30 March 2010

The Ego - A Journey Into Fear - Conclusion

This post concludes the reprint of Chapter 2 "Carved In Stone" from "Return of the Bird Tribes" received by Ken Carey

Part IV


Human creation was still in process when the ego-controlled humans ran off into the jungle. We called after them:

Whatever you do, do not cut off communication with us! Without the perceptual input of your Invisible Spirits, you will never survive as conscious beings in the jungle of subconscious matter. You do not have a view of the larger picture. You won't see the forest for the trees. Come back! You cannot remain conscious motivated by Fear. You will experience Sorrow, Suffering and Death.

But the ego-humans ignored our warning and departed into worlds of Illusion. Their fear stirred up emotional turbulence, which crackled like constant static across the frequencies that were intended to connect us. Further communication with them was impossible. We had to let them go. Their free will was an essential ingredient in the larger, terrestrial gestation that was taking place.

As millenia passed, fear-centered egos came to dominate other tribes of early humans. Warfare was initiated. Love-centered egos declined in number. Eventually, fear-motivation supplanted love-motivation as the dominant human deity. And it would tolerate no other god.

So it was that the egos took the center stage of human identity.

The implications proved greater than anyone had dreamed. Human societies initially woven together by the gentle currents of tribal affection began to break up and decline. Like a beast issuing ignorance, the savagery of the cave man era was released upon the earth. The spirit world blueprints, The Great Spirit's operating instructions for the human body's proper use were ignored, the earth's guidance system, short-circuited. Our communication systems, designed to connect us with our creation, were now inoperative. We were left with no choice but to guide the rebellious tribes externally and trust that eventually they would learn.

We longed to see our people running lightly through the forests and meadows again, creating songs that would bring joy to the earth and her creatures -- not struggling in pain, building their huts and hovels along crowded river banks. We longed to see the warrior societies stop hurting one another and crying out desperately to images of a God now carved in stone. We longed for them to start seeing once again, with their own eyes, the spirit of the living God that is both the Creator Mother Earth, and the eternal Spirit Fire of the Sun. We longed to see them welcome us back to complete the design for the optimal development of our sacred world.

But your ancestors were difficult, oh so difficult back then to reach. For when human beings cut off their conscious connection with the Great Spirit, they enter the twilight realms of the subconscious where Evolution, Education and Precise Justice prevail. The Lords of Karma meticulously rule these twilight worlds, like well-trained umpires policing every wrong and right, seeing that the books are balanced at the end of every age.

For the sake of saving as many of you as possible, closed systems -- tribes, nations, even whole continents -- were isolated to preserve the rights of the inhabitants to choose their own forms of education.

Tens of thousands of years passed, containing many epics, histories and adventures.

We of the Angelic Realms preserved the harmony in as many lands as we could. For thousands of years, we exercised a benevolent stewardship over the warrior races. Many traditions still recall our era of stewardship as "the age of the gods". But as your ancestors multiplied, gradually the lineage of the Bird Tribes receded. Gracefully, we gave space for your cycle of learning to unfold.

The few incarnate ones whose egos did still love and serve the spirits of God, quiet, peaceful people, took to the hills, the mountains, or the islands of the world when the warrior tribes became too troublesome in their native lands. In some of these tribes we were fully incarnate. In others, our guidance was sought, but we were seen as external beings, separate from themselves. The former we guided from within, the latter, from without. With them, we retreated to the higher places, and, if needed, to higher places still. Ultimately, most of the gentle ones flew to the heavens to wait, choosing not to incarnate.

But even during times when we were not able to incarnate in all, we were still educating, teaching and, as you will see, influencing the course of human events.


Well, that's the end of an important chapter of a special work. The book is available on-line for a very low price and is highly recommended.

There are important keys embedded in the chapter you have just finished reading. It must be contemplated and then understood that Man is an unfinished creation, the un-divine half of what was meant to be a Divine whole. Man's ego, which was designed to protect the physical instrument, has taken that responsibility and run amok. As the ego is mostly blind to the spiritual realms, it cannot see or defend itself from the aeonic forces that bind and manipulate it, influencing the Unfinished Man to continue to commit the very acts that will chain him to the Wheel of Birth and Death indefinitely.

Once we see that we have been separated from the Conscious aspect of our being, once we can accept that we are Incomplete, we can begin to seek and invite the Light we once rejected to return into our lives. The Quest has always been for Consciousness to re-unite with Subconsciousness. Once this reunion is completed, Spirit will finally be able to resume responsibility for guiding Completed Man, Higher Universal Man, H-U-Man, into the Divine Realms. At long last, Spirit and Matter will be able to cooperate in the implementation of Creator's Plan on a New Earth, as it is in the Immutable Heavens.

There is much more to you than you have been told. It is long past time to be about the Remembering.

All Love,

~~ g

26 March 2010

The Ego - A Journey Into Fear III

Continuing with Chapter 2 of "Return of the Bird Tribes" received by Ken Carey.

All emphasis are mine.

Part III


Certain tribes among the first humans found the input of their five physical channels of perception so sensationally rich and awesome, that as their early centuries on earth passed, they forgot that perception was also available to them on Intuitive and Imaginative frequencies. Such oversight was significant, for the Imagination and the Intuition were the inner communication devices designed to keep each angelic spirit in close and frequent communication with its human projection during the early stages of bonding.

As these first human tribes placed increasing emphasis on the physical, their behavior came to orient more and more around sensual priorities. As time passed, certain Egos began to assume decision-making authority in realms of Spirit where they as yet had no experience. They began to place such a high value on caring for their bodies, they lost sight of the reason for having bodies at all.

A visible yet disproportionately influential minority of your early ancestors becamse infatuated with sensual input. They behaved with less and less awareness of our consciousness or the informing designs that we brought from the Great Spirit. The bonding that was to occur between Spirit and Ego could not happen in such a state. These Egos came to see our spirits as "foreign" elements. They forgot that Spirit and Ego are two manifestations of the same presence, that each human body is created by the presence of a Spirit Being on the material plane.

In time, the body and its physical priorities became their sole reality.

When a certain tribe began to think of cooperation with us as working with the invisible spirits of non-physical beings (that they could not see with their eyes, but whom they felt landing, like huge birds, in the branches of their central nervous systems), they reacted in fear.

Instead of seeing our lighthearted Spirit values as a profound basis for co-creation with their own durable physical values, the Egos of this tribe began to fear this healthy and quite compatible difference in value systems. They gave exaggerated emphasis to their legitimate function of caring for the physical body and began to see our Spirits as lacking in sufficient respect for the Physical plane. They rejected our spiritual values, seeing them as frivolous and irresponsible. They identified with a piece of the puzzle, with an aspect of their own wholeness. They did not realize that by doing this, they were rejecting their true selves and choosing instead fictitious, mortal identities. They were focusing on the shadows and not upon the Beings of Light who cast them.

Seeing Spirit as separate from themselves, the Egos cut themselves off from the inner direction designed to guide the mulitplication and flourishment of their species on earth. In these tribes, the incarnation of our angelic Spirits was interrupted, the human creation unfinished. Without the Egos' cooperation, the required Spirit/Ego bonding could not take place.


~ g

25 March 2010

The Ego - A Journey Into Fear II

Continuing with Chapter 2 from Ken Carey's "Return of the Bird Tribes". The chapter is entitled "Carved in Stone". These posts attempt to present a conception of what the "ego" was, is and was meant to be. It is always helpful to have some knowledge of the nature of one's adversary.

Part II


To the first biological humans, we communicated this message:

We are your spirits. It is our presence here in this river valley that has called you up out of the soil. You are unfinished, incomplete; you are still not all that you can be. Some of what you now embody represents development in the right direction, but some of what you think of now as yourself is, in actuality, part of what will one day become afterbirth. Let us help you sort this out in yourselves, so that by emphasizing the value of your bodies as dwelling places for the Great Spirit, your minds and hearts will remain open to communion with us. In time, that communion will flow into blending and both you and we will know ourselves as one upon the physical plane. In union, we will know completion.

One specific star of all the myriad stars you see twinkling in your night sky sends its spirit to earth to incarnate in your individual human form. Your ego is designed to help that spirit (who lacks your familiarity with the cooler realms) to remain creatively incarnate here.

Until you have bonded with the star consciousness, you remain unfinished. You do not yet know your own material or spiritual nature. You will in time, But if we are to assist you now in peacefully experiencing this coming age while your species multiplies and fills the earth, you must remember to honor the values of our spirits, just as we honor you and you own material values. In time, these distinctions will dissolve, and we will know ourselves as on; but for now we must tread lightly, extending to one another patience and respect.

The egos of the first incarnate ones welcomed this message. For a time, they were filled with enthusiasm. They genuinely loved us and shared our wish to see the Great Spirit's plan succeed.

However, as the moons of these first seasons passed, willingness to play their parts creatively did not last long among all the incarnate ones.

What happens when an actor who was asked to play a supporting role rebels and tries to play the lead role instead? With no knowledge of the part?

You were there, in the beginning. You might remember.


~~ g

24 March 2010

The Ego - A Journey Into Fear

Going to take a slight detour to post Chapter 2 from Ken Carey's "Return of the Bird Tribes". The chapter is entitled "Carved in Stone". Will post in segments in order to keep the length reasonable .

Part I


"...Recalled in the folk traditions of every earth people, we are the Bird Tribes, the Solar Clan, the Children of the Stars. We are the source of all nativity, the way that spirit creativity comes into form in this world and in all higher worlds. Individuated. Intelligent. In spirit-being form, we are the tangible influence of an all-powerful Creator interfacing with a material world.

Releasing our identities in the burst of joy that translated them into light, we flew outward from our source stars, riding waves of light across the sea of space until we reached this world. Each of us came from a different star. Yet our being is the source of every star.

In the early days, our work was to catalyze biological activity in the oceans of this world and to oversee the growth and development of incarnate creatures. We did this both when clothed in physical form and when remaining luminous beings of pure light. Throughout all of earth's early ages, when it was necessary to clothe ourselves in physical form, we did so through a conscious process of materialization, a process that allowed us to draw into our luminous fields, in a very few moments, the atoms and molecules that would dress us in matter.

The forms we assumed during those early ages were of human shape, though lighter and less substantial than the bodies you wear today. The drawback of materialization, however, was that it took much of our energy and attention to maintain the bodies in which we dressed. So, though we had the advantage of physical instruments through which to create, sustaining those instruments was both awkward and distracting. We wanted to devote more of our attention to our creative activities and less to sustaining the bodies through which we were creating.

The solution, of course, was to create physical bodies that were self-sufficient, physical bodies that would have physical identities to care for them -- egos, designed to work intimately with us, both in the maintenance of our human projections and in our continuing work of creation upon the physical plane.


Spirits required material bodies to operate in the material realms. However, they needed the body to basically "run on automatic" so that they could concentrate on the more important work of creating the flora and fauna that would populate the earth. And so, the ego was developed. Its job, its only job, was to serve Spirit by supervising the bodily functions and processes.

This partnership worked well...for a time.

~~ g

21 March 2010

Man, Unfinished

Man is not a complete being. Man is more or less a highly-developed animal, superior to most of the creatures in the animal kingdom in almost all ways except one:

... animals have a closer relationship with the Creator, with Divinity, than does man. Animals are innately aware of their connection to the Universal Source. Man wastes energy debating and denying this Truth.

Man is separated from his Creator by his Ego / Personality (e / p). The e/p erroneously believes that man does not need the Creator in order to successfully navigate the world. The e/p tells man that it is all that man needs. And so, Man wanders about in the darkness, blindfolded, and proudly calls his ignorant meanderings the "proper exercise of free will".

Physical man is an incomplete creation. We are like robots whose internal programs are stuck in a loop. Instead of standing still for a moment to allow our programmers to correct our programming, we stumble hither and yon, making a mess of things and calling it "progress".

What is man missing? We are missing the input from our Spirit. We are missing the infusion of the Divine wisdom from beyond this fallen universe that could complete us, if only we would stand still and allow it. However, we have to invite Divinity into our hearts, it cannot and will not invade. If we insist on behaving as if "we are our bodies" and that the physical world is all there is, then we are doomed to countless lives of error and sorrow.

Again, Man without Spirit is little more than an intelligent animal. Think of it this way... if dolphins and elephants had opposable thumbs and could stand on two legs, they would also be able to create great physical civilizations. Being human is really nothing special, physically. What makes humanity special is its POTENTIAL. What makes it special are the forgotten reasons for why Humanity was created.

Humanity was designed to be the physical interface for Spirit to experience and create in the Material Realms. We are the bodies that Spirit has been waiting to unite with. Only through the unification of Spirit and Matter can the purpose and design of the Creator proceed apace. The design was/is for Spirit to handle matters of consciousness and for the Ego / Personality to handle subconscious matters (like breathing, staying alive). Spirit acts out of, and in response to, Love. The e/p acts and reacts only out of Fear, "self"-preservation. Creator was to use these united entities to actively participate in the Material realms.

Ages ago, Man's unfinished egos ran off in fear. Spirit withdrew, leaving the egos to develop on their own. This has symbolically been referred to as "the Fall of Man". Things have only gotten worse since then, as powerful aeonic forces continued to grow and infect Man's psychic atmosphere with more and more things to be Fearful about.

The coming Harvest is about re-uniting (qualified) egos with their corresponding Spirits. It is about an opportunity to either permanently leave this fallen universe or to continue evolving here, but in an environment where Man can be taught the Truth and the Way to Final Liberation without distraction from the Dark Brothers.

To enhance one's ability to qualify for Harvest, one must commit to allowing the Divine Spark within him to grow, and allow the Ego to take a back seat. Live life in such a way as to allow the Christ Consciousness to live through you, instead of doing what the "I" wants to do. Following the "I" will only lead us deeper into ignorance. Inviting Spirit into our affairs will afford us the opportunity to live each moment in Right Thought, Right Action, Right Discrimination.

Surrender the self... "self"-surrender. The Key to the Narrow Path which leads to Liberation.

~~ g

18 March 2010

Rising, Glimmering, Fading, Dying, Repeat...

We are told that "the universe is eternal and infinite". If this is the case, then why does everything in this universe eventually decay and perish? Plants, animals, humans, planets, stars, love affairs and so on, are all born in glory, bloom into fullness, gradually lose their strength and beauty, then die.

These things do not fit the definition of "eternal".


1. without beginning or end; lasting forever; always existing.
2. perpetual; ceaseless; endless.
3. enduring; immutable.
4. Metaphysics
. existing outside all relations of time; not subject to change.

"Well", one may say, "plants return in the Spring!". "Seasons return in their due course. Man spends sometime in the 'hereafter' and then returns to physical life - re-incarnates - in order to pick up his lessons and 'live' again, right?".

These, also, do not conform with the definition of "eternal". In fact, the birth/death/birth/death cycle is probably as far as one can get from eternity. It is more of a horizontal cycle, where one picks up where one left off in a prior physical life. Due to continuing Ignorance, one invariably commits the same errors as in previous lives (or worse) and thus dooms one's self to repeated turns of the wheel. This is what i personally refer to as "The Hamster-Wheel of Birth/Death".

So, despite what the "religionists" say, we do not leave this physical life to go on to our permanent "Great Eternal Reward". We leave this physical world and retire to a temporary astral sphere. A "heaven-world" whose attributes and level of pleasantness depend on the quality and morality of the experiences we gathered in the now-ended physical life. The "better-behaved" one was while incarnate, the more time they will spend in "the summerland" of the higher astral realms. Good times! Those who lived lives of a more selfish and negative bent will spend a bit more time in the lower astral realms purging their souls of their materialistic desires before being allowed into the higher astral regions of this temporary heaven-world. A bit unpleasant, but necessary. In any event, at some point, all must return to the material realm, take up their cross and resume, yet again, the physical trek of sorrow and pain.

If one gives the matter some thought, one can surmise that based on the foregoing, we are not living in an eternal universe. We live in a temporal universe, a universe of change.

Then where is true eternity to be found? And what must one do to get there? Does this "eternal universe" even exist? How does one get off the hamster-wheel?

- to be continued -

~~ g

The Hermetic Kybalion

I. The Principle of Mentalism

"The ALL is Mind; The Universe is Mental."

II. The Principle of Correspondence

"As above, so below; as below, so above."

III. The Principle of Vibration

"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."

IV. The Principle of Polarity

"Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; Like and Unlike are the Same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."

V. The Principle of Rhythm

"Everything flows, out and in. Everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."

VI. The Principle of Cause and Effect

"Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of Causation, but nothing escapes the Law."

VII. The Principle of Gender

"Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes."


Keep handy.

~~ g

14 March 2010

The Truth Hurts

This post begins with the following world-renowned verbal exchange from the American motion picture "A Few Good Men":

Jessep: You want answers?"

Kaffee: "I think I'm entitled to them!"

Jessep: "You want answers?"

Kaffee: "I want THE TRUTH!"


Now, a quote concerning Truth from The New Call - Q & A - "The Truth Hurts".



The energy of Truth is like a sword that pierces the heart. "In order to walk the Path, the blood of the heart must first bathe the feet that walk it." - Theosophy.

The Truth may be "hard-going" for compromised human beings due to the encrusted, crystallized condition of their microcosms, which the light of Truth necessarily breaks up. However, servants of Christ are but tiny acupuncture needles on Earth compared to the torrential Light that is about to enter this world. If humanity is afraid of the messengers of Christ (the 'John the Baptists'), how will they react, do you think, when the filthy, infected astral plane of this world begins to reveal itself to all as the dimensions merge?

If a friend of yours had gotten drunk on a ship that was sinking, would you be concerned about his feelings as you yelled at him to don his life-jacket, or would you just act intelligently in the emergency?

Do you think that human beings who shy away from the Truth given in conceptual form will be able to receive the Truth (Grace) at the Harvest Time?

The Call of Christ in the fallen world has ever doubled both as a Blessing (to those with eyes to see and ears to hear) and a 'sifting tool' (for those who choose to serve duality).

Do you think that Jesus and all the Avatars would have been so successful if they had compromised on their message and Call by making concessions, diluting the Truth, in order to appease the fearful and ignorant?


The next few posts will offer a couple of concepts for consideration and contemplation. How these posts may affect the reader, and what the reader does with this new information will be up to the reader. If the reader is disturbed or agitated by any of what they encounter, it would probably be best for the reader to withdraw from it, as all are not ready to consider re-arranging deeply entrenched thought-processes and belief systems, no matter how erroneous they may be.

If, at any point, the reader finds that the concepts touch him or her in some way, that reader should seriously consider investigating the matter further, on their own.

There is no more time left for lolly-gagging and procrastination. The time of The Great Separation is nearing an end.

The Truth has always been offered to mankind. Mankind, in ignorance, has most often violently turned it away. In these last days, it is being offered to mankind once more. Those who will earnestly seek, resonate with, accept and then selflessly LIVE such truths, will have taken major steps toward extricating themselves from the bogs of illusion that have trapped Humanity in ignorance, sorrow and death for ages upon ages
. More importantly, they will increase their chances of being able to take advantage of the tremendous Grace that is being offered to all those who intrepidly embark upon the Path of Return to the True Kingdom.

It is hoped that you will indeed be willing, ready and able to handle a portion of the Truth.


~~ g

12 March 2010

The ALL Is In All

For the next few minutes, you are invited to put aside your earthly religious and/or scientific beliefs. The following is an attempt to offer a bit of clarity on the true nature of God.


God is not some great, bearded man of stern countenance who looks down upon "puny humanity" and keeps notes in a little black book. God also does not "take sides" in sporting contests, so athletes the world over should stop pointing up to "heaven" every time they score a goal or a touchdown (by the way, how come athletes never point down to "hell" when they miss a penalty kick or strike out swinging? Just asking, hee-hee!).

In any event, the image of God that we have been indoctrinated to "believe" in over the past few thousands of years is a false one. Belief. That's another thing. To "believe" in God implies that one is not really sure about the matter. One just "believes". Belief is the brother of Hope and the cousin of Faith. None of these are equal to "Knowing", and that is what one's relationship with God should be: to know what God is, without the cartoon special effects. Here's hoping that what follows will offer an opportunity for Knowing.


The first hermetic axiom states that "The ALL is in All; All are in The ALL".

God is ALL. Every created and uncreated thing is God. Before matter and spirit manifested, there was God, The ALL. The ALL was at rest. The ALL contained Chaos. The All contained Potential. It wasn't (as we have been told by our myopic and spiritually deficient scientists) that there was a "big bang" and that this universe and others were created out of "nothing". There has always been, and always will be "something". That "something" is The ALL. The ALL is Infinite Intelligence. The ALL is Infinite Consciousness.

When The ALL was ready to rouse from its meditative slumber, it spoke "The Word". Let's think for a moment. What are words? They are formulations of sound...sound is vibration. The ALL vibrated a tone that rippled like waves on a pond. The Tone of Creation. The Creative Word. Chaos was set into motion. Potential was shaken awake. Creation resumed. Not "began", resumed.


What did The ALL use to "create" with? Did it reach "over there", grab some "Acme Universe Creation Mix" and start working? Did The ALL Fed Ex a shipment of "Galactic Goo" to begin constructing the early galaxies? No. It is impossible for The ALL to create from outside of Itself because there can be nothing outside of The ALL. If there were, then The ALL wouldn't be The ALL, correct?

Therefore, it stands to reason that all created things are created...from...The...ALL.

Every material, every substance, every thought that will ever be needed to create anything is contained, right now, within The ALL. THE ALL CREATES FROM ITSELF.

Now, stay focused, because we are coming to another important point. Let's build on the fact that The ALL creates all things from Its own Infinite and Unlimited Consciousness. This Infinite and Unlimited Consciousness infuses every portion of The ALL. This means that every atom, quark, etc., right down to the tiniest unit of "stuff" existing in all Universes contains that Infinite and Unlimited Consciousness.

As such, it should be evident that everything in Visible and Invisible Creation, manifest or un-manifest must contain portions of The ALL. This is the true meaning of "God is Everywhere". From pebble to mountain, from moss to redwood, from insect to elephant, these creations are The ALL, because these creations contain the Infinite and Unlimited Consciousness of God, The ALL.

A rock is God experiencing Creation as a rock.
A Star is God experiencing Creation as a Star.
A dung heap is God experiencing Creation as a dung heap.
A Human Being is...(go ahead, you finish it)

This is the Number One reason why the wise have always advised us to treat and see others as ourselves - because in essence, they are us. There ARE no "others". We all emanate from the same ALL, we are all the projections of Its mighty Infinite and Unlimited Consciousness. Ultimately, we are all One.

We are individual sparks, differentiated portions of the One, Undifferentiated ALL. Physically, our spiritual and material vehicles are composed of "God-stuff" which contains the potential of accessing the Infinite and Unlimited Consciousness of The ALL.

This is the reason why the not-so-wise will foolishly and erroneously utter "I am GOD!". One should be cautious of such faulty reasoning. If a human walks in front of a moving train, he will still experience an uncomfortable demise, "Godhood" notwithstanding. Remember, The ALL is experiencing Itself, in different realms of various states of matter. These realms have their Laws which must be understood and respected.

The ALL has, through many trillions of years, differentiated, or involved Itself down through countless formations of matter, from subtle to gross. We human egos occupy the lowest rung on the ladder, the dense material plane. This material existence represents the low point of the current Involutionary process, where Creator's Spirit involved itself into the lower vibratory realms. We are now about to embark upon our upward Evolutionary phase, but let's not jump the gun. We'll leave that for a future discussion.


It is hoped that the foregoing will be given serious contemplation. If one approaches the matter with Simplicity, an open Heart and an open Mind, then confusion about just what God "is" should vanish like a vapor in the wind.

Look around you. There is God.
Look in the mirror. There, too, is God.
Look within you. God waves hello.

May you be blessed with eyes to See.

All Love,

~~ g

10 March 2010

The Great Day of Purification

For humanity, for these times:

-- From Return of the Bird Tribes - Ken Carey, 1988


def: Great Day of Purification -- period during which the earth is purified, fear and love separated in human consciousness. Mayan: the period of time from 1987 to 2011. Christian: the Last Judgment. Final cycle in the healing of humankind, culminating with the Earth's awakening as a single being and the Creator's awakening in human consciousness.

Listen, O humans of this present world; listen as the sparrow listens for her lover's call on the breeze. We are speaking to you in your dreams, in snatches of song heard in passing, from the mouths of children, from these pages; but more than this, we are speaking to you from the center of your innermost being. Hear us, and remember yourselves.

We return to human consciousness, bringing a time of new creation and the information required for humans to understand the changing conditions of the age. We are here to merge, to blend with your human egos, to help your race become the central guidance system of a vast new being. We are here to help the Great Spirit incarnate in the people of the four races (BG: black, white, red and yellow).

We have come to initiate the most joyous age this earth has ever known: a thousand-year period of earth healing and renewed harmony that will see the four-legged flourish, the two-legged awaken, the rivers run pure and humankind in conscious exchange with the stars.

And after this millenium has in turning season passed, you - a new being of translucent biology - will depart for the vast uncharted ocean of the Milky Way to give the freedom of the Thunderbird's flight as a gift to every star and every world. In multiplication of love affairs that will go on until the end of time, you and your race will seed the galaxies with intelligent, biological life.

The potential of this universe is limitless. Her revelations of potential are infinite beyond number. But there are no star wars or fearsome civilizations beyond your own; because if civilizations are fearsome, they do not advance beyond your own. They become extinct, to rise up in the soils of another world, a little wiser, until they learn.

The Great Day of Purification has begun, a short but essential cycle of division that will gather those who promote fear and violence and separate them from the season of the world as chaff is separated from the wheat at threshing.

During these next two and a half decades (BG: this was written circa 1988), humankind will experience this separation, a transformation in human consciousness more fundamental than the development of language, more significant than the shift to agriculture, more meaningful than any historical revolution.

A new era is dawning.

End of Part One


To all who read these words, look up. Clear your minds of fear, open your hearts in Love. Despite the efforts of the material world to discredit them, the prophecies are true, they have always been true! A portion of Humanity is about to embark on an incredible Journey into a New Age. Hold fast! Do not allow your ego to lead you into temptation during these final days.

Something so incredible, so wonderful, and so amazingly fantasamagorical (is that a word?) is just around the corner and awaits all those who live their lives in Kindness, Caring, Unselfish Giving and Love.

Perseverance will be rewarded. You will not be disappointed.

The Meek shall indeed Inherit the (New) Earth.

~~ g

06 March 2010

The Light-Spirits

** note : unfortunately, the hyperlinks in this post are no longer active ~ g **

We've discussed Archons and Aeons (posts of 11/19/09, 11/20/09 and 11/23/09), the entities that bombard humans with scores of different impulses in order to feed themselves off of the low-vibration ethers we emit with our negative actions. We learned that our thoughts are ltierally not our own.

But what of good thoughts? Surely, our thoughts to "do good" must be generated by us, right?

For those who may have such questions, the following article may prove to be enlightening.

The Light-Spirits - an article from: Rare Insights

Here are some excerpts:


There are invisible, unholy forces surrounding the Earth and the human mind, which impose a constant pressure upon man. Perpetually and without respite these forces seek to pull his consciousness into one or the other poles of duality's illusion: good or bad, to lock him into a position of some kind: left or right. And it is through the constant activity of these forces and the pressure that they impose upon the whole world and mankind that the vast majority of souls on Earth are being manipulated and deceived. These forces are as intelligent as they are pervasive throughout this world, and they work to deter man from seeing the truth of our planetary situation or from accessing any higher reality or consciousness; they are also long-practised at leeching psychic food from humanity and in engineering world and local events to secure the perpetuation of the food-manufacturing process.

This food is energy in the form of ethers that range from the grossest qualities of psychic energy, which are produced by emotions such as fear, greed and hatred, to the more refined ether-bleedings that are precipitated by way of the higher human sentiments, personality affectations and more noble worldly endeavours.

For ages on Earth these forces have been ceaselessly at work, and today in this time of the end of a major world cycle (and the end of their tyrannical reign over mankind) they are particularly voracious in their efforts to mislead humanity and to bring about the production of ever-increasing amounts of psychic food. Such efforts certainly extend into the spiritual arena, and often it is the case that people give away their energy and a part of their consciousness to certain spiritual beings and distorted teachings that appeal, however subtly, to the ego-self. Therefore it is clear why the serious spiritual aspirant must become aware of such forces if he is to successfully find and tread the path that leads to liberation from all delusion and invisible vampirism.

However, there is in effect all throughout the world another kind of vampirism, one that remains entirely unknown to the majority of even spiritually disposed individuals and groups that, unconsciously and often with the best of intentions, provide its psychic food. This kind of hardly-known vampirism is perpetrated by light-forces or light-spirits, and unlike the more sinister forces, which most people possessing some occult understanding and sagacity may easily apprehend, these light-spirits manipulate humanity in a much more subtle and less apparent manner.

They work from the positive side of duality's spectrum, the lighter side, where they move through and manipulate many individuals' cherished ideas about positive thinking, world healing, personal happiness and 'good' works. And while for many people such ideas may seem noble and worthy, they most often encourage a personal agenda, and so lead the soul deeper into the delusion of the separate self.

To read the entire article, please go to The Light Spirits.


This bears serious contemplation. This world of duality is not what it appears to be. Once we take steps to learn how life in this fallen universe really works, we will begin to dispel our fears and can start living our lives from a standpoint of gnosis, true knowledge - not superstition and flawed human knowledge.

All Love,

~~ g

04 March 2010

Fear Fly Away

The Opposite of Fear... is Love.

Fear is what keeps us in chains. The shame of it is that all fear is an illusion. We rest in the bosom of The Creator...there is nothing for us to fear!

Stop giving in to your fears, whatever they may be.

Release them. Replace all fearful thoughts with thoughts of Love.

A powerful cosmic Energy has returned to this planet. It is here to help those who ask for help. It can Help, it can Heal, it can Cleanse. It is a hand extended to help us across the Threshold to a New World.

Ask The Christos to touch your heart. Then put your ego aside and let it work its magic.

Fear Fly Away.