02 July 2019


Self-surrender is the third stage of the fivefold gnostic Path of Return. As step number three, it is the fulcrum of the process, as it sits right in the middle. It is the pivot-point upon which everything that has gone before and everything that follows must turn. Although it is fairly easy to understand in a conceptual sense, making it a consistent state-of-life is another story.

What keeps us tied to this earth-plane, what keeps us on the never-ending Wheel of Death and Rebirth is our rock-hard self-identification. The Divine part of our life-system, the Spirit-spark that sleeps within the center of our microcosm is unable to manifest itself, unable to re- connect with the human-being because our consciousness is rigidly focused on the things of this world.

Like attracts Like. Man will receive that which he desires. Man's one goal should be to turn his focus to his Divine center and nurture that Seed so that it can bloom like the proverbial Rose, manifesting the Divine powers, attributes and abilities that are latent within. He should be  helping to revive the True Man that has lain dormant for long ages due to our mis-directed, self-focused state-of-consciousness.

Because Man does not fulfill his task, and because this nature-order is a temporary one that is not designed for permanence, Death becomes a part of the common human-being's existence. Why? It is because the human-being has failed in his mission. Thus, the microcosm must be given another opportunity to accomplish its Great Aim. It must seek to create a new personality that will perhaps find the Golden Thread to the New Life on the next turn of the Wheel. Therefore, Death is actually a great mercy, as it prevents the crystallization of the microcosm.

On the Path to Liberation, self-surrender requires that we eliminate the focus that we place upon ourselves as personalities. We must first learn that what we see in the mirror is only a reflection, an image. What is truly Real lies within. The Kingdom of God is literally within you. That Divine Light shines in the darkness of this world and you know It not.

Self-surrender requires a change of focus, a shift in the accents of your life. Give of yourself. Help others when and where you can. Treat otherselves as yourself and then realize one important thing: there are no "others".

Purify your thought processes. Purify your thinking, willing and feeling. Remove your yourself as the center of the universe and take up your position as a vibrating, healthy cell in a Living Body of Light.

Every selfish, self-focused thought, emotion or action pulls you away from the Light of the Gnosis. Every attempt to place others before you, to do the first works, to truly become a link between the Divine and the material will bring you ever closer to that Light.

The idea is not to neglect the personality, or treat it as an enemy. The personality,  the human-being, is an instrument of the Divine that is currently operating without Divine Guidance. It is like a runaway toy. The human personality cannot and will not function properly until it is re-linked with the Divine Other One within. Once this critical linkage has been restored, a new state-of-consciousness will exist in the human-being. Heaven and earth will unite. The image-bearer, the human-being, will joyfully carry out the will of the Spirit.

Then, the mantra of the Reborn One will no longer be "I AM". It will be " O, Divine One within me, I surrender to Your eternal Wisdom and seek always to carry out Your Will here on earth".

"Not my will, but may Your Will be done" .

~ g