26 March 2010

The Ego - A Journey Into Fear III

Continuing with Chapter 2 of "Return of the Bird Tribes" received by Ken Carey.

All emphasis are mine.

Part III


Certain tribes among the first humans found the input of their five physical channels of perception so sensationally rich and awesome, that as their early centuries on earth passed, they forgot that perception was also available to them on Intuitive and Imaginative frequencies. Such oversight was significant, for the Imagination and the Intuition were the inner communication devices designed to keep each angelic spirit in close and frequent communication with its human projection during the early stages of bonding.

As these first human tribes placed increasing emphasis on the physical, their behavior came to orient more and more around sensual priorities. As time passed, certain Egos began to assume decision-making authority in realms of Spirit where they as yet had no experience. They began to place such a high value on caring for their bodies, they lost sight of the reason for having bodies at all.

A visible yet disproportionately influential minority of your early ancestors becamse infatuated with sensual input. They behaved with less and less awareness of our consciousness or the informing designs that we brought from the Great Spirit. The bonding that was to occur between Spirit and Ego could not happen in such a state. These Egos came to see our spirits as "foreign" elements. They forgot that Spirit and Ego are two manifestations of the same presence, that each human body is created by the presence of a Spirit Being on the material plane.

In time, the body and its physical priorities became their sole reality.

When a certain tribe began to think of cooperation with us as working with the invisible spirits of non-physical beings (that they could not see with their eyes, but whom they felt landing, like huge birds, in the branches of their central nervous systems), they reacted in fear.

Instead of seeing our lighthearted Spirit values as a profound basis for co-creation with their own durable physical values, the Egos of this tribe began to fear this healthy and quite compatible difference in value systems. They gave exaggerated emphasis to their legitimate function of caring for the physical body and began to see our Spirits as lacking in sufficient respect for the Physical plane. They rejected our spiritual values, seeing them as frivolous and irresponsible. They identified with a piece of the puzzle, with an aspect of their own wholeness. They did not realize that by doing this, they were rejecting their true selves and choosing instead fictitious, mortal identities. They were focusing on the shadows and not upon the Beings of Light who cast them.

Seeing Spirit as separate from themselves, the Egos cut themselves off from the inner direction designed to guide the mulitplication and flourishment of their species on earth. In these tribes, the incarnation of our angelic Spirits was interrupted, the human creation unfinished. Without the Egos' cooperation, the required Spirit/Ego bonding could not take place.


~ g

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