30 October 2011

What Has Been...It Shall Be Again!


"All is vanity! What profit has a man of all his labor which he takes under the sun? One generation passes away, and another generation cometh...and nothing is changed. The sun rises, and the sun sets. The wind goes towards the south, then turns about unto the north; it whirls about continually, and returns again according to its circuits. All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full.

All things are full of labor; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.

The thing that has been, it shall be again. And that which is done, it shall be done again. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, 'See, this is new'? It has been already in times of old, which was before us. I have seen all the works that are done under the sun and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit. That which is crooked cannot be made straight, that which is wanting cannot be numbered.".

This attitude towards life teaches us -- and esoteric science and experience prove it -- that mankind manifests itself in a dualistic field of life, both on this side and on yonder side of the veil of death.

The dualistic sphere of life involves a constant interchange between the two poles of life; it involves the fact that all things, all values, all situations, turn into their opposites! Day becomes night -- light becomes darkness -- good becomes evil, etc., and vice versa!

There are no static (fixed, changeless) values in our field of life.

One cannot post oneself at the pole of good, thinking, 'Now I am safe and sheltered and out of harm's way', because that pole will turn about.

Therefore, it is not that this world is wicked, that is to say, evil is not inherent in our field of life, but our field of life is dualistic, and in that dualistic field of life we have created evil, satanism. Our field of life can be no more designated as good than as evil. It is neither of these, it is maya, -- delusion. And we are held captive in that delusion by evil, or whatever else we care to call it.

And so, 'what has been...it shall be again'

In the service of that Voice, brotherhoods such as the Essenes, the Manichaeans, the Cathars and the Rosicrucians, have sought to shatter the Great Delusion, and this is still their quest.

Yes, 'what has been...it shall be again!'

Then is all striving not vanity? Is that hopeless, unavailing, interplay not the eternal ending?

'What has been...it shall be again!'

Now, envision these words as radiant optimism...as a Great Joy that will one day be the portion of all peoples!

There once was something...not in the dualistic field of life...an original world order...a human order of the sons of God...and it shall be again...!

Mankind does not have to build that world order, does not have to found that Kingdom: It exists! It is that unknown half of the world of which the Fama Fraternitatis testifies -- it is revealed to us. There is where the Universal Brotherhood is; therein dwells the Love-power that surpasses all understanding!

Man does not enter that unknown half of the world after he breathes his last breath, because whether he is in his physical body or out of it, that part of the world remains unknown to him who serves the Great Delusion.

The unknown half of the world is omnipresent; it penetrates our domain of life, in the same way as the fourth dimension stands perpendicularly upon the three known dimensions. All mankind has, at one time, known this unknown world. Therefore, many have had the inextinguishable remembrance and that consciousness of being of divine origin...that is why there is that battle...and that struggle...and that cry for deliverance...and those songs of 'man is good'...and also, that obtruding reality of evil.

And that is why the messengers go out and prophesy: Wake up, ye children of the Light...for what has been...it shall be again!

And the way is being revealed...the path of life itself...the Path of the Return.

Dei Gloria Intacta - J Van Rjickenborgh


'Tis not a dream or a fantasy. The above speaks of the Reality to which we can and must return. At the end of every major world cycle, the Harvesters are sent forth into this fallen world to "gather the fruit into the barn". That moment in time is once again upon us. Every member of mankind now has two options to choose from:

a. dismiss this opportunity for salvation and retreat into ignorance, where we shall be obliterated, or

b. grab the Golden Thread that is being offered to us, make the fundamental reversal in our Thinking, Feeling and Willing, and earnestly Seek the path that leads out of darkness, into Light.

Are you ripe for harvest? Are you through with feeding this illusory duality? Are you surrendering the self, the "I", in order to enable the rebirth of the soul? Noah, Atlantis, Sodom and Gomorrah...always during the darkest of times, a Call is sent forth. A Light shines to lead those who are able to see it on their way out of darkness.

What Has Been...It Shall Be Again!

~ g

28 October 2011


A warm embrace to any and all who frequent this space.

May you find the Wisdom to recognize the need to fundamentally reverse your way of living;

May you find the Love required to open your Heart to the transforming energies of the Aquarian radiations;

May you find within you the Will that will enable you to turn away from this World of Sin - the only home you can remember - so that you can walk the path of return to the Original Home that you've forgotten.

May The Lord Bless You and Lead You To The Good End.

all love,

~ g

25 October 2011

And It's Not Just Archons and Aeons...

There are some very cunning, unfeeling and black-hearted humans here on earth who serve as the physical arm of the dark brotherhood living in the astral realms on the other side of The Veil. It is the duty of these human operatives to design and implement the plans and traps inspired by the brothers of the shadow. Take the following on mind-control, for example. Something i came across while rummaging through some archives...


The mind-altering mechanism is based on a subliminal carrier technology: the Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS sometimes called “S-quad” or “Squad”). It was developed by Oliver Lowery of Norcross, Georgia and is described in Patent #5,159,703, “Silent Subliminal Presentation System”, dated October 27, 1992. The abstract for the patent reads:

“A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio-frequency range, or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude-or frequency-modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly, in real-time, or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic, or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener.”

According to literature by Silent Sounds, Inc., it is now possible, using supercomputers, to analyse human emotional EEG patterns and replicate them, then store these “emotion signal clusters” on another computer and, at will, “silently induce and change the emotional state in a human being”.


By using these computer-enhanced EEGs, scientists can identify and isolate the brain’s low-amplitude emotion signature clusters, synthesise them and store them on another computer. In other words, by studying the subtle, characteristic, brainwave patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion, scientists have been able to identify the concomitant brainwave pattern and can now duplicate it. “These clusters are then placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and will silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being! ”


Everything in the universe vibrates at its own peculiar frequency, amplitude and wavelength. Your controllers recognize this elementary fact of the cosmos and are able to use it against you. The foregoing information confirms that a technology exists that can literally "make you feel"  a certain way. Now, think of all the radiative technology-hardware that surrounds you on a daily basis: cell phone towers, television and radio antennas, the HAARP system, even your own television set...all are able to BROADCAST a frequency, a vibration. If this frequency is so high that you cannot hear it, but at the proper level for your brain to receive it, you are susceptible to frequency attack on a minute-to-minute basis. Feeling depressed or angry for "no reason at all"? Hmm.

Another example: from personal investigation, this writer strongly believes that "vibrational warfare" was the reason that the millions of tons of steel and granite that composed the Twin Towers vaporized into dust ten years ago. Sonic weaponry works on the premise that if you can match the vibration of an object with the same vibration, but at a higher harmonic, you can de-stabililize that object until it disintegrates (i.e., shakes itself to pieces). Just as when a tuning fork is struck by another of the same pitch, both will vibrate at the same pitch.

It's called RESONANCE  (remember that word, because there's a future post that will be based upon it).

To the common man, it's called "magic". To the dark brothers, these are just "tools of the trade".

This is a tuning fork..

These are a whole BUNCH of REALLY BIG tuning forks...

i'm just sayin'...


This post was not designed to encourage anyone to go on a wild-goose chase looking for answers to one of the many unsolved plots that have victimized humanity over the centuries. Our adversary is quite clever, and has thousands of years of experience at deception. It is a waste of energy to spend too much of one's time trying to figure out "how they did it". And even if one could come up with as plausible a theory as the one just placed before you, no one would believe it, as humanity has been thoroughly and completely brainwashed.

Our time is much better spent in trying to awaken that sleeping Spark that resides in our hearts, serving our fellow souls, reversing the trend of our own behavior and seeking the Path of Light.

~ g

21 October 2011

Aeons 101

The following is a short primer on aeons and their relationship with humanity. This subject continues to show up in this blog because it is of critical importance in understanding the nature of our bondage and in learning what we must do to break these invisible chains.

An aeon is an enormous thought-form that has been vivified and maintained by humanity. When first created, it is a creature with "dead-eyes". As it is continuously fed via the thoughts, feelings and ether-bleedings of humans, it can grow to enormous proportions and develop a primitive, yet powerful will of its own. There are many different kinds of aeons. Perhaps you've heard of The Seven Deadly Sins (Wrath, Greed, Sloth, Pride, Lust, Envy and Gluttony)? Well, you can be sure that there is an aeon representing each one of these cardinal vices.

Let's take an elementary look at how aeons are formed, how they are sustained and what are their effects on mankind. By way of example, we will use the Aeon of Greed.


Let us say that a group of men all harbor powerful urges to become the wealthiest man in the world. Their minds are focused upon this goal both day and night. Every action they undertake, every thought they have is bent upon helping them to achieve this outcome. All of their plans, their relationships and their designs are undertaken within the constraints of this very narrow focus - the ruthless acquisition of wealth.

Such one-pointed determination eventually leads these men to success (or ruin). Some will become unbelievably wealthy (by earthly standards). Along the way, their powerful, individual thought-forms of greed, power and wealth will have coagulated (in the astral realms) into a large, unified "thought-form of greed". We call this thought-form an aeon.

With every greedy thought, emotion or act, these men "feed" this astral Aeon of Greed. The problem is magnified when we realize the following: these men are connected to this aeon. It is their creation. In truth and in fact, it was their thoughts, feelings and emotions that combined to create this monstrous thought-image! Universal Law holds that we are always tied to our thought-creations (which is why we are always advised to be careful of what we think, feel, say or do. Better yet, we are also urged to keep silent). Their link, or connection with this aeon maintains it, gives it constant nourishment.

For its part, the aeon responds by radiating strong impulses back to those men who are connected with it. We can liken these impulses to "suggestions". As long as these men remain tied to this aeon, as long as they continue to feed it with their thoughts, feelings and actions, the aeon will, in turn, continue to provide them with powerful ideas, intuitions, hunches, desires, etc. -- all tainted with greed, all focused upon the acquisition of wealth. At this point, the Aeon of Greed is no longer a creature with "dead-eyes". It is now self-willed creature, conscious of its own existence and with a desire to continue that existence. The creature has gained an ability to recognize that it must unceasingly influence mankind to entertain certain thoughts, feel certain emotions, perform certain acts, in order to receive the ether-bleedings that it needs to survive.

So the Aeon of Greed begins to radiate its impulses not only on the original group of wealth-seekers, but to mankind as a whole. Therefore, whoever may be susceptible to those radiations will "pick them up" and will feel an urge to pursue wealth, will begin to desire more. The pool of humans who are donating their thought-forms and low-grade ethers to this aeon will increase. Like an inescapable, escalating flood-tide, Greed goes global.

This is how aeons are born and this is how they thrive. We can apply this example to any of a number of human vices. Just as there is an Aeon of Greed, there is most certainly an Aeon of  "Sex", of "Depression", of "Drugs and Alcohol", "Sadism", "Fame", "Political Power", "National Pride", "Race Pride", "Gambling", "High-Tech Gadgets" and on and on...

We think that we control our thoughts. We are quick to say that our thoughts are our own. The truth is that for the vast majority of men, women and children on this planet, their thoughts are not their own. Rather, they are simply responding to powerful impulses continuously sent forth by the many Aeons that act as parasites upon unwitting humanity.

How many times have you had a thought and then said to yourself, "where did that thought come from?". Well, now you know! Did you act upon it? Did you shoo it away? Nine times out of ten, we act upon it, because nine out of every ten men are too weak and too ignorant of the consequences to resist. Later on, after the deed has been consummated, we end up with another familiar thought..."Um, why did I do that?".

The reason we respond to these aeonic impulses is because somewhere in our aura, we carry vibrations of a similar nature. LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. You may say, "no, I'm not greedy" or "Come on, I'm not prideful", but mark: if you are constantly having such thoughts "pop into" your head, or if you're constantly "feeling" a certain way, it is because you still harbor those impulses within you. These auric lights must be extinguished before we can be free of whatever "bad habits" we are prone to indulging in. We must adopt an air of neutrality when it comes to the capital vices or any other negative aeonic impulses that come our way. Only when we have extinguished every light and ceased to entertain these nefarious radiations, will we be free of their influences.

Think about the foregoing. Give it consideration. Again, not accepting or believing a Truth that has been presented to you does not make it any less the Truth. Work to neutralize the Impulses of Vice that surround and provoke you at every turn. STARVE AN AEON TODAY! It is hoped that the contents of this post will perhaps help at least a few to understand more fully the gnostic expression that states:


all love,

~ g

"For your conflict is not only with flesh and blood, but with the aeons, and with powers, with the rulers of this world of darkness, and with the evil spirits under the heavens". Ephesians 6:12

Note: You may also want to view a prior related post: Archons, The Rulers - 23 November 2009 

19 October 2011

The Answer

We have been trained to disregard the Bible, disrespect religion. No question, religion has earned the right to be disrespected and the Bible has been mutilated so heavily as to render it nothing more than a storybook to many.

Atheism is now in vogue. It's cool to not "believe" in a Supreme Being. The religions of the world are a sham, mere shells of what they once were. Drenched in hypocrisy, they  mislead and lie to their helpless flocks, who are seeking something they cannot remember. The Bible, originally a compilation of deep Truths and hidden Mysteries has, over the centuries, been adjusted by Man to suit Man's purposes. Only those with Wisdom are now able to penetrate its True meaning

Because these important connections to Man's understanding of himself and his purpose are broken, we now wander like lost and confused children. We know that we have a Home, but we just don't know where it is. We know that we want to return Home, but we just don't know how.

We have reached an epoch where Man, the lost child, having made a complete mess of the world, is now whole-heartedly wallowing in whatever filthy desire he can conjure up. We have lost our way, we have lost our connection to the Father, and so, once again, we have created false idols...of wealth, fame, power, war, violence, wanton behavior, movements, religiosity. Because we are unwilling to Seek the Truth, we have settled for the degenerate lies. We have locked ourselves into a prison of debauchery and vice, and have purposely swallowed the key.

This is nothing new. Evolution moves in cycles. Man rises, glimmers, fades, then dies, only to rise again, glimmer again, fade again, die again. Countless civilizations have walked the earth prior to this one. The cycles always unfold in the same manner. Atlantis was the most recent major example. Civilisations such as Sumer, Egypt, Greece and Rome are examples (on a smaller scale) of man's routine, inevitable path to degneration. We are now poised at the end of yet another Day of Manifestation, and it is time to collect those who want to go Home.

To do so, one must put away the things of this nature and set foot on The Path of Return. One has to accept  that one is lost, without direction, without purpose, and begin to seek in a vertical, not horizontal direction. We must "look to the hills, from whence our help will come".

We do have a purpose. We do have a Home. There really is another world that is waiting for us. A New Earth. Waiting for those who are ready to throw off the false trinkets of this, the Dark Prince's world. The Answer cannot be found in the churches, for the churches have been corrupted. The Answer cannot be found in occult practices, because the era of occult practices has passed. The Answer cannot be found in "self-help" practices or gurus of any kind. Indeed, the lower "self" is a major part of our problem.

The Answer lies in that tiny little atom asleep in the heart, your Divine Spark. Only you have the ability to awaken that Spark. It can be awakened by the strength of your yearning to be free of this world, your aspiring to know the Truth, to Serve humanity, to love God.


This writer understands that the world is crammed with an over-abundance of theories and ideas regarding things of the Spirit. It is difficult to get people to put their rational minds to sleep so that they can listen to their Inner Voice, the Voice of the  Silence. Nevertheless, it must be told that something Glorious is about to take place for those few who, through their own efforts, will manage to become part of The Last Remnant.

Awaken! Change your ways while you can! Make straight your paths! Withdraw from the Pit of Despair that we call "The World". Prepare yourself for The Ark which is now boarding for a distant shore. We can achieve immortality, in this lifetime. It is within our power to do so. But we must let go of this world.

"Behold, I tell you a mystery; we shall not all die, but we shall all be transformed" 1 Corinthians 15:51

~ g

17 October 2011

Mani's Guidelines


The description Mani (216AD -274 AD) gave of the properties of ‘the Light soul’ and of the ‘physical soul’ is of an ultimate purity of argument, and may in this context form a practical guideline. To Mani, the gnostic, these two were fundamentally different. The Light soul originates from the powers of the Kingdom of the Light and the soul of the body from the same dark matter as that from which the perishable world also originated.

...both souls have the same properties, but how these properties work out in practice differs fundamentally. The properties concerned are: consideration, thought, intellect, intuition, decision. The results demonstrate the fundamental difference between both souls. In the soul of the body, the following properties result: wrath, lack of faith, desire, hatred, stupidity. In the Light soul, they generate: patience, faith, perfection, love, wisdom!

Therefore, as human beings, who want to restore the unity of God with the inner divine element on the basis of thinking, feeling and acting, we can distinguish from which soul we are living and acting. Mani wrote the following about this in one of his hymns.

What should I do, o Light, so that I may truly live?
Give your hands rest, and clothe yourself with the pure Truth.

Give your consciousness love, give your mind faith,
give your thoughts perfection,
give your decision durability,
and your considerations wisdom.

Make room within you for the white-winged dove,
do not place a serpent next to her.

Do not make room for sadness or anger.

Conquer desire,
overcome self-elevation and arrogance,
do not desist in your Love to God.

With perfection, you become perfect.

With patience, you will bear everything.

With the Gnosis, you will understand everything.

Keep to the Inner Law.

Perfect your deeds.

Remain unbreakably faithful to these things, for ever.

And you will live, my soul.


16 October 2011

Man ... The "Little Cosmos"

We begin this post with the crude illustration above in the hope that it may prove somewhat useful in visualizing what follows.


In the Universal Doctrine, the human being is seen as much more than just a physical body. In reality, the human being is a 'microcosm,' or cosmos in miniature.

The Microcosmic Firmament

The outermost layer of the human microcosm, surrounding us like an eggshell, consists of a magnetic field which we call the 'lipika'. The lipika can be seen, if you like, as the 'sky' of our own miniature cosmos, our own personal zodiac, because it is studded with many magnetic points like stars. These magnetic points act as filters, admitting from the cosmos into the microcosm only those energies which resonate with them. In most people, these magnetic points are attuned only to the dualistic order of existence, the universe of separation and death.

The Respiration Field

Inside this magnetic sphere is a space called the 'respiration field'. This space is filled with magnetic lines of force running from the magnetic points in the lipika to the material body of the temporary, mortal personality which is you or me.

The Subtle Bodies

As is widely understood these days, this material body consists not only of the physical body we can see and touch, but of more subtle bodies as well. Altogether there are -- in the present-day human being -- four physical bodies, each of different grades of subtlety, all interpenetrating each other. So our visible, material body is interpenetrated and surrounded firstly by the etheric or vital body, which guides and controls the life processes going on in the material body.

Interpenetrating the etheric and material bodies and extending some distance beyond them is the astral body. In this body, our desires and emotions, and our feelings of attraction and rejection are manifested and radiated outwards.

Then there is the mental body. This is concentrated mainly around the head and is involved in attracting and radiating all the forces concerned with our thinking processes. It is not yet really mature in the majority of human beings, so that in most people it is hardly possible to speak of a 'body' as such.

The Divine Seed

And now there is one last aspect of the microcosm we would like to mention – the Rose of the Heart, or spirit-spark referred to earlier. This Rose of the Heart is situated right at the centre of the microcosm at a point which coincides with the top of the right heart ventricle. The Rose of the Heart -- being the last remnant in the microcosm of its original, divine state -- is not affected by any of the forces at work in the dualistic nature order, the world of time and space. It can only react to the forces of the original, divine nature order.

So, until it can be touched by the divine forces it remains sleeping, dormant, like a seed. And like a seed, it contains the whole blueprint, the whole matrix, of the original, divine microcosm. It only waits for the divine sunlight to reach it, and then, with the cooperation of the human personality, it will be able to unfold and the whole microcosm will gradually be able to be restored to its original, divine state. But a lot has to happen before the human personality is willing and able to allow the divine sunlight to reach the Rose of the Heart.

The Path of Experience

We live our lives, we accumulate experiences, many of them painful, and then we die. When the physical body dies, the subtle bodies, too, are dissolved after a period of time, leaving only the sum of the experience gained in that lifetime, which is etched into the lipika. The microcosm then adopts a new system of physical vehicles through the process of birth. This is the cycle of birth and death, which goes on and on, lifetime after lifetime, until gradually -- mostly through suffering but sometimes through intense joy, too -- our consciousness and our desires are purified. At last the recognition begins to be born in us that our soul's deepest sorrow will never be alleviated by anything we might find in this world. The inkling may also dawn on us that our most profound moments of joy do not belong to the self we are accustomed to calling 'I' at all, but to something much higher. And there, at last, we stand before the Unknown, with open, empty hands. Still waiting, still hoping, but no longer expecting everything of the I-central self and its world. And at that point we can be helped.



The foregoing will make no sense to many. Others may lose interest halfway through. That simply means that it is not time for them yet. But there will always be the few to whom what has been presented here may sound comfortably familiar. To summarize, it is the microcosm (what man calls "the soul") with its accumulated karma that re-incarnates, over and over. It is not us who repeatedly incarnate into the physical realms. Each incarnation, the microcosm assembles a new personality (Joe Smith or Jane Doe), whose job it is to neutralize and/or eradicate all karma so that the microcosm can be released from the bondage of having to return to the material sphere again and again. Upon its liberation, it will return to the divine kingdom, its former Home.

This is why we are advised to "get over ourselves". The issue that faces humanity is that personalitys are not doing their job. We get so caught up in the external influences of the material world, our karmic ties, our carnal desires and our self-identification that the connection with the microcosm is lost. As such, nothing gets accomplished during life, the personality dies a failure. All vestiges of who that personality was on earth dissolves, leaving an emptied microcosm. That microcosm has to wait many hundreds of years for a fresh opportunity and a new personality before it can try again.

We (personalities) are here to serve a single purpose...to liberate our microcosms. It doesn't matter who you are, what you do for a "living" or how low you may be on the totem pole. It doesn't matter if you're a thief or a priest, a whore or a king. Every personality has the same assignment and the opportunity to succeed in their assignment if they make the right choices during their walk on earth. The first thing that must be done is to stop looking at the "I" as the be-all and end-all of existence. We are not the show here...the microcosms that we are attached to are the stars of this show. We must cease our material striving and seek the Keys that will teach us how to accomplish this Great Work. The reward is liberation and immortality for the microcosm, continuity of consciousness and a re-establishing of the connection with All That Is, as Spirit unites with Matter..

For those who wish to take the first steps towards pursuing The One Goal of Life, The New Call is a good place to start.

This concludes a trilogy of posts. The other two being The Two Nature Orders and The Divine Spark

all love,

~ g

10 October 2011

Cycles and Prophecy

60 seconds = 1 minute
60 minutes = 1 hour
24 hours = 1 day
365.24 days = 1 year
2,160 years = 1 astrological age
25,920 years = 1 sidereal year, 12 astrological ages, 1 "World Year"


Everything in this universe of time-space (as opposed to space-time) moves in a cyclic, spiraling rotation. As noted above, such cycles can be observed from the smallest units of "time" measurement on upwards to much larger cycles. At the end-point of all of these cycles, both large and small, always a new cycle begins. Thus, it can't be said that there is really an "end-point" to a cycle. There is more of a "start-finish" line, of sorts. This clearly demonstrates that:

The end of every cycle is simultaneously the beginning of a new cycle.

The Ages Of Man

We are currently in the process of moving out of the Age of Pisces and into the Age of Aquarius. It is no coincidence that a time period of over 2,000 years has passed since the time of  Jesus, The Christed One. In fact, if you examine the symbolism of the Bible, in the Old Testament you will see frequent references to bulls (Age of Taurus) and rams (Age of Aries). The New Testament makes reference to fish (Piscean Age) and to Man, i.e., "the Son of Man", "fishers of men", etc. This symbolizes the coming new Age, the Age of Aquarius.

The astrological ages are encountered in reverse order due to a celestial movement of the Earth which results in a "precession of the equinoxes". Each spring equinox, the Sun, due to a subtle but precise backwards motion of the Earth's axis called nutation, rises slightly to the left of where it rose the previous year. It takes 72 years for the Sun to cover 1 degree of space in this fashion. Since each of the 12 zodiac signs are allotted 30 degrees of space apiece (360 degrees), then a period of 2,160 years would have to pass before the Sun would rise in the next preceding sign (hence, the use of the word "precession").

A list of the last twelve Zodiacal Ages:

21748 BC - Capricorn
19588 BC - Sagittarius
17428 BC - Scorpio
15268 BC - Libra
13108 BC - Virgo
10948 BC - Leo

8788 BC - Cancer
6628 BC - Gemini
4468 BC - Taurus
2308 BC - Aries
148 BC - Pisces
2012 AD - Aquarius

In the table above, Aquarius and Leo are highlighted. In the zodiac, these two signs appear opposite of one another. It is interesting to note that the Great Sphinx standing guard on the Giza Plateau in Egypt consists of the body of a lion (Leo, ages past or behind us) and the head of a human (Aquarius, looking towards the horizon for the Age that is to come).

The Great Pyramid itself uses a combination of geometry, precise mathematical measurements and different types of stone (i.e., limestone = earthly, temporary; granite = 'of the spirit', eternal) to present a precise chronology of an ending cycle (see The Great Pyramid Decoded - Lemesurier). In addition to being a literal Hall of Records, a Testimony in Stone, it was also a Hall of Initiation for those who had thoroughly prepared themselves to surrender the lower, material self.

Why is it so hard for some to believe that we have reached the end of an important cycle of time?

To paraphrase a line from a motion picture of some vintage: "Either they don't know, or they don't want to know".

Man has always told time by way of the revolutions of the sun, moon and stars. When celestial bodies, following a regular and predictable motion, reach the end-point of a cycle, you can believe that such an occurrence means something, and is not to be ignored.


The events of this ending cycle are nothing new. They have taken place countless times in the past. At the end of every cycle, there is a Reaping of what has been Sown. A select few make the effort to realize the import of the times and try to prepare accordingly. The rest just laugh and superciliously sneer, whistling in the dark on their way towards missing yet another Golden Opportunity.

Prophecy is not a "predicting" of what is to come or a "pre-visioning" of something that has never happened before. Prophecy is a preview of events which, having occurred and been recorded in previous cycles are certain to occur again. Prophecy is not a prediction, it is at once an advisement and a warning. 

Like a grand game of Musical Chairs, 'round and 'round humanity goes. Where will you be when the music stops and the trumpet sounds? In what condition will your heart be found when the Cosmic Clock strikes the Hour of the New Beginning?

~ g

08 October 2011

The Divine Spark

The simple drawing above attempts to depict the human being, surrounded by the auras and magnetic fields that set the conditions for life in the fallen worlds. The blue area represents the un-divine universe, the yellow area represents the Eternal, Immovable, Divine Universe. That said, you are invited to read on.

The human body is composed of billions of atoms. These atoms, through attraction, form countless specialized combinations. These combinations result in the differentiation that we see in the human body. Sense organs, bones, muscles, etc. All of these billions of atoms are composed of fallen matter.

Except for one.

In every human heart, there is a single atom that is not composed of fallen matter. It is, in fact, built of matter from an order of existence higher and above the one we are currently exiled in. This atom is constructed of divine matter. The ancients refer to it as The Divine Spark.

This Divine Spark has no connection with the fallen world. It does not vibrate in resonance to any of the lower vibrations that this world surrounds us with. It responds only to the radiations of the Divine Kingdom - Christ Consciousness.

If one can rouse this spark to life, nurture its burning ember into a flame, it will eventually make a connection, a linking with the Divine Universe. Slowly, a magnetic attraction between man and the Divine will be re-established. This divine thread is our life-line. It is our ticket out of Hell. If one can activate this connection and sincerely build upon it, one's freedom from the Wheel of Death-And-Rebirth is virtually assured,

In the majority of human beings, this Divine Spark is asleep. Not only is it asleep, it is more than likely buried under a ton of low-vibrational muck. For the most part, mankind is completely unaware of the Treasure we carry within our hearts. This post can give only the briefest of outlines as to the nature of this atom and its purpose. It may be impossible for some to believe, but as always, that doesn't mean that it isn't true.

How do we awaken this spark? How do we re-establish our connection with "the Kingdom which is not of this world"?



You don't have to believe this writer. But you are asked to at least consider what has been written. After deep contemplation, perhaps you will come to the realization that The Shephard has not abandoned His sheep.

The Christ, through Jesus, left us re-assurances such as those below. It is hoped that after reading this post, some may come to understand more clearly what He was trying to tell us.

"The Kingdom of God is within you" Luke 17:21

"I am with you always, even to the end of the Age" Matthew 28:20

"My Kingdom is not of this world" John 18:36

~ g

05 October 2011

Comments on "The Two Nature Orders"

If you take anything away from the prior post "The Two Nature Orders" let it be this:

Your soul, my soul, the soul of those we love and of those we do not know are all marooned in a universe that appears to be a reality, but is not. It is only a relative reality, an imitation of the Real Thing, designed not to punish humanity, but to help us find our way back Home.

The biggest crime that we can commit against our fellow souls is to spend our entire physical lives in ignorance, following the crowd, doing what's popular, serving the self, never seeking the Truth. Such behavior ensures that we will "live" in the material world and then pass on to the reflection sphere without ever having come close to discovering our true purpose for incarnating here. It is a crime to waste an incarnation in such a careless manner. Sadly, we have been guilty of committing this crime for many, many thousands of incarnations now.

It cannot be over-emphasized how important it is for humanity to awaken from this heavy slumber. "Life" in duality is NOT A GAME. We have a vital and sacred mission to perform. If we choose to pollute our minds, our hearts and our bodies with filth and poison, we will most certainly fail in our duty.

We are literally in the business of saving souls. Literally. But we must first start with our own. If we cannot save our own soul, it will be impossible to help others do the same. Instructions on how to begin this process were left to humanity by the great Hermes Trismegistus, The Buddha, Lao Tzu and the latest Messenger of Truth, Jesus, The Christ of the  Piscean Age.

Some of the Teachings have been diluted, some have been deliberately distorted, but despite this sabotage due to both cunning and ignorance, the Truth is still out there, waiting for you to find it. Not on some TV infomercial, not in the churches, not from some popular New-Age "self-help" guru, no. Remember the following: if it is popular with the masses, then it is not Divine. All one needs to do is look around and observe fallen humanity's wild, debauched behavior and false, hypocritical "religiousity" to verify that axiom. Remember that. Live by that. The Universal Teachings remain hidden from the profane ("do not throw your pearls before swine" - Jesus). We must prove ourselves worthy of having these Truths revealed to us.


By purifying our thoughts! By purifying our emotions! By purifying our bodies! Above all, by living lives dedicated to SERVICE. Not the ordinary "look-what-a-good-thing-I-did!" type of service. No! We must offer to the world the kind of service that asks for no reward, shuns recognition, seeks to uplift and edify the lives of our fellow souls and the life of the planet. Unselfish, selflessly undertaken, a hand extended in caring, empathy and genuine, unconditional Love. Until one can begin living in this manner (not intellectualizing it or romanticizing it, but living it), the Truth will remain a Mystery.

In closing you are asked to remember the following: if you as a personality fail in this current incarnation to fulfill your mission of redemption, then after your transition to the reflection sphere ("death") you as a personality will slowly but surely cease to exist. All that will remain will be the accumulated karma of the un-redeemed soul. That soul will have to reincarnate at some future time, cultivate a new personality (who will have absolutely nothing to do with who you were) and that new personality will attempt to successfully complete the mission that you failed to complete.

The Glory of the impending close of this major world cycle is that an abundance of Grace is available to help us in executing and completing this task. But we must first recognize what is being offered, and then fit ourselves to be able to utilize its power wisely. 

Don't leave your job, your duty, to the next personality. You are here nowWake up! Do what you came here to do.

all love,

~ g