08 December 2010

Keys To Awakening


AS PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED, invisible divine Agents are reaching out to humanity in blessing at this important time upon Earth like never before, and so, courtesy of these Servants of the race, keys to awakening are now readily available to every aspirant who is earnest and persevering. When the portal of spiritual opportunity is beheld by those who are in possession of the keys, together they will be able to open the combination-lock and to cross over the threshold into the New World. So what and where are these keys? There are many, they are diverse and, for most people today, they remain concealed. However, there are just three Master Keys which, once discovered and employed, will avail the sincere aspirant of all the others, and these three will now be revealed.

The first Master Key for all those who are lost in the wilderness of this wayward world is an earnest and humble attitude of SEEKING.

The Truth may only be found if it is earnestly sought, and the search for the meaning of life is something that absolutely everyone would undertake if they were not so immersed in an overabundance of worldly distractions. [The] second Master Key for some, is MEDITATION. Contrary to common misunderstanding, meditation is not merely a formal sitting practise of concentration. When the focused mind is fully and steadily directed toward any object, idea or activity for a due length of time, thereby piercing the veil of illusion and uniting with the inner or hidden reality - the Greater Life to which the mind belongs - then meditation is performed. Therefore, one accurate definition of meditation is: focused attention upon life.

Seeking and meditation, then, lead to the all-important understanding that shall consequently reveal that active SERVICE is the most significant of the three Master Keys, and of greater importance to the aspirant even than dedicated formal meditation. This is so because it is the earnest and truly selfless activity of the individual that evokes the powers of the Spirit, brings about the intensification of the divine life, and leads, in a graded series of steps, to the Great Renunciation, which sets the server eternally free from the illusion of matter.

[end quoting]

For the full message, read
"Keys To Awakening" in The New Call.

~ g

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