28 October 2012

The Power of the Divine Touch - Conclusion


This twofold activity of the Divine Light is of enormous significance in your life. It is of such absolute significance that all of your life's experiences can be explained thereby. Every page in your book of life is written by these influences. It accounts for your particular situation as a pupil, as a worker, as a man or a woman, your relationship to others and to society. It is clear that you, as a pupil of the Spiritual School, open yourself to mighty activity of the twofold Light of God. Just as you reflect ordinary sunlight by a concave mirror and focus is thereby formed by the mirror, so is this School a focus for the Light of God.

To the extent to which this mirror is more finely polished, gradually yielding a better and better  focus, and the whole reflection system is constantly improved step by step, the spirit-spark atom within you will be moved, attracted and called with ever-increasing force. Simultaneously, and this is the second gift of the Spiritual School, the state of being moved and calling is explained to you, spelled out as it were. Thus the pupil knows what the infrared Divine Light requires of him, why it calls him and what it enables him to do.

Enable him? Certainly, and in a direct way, because the infrared Light of God is accompanied by the ultraviolet radiation potential. This means that the pupil willing to tread the paths of God discovers that the divine ultraviolet radiation removes all difficulties and barriers for him at the appropriate moment. This power of Christ clears the way for him, to such an extent that the pupil "need not trip over a single stone".

"He who calls you is faithful", as the Bible says, "and He will carry it through, too". Thus the call to the Path at the same time implies the possibility of treading it. Therefore, the prologue in John's Gospel states with great certainty:

"To all who receive Him, He gives the power to become children of God again".

Now you will understand why those who know about these things can state with certainty: the power of The Call is simultaneously the power that clears the way.

Let us now consider the case of the pupil who, by virtue of his pupilship and by virtue of his presence in the power-field of the School, is attracted and called with great intensity but is not prepared to break, who is not prepared to break with that which must be broken up and is not willing to abandon that which must be relinquished. In spite of all that is said to him, this pupil holds on tenaciously to a great deal of delusion which, in the course of many incarnations and by means of thoughts and feelings, has become a supposed reality to him.

What happens then? When a true pupil reacts harmoniously to the calling aspect, he likewise reacts harmoniously to the shattering aspect of the intervention of Christ. Then the Path will be smooth for him. However, should a pupil react harmoniously to the calling aspect, but not to the shattering one, then both influences will have a disharmonious effect in his life. This is obvious! Then a series of difficulties arises, fruitless efforts, endless worries, an inner strife, loneliness and sadness and the entire pit of vipers in which he is then ensnared. By no means are these afflictions caused by the Gnosis: we scourge ourselves with the whip of the dualistic zealot and in this state, there is no one that can help us, for we ourselves must break the scourge of the zealot.

An unbounded happiness awaits you! You are called to belong to the people of God but keep yourself here in pain and misery. Can you imagine a more unintelligent way of life?

You should not take these remarks as a sermon or as a call, because you have already been called a long, long time ago! Our call is but a very faint echo of Eternal Reality. No, we talk with you about these things because the time has come! The prophesying phase is over. The preparatory stage has passed. We have entered the period of realization! The multitude of those who wish to join this group -- and this word is spoken to those who can join -- should make haste for highly urgent, scientific reasons.

We have already mentioned that besides the twofold radiation of the solar-field of Christ there also exists a twofold radiation power of the dualistic nature. The infrared light of this nature attacks and breaks up everything that resists the "I". In this way duality develops: formation, flourishing and wasting away (rising, shining and fading), eating only to be eaten. So this natural radiation field exhibits a degenerative development, while the Radiation-Field of Christ causes an expanding, regenerative development. This means that the two fields are exposed to a change of vibration in mutual opposition: the distance between these two fields becomes greater and greater.

It is clear that a moment will come when an entity existing in one field cannot possibly cross over to the other. The difference between the two fields, originally fundamental and qualitative, ultimately becomes so great structurally, and the entities manifesting themselves in the two fields so different biologically that, from a certain moment on, a person belonging to the dualistic field can no longer reconcile himself, link himself to the field of Christ. Such a tragic situation always develops at the end of a period of mankind's history. It is clear that a person called by the field of Christ but clinging to duality cannot serve two masters: he will be broken away from the field of Christ; he does it to himself.

The time has come for this process of breaking away to take shape in the world: a great cleavage is building up. The word "Christ" will vanish from the lips of all those who do not belong to the field of Christ. They will be unmasked and recognized by all,

The remainder, the serious seekers as yet still have the choice in their own hands, if they but take leave resolutely and promptly of their own brokenness and fully entrust themselves to the Radiation Field of Christ. Then the song of the ancients will apply to them as well:

"Though you have lain among the pots, yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold."

"For He will give His angels charge over you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone".

Pupils of the Rosycross, act intelligently: build upon the Everlasting Cornerstone rejected by the masons of this world, and thus celebrate with us, the coming Day of the Lord!

From "Christ, the Universal Source of Light and Power" - The Coming New Man - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Those who think that the fore-going is about "religion" are in danger of missing the boat. This is not about "religion", it is about a known process, a path of evolution known to the ancients, forgotten by modern man and now being revealed once more. The Path of Return is a living process in which certain organs of the physical body and the force-centers connected with them cooperate with ever-present Divine energies in order to transfigure the personality and liberate the microcosm.

Those who remain attached to duality, who cannot imagine ever leaving good ol' Earth, or discarding their beloved physical body, or releasing their emotional ties to people, places and things of this fallen world, will not be able to take the first step towards Liberation. Why is that so? Because even though the Remedy we seek is all around us, the power the Christine radiations cannot help us unless we choose to seek it out and open our hearts to it.

There are perhaps many who are not aware that such a great Cosmic power actually exists that can transform a human into an immortal. Well, for those who have read this, non-awareness is no longer possible. This writer can personally vouch for the existence and the efficiency of this process. What is left to you now is a decision. The Great Separation that is upon us will be a two-way split. Either we choose the New Life Field, or perish (as a personality, not as a microcosm) with the old. No middle-ground, no undecideds.

Mankind has reached the Gate of Choice. When the gate swings shut, may you be found on the side of New Life.

~ g

27 October 2012

The Power of the Divine Touch - Part I


A new human race has been born in the world! A new people is emerging, the promised people, the people of the Lord, the people of God!

The prophesying stage with reference to this happening has now come to an end as we have entered the period of more or less extensive realization. This is why we no longer speak in an introductory sense, but must now explain the course of these events, so that you can take into account all relevant factors and integrate them into your life. This is how you should understand 'marching into the promised land'. It does not mean that you should change your place of residence, but that you prepare to form part of the new group of men and women! You will thus understand that there is much to discuss, consider and carefully study.

First of all, we have to broach an old subject discussed at length in our ranks by stating that Christ is not a hierophant of majestic stature residing somewhere outside the dense material world, but is first of all an impersonal, limitless Being, manifesting Himself as Light, as Power, as a mighty Radiation-Field. This radiation-field of Christ which has appeared among us, giving no rest or peace to this dark world-order, exerts a great influence, or rather, a whole series of influences.

Modern man is well aware of the fact that radiation invisible to the eye can exert such a great influence. In the medical world, in military technology and in many laboratories, experiments are now being conducted with invisible rays.

Well, there is a radiation that has a detaching effect, and there is a radiation that might be considered as drawing or attracting. The first group is called the ultraviolet and the second, infrared. The Radiation-Field of Christ, being complete in itself, contains a complete spectrum and can hence be envisioned as a Sun, an invisible Solar body, the radiation and influences of which must be both attaching and detaching. The following explanation may give you a picture of the agency of these two different, yet harmoniously interacting influences and forces of the Radiation-Field of Christ.

The attracting or infrared light of the Divine Sun touches you at a given moment. Now, when your heart-sanctuary is of a special nature, referred to in our philosophy as the nature of a spirit-spark entity, meaning that there is a spirit-spark atom in your right heart ventricle, then you will react to the attracting Light; in fact, you will be obliged to react. The ordinary consciousness does not know of this; the "I" will even spontaneously oppose it and give rise to various caricatural utterances; it will, however, together with your whole being, be dragged along in a torrent of reaction. The entire human being will thus be subjected to a whole series of experiences, due to the fact of having been struck by the infra-red light-wave of the Divine Sun. Millions of men and women in this world personally know these intense disquietings and the inexplicable experiences resulting from them.

The fact that man is literally attracted by this Light-wave explains why the mystical language speaks of 'calling'. This infrared impulse, this attracting Light is indeed a Call. You must know, however, that there is both an earthly, natural infrared and an infrared from the Divine Sun! When God calls you, He touches you with that Light!

If, when called, one does not feel this disquieting, the continuous inner tumult, one can be sure that it was not the Divine infrared by which one was struck. It was the calling of a purely dualistic influence in harmony with the ordinary I-being and in no way capable of touching the spirit-spark atom.

When we are called by the true spiritual Sun, and follow the call, we simultaneously have to leave something behind, because the attracting infrared is always accompanied by the detaching ultraviolet. This is the meaning of the words:

"Go, sell what you possess, and follow Me".

This is the meaning of 'cornerstone freemasonry'. Whoever wishes to build on the 'cornerstone' - the Light of the Divine Sun - must take into consideration both effects of this Light: the destructive and the constructive; both loss and gain!


From "Christ, the Universal Source of Light and Power" - The Coming New Man - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Transfiguration, the process of transmutation by which man is converted from caterpillar to butterfly, is a real process. It is attainable by all who possess the spirit-spark atom within their hearts, the divine spark.

Because we are constantly surrounded by the Radiation-Field of the Christ, we are constantly being 'called'. However, if our divine-spark is closed off, still in the rosebud state, we will not react to this Call. It is only when we adopt the quality of faith and open ourselves up to this mighty, Divine Touch that the process can begin. The Rose will begin to open. We can then take our first tottering steps upon the Path of Return.

~ g

22 October 2012

** Unmasking **


Impelled by the great seriousness of our present time and truly desiring to help mankind to the best  of our ability, we hereby send into the world a series of treatises doing away with the veils of appearances which, in this our illusioned existence, usually hide the reality of things from our eyes. They are intended as a serious warning and a helping guide for everyone who, on seeing the signs, in repentance and inner ripening, wishes to take account of his responsibility towards God and suffering humanity.

This publication, at places, speaks of a young gnostic Brotherhood and of the New Gnostic Kingdom which it established, an unassailable Tower of Light and Love as a help and a solace in this world of darkness and death. Though they are the reality from which we speak and witness, and they enable us to spread our Message of the Living Truth to all, we feel that here we should not explain the meaning thereof. We refer those readers, who are interested, to the extensive essays in the literature of the Modern Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross.

However, the full weight of the motives which induced us to this publication lies in the absolute necessity of voicing an urgent warning with regard to coming inevitabilities to which the blind course of life of this mankind has led; and of spectacular events in the near future which are narrowly connected herewith and mean an acute danger of extreme importance for the whole of humanity.

By this still early appeal, may many, many people be saved from the fatal grip of the coming Great Delusion and timely start on the Only Path of Liberation.

Introduction - Unmasking - Jan van Rijckenborgh


There is going to be staged, in the near future, no more or no less than a staged Return of the Christ. The purpose of the massive charade is to steal light-power from humanity by fooling the masses to worship a false, manufactured, imitation of Christ. If you are not prepared for the events that are scheduled to take place, you will risk being taken in by the Great Play, which will appear unbelievably and stupendously real.

Unmasking was written in 1956 as a loving attempt to warn this generation of the deception that is being planned for humanity.

If anyone is interested in reading this book, send an email to brothergee2012@yahoo.com for the pdf.

Peace be unto you.

~ g

16 October 2012

Re: Self-Realization

Hopefully in reading the last two posts, the following did not pass by  un-noticed:

Original Man was a self-generating entity.

The import of this cannot be under-stated. The original microcosm, with its divine central nucleus, was able to generate a human form at will, when desired. This central principle has come to be known as the divine-spark. Although we are mortal, we still retain this divine spirit-spark atom, which is located in the mathematical center of our microcosm, a position which corresponds with the upper right ventricle of the physical human heart. This divine-spark, this dynamo of self-generation, retains all of the power that it possessed in the primordial past, prior to The Fall. However, this power has been closed off, buried, suppressed under the crushing, gross vibrations of the dense physical plane. We call this spark The Rosebud, to symbolize the potential of the Rose that sleeps within tightly closed petals, waiting for the Divine Sun to shine upon it.

It is our task, as temporary personalities, as image-bearers of the Original Man, to re-awaken this spark so that it can shine its Light anew. If we can fan this slumbering ember into a flame, if we can coax the Rosebud into blooming, we will be on the Path to returning this microcosm to the Original Man, the True Man. As we decrease, this Other One will increase. The power of the Rose will grow stronger until, at a given moment, the self-generating capacity that was its divine birthright will resume its activity.

Then the True Man will be re-born! The mortal personality will cease to exist, to be replaced by a glorified Personality of divine stature. And we, brothers and sisters, as our reward for accomplishing the Great Work, shall share in that glorification . For, by making it possible for the Other One to regain its former glory, we shall attain Eternity as well!

Just wanted to run that by you. Sometimes, these things get overlooked.

all love,

~ g


14 October 2012

The Soul And The Word - Part II

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" John 1:1


There are two mighty faculties that are capable of turning your pupilship into candidateship, and that can lead you to victory. They do not need to be conferred upon you, they do not need to be introduced into your system, because they already belong to the system of your monad. However, you yourself  have to release them. Then they will lead you irresistibly to the Ultimate Goal. These two immortal faculties are to be found in the nucleus, the divine-spark of the microcosm. The first is what the prologue of the gospel according to John calls the Word. It is the divine idea, radiated by the Logos throughout eternity. The second is the radiation of the nucleus that corresponds to the divine idea.

By making the heart still, by withdrawing it from all conflict and causing it to enter a state of deep peace, you make the heart sanctuary open for the Soul, the harmonious influx of the light of the monad. When you are vivified by this light, there will be a number of wonderful results, and when these are manifested, one will be able to speak of pupilship in the true sense. Then it will be possible to speak, genuinely and literally, of a deep connection between the Soul and the personality. Then the foundation for restoration, the foundation for transfiguration, will have been laid.

And then the second faculty will be added: the Word. The throat chakra will then function in your system  in a new way and with an increasing intensity. The nerve-centre in your throat will concentrate the new light-power, which needs to be applied by means of the voice.

Consider this wonder: anyone who frees the basis-faculty, the new soul-state, within his being, surrendering the whole heart to the Gnosis and living out of that state, will gain a new, grandiose creative faculty: the Word, with the aid of which all the forces controlling the system can be applied or, if they are harmful, neutralized and eliminated.

Every pupil will receive these two faculties, if only you will withdraw from the conflict of the heart; if only you are willing to enter the profound peace of Bethlehem and eradicate the anarchy of the voice. If only you are willing to use your voice in the proper way, and to overcome the cry of the animal, then the new heaven-earth will open up for you in true, applied pupilship.

From "The Two Immortal Faculties" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis IV - Jan van Rijckenborgh


This is where detachment and objectivity can assist in the process. By neutralizing our desires, our likes and dislikes, our preferences and our aversions, we still the heart, which is the center of our desire activity. This allows the subtle vibrations of the Gnosis to gain a foothold in the heart sanctuary, where the divine-spark resides. Unencumbered by the usual clang and rattle of our randomly-changing wishes and desires, our spirit-spark atom can finally respond to this divine touch and propel us onto the Path of Return.

~ g

13 October 2012

The Soul And The Word

Important information on the nature of the divine-spark and its function ~ g


"The Word is the image and the Soul of God, the Idea is the image of the Soul, and the Body is the image of the Idea" Corpus Hermeticum, Book Thirteen

In these words of Hermes, and all that follows in the thirteenth book, lies the key to Transfiguration, which has to be brought about  by the candidate in the gnostic mysteries himself with the aid of his two immortal faculties, the Soul and the Word.

We have discussed these two divine faculties and pointed out the way they can be awakened and unleashed. There is not a single entity who could walk the path of true liberation without them. To gain a clear understanding of the significance of these two faculties, you should begin by investigating the microcosm.

The mighty ideation-power of the Logos, the omnipresent and all-pervading One, projects itself into what we call "space". Space, as the true classical Rosicrucians state, is not empty: 'There is no empty space'. Space is filled with primordial substance. When the divine idea relating to God's plan for his creature, man, is radiated into space, the microcosm comes into being. You could think of a concentration of primordial substance, of atoms. Initially, the microcosm is the not-yet-embodied monad, a concentration of primordial substance formed as a result of a magnetic principle. The classical Rosicrucians sometimes called such a light-emitting principle a spark, the divine-spark. This spark is the nucleus of the monad, and from it a radiation emanates, which gives rise to a sevenfold rotation, a sevenfold magnetic field. With the radiation of this spark as its centre, the surrounding magnetic field then becomes a microcosmic field of creation. It is within this field that the great process of self-realization has to take place.

The time comes when a manifestation, a form, a body develops in the microcosmic field of creation. This manifestation is, to put it in hermetic language, the image, the sculpture, the expression of the vivifying radiation of the microcosmic nucleus (the divine-spark). This radiation is in keeping with the idea of the Logos. Hence the words of verse 26: The body is the image of the idea. The idea is manifested via the Soul, the Soul is manifested through the nuclear principle (the divine-spark), while the nucleus in turn is an image of the Godhead. And in verse 27 Hermes says:

"So the most subtle part of matter is the air or primordial substance, the most subtle part of the Soul is the Spirit, and the most subtle part of Spirit is God"

So, in the primordial past, millions and millions of years ago, man was a self-manifesting entity in the absolute sense of the word. Through the radiation of the nucleus of the monad, a glorious Personality was manifested in the creation-field of the monad as a pure image, a pure idea of the Godhead. This entity was equipped with mighty talents that enabled it to act and fulfill a task within the All.

But a group of these entities became involved in a process known as 'the Fall', a process we would like to discuss with you in more detail later. One of the results was that the bodies, the images of the divine idea, crystallized. The bodies became increasingly dense until finally the moment came when an incident occurred, involving the radiation of the divine-spark on the one hand and the crystallizing bodies on the other. In the end, it was no longer possible for this radiation to provide these bodies with sufficient energy. It was then that the process we know as death first appeared. The discarded crystallization were replaced by new manifestations, for the radiation of the divine-spark went on performing its task. Time and time again, a new form appeared in the microcosm. That is why there are myths which state that in the beginning, man was an androgynous being, a male-female being, a hermaphrodite.

"So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created them. Male and female He created them." Genesis 1:27

(g: and now you have the true meaning of the above verse from Genesis)

This condition could not last, however. A human projection that constantly functions in opposition to its nature will ultimately give rise to an intense conflict, and in this instance it could not be withstood by the radiation of the microcosmic nucleus. Thus it could no longer express itself in the personality, which, at that time lived much longer than it does now, and was almost entirely of an astral-etheric nature. When this incident between the radiation of the divine-spark and the increasingly solidifying personality reached its culmination, the separation of the sexes occurred, so that the personality could be maintained by means of sexual intercourse. From then on, the process of birth was necessary, and the relationships were reversed: disembodied, emptied microcosms were given the opportunity, through the birth of new personalities, to envelop the latter during their birth in nature so that, if at all possible, the age-old process could be restored and death could be abolished. So when a personality is born, it is simultaneously brought into contact with a microcosm. The aim of re-establishing this connection between the personality and microcosm is to restore the Original condition and to bring the Original, Immortal Human Being back into manifestation, in keeping with the idea of the microcosmic radiation.

End Part I

From "The Two Immortal Faculties" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis IV - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Man was once able to self-generate his form, via the agency of the divine-spark. As long as the body, the form, the image of the idea, remained aligned with the will of the Spirit, this self-generative process stayed in place and death, as we know it, was unknown.

When man became self-willed, and began to reject the promptings of the Spirit, the body, the image-bearer, began to interfere with the ability of the divine-spark to do its job. Eventually the divine-spark lost its effectiveness, which is what happens when any mechanism falls into disuse.

We are here today as personalities in yet another attempt by our microcosm to re-establish the original order of things. To do so, the divine-spark must be re-awakened. It is like a rusted generator in need of a little oil, or a burning ember in need of kindling and nurturing. To be successful in our appointed task, we must follow the appropriate steps of the Fivefold Universal Gnosis:

liberating insight,
yearning for salvation,
a new attitude of life and
resurrection in the New Field of Life

Only then will we be able to restore our microcosm to its former pristine Glory and once again consciously share in its Eternal Life. If we fail, the physical death process will be our only reward. This means another trip to the reflection-sphere where the present personality will be gradually dissolved and a new one inserted in its place to take up where we left off. The nature-born personalities may change, but the Tasks will remain the same:

Awakening of the divine-spark.
Transmutation of the personality.
Transfiguration of the body.
Final Liberation of the Spirit-Soul-Body tri-unity from its prison of Matter.

~ g


Decided to permanently retract the last post (Witness To Reality). This writer's back-story is not what is important here. Apologies for that piece of self-indulgence.

07 October 2012

Prophet? Or Witness?


Imagine that you witness a house being built from  an invisible substance; that you know for which purpose it is being built, and that you know who the inhabitants of that house will be, while we, due to our state-of-being, are unfamiliar with all these facts. You begin telling us about it while we existentially know nothing, see nothing, hear nothing of it. We would then either think you a fool or a dreamer, or, if we respect you, call you a prophet (of dualistic, not divine, calibre). Yet, what you tell us would not be a dualistic speculative prophecy , for you speak and state from reality. Just as you see these things from your reality, we do not see them from ours. From our reality, we cannot possibly see what you perceive.

A prophet as we have described him or her is not a speculator of the future but a witness of reality. Which reality do we mean here?

This reality: the New Magnetic Field of which we now emphatically speak, was once constructed over thousands of years. In the course of the ages, at the approaching of a time of Harvest, it must be animated anew, do its work and, when the harvest time has passed, it must, as it were, be drawn up again. Every spiritual school appearing in time prepares by its work, its diligence and its sacrifice, a part of that magnetic field, so that this field becomes more and more powerful, magnificent and dynamic.

In this present day of manifestation, the first brotherhood had the greatest difficulties, for it really had to do pioneer work. In order for the work to succeed, the brotherhood was formed from a great number of those sent forth (see: "The Sent Ones"), who had earlier achieved Liberation; it is the group alluded to as the Brotherhood of Shamballa. The second brotherhood was far better off, as it could continue to build upon the foundations laid by the first brotherhood and could, moreover, reckon on the help of this first pioneer brotherhood. The work went on like this till more recent times, which were marked by the appearance of Egyptian, Indian and Chinese brotherhoods, as well as the Essenes, Manicheans and other gnostics, and finally by the Druids, Cathars, the classical Rosicrucians of the seventeenth century and the Rosicrucians of modern times. Each of these groups contributed something to The Great Work. Each of them wove part of the seamless garment of Jesus Christ. Each of them prepared and cooperated with the Great Magnetic Field.

Now, if you understand something of this reality, are you then a  medium or an astrologer? Have so-called initiates  then suggested something to you? Are you then a  prophet in the negative sense? Or do you bear witness from your own scientific certainty? When you see the Seamless Garment being woven, when you observe a new magnetic purity gradually spreading its glory over the world and when you perceive that its dynamic powers are constantly increasing, is it then negatively prophetic to say: 'There will come a day when the results will reveal themselves and make themselves apparent'? When this day and that hour will be, 'nobody knows', so says the Bible, for there are always factors yet to be born. But he who understands, the seer, has this certainty: this glorious day will come! So, if you can accept these conclusions, you are placing yourself on the ground of a scientific reality.

It is therefore not prophetic speculation when the Confessio Fraternititatis says:

'One thing, o mortals, is established here by us, namely: that God has decided that before its end, the world will be presented with a stream of Truth, Light and Greatness, such as He ordained should accompany Adam in Paradise!'.

And when von Eckhartshausen repeatedly spoke of 'the re-erection of the Building' in the early 19th century, he spoke from a very deep, inner knowledge. He testified out of the revelation of the sons of God, out of the revelation of the Holy Spirit. He saw the Magnetic Field in development and knew that this Field touched him, that he was a part of it.

Each of us can now attain this same Knowledge, for the field of radiation which the ancient prophets mention, surrounds us all as a 'seamless garment'. It has now become so powerful, the glow of the New Era so intense that, when you open your microcosm to this touch, you immediately notice and experience this radiation-power, and immediately you enter the essence of both natures.

When you open your being, your microcosm, to this wondrous New Field of Life, then this radiation power will touch your heart atom, set your whole being aglow and lead you into a new process, a process of Transmutation and Transfiguration.
From The Coming New Man - Jan van Rijckenborgh


The Gnosis cannot be learned, bequeathed or bestowed. It can only be experienced. It must first be sought. When found, it must be lived. The Path of Return, the Endura, Transmutation, Transfiguration, these forgotten realities are scoffed at by the man of the masses because the 'proof' he requires to believe in such things is lacking. The servants of the Gnosis do not offer man concrete evidence of the existence of a Divine Kingdom. How can a nature-order that is not-of-this-world be proven in this material world? We offer only Truth without proof. It is the man or woman who, depending upon their level of ability to "remember" will decide whether to grasp that slender thread of Truth and begin their walk to Freedom, or turn away dismissively, slamming the door shut on the reality of Eternal Life.

This writer speaks as a witness to Reality.

~ g

06 October 2012

An Interval Of Non-Time - Conclusion


To those of the human race who have turned themselves in to the will of God, the coming interval of non-time will literally expand into eternity. These individuals will be able to experience a lifetime or many lifetimes, in that eternity, while still retaining the option to return to their physical projections as transformed representatives of the Being of Life o n Earth. These will be our workers during the period of Planetary Awakening -- please, I hope you ones read this very carefully. Some of you cannot drift upon the currents but must come quickly into Knowledge.

Others, not so finely tuned to the Forces that will be released at that time, will feel great surges of energy, lasting for an indeterminate period. Some few will experience intense fear and many, dear ones, shall die. Everything in physical form at this time, every soul in every kingdom, will feel something, something incredible, something that according to all the laws of physics ever known or ever to be discovered, could never happen. But there it will be before all senses; an impossible fact, like the babe in the manger, like the unmistakable feeling in your heart, an incredible vibration of Truth and Love, shimmering, scintillating, awakening every nerve, every capillary, every cell of your planetary body.

Whether the individual form identity reading these words right now will be a surviving participant in that event depends upon that with which you identify and how gracefully you are able to align yourself with God's creative definition. If you can identify with the flow of Life though your essential Planetary Being and release all subjective definitions of who you think you are, you will be able to play your part most joyously in the birthday celebration.  God's definition of you in form is much greater than you could possibly imagine for yourself. During this present period of Individual Awakening, the first of three creative periods, you are being given the opportunity to embrace this true definition as the cornerstone of your existence.

On the morning of Creation, you will recognize the Unified Collective Consciousness of all Humankind as your own true identity. You will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are the bridge between Spirit and Matter, between Creator and Creation, between Life and the forms through which Life flows. If you release the definitions that Matter has set upon you, this is the definition that the Creator will bestow, the definition of Christ Himself!

At this time in your experience, most of you are simply not yet ready to enter into a closer working relationship with us but we will prepare you, during the coming years of revolutions of your planet around the Sun for the time when your collective vibrational patterns are such that we can blend with them on a very large scale.

We are still experimenting with various ways and means of accomplishing our task of awakening but with the increasing ease of direct informational exchange (g: the internet) our work within the currents of your history will probably subside. We hope it will not be necessary to shake you out of your exclusive past-future oriented focus on form through any of the cataclysmic events foretold in your various prophecies. We will use these if we must in order to preserve the biosphere of this planet but if you follow through on the information we are clarifying, there is no reason why we should have to resort to such extreme measures. Through these transmission and many others like them throughout the Earth, we are supplying you with more than enough information to enable you to restore your own equilibrium.

We are allowing a certain amount of ecological destruction to take place without direct interference because such destruction may help to precipitate a voluntary and cooperative return to a pre-Fall state. You must come to understand that you structure these things yourself and not of outside doing. This would be far more meaningful than a Return that is forced upon you. A self-initiated awakening  will really enhance your ability to restore Earth's ecological harmony. Consequently, we are confining our help as much as it is possible to the providing of information and to the development of conceptual clarity.

Meanwhile, there are many among you who will, as time passes, experience one by one the necessary psychological transformation and enter into a conscious working relationship with those of us in a state of grace. May we abide together, you and us, that clarity becomes our focus and ability to comprehend is granted through the grace of Creator. It is a joy to share in this wondrous experience upon the waves of the universe. Salu.

Hatonn to stand-by.

From "An Interval of Non-Time" Chapter 19, Phoenix Journal #21 (1990) - Hatonn transmitting


Although our inter-planetary brothers are awaiting the time when they will be able, once again, to work closely in the physical with humanity, it is important to remember that mankind has work to do. Nothing will be done for man during this ending-cycle. We must prepare ourselves. We must make the choice to re-align our focus away from the material. We must do the work of de-activating our I-being and purifying our fourfold personality vehicle. Individually and collectively, a portion of humanity can and will celebrate the Birth of a New World. However, in order to be assured of inclusion in the New Race, the individual must endeavor to find out what is required and to then do what is necessary.

~ g

An Interval Of Non-Time


When the universe reaches a point of maximum expansion, a unique phenomenon will take place. There will be a moment when all laws necessary for the creative maintenance of physical matter and all materializing processes become suspended. Due to the relative velocities of the various star systems, this event will not be experienced simultaneously in all parts of the universe, but will travel as a wave across the sea of creation.

Existing within this ripple of non-time will be the focused conscious attention of the Creator. As It passes through the material realms, It will stay and take up residence in all life forms with circuitry capable of mirroring Its essence. This is the moment when the Creator will slip inside Creation; the moment for which we are trying to prepare you.

This is the much-misunderstood "Second Coming of Christianity". It is the event that primitive civilizations have looked forward to as "the return of the gods". The Mayans went so far as to pinpoint its actual occurrence in what you would call the year 2011 A.D. Yet, while many of your traditions hint at what is about to transpire, none of them have adequately conveyed the magnitude of impact such an event will have.  Indeed, no single conceptual structure is capable of conveying the enormity of what is soon to take place. What is actually happening requires all of biological life to convey its meaning.

Words can symbolize this but hardly portray it fully enough to stand alone. If you would know the deepest Truth of scripture, look not to words but to the great momentum of spirit within your own soul. This is where the living history is being made. In a way that would be impossible for your rational intellect to comprehend, this forthcoming event is human history. The sum total of all that has happened on your planet is but the shadow cast before.

In a very real sense, you have not yet been born. You are still in an embryonic state. You have yet to receive the touch of God's total definition. Through the long years of human history on Earth, your species has been forming the cells that are to comprise the directive aspect  of the physical body of the Creator within Creation. Gestation upon this planet has but set the stage for the emergence of the Planetary Being now taking definite form. This Planetary Being is actually "who you are".

You are living in the shadow of an event not yet taken place.

What you have considered to be history, or, in other terms, the evolution of the species, is only what you have been able to observe through the distorted medium of a fragmented and quite subjective intelligence, trapped within the past-future orientation of linear time. From such a perspective, the act of Creation could appear as a progressive, sequential process. To the extent that you are able to identify with the spirit that gives you consciousness however, it becomes a much simpler matter: you have yet to arrive. You are still "on your way", so to speak. Sitting there reading these words is only a reflection of your unconscious totality as it prepares to become fully revealed on the Day of Awakening.

Your real life will begin when the Creator gives you His definition in form. When the Father's center merges with the center of the Earth, the collectivity of human consciousness will awaken to a unified field identity. You will be born. After that, the influence of Matter will not affect your consciousness as dominantly as it did during the historical gestation period. The Earth will continue to suckle the species for another thousand years before you are capable of going off on your own, but even during that period, the Father's influence will be much greater than it is today.

As a collective event, the moment of birth is still a generation away (g: written in November 1990). But individually speaking, this event transcends the limits of space and time and is, in fact, already under way. Your individual birth will take place at the precise moment in linear time when you stop struggling with your rational fear-patterns and let yourself go in the divine dance of Inner Direction. You must decide whether you are going to accept the inevitable in a state of love and prepare yourself accordingly, or hold on in fear until the bitter end. Ultimately, these are the only two avenues of response. By the linear time this event has taken place, humanity will be polarized  according to these two adaptive patterns. All will be decidedly in one camp or another.

From "An Interval of Non-Time" Chapter 19, Phoenix Journal #21 (1990) - Hatonn transmitting


Humanity has reached the Great Turning Point. All that has gone before, millions of years of involution, have served to prepare mankind for this interval of non-time, this Great Moment of Awakening, where Creation pauses prior to commencing its upward, evolutionary arc. This Great Moment is now upon us.

Prepare Ye.

~ g