30 December 2012

The Good Choice


You cannot love your True Self unless you first hate your body, my son. But if you do love your True Self, you will possess the Spirit-Soul; once you possess the Spirit-Soul, you will also partake of Its living Knowledge.

It is impossible, my son, to adhere to both material and divine things. As there are two states of existence, the embodied and the bodiless, the mortal and the divine, you will have to choose consciously between these two, for one cannot adhere to both. As soon as the choice has been made, the waning of what has been rejected will be proved in the active force of what has been chosen.

Thus the good choice will show its glory not only by the deification of the one who has made it, but also by demonstrating his attachment and devotion to God.

The bad choice, on the other hand, leads to the destruction of man, and is, moreover, a sin against God. Just as, in processions, people walk in the middle of the road and can do nothing else than hinder others in their movement, so those who have made the bad choice can do nothing else than move in this way through the world, urged on by their bodily desires.

Therefore, the gifts emanating from God have always been, and will always be, at our disposal. It is for us to see to it that what emanates from us is in harmony with it and does not fall short. For it is not God who is the source of wickedness, it is we ourselves who chose it in preference to The Good.

Do you realize, my son, how many vehicular states, crowds of daemons, veils of matter and courses of stars we have to pass through during our wearisome ascent to the One and Only? The Good cannot be reached by way of a convenient crossing. It is limitless  and without end, and in itself it is without beginning, too, though to us it may seem to have had its beginning in the Gnosis, the All-Knowledge of God.

Indeed, the Gnosis is not the beginning of the Good, but it imparts to us the beginning of what we will come to know of The Good.

Let us therefore take hold of this beginning and accomplish with haste our passage through all that awaits us; for it is difficult indeed to abandon what is so familiar and to leave behind all that one has, in order to turn back to the ancient and first things. What is visible imparts delight, while the invisible gives rise to disbelief and doubt. To the ordinary eye, evil is well-known and manifest, while The Good is invisible. It has neither form nor shape, it is unmanageably like Itself and, therefore, unlike anything else. That is why the incorporeal is invisible to corporeal man.

Because of all this, the Unchangeable, that which remains like Itself, is more excellent than the changeable and the changeable is poor in comparison with the Unchangeable.

The Oneness, the One and Indivisible, the Original and Root of everything, is present as such, in all things. There is nothing without origin. The Origin, however, as the starting point of everything else, has its origin in Itself only.

The number "one", as the origin, contains all other numbers within itself, without itself being contained by any of them. It brings forth all numbers, without itself being brought forth by any other number.

All that has been brought forth is imperfect and divisible, and subject to increase and decrease. What is Perfect, however, has none of this.

Since what can increase derives its increase from The Oneness, it succumbs through its own feebleness if it can no longer offer room to The Oneness.

Thus, I have drawn for you, as far as is possible, an image of God; if you carefully contemplate it inwardly and steadfastly observe it with the eyes of your heart, you will, believe me, my son, find the way to heaven. Or rather: God's image itself will guide you on this way. Inner directedness to this image causes those who have begun to turn towards it to be held captive by its power and to be drawn upwards by it, just as a magnet attracts iron.

Corpus Hermeticum - Book VII


26 December 2012

Mankind's Unfinished Business - II


It is very difficult for the modern sham-human being to imagine himself in such a position, for the whole of dualistic life is based on abilities which do not result in the soul deriving any profit from experience, which is thus wrongly interpreted and placed entirely in the service of the self-maintaining, I-central life. In such a way, dualistic man tries to go against a law of Fundamental Nature and to force life to become self-serving through the irrational activity of the will and the thoughts. The result is misery, trouble and sorrow and the continued imprisonment of the soul.

The blood-soul of the nature-born human being fulfills a merely organic role as a part of the body. The body of the personality is weighed down under the scourge of the brain-consciousness, the I, and that is why there can be no question of soul- consciousness. The True Soul is a treasure which has been lost, an organ that has never been used in the manner intended; that has never been given the opportunity to unfold.

It will now be clear to you that if there is to be any question of an Alchemical Wedding, of a truly immortal human being, of the resurrection of a New Mankind, then the person who wishes to participate in this must first of all be equipped with a truly living Soul-organism. The Soul-organ which has been hidden and damaged for so long must begin to live. The dead eyes of the Soul must begin to shine again. A real Soul-consciousness must be born, which has authority over the brain-consciousness. Only then does transfiguration become possible.

For long ages, the whole human being has been so damaged and spoiled by irrational and immoral consciousness that the entire personality, right to the very seed of the race, has become degenerate and inhuman. That is why the True Soul-consciousness (which lies asleep in the Rose of the Heart) must first be born and awakened. Only then can the entity begin to repair the tremendous damage that has been done to the personality.

From Esoteric Analysis of the Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross, Vol II- Jan van Rijckenborgh


In the previous post, it was established that man is a physical, biological, soul-body composition only, whose actions are instigated, animated and regulated by celestial, aeonic forces. To read such a description of our current state can be sobering, to say the least. If that were the end of it, no one would be able to blame us for running wild, indiscriminately indulging every passion and whim, burning both ends of the candle until we expire from exhaustion.

Fortunately for mankind, our present condition need not be a permanent one. We have the ability to change the vehicles of our personality, to transform them, as it were. Not only is this eminently possible, it is what has been demanded of each and every human being that incarnates in the physical realm: transmutation, transfiguration, liberation.

The temporary bodies that we have been given were purposely and carefully designed to accomplish this one specific task. This Great Work can't be started after we die. It can be completed after death, but it absolutely must be started prior to transition. If the human dies without beginning the process for which he or she was created, that human personality will be dissolved and another will be inserted in its place for the next incarnation. The "you" that you are, the peculiar combination of atoms that have combined to produce the physical "you" will cease to exist. Your microcosm will continue to exist, your karma and soul-memories will persist, but "you" as John or Jane Doe will go the way of all flesh. Sure, you'll get to spend a little time in the temporary "heaven-worlds" in the reflection-sphere, but your etheric, astral and mental vehicles will be slowly disintegrating during that time. Hate to be a kill-joy, but that is the truth of it.

''This is the guide that leads to Freedom: you must give up the body before it dies and overcome the life of conflict; then, if you have won that victory, you will return to the Highest' - Corpus Hermeticum

Everything that we need to liberate our sleeping, imprisoned, divine Soul lies within us. If one can understand this completely, one can begin to see the tragedy in the way humanity abuses the body and the mind. This we do out of ignorant obedience to the aeons of nature. Man does not live, he is lived. He is lived by the invisible influences which are of this nature and maintain this nature-order.

There are five fluids that transmit and conduct the subtle forces throughout the body. Together, these fluids constitute the mortal soul:

the blood
the nerve fluid
the internal secretions (hormones)
the serpent-fire (spinal force)
the consciousness fire (located in the cerebral cavities)

In un-sparked humanity, these soul-fluids are generally under the control of the Twelve Aeons of Nature.  Before the personality can be transfigured, these five fluids must come under the control of a divine force, The Gnosis, the Thirteenth Aeon. This force becomes active in the human being when he or she, through yearning and true seeking, enables the divine-spark sleeping within the heart to awaken.

The Rose of the Heart is where the seed of the Original, Divine, True Human Being resides, of whom we are only image-bearers. The powers and potentialities of this spirit-spark atom can only be awakened when it can establish a link with the Gnosis. Once the divine link is re-established, the Rose will begin to bloom and the divine attributes of the spirit-spark atom will gradually be released, like a heavenly fragrance.

In order for this gradual process of transmutation to take place, the candidate must resolve to fulfill the requirements of the Path that leads to Transfiguration. He or she must voluntarily choose to undergo the endura, which is a "dying unto nature". The first step in this process is to effect a complete and fundamental reversal in one's thinking, feeling and acting. The candidate must cease focusing on the self, gradually allowing the influence of the nature-born I to decreaseso that The Other One, the Divine, True Human Being that is attempting to be re-born, can increase.

If the candidate is ultimately successful in this endeavor, the five soul-fluids will come under the control of a divine energy. The system will purify as it is fed by divine ethers. The True Soul will re-emerge. The Bride will have been readied for the coming Wedding Feast..

As it is recorded in the holy language: 'He must increase, but I must decrease' - John 3:30

all love,

~ g

24 December 2012

Mankind's Unfinished Business

Man believes that he is the completion of God's work. By holding himself in such high regard, he exalts himself and insults The Creator.

Man speaks of his "soul" and his "spirit", but has no true conception of these. The soul of man is not an immortal soul, but a mortal soul. It is not eternal, but temporary. At death, the mortal soul-vehicles are dissolved. Every new incarnation, a fresh soul-vehicle is constructed.

As for man's "spirit" - and this is what you must understand most of all - the nature-born human being is currently detached from divine Spirit. He is a physical, biological, soul-body composition only, whose actions are instigated, animated and regulated by celestial, aeonic forces.

But we feel! We think! We reason! We have free-will! How can it be said that we are but biological automatons?

Because we are. Man's "free-will" is actually "free-choice". In reality, his will is under the control of the nature-aeons that surround and control this nature-order. The vaunted ability to reason places man barely a half-rung above the ape. What is not widely understood is that the mental vehicle is the youngest and most recent addition to the four-fold natural human being which has been constructed in stages over many millions of years as follows:

1. dense physical body (Saturn Period)
2. etheric, or vital body (Sun Period)
3. astral, or desire body (Moon Period)
4. mental body (Earth Period)

If one takes a look at the world around them, it should become apparent that although man has mastered the physical vehicle, once understood the etheric vehicle and is currently struggling to control the astral body, he has yet to grasp the purpose of the mental vehicle. Neither has he learned how to master its usage. When man persists in his wrong-thinking, he negatively affects his astral body. This is important to note because the ethers used to maintain the etheric double are extracted from the astral body.

Thus, if thoughts are wrong, negative, of a low-vibrational quality then these low vibrations will be passed on to the astral body. The resulting low-vibrating ethers extracted from the polluted astral body will pool in the etheric body where they will manifest in the physical body as infection, disease, cancers, etc.

This retrograde movement - thought > feeling > vital energy > physical health - is just one of the laws that man foolishly abuses, not because he doesn't understand them. It's much worse than that. He doesn't even know this Law exists.

In any event, man egotistically considers himself the king of all creatures and the center of the universe, when he is, in fact, not much more than a beast himself. This must be recognized and accepted before a human being can begin to consider the meaning of his life, and its True Purpose.

Man is not yet finished, not by any stretch of the imagination.

End Part I

~ g

23 December 2012

Man's New Body-In-Waiting

There have been several posts on this blog regarding the Etheric Double, also known as the Vital Body. This is because the etheric double, the invisible body that animates our physical body, is the vehicle that humanity will use once we have moved on to the New World. As we prepare our astral and mental vehicles for the impending Transition, it is equally important for us to know as much we possibly can about the maintenance of the Etheric Double.

 ~ g


The Etheric Double is not a body in the same sense that the astral or the physical bodies are, because it has no separate existence. It serves two main purposes:

a) to act as a link between the physical body and the subtle astral and mental bodies, and
b) to provide vitality to the dense physical body.

As such, it originates and sustains certain functions in the latter as we shall presently see.

Let us first examine the true composition of what is known as the Physical World. Once this has been ascertained, we will be in a position to understand how the physical body of man is structured in terms of its matter. Basic chemistry has identified three primordial elements: Solids, Liquids, and Gases. Occult Science adds four more, indicating that, although still physical, they are finer than the gaseous state of physical matter. These finer, more subtle gases constitute the Etheric Region of the Physical World. Despite being considered physical, etheric matter cannot be seen or perceived by the senses because the human eye perception range does not reach its vibratory rate, hence the existence of this very important part of the Physical World is at present unsuspected by science. But the testimony of trained clairvoyants, plus that of many people who have a natural disposition to perceive beyond the normal range of the eyes, clearly confirm the existence of these ethers.

As stated before, Occult Science posits a universe structured by seven basic types of matter arranged in spheres which interpenetrate and interact with each other. It also posits that the matter of each sphere is in turn divided into seven sub-types. In accordance with these hypotheses the Physical World shows the following structure:

Etheric Region (Etheric Physical)

1. Reflection Ether
2. Light Ether
3. Life Ether
4. Chemical Ether

Chemical Regions (Dense Physical)

5. Gases
6. Liquids
7. Solids

The common understanding is that the human body is made of solid, liquid and gaseous matter, and contemporary science stops there. However, in Occult Science we are told that if it were not for that part of our physical body which we cannot see (the etheric part) these chemical elements would be rendered inert and useless The etheric part of our Physical Body is called the Etheric Double, owing its name to the fact that it constitutes an exact replica of the dense physical body, atom by atom, molecule by molecule.

Moreover, we are told that this Etheric Double is the mold upon which the dense part is shaped and constructed.

The Etheric Double in an adult extends a few inches beyond the dense Physical Body. Its aspect is seen by clairvoyants as a peach-blossom colored light which appears to completely surround the latter. During pregnancy, when fetal development is taking place, only part of the etheric matter is utilized, the rest bring left as a store of etheric atoms from which vitality is drawn upon to help the growing dense body after birth and until it reaches adulthood. Thus, upon clairvoyant observation, the Etheric Double  of a child will be seen protruding far beyond his dense body.

It is not an exaggeration to state that the survival of our Physical Body depends exclusively upon the vitality imparted to it by the Etheric Double. The etheric atoms, shaped like prisms, penetrate the physical atoms and cause them to vibrate. This life-giving energy is absorbed by the Etheric Double from the Sun, the life-source of our planetary system, through the etheric counterpart of the spleen where it is absorbed by a wheel-like vortex of energy called the Spleen Chakra, which specializes it and then distributes it to the other vortices existing in the body.

Being made of matter of the Desire or Astral World, our astral body may sometimes have a destructive effect over our physical body in its relentless pursuit of the fulfillment of inappropriate desires. Our Etheric Double, on the other hand, works constantly to restore the energy and proper functions of the physical body especially during the night when the body sleeps and the Ego withdraws from it taking with it both the mental and astral bodies plus two ethers: the Reflecting and the Light. The Ego remains connected to the body by an etheric matter cord known as the "Silver Cord", that connects the aforementioned ethers with the two lower ones: the Vital (Life) and the Chemical, that remains with the body during sleep.

In the immature Soul, the battle of these two vehicles (Astral and Etheric) rages constantly, and it is only through rational thinking and solid determination that we must give our Etheric Double a chance to win it.

Directing the astral energies to encompass only lofty and unselfish desires will have not only a positive and healthy effect in our physical body, but it will also confer upon our Soul a measure of expanded consciousness, enriching our daily living. This can be achieved by firmly refusing to yield to the demands of our astral body for the satisfaction of its base desires and emotions, remembering that these do not come from the Self that we are, but from the astral vehicle itself, which is where all desires originate. To ignore this is tantamount to accepting being exploited by a vehicle given to us for our utilization (not the other way around) and we may as a result find ourselves submerged in a mire of vices and addictions entirely detrimental to our progress and quite difficult to eradicate.

From the above, it is easy to conclude that our Etheric Double is a friend indeed, a marvelous instrument through which the Solar Logos gives us His Life and His Light. We are told that a great part of the restorative effect of the Double over our Desire vehicle takes place by night during sleep , when the Astral and Mental Bodies leave the Physical by means of the Reflecting and Light Ethers, the subtle bodies remaining still attached to the Physical by means of a cord of etheric matter

From: source unavailable


22 December 2012

The Day After "Doomsday"

A couple of points.

(1) A planetary, solar or galactic alignment always heralds the end of a particular cycle of time and the beginning of a new cycle. The effects of such alignments are not necessarily felt immediately or on a conscious level.

By way of example, at midnight, the previous day ends and a new day begins. However, at 12:01 a.m., the sky is still pitch-dark. The division between yesterday and today lies in the position of celestial bodies. Dawn is still a handful of hours away.

Those who are exhaling and rejoicing because they think that "nothing happened" should not be so hasty in their celebrations.

(2) The 21st, as a phenomena, is not as important as the preparation level of the individual. That is what should always be uppermost in one's mind as the world continues to experience The Great Separation. If one passes from the physical before the Earth transitions it is the level of their auric vibration that will determine if they will head for the reflection-sphere or to Shamballa, the realm of safety where candidates for harvest will remain until The Great Reckoning.

So continue to love, give and serve all others, in any small way that you can. Selfless service is the quickest, surest and most effective means of raising one's vibratory rate. It is the "E" ticket to the New World. When the bell finally does ring, you want to be ready...no matter on which side of The Veil you happen to be located when that time comes.

Serve, and keep Serving. Give, and never stop Giving.

all love,

~ g

'But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father'.

20 December 2012


This is the anticipated position of the planets in this solar system as of 11:11 am Universal Time tomorrow, 21 December 2012. This chart was generated for longitude / latitude of the Giza Plateau in Egypt, location of the Great Pyramid. You'll have to adjust for your own time zone.
Well, here we are. The long-awaited "day of all days". It should be fairly apparent by now that the world will not be ending on Friday. However, there can be no denying that an important galactic alignment will be taking place tomorrow.
The earth (as well as a few other planets, judging from the pic above), a couple of zodiacal constellations and the Sun will all be aligned with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, directly in line with whatever emanates from the center of our galaxy. All planetary alignments are significant and result in inter-stellar energy exchanges and transmission of astral forces.
Transmission should be as follows: Galactic Center > constellations Ophiucus (Serpentarius), Sagittarius and Scorpio > Sun > Earth.
What will happen to humanity? What will happen to the earth? This writer does not know. Something will happen, perhaps on a level presently imperceptible by humanity. That's about as far as this writer is willing to speculate.
12-21-2012 has finally arrived.
Welcome to a new World Age.
 ~ g
"Yea, the Lord God hath already sent before certain messengers, which should testify His will, to wit, some new stars which do appear and are seen in the firmament in Serpentarius and Cygno, which signify and give themselves known to everyone, that they are powerful Signacula of great, weighty matters."
 - Confessio Fraternitatis, 1615 AD

18 December 2012

The Great Mixing Vessel



God imparted reason to all men, but not the Spirit. It was His will that the link with the Spirit should be obtained by all souls, however, as a prize for the race.

He sent down a great Mixing Vessel, filled with the powers of the Spirit and He appointed a herald and bade him proclaim to the hearts of men:

"Immerse yourselves in this Mixing vessel, you souls who can; you who believe and trust that you will ascend to Him who sent down this Vessel; you who know for what purpose you were created".

Those who gave heed to this proclamation and were purified by immersion in the powers of the Spirit, became partakers in the Gnosis, the living knowledge of God, and, as they had received the Spirit, became Perfect Men.

However, those who have sinned against the proclamation by not listening to it, remain within the limits of reason, as they have not received the powers of the Spirit and do not know for what purpose they have been created, nor by Whom.

The sensorial perceptions of such human beings are almost equal to that of irrational animals; and as their nature is a mixture of passions, they have no admiration for what is worthy of reflection and contemplation; they devote themselves to their bodily pleasures and desires and believe that man has come into being for such things.

However, those who have partaken of God's gift are no longer mortals, as proved by all their deeds, but Divine Men who understand with their Spirit-Soul all that is on earth, in heaven and, perhaps, above heaven.

Having beheld the Good, those who have raised themselves in this way have learned to consider their sojourn here on Earth as a disaster. They repudiate all things corporeal and incorporeal and hasten to reach the One and Only.

These, the manifestation of the Spirit-Soul, the emergence of divine things and the beholding of God are the gifts of the divine Mixing Vessel.

It is impossible, my son, to adhere to both material and divine things. As there are two states of existence, the embodied and the bodiless, the mortal and the Divine, you will have to choose consciously between these two, for one cannot adhere to them both.

Therefore, the gifts emanating from God have always been, and will always be, at our disposal. It is for us to see to it that what emanates from us is in harmony with it and does not fall short. For it is not God who is the cause of our wickedness, it is we ourselves who choose it in preference to The Good.

Corpus Hermeticum - Book VII


The Great Mixing Vessel is the Living Body of the Gnosis, the Ark spoken of in the holy language. It is a Divine refuge composed of pure ethers which are not-of-this-world that showers its benevolent radiations unceasingly over humanity. In order to link up with this divine energy, one does not have to visit a specific location in physical space. One has but to open the Rose of the Heart and begin to walk the Path. The pure ethers - the four holy foods - will assist the candidate in their purification for as long as he or she remains dedicated to achieving the One Goal of Humanity.

The Great Mixing Vessel stands ready to receive all who approach with an open heart. Peace be with those who choose Life ... and may you ultimately attain The Good End.

~ g


Maintain The Link

The link with the Spirit is now within reach of all souls. During the turbulent times that are upon us, do not fall away from the Gnosis. We must maintain the link throughout this dark night. The dawn of a New Day will find us united in a New World.

14 December 2012

The Thirteenth Aeon

This is an attempt to convey an immense concept in a few short words. May this endeavor be successful.

The following is taken from "How Aeons Are Formed":

"It is an elementary esoteric fact that when, over time, many people fix their minds upon one idea, a mighty astral image of that idea develops. The astral world possesses specific possibilities of reflection. So when the minds of many of us are continually fixed upon one and the same idea, then we shall discover that at a given moment a huge astral image has been generated, which is becoming clear and well-defined, and with which we are connected and in communication because we created it ourselves. It is thus that a collective spirit, a collective idea, a collective thought-form or a collective image is created and continuously fed by people of similar disposition and/or belief"

Keep what was just read in mind. The collective thinking of a large group of humans can, and will create an aeon. The aeon will continue to thrive as long as the human maintain their focus upon the idea that created it. The aeon is their creation. The humans will feed their aeons by their thinking, willing and acting. The aeon, in turn will fortify the human group. Thus, a symbiotic relationship develops between an aeon and its creators.

It is possible for an aeon to grow so powerful that it begins to control and dominate its creators. With this in mind, continue to read on.


There are twelve main aeons that command this nature-order. The ancients referred to these twelve aeons as "the Fates". These aeons are the overlords of physical reality. They impose themselves upon humankind. No one escapes their influence.

The twelve main aeons are the twelve zodiacs.

It would requre many thousands of words to detail this here. For now, the revelation will have to stand on its own. However, if one gives it some consideration, they may begin to see why this is so.

Ages of wrong-thinking have created a link between mankind and The Twelve Aeons. This link is one of a primarily negative nature, and it has enchained man to the physical realms.


Over the ages, in the manner described above, a group of gnostic-minded individuals managed to consciously create another aeon. One that is linked with the divine Sixth Cosmic Region. This aeon was built from pure ethers not-of-this-world and is maintained in the border-regions of this nature-order. It is an Oasis of Divinity segregated, as if in a vacuum, from the polluted realms of fallen nature.

True brothers and sisters of the Golden Rosycross recognize the reality of The Thirteenth Aeon.

All those who make the decision to forsake the world in order to sincerely walk the Path of Return in voluntary self-surrender will link themselves with The Thirteenth Aeon. It is from this Aeon that the candidate struggling in the earth-sphere will receive the "holy foods" that he or she will need to carry out the process of transfiguration.

All candidates for transfiguration have at their disposal all the help they need to win the fight and complete the Great Work. As long as one can maintain their link to the Mighty Thirteenth, success is assured. As recorded in the Corpus Hermeticum:

"He sent down a great Mixing Vessel, filled with the powers of the Spirit and He appointed a herald and bade him proclaim to the hearts of men:

"Immerse yourselves in this Mixing vessel, you souls who can; you who believe and trust that you will ascend to Him who sent down this Vessel; you who know for what purpose you were created".

God does not forsake the works of His hands.

all love,

~ g

11 December 2012

Purification Brings Healing


A mighty radiative plenitude emanating from the Spirit of the Universal Gnosis is touching us, is at our disposal. Is there any power you can compare with that? Is there any help you can compare with that? When, by accepting this process, the group becomes more and more conscious of this, it will be possible for any illness not related to the end of the journey through this earthly life to be healed in an increasingly direct and absolute way. So, do you not think it tragic that people sometimes seek help in all kinds of negative ways, whilst rejecting the help, sometimes in a shameful way?

True healing by the Spirit is now possible for subjugated and diseased mankind. But on one condition, framed in the familiar words: 'Go, and sin no more'.

The soul-state and its activities are fueled by the nerve-fluid, the nerve-ether and the other corresponding soul-fluids. Nerve-ether is nothing else than astral fire, received and inhaled by the mighty pineal organ and radiating throughout the bodily system. Via the pineal gland, in keeping with its quality, what has been inhaled and radiated throughout every part of the personality. The pineal gland and everything that pertains to it, is the most important part of the human organism. Even at birth it is already in a specific condition that corresponds to the state of the race, the family and the individual microcosmic past.

The pineal gland also has a radiation-field, the pineal aura. It  has a diameter of about fifty centimeters (nineteen inches). It is as a result of this radiation-field and its quality (a quality determined by the nucleus of the aura) that the nerve-ether is brought into its specific condition. Anything that is not in keeping with the nature and quality of the pineal aura simply does not enter the system; it cannot be inhaled by the pineal gland. The quality of the nerve-ether, which Paracelsus called the archaeus, determines, among other things, your state of health, your level of strength or weakness, any possible illnesses or tendencies towards ill-health, and also the nature and quality of your soul-state and its fluctuations.

So from the point-of-view of your Liberation it is wonderful -- and that is why the Spirit is such a benefactor of the Soul, as Hermes says -- that as long as you have not solved the great puzzle of your life, your difficulties will continue. That is why your soul-state is goaded on and on until you understand all the consequences of your suffering and strike at the root of them.

The pineal center is meant to be the point-of-contact, the point-of-entry and the dwelling-place of the Spirit. It was made for this purpose. The entire alchemical wedding of Christian Rosycross culminates in this. And now, driven onward by your soul-state, enabled by your soul-state, you must make the sacrifice of your whole self, in unconditional, total, self-surrender. Out of this sacrifice, a new soul-state will arise and the Spirit, that is, God, will then be able to touch you and stream into the archaeus.

When the Spirit touches you, it is the Holy Spirit, the healing Spirit, the divine physician. It is in response to the cry of the new Soul-state that the Spirit touches you and finds the pineal gland, the pineal aura and the archaeus in a certain condition. And immediately, you will experience an acute pain, a fierce anguish, an extreme tension. It is the sanctifying Spirit, burning through your being as a scorching fire, a fire of purification. But if one accepts this fire and is able to apply its results, one will, after the encounter with the Sanctifying Spirit, meet the Comforter, which means contact with the Spirit in a higher aspect. Before the Comforter can appear in you, the system must first be purified. That is why the Sanctifying Spirit comes before the great mercy of the Comforter.

That is why things like tranquilizers and various nerve-therapies are in fact not capable of solving your physical problems, and it would be foolish for the candidate-gnostic to think they could. Of course it is possible to tranquilize your nervous system with narcotics and various other remedies, and hence to influence your archaeus, against its nature, in your nervous system. But you should realize that by doing so you will simply be displacing your difficulties. You will be shifting the nature of your tensions, for instance, to other aspects of your light-vesture, such as the blood, the endocrine system or the serpent-fire or even to the "seven mirrors" in the head sanctuary., the seven 'weights', the seven cerebral cavities -- and that would be most fatal of all.

Let's us assume that the sanctifying Spirit does not withdraw from your system but is able to remain active within it. Then it will continue its work of purification in a different way. Your problems will continue to exist or, as is often the case, they will become even worse. But anyone who accepts this suffering so necessary for him, the fire of purification, with joy and understanding, on the basis of the new soul-state, will be relieved of his suffering in the shortest and most positive way possible.

What we are getting at now is that we are under an obligation to show you how, as a candidate, you can unleash the help of the Holy Spirit. Everyone needs that help; without it they are nothing and can do nothing, and suffering will continue to exist. So, if the sanctifying Spirit has begun its work in you and you have been stabbed by the sword of the Spirit -- as indeed has already happened or will soon happen in many of you, thanks be to God -- then wouldn't it be a great shame if, driven by anxiety, worry and fear, you were to stand in the way of the process?

Tranquility in your nerve-ether, the archaeus, and hence a more harmonious soul-state can only take shape in you when the sanctifying Spirit has really sanctified you, or is engaged in carrying out that merciful work. Therefore, experience your soul-state as the great benefactor of the human soul, even if you are having an extremely hard time. For the aim of the Good Daemon, the aim of the whole of the Creative, Original Nature as it is manifested in the true human Soul, is to make all human beings into immortal, transfigured beings, into human gods.

From "The Sanctifying Spirit"  - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis Vol. IV - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Once one commits to opening the heart to the Gnosis, and sincerely begins to walk the the Path, physical maladies may begin to set in. This discomfort, as painful as it may be, should actually be welcomed, for it is proof that Spirit considers the candidate to be a suitable home and is therefore doing what any new homeowner would do...cleaning up the mess left by the old tenant!!

Our nature-born soul-state is a conglomerated mess, polluted by years of wrong-thinking and wrong-living. When we make the decision to surrender the self to the Gnosis, Spirit must first sanctify, or purify the human soul to an extent that will allow It to begin to take up residence. The divine Spirit cannot abide in a filthy temple. This is why Spirit does not come to meet us until we ourselves make the voluntary, intelligent decision to walk towards It.

Please note that effort is required on the part of the candidate. Smoking, drugs, alcohol and flesh-eating are habits that will definitely interfere with the process. These addictions, these habits of behavior must cease if one is serious about the Path. If one says "I can't", then one has chosen pleasure of the senses over the road to immortality. So be it.

For those who may be presently undergoing this temporary physical distress, and for those who may encounter it in the future, do not panic or despair. Don't run for the medicine cabinet or the pharmacy right off. A great purification is taking place within you. A Divine Fire is burning away the impacted dross of sin and error, with the aim of bringing your soul-state to a certain level of pristine tranquility. Suffer through the pain, if you can. It will be brought to an end as quickly and mercifully as possible. Health-wise, you will be left even better off than you were before.

This writer speaks from personal experience, which is why it can be said with all sincerity and truth, that the divine healing of the Seven-Spirit is real. Everything you have read above is what really happens when the firm decision is made to surrender the self and walk The Path of Return. Those who undergo this cleansing by Divine Fire should not be afraid, or despair in your suffering. Let it be known that you have been blessed beyond words, as you have offered a home to Spirit, and Spirit has accepted.

all love,

~ g

10 December 2012

Mortal Gods


The thirteenth book of Hermes Trismegistus (The Corpus Hermeticum), such a powerful book, says in verse three that

"The Good...has accordingly called the gods immortal men, and men mortal gods".

The central consciousness of the human being is located in the heart sanctuary, and is in continuous close contact with the pelvic sanctuary (solar plexus), the sub-conscious, and with the nature-born consciousness, which has its seat in the head sanctuary.

These three, in cooperating unity, do not remain static, generally speaking. On the contrary, in most people the consciousness is in a continual state of intense agitation, which particularly affects the heart, the seat of the central consciousness. You will be familiar with this agitation of the heart, the disquietness and divideness, the anxiety, worry and fear that can arise in it, constantly demanding your attention and bringing your entire nervous system into a state of tremendous tension.

If this continuous conflict were indeed a static, unchangeable state of Soul, one would be in a condition that the Bible calls 'hardening of the heart'. Such a state is generally incurable, hopeless.

The fluctuations of your consciousness, which are sometimes so acutely painful, all those constant changes in your soul-state, are always evidence of an aim which has not yet been attained. As long as that goal has not yet been reached, the soul-state will remain in that fiercely agitated condition. That is why Hermes says in the third verse: The Spirit is a benefactor of the Souls of men: it works on them and forms them for the sake of The Good.

Even in the present racial body with its highly crystallized state, human life has a purpose. As long as that purpose has not yet been reached, man will be kept constantly in a state of agitation. And what is the purpose? Well, man of this present-day generation, is a mortal god. This means that he is called to the kingship of the Spirit; that is the destiny for which he was made. As long as this kingship has not been attained, there will be no equilibrium for the soul-state; in the focus of the heart.

The peace of the people of God only comes to the child of God when God Himself, the Spirit Itself, is able to manifest in the child. In this context, the word 'God' means the Infinite, Perfect Spirit. If this Spirit is not yet able to make its dwelling in the human being, then he is not yet a True Human Being. He is hounded along his path in life, and anything can happen to him: he can stray and be lost, he can crystallize and become totally calcified, and be afflicted with all the attendant phenomena of sickness and death. And sickness and death are purely the result of not yet having attained the aim of life, and the incidents that may consequently arise.

From "The Sanctifying Spirit" - The EgyptianArch-Gnosis Vol IV - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Awaken to your task. Summon your destiny. In the words of the Christ, speaking through Jesus: "Take up your cross, and follow Me". Glorification awaits all those who, in true self-surrender, make The Choice.

~ g

Nervus Sympathicus

Once the divine-spark has been awakened and the Rose has been attached to the Cross, the blood, laden with the new hormone being secreted by the thymus gland, circulates throughout the body. The body's nerve fluid and hormonal secretions are conditioned by the purifying radiations of the Gnosis, as well as the serpent-fire housed within the spine. However, it most especially affects the consciousness fluid in the head sanctuary, housed within the seven cavities of the brain. So, the following soul-fluids are affected by the circulation of the Gnostic vibrations:

the blood,
the nerve fluid
the internal secretions (hormones)
the serpent-fire
the consciousness fluid

These are the fluids which combine to compose man's light-vesture, the soul-body. Once they are touched by the Gnosis, a great process of  transmutation starts to take place. The birthing of the New Soul begins.

Within the head sanctuary, the Gnosis irradiates the medulla, and from there begins to descend the nervus sympathicus, two nerve strands that run along each side of the spinal column. These two strands equate to the sympathetic nervous system. The Hindu name for these nerve strands is ida and pingala. The Gnosis will descend the right-side strand, the pingala, where it reaches the sacral plexus. The sacral plexus is where the accumulated karma of all the personalities that preceded us in our microcosm is housed. All of the transgressions of previous lives lived in the microcosm are kept here during incarnation.

The fire of the Gnosis burns away this karmic dross, thereby erasing the candidate's karma. This is the hidden, gnostic truth behind the mutilated symbolism of the Christ (Gnosis) and the forgiveness of sins. From this point on, the candidate is no longer bound by past karma. However, it is his or her responsibility to not create new karma. As the Christ said "Now go, and sin no more".

After this downward, creative descent, the Christine radiation begins its upwards, revealing ascent by way of the ida.. Throughout the entire journey, the gnostic fire passes through several chakras, purifying each as it travels. It then returns to the meeting point in the head sanctuary. The ida and pingala will serve as the new spinal cord for The New Man.

What happens after this circuit has been completed? From "The Pure Gnosis":

"The sympathicus, which has now come under the control of the divine Intelligence of Christ, will develop into a new nervous system; the body will undergo a fundamental change. In the blood, a new hormone-group is released that reacts exclusively upon the new nerve-fluid; a new etheric blood-fluid takes over, and in this way a totally new personality is formed within the old, dualistic personality, and yet, as it were, outside of and beyond it.

This new personality is the coming New Man who will constitute the new human race on Earth in the New World that is today being born.

He who has begun to build this new Temple, even if he has laid only one foundation stone, is truly blessed".

~ g

For in-depth details on the transfigurative process, read "The Coming New Man" by Jan van Rijckenborgh

08 December 2012

Awakening The Divine Spark

We will now take a look at the first step in the process of transfiguration. It is being posted here as a reminder that transfiguration is a real process which leads to a real result. Like any journey, it has to begin somewhere.

What is transfiguration? Briefly, it is the alchemical process through which, by purification of the mortal soul, a new soul body is born. The possession of this new soul-body makes it possible for the divine Spirit to descend into the man and take up residence in the head sanctuary. God and man are thus re-united, the Word is made flesh.

The human being, as presently constructed, is cut off from the Divine. People talk about "my spirit", when in truth, Spirit is nowhere near the natural human being. The human being is a biological phenomenon, a conglomeration of living atoms. Because these atoms are alive and intelligently assembled, they impart to the nature-born human being a certain degree of consciousness. The ability to reason is what places the human one rung above the animal. But he or she is far from divine. However, the good news is that the link with the divine can be attained, if the human is willing to go the Path in full self-surrender.

"Go, sell all that you have, and follow me" - The Christ

"You must give up the body before it dies..." - Corpus Hermeticum

When the nature-born human being finally tires of the sorrow and grief of earth-life, when the human being reaches the nadir of existence and truly yearns for an answer, something happens in the heart sanctuary. The divine spark, the spirit-spark atom, the mathematical center of the microcosm, is located in the approximate region of the upper right ventricle of the heart. This divine nucleus is sleeping in most human beings, although like a beacon, it has the ability to send and receive signals; specifically, divine vibrations of a like nature.

The Gnosis, or The Christ, is the name that we give to these divine vibrations. The Gnosis is everywhere. Its vibrations pass through us from second-to-second. If the human is of the earth, earthy, and completely attuned to the physical world, he will not be able to respond to the Gnosis. The divine spark will remain asleep. When the human, in yearning and a desire for salvation from this world of sorrows cries out from the heart, something happens. These thoughts of yearning are transmitted to the heart sanctuary. The divine spark, the Rose of the Heart, begins to stir and in the process, will give off a faint vibration.

The breastbone of man is known as the sternum. Sternum means "radiator", or "to radiate"*. The sternum will radiate the vibrations of the Rose and, because like attracts like, this fervent call will elicit a response from the Gnosis.

* Human bones, which are basically made of limestone, are crystalline structures. Because of the regularity of their composition, crystals have always been used to transmit radio waves or electrical impulses. The ancients were aware of the radiative capabilities of the breastbone and thus, gave it the name sternum.

The Christ vibration, this divine force, on its way to the heart will pass through the sternum and encounter the thymus gland. The thymus is an endocrine gland that is active in children but atrophies as people grow older. Medical science is perplexed as to its function. This is its function: the thymus will react to the Gnostic vibrations and immediately begin to manufacture a new hormone. This hormone is quickly secreted into the bloodstream. The blood, now irradiated with the touch of the Gnosis, will ascend to the head sanctuary. The result of this new hormonal activity will be that the person begins to think new thoughts, thoughts of a different nature than those previously entertained.

This initial touch of the Gnosis usually does not last long. Because we are nature-born, the human body will fight to eliminate anything that is not in harmony with its nature. The new gnostic hormone will eventually be eliminated by the liver-spleen system, whose job it is to defend the natural body from intruders or invaders. The Gnosis, being of divine origin, definitely qualifies as an "intruder" in our un-divine bodies. The new hormone is eliminated, but all is not lost. The Rose has been awakened, and if the man can continue to radiate his divine-spark's cry for help, the Gnosis, which is ever-present, will continue to respond in the manner mentioned above.

With every subsequent divine response, the presence of the Gnostic vibration within the man will grow stronger. Eventually, the liver-spleen system will be unable to eliminate all of the new hormone. The Gnosis, similar to the invading Allied troops on D-Day in 1944, will have established a beach-head. It has gained a foothold in the life of the man. The first step in the mighty process of transmutation has been taken!

When the Rose of the Heart has been awakened in this manner and has established communication with the Gnosis, we maintain that The Rose (the divine-spark) has been attached to The Cross (the "cross" of matter, the physical body). This is the origin of the term "RosyCross". He or she who has, in sincerity, embarked upon this Path of Return, who has undertaken to "re-build the temple without sound of hammer", has become what the ancients called a Rosicrucian.

"This is the guide on the way that leads to Freedom. You must give up the body before it dies and overcome the life of conflict; then, if you have won that victory, you will return to the Highest" - Corpus Hermeticum

~ g

06 December 2012

As Earth Wobbles, The Moon Is Your Evidence

Late last night, as the moon rose, this writer observed the moon appearing to "lay on its side". Early this morning, as it was setting, it was right-side up! Now, this came as no surprise to me, as this writer has been observing the moon's erratic behavior for several years now. What was different this morning was that the change in orientation over a few hours was so ridiculously severe that a decision was made to assemble this post.

All my life, the phases of the moon have appeared as follows, as predictable as clockwork:

For several years now, the phases of the moon have become skewed and erratic, like this:

...and like this:

How can this be? The moon does not rotate. As a satellite of the Earth, it orbits the Earth because it is trapped by Earth's gravitational pull. As a result, the moon, just like any other satellite, cannot change its orbit or orientation in space. It is Earth's prisoner, it's captive companion. As the Earth goes, so goes the moon. So, why do we appear to see the moon tilting?

Because it is not the moon that is tilting...it is the Earth.

The Earth is wobbling on its axis, and has been for several years now. This wobble is due to the cosmic radiations which are saturating the solar system. At the end of every major world-cycle, the earth's axis-of-rotation, like a child's spinning top, begins to "wind down". Again, this "wobble" effect has been taking place for several years now, but has become consistently and ridiculously apparent in the last year or so.

The "wobble" is an unsteadiness which usually precedes a complete physical polar shift of the Earth. The Earth has shifted on its axis many times in the past. It's part of the cyclical, cosmic, cleansing process.

The following is excerpted from a blog posted by one of the very few people in the world who actually take the time to look up at the sky.


I believe what we are seeing in this type of crescent moon is anything but normal. The moon has its phases and there is no phase that looks like a crescent smiley face at the bottom. Take a look at the moon phases jpeg that someone posted and you will see what we should see when we look up at the moon at any given time of the month.

Not even an eclipse would show us such a sight. So, if this is not normal then what could be going on is indeed a legitimate question.

Well, lets think about this for just a second and realize that if the moon phases are not showing as they should be then something must have happened to our polar axis or our rotation around the sun. If such a change has occurred, then I believe it can be detected and if we can can get someone to actually tell us the truth we may just find that some strange things are occurring that is physically changing what we view from day to day.

While I personally believe such an event is part of a continuing time line disruption that is getting out of control. While the changes are not always permanent from time to time there are those like yourself and that includes myself that viewed the moon and wondered what was going on that would allow me to see such a view of the moon.

I am confident more incidents will be captured and witnessed by enough people to begin to see that what we see today we may not see tomorrow. While we may have witnessed something unusual, I feel it is related to much more than we are suppose to know about.

Thanks for your posting and I for one totally agree that what you saw was not normal by any sense of the imagination.


Here on the east coast of the United States, we are experiencing temperature swings of 20-30 degrees in a 24-hour period. Five days ago, it was 60 degrees in New York City. Today, it's 38 degrees. Here's the forecast for the next 5 day: 48, 58, 47, 61, 42. There are three 10+ degree swings in that five-day time span. You may be experiencing the same temperature fluctuations in your part of the globe.

The point of this post is this: something is happening. You may not believe it, you may not want to believe it, but something is happening, and it is happening right now. What's chilling is that as the moon presents us with compelling evidence that the earth is tilting on its axis, not one one major weather service, astronomical observatory, space program or government official has said word one about it. Even your nightly news weatherperson (who must either be robots or under orders) do not have a single thing to say about the tilt of the moon. How can so many so-called "experts" not see what we can plainly see with our own eyes???

You know the answer to that, and so does this writer. It's the dreaded "C" word, that word no one wants to use because they are afraid of being ridiculed or because they refuse to accept that their precious society is rotten to the core and is controlled by entities who have no desire to inform humanity as to what is just around the corner. This writer, on the other hand, has no qualms about using the "C" word, none whatsoever.

You are being kept in the dark by a massive, coordinated, integrated, global Conspiracy of Silence.

Don't just take my word for it.

Take a look at the moon.

~ g

05 December 2012

Look Neither To The Left, Nor To The Right

Dear Anonymous:

The response to your recent question was too long to post in the Comments section, so it will be posted here. ~ g

Your question:

Bro~g, you seem to be in the 'know' of the coming events...how does it feel when all but a small minority are considering to change their ways. Even NASA seems to be in complete denial, or are they too just covering up? Help...somebody help!!

To all:

NASA is covering up, as furiously as possible, any evidence which can alert humanity to the cosmic and atmospheric changes now taking place which are directly affecting mankind. So is the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), which daily adjusts the number of earthquakes world-wide downwards to mislead observers as to the frequency and severity of global seismic activity. Many serious earthquakes which occur in remote locations are routinely deleted from the Geological Survey. Leaders of world governments are in on the cover-up, as they all belong to the same "club".

The idea is to keep the mass of humanity in the dark until the last possible moment. For one thing, those in power do not want to see their 'castles of gold' crumble, which is what would happen if humanity were to become truly aware of what is now upon us. Who would continue to go to work? Who would care about paying bills? Who would be left to keep feeding 'the beast'? This is why the idea of "climate-change" is being so forcefully pushed upon the world's consciousness. It is a way of forcing humanity to focus its gaze in the wrong direction while providing a convenient, "catch-all" excuse for all of the natural and atmospheric phenomena which is taking place.

Yes, this implies a massive conspiracy involving governments, science agencies and the media, which is the propaganda arm. Yes, this massive, gargantuan conspiracy actually does exist. All of this is a part of The Great Play. Not everyone on the planet thinks "small", as does the majority of humankind. Trust me, there are entities on the subtle and material planes who think really "big" and really long-range. Lonnnnnng range.

If the true import of what this major world ending-cycle means was to be revealed to humanity and, more importantly, understood by humanity, many of those who have been misled by the empty shell of earthly religions would quickly embrace the Gnosis unconditionally and turn their focus inward, to the Divine Kingdom within, instead of outwards, to the sham 'kingdom of man' here in the nature-of-death.

At this time, the number of those who have received the Gnosis into their hearts while truly understanding what is taking place and what is required of them is very small, relative to the 7 billion souls now incarnate on the earth-plane. However, before the definitive end, all of humanity - without exception - will come to know what is at stake, and will be offered a final opportunity to change their orientation from "service-to-self" to "service-to-others". Even then, confronted with the Power and Might by which Divine Grace will manifest Itself, some will still choose the road of darkness. So be it.

The Ark has once again been constructed and is now boarding. Those who wait too long to enter the safety of The Living Body may have to leap very high indeed in order to latch onto the gangplank before the hatch closes. Keep in mind that it is never too late for ANYONE to turn their gaze towards a re-linking with The Only Good. The key to a change and a permanent re-orientation of one's state-of-being? Purification of the material and subtle vehicles so that you can be prepared to receive the Grace of an Age. Remember:

"Not my will, but Thine, be done".

In closing, these words of warning / advice: ignore the confusing enticements of the spiritual supermarket now hawking its wares on earth. Pay little to no attention to the "extra-terrestrial" help mankind is receiving, most of which is based in the reflection-sphere and, for the most part, serves only to confuse rather than assist.

One must recognize the Truth behind the times we are living in and then make the decision to walk the straight and narrow path of the Gnosis, the Path of Return, looking neither to the left, nor to the right, but straight ahead towards The One Goal. In this way only, can one be assured of not being misled by the veil of The Great Deception which is now descending upon mankind.

all love,

~ g

04 December 2012

The Retrograde Movement


The retrograde movement should begin in one's thinking. Your thoughts, your intellectual brain-consciousness, must be purified and brought into equilibrium with the Fundamental Idea. Everything confusing, everything impure, everything critical, everything earthly in your thinking must disappear from the mental, functional organ in your head sanctuary. On the basis of such purified thinking, the retrograde movement can then begin.

If you think in a pure way, as indeed you are called to do, your astral body will be ignited in a way that is in keeping with your head mentality. The astral body reacts in a fraction of a second to every one of your thoughts. Like a flash of lightening, every thought gives rise to a mighty, measureless fire in your astral body. Via the astral body, the etheric body is then brought  into a condition which corresponds with the astral body's state. Ethers are liberated and and penetrate your entire physical organism, affecting all its organs and fluids, up to and including the blood. And when the blood is thus laden with the results of your flash of thought, it flows back through all the brain-cells and brings what you yourself have unleashed back into the intellectual brain-consciousness again.

Are you aware of this retrograde movement? Thinking, astral body, etheric body, physical body, blood, and then back again, via the blood, to the head sanctuary. This is the course along which the retrograde movement circulates. And if your thoughts are directed entirely towards the earth, the result can be a prison wall, an impenetrable dungeon. However, if you purify your thoughts, if you learn to think in a pure way, in harmony with the Fundamental Nature, you will knock down the prison walls. The walls will collapse and you will stand in total freedom. Then, as you step outside your prison, you will behold the glory.

You were not given a brain -- that wondrous organ of your cerebral system -- so that you could concentrate on the earth and cram your head with all those worthless things of the dualistic nature. You were given a brain so that it could serve as a basis for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, to fulfill the fact of pentecost. Do you understand that? Anyone who has purified the retrograde movement within his system and thereby opened himself to the Fundamental Nature, will enter into sensory contact with that Nature. And he will be able to behold the inner, True Nature in exactly the same way as we are able to see the outer nature with our eyes. And of course you will understand that this kind of vision has nothing at all to do with being able to see into the reflection-sphere, for the reflection-sphere is nothing but a sewer, the refuse bin of dualistic nature.

The establishment of an intimate relationship with the twin forces of the Fundamental Nature is always accompanied by the immediate awakening of new, inner senses. That is the signature of pupilship, of the discipleship of the Only Good.

Would that we too, might attain to it!

From "The Sancta Democratio" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis Vol. III - Jan van Rijckenborgh


As a man thinketh...

The foregoing is a clear explanation of how one's thinking determines one's entire state-of-being, inside and out. It is one's thoughts which determine the condition of one's astral / emotional body and one's etheric double. The etheric double, in turn, determines the state of the physical body. Perhaps now you can begin to see what is the root cause of all illnesses -- it originates with our consistent wrong-thinking.

End this cycle of destruction. Purify your thinking, consciously, daily, minute-by-minute. The results will make themselves evident to you in so many ways, you will wonder why knowledge of the retrograde movement is not more widely known.

A state-of-consciousness is a state of life. Change your thinking, change your life.

~ g

The Only Good - Addendum

In reference to the previous post "The Only Good", the following:

There is none "good" on earth. In this duality, this material realm, every attribute has its opposite. What is "good" for one person may not be "good" for another. Look around you, the examples are everywhere.

Israelis think it is "good" to build settlements on Palestinian land. Palestinians vehemently disagree. They feel that such activity is most definitely "bad".

Marijuana smokers think that it is "good" to smoke weed. Law enforcement, crime victims and millions of parents the world over certainly do not agree.

Socialists hold as "good" the idea that it is the duty of the State to care for its people. Capitalists recoil in horror at the mention of socialism, maintaining that anything which hinders the ability of private enterprise to continue to make money off the misery of the poor is "bad". And so it goes, and on, and on.

There are things that you yourself consider "good", or "bad". If you take one of those things and give it some thought, it should be fairly easy for you to come up with a person, or persons, who think the exact opposite. Thus, we find that the human definition of "good", as an absolute, is invalid. If "good" truly existed, there would be no "bad", as "Good", according to its Original meaning implies the absence of "bad". Converselt, in this world, when we say that something is "good", we are only half-right. The same goes for when we say that something is "bad".

The Only Good is God, The All. God is the Absolute Goodness, the Origin of Good (God, Good...the similarity is compelling, isn't it?). We should keep this in mind when we see, or hear the words "good" and "bad". We should try not to get wrapped up in their human definitions. Remember, "There is none good, no not one". All men and women have erred in some respect, in this life and in lives past. All men and women have their preferences and aversions. This blog may appear to be "good" to some, but to an atheist, it is most definitely "bad".

We live in a duality, continually swinging between pairs of polar opposites. This constant speculative activity is what caused man to lose his way, many eons ago. Until we can begin to ignore this and other 'pendulums of antitheses', we will remain trapped here, not realizing that by holding on to the one ("good") we enable the existence of its opposite ("bad").

~ g

02 December 2012

The Only Good

"There is none good - no, not one" - Jesus


AESCLEPIUS: What...is the incorporeal?

HERMES: It is Spirit, completely encompassed within Itself, free from all corporeality, free from error, free from suffering, intangible, immovable in Itself, containing everything; that from which the good, the truth, the archetype of the Spirit and the archetype of the Soul emanate like rays.

AESCLEPIUS: But what, then, is God?

HERMES: He is none of these, but the cause of their existence and of all that is, also of each creature in particular. He has left no space at all for the non-existent; all that exists comes into being from what is and not from what is not: for the non-existent lacks the ability of genesis while, on the other hand, what exists will never sease to exist.

God is not reason, but the Cause to which reason owes its being; He is not breath, but the Cause to which breath owes its being; He is not light, but the Cause to which light owes its being. Therefore, God should be worshipped as "The Good" and "Father", names which belong to Him alone and to no one else. For none of those called god, nor any man or demon, can be good in any degree, but God alone. He alone is good and no one else. All others cannot comprehend the essence of The Good. They are body and soul and lack the place where The Good can reside. For The Good comprises what is the essence of all creatures, both corporeal and incorporeal, both perceptible and those belonging to the world of abstract thought. This is The Good, this is God.

Therefore, never call anything else "good", because that is godless. And never call God anything other than The Good, because that, too, would be godless.

Indeed, all use the word "good", but not all understand what it is. That is why not everyone understands God and so, in ignorance, they call the gods and some men "good", although these can never be or become good because The Good is the absolutely unchangeable characteristic of God. It is inseparable from Him because, indeed, it is God Himself.

All the other gods, as immortal ones, are honoured by the name "god". But God is The Good not on the basis of homage but by virtue of His essence. The Essence of God and the essence of The Good are one: they form together the one origin of all races. Good is He who gives all and does not take anything. Therefore God is The Good and The Good is God.

May the nature and scope of what I have said, Aesclepius, provide you with preliminary knowledge regarding the essence of the All.

Corpus Hermeticum - Book VI

The term "God" (capital "G"), as used above, in no way refers to the well-known Old Testament "god" that man has been misled with. That entity is what's known as a "nature god" or "race god". It is not the Divine One from which all originates. There are many different types of "gods" (small "g"), from evil to benign. However, there is only one God (capital "G"), The Oneness, The All.

God is The Only Good. We, the creations of the Un-Created, must make it our goal to link up, re-connect and merge once more with that Goodness.

~ g

22 November 2012

The Task Of The Image-Bearer


We are created as bearers of God's image; therefore we are not divine beings at birth, but images, reflections or representations of divine beings. Until the process of Transfiguration is complete, we are intelligently- and purposefully-formed imitations of the Original Divine Man. As fallen microcosms, therefore, we are Called, and by going the Path it is possible to assimilate into our systems the Original Divine Radiation Power that is present everywhere, to allow it to work in us and so to prepare ourselves for Deliverance.

Suppose, like the vast majority of human beings on Earth, we do not go the Path, because we do not understand it, or because we are not willing to take this course owing to various aberrations and obstructions in our fallen state. Then we shall be neglecting the one great Task to which we are all Called. For we have been created solely to realise, to make real God's image in ourselves by following the Path under the auspices of the Divine Plan of Salvation. Each moment that we forsake this Calling, every moment that we deny it for whatever reason, a cause is set up that produces a corresponding karmic effect that further binds us to the fallen world and its fear-matrix, and at every moment that we repeat such dualistic activity, in thinking, feeling or action, we immerse ourselves more deeply in the great stagnant pool of suffering and sorrow.

If a being, created for a certain task and equipped with the necessary abilities, does not take up that task, a reversal of values must arise, and the emergency-order of duality will begin to take on a different character to that which was originally established long ago: a character we all know so well today. The emergency-order, which was once a Garden of Eden, requires that either the image-bearer of God must "die in Christ", to be resurrected into the Original Divine State, or alternatively he must eventually die the once-only death of personality destruction. He must either die in order to win Eternity, or he must undergo the death of finality and annihilation.

If we do not accept our divine Calling, one does not need to be a prophet to predict with certainty that, in choosing a path of worry and sorrow in the nature of death, we shall experience perpetual and useless misery until we embrace the prime requirement of our Task: fundamental reversal. Then, battered and bruised to exhaustion by the drag of fallen life, after a great many ordeals and tribulations throughout numerous incarnations, we will eventually choose to follow our Calling anyway. But it is certainly not beyond the realms of possibility that by then our microcosms will be so damaged that we can no longer achieve what is required, and we shall therefore necessarily be put through the astral purgatorial Fire on our inevitable departure from this world. Throughout the ages this has been the unfortunate lot of most human microcosms at the end of major world cycles such as that which is now approaching for mankind on Earth.

By revealing these things, we do not mean to appeal to the religious instincts of aspirants or to arouse fear, for an animal, too, is god-fearing in its own way. No, we are making an appeal to the intelligence, to the rational-moral insight of every candidate for Liberation.

We need to gird ourselves with the Truth, which is of the Gnosis, of Christ, and we may do this by opening our hearts to Reality, by yearning without compromise for the True and the Real. Anyone who subjects himself to the True Path will be able to absorb the Living Truth into his blood and anchor it there. Anyone who delays will find that such a transformation will become increasingly difficult to achieve in these times preceding the planetary deadline and the Harvest Time.

From  "Gitd Your Loins With Truth" - The New Gnosis - The New Call


"To die in Christ" means to pass from this world after having opened the heart sanctuary to the Christ Radiations, thereby awakening one's divine-spark. Once the Rosebud opens, and the candidate, in sincerity and devotion, begins to walk The Path, he or she can be assured of one thing: upon laying down of the physical body and transition from this world: that the remaining vehicles of the personality will not head off to the dualistic reflection-sphere for routine microcosmic emptying and re-cycling, but will be taken up in the Vacuum of Shamballa, a place of refuge, where they will have no need to fear the "second death" (dissolution of the personality). There, these ones will continue the work of transfiguration that they began while on Earth.

This is what Paul was referring to whenever he mentioned those who had "died in Christ". It means to die while under the influence, and in the service of the Gnosis.

~ g

18 November 2012

Sin = Error

We have been taught to believe that "sin" is synonymous with "evil". This is true only to the extent that "evil" is properly defined. So, let's do just that.

The Universal Doctrine defines "evil" as anything that goes against the Plan of the Logos. Any thought, feeling or action that is born out of feelings of separation, individuality, self-focus, isolation-from-others, etc., can be construed as evil. The magnitude of the act doesn't matter. From outright murder to hiding your cookies from your brothers and sisters, both acts can be characterized as "evil". Unfortunately, evil is a word that has lost its true meaning over the ages. This post attempts to restore the proper definition.

Evil is any thought, feeling or action that originates from the error of selfishness. When a personality believes that he or she is an individualized entity, separated from all others, that personality's thinking is in error. As such, a better definition for sin is not "evil", but "error". When man sins, he errs.

The Bible states that "the soul that sins must die" (Ezekiel 18:20). Very few know what this statement truly means. It refers to the microcosm whose personality chooses to accept the delusion of duality as reality and does not make an attempt to awaken the divine-spark. Such a personality does not fulfill its True Purpose, which is to walk the Path of Return : Liberation. This is the One Goal of Humanity. If the personality does not awaken the spirit-spark and keep it alight, it has failed in its purpose. That personality will be dissolved by the process that we call "death". The microcosm will be emptied and a fresh personality will be generated for a new incarnation, in which it will attempt, once again, to find the Key that will lead to the Path of Liberation.

It is important to remember that sin is not evil. Sin is error, and errors can be corrected. If you make a mistake in your thinking, willing or acting, don't get down on yourself or consider yourself a "hopeless sinner" or "hell-bound". You have simply erred. It is completely within your power to correct your own errors. You start by taking a new attitude towards life. Before entertaining any thought, desire or action, make sure that it will result not in what is best for you, but what is best for all.

Now go...and "sin" no more.

~ g


Apocalypse (Greek - "lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. "the veil to be lifted". - Wikipedia


In the heart and head sanctuaries a Very Special Life exists that may still be slumbering, but which, nevertheless, is present. Your sevenfold heart, as the mother Isis, is capable of revealing this Life, of living it.

You can begin immediately with this birth in Bethlehem and the victory on Golgotha if only you are willing to tear up the garment of ignorance, the garment of the blood-culture behind which you have barricaded yourself as if behind the walls of a fortress. Your entire character, your entire manner of thinking and acting, your nature-born being must be reduced to rubble; it is the basis of your malignity, the fetter of corruption, the lightless prison, the living death, the corpse with sense-organs, the tomb you care carrying about with you. All these consequences of your conflicts with Karma-Nemesis, yours and those of predecessors in the microcosm, must be nullifed -- immediately and absolutely -- by you.

The new morning is beckoning. The new gnostic realm has become a reality and manifests itself in a steadily growing, powerful experience. Do you want to participate in this? You can, if only you have at your disposal an entirely new being, if only you have opened wide the doors of the still-sleeping Life within you.

The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis Vol II - Jan van Rijckenborgh



Both the Hopi and the Mayan recognize that we are approaching the end of a World Age. In both cases, however, the Hopi and Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to end end. Rather, this is a time of transition from one World Age into another.

The message they give concerns our making a choice of how we enter the future ahead. Our moving through with either resistance or acceptance will determine whether the transition will happen with cataclysmic changes or gradual peace and tranquility.

The same can be found reflected in the prophecies of many other Native American visionaries, from Black Elk to Sun Bear. - Joseph Robert Jochmans


Not only is the Earth undergoing a transformation, but each and every incarnate human being is currently being subjected to forces that can result in their own transformation. The Radiations of the Christ have returned, as promised. If we cooperate with this powerful light energy, we can make a smooth transition. If we resist, sorrow and grief will be the result.

Most humans are not even aware that such radiations exist, or that they are being exposed to it daily. They only know that they are "tired", "depressed" or suffer mysterious maladies. The reason humanity does not know is because this information has been suppressed or destroyed by the Roman church and its satellites. There is no way they want humanity to know that there is "a way out". The job of the Roman church, the job of all religions, is to win souls for their aeons in the reflection-sphere, beyond-the-veil. Allowing us to achieve Liberation is not part of their plan.

The only way that mankind can become aware of the greatness that sleeps within their hearts or of the Path that leads to liberation from this nature-order is to have it revealed to them. That is what an apocalypse is -- a revelation. It does not mean destruction or disaster or any other such nonsense. It is a revealing of that which has been hidden.

Not all will understand or heed the Aquarian revelation. The seed of Truth will fall upon stony ground. Others, however, will hear it, remember and act.

May you be one of that number.

~ g

The Fetters Of The Blood - Conclusion


How can one escape from the grip of one's own blood-type and the ensuing clouding of the consciousness? Hermes' answer is:

"Therefore, do not allow yourself to be carried along by the violence of the stream, but let those among you who are able to reach the harbours of salvation make use of the counter-currents to put into port.

Look for Him who will take you by the hand and lead you to the gates of the Gnosis, where the clear light shines in which there is no darkness, where no one is drunk, but all are sober and look up to with their hearts to Him who wishes to be known.

But listen well: His Voice cannot be heard and His Name cannot be pronounced, nor can material eyes view Him. Only the Spirit-Soul is capable of so doing.

That is why you should first tear up the garment you are wearing: the fabric of ignorance, the basis of malignity, the fetters of corruption, the lightless prison".

Are we then to look for a teacher, for a master or an adept who will accept us as pupils, as is customary in the world around us? Are we then to enter into personal ties? Are we to look for someone we can follow as an authority?

No! The text refers to Him whom we can see only with the Spirit-Soul. The text refers to Him whose Voice cannot be heard with the physical ear, whose Name cannot be pronounced with the physical organs of speech and who cannot be seen with the physical eyes. The text refers to Him who will not reveal Himself through one or another reflection-sphere method. The text refers to Him who is called Pymander, or alter-ego, The Other One, the Spirit. You will have to seek the Guide who is not to be found on the horizontal level of duality. This Guide wishes to take you by the hand. You will only be able to experience this Other One in a very special way; with the Spirit-Soul, the unity of the spiritual consciousness and the heart that has been purified by the Gnosis.

If you open your heart for the Light of Lights, the Rose of the Heart will open and the color and scent of the Rose will console you. If you follow that Light, in accordance with its aims and essence, and if you cause it to circulate in your system, right through all the obstacles and against the intoxicating stream, you will be able to fix the nucleus of the Light in the head sanctuary, in the open space behind the frontal bone. Then you will prepare the Upper Room and Pymander (Spirit), having arisen from his sleep of death, will ascend his throne in the Upper Room and celebrate with you the Lord's Supper.

To celebrate the Lord's Supper will make real sense only if it can be received in the Upper Room. Pymander, the God within you, will then guide you to the gates of the Gnosis, to the gates of the Golden Head, where the bright Light shines, where there is no darkness, where no one is intoxicated but all are perfectly sober.

If you want to pass through these gates, if you are willing to liberate this Kingdom within you, you will first have to tear up the garment of ignorance, the garment of daily denial. This is the core pupilship of the Spiritual School. This will keep you busy everyday, if you take it seriously. You will have to nullify your blood-type, your blood-culture and thus, the dualistic individualism out of which your entire character and conduct are to be explained, so that you change daily.

Through your ordinary, everyday habits and behavior, which are to be explained out of your blood-type, you deny the God within you. We are not alluding to exceptional behavior, to exceptionally bad or evil things. No, we are emphatically aiming at your everyday attitude to life, as determined by your character and blood-type. This attitude to life is the central power of sin, the cause of what is most monstrous, Hermes said. If, in the School of the Golden Rosycross, we talk about the endura, about the abolition of the natural self and the transfigurating ascent into the Other One, this is not merely superficial, academic knowledge transmitted as a means to an end, but it has profound meaning which seizes the entire blood-being. One cannot cast off the evil of denial by a resolution of the will: "I will never do it again". No, it requires an intense struggle, for your blood-type is completely one with the dualistic universe, the fallen nature-of-death.

The evil of ignorance, of denial, is atmospheric, it is one with the essence and the inherent law of the dualistic universe.If you want to escape your fate, you will actually have to go the Way of Redemption. You will need to begin to rend the garment of ignorance, to annul your blood-type, for it contains the cause.

The universal Path of Redemption is again shown to you. Therefore, walk this Path! Rend the garment of daily denial that you are wearing. If you do so, you will begin to make peace with Karma-Nemesis, with the goddess of avenging justice.

"Karma-Nemesis and the Way of Redemption" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol II - Jan van Rijckenborgh


To walk The Path requires that we make a fundamental reversal in our state-of-being, that we develop a new attitude of life. Not only must we nullify the major flaws in our character, but also the small everyday thoughts and behaviors that normally go unnoticed by us. These are just as big , if not bigger obstacles to our obtaining the Good End.

The Path takes work, as we attempt to dismantle the tomb that has imprisoned our spirit-spark for so long. Thankfully, the Light of the Gnosis is there to help us to navigate whatever difficulties may arise, as long as we seek it out and open our hearts to it.

~ g