29 December 2010

How To Prepare (Reprinted)

Along with the anticipated destructive nature of this ending cycle there is also going to be a reaping, a harvesting. Souls will be chosen (actually, we choose ourselves via our actions and are doing so each and every minute) to make up the seeds of the coming Sixth Root Race that will journey along with the Earth into a higher plane of existence. Remember, before we can create something there must first be a "breaking up". When baking a cake, the separated ingredients of eggs, flour, milk etc, must first be mixed together in a bowl. The mixture is formless. It must undergo a transmutation by fire in order to be given form. The finished cake bears no resemblance to the destruction that was required to make it.

Well, we are baking a cake here, along with Mother Earth - Gaia. It may not look very pretty during the coming Tribulations, but keep in mind always that this "cake" is going to be baked, nothing can stop that. Once we have gone through the fire and the smoke clears, we will see why it was all necessary. So, have no fear. Feel Joy instead!

The last few posts dealt with the physically "destructive" (purifying, purging) aspects of the coming Tribulations. Some may now be asking "how do I prepare spiritually?". The following is a re-print from an October 5, 2009 post entitled How To Prepare - Receiving The Aquarian Energies. This information is crucially important for those who wish to begin to undertake the necessary steps to prepare themselves for the flood of Divine Light which will soon envelop the entire world. Print it out, save it for reference. Better yet, download the entire New Call e-book.

Bold emphasis and italics are mine. Apologies for the length, but i did not want to break up this passage into segments.


The controlled imagination is a powerful creative force, for every thought to which we give birth becomes a living, semi-intelligent entity (sometimes called an elemental) upon the other side of the veil between the third density and the next, influencing humanity for good or for ill. All of the activities that we might call evil, whether unholy thoughts or negative emotions, invariably manifest themselves as vibrations in the more coarse matter upon subtle planes, whilst good and unselfish thought or emotion sets in vibration the higher types of matter. As finer matter is much more readily stirred into responsive activity than is coarse, it follows that a given amount of force spent in good thought or feeling produces a result that is many times greater than the same amount of force projected into coarser matter. In terms of value and lasting positive effect, just one unselfish and loving thought may contain the potency of a hundred negative thoughts.

It will be especially advantageous in the years ahead for everyone to understand well that if there is in the human aura no matter (vibration) capable of response, then negative thought-currents cannot permanently affect that person at all. A pure heart and mind are the best protection against inimical assaults of thought and feeling. However, mankind may take one step beyond mere self-protection, for the vibration of Love is both the greatest protector and benefactor in the whole universe. With spiritual understanding, therefore, humanity may begin to use its natural capacity to generate thought-force for the benefit and upliftment of all life.

... it is most apparent that there is much discord and tension predominating generally in the world today. As was indicated previously, our environs inevitably affect our consciousness, and this is so particularly for those who are sensitive. As tension rises within the mind and emotions of a man, his subtle energy fields become inflamed and so are much more likely to impinge detrimentally upon the auras and, therefore, the consciousness of others around him. Auric contamination is especially intensified in cities and other highly populated areas for obvious reasons. Additionally, as sensitivity is heightened for all humanity in accord with the ongoing changes, toxic emanations such as electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), air and noise pollution, and unnatural and noxious substances like chemical additives in foods, etc., are causing greater adversity for the reactive majority.

A fundamental understanding of the inner constitution of man will be extremely helpful in accepting and living optimistically amidst the inevitable transformations that are already today affecting everyone on various
The etheric (subtle energy) body, that partly constitutes the human aura, is a receiver (and transmitter) of vibrational forces and energies, and is inseparably linked to its etheric chakras (energy centres) through which flow the new Aquarian frequencies from the higher planes. Each chakra, in turn, is directly associated with an endocrine gland and certain nerve plexuses in the physical body. Due to their close relationship with the chakras, the endocrine and nervous systems of mankind are today undergoing radical changes: a process of transmutation. The intensification of subtle energies upon Earth, both externally and from within, necessitates a complete rewiring of the physical and subtle nervous systems. Additionally, the organs and glands in the physical body are being upgraded in order that they too may sustain the increased frequencies that are steadily streaming into the planet in preparation for the Great Shift. Humanity, then, is being reorganised upon cellular, atomic, subatomic and ethereal levels.

Within the human vehicles of consciousness (which include many layers of subtle energy in the aura), there exists a great storehouse of biological data which is being stimulated and released by today's higher frequencies. The new energies are also activating previously dormant areas of the brain (including the pineal and pituitary glands) as they are simultaneously affecting the chromosomes and DNA/RNA in each cell, consequently opening up latent intuitive faculties and activating miscellaneous subtle stimuli which are eliciting psychic awakenings in many.

Certain levels of the human constitution will be affected more than others at different times as the planetary shifts ensue. Many observable symptoms of the ongoing changes are transpiring today for humanity, and these include: anxiety, irritability, tension, nervousness, restlessness, depression, confusion, worry, fear, forgetfulness, insomnia, visionary experiences, various changes in awareness, lucid-dreaming, unexpected and often uncontrollable catharsis, e.g., sorrow, laughter, exhilaration, etc. Physical symptoms may include: headaches, muscle soreness, joint pains, disruptive digestion, loss of appetite, fatigue, stomach-ache, heart palpitations, muscle spasms, allergies, etc. Sometimes the human vehicles will expend energy at irregular rates, oscillating between hyperactivity and unusual sluggishness. At times the physical body may require certain nutrients in quantities that it did not need previously, and many people today are feeling a demand to change their diet to lighter, unrefined, raw and more vital foodstuffs.

Positive thoughts and healthy emotions react most favourably upon both the subtle and physical bodies of man and improve their ability to assimilate life-force and to receive other beneficial energies. The endocrine system is responsible for secreting hormones and other substances into the bloodstream, and such natural activity is increased in response to emotional reactions to life experience; an experience which is today growing more intense for everyone. Our inner biological pharmacopoeia is triggered in accordance with the unique events passed through and the subsequent choices made by each individual. For example, anger releases adrenalin, while elation releases endorphins. As new energies are received, translated by each person's awareness and consequently expressed in a unique way, one's positive or negative responses will determine subtle and physical reactions that shall precipitate the corresponding beneficial or detrimental effects upon all levels of one's constitution.

As the physical, etheric, emotional, mental and higher vehicles of consciousness are all interconnected, an effect in any one of them will generally influence the others to some degree. Favourable chemical release will serve to catalyse higher vibratory rates in the human vehicles and so assist with the transition into a more elevated and expanded awareness. It may be helpful to compare the aforementioned effects with those of psychoactive drugs, which function in the same way and may consequently induce similar but temporary results in consciousness. However, the effects elicited by the waves of energy during the birth of the New World will be naturally induced and permanent.

Negative reactions to symptoms of purification, i.e., antagonistic thoughts and emotions, will result in the introduction of toxins into the bloodstream, and in causing chemical imbalances these will, of course, hinder the important process of positive transformation. The secretion and circulation of poisons in the physical body will effect a corresponding lowering of vibration in the vehicles of consciousness, and this will contribute significantly toward an increased susceptibility to adverse environmental influences of all kinds, for like attracts like. In order to be received, the inflowing Aquarian energies demand humble, open and surrendered channels. Humanity must therefore be informed and aware at this time in order that prudent choices may be made in response to global processes rather than unwitting reactions.

Clearly, then, there may be one of two possible responses of consequence to the influx of the new energies:

1) Those who choose, with awareness, discrimination and trust, to attune to the higher energies will experience purification, transmutation, expeditious inner growth, positive expansions of consciousness and spiritual unfoldment as they are aided by the rising Aquarian frequencies and as they are catalysed into awakening. Such discerning persons will behold their consciousness rising naturally to new heights of experience and expression, and they will enjoy the greatest freedom and capacity for love that they have ever known in their lives. Eventually, together with the discovery of a marvellous new agility and vitality born within their finely-tuned bodies, they will open up to a much greater flow of spiritual energy via their refined nervous systems, and they will finally graduate most joyfully during the impending Harvest Time.

2) Those who are unwilling or unable to release old and deleterious character-patterns shall witness an unpleasant accumulation of blocked energy in their bodies, and this may culminate in the gross magnification of previously-tempered or suppressed personality traits, these latter being discharged with increasingly uncontrolled furor to the detriment of themselves and others around them.

The human dense and subtle energy systems are inseparably linked to those of the Earth. Therefore, as humanity is purified and transformed, our whole globe is concurrently and similarly affected, and vice-versa. The planetary energy grid (the Earth's nervous system) and its vortex network (the chakra system of the planet) are today undergoing a process of fundamental change. Some old vortexes are atrophying and dying, whilst others are being vivified, and even new vortexes are appearing, all in accord with the Divine Plan for our planet, which shall ensure the successful emergence of the New World Consciousness for planet Earth.

...excerpted from "The New and the Old" [The New Call at
http://thenewcall.org/] This chapter and the entire book bear reading...and re-reading. This website is highly recommended for the earnest and serious Seeker. Here is information that could assist those who wish to know who they really "are" and possibly help them to remember their Missions.


Hate to cut-and-paste such a large nugget of Information, but felt it necessary. There is an in-streaming Energy flooding the planet during this ending-cycle and many are completely unaware. This Aquarian Energy is available to all. The transmutations effected by it (or not) will depend on the quality of the physical, etheric, emotional and mental vibrations of the Individual.

Be at Peace. Be Optimistic. Confrontation and Disagreement should no longer be a part of Life. Be Compassionate. Be Understanding. Be Kind. Be Charitible. See the Creator in all Others. Love all, including those who care not for us.

Take care of the Physical vehicle - eat right, exercise.

Take care of our Emotional vehicle - maintain a pleasant state of Peaceful Contentment. Do not wildy swing from Happiness to Sorrow and back again. Monitor our desires for signs of Selfishness.

Take care of our Mental vehicle - establish "right thinking"; employ thoughts of a Higher and Loving nature in every situation. Think "we" in place of "I".

Grace is being offered. Turn not away.

All Love,

~~ G

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