25 July 2020


This post is in response to questions recently posed by Claude.

My friend, you asked if i ever have any doubts? No, i do not have a shred of doubt in God's Plan or in the ultimate success of that Plan. Dei Gloria Intacta (The Glory of God is Unassailable). The Divine Plan is so well-designed that even when things look like they are going completely wrong, they are actually going according to plan. This world will be purified and reborn, as will all those who raise their vibration high enough to share in that purification process. The time-frame is not what we should be concerned about. Our task is to work tirelessly to bring about the necessary purification within ourselves.

When we are engaged in pleasant circumstances, we want the good times to continue for as long as possible.  Conversely, when we are caught up in unpleasant circumstances, it seems as if the misery will never end. These are natural reactions for the human-being. The best advice that can be given regarding the times that are now upon us is that we should adopt an attitude of Neutrality, Objectivity and Detachment from world affairs and personal interactions. If one can attain such a state of Detachment ("in the world but not of the world"), the rolling flood of negative world events will cease to have an effect upon us. We will begin to recognize that everything is happening exactly according to Plan.

Humanity has reached the end of a major world-cycle. This is not the first time that we have reached such a milestone. The so-called myths and legends of countless ancient civilizations all attest to periodic global conflagrations by Flood or Fire. Over time, these separate stories have been grouped together as a single story of a single Cataclysm. Such is not the case. Planetary cleansings take place on a periodic basis, like clockwork. Humanity has grown to fear such a cyclic cleansing as the "end" of the world. This is not entirely true.

These cyclic cleansings are actually twofold in nature: they represent both an Ending and a Beginning. Think of it this way: you have a house that is cluttered with trash and litter. The walls are caked in grime. The toilet is backed up and there are vermin everywhere. The house needs to be thoroughly cleaned inside and out, from top to bottom. During the process of cleaning the house, the mess will get a little worse before it gets better. As the trash is slowly removed from the house, the mice and other vermin will begin to scatter because their environment, their habitat, is being disturbed. The sight of these critters scrambling about can be disturbing. Just as the smells of mold, dust and rotting things can also be unsettling. One looks about the house and wonders "Will this mess ever be cleaned up?"

Yes, it will. This is how a cleansing must proceed. Things will always get a little worse before they get better. And so it is with our world today. What we are witnessing is the reaction of the Dark elements of this nature-order to the steady influx of Light. Like roaches in the night, they scatter when one hits the light switch. In desperation, the Dark is trying to thwart the Perfect Plan by heaping atrocity after atrocity upon humankind. This acceleration of negativity is actually a sign. It is proof that the Plan is nearing a climax. The Dark elements of this nature-order are throwing all that they have against this tide of Purification with only mixed results. Many people are awakening due to what they see taking place around the world. Thus, we see that these desperate, negative activities are actually serving to help a portion of sleeping humanity awaken from an ages-long slumber.

We are in the time of The Great Separation. As stated in the Holy Language, we are now separating the "sheep" from the "goats".  The "house" is being emptied of its "trash and vermin". Additionally, all of humanity is being given a final opportunity to choose which side they wish to be on when the curtain finally comes down on this Age: Darkness or Light. Many have already chosen Light and may now be growing a bit impatient as they wait for the promised transition of the Earth and humanity. In the meantime, the Darkness rages about us and it appears as if the "sheep" have been abandoned. We have not been abandoned. We have made our choice and must now wait for our straggling brothers and sisters to catch up. Patience is key here. Once a critical mass of accumulated Light is reached upon the planet, the Transition will begin.

In racing, there is the concept of a Start-Finish line. The same checkered line used to begin a race can also be used to end a race. In a similar vein, we are experiencing a time of Ending-Beginning, where the "End" is not just the end of an old dispensation but simultaneously the beginning of a new one.

All must take heart and navigate these times with Cheerfulness and Joy for all is going exactly according to Plan. Remember that in order to bake a cake, you have to break a few eggs.

"Rejoice and exult and add Joy to your Joy, for the Times are completed...Rejoice then, and exult, for ye are blessed before all fallen men of the earth".

~ g