31 December 2010

Out With The Old - Resolve

Today, 31 December 2010, is known as New Year's Eve. A very minor cycle of 365.25 days is ending. As the next cycle begins and the New Year's Aeon moves into position, many millions will be making resolutions. Resolving to stop something or to begin something. Most of these resolutions, although heartfelt, are doomed to failure from the start. This is because man is attempting to make corrections to the separated self with the assistance of the separated self. Get that. The same self that drinks too much, eats too much, does too much or too little of anything in this physical world is the same self that we are going to ask to help us to change those behaviors. Can anyone say "conflict of interest"?

The separated self does not want to change! Our uncontrolled physical, mental and emotional bodies are perfectly happy to be addicted to sensations. This is normal because these vehicles were designed to process sensation and then to relay that information to the ego (the soul), which resides on a higher plane. That is their function. The problem with humanity is that we have allowed these physical elementals to run rampant. The ego has lost control of its vehicles. Remember, the human body and its invisible mental and emotional bodies are biological phenomena only. It is like a suit of armor or a space-suit, used by our ego to gain experience in the lower physical worlds.

In order to effect a permanent change in the behavior of our runaway vehicles, we have to regain control over them. Having the will, wanting to do something about things is a first step. However, we must enlist the aid of our ego if we wish to make changes to the personality vehicles. From
"The Ego and Its Vehicles" :


This problem of the lower and higher self is an old one, and it is undoubtedly difficult to realize that there is after all only one consciousness, and that the apparent difference is caused only by the limitations of the various vehicles. The whole consciousness works on its own higher mental plane, but in the case of the ordinary man only partially and vaguely as yet. So far as it is active it is always on the side of good, because it desires that which is favorable to its evolution as a soul.

It puts a portion of itself down into lower matter, and that portion becomes so much more keenly and vividly conscious in that matter that it thinks and acts as though it were a separate being, forgetting its connection with that less developed yet far wider self-consciousness above. So sometimes it seems as though the fragment worked against the whole; but the man who is instructed declines to be deluded, and reaches back through the keen alert consciousness of the fragment to the true consciousness behind, which is as yet so little developed.

[end quoting]

Mark the following carefully: you...are...not...your...body. The body is only a tool used by the ego to gain experience through interaction with the lower worlds. Your five senses are designed to observe, process and relay impressions of objects sensed in this world back to the ego, where it is processed and utilized for spiritual growth. If the ego has poor control over its lower vehicles, they will run wild. That is behind all error that occurs on this planet today.

To re-establish control, the ego must be contacted. The ego is contacted via the practice of meditation. However, because of the special times that we are living in, Christ Consciousness can also assist us in purifying and purging our lower vehicles. Healing of all kinds is possible if we will open ourselves to the Divine Love being made available to this planet. From "The Urgent Need for Preparation and Purification (The New Call):


Once relieved of the symptoms of their ailment - be they physical, emotional or mental - most people tend to become quite satisfied; they often revert back to their routine pattern of living and so fail to begin a search for the underlying causes of their illness. If discovered and understood, however, the essential reasons for their trouble would indicate an appropriate new direction in life for them to take in order that they may move forward while simultaneously effecting a permanent remedy for themselves.

The majority of individuals today seek healing for themselves alone, i.e., with selfish motives. Such personal objectives will not serve to raise their vibratory rate of consciousness; indeed, to the contrary. Should the complete solution be absent from healing services, if the root-cause is left unaddressed and re-education neglected, then temporarily-cured symptoms of illness will only reappear in one form or another, for true healing must necessarily include right understanding.

The purpose of disease is not merely to provide humanity with an opportunity to discover how to eradicate it! Disease is an effect of a corresponding cause. It therefore bears within itself an important lesson for its creator, a lesson that cannot be learned as long as one's attitude toward the self-created disease is antagonistic, as long as one wishes only to stamp it out. However, in remedying the cause of the problem by learning the lesson, the effects of disease will eventually disappear by themselves, never to return. Such is true and permanent healing.

[end quoting]

It is never too late to begin learning who and what you really are. Right Seeking leads to Right Understanding. Right Understanding leads to Wisdom. Wisdom will ultimately lead to a Right Relationship between the personality and the ego. This union is necessary if one wishes to attain the Final Liberation.

Regain control over the physical elemental. Learn about your vehicles and the invisible forces that are constantly impacting upon them (more about this in the next post). Live unselfishly, serving who you can, where and how you can. Meditate often. Recommended:
Meditation For Beginners - J. I. Wedgwood". Heck, all the links in this post are recommended reading.

That's all for now. 2011 is upon us. It is time to be about our Father's business. Great challenges lay before us in the very near future.

Prepare Ye.

All Love,

~ g

29 December 2010

How To Prepare (Reprinted)

Along with the anticipated destructive nature of this ending cycle there is also going to be a reaping, a harvesting. Souls will be chosen (actually, we choose ourselves via our actions and are doing so each and every minute) to make up the seeds of the coming Sixth Root Race that will journey along with the Earth into a higher plane of existence. Remember, before we can create something there must first be a "breaking up". When baking a cake, the separated ingredients of eggs, flour, milk etc, must first be mixed together in a bowl. The mixture is formless. It must undergo a transmutation by fire in order to be given form. The finished cake bears no resemblance to the destruction that was required to make it.

Well, we are baking a cake here, along with Mother Earth - Gaia. It may not look very pretty during the coming Tribulations, but keep in mind always that this "cake" is going to be baked, nothing can stop that. Once we have gone through the fire and the smoke clears, we will see why it was all necessary. So, have no fear. Feel Joy instead!

The last few posts dealt with the physically "destructive" (purifying, purging) aspects of the coming Tribulations. Some may now be asking "how do I prepare spiritually?". The following is a re-print from an October 5, 2009 post entitled How To Prepare - Receiving The Aquarian Energies. This information is crucially important for those who wish to begin to undertake the necessary steps to prepare themselves for the flood of Divine Light which will soon envelop the entire world. Print it out, save it for reference. Better yet, download the entire New Call e-book.

Bold emphasis and italics are mine. Apologies for the length, but i did not want to break up this passage into segments.


The controlled imagination is a powerful creative force, for every thought to which we give birth becomes a living, semi-intelligent entity (sometimes called an elemental) upon the other side of the veil between the third density and the next, influencing humanity for good or for ill. All of the activities that we might call evil, whether unholy thoughts or negative emotions, invariably manifest themselves as vibrations in the more coarse matter upon subtle planes, whilst good and unselfish thought or emotion sets in vibration the higher types of matter. As finer matter is much more readily stirred into responsive activity than is coarse, it follows that a given amount of force spent in good thought or feeling produces a result that is many times greater than the same amount of force projected into coarser matter. In terms of value and lasting positive effect, just one unselfish and loving thought may contain the potency of a hundred negative thoughts.

It will be especially advantageous in the years ahead for everyone to understand well that if there is in the human aura no matter (vibration) capable of response, then negative thought-currents cannot permanently affect that person at all. A pure heart and mind are the best protection against inimical assaults of thought and feeling. However, mankind may take one step beyond mere self-protection, for the vibration of Love is both the greatest protector and benefactor in the whole universe. With spiritual understanding, therefore, humanity may begin to use its natural capacity to generate thought-force for the benefit and upliftment of all life.

... it is most apparent that there is much discord and tension predominating generally in the world today. As was indicated previously, our environs inevitably affect our consciousness, and this is so particularly for those who are sensitive. As tension rises within the mind and emotions of a man, his subtle energy fields become inflamed and so are much more likely to impinge detrimentally upon the auras and, therefore, the consciousness of others around him. Auric contamination is especially intensified in cities and other highly populated areas for obvious reasons. Additionally, as sensitivity is heightened for all humanity in accord with the ongoing changes, toxic emanations such as electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), air and noise pollution, and unnatural and noxious substances like chemical additives in foods, etc., are causing greater adversity for the reactive majority.

A fundamental understanding of the inner constitution of man will be extremely helpful in accepting and living optimistically amidst the inevitable transformations that are already today affecting everyone on various
The etheric (subtle energy) body, that partly constitutes the human aura, is a receiver (and transmitter) of vibrational forces and energies, and is inseparably linked to its etheric chakras (energy centres) through which flow the new Aquarian frequencies from the higher planes. Each chakra, in turn, is directly associated with an endocrine gland and certain nerve plexuses in the physical body. Due to their close relationship with the chakras, the endocrine and nervous systems of mankind are today undergoing radical changes: a process of transmutation. The intensification of subtle energies upon Earth, both externally and from within, necessitates a complete rewiring of the physical and subtle nervous systems. Additionally, the organs and glands in the physical body are being upgraded in order that they too may sustain the increased frequencies that are steadily streaming into the planet in preparation for the Great Shift. Humanity, then, is being reorganised upon cellular, atomic, subatomic and ethereal levels.

Within the human vehicles of consciousness (which include many layers of subtle energy in the aura), there exists a great storehouse of biological data which is being stimulated and released by today's higher frequencies. The new energies are also activating previously dormant areas of the brain (including the pineal and pituitary glands) as they are simultaneously affecting the chromosomes and DNA/RNA in each cell, consequently opening up latent intuitive faculties and activating miscellaneous subtle stimuli which are eliciting psychic awakenings in many.

Certain levels of the human constitution will be affected more than others at different times as the planetary shifts ensue. Many observable symptoms of the ongoing changes are transpiring today for humanity, and these include: anxiety, irritability, tension, nervousness, restlessness, depression, confusion, worry, fear, forgetfulness, insomnia, visionary experiences, various changes in awareness, lucid-dreaming, unexpected and often uncontrollable catharsis, e.g., sorrow, laughter, exhilaration, etc. Physical symptoms may include: headaches, muscle soreness, joint pains, disruptive digestion, loss of appetite, fatigue, stomach-ache, heart palpitations, muscle spasms, allergies, etc. Sometimes the human vehicles will expend energy at irregular rates, oscillating between hyperactivity and unusual sluggishness. At times the physical body may require certain nutrients in quantities that it did not need previously, and many people today are feeling a demand to change their diet to lighter, unrefined, raw and more vital foodstuffs.

Positive thoughts and healthy emotions react most favourably upon both the subtle and physical bodies of man and improve their ability to assimilate life-force and to receive other beneficial energies. The endocrine system is responsible for secreting hormones and other substances into the bloodstream, and such natural activity is increased in response to emotional reactions to life experience; an experience which is today growing more intense for everyone. Our inner biological pharmacopoeia is triggered in accordance with the unique events passed through and the subsequent choices made by each individual. For example, anger releases adrenalin, while elation releases endorphins. As new energies are received, translated by each person's awareness and consequently expressed in a unique way, one's positive or negative responses will determine subtle and physical reactions that shall precipitate the corresponding beneficial or detrimental effects upon all levels of one's constitution.

As the physical, etheric, emotional, mental and higher vehicles of consciousness are all interconnected, an effect in any one of them will generally influence the others to some degree. Favourable chemical release will serve to catalyse higher vibratory rates in the human vehicles and so assist with the transition into a more elevated and expanded awareness. It may be helpful to compare the aforementioned effects with those of psychoactive drugs, which function in the same way and may consequently induce similar but temporary results in consciousness. However, the effects elicited by the waves of energy during the birth of the New World will be naturally induced and permanent.

Negative reactions to symptoms of purification, i.e., antagonistic thoughts and emotions, will result in the introduction of toxins into the bloodstream, and in causing chemical imbalances these will, of course, hinder the important process of positive transformation. The secretion and circulation of poisons in the physical body will effect a corresponding lowering of vibration in the vehicles of consciousness, and this will contribute significantly toward an increased susceptibility to adverse environmental influences of all kinds, for like attracts like. In order to be received, the inflowing Aquarian energies demand humble, open and surrendered channels. Humanity must therefore be informed and aware at this time in order that prudent choices may be made in response to global processes rather than unwitting reactions.

Clearly, then, there may be one of two possible responses of consequence to the influx of the new energies:

1) Those who choose, with awareness, discrimination and trust, to attune to the higher energies will experience purification, transmutation, expeditious inner growth, positive expansions of consciousness and spiritual unfoldment as they are aided by the rising Aquarian frequencies and as they are catalysed into awakening. Such discerning persons will behold their consciousness rising naturally to new heights of experience and expression, and they will enjoy the greatest freedom and capacity for love that they have ever known in their lives. Eventually, together with the discovery of a marvellous new agility and vitality born within their finely-tuned bodies, they will open up to a much greater flow of spiritual energy via their refined nervous systems, and they will finally graduate most joyfully during the impending Harvest Time.

2) Those who are unwilling or unable to release old and deleterious character-patterns shall witness an unpleasant accumulation of blocked energy in their bodies, and this may culminate in the gross magnification of previously-tempered or suppressed personality traits, these latter being discharged with increasingly uncontrolled furor to the detriment of themselves and others around them.

The human dense and subtle energy systems are inseparably linked to those of the Earth. Therefore, as humanity is purified and transformed, our whole globe is concurrently and similarly affected, and vice-versa. The planetary energy grid (the Earth's nervous system) and its vortex network (the chakra system of the planet) are today undergoing a process of fundamental change. Some old vortexes are atrophying and dying, whilst others are being vivified, and even new vortexes are appearing, all in accord with the Divine Plan for our planet, which shall ensure the successful emergence of the New World Consciousness for planet Earth.

...excerpted from "The New and the Old" [The New Call at
http://thenewcall.org/] This chapter and the entire book bear reading...and re-reading. This website is highly recommended for the earnest and serious Seeker. Here is information that could assist those who wish to know who they really "are" and possibly help them to remember their Missions.


Hate to cut-and-paste such a large nugget of Information, but felt it necessary. There is an in-streaming Energy flooding the planet during this ending-cycle and many are completely unaware. This Aquarian Energy is available to all. The transmutations effected by it (or not) will depend on the quality of the physical, etheric, emotional and mental vibrations of the Individual.

Be at Peace. Be Optimistic. Confrontation and Disagreement should no longer be a part of Life. Be Compassionate. Be Understanding. Be Kind. Be Charitible. See the Creator in all Others. Love all, including those who care not for us.

Take care of the Physical vehicle - eat right, exercise.

Take care of our Emotional vehicle - maintain a pleasant state of Peaceful Contentment. Do not wildy swing from Happiness to Sorrow and back again. Monitor our desires for signs of Selfishness.

Take care of our Mental vehicle - establish "right thinking"; employ thoughts of a Higher and Loving nature in every situation. Think "we" in place of "I".

Grace is being offered. Turn not away.

All Love,

~~ G

27 December 2010

Keep Watch At Every Season

From The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus, The Christ of the Piscean Age:

Chapter 157

- Jesus prophesies... of terrible disasters that will mark the conclusion of the Age -

21) ... but lo, the time will come when all the world will rise, like gladiators in a ring, and fight just for the sake of shedding blood.
22) And men will reason not; they will not see, nor care to see a cause for carnage, desolation, thefts; for they will war with friend or foe.
23) The very air will seem surcharged with smoke of death; and pestilence will follow close upon the sword.
24) And signs that men have never seen will appear in heaven and earth; in sun, and moon, and stars.
25) The seas will roar, and sounds will come from heaven that men can never comprehend, and these will bring distress of nations with perplexity.
26) Hearts of the strongest men will faint in fear, in expectation of the coming of more frightful things upon the earth.
27) But while the conflicts rage on land and sea, the Prince of Peace will stand above the clouds of heaven and say again:
28) Peace, peace on earth; good will to men; and every man will throw away his sword, and nations will learn war no more.
29) And then the man who bears the pitcher will walk forth across an arc of heaven; the sign and signet of the son of man will stand forth in the eastern sky.
30) The wise will then lift up their heads and know that the redemption of the earth is near.
31) Before these days shall come, behold, false Christs and poor deluded prophets will arise in many lands.
32) And they will show forth signs, and do a multitude of mighty works; and they will lead astray the many who are not wise; and many of the wise will be deceived.
33) And now I tell you once again, When men shall say, The Christ is in the wilderness, go you not forth.
34) And if they say, The Christ is in the secret place, believe it not; for when he comes the world will know that he has come.
35) For as the morning light comes from the east and shines unto the west; so shall be the coming of the age and son of man.
36) The wicked of the earth will weep when they shall see the son of man come down upon the clouds of heaven, in power.
37) Take heed you, O take heed, for you know not the hour nor the day when comes the son of man.
38) Let not your hearts be overcharged with sensuous things, nor with the cares of life, lest that day come and find you unprepared.
39) Keep watch at every season of the year; and pray that you may meet the Lord with joy and not with grief.
40) Before these days shall come our Father-God will send his messengers abroad, yea, to the corners of the earth, and they will say.
41) Prepare you, O prepare; the Prince of Peace shall come, and now is coming on the clouds of heaven.
42) When Jesus had thus said, he went with his disciples back to Bethany.

"The man who bears the pitcher..." is a reference to the incoming Age, the Age of Aquarius, which is to commence with the winter solstice of December 21, 2012.

"The signet of the son of man" is the sign of the cross, which will appear in the skies prior to the Tribulations.

We are advised to persevere, purify and serve during this Waiting Period. Do not be fooled by sunny days, football games, falling in love and other material phenomena that spell "normalcy". If one tires of waiting and falls back into materialism, the promised Moment may come and go in an instant of time. Then one will know, but it will be too late.

Like that old game of "musical chairs", don't get caught short when the music stops. Watch for the signs. Abandon the old ways of man. This world is ending. It is way past time to begin preparing yourself for The New.

~ g

Book of Exodus = Pole Shift - Part II

THE BOOK OF EXODUS - An Account of the Last Pole Shift (continued)


--- Rotation stoppage. The Comet's gravitational field grips the Earth causing the earth to stop rotating. 3 days (or more) of darkness for one hemisphere, 3 days (or more) of light for the other. For one half of the world, the Sun will not set.

EXODUS 10:22"...and there was thick darkness in all the land of Egypt for three days.".
EXODUS 10:23"...they did not see one another, nor rose any from his place for three days".
EXODUS 12:30"...and there was great wailing...for there was not a house where there was not one dead".


--- a blanket of red dust (from the sweep of the Comet's tail) will fall from the skies
EXODUS 7:20 "...and all the waters that were in the river turned into blood".

--- reptiles will flee the polluted waters. Fish will die, then float upon the water
EXODUS 8:6 "...and the frogs came up and covered the land".
EXODUS 8:13 "...and the frogs died that were in the houses...and in the fields".
EXODUS 8:14 "...and the land stank".

--- this results in swarms of feasting flies and lice
EXODUS 8:18 "...there were lice on men and cattle".
EXODUS 8:24 "...the land was ruined by reason of the swarm of flies".


--- an increase in insect-borne disease
EXODUS 9:3 "...there shall be a very severe plague".
EXODUS 9:6 "...all the cattle of the Egyptians died".

--- the red, iron-laden dust from the Comet's tail blankets the atmosphere
EXODUS 9:9 "...fine dust in all the land of Egypt".

--- causing skin irritation and boils. There is no clean water to bathe in!
EXODUS 9:10 "...and it became blistering boils, breaking out in sores upon men, and upon cattle".

--- locusts may begin to swarm as they flee the destruction
EXODUS 10:12"...the east wind brought the locusts;
EXODUS 10:15"...they covered the face of the whole earth so that the land was darkened...".
EXODUS 10:15"...and there remained no leaf on the trees, neither grass in the field...".


--- large, even boulder-size hail crashes down from the sweep of the tail of the Comet as it nears Earth
EXODUS 9:17 "...a severe storm of hail..."

--- electro-magnetic interaction between Earth and the Comet
EXODUS 9:23 "...thunder and hail, and lightning ran along the ground".

--- ignites the gases and petro-chemicals in the Comet’s tail,
EXODUS 9:24 "...and flaming fire mingled with the hail...".

--- crops and forests are set afire, destroyed
EXODUS 9:25 "...and the hail destroyed all the herbs of the field, and broke every tree of the field...".


--- Pole shift. Earth rolls on its axis 15, 90, 180 degrees or more. The oceans will “slosh” from one side to the other, creating giant tsunamis. This mammoth volume of water will inundate all coastal areas in one direction, then return to do the same on the opposite coastlines as the waters slosh back in the reverse direction. This sloshing effect will carry water many miles inland, and repeat itself a number of times, subsiding, then finally stopping.

BY NOW THE COMET, IS VISIBLE. It, as well as the entire heavens, will appear to “move” as the Earth shifts on its axis. If on the “day side” of the earth, THE COMET will appear to resemble a “pillar of cloud”. If on the “night side” of the Earth, it will appear to resemble a “pillar of fire”.

EXODUS 14:19"...and the pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them".
ISAIAH 34:4 "...all the stars in the sky will fade away; the sky will roll up like a scroll".


EXODUS 14:21"...caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night and made the sea dry land...".
EXODUS 14:21"...and the waters were divided".
EXODUS 14:22"...and the waters were like a wall to them on their right hand and on their left".
EXODUS 14:27"...and the sea returned to its place when the morning appeared".
EXODUS 14:28"...and the waters returned".

THE “AFTERTIME” - The Land of Milk and Honey

(reportedly, post-shift, some sort of "fallout" descended from the skies. Apparently edible, apparently tasty)

EXODUS 13:21"...went before them by day in a pillar of cloud...and by night in a pillar of fire".
EXODUS 16:13"...and in the morning the dew lay round about the camp".
EXODUS 16:14"...and when the dew that lay had gone up...there lay a thin, round crust...on the ground".
EXODUS 16:15"...they said to one another Manna-ho (what is it?)...".
EXODUS 16:21"...and they gathered it every morning...and when the sun grew hot, it melted".
EXODUS 16:31"...called the name there of manna; and it was like coriander seed, white...".
EXODUS 16:31"...and the taste of it was like honeycomb".

There are things that haven't been mentioned here. Such as the tremendous sound that the Comet will make (the "trumpets"), the lightning strikes that will reach like tendrils towards the Earth's surface, the foul gases that will choke and suffocate many. Ancient cultures have documented all of these things. Many of these accounts, routinely ignored, have been collected and published in a book that was written in 1950 (see below).

For those wishing to attempt preservation of the physical body, you are invited to view this pdf: http://www.zetatalk.com/safelocs.pdf This document lists anticipated "safe" locations. This writer makes no representation regarding the veracity of this document. You will have to decide that for yourself.

For details of past pole shifts as described by past cultures from around the world, read Immanuel Velikovsky's "WORLD'S IN COLLISION".

For technical and observational details, go to http://www.zetatalk.com/ and click on "Pole Shift".

For information on how to prepare spiritually for removal from the planet PRIOR to the Cataclysms, go to http://www.thenewcall.org/

"Things are only impossible, until they are not" - Jean-Luc Picard

~ g

26 December 2010

Book of Exodus = Pole Shift - Part I

The following was compiled by this writer a year or so ago, after some fairly tedious research. It is being shared here as it would be a disservice to not do so. Time is quickly running short (check the world-wide weather reports). There is no telling how much longer we will have the internet. That being said, it is possible that some may find the following information to be of some use. ~~ g

THE BOOK OF EXODUS - An Account of the Last Pole Shift

There is a celestial body (or bodies) which pass through this solar system approximately every 3,600 years. Its close passage always results in calamity and destruction upon the Earth, up to and including a flipping of the Earth on its axis, also known as a “Pole Shift”. In this outline, we will refer to this celestial object as “THE COMET” (the Destroyer). This comet is reported to be blood red in color and trails several large bodies and debris in its trail.

The last passage of this comet was during the time of The Biblical Exodus, dated by many to have occurred in the mid- to late 16th century B.C. This Passage (or “Pass-over”) was documented in the Book of Exodus (as will be demonstrated below). Some time ago, an effort was undertaken by this writer to align the events of Exodus with the coming Tribulations. It was not expected that any relationship would be found between the two. Surprisingly, a clear relationship was uncovered.

This outline attempts to provide a general timeline of WARNING SIGNS that humanity should look for as an indication that the pole shift is imminent. It may not be 100% accurate, but it is felt that as far as outlines go, it is close enough.

The following also does not address what will happen to those who are aligned with, and have opened their hearts to Christ Consciousness. These ones will experience the Tribulations up to a point, and then be transported to a place of safety before the worst happens.


The following warning signs are presented in their anticipated order of appearance, from the research compiled. Verses from the Book of Exodus are provided for the sake of comparison and corroboration.

The first signs will reportedly appear approximately 7 weeks prior to the Pole Shift.


Humanity will at first be baffled, then curious, then fearful. The “official” scientific community will lie. This red cross may be what The Comet looks like as it approaches the Earth. This red “cross” has been described by the ancients. The appearance of The Red Cross is the divine signal that the “end times” (which have already begun) have reached its final stages. The Comet is slated to become visible approximately 7 weeks prior to the Pole shift.



“During this roll, the Earth's rotation does not change, its molten magma revolving in the same direction regardless of how the core or crust might temporarily be positioned. The magma is not magnetic, is indifferent to the magnetic dance ongoing, so continues its direction as before. The Earth's core is magnetic, as is the crust, due primarily to the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift. Thus the core and crust participate in the 270° roll, while the magma rotates as usual. As the roll is slow, there is no tearing of the crust, no sudden motion of the crust, so the massive earthquakes predicted for the pole shift do not occur [yet].

This is instead a drama in the skies, which the establishment, hoping to keep the populace quiescent until the last minute, will find a horror. And just when this roll is to begin is a date we will hold in abeyance, because the establishment is still not sharing what they know with the public, nor are they providing an outlet for our predictions such that the common man can receive our words simultaneously with the elite. Our words, our predictions, are not for the select few who deem themselves above the common man, they are for all of mankind”. http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta134.htm

[end quoting]

"The rising of the sun from the west one of the things which must happen". - Kitab al Irshad, The Twelfth Iman

"The Hour will not be established ... till the sun rises from the West". - The Hadiths

"At certain periods the universe has its present circular motion, and at other periods it revolves in the reverse direction. There is at that time great destruction of animals in general, and only a small part of the human race survives". - Politicus, by Plato

End of Part One

~ g

20 December 2010

Buried Treasure

It came to mind that there are those whose eyes will roll in their heads upon hearing the name, Christ. There can be a couple of reasons for this:

1. they belong to a race or religion that has a direct issue with The Christ.

2. they were born into a "christian" faith and turned away in disgust (in many cases, understandably so) when their souls could not obtain the Truth they were seeking.

3. they've chosen to stand on God's finger while defiantly shaking their tiny fist and shouting, "there is no God!!".

This writer was once in category #2. Let's just say that it was difficult to accept the fairy-tale that was being presented as truth. Deep inside, there was the knowledge that something was missing, something very important.

So, you wander in the wilderness. You stumble, you fall, you fail, until the Light within is nearly extinguished. Then one day, something happens that jars you awake. It could be anything, a death, a tragedy, a loss, a revelation...but you realize that, more than ever, you need to resume your quest for the Truth.

You search, you seek. You search amongst man's records compiled by theologians, scientists, astronomers, philosophers, historians and archaeologists. You try to make sense of their assertions, you try to dig through the symbolism and the things left unsaid. Finally, you realize that you've just been going in circles, you've been given the run-around. This is known as horizontal seeking, as such seeking always leads one back to where they began. There are Great Secrets, there are mighty Truths, but man does not have them to share. In fact, it is men, in service of the dark ruler, the prince of this world, who have purposely buried these Treasures in the hope that we will never find them.

In frustration and dejection, you form a silent prayer. What is it? What is being missed? Please help me find the Truth! You may not even be aware of making this plea. But you will have made it, simply by reason of your fruitless, but diligent and relentless seeking.

It is written that one should seek until one finds, knock and the door shall be opened. These are not idle words...it is a divine promise. Truth awaits us. If we do our part to find it, it will find us. Truth is a beautiful jewel with many facets. Each facet may have its own particular glitter, yet will carry the same vibration of the Whole. So, to say that there is One Truth is both true and false. It may present itself to us in different ways, but it will always carry the same powerful vibration.

Christ Consciousness, the Second Aspect of The All, is a fact. Because one is not aware of, or doesn't accept a fact does not detract one iota from the factuality of that fact (yes, i just wrote that *smile*). To know of this Consciousness and the ability of each one of us to manifest that Consciousness is the biggest breakthrough a seeking human being can make. When one can accept that concept, when one comes to believe this with their entire heart in the absence of man's "proof", that one is on his or her way to vertical seeking. The kind of seeking that leads to Freedom, as the jewel of Truth unfolds, one facet after another.

It is disheartening that so many are put off by mention of the Christ. If they had true understanding of what The Christ represents, they would realize that they have finally arrived at the Doorstep of Truth, key in hand. To allow mankind's bastardized characterization of Christ to discourage us from seeking our destiny is to fall into the carefully prepared trap that awaits all those who choose to try and rationalize something that cannot be rationalized. Some things can only be known in the heart.

Don't think. Feel.

The New Call

~ g

19 December 2010

A Vision of Our Rebirth

From "The Revelation", received by Barbara Marx Hubbard

A Vision of Our Rebirth


Dearly beloved, have absolute faith that my promise shall be kept. Everyone who has believed in me, or believes in me now, shall have life ever-evolving.

Every thought you think is registered in the mind of God. If you intend to be like me, it means you have recorded or elected the program of transformation to be triggered in your system.

If you die before the "fullness of time", you shall be reconstituted in a new body, as I was.The process of reconstitution is similar to the formation of a full-term child from a fertilized egg.

You are reconstituted from the DNA code and from your neuronally imprinted memories, which are recorded in the Book of Life from which I will read at the time of selection. The reconstitution process is a speeded gestation. The code of the new body is different than that for the mammalian body in which you incarnated on Earth. The new body bears the same characteristics: it is tangible; that is, it has a new materiality. It can move objects and be seen. It is capable of de-materialization and re-materializaion; self-regeneration and self-transformation. It is wholly reflective of your Godly intention to create according to the design of God.

Do not be surprised at this new body, dearly beloved. You have witnessed the process of evolution wherein I create new bodies to transcend new limits time and time again.

I created fish to swim in the seas. I created birds to fly in the air. I created animals to run on the ground.

I created humans to understand how I do these things, so that they can do them with me, so that they can join with me in the designing process, creating new bodies for themselves to overcome the new limits of terrestrial humanity imposed by death, self-consciousness, and planet-boundedness.

The new body you will co-create with me (by your registered intent to do so, by your choice for eternal life now recorded in the Book of Life) is a body that:

- is sensitive to the God-within at all times,
- transcends self-consciousness,
- can self-transform,
- does not die,
- is capable of ascension, meaning that it can materialize and dematerialize at will

Your current space programs and genetic research are very early phases of new bodybuilding. Their purpose is to reveal to you how my invisible technologies of transformation and bodybuilding work, so that you may use them at will.

If you do not choose to have a new body to co-create with me, you will not have one. You may choose an impersonal future rather than the transpersonal future. The impersonal future is bodiless. You divest yourself of your personal memory and your DNA, and become an undifferentiated aspect of God.

The saints who are so impatient are those who believed in me and elected to follow my example, which is to have a new body in which to continue the work of creation.

They shall be fulfilled in the fullness of time.

Those of you who happen to be alive at the time of the actual Quantum Instant, will be changed while still alive. You will not have to undergo physical death or the reconstitution process.

Your co-creative system will turn on. It is being prepared now. Can you experience your body change process happening now?

Do you desire regeneration? Do you feel an inner radiation? Do you sense a quantum change? Do you have a flame of expectation exciting you from within?

If so, you are being prepared, or rather, you are preparing yourselves to be ready when the selection process comes.

Since no one knows exactly when that will be, you must prepare for both eventualities: the possibility that you will die before the selection process; the possibility that you will be alive, or "quick", when it happens.

In the first case, you will be reconstituted. In the second case, you will be transformed.

John wrote then, "Blessed are they who die in the Lord...their works do follow them".

I say now, "Blessed are the living who transform as the Lord; their works shall live on with them". Hallelujah. Praise God. Amen.

[end quoting]

Blessed are those who see and hear with inner understanding.

~ g

18 December 2010

Result Depends On Cause

These are true Teachings that have been hidden away from man. But we are now in the Era of Truth. What has been hidden must now be revealed, so that Man may have the Knowledge he will need to make his Choice.

On Cause, Effect & Rebirth...

From The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus, The Christ - Chapter 114

26) And Jesus said,

We cannot look upon a single span of life and judge of anything.
27) There is a law that men must recognize: Result depends on cause.
28) Men are not motes to float about within the air of one short life, and then be lost in nothingness.
29) They are undying parts of the eternal whole that come and go, lo, many times into the air of earth and of the great beyond, just to unfold the God-like self.
30) A cause may be a part of one brief life; results may not be noted till another life.
31) The cause of your results cannot be found within my life, nor can the cause of my results be found in yours.
32) I cannot reap except I sow and I must reap whate'er I sow,
33) The law of all eternities is known to master minds:
34) Whatever men do unto other men the judge and executioner will do to them.
35) We do not note the execution of this law among the sons of men.
36) We note the weak dishonored, trampled on and slain by those men call the strong.
37) We note that men with wood-like heads are seated in the chairs of state;
38) Are kings and judges, senators and priests, while men with giant intellects are scavengers about the streets.
39) We note that women with a moiety of common sense, and not a whit of any other kind, are painted up and dressed as queens,
40) Becoming ladies of the courts of puppet kings, because they have the form of something beautiful; while God's own daughters are their slaves, or serve as common laborers in the field.
41) The sense of justice cries aloud: This is a travesty on right.
42) So when men see no further than one little span of life it is no wonder that they say, There is no God, or if there is a God he is a tyrant and should die.
43) If you would judge aright of human life, you must arise and stand upon the crest of time and note the thoughts and deeds of men as they have come up through the ages past;
44) For we must know that man is not a creature made of clay to turn again to clay and disappear.
45) He is a part of the eternal whole. There never was a time when he was not; a time will never come when he will not exist.
46) And now we look; the men who now are slaves were tyrants once; the men who now are tyrants have been slaves.
47) The men who suffer now once stood aloft and shouted with a fiend's delight while others suffered at their hands.
48) And men are sick, and halt, and lame, and blind because they once transgressed the laws of perfect life, and every law of God must be fulfilled.
49) Man may escape the punishment that seems but due for his mis-doings in this life; but every deed and word and thought has its own metes and bounds,
50) Is cause, and has its own results, and if a wrong be done, the doer of the wrong must make it right.
51) And when the wrongs have all been righted then will man arise and be at one with God.

One cannot run from one's errors. Mastery of every thought, word and deed will serve to eliminate future causes, even as we in this life pay off debts incurred in past lives. There is nothing we can do about our current karmic debts ("ripe" karma) but to close them out with fortitude and faith. However, we CAN do something about creating future causes. Seek true Knowledge, live our lives in Wisdom, be of Service to our fellows, cease serving the self.

~ g

17 December 2010

Weapon of Mass Destruction

From The Kolbrin - The Book of Creation - Chapter Three


It is known, and the story comes down from ancient times, that there was not one creation but two, a creation and a re-creation. It is a fact known to the wise that the Earth was utterly destroyed once then reborn on a second wheel of creation.

At the time of the great destruction of Earth, God caused a dragon from out of Heaven to come and encompass her about. The dragon was frightful to behold, it lashed its tail, it breathed out fire and hot coals, and a great catastrophe was inflicted upon mankind. The body of the dragon was wreathed in a cold bright light and beneath, on the belly, was a ruddy hued glow, while behind it trailed a flowing tail of smoke. It spewed out cinders and hot stones and its breath was foul and stenchful, poisoning the nostrils of men.

Its passage caused great thunderings and lightnings to rend the thick darkened sky, all Heaven and Earth being made hot. The seas were loosened from their cradles and rose up, pouring across the land. There was an awful, shrilling trumpeting which outpowered even the howling of the unleashed winds. Men, stricken with terror, went mad at the awful sight in the Heavens. They were loosed from their senses and dashed about, crazed, not knowing what they did. The breath was sucked from their bodies and they were burnt with a strange ash.

Then it passed, leaving Earth enwrapped within a dark and glowering mantle which was ruddily lit up inside. The bowels of the Earth were torn open in great writhing upheavals and a howling whirlwind rent the mountains apart. The wrath of the sky-monster was loosed in the Heavens. It lashed about in flaming fury, roaring like a thousand thunders; it poured down fiery destruction amid a welter of thick black blood. So awesome was the fearfully aspected thing that the memory mercifully departed from man, his thoughts were smothered under a cloud of forgetfulness.

The Earth vomited forth great gusts of foul breath from awful mouths opening up in the midst of the land. The evil breath bit at the throat before it drove men mad and killed them. Those who did not die in this manner were smothered under a cloud of red dust and ashes, or were swallowed by the yawning mouths of Earth or crushed beneath crashing rocks.

The first sky-monster was joined by another which swallowed the tail of the one going before, but the two could not be seen at once. The sky-monster reigned and raged above Earth, doing battle to possess it, but the many bladed sword of God cut them in pieces, and their falling bodies enlarged the land and the sea.

In this manner the first Earth was destroyed by calamity descending from out of the skies. The vaults of Heaven had opened to bring forth monsters more fearsome than any that ever haunted the uneasy dreams of men. Men and their dwelling places were gone, only sky boulders and red earth remained where once they were, but amidst all the desolation a few survived, for man is not easily destroyed. They crept out from caves and came down from the mountainsides. Their eyes were wild and their limbs trembled, their bodies shook and their tongues lacked control. Their faces were twisted and the skin hung loose on their bones. They were as maddened wild beasts driven into an enclosure before flames; they knew no law, being deprived of all the wisdom they once had and those who had guided them were gone.

The Earth, only true Altar of God, had offered up a sacrifice of life and sorrow to atone for the sins of mankind. Man had not sinned in deed but in the things he had failed to do. Man suffers not only for what he does but for what he fails to do. He is not chastised for making mistakes but for failing to recognize and rectify them.

Then the great canopy of dust and cloud which encompassed the Earth, enshrouding it in heavy darkness, was pierced by ruddy light, and the canopy swept down in great cloudbursts and raging storm waters. Cool moon-tears were shed for the distress of Earth and the woes of men. When the light of the sun pierced the Earth's shroud, bathing the land in its revitalizing glory, the Earth again knew night and day, for there were now times of light and times of darkness. The smothering canopy rolled away and the vaults of Heaven became visible to man. The foul air was purified and new air clothed the reborn Earth, shielding her from the dark hostile void of Heaven. The rainstorms ceased to beat upon the faces of the land and the waters stilled their turmoil. Earthquakes no longer tore the Earth open, nor was it burned and buried by hot rocks.

The land masses were re-established in stability and solidity, standing firm in the midst of the surrounding waters. The oceans fell back to their assigned places and the land stood steady upon its foundations. The sun shone upon land and sea, and life was renewed upon the face of the Earth. Rain fell gently once more and clouds of fleece floated across dayskies. The waters were purified, the sediment sank and life increased in abundance. Life was renewed, but it was different. Man survived, but he was not the same. The sun was not as it had been and a moon had been taken away.

Man stood in the midst of renewal and regeneration. He looked up into the Heavens above in fear for the awful powers of destruction lurking there. Henceforth, the placid skies would hold a terrifying secret. Man found the new Earth firm and the Heavens fixed. He rejoiced but also feared, for he lived in dread that the Heavens would again bring forth monsters and crash about him.

[end quoting]

This scenario has been enacted many times in man's past. This particular account may pre-date the Bronze Age. Do you now have an idea of where "cavemen" originated from? Even the highest civilization, after the destruction of an ending-cycle, will have its survivors reduced to living in caves and hills. "Black blood" refers to oil, which is said to descend from the Destroyer, along with red dust, hail and debris the size of boulders. The Sky-monster, the dragon -- the Destroyer - is Wormwood, as referred to in Revelations. Planet X or Nibiru as referred to in these times.

These excerpts are presented, not to inspire fear, but to present evidence that the times we are experiencing are part of the natural cosmic cycle of Creation, Preservation and Destruction. We are at the end of a major world cycle, where the very Earth herself will be re-born into a higher plane of consciousness. Those who can tune to this new state of being will go with her, others who can attune to even higher vibratory rates will be released from the Earth-style wheel of rebirth for good, to continue their experience elsewhere in God's vast universe.

~ g

16 December 2010

For You

Of great importance, is the overstanding that the Christ is not a man, but an exalted, cosmic Consciousness. Jesus, the Christ, was a divine Avatar*. A union of the Love Aspect of the Father (Cosmic Spirit) with the Form Aspect (physical man). His mission was to live His life in such a way as to show future humanity what we are capable of doing and becoming when we follow the pattern He laid down for us.

* the manifestation of a deity in human form

He was born and lived as a man (amidst man's foibles and temptations). He sought Truth relentlessly. He served and healed His fellow man. When He was fit to do so, He consecrated himself to The Christ (via the baptism) and, so unified with Universal Love Consciousness, went forth to spread the Word. He was vilified, plotted against, kidnapped, tortured, suffered and was then put to death -- or so it seemed. 72 hours later, His mortal body abandoned, He returned to those who could see him, in what is called the vital body (also known as the etheric double, the subtle, etheric matrix that underlies our physical body). He then left this world, this physical plane - demonstrating for us the culminating achievement of Final Liberation.

To live a life of such power in order to set an indelible example for those yet unborn was a supreme sacrifice. And it worked. The life of the Christed One is still discussed and examined today. Unfortunately, the meaning behind His living is often misunderstood, obscured or dismissed.

The overriding purpose of Jesus' life was not to show you what He could do, it was to show us what WE can, and MUST do, if we are to finally leave this world of illusions and return to our divine Home. That is why this period of time, this ending-cycle is so critical. A RARE OPPORTUNITY OF GRACE IS BEING EXTENDED TO ALL THOSE WHO PREPARE THEMSELVES TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS IS RETURNING TO THIS PLANET, NOT IN THE FORM OF A SINGLE HUMAN BEING, BUT IN POWER. The Christ is offering to take on the karma of any human soul who chooses to turn away from the fields of Darkness and Death. This means that one's subtle vehicles will be purged of all impurities, enabling one to escape from this prison planet and ascend to Higher Spheres, where such impurities are not allowed.

The 'second' coming of the Christ will be manifested by groups of dedicated Servers, multiplying the power of this Consciousness and anchoring it upon this physical plane. Make no mistake, this time it will be a group effort of like-minded souls who will be instrumental in assisting the Earth in her re-birthing as well as those human souls who awaken in time to remember their true heritage. What has been called (derisively, at times) "The Rapture" will be effected in group formation.

This tremendous in-pouring of Cosmic Love will not sit well with the invisible rulers of this dark planet. It is like mixing oil and water. The rulers are already agitated and desperately attempting in every way possible to spiritually pollute the ethers of this planet so that humanity will not have the strength or awareness to withdraw from the material realm. As the Judgement draws closer, this invisible (to those who cannot see) battle between Light and dark will only escalate. Humans as well, are fighting their own battles of Armageddon, as their spiritual self attempts to wrest permanent control from the physical body.

During these Final Days, many are being misled. False prophets abound, especially in the organized religions. One will have to choose to either trust their Heart or trust in man, who is ever prone to error and dishonesty. Always consider everything you read, hear or see. Consult with your own inner light, your Conscience, as to whether a thing or a concept 'feels right' to you. Your Conscience will never mislead you, as it carries the accumulated wisdom of all your incarnations.

The Harvest is great, the workers are but few. May those who are still undecided make a decision today to join in the Great Work, the Divine Plan of Salvation. May those who are still unaware, awaken. May those who have chosen The Way, not falter.

~ g

15 December 2010

AGJC - Chapter 68

From The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus, the Christ - Chapter 68


1) THE news soon spread abroad that Jesus, king of Israel, had come to Bethany, and all the people of the town came forth to greet the king.

2)And Jesus, standing in the midst of them, exclaimed, "Behold, indeed, the king has come, but Jesus is not king. 3) The kingdom truly is at hand; but men can see it not with carnal eyes; they cannot see the king upon the throne. 4) This is the kingdom of the soul; its throne is not an earthly throne; its king is not a man. 5) When human kings found kingdoms here, they conquer other kings by force of arms; one kingdom rises on the ruins of another one. 6) But when our Father-God sets up the kingdom of the soul, he pours his blessings forth, like rain, upon the thrones of earthly kings who rule in righteousness".

7) "It is not rule that God would overthrow; his sword is raised against injustice, wantonness and crime. 8) Now, while the kings of Rome do justice, and love mercy and walk humbly with their God, the benediction of the Triune God will rest upon them all. 9) They need not fear a messenger whom God sends forth to earth. 10) I am not sent to sit upon a throne to rule as Caesar rules; and you may tell the ruler of the Jews that I am not a claimant for his throne".

11) "Men call me Christ, and God has recognized the name; but Christ is not a man. The Christ is universal love, and Love is king. 12) This Jesus is but man who has been fitted by temptations overcome, by trials multiform, to be the temple through which Christ can manifest to men. 13) Then hear, you men of Israel, hear! Look not upon the flesh; it is not king. Look to the Christ within, who shall be formed in every one of you, as he is formed in me. 14) When you have purified your hearts by faith, the king will enter in, and you will see his face".

15) And then the people asked, What must we do that we may make our bodies fit abiding places for the king?

16) And Jesus said, "Whatever tends to purity in thought, and word, and deed will cleanse the temple of the flesh. 17) There are no rules that can apply to all, for men are specialists in sin; each has his own besetting sin, 18) And each must study for himself how he can best transmute his tendency to evil things to that of righteousness and love. 19) Until men reach the higher plane, and get away from selfishness, this rule will give the best results:

Do unto other men what you would have them do to you".

[end quoting]

The message has always been the same. The simplest of Laws. A Law which, if one chooses to live it, can throw open the gates of the Heart and make it a fit home for The King.

~ g

14 December 2010

The Destroyer

The Kolbrin.

A document unearthed in England in the mid-20th century of apparent Egyptian origin. A portion of it speaks of a catastrophe that occurred around the time of The Exodus, circa 15th century B.C. The Kolbrin was left as a guide and a warning. A warning - in obedience to the Law of Cycles - that what has come before, will come again.

Predictably, the skeptics dismiss The Kolbrin as a hoax, just as they do with every other artifact that they cannot hide, destroy or explain away. They scream "fake", then let man's natural doubt and fear do the rest. To accept their determination without investigating the matter for one's self is to fail a critical test.



Men forget the days of the Destroyer. Only the wise know where it went and that it will return in its appointed hour.

It raged across the Heavens in the days of wrath, and this was its likeness: It was as a billowing cloud of smoke enwrapped in a ruddy glow, not distinguishable in joint or limb. Its mouth was an abyss from which came flame, smoke and hot cinders.

When ages pass, certain laws operate upon the stars in the Heavens.
Their ways change, there is movement and restlessness, they are no longer constant and a great light appears redly in the skies.

When blood drops upon the Earth, the Destroyer will appear and mountains will open up and belch forth fire and ashes. Trees will be destroyed and all living things engulfed. Waters will be swallowed up by the land and seas will boil. The Heavens will burn brightly and redly, there will be a copper hue over the face of the land, followed by a day of darkness. A new moon will appear and break up and fall.

The people will scatter in madness. They will hear the trumpet and battle cry of the Destroyer and will seek refuge in the den in the Earth. Terror will eat away their hearts and their courage will flow from them like water from a broken pitcher. They will be eaten up in the flames of wrath and consumed by the breath of the Destroyer.

Thus in the Days of Heavenly Wrath, which have gone, and thus it will be in the Days of Doom when it comes again. The times of its coming and going are known unto the wise.

These are the signs and times which shall precede the Destroyer’s return:

A hundred and ten generations shall pass into the West and nations will rise and fall.
Men will fly in the air as birds and swim in the seas as fishes.
Men will talk peace one with another, hypocrisy and deceit shall have their day.
Women will be as men and men as women, passion will be a plaything of man.
A nation of soothsayers shall rise and fall and their tongue shall be the speech learned.
A nation of law givers shall rule the Earth and pass away into nothingness.
One worship will pass into the four quarters of the Earth, talking peace and bringing war.
A nation of the seas will be greater than any other, but will be as an apple rotten at the core and will not endure.
A nation of traders will destroy men with wonders and it shall have its day.
Then shall the high strive with the low, the North with the South, the East with the West, and the light with the darkness.
Men shall be divided by their races and the children will be born as strangers among them.
Brother shall strive with brother and husband with wife.
Fathers will no longer instruct their sons and their sons will be wayward.
Women will become the common property of men and will no longer be held in regard and respect.

Then men will be ill at ease in their hearts, they will seek they know not what, and uncertainty and doubt will trouble them. They will possess great riches but be poor in spirit. Then will the Heavens tremble and the Earth move, men will quake in fear and while terror walks with them the Heralds of Doom will appear. They will come softly, as thieves to the tombs, men will not know them for what they are, men will be deceived, the hour of the Destroyer is at hand.

In those days men will have the Great Book before them, wisdom will be revealed, the few will be gathered for the stand, it is the hour of trial. The dauntless ones will survive, the stout-hearted will not go down to destruction. Great God of All Ages, alike to all, who sets the trials of man, be merciful to our children in the Days of Doom. Man must suffer to be great, but hasten not his progress unduly. In the great winnowing, be not too harsh on the lesser ones among men. Even the son of a thief has become Your scribe.

[end quoting]

Man has no idea of what is just around the corner. No idea. Humanity has been lied to, mis-directed and distracted for the past 2,000+ years. The ancients left us many warnings. This was only natural after experiencing the most incredibly terrifying events physical man can experience. But your governments, your archaeologists, your scientists, your astronomers are all dedicated to digging up these warnings, these facts, this proof and then either hiding it or destroying it. So the skeptics fold their arms across their chests and smirk, "ya got proof?". The Kolbrin stands as a fragment of the proof that our Adversary has worked so diligently to keep from you.

The end of this cycle is here. Earth will be cleansed. Humanity will be separated - the sheep from the goats, the Children of Light from the Sons of Darkness. Those who selflessly and sincerely align with The Divine Plan will be spared the worst of the disasters that are returning to the physical plane. Those who choose to spit in the wind, to ignore the warnings, to refuse to seek and find the Truth, who insist that God does not exist...these will be left to experience The Terrors before mercifully having their microcosms purged by astral fire.

The Harvest is now. Prepare ye.

~ g

The True Purpose of Life

From The New Call Q & A:



Q. ...Our true purpose is to carry out the designs of Nature and Divine Order, so as to build a truly progressive world society, and a truly profound inner self...

A. Only God can Build aright. Mankind builds in the illusion, an illusion that is necessarily destroyed, recycled and replaced at the end of every world cycle.

This world is a temporal emergency order of existence. It was established by the Elohim in order to prevent fallen mankind from destroying itself completely through ignorance; hence the institution of death and rebirth, which prevents mankind from crystallizing too far.

The only purpose of the emergency order, the temporal universe, is to provide a place for fallen mankind to resolve its karma and return to God, to leave this world completely. If we choose to build in it, we are actually only attempting to make a paradise of an illusion, which is, of course, impossible. Building "progressive societies" etc. in the emergency order creates pain and suffering. This is so because universal law is trying to tell us that we are missing the whole point of being here in duality in the first place: to resolve our karma, to leave this world and return Home to God, at the earliest possible opportunity. Any dualistic activity, any dualistic thinking, aspiring or attachment will only delay us and prevent us from leaving this world, as it fortifies the illusion in our own minds.

Seek and you will find. You are closer than most in some of your ideas, but not yet perfectly clear in your understanding. This is why you are attempting to serve fallen human personalities and the fallen world instead of surrendering to God's Will and the divine plan of Salvation.

[end quoting]

Um, the preceding was/is kind of important...

~ g

12 December 2010

The Aquarian Gospel

Was going to post this link without comment, then decided to add the following:

The life of the one called Jesus has been severely edited. It is a testimony to the power of that incarnation that the divine Truths exemplified through his life are still able to reach those who can perceive them. The AGJC details the life of the Christed One, filling in the blanks that have been left out of the accepted holy works of this world. Divine wisdom, timeless and piercing, leap from every page. You are invited to make this a part of your library, or not.

Truth can only be offered. The decision as to whether we accept the opportunity to examine any Truth remains ours alone.

The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus, The Christ

~ g

10 December 2010


"We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the Life that is waiting for us"

-- Joseph Campbell

~ g

08 December 2010

Keys To Awakening


AS PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED, invisible divine Agents are reaching out to humanity in blessing at this important time upon Earth like never before, and so, courtesy of these Servants of the race, keys to awakening are now readily available to every aspirant who is earnest and persevering. When the portal of spiritual opportunity is beheld by those who are in possession of the keys, together they will be able to open the combination-lock and to cross over the threshold into the New World. So what and where are these keys? There are many, they are diverse and, for most people today, they remain concealed. However, there are just three Master Keys which, once discovered and employed, will avail the sincere aspirant of all the others, and these three will now be revealed.

The first Master Key for all those who are lost in the wilderness of this wayward world is an earnest and humble attitude of SEEKING.

The Truth may only be found if it is earnestly sought, and the search for the meaning of life is something that absolutely everyone would undertake if they were not so immersed in an overabundance of worldly distractions. [The] second Master Key for some, is MEDITATION. Contrary to common misunderstanding, meditation is not merely a formal sitting practise of concentration. When the focused mind is fully and steadily directed toward any object, idea or activity for a due length of time, thereby piercing the veil of illusion and uniting with the inner or hidden reality - the Greater Life to which the mind belongs - then meditation is performed. Therefore, one accurate definition of meditation is: focused attention upon life.

Seeking and meditation, then, lead to the all-important understanding that shall consequently reveal that active SERVICE is the most significant of the three Master Keys, and of greater importance to the aspirant even than dedicated formal meditation. This is so because it is the earnest and truly selfless activity of the individual that evokes the powers of the Spirit, brings about the intensification of the divine life, and leads, in a graded series of steps, to the Great Renunciation, which sets the server eternally free from the illusion of matter.

[end quoting]

For the full message, read
"Keys To Awakening" in The New Call.

~ g

07 December 2010

The Water Basin


One of the great laws is that in order to receive we must give, for, like the giant water-basin, it can receive the heavenly rains until it chokes and swells and runs over, but it must run over, giving of its abundance to the dry parched ground beneath it. If it does not, then it bursts and can contain no more. But if it does give of its abundance then, when the great rains come again from heaven, it will be replenished all the more and again can give as the hungry earth drinks in every drop and waits for the great water vessel to give of its abundance.

Only those vessels that have given receive of the latter rain. So ever is it a process in our development through many millenia. We give and receive, but every time we receive, we receive more. The water vessel is not a stationary, permanent thing. It becomes ever larger, ever more shapely, ever more perfect in the eyes of the Father.

Our entire Solar System is now coming into the Great Initiation, for it is true that we are now heading directly for the Super-sun which governs our Galaxy, around which countless island universes perpetually move and have existence. Our system is headed for the center of this activity, and this increased rate of vibration will profoundly affect everything in our System; whether it be mental, physical, or spiritual it will not escape the change in the vibration of energy that is coming.

[Now] let us take as an example two men. Both have committed the same error exactly in all its details. Each one has done the same thing. But can we condemn each man equally? No, we cannot condemn either man. But let us look into the cause of things. On Earth man looks only to effect and never to cause. Once he looks into the heart of things he will find that it is the heart of the Father Himself; then from there all the rays of creation proceed out from Him. He will never find it by looking at the rays alone. He cannot trace it from effect to cause. It must be from cause to effect. So let us look not at the effect which is what man has done but let us look at the cause.

Let us take one man. We find that he has done a certain thing through ignorance of the law. The other man had no knowledge of the law. It is said in your world that ignorance of the law is no excuse, but in the Father's realm ignorance of the law is an excuse. But once we have learned the law, if we falter and make error, then we are indeed in a different category than those who through ignorance perform the same thing. You see, the sin or error is not in stepping into the hole in the ground; the error is in stepping in it twice, once we know it is not the thing to do.

Therefore, I give you this example to show you the condition that the Earth is in at the present time. The Earth has had many civilizations, and, when one has gone to the bottomless pit, man rises in his cultural development and again builds a glorious civilization with great scientific and technical advance. But again the civilization drops to the bottomless pit. There is the error of the Earth, for on Venus there has never been a destruction of a civilization. On the planet you know as Mars it has occurred twice. But how many hundreds of times has it taken place on Earth!

Man must learn to apply knowledge once he has attained it. You are now in the process of developing your physical forms. If you develop them and attain, yet do not apply what you have learned, you will soon lose what you have attained. In fact, you would perhaps be in worse condition than you were before you started.

So man on Earth must learn to apply the knowledge in constructive channels. Therefore once we have asked (because the Father has said if we ask we shall receive) -- once we have asked and have received, the law is we must apply what we have received, and then we must give what we have received.


[end quoting]

Excerpted from "Secret of the Andes" -- Brother Philip, George H. Williamson

Giving is a form of service, a very important form. Receiving is worthless, unless we turn what is received around and selflessly offer it to others. The most important service we can provide at the close of this major world-cycle is to inform those who are willing to listen of the Truth of these times. Spread the word that each and every man must now align himself with either light or darkness, Spirit or matter, "self"-consciousness or Christ-consciousness. There will be no middle ground. It will be man's demonstration of his choice that will be the decider. It is not enough to say that one is STO (Service-to-Other), one must live STO. It is not enough to seek and learn Truth, one must then live that Truth

If you are still living in a "self"-focused manner, now is the time to completely reverse that focus and turn in sincerity towards the well-being of others. What can you do to serve The Divine Plan? How can you become a vessel for Christ-consciousness to generously fill and then overflow? Even if you cannot explain the dire situation that stands before mankind, you can serve by asking for guidance, diligently seeking the Truth, putting the self last and helping others where help is required.

From deepest antiquity up until this present moment, all of man's miseries have stemmed from desiring for himself. Think about this! Think deeply on this!! You will see that this is true! What then, do you think stands to take place when man reverses his focus and desires naught for himself, but only for the well-being of others?

Change your focus. Now. Today. Not to save yourself, but to serve humanity. In service lies man's salvation.

~ g

06 December 2010

Rainbow's End


The Father placed the Earth and all celestial bodies in the heavens. They are created out of the spiraling primordial matter for man. Man was to be the god of physical form: Man, the highest expression of Deity known in the entire Omniverse.

O, man! Realize that you are the highest form of Deity anywhere in the Omniverse. There is nothing beyond you. And in this you are grand; and in this you are the lowest. You are the lowest because you know and other life forms do not know. Therefore, you must be their brother and their servant.

There is life and intelligence in all forms, as ancient man knew. Man alone is not the only thinking being. Every element, every mineral--all forms--have inherent intelligence, and man is their keeper and elder brother. You are the elder brother of these forms, innumerable forms throughout the Omniverse. It is up to you to raise them to ever higher evolution as they, along with man, progress up the worlds to infinite grandeur, to Infinite Light.

The beauty of the age now approaches when all doubts and fears shall be rolled away as a great scroll.. And there shall be great thundering! The heavens are torn asunder! And then man views himself and looks into the mirror of knowing. No longer is there confusion. Man accepts the scepter of his godhood so that no longer may his progression up the stars be hindered by the darkness of Ignorance and Superstition. Know this, and in knowing it there must of necessity be sadness; and yet there must be gladness for the beauty that it shall bring.

Since the time when the Sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and animal-man appeared upon the Earth, he has been striving from beast-hood back to angelhood. But faulty thinking shall now break forth as the elements refuse to be regarded as they have been for millenia, upon the Earth. The elements! They are intelligent life! They are part of the Infinite One, and because they are part of the Infinite One they will not respond to man's negative thinking any longer. And they will rebel, causing great tidal waves and great winds. Millions shall perish! They shall be reborn anew on other worlds appropriate to their level of progression. And because of the remnant that must remain, the Earth is purified and raised to a new vibration.

Very soon the winds shall howl, sooner than we can realize. It is already upon us, for I have witnessed it in the plane which is just above that of physical expression upon the Earth, and that means that if it descends one more plane then it shall find reality.

It is truly recorded in the greatest archives of akasha that God did truly provide and man divided. That is the motto of Earth. Man must come back from his multitudinous sins to the One God, for it is not in complexity that we find the Father. It is in simplicity that we find Him.

As you serve, remember that each and every one of your fellow men is deity. Think of each one that you meet not as this man or woman or child but that each one that comes before you is the Father in essence.

I would give you a divine commandment of the time immediately ahead: Feed the sheep of God. Give where it is required. Give not of your past glories but give them that which the soul needs. Tell them that there shall be catastrophe! Prepare them for that. But tell them that out of this shall come the greater light--Tell them that, yes, catastrophe comes upon the Earth; for the night cometh when no man can work, and the night is now here--catastrophe, disaster and despair. And the flood gates and the winds shall wash and blow away all the old. It was the spawn of darkness; for it can be endured by all men if they know beyond is rainbow's end, the golden promise of godhood and oneness with our Father.


[end quoting]

Excerpted from "Secret of the Andes" -- Brother Philip, George H. Williamson

01 December 2010

Re: Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Heard on the radio yesterday:

"U.S. military chaplains are opposed to the repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'* based on moral grounds".

As if anything could be more immoral than invading sovereign nations and killing other human beings for the most specious of reasons. How about a little moral opposition to warfare?

This from a so-called "man of god". Here before you is a prime example of mankind's Wrong Thinking. On this fallen planet, rules are made up to suit Man's purposes, while Divine laws are ignored and trammeled upon.

For the record, this writer neither supports nor opposes the law, or lifestyles, involved here.

~ g

* if unsure as to the particulars of this law, Google it.

24 November 2010

Ride 'Em, Cowboy

Here is yet another analogy regarding the nature of humanity and its condition. Trust, all this eventually leads somewhere.

A wild horse is a sight to see. Untamed, unshackled and free to run with the wind. Then a cowboy comes along thinking "What a fine animal. So strong and powerful. I will tame him and bring him under control. Together, he and I can do great things!". So, the cowboy manages to rope the horse, who is quite naturally not happy with this turn of events. The horse rears, snarls and kicks as it tries to escape. The horse has now become what is known as a "bronco", as in "bucking bronco".

The cowboy is not deterred. He attempts to saddle the horse. It takes many days of trying. Finally, he is able to winch the saddle onto the bronco. Now it is time to mount the animal and teach it to cooperate with a higher being. The cowboy manages to mount the bronco, but here's where it lives up to its name: every time the cowboy gets into the saddle, the bronco bucks him off. A battle of wills begins, staged between horse and rider. One is attempting to retain its self-will, the other is attempting to harness its energy so that together, they can produce more than they would apart.

Hours pass. At first, the bronco appears to have limitless energy. The cowboy is determined, however. Bruised and dusty, he continues to attempt to "break" the bronco. As night begins to fall, the bronco begins to lose a bit of steam. His kicks and bucks decrease in energy until they are little more than nudges. Finally, as the moon begins to rise, the cowboy mounts the bronco and the animal is...STILL.

You know the rest. The rider teaches the horse how to obey commands, how to turn left, turn right, gallop on command, etc. The horse becomes an extension of the man. It even begins to love the man and finds itself eager to serve and please him. Together, the rider and the horse are able to do much important work, and the difficulties of their early days are all but forgotten.

Man is that bucking bronco. Spirit is the cowboy. Man has the ability to become so much more than what he is, but he requires the assistance of Spirit. He has to forgo living for himself, join with Spirit and begin to live for a Higher Purpose. But man is ignorantly selfish. "Doing his own thing" is all that he knows. He will rebel against any sort of perceived "control", even if it is being offered by his own Spirit.

When Man relinquishes his self-will and allows Spirit to act through his physical vehicle, then he is on his way to Remembrance. Spirit and Matter are meant to be a partnership. As long as Man continues to "buck" Spirit, he will ever be lost and unhappy, even though he thinks he is "free".

Release attachment to the physical world. Seek Truth diligently. Listen to The Voice Within. With devotion and sincerity, invite Spirit to take up residence your heart. Then stand aside and watch the magic happen.

Saddle up. Let's ride.

~ g

Bronco-busting Instructions

23 November 2010

On Becoming "A Real Boy"

On reaching home, he found the house door half open. He slipped into the room, locked the door, and threw himself on the floor, happy at his escape.

But his happiness lasted only a short time, for just then he heard someone saying:


"Who is calling me?" asked Pinocchio, greatly frightened.

"I am!"

Pinocchio turned and saw a large cricket crawling slowly up the wall.

"Tell me, Cricket, who are you?"

"I am the Talking Cricket and I have been living in this room for more than one hundred years."

"Today, however, this room is mine," said the Marionette, "and if you wish to do me a favor, get out now, and don't turn around even once."

"I refuse to leave this spot," answered the Cricket, "until I have told you a great truth."

"Tell it, then, and hurry."

"Woe to boys who refuse to obey their parents and run away from home! They will never be happy in this world, and when they are older they will be very sorry for it."

"Sing on, Cricket mine, as you please. What I know is, that tomorrow, at dawn, I leave this place forever. If I stay here the same thing will happen to me which happens to all other boys and girls. They are sent to school, and whether they want to or not, they must study. As for me, let me tell you, I hate to study! It's much more fun, I think, to chase after butterflies, climb trees, and steal birds' nests."

"Poor little silly! Don't you know that if you go on like that, you will grow into a perfect donkey and that you'll be the laughingstock of everyone?"

"Keep still, you ugly Cricket!" cried Pinocchio.

But the Cricket, who was a wise old philosopher, instead of being offended at Pinocchio's impudence, continued in the same tone:

"If you do not like going to school, why don't you at least learn a trade, so that you can earn an honest living?"

"Shall I tell you something?" asked Pinocchio, who was beginning to lose patience. "Of all the trades in the world, there is only one that really suits me."

"And what can that be?"

"That of eating, drinking, sleeping, playing, and wandering around from morning till night."

"Let me tell you, for your own good, Pinocchio," said the Talking Cricket in his calm voice, "that those who follow that trade always end up in the hospital or in prison."

"Careful, ugly Cricket! If you make me angry, you'll be sorry!"

"Poor Pinocchio, I am sorry for you."


"Because you are a Marionette and, what is much worse, you have a wooden head."

At these last words, Pinocchio jumped up in a fury, took a hammer from the bench, and threw it with all his strength at the Talking Cricket.

Perhaps he did not think he would strike it. But, sad to relate, my dear children, he did hit the Cricket, straight on its head.

With a last weak "cri-cri-cri" the poor Cricket fell from the wall, dead!

So-called 'fairy tales' carry much wisdom. The marionette, Pinocchio? He represents Fallen Man. The Talking Cricket? His conscience. Remember all the trials that Pinocchio endured simply because he refused to listen to his "conscience"? Why, he came very close to becoming firewood.

It was only when Pinocchio consciously decided to unselfishly help and serve others, and not himself, that he became what he had long dreamt of...a real boy.

Those who have ears to hear...

~ g