" is but an exit, a withdrawal from the physical plane back to the reflection-sphere. You spend 72 years on earth, if you're lucky. You spend 700-1000 years in the reflection-sphere, generally-speaking. That's right, you spend more time "dead", than you do "alive". There is no death, just a continuous Rising, Shining and Fading of one personality after another within the microcosm.

"Heaven" is an illusion. The eternal "heaven" of the churches is a lie. They are referring you to the temporary heaven-worlds of the reflection-sphere. Some of these heaven-worlds are actually pleasant, as heavens go, but they are not "eternal". After a certain amount of time, trishna (the lingering desire for sensation on the earth-plane) and karma (the magnetic law that binds all causes to their effects) will move the microcosm to generate a new personality for a return to earth-life, for another turn on The Wheel.

Oh, and you, yourself, as a personality, are also temporary. You, as a personality, are an emergency-order being, created by your microcosm to accomplish a specific Purpose. What is that Purpose? To awaken the latent Divine Spark that sleeps within the center of the microcosm, in the area of the physical human heart. This Spark contains everything that the emergency-order personality needs to re-link the microcosm with the Divine Kingdom, its original Home. To accomplish this, you, the emergency-order personality, must surrender control to the Divine "Other One" that is emerging from the awakened Spark. If you do not accomplish this Great Work, or at least make a sincere and honest start, your incarnation will have been a failure, no matter how much earthly "good" you may have done during life.

The Divine Kingdom is not a part of this emergency-order. Nothing truly "divine" can be found here. The Divine Kingdom cannot be found on other physical planets, galaxies or universes. It is located (for want of a better word) in a completely separate Cosmic Domain, the Sixth Cosmic Domain, the Cosmic Astral Plane. Where are you? You are in the Seventh Cosmic Domain, the Cosmic Physical. The Physical Domain is sub-divided into seven planes Atmic, Buddhic, Higher Manasic, Lower Manasic, Astral, Etheric and Physical. No matter how high you may climb in the Seventh Cosmic Domain, how exalted a light-spirit or "Master" you may become, you will remain un-divine. For your microcosm to regain its Divine state, it must escape the Seventh altogether.

Again, this entire physical universe, both visible and invisible, is a fallen universe. It is a temporary emergency-order. Majestic in its own way, yes, but unreal to its core. You must come to understand and know all of this if you are to voluntarily and unconditionally accept the fact that the Path of Return is the only way out.

Here's hoping that the foregoing will help lead you to a breakthrough.

~ g


Anonymous said...

This post comes as a life saver. Eternally plagued by the see sawing of an ever restless mind, I succumbed to some carnal delights that has deep and severe repercussions in my life. Your blog is pillar of strength in these deceptive days and solace and comfort for the weary. If anything, today's post has strengthened my resolve to move forward on the path. Many thanks my dearest Brother, for steadfast efforts in maintaining this blog....its like lighthouse to the lost souls in tumultuous troubled seas of our times.

Anonymous said...

If the Divine Kingdom was all that good, what are we doing here?

B.T.W. said...

In order to take part of these realms you ,need to be fearless,as to body (vegetarian) mind and Soul!thought hygiene,and the Trust in the Christ,who resides within! Come! to Peace ! come to Christianopolis !

BrotherGee said...

My friend,

You are exhibiting the proper attitude of life for one who sincerely wishes to walk the Path. Remember that every setback is only temporary. The next moment is what counts. Intent is what counts. Perseverance is what counts.

Came across this today:

"Seek Out The Way. Seek it not by any one road. To each temperament there is one road which seems the most desirable. But The Way is not found by devotion alone, by religious contemplation alone, by ardent progress, by self-sacrificing labor, by studious observation of life. None alone can take the disciple more than one step onward. All steps re necessary to make up the ladder.

Your vices become steps in the ladder, one by one, as they are surmounted. Your virtues are steps indeed, necessary -- not by any means to be dispensed with. Yet, though they create a fair atmosphere and a happy future, they are useless if they stand alone. Our whole nature must be used wisely if we desire to enter The Way.

Seek it by making the profound obeisance of the soul to the Dim Star that burns within.

Seek it by testing all experience, and remember when I say this, I do not say: "Yield to the seduction of sense in order to know it." Before you have become an esoteric student you may do this -- but not afterwards. When you have chosen and entered The Path you cannot yield to these seductions without shame. Yet you can experience them without horror; can weigh, observe, and test them; and wait with the patience of Confidence for the hour when they shall affect you no longer." Light On The Path -- Mabel Collins

Although you cannot see them, there are many who stand behind you offering Strength, Light and Encouragement. When you feel weak, draw upon those gifts. If you remain dedicated to making the Fundamental Reversal in your attitude towards life, one day you will notice that the things that once meant so much to you, no longer matter. Only the Path will be important.

in unity,

~ g

BrotherGee said...


re: "what are we doing here?"

The human life-wave did not make a voluntary choice to maroon itself in the Seventh Cosmic Domain. It was an error, a mistake, driven by self-will.

An attempt will be made to try and summarize, in a few short sentences, events that have taken billions of years to transpire.

Please wait for the next post.

~ g

Anonymous said...

The Lord's Prayer says: Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. But GOD has allowed free will in heaven, how is this possible? If GOD created everything and therefore is in everything, why did he allow human beings to have free will. Until we can answer this question its all just speculation. I look forward to hearing your answer Brother Gee as I believe you are an honest seeker and not just wasting you life following some man made dogma. Dogma (From the Greek 'that which one thinks is true')