12 April 2022

YOLO! (You Only Live Once)


We "Only Live Once", so   

....we should have as much fun as we can

... we should do whatever makes us happy

... we should not care what happens to ourselves or to others

... we should try to get the most out of life

... we should live like there's no tomorrow

Throw this insipid slogan out the window, close the window, and draw the blinds closed.

You live more than once. In fact, you have lived many thousands of lives, accumulating millions of years of experience along the way.

And when we say "you" we mean "you" as the current and most recent personality to inhabit your microcosm. Your microcosm is the eternal life-system that generates the temporary physical personality. For each new life, a new personality is created.

The purpose of each new personality is to liberate the microcosm from its separated existence and reunite the entire life-system with the Universal Spirit. This is the mission that is entrusted to every new personality that incarnates on Earth. If the personality does not accomplish the mission during its lifetime, it will be dissolved and a new personality will be generated by the microcosm in approximately 1,000 years to make a fresh attempt at Liberation.

This new personality will not be "you" as you know yourself to be now. It will be a completely different personality, perhaps male, perhaps female. The memory of yout experiences will be stored in the microcosm and will become a part of that new personality's subconscious life. Nothing of the  "you" that is reading this post today will remain to return for the next life generated by your micrcosm.


Unless you are able to find the true Path of Return in this life and walk this Path with diligence in this life. Detach yourself from duality and discard the illusion of separateness, the heresy that says you are separate from all other human beings. If you can open your heart and expose your Spirit-spark to the Divine radiations emanating from the Universal Spirit, then you will be granted the power to walk this Path. In doing so, you will attain a necessary purification that will lead to a transformation of the ethers that compose your physical, etheric, astral and mental bodies. This transformation will open the way for the birth of a new Soul vehicle that will have the ability to reconnect with Spirit and transform you into a Divine human being. 

But you will have to do the work. You will have to obtain the necessary insight and make a fundamental reversal in your way of living. If you can do these things, then when death (so-called) comes knocking, you will not be dissolved into nothingness but will live on to complete the transformation in a sphere of Life reserved for all those who sincerely walk the Path of Return during physical life.

So, to say that we "only live once" and to then live recklessly is an incredible stupidity born out of ignorance of the Truth. 

The human being is twofold, As physical beings, we are temporary. But our microcosm and the Spirit-spark at its center are eternal.

The task of the temporary human-being (you) is to awaken the sleeping eternal Soul principle (the Spirit-spark) and reconnect with the Divine Universal Spirit (God).

As given to us by Hermes Trismegistus:

"See, my son, this is the guide on the Way that leads to Freedom: you must give up your Body before it dies and overcome the Life of Conflict. Then, if you have won that victory, you will return to the Highest"


06 March 2022

Who You Truly Are



We all have a unique inner greatness just waiting to be developed.

It is up to each of us to realize this and foster it into maturity.

Trust your intuition and inner guidance on this Path.

We are here on earth to gather certain experiences, meet certain people

and gain certain insights in order to discover who we truly are.

In fact, it is a re-discovery of what we were and knew before

but have lost among the distractions of material life.

You are a god in embryo

You are a god waiting to be reborn.

Remove the veil


21 February 2022

The Sealed Word in the Great Pyramid


This short presentation explains the symbolism that has been carved into the interior of the Great Pyramid of Giza and reveals the important message that it holds for all of humanity

~ g

16 February 2022

Your Task, Your Mission, Your Duty, Your PURPOSE

Despite rumors to the contrary, there is a reason for our being here in the physical world. 

Fame? Fortune? Fun? 

No, no, and no.


Well, although experience is a key function of existence in this nature-order, it is not our main purpose. 

We are dual beings. We are both mortal and immortal. The mortal parts of us - the body and the mortal soul - are temporary. They come and go via the ever-turning Wheel of Death and Rebirth. 

The immortal parts of us - the microcosm and the divine Spirit-spark at its center - are eternal. They survive physical death. They persist and accompany us throughout all of our incarnations. In fact, it is the microcosm that "incarnates", not the personality. The microcosm creates a new personality for each new incarnation. We are merely the latest personality to inhabit our microcosm.

Our immortal microcosms are trapped in a world of mortality. They have been estranged from their divine origins for millions of years. The only way of escaping this mortal prison is via the personality that is created for each life. 

It is the task of the human personality to reestablish contact with Divine Source while on Earth. If the personality does not accomplish this task, it will be dissolved via the agency of decay that we call 'death'. The mortal soul will also vanish but at a slower rate. Eventually, all that remains will be the emptied microcosm and the immortal Spirit-spark. In approximately 700 to 1,000 years, a new personality will be created and charged with the same task: Liberation from Matter.

Strive to obtain insight (self-knowledge) into the truth about yourselves and about the Path of Return that is waiting for you. Reconnect with the immortal Spark of Light that smolders within your heart. The Spark needs you to fan it into a Flame - a Flame that will purify your microcosm, immortalize the personality, and free your consciousness from the Prison of the Senses.

This is your Purpose! This is your reason for living! This is the Goal! This is the Great Work that you must accomplish while in the flesh. 

~ g

14 February 2022



"Seek to uphold yourself and others. Share gladly what you acquire and give to all those in need without asking questions, for you are only giving them a gift from God, since nothing belongs to you. What you acquire is also a gift from God. 

Give, therefore, and God will give to you again." 

Karl von Eckartshausen

14 January 2022

Arrival in the Hall of Judgment



Awful is the Great Day of Judgement at its dawning in the Netherworld. The soul stands naked in the Hall of Judgement, nothing can now be hidden. Hypocrisy is no avail; to maintain goodness when the soul reveals its own repulsiveness is futile. To mumble empty ritual is foolishness. To call upon gods who have no existence is a waste of time.

In the Hall of Judgement the wrong-doer is judged. On that day and henceforth, his qualities shall form his food. His soul, soft as clay upon Earth, is hardened and set into shape according to its moulding. The Balances are adjusted.

One arrives. The Forty-Two Virtues are his assessors. Shall he dwell among Beauty as a godling or be given over as a captive to the Keeper of Horrors, to dwell among vile things under a merciful mantle of darkness?

One arrives. The twisted body, tormented on Earth, and the ugly face have gone, discarded at the Portal. He strides through the Hall in radiance, to pass into the Place of Everlasting Beauty.

One arrives. Now no earthly body shields the horror which is the true likeness of the evil-doer upon Earth. He runs from the Light which he cannot tolerate, and hides himself in the shadows near the Place of Terror. Soon he will be drawn to his compatible place among the Dismal Company.

One arrives. He has been upright and a just one. His failings and weaknesses were of little account. This upright man fears nothing, for he was welcomed among the Bright Ones and shall go unhampered among the Everlasting Lords.

One arrives. He trembles before the Unseen Judges, he is lost, he knows nothing, earthly knowledge and confidence are left behind. The Balance drops, he sees his soul and recognizes his true self, he rushes into merciful darkness. It enfolds him and dark arms embrace him, drawing him into the terrible gloom, into the Place of Dark Secret Horrors.

One arrives. She graced the court with beauty, men sang of her loveliness and grace. Now, as when a mantle is removed, all is discarded, it is the time of unveiling. Who can describe the lustful thoughts and secret unclean deeds which fashioned the horror coming through the Portal? There is a hush among the compassionate.

One arrives. On Earth she was pitied by the compassionate and scorned by the hard-hearted. There her lot was degradation and servitude, privation and sacrifice, few and meager were the gifts from life. Yet she triumphed. Now she comes forward surrounded by brilliance, even the Shining Ones are dazzled by her beauty.

One arrives. The twisted face and pain-wracked body of the cripple have been left behind. A kind and loving soul dwelt imprisoned within its confines. Now the relieved spirit steps forward into the Great Hall, unencumbered and free, glorious to behold.

One arrives. The splendid body which graced Earth remains there, an empty, decaying thing. The naked soul enters the Everlasting Halls. It is a deformed, misshapen thing fit only to dwell in the merciful gloom of the place with which it has compatible affinity.

One arrives. Neither goodness or wickedness bears down upon the scales. The balances remain straight. The soul departs to the twilight borderland between the Region of Light and the Region of Darkness.

O Great Lords of Eternity, who once were in the flesh, even as I, hear not the outpourings of an over-burdened and sorrowful heart. For who am I to presume to call upon the Great God of All? Who am not without wickedness and weak in spirit. I have filled my heart with knowledge of the Secret Writings but still I fear the Judgement. Therefore, Great Lords of Eternity, I call upon you who once walked the Earth, even as I, and who, therefore, understand the failings and weaknesses of men.

I am not weak in my standing with earthly things, but I am weak beside the Greater Beings. Will I, too, ever be worthy of the grandeur of the Eternal Mansions? O Great Beings, whose nature is beyond understanding, grant me just a spark of the Eternal Wisdom, that it might light my soul and kindle the flame of Immortal Life.

What is the destined fate of a man who knows the existence of things beyond his understanding? I see but I do not know, therefore I am afraid. Man can swim against the current towards the bank, but he needs a helping hand to pull him ashore when he is exhausted from the struggle.

This is the fate of man. He must strive for that which he cannot attain. He must believe in that which he cannot prove. He must seek that which he cannot find. He must travel a road without knowing his destination. Only thus, can the Purpose of Life be fulfilled.

Man may believe he knows his destiny, but he cannot be assured with certainty; in no other way can he fulfill it. In this way alone can the soul be properly awakened to flower with its full potential. This alone he may know: The purpose of all human life is a Goal so glorious it surpasses all earthly understanding.

We may visualize our individual goals as we will, it is ordained that we have this freedom. How close or how far we are from Reality is of little consequence; what is, is. He who seeks a non-existent destination will, nevertheless, get somewhere. He who seeks not at all will get nowhere. Earthly life will fulfill itself without attainment.

From "The Book of the Scrolls: Chapter 13 - The Scroll of Ramkat" -- The Kolbrin


Upon physical death, the material body is discarded, the life within withdraws with the man's remaining soul vehicles. Alive as ever, the person now travels to realms beyond the veil. These realms are invisible and unseen to most while we are in the body. Upon transition, the eyes of our soul-vehicle are opened.

Every soul that passes over is subject to the Great Day of Judgement, for it must be determined where the new arrival will spend his or her next eternity. How is this judgement carried out? What is the criteria? Who stands as judge?

It is the overall vibrational quality of the soul that is examined. The essence of all thinking, willing and acting while in the earth-sphere is collected and retained within the mortal soul of the human being. It is this record that we carries with us when we cross over. 

At that point, the earthly charade is over. The soul stands naked in the Great Hall. Those things that were easily hidden from the physical eyes of men are exposed here for all to see. Pending the outcome of the Weighing of the Heart, the soul will be dispatched to a region that vibrates in harmony with its frequency. 

In essence and in truth, we judge ourselves.

As noted in the above extract, those who were apparently "nothing" on Earth may, depending upon the life led, may appear in radiance on The Other Side. Those who were beautiful, wealthy, brilliant or celebrated on Earth will find that no one cares a whit about those things once they have entered the Great Hall. All things earthly are left behind. We are left with only the fruit of our actions.

This is why the character of every thought, desire and action is vitally important to each one of us. When the earthly life meets its lawful end, we remain alive. Our consciousness is able to perceive the reflection-sphere that was veiled from us while in the physical. It is then that many will say, "Wait! Let me do it over again! I didn't know!". But it will be too late.

Those who manage to Seek in the right direction and are able to locate the Pearl of Great Price - the Gnosis - will not have to stand before judgement in the Great Hall. The vibration of their soul-vehicles will attract it to a region of safety that is not a part of the reflection-sphere: Shamballa, the Eternal Oasis.

Live consciously. Seek unceasingly. Everything we do on Earth, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, has the aim of trying to help us find our way to Shamballa. Do not wait until you cross over and arrive in the Great Hall of Judgment to understand this. 

Understand it now.

~ g

01 January 2022

Happy (Not) New Year!


Those who have recognized that the designation of 1 January 2022 as "New Year's Day" means nothing are correct. 

I was going to post the following last night but I changed my mind, thinking that no one would really care. I am pleased to report that I was wrong about that.


It's New Year's Eve 2021. So, what does that mean?

That means that today is the day before tomorrow.

There is no new beginning here, just a continuation of what is, a rollover.

January is not even the first month of the year. That designation goes to March.

January 1st is also not the first day of the "new" year. That designation goes to March 20th or 21st, or whatever happens to be the date of the spring equinox.

The above can be supported by partially translating the names of the months themselves:

September = 7th month - 'Sept' means seven.
October = 8th month - 'Oct' means eight
November = 9th month - 'Nov' means nine
December = 10th month - 'Dec' means ten

February is actually the 12th and final month of the year. An Earth-year is calculated as 365.25 days which is why every fourth or "leap" year, a full day is added to the month of February to "true up" or "make whole" the dangling 1/4 days of the previous three years.

Not sure of the reason why the Roman Empire chose to support this misalignment in the calendar, but the smell of shenanigans is in the air.

With that in mind, Happy January 1st ... the start of the 11th month of the year.


Thanks for keeping Truth in the forefront.

~ g