22 July 2019

Your Destiny

Your destiny and the destiny of every Spirit-spark human-being, is to return to the Divine regions from which we as a life-wave, fell.

It doesn't matter if you are unaware of this destiny. It is still the One Purpose behind your existence.

It doesn't matter if you are perfectly happy with the material world and hope that the delusion can go on forever. It will remain the One Purpose behind your existence.

It doesn't matter if it takes you millions of years to effect the turn-around and begin the Trip back Home. We will wait for you.

~ g

13 July 2019

Safe Passage

We just finished a series of posts that looked to provide a brief outline of the fivefold gnostic Path of Return. It is important to realize that this Path of Liberation is nothing new. The Divine Plan for the Liberation of the human life-wave has been in place for many millions of years .

In every epoch, in every Age, there are groups of people who are able to hear the unceasing, Silent Call that beckons Man to return Home. As every Age finds Man at different stages of development, the methods used to attain the One Goal have always been tailored to suit the human-being as constituted at that time. It is known that methods of initiation that may have worked flawlessly in times past will not work for mankind today. The racial bodies of humanity have changed, man's thinking faculty has changed and, most importantly, the astral sphere is not in a pure enough state to allow the ancient methods of initiation to work.

At the end of a Day of Manifestation, a Great Opportunity is presented to mankind. The astral sphere is spiritualized to a certain extent by radiations emanating from the Sixth Cosmic Domain. These Divine radiations form a kind of vibrational bridge, a bridge that will act as a crossing for all those who are able to raise the vibration of their microcosm so that it falls within a certain frequency range. The radiations emanating from the Sixth Cosmic Domain, what we today call the Gnosis, are "stepped down", as it were, in order to give those who are ready an opportunity to board what has been symbolically referred to in the Holy Language as "The Ark".

We can think of the Ark as a huge ship that has come from very far away and pulled into port but is unable to move close to the shore. So a long gangplank is extended from the vessel, to allow those on land to board safely.

The movements and mystery schools established for the liberation of humanity throughout the long ages that lie behind us have come under many guises, many names. But when it comes to their pupils, all share the same core stipulations, which are these:

1. the candidate must renounce the world and all the matter therein.
2. the candidate must renounce the "I" , the Ego, and seek reunification with Spirit.
3. the candidate must want to do these things voluntarily, and without coercion.
4. the candidate, after obtaining The Goal, must return to the material world to help rescue other lost souls.

We stand at the end of yet another Great Day of Manifestation. A Purification, a Separation and a Reaping are now underway. The times are full, and the Harvest is being brought into the barns. The Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross is composed of a group of Harvesters from all over the world. It, too, is providing an Ark and is here to provide safe passage for all those who are ready. Reportedly, there are seven such transfiguristic schools in existence. This writer only knows of one, but as we all know, one is all you need.

May it be so that your Heart responds to the Call. May you become one of what Blavatasky called "The Few", one who will awaken in time enough to take advantage of The Grace of an Age. For it will be a very long time indeed before such a Great Opportunity is once again offered to mankind.

Hora Est! The time has come.

~ g

09 July 2019

Resurrection in the New Field of Life

The final step in the fivefold Gnostic Path of Return is the Resurrection in the New Field of Life.

The culmination of all of the candidate's striving is a completely restored Spirit, Soul, Body complex. The consciousness is once again linked with the Divine Consciousness. The Seeker has become one of the Thrice-born.

Outwardly, the person will appear as before. Physically, nothing changes, although one's health may benefit to a degree. However, unseen to the naked eye, a New Man now lives and moves and has its being in the purified microcosm of the Victorious One. This True Human-being manifests itself alongside the old, terrestrial human-being. At the moment of transition, the Initiated One will lay the physical body aside and take flight in the hard-won Body of Light.

The Liberated One is now free of earthly suffering, free of Karma, free of "the Wheel" and the necessity for Rebirth. He has returned to the Divine Kingdom, the Father's House. There is triumphant rejoicing from Those who waited for his return.

The Victorious One now stands before a Choice. Move on to ever-higher spheres in the vast bliss of the nirvanic Cosmic Domains? Or remain here in proximity to the Physical Realms? If he chooses the former, he will lose all contact with the Earth and its inhabitants forever as he pursues his own evolution. If the latter option is chosen, he will remain in close contact with the region from which he has just escaped. He will remain a servant to humanity, incarnating only by choice, and only when necessary to help the human life-wave. This Path is known as "The Great Renunciation". The Liberated One postpones his or her own opportunity to advance in order to reach back and help lift his/her brothers and sisters out of the Pit.

These are the Ones who help to forge a new link in the Chain of Universal  Brotherhoods. These are the Ones who will watch over humanity, and serve tirelessly. These are the Exalted Ones who shall manifest as Divine Helpers, Guides, Messengers and Avatars throughout the long ages ahead. These are the Ones who will remain loyal, steadfast and true until the final Lost Soul is freed from the Valley of Despair.

May it be so, and may all of humanity be led to The Good End.

~ g

08 July 2019

A New Attitude of Life

After Self-Surrender comes the fourth step on the fivefold Gnostic Path of Return: A New Attitude of Life.

If the candidate has been successful in the sublimation of the lower self, if he has recognized that the "I", the Ego, is meant to be a servant, not a master, and if he has learned to put the welfare of others before that of himself or herself, a great change will come over the candidate.

The Gnostic Light-forces circulating throughout the microcosm will increase, offering Divine help that will assist the candidate on the Path. He will be provided with "four holy foods" to take along with him as provisions on the Journey. These holy foods are Divine ethers which will assist in the construction of the new Soul-body.

Because the candidate now lives in full surrender, there will naturally be a change in his state-of-consciousness and in his state-of-life. He will look to help others in any possible way that he can, no matter how small. He will think in a pure way. He will live in objective neutrality, not allowing the astral body to dictate it's earthly desires to him or influence his thinking. He will serve both man and the Gnosis without grumble or complaint. The overriding aim is to allow Spirit to regain guidance and control over the human system.

If any traces of selfishness remain at this point, the candidate runs a risk of separating himself from the Goal. The Gnosis will not withdraw from him. He will withdraw from the Gnosis. Conflict and struggle will ensue.

The Path of Return is a narrow, one-way trail. One must be sure to count the cost before choosing to make the Journey. There will be difficulties as one attempts to make the necessary turnaround. It is not easy to dislodge the "l" from its place of kingship, a position that it has occupied for long ages. The l-being will fight the candidate every step of the way. With sly craftiness, it will try to fool one into thinking that he or she is so excellent, so Divinely inspired, when in fact, that one is walking the Path with the "I" still firmly in charge.

Still, those who succeed in surrendering the self and living out of a new attitude of life will reap greatly. As it is said in the Holy Language, "He will give His angels charge over you, lest you dash your foot upon a single stone". The symbolism behind this verse should be clear. To live under the New Attitude of Life is to live in harmony with the Divine Plan of Salvation; in loving, selfless, service to humanity.

~ g

02 July 2019


Self-surrender is the third stage of the fivefold gnostic Path of Return. As step number three, it is the fulcrum of the process, as it sits right in the middle. It is the pivot-point upon which everything that has gone before and everything that follows must turn. Although it is fairly easy to understand in a conceptual sense, making it a consistent state-of-life is another story.

What keeps us tied to this earth-plane, what keeps us on the never-ending Wheel of Death and Rebirth is our rock-hard self-identification. The Divine part of our life-system, the Spirit-spark that sleeps within the center of our microcosm is unable to manifest itself, unable to re- connect with the human-being because our consciousness is rigidly focused on the things of this world.

Like attracts Like. Man will receive that which he desires. Man's one goal should be to turn his focus to his Divine center and nurture that Seed so that it can bloom like the proverbial Rose, manifesting the Divine powers, attributes and abilities that are latent within. He should be  helping to revive the True Man that has lain dormant for long ages due to our mis-directed, self-focused state-of-consciousness.

Because Man does not fulfill his task, and because this nature-order is a temporary one that is not designed for permanence, Death becomes a part of the common human-being's existence. Why? It is because the human-being has failed in his mission. Thus, the microcosm must be given another opportunity to accomplish its Great Aim. It must seek to create a new personality that will perhaps find the Golden Thread to the New Life on the next turn of the Wheel. Therefore, Death is actually a great mercy, as it prevents the crystallization of the microcosm.

On the Path to Liberation, self-surrender requires that we eliminate the focus that we place upon ourselves as personalities. We must first learn that what we see in the mirror is only a reflection, an image. What is truly Real lies within. The Kingdom of God is literally within you. That Divine Light shines in the darkness of this world and you know It not.

Self-surrender requires a change of focus, a shift in the accents of your life. Give of yourself. Help others when and where you can. Treat otherselves as yourself and then realize one important thing: there are no "others".

Purify your thought processes. Purify your thinking, willing and feeling. Remove your yourself as the center of the universe and take up your position as a vibrating, healthy cell in a Living Body of Light.

Every selfish, self-focused thought, emotion or action pulls you away from the Light of the Gnosis. Every attempt to place others before you, to do the first works, to truly become a link between the Divine and the material will bring you ever closer to that Light.

The idea is not to neglect the personality, or treat it as an enemy. The personality,  the human-being, is an instrument of the Divine that is currently operating without Divine Guidance. It is like a runaway toy. The human personality cannot and will not function properly until it is re-linked with the Divine Other One within. Once this critical linkage has been restored, a new state-of-consciousness will exist in the human-being. Heaven and earth will unite. The image-bearer, the human-being, will joyfully carry out the will of the Spirit.

Then, the mantra of the Reborn One will no longer be "I AM". It will be " O, Divine One within me, I surrender to Your eternal Wisdom and seek always to carry out Your Will here on earth".

"Not my will, but may Your Will be done" .

~ g