06 December 2010

Rainbow's End


The Father placed the Earth and all celestial bodies in the heavens. They are created out of the spiraling primordial matter for man. Man was to be the god of physical form: Man, the highest expression of Deity known in the entire Omniverse.

O, man! Realize that you are the highest form of Deity anywhere in the Omniverse. There is nothing beyond you. And in this you are grand; and in this you are the lowest. You are the lowest because you know and other life forms do not know. Therefore, you must be their brother and their servant.

There is life and intelligence in all forms, as ancient man knew. Man alone is not the only thinking being. Every element, every mineral--all forms--have inherent intelligence, and man is their keeper and elder brother. You are the elder brother of these forms, innumerable forms throughout the Omniverse. It is up to you to raise them to ever higher evolution as they, along with man, progress up the worlds to infinite grandeur, to Infinite Light.

The beauty of the age now approaches when all doubts and fears shall be rolled away as a great scroll.. And there shall be great thundering! The heavens are torn asunder! And then man views himself and looks into the mirror of knowing. No longer is there confusion. Man accepts the scepter of his godhood so that no longer may his progression up the stars be hindered by the darkness of Ignorance and Superstition. Know this, and in knowing it there must of necessity be sadness; and yet there must be gladness for the beauty that it shall bring.

Since the time when the Sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and animal-man appeared upon the Earth, he has been striving from beast-hood back to angelhood. But faulty thinking shall now break forth as the elements refuse to be regarded as they have been for millenia, upon the Earth. The elements! They are intelligent life! They are part of the Infinite One, and because they are part of the Infinite One they will not respond to man's negative thinking any longer. And they will rebel, causing great tidal waves and great winds. Millions shall perish! They shall be reborn anew on other worlds appropriate to their level of progression. And because of the remnant that must remain, the Earth is purified and raised to a new vibration.

Very soon the winds shall howl, sooner than we can realize. It is already upon us, for I have witnessed it in the plane which is just above that of physical expression upon the Earth, and that means that if it descends one more plane then it shall find reality.

It is truly recorded in the greatest archives of akasha that God did truly provide and man divided. That is the motto of Earth. Man must come back from his multitudinous sins to the One God, for it is not in complexity that we find the Father. It is in simplicity that we find Him.

As you serve, remember that each and every one of your fellow men is deity. Think of each one that you meet not as this man or woman or child but that each one that comes before you is the Father in essence.

I would give you a divine commandment of the time immediately ahead: Feed the sheep of God. Give where it is required. Give not of your past glories but give them that which the soul needs. Tell them that there shall be catastrophe! Prepare them for that. But tell them that out of this shall come the greater light--Tell them that, yes, catastrophe comes upon the Earth; for the night cometh when no man can work, and the night is now here--catastrophe, disaster and despair. And the flood gates and the winds shall wash and blow away all the old. It was the spawn of darkness; for it can be endured by all men if they know beyond is rainbow's end, the golden promise of godhood and oneness with our Father.


[end quoting]

Excerpted from "Secret of the Andes" -- Brother Philip, George H. Williamson

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