27 September 2008

Understanding The Creation - Part III


The Creation is very simple. Human Science purposely tricks Man into thinking that the ultimate secrets of The Creation are Imponderable and Unsolvable, when nothing could be further from the truth. Ancient man knew the things that I am about to write. They knew how to live happily and efficiently by employing this Knowledge properly. When this planet was invaded by our Controllers, an effort was put forth to erase this information from the planet. This effort succeeded for many thousands of years.

We are now in the Time of The Sorting and the Choosing. We were promised that at this Time, Mankind would be provided with the Truth, so that proper choices could be made, based on Truth. With that in mind, I present the following:


There are two building blocks in The Creator's Universe. One is Love and the other is Light.

When we speak of Light, we speak not of the physical amalgamation of photons that our eyes report to our brain as "light". Cosmic Light is All There Is. It is the "stuff" of which Creation is made of.

When we speak of Love, it is not in reference to the selfish, lustful, wanting kind that Man has trained himself to practice here on this Earth. Cosmic Love is a Force. This Force is what The Creation uses to shape Light into the uncountable vibrational forms we perceive (visible or invisible) as the Universe.

The finest silken thread, the sturdiest granite mountain, the human body, the air we breath, the Elements, the Worlds that are Invisible to us...all are made of the same thing.


Things APPEAR to be different from one another, but they differ only in the degree of Light used to manifest them and how that Light is "shaped". Ponder this for a moment and you will see that, because of this Simple Truth

....you and the computer you are staring into are One
....you and the concrete sidewalk are One
....you and all creatures, all flora, all fauna are One
....you and all Planets, all Galaxies all Universes...are One.

This is because everything is made from the same Living Material of the Creation...Light. This material, this Light, is cohesive, connected, alive and never-ending. Every portion of that Light is infused with the Omnipotent Power of the Creation.

This is the true meaning of The Law of One. There ARE no "differences". The Creator has allowed us to CREATE a distortion of Balance named "differences" in order to experience Creation with "blinders on". As we gradually "remember" what we are and what "connection to Source" really means and how to LIVE that connection, we evolve back to Omniscience, the All-Knowing from which we came.


Love is a force, a pressure. It is The Heavenly Mallet which pounds and shapes the Light into the Inifinite Variety the Creation desires to become. It is the WILL of The Creation which manifests as Its Desire to Create. Love also exists in every portion, every corner of the Universe(s). THE


The simple sentences above are the Cosmic Truth that belies The Law of One. WE are one organism, divided into uncountable trillions. Our Purpose is to Encounter, Create, Accumulate and Assimilate as many "different" Experiences as we can. Our Goal is to add the Essence of these Experiences to the Infinite Knowledge of the Creator.

In the end, there is no Separation. In the end, there is only One.

~~ G

For more information on "The Law of One", just Google it and see what comes up.

22 September 2008

Understanding The Creation - Part II


It took me several years to accept the above statement. Everytime I was told that "Life is an Illusion" my brain would shut off. Somehow I felt that admitting that my "life" was not "real" dimiinished my self-worth in some way. It took me a while to realize that nothing could be further from the truth. That I was looking at the picture from the wrong end of the telescope.I came to realize that I am MORE than what I appear to be. That my Physical body is simply a TOOL that my Spirit is using to gain Experience in this Physical World. That I am here on this planet not to attain wealth, or status or even happiness...but to gain EXPERIENCE. I came to realize that there IS an Existence that we cannot see, that houses our True Selves and is our True Home.

Proof? Proof is over-rated. Some things will not be "proven" to Man. These things Man must learn to KNOW.


Once a person learns to accept the above, the doors to perception will fly open. We are Individual Sparks of the Creator. We have latent within us every bit of the Knowledge, Power and Wisdom of our Creator. How can we, or any other part of the Creation "die"? If The Creation is ALL, then what happens to the "dead" part? Where does it go? Somewhere outside of The Creation? That is an impossibility, for that would mean there is something OTHER than The Creation, which would imply that The Creation isn't the All. If something "dies" does it "subtract" from The Creation, leaving a "hole" of some sort? This is preposterous. NO PART OF THE CREATION CAN "DIE". Not you, not me, not the insect, not the Universe.

Just as the tree buds and blooms in the Spring and Summer, then explodes into Golden Beauty in Autumn before dropping its leaves for Winter, so does Man Cycle through the stages of his/her Life before returning the elements of the Earth to the Earth and returning his/her Spirit/Soul to the Higher Realm from whence it descended. Once you KNOW that you are already IMMORTAL, once you stop looking at Life from a PHYSICAL point of view, you will begin to relax in Life. The mad rush to Acquire, Possess and Achieve will slowly dissipate. Those things won't seem as important as they were the day before. The FEAR that you have of not "getting" anything out of Life, of dying before you achieve Physical "goals" will fade away. It is then that the Search for what Life TRUE purpose is will begin.

Shake off the programming. THERE IS NO DEATH. THERE IS NO DEATH. Say it to yourself everyday. Teach yourself to KNOW. Learn To Fly.


One of the biggest lies of our Physical existence is the old axiom "OPPOSITES ATTRACT". This is false. Opposites COMPLEMENT each other, for what one does not have, the other does. Only LIKE objects can ATTRACT each other. If a person is mean and surly, they will attract mean and surly people and experiences to themselves. If one is fearful and constantly afraid or unsure, one will attract experiences that will give them reasons to be fearful and afraid. However, if one is optimistic, confident, cheerful and balanced in the living of their Life, they will attract people and experiences of the same type. You don't have to believe me, try it for yourself. Be your own laboratory. Tell yourself what it is you INTEND to attract and then DO the things that are necessary to attract it.

This isn't about WISHING, it's about INTENT and DOING. You will see how easy it is. You will begin to realize the Power that you have over this Physical Life and its Laws. For the Law of Attraction is just that...a Cosmic Law that will work whether you are aware of it or not. Surely, it is better to apply this Law from a position of KNOWLEDGE rather than IGNORANCE. What I've written above are only a few of the simple but important keys to beginning to unplug yourself from the Illusion that has been created for us...by us.

~~ G

21 September 2008

Understanding The Creation - Part I

The Difference Between God and The Creation

I'm going to try to keep this entry short. Mankind has taken something simple and made it incredibly complex. Much of Man's confusion stems from his basic misunderstanding of the nature of God and the nature of The Creation.

(1) The Creation is All.

The hermetic axiom states that "The All is in All, All is in The All". Creator desired to experience Itself. So It divided Itself into uncountable Sparks. Every portion of the Universe contains a spark of the Creator. Universes, Galaxies, Star/Solar systems, Planets, Life Forms, Elemental forms, Atomic forms and those Invisible forms that make up the "empty space" of the Universe are all composed of these sparks of The Creator.

Let's think about it for a second. What did The Creation make the Universe out of? It can't be something OUTSIDE of The Creation, for then The Creation would not be The All. The Creation created from Itself. All that exists is but a Thought in the mind of The Creation. This means that within each one of us is the latent Power of The Creation. Our Destiny is to someday develop the required combination of Self-Control, Wisdom and Love to awaken this power and gradually take our rightful place in the Cosmos as Co-Creators.

(2) "God" is not The Creation.

Our God is the God of THIS solar system. All star and solar systems are set up in this way. This does not diminish or degrade the Omnipotence of God. As we can see, our God is pretty darn good at this Creating thing Herself/Himself. What you will find hard to believe is that our God, the God of this solar system (who's physical representation is the Sun) was once at a human-like stage many millions of trillions of years ago. This is our Destiny as well. To become Co-Creators within the Creation. Right now, on Earth, we are in kindergarten, trying to learn the most basic of Cosmic lessons: S-E-L-F C-O-N-T-R-O-L, RESPECT FOR LIFE, RESPECT FOR THE LAWS OF NATURE AND THE LAWS OF CREATION.

For how can we wield the Great Power that is latent within us all if we cannot first control our thoughts, desires, emotions and actions?

~~ G

20 September 2008

Rebirth - The Master Key

This post is dedicated to Delta Inspire, who has an amazing blog at http://wealthmeaningoflife.blogspot.com/. Delta's work inspired me to pick up my blog here and try to share what I've learned with the World. It's time for me to stop hiding my Lamp beneath the Bushel, so to speak. So, here we go (again).

Thanks, Delta.

~~ G

The first step on the road to Higher Knowledge is taken when we realize that this Life is not our "one and only Life". What Creator would be so cruel and limited as to bless or condemn based on one short human lifespan? To think in such a manner sells our Creator short.

Our Spirits are Immortal. We use the Soul Vehicle to acquire Knowledge through repeated embodiments. We are given an Eternity to learn our lessons. We have reached the end of this particular Eternity and must now choose to either move Ahead or stay Behind.

For those who may not believe in Reincarnation (The Law of Rebirth) I ask you to examine the following words, written in the early 1900's by Max Heindel. Consider them carefully. Then, contemplate and reconsider your stance. Perhaps you will begin to see Life in a new way. If you can, you will have taken the first step towards Mastery.



Have you ever stopped to think why the following is true: that some people are poor, some rich; some deformed, some beautiful; some unfortunate, others lucky; some diseased and others healthy? Have you ever tried to find a reason for the inequality which is manifested everywhere in the world? Have you ever wondered why some members of the human family are inhabiting black bodies, others brown, and still others white? And then, have you ever stopped to think just why we are here at all -- what is the meaning of life which at best is fleeting? Suppose you propound some of these questions to your friends, tabulate their answers, and compare them. It would be an interesting experiment. Some would say that the poor are shiftless and the rich thrifty. Others would tell you that the poor are just naturally unlucky, and the rich fortunate.

Again, you might be told that it is not right to question the conditions found in God's world: that the Creator in His wisdom has ordained them and so they just naturally must be right. Still another explanation might be given that God is responsible for all that is good and a reprehensible being commonly known as "the devil" is the cause of all evil. Many there are who will look at you with tired eyes and make the following statements: that they do not know; that Christian orthodoxy does not satisfy their sense of reason; that the atheist's conclusions terrify them and consequently they are quite confused and know not which way to turn. If God is just, why does He favor some of His creations and not others? If He is not just, then certainly He is not God. On the other hand, if there is no God, then how did the world and all there is therein come into existence?

Is there an answer to these various problems which are presenting themselves to the minds of thinking people of today -- an answer which is logical and which will stand the test of reason? There certainly is such an answer.

Materialistic Theory

The materialistic theory as postulated by the atheist can never be satisfactory to Mankind. It is the child of despair. When the human mind has exhausted science, the laboratory, and the chemical retorts in its eager search for that intangible something which animates the human form, and has failed to discover it, in despair it declares that the illusive something for which it has so diligently searched is really nothing more than the result of certain correlations of matter, designated as mind, which perishes when the body disintegrates. Just why some individuals should possess a better quality of these "certain correlations" (mind) than others, this theory does not attempt to explain.

Orthodox Religious Theory

The theory postulated by the orthodox theologian is but little better. It asserts that all living things were created by God and have but one Earth life to live, that man alone was endowed with a Spirit which is immortal and, regardless of the station to which he was born, he is responsible for the deeds performed during that life; that his happiness or misery after death for all eternity is determined by his actions during the short period which intervenes between birth and death. Animals, planets -- in fact all else that exists --are supposed to have been created for his express convenience and use.

Is it any wonder that the man who really thinks ultimately rejects this theory also, and finally decides to indulge in any and all things which produce a sense of pleasure for the time being, and help him to forget that at some time he must face death, which at best is a plunge in the dark?

Doctrine of Rebirth

Fortunately there is another theory, a theory which is founded on truth. It is known by the name "rebirth." The doctrine of rebirth postulates a slow process of development carried on with unwavering persistence through repeated embodiments in forms or bodies of increasing efficiency. Through this process, all created beings will in time develop their latent potentialities into god-like powers.

Life as a School

Now let us see how the theory of rebirth answers the problems of life:

Why are some people poor and others rich? Each life is one day in God's great school. Some of us are learning one kind of lesson and some are learning others. Those who are poor in one particular life are learning lessons pertaining to the true value of certain commodities, lessons in inventiveness which pertain to the best way to get the greatest amount of benefit out of the smallest amount of supply. They are learning how to plan and to appreciate everything which they possess.

Those who have wealth are learning what its true value is to them. They are learning its real purchasing power; whether it can exalt or degrade, whether it is a blessing or a curse. They are learning that it can sometimes buy a man's honor and a woman's virtue; that it may result in its owner's downfall, but that it can never purchase the things which are of true value to the Spirit. Eventually, all people entrusted with money must learn the lesson that they are only stewards of their possessions and that it behooves them to use wisely and well that with which they have been entrusted.

Deformities and Diseases

Why are some deformed in body? Generally speaking, no Spirit can inhabit a better body than it has learned to build during its previous lives, but the following is the exception to the rule: with regard to physical abnormalities and deformities, the rule seems to be that indulgence in passion in one life reacts on the mental state in a later existence; and abuse of mental powers in one life leads to physical disabilities in later existences. On the other hand, a beautiful form denotes that the owner has done expert work in body building during previous lives, sometimes to the detriment of the mental processes.

Unfortunate people are those who have willfully neglected opportunities in previous lives. Now they are deprived of the very thing they once held lightly in order to teach them to appreciate opportunities when they are again presented. The lucky man or woman in one life has earned that which seems to come to him or her so easily in this life. It is in reality a reward of merit.

The individual whose body is diseased has broken the laws of nature either in this life or some other one and is now paying the penalty. The healthy man or woman has paid much attention to perfect organ formation in the past.


Why is one born in a particular race? Each race is following a definite line of evolution. We all have certain lessons to learn and the Egos inhabiting bodies of various colors do so in order to experience soul growth, which can only be attained under the particular conditions supplied by these race differences. We should, therefore, make every attempt to profit by the conditions of our birth and regard each situation as a privilege accorded to us for spiritual advancement. When we fail to make the best use of our embodiments, we take a step backward in our evolutionary development and increase the time needed to free ourselves from the cycle of rebirth.

Conditions are Results

Rebirth intelligently accounts for all the inequalities in life. Conditions as we find them are the composite results of all our past endeavors or lack of endeavors. Each man or woman is an exact sum of all his or her past activities and not the victim of a capricious God or scheming evil one. We have no one to blame but ourselves if we have made a mess of things. If we are not satisfied with life as we find it, now is the time to begin to prepare an improved environment for future lives; and if we are really wide awake at last and desperately in earnest, it is quite possible for us to improve our surroundings in the present incarnation.

The intelligent person of today is no longer satisfied with platitudes when searching for truth in relation to life. Therefore, we ask each reader who is seeking for a solution to the many problems which life presents to apply this master key, rebirth, and prove for himself its true efficacy.


Words to ponder. Give it some thought. The Truth is in here (taps Heart).

~~ G