25 February 2016

The Rose-Mirror Of The Mysteries

The Rose of the Heart,
the Original Atom,
is a wondrous Mystery.
It is like a mirror,
the Mirror of the Mysteries.
When the pupil resolves to walk
his Path of the Rose and the Cross,
his Path of Transfiguration,
the Rosebud will open
in the warming rays of the Gnostic Sun.
And, all at once, there is Light
within the human heart,
unveiled is the Mirror of the Mysteries,
the Gnostic Light projects Itself into it.

And behold, that which the Gnosis
unveils in the Rose-mirror,
the Rose then reflects
into the microcosmic magnetic field:
the image of his own Immortal Being,
in Whom he must merge,
to Whom he must surrender completely.

Initially, the image is a silent form,
like a sculptured Idea,
but when the pupil truly walks
in his Path of the Cross,
the projection begins to live,
the Idea  gains more soul, more vitality,
the Idea turns into a Reality,
the Plan is being fulfilled,
till, ultimately, Unity can be celebrated.

The old being, the being marked for death,
is taken up into the approaching New Man.
In that same instant the life of death changes
into the glorious New Life in the Other One.

RM No. 134

~ g

19 February 2016

On Transfiguration

Water when exposed to high temperatures, turns into a vapor. The force applied is temperature. The result is transfiguration.

A Seed, when exposed to proper sunlight and rain will die as a seed and give birth to a plant. The force applied is sunlight and rain. The result is transfiguration.

A Caterpillar, when exposed to a mysterious Creative Impulse, will die as a caterpillar and give birth to a butterfly. The force applied is the mysterious Creative Impulse. The result is transfiguration.

The nature-born human-being, when exposed to and receptive to the Gnosis, will die as to nature and give birth to the Other One. The force applied is the Gnosis, the Christ-radiation.

The result is Transfiguration.

~ g

18 February 2016

You Are The Embodiment Of An Idea


There is no death. Think again of the monad. What is the monad other than a collection of living atoms, made by the Spirit, by God Himself? The atom is life; the monad is a concentration of life, ignited by the Spirit of God.

This enkindled , composite, cooperating life has an aim; it proceeds from an Idea, a Plan, that is carried out by radiation; by a complex of light-energies. The radiation emanating from the microcosm creates an image of the Idea in the magnetic field of the monad, at the critical point designated for that purpose. This image, in turn, can be nothing else than an assembly of living atoms which, in combination, ought to carry the image, the aim of the Idea into effect. In this way, they form an Embodiment of the Idea.

The flow of the Idea into the Embodiment is the vivifying factor, which is maintained between the Idea and the Embodiment as if by means of light. It follows that the Embodiment, or the image of the living Idea, must be the Great Instrument that carries out the Idea. So, whatever the situation, the body of birth in nature is always God manifested in the flesh, because behind all this boundless activity in the microcosm stands the Spirit of God.

People are accustomed to calling the pronounced intervention of disintegration "death". But in essence, death is nothing else than the stimulation of living metabolism. A body disintegrates into living atoms. The atom itself, the unit in the universe, is never lost; atoms combine to form bodies and then they separate again. Life remains absolute. Death is all in the mind.

Once the radiation of the nucleus is no longer able to control the embodiment, the body disintegrates, and a new one has to be introduced into the microcosm by the reproductive process. This body is then brought to adulthood by the Law of Amalgamation, and then dissolved again by the Law of Disintegration. This body is what we refer to as an "emergency-order body". By this means it is ensured that the monad always has an embodiment at its disposal, so that this image-bearer -- which you are -- might become conscious of its state-of-being, of its calling. Your calling, our calling, is to cooperate once more with the Original Idea of the Logos, and in this way to restore the age-old process.

"Do not be so foolish to suppose", says Hermes so emphatically to Tat, "that there could be any such thing as death". All is Life, one living ocean of atoms. Therefore, every body is Life. And that is why every body also possesses consciousness. And every consciousness possesses a boundless power which, naturally, is Divine. For the atom is Life. And Life is always derived from the Primordial Fount. Since your personality consists of an amalgamation of atoms, the fundamental essence of your being is God. God revealed in the flesh.

From 'The Inner Law" The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. IV - Jan van Rijckenborgh


15 February 2016

The Puppet Master

Now that it is has been established that the so-called "higher self" is no more than the collective astral embodiment of all the karma, experiences, qualities and powers of the multitude of personalities that have inhabited the microcosm, the following will try to outline how it influences total control over the unawakened human-being.

The lipika, also known as the auric being, the dialectical higher self, can be thought of as a magnetic firmament. It is magnetic in the sense that it has an aspect of attraction and one of repulsion. It can be considered a firmament due to its astral relationship to the physical body, just as the stars in the heavens encircle humanity and radiate their particular energies to mankind without ceasing.

The auric being acts in much the same fashion. There are seven rings in the auric firmament. In the average microcosm, six are in latency, only the seventh ring is active. This seventh ring can be thought to contain twelve major force centers, along with myriads of other lesser lights and power centers. The twelve major force centers are receptors for the energies that stream from the dialectical twelvefold Zodiac. The lesser centers receive or reject impulses from other dialectical astral forces.

The lipika is both gatekeeper and prison warden. It will allow entry only to those forces that agree with the general nature of the microcosm. Any impulse that does not vibrate in harmony with the overall frequency of the microcosm or with some specific attribute of the microcosm, will be repulsed. By way of example, this is why some human-beings are prone to impulsively commit murder while others never consider the thought. It is because that particular vibration is not predominant in the microcosm or does not exist at all.

The lipika also has a hand in composing each new personality that appears in the respiration field of the microcosm. Although each new personality represents a new physical instrumentarium, the cumulative karma and life-experience of the personality is very, very old. There is one continuous life that runs through the microcosm. Different personalities are created to live each "new episode" of the one microcosmic life on earth. The lipika stores all past information resulting from all past lives. The new personality is endowed with those attributes required to make progress in the new life, while also taking on all of the accumulated karma generated by previous personalities.

The auric being that encircles the personality continually radiates its forces towards the personality. Think of how a magnifying glass gathers up the sun's rays and concentrates them into a single focus that results in a tremendous heat and then, a fire. This can be used to describe the effect of the lipika upon the human-being. We are continually trapped under its influences and, as a rule, will act and behave just as the auric being impels us.

We are the center of an unholy focus. No matter which way we turn, the auric being will always be there to influence our every thought and desire. In ignorance, we believe our thoughts and desires to be our own when, in actuality, they are simply responses to the impulses radiated towards us by our so-called higher self. We think as it suggests we should think. We behave as it impels us to behave. As it has often been said, "Man does not live, he is lived!".

How do we break the grip of our prison warden? How do we tear ourselves away from this mental and astral slavery and begin to truly think and feel? There is an answer and it is always the same answer. We must begin to listen to another Voice! We must begin to heed the promptings of the Other One within us. As we shift our attention to the Voice of the Rose, we can slowly begin to disengage ourselves from the control of the dialectical higher self. The lights of the seventh ring of the lipika must be extinguished, while those of the sixth ring of the lipika are vivified.

The important thing is to gain insight on the manner in which we are controlled. In honesty, we must learn to admit that we are not the masters of our Fate (yet) but are merely puppets, marionettes in the hands of our so-called higher self. The strings of the puppet master must be severed before there can be any hope of progressing along the Path of Return.

First, understand and accept that you are held prisoner by astral forces currently beyond your ability to control.

Next, resolve to do something about it.

~ g

14 February 2016

Lipika = Auric Being = Higher Self


In our explanation about the true nature of the microcosm, we have made it clear that in the rotations of the Wheel of Birth and Death, the auric being, the higher self of the microcosm, is in a certain sense immortal. The auric being, this karmic self, spans all lives, and a new personality is born over and over again within this auric being. This personality has not known any earlier life and neither will it know a new life. What is called "reincarnation" therefore only relates to the fact that the auric being, always existing in dialectics, loses a personality and at the appointed time can provide itself again with a new personality.

We must now go a little further in our consideration by understanding that the auric being, the higher self of the microcosm, although always living in dialectics and being immortal, will be totally dissolved after the birth of the New Microcosm.

In the Gospel we can read about this in the very veiled story of the Temptation in the Desert. The old higher self tries to obtain control of the Newly Awakened One who was dead and is alive again. But the old higher self does not succeed in this. This being the reason why it was said of Jesus the Lord after His victory that "The angels of God ministered to Him". That is to say: the magnetic forces of the old lipika cannot sustain the Newly Born One and for this reason cannot dominate him, but rather a new lipika, a new auric being, a new zodiac, serves him. Then a new field of development opens for the New Human Being.

He who has awakened as a New Human Being is blessed before all people who are on earth, for such a person can help save the whole world.

This [dialectical] auric being, with everything below and above it, could be indicated as being our "private reflection sphere", which is linked to the astral field of dialectics, and by which and from which we live. We and all personality beings who have preceded us in our microcosms are the reflexes, the reaction foci, of that reflection-sphere being in us. The so-called "higher self" is the true dialectical self. It is the aeon, the archon, that dominates us.

From "It Is You Who Will Save The Whole World" - The Gnostic Mysteries of Pistis Sophia - Jan van Rijckenborgh


We live, we die. Each time a personality dies, all attributes, powers, talents and experiences are gathered up and preserved in the seventh ring of the lipika, the auric being. So if you were an Atlantean priest or priestess, a white or black magician, a warrior, an inventor, a shaman, whatever, those attributes and powers remain stored within your lipika. You may be a clumsy fool today, with no particular talent, but that is only because the attributes and powers of yesteryear were not necessary, useful or required for use by your personality in this incarnation.

Nevertheless, these qualities remain latent in the auric being, the dialectical higher self. It is this terrestrial higher self that the occultists wish to form a union with via meditation, yoga, astral travel, etc. This dialectical higher self that everyone talks about in glowing terms is fallen, just as we are. It is naught but a collection of the attributes and experiences of the hundreds of personalities that have preceded us in our microcosm. It is not the True Man and has no connection with Spirit.

If you glean anything from this post, may it be the understanding that even the highest "spiritual" attainment on this planet is of a completely dialectical nature, and falls far short of Divine. Without the assimilation of the Christ radiation, without Gnosis, all is vanity and vexation.

The other thing to remember is this: when you as a personality "die", that is, when the life principle is withdrawn from the physical instrument, you, as a discrete individual, will cease to exist. Only your talents, qualities and experiences will be retained in the lights of the lipika. The next personality to incarnate in your microcosm will not be you, Mr. John Smith or Ms. Jane Doe; it will be someone completely new but with access to the attributes that made you and your other predecessors who they were.

If you want to avoid this fate, you must make an important decision. A decision based on insight and yearning, not fear. One must first recognize the futility of life in the twin spheres of dialectics and then make the decision to abandon the Wheel of Birth and Death by encouraging the birth of a New Microcosm via the touch of the Gnosis and the blooming of the Rose.

If one can effect this fundamental reversal in self-surrender and humble steadfastness, then at the moment of so-called death, the personality will not be routed to the ordinary, dialectical reflection-sphere, but will be guided to the House Spiritu Sanctum: Shamballa. The Home Of The Twice-Born Ones. There, the glorious work of Transfiguration will continue without interruption, until Spirit, Soul and Body alchemically merge once more into a Tri-Unity of Light.

~ g

10 February 2016

Tell The World

"And when once we see with the Eyes of  Wisdom and hear with the Ears of Understanding the ageless truths of the Holy Scrolls, then must we go among the Sons of Men and teach them; for if we jealously hide the Holy Knowledge, pretending that it belongs only to us, then we are as one who finds a spring high in the mountains, and rather than let it flow into the valley to quench the thirst of man and beast, buries it under rocks and dirt, thereby robbing himself of water, as well.

Go among the Sons of Men and tell them of the Holy Law, that they may thereby save themselves and enter the Heavenly kingdoms. But tell them in words they may understand, in parables from nature that speak to the heart, for the Deed must first live as Desire in the Awakened Heart."

From "The Sevenfold Peace" - The Essene Gospel Of Peace,  Book 4

08 February 2016

Aeons And Cyclic Cleansing

This post responds to a recent comment:

Question: "Am I right in thinking that we made the aeons or were they once pure and were corrupted by the wrong use of our will?"

The Twelve Aeons, represented by the twelve signs of the zodiac, have certain attributes peculiar to each sign. The attributes themselves are neutral in their nature. It is the manner in which the personality reacts to the impulses radiated by the Twelve and the actions that result from the application of these aeonic impulses that determines "negative" or "positive".

In line with the above, the nature-aeons that are created by man's consistently wrong-thinking, wrong-willing and wrong-desiring take up residence in the reflection-sphere and influence global humanity from this position in the etheric and astral realms. What has just been described can be likened to a kind of "one-two punch" and should enable one to form at least a rough idea of the undisputed prison that encircles mankind.

Man's responses to the aeonic influences of the Twelve were once pure. Such pure reactions always happens directly after a cyclic cleansing has taken place on the physical earth and in the reflection-sphere. These cyclic cleansings are what present-day humanity likes to refer to as "the end-of-the-world". Mankind is participating in such an ending-cycle right now. But these are cycles, not the definitive end of anything, which means that things are allowed to progress as they may until a certain critical-mass of pollution on both earth and the reflection-sphere is reached. When that limit is reached, all is broken up and purified. A new cycle begins.

With the recycling and purification of the reflection-sphere, the light-spirits who loitered there can no longer influence mankind. The subtle realms are then of a purity that allows the Shining Ones, the Sons of The Fire to make their re-appearance both in the heavens and on earth, where they assist the human remnant in learning how to start over, doing things the right way, pursuant to the Will of the Logos. It is indeed true that there have been times when "the gods walked among men".

Unfortunately, due to the nature of dialectics and the vast number of immature microcosms that must be rebirthed, these "Golden Ages" eventually begin to give way to a gradual degradation. Slowly, gradually, mankind begins to fall back into the old ways, the old habits of thought. After a longer or shorter period of time, both the material-sphere and the reflection-sphere are again polluted beyond help and once more, a cyclic cleansing must take place.

The following is a brief excerpt from Unmasking by Jan van Rijckenborgh:


Our emergency-order is a dialectic one. It will pass and we cannot catch it. Sometimes it vanishes while we have our eyes fixed on it. Everything comes up and everything disappears, only in order to turn up again. Never can this emergency-order, this dialectical nature, be made static, for it is fundamentally apt to change. Personality follows personality, each time a new aspect of the world and thus, there is no halt to the new opportunities for a return to the Lost Fatherland which the microcosm receives.

This process continues, life after life and death after death until -- at the end of a Cosmic Day (as we call it) -- a radiation law of a different nature wipes out every kind of life on earth. A Cosmic Night is setting in during which the face of the Earth will be entirely changed. Thereupon, a new Day of Manifestation dawns and, under altered conditions, the process is started once more in order that the remainder of humanity may now react in the correct manner. Messengers of the Gnosis descend anew, to show mankind the only Path of Liberation.


There is nothing new under the sun. All that was will be again. Mankind has now reached the end of yet another cycle of existence. That is the reason why the Call is being sounded even now, right up until the last moments. No one needs to be lost. Now is the time to prepare for that which is to come, indeed, that which is already upon us.

~ g

07 February 2016

A Tiny Spark

The human being suffers the afflictions of Delusion.
He is tormented by Unreality. 
He lives in Time, but Time is a fiction,
and thus he does not live in the Absolute sense.

Yet, buried deep in his microcosm,
a tiny Spark is left of the Original. 
And if that tiny Spark has not yet been entirely extinguished,
a Call can resound in him, like a Voice from afar;
A Call to return to the Original Nature,
which still exists in all its pristine Glory,
and in which the Spirit can be active, is active.

From The Living Word - Catharose de Petri

04 February 2016

Three Temples


The Order has three temples. A temple is a place of Work, a place of Service in which one works very hard indeed.

The first temple is the temple of Faith: of insight and self-surrender.

The second temple is the temple of Hope: of sanctification and re-creation.

The third temple is the temple of Love: of fulfillment.

In the first temple the old person gives himself up to the Gnosis, to the sanctifying forces of Christ.

In the second temple he perishes through the enduristic life, while at the same time the New Man, the Other One, the Immortal One, arises.

In the third temple the work is completed and the Feast of Victory and the Feast of Entry are celebrated.

Every pupil has to pass through these three temples, these three places of Work.

From The Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross, Vol. I - Jan van Rijckenborgh


03 February 2016

Proof Of The Soul, Return Of The Spirit

What is the force that moves man? When you reach for something, walk towards something, where does the impetus come from? Is there an external force that pushes man for action?

No. The force that moves the man comes from within. That force is the soul.

What then, moves the soul?

In the nature-born man, the soul is moved by the influences of the aeons of this nature.

In the man with a Reborn Soul, the motive force comes from the Spirit.

The purpose of the soul is to serve as an intermediary between the Divine Spirit and the physical instrument.

However, Divine Spirit cannot reside in a natural soul that has degenerated into the fallen state. Therefore, the natural soul must be purified, cleansed of all sin, in order to make a suitable home for Spirit to reside.

A famous film once postulated, "If you build it, they will come". With some modification, the same can be said of the descent of the Dove (the Spirit).

"If you purify the Soul, Spirit will return".

This is the overriding aim of the transfiguristic Path of Return.

This is the goal of the Gnosis.

~ g