06 October 2012

An Interval Of Non-Time


When the universe reaches a point of maximum expansion, a unique phenomenon will take place. There will be a moment when all laws necessary for the creative maintenance of physical matter and all materializing processes become suspended. Due to the relative velocities of the various star systems, this event will not be experienced simultaneously in all parts of the universe, but will travel as a wave across the sea of creation.

Existing within this ripple of non-time will be the focused conscious attention of the Creator. As It passes through the material realms, It will stay and take up residence in all life forms with circuitry capable of mirroring Its essence. This is the moment when the Creator will slip inside Creation; the moment for which we are trying to prepare you.

This is the much-misunderstood "Second Coming of Christianity". It is the event that primitive civilizations have looked forward to as "the return of the gods". The Mayans went so far as to pinpoint its actual occurrence in what you would call the year 2011 A.D. Yet, while many of your traditions hint at what is about to transpire, none of them have adequately conveyed the magnitude of impact such an event will have.  Indeed, no single conceptual structure is capable of conveying the enormity of what is soon to take place. What is actually happening requires all of biological life to convey its meaning.

Words can symbolize this but hardly portray it fully enough to stand alone. If you would know the deepest Truth of scripture, look not to words but to the great momentum of spirit within your own soul. This is where the living history is being made. In a way that would be impossible for your rational intellect to comprehend, this forthcoming event is human history. The sum total of all that has happened on your planet is but the shadow cast before.

In a very real sense, you have not yet been born. You are still in an embryonic state. You have yet to receive the touch of God's total definition. Through the long years of human history on Earth, your species has been forming the cells that are to comprise the directive aspect  of the physical body of the Creator within Creation. Gestation upon this planet has but set the stage for the emergence of the Planetary Being now taking definite form. This Planetary Being is actually "who you are".

You are living in the shadow of an event not yet taken place.

What you have considered to be history, or, in other terms, the evolution of the species, is only what you have been able to observe through the distorted medium of a fragmented and quite subjective intelligence, trapped within the past-future orientation of linear time. From such a perspective, the act of Creation could appear as a progressive, sequential process. To the extent that you are able to identify with the spirit that gives you consciousness however, it becomes a much simpler matter: you have yet to arrive. You are still "on your way", so to speak. Sitting there reading these words is only a reflection of your unconscious totality as it prepares to become fully revealed on the Day of Awakening.

Your real life will begin when the Creator gives you His definition in form. When the Father's center merges with the center of the Earth, the collectivity of human consciousness will awaken to a unified field identity. You will be born. After that, the influence of Matter will not affect your consciousness as dominantly as it did during the historical gestation period. The Earth will continue to suckle the species for another thousand years before you are capable of going off on your own, but even during that period, the Father's influence will be much greater than it is today.

As a collective event, the moment of birth is still a generation away (g: written in November 1990). But individually speaking, this event transcends the limits of space and time and is, in fact, already under way. Your individual birth will take place at the precise moment in linear time when you stop struggling with your rational fear-patterns and let yourself go in the divine dance of Inner Direction. You must decide whether you are going to accept the inevitable in a state of love and prepare yourself accordingly, or hold on in fear until the bitter end. Ultimately, these are the only two avenues of response. By the linear time this event has taken place, humanity will be polarized  according to these two adaptive patterns. All will be decidedly in one camp or another.

From "An Interval of Non-Time" Chapter 19, Phoenix Journal #21 (1990) - Hatonn transmitting


Humanity has reached the Great Turning Point. All that has gone before, millions of years of involution, have served to prepare mankind for this interval of non-time, this Great Moment of Awakening, where Creation pauses prior to commencing its upward, evolutionary arc. This Great Moment is now upon us.

Prepare Ye.

~ g

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