15 November 2011



We are created as bearers of God's image; therefore we are not divine beings at birth, but images, reflections or representations of divine beings. Until the process of transfiguration is complete, we are intelligently- and purposefully-formed imitations of the original divine Man. As fallen microcosms, therefore, we are Called, and by going the Path it is possible to assimilate into our systems the original divine radiation Power that is present everywhere, to allow it to work in us and so to prepare ourselves for Deliverance.

Suppose, like the vast majority of human beings on Earth, we do not go the Path, because we do not understand it, or because we are not willing to take this course owing to various aberrations and obstructions in our fallen state. Then we shall be neglecting the one great Task to which we are all Called. For we have been created solely to realise, to make real God's image in ourselves by following the Path under the auspices of the Divine Plan of Salvation. Each moment that we forsake this Calling, every moment that we deny it for whatever reason, a cause is set up that produces a corresponding karmic effect that further binds us to the fallen world and its fear-matrix, and at every moment that we repeat such dualistic activity, in thinking, feeling or action, we immerse ourselves more deeply in the great stagnant pool of suffering and sorrow.

If a being, created for a certain task and equipped with the necessary abilities, does not take up that task, a reversal of values must arise, and the emergency order of duality will begin to take on a different character to that which was originally established long ago: a character we all know so well today. The emergency order, which was once a Garden of Eden, requires that either the image-bearer of God must die in Christ, to be resurrected into the original divine State, or alternatively he must eventually die the once-only death of personality destruction. He must either die in order to win Eternity, or he must undergo the death of finality and annihilation.


Excerpted from "The Self-Surrender of the I-Man"  - The Gnosis In Present-Day Manifestation - J van Rijckenborgh (1980)

It bears mentioning that it is the soul, the microcosm, that incarnates over and over. For each new incarnation, a new personality is created. Right now, the personality being utilized by your microcosm is you. In the previous incarnation, it was someone completely different. The same goes for the life before that, and the life before that, going back hundreds of lives. To be clear, when the man dies, the personality, the "you" that was, will slowly cease to exist. Physical body, etheric double, astral body and mental body, will each, in turn, gradually disintegrate until all that is left is the emptied microcosm. This is 'the second death' that is referred to in Revelations 20:6.

The personality, with its four vehicles of expression, is a tool, or, as stated above, an image-bearer designed for use by the microcosm to accomplish The One Goal: liberation of the soul from this endless Cycle of Sorrows. However, if one can awaken in time to take even the very first step on The Path, then upon that one's transition from the physical plane, he will not head for the reflection-sphere 'heaven-worlds' and gradual disintegration of the personality. Instead, that one - in full possession of all his/her vehicles - will be taken up in the New Life-field on the other side of the veil, where the work that was begun on the physical plane can be continued in an atmosphere of peace.

This is what it means "to die in Christ". It means that one has made the decision while in the physical to go The Path of Return. His heart has responded to the Call of the gnosis and he has made the effort to find out what is expected of him. He has made a fundamental change in his mode of Thinking, Feeling and Willing. Those who have earnestly and sincerely started on The Way will have nothing to fear from the 'second death'.

We have two choices. Continue to serve 'the beast' (a.k.a. "the matrix") and stumble to oblivion having failed in our mission, or, embrace the gnosis, give up the things of this nature, and triumphantly deliver our microcosms safely across the veil to Shamballa.

It's either-or, one or the other. Remember, no choice is still a choice. In light of the foregoing, there can only be one sane choice.

~ g


Unknown said...

"He must either die in order to win Eternity, or he must undergo the death of finality and annihilation."


From what I have read previously in some of your earlier posts this " death and annihilation" is only of the personality and not the soul essence. Correct?

The soul stripped of its previous incarnations personality would at some point reincarnate with a new personality. Am I understanding this correctly?



BrotherGee said...

Gary, answers below.

From what I have read previously in some of your earlier posts this "...death and annihilation" is only of the personality and not the soul essence. Correct?"

You are correct.

The soul stripped of its previous incarnations personality would at some point reincarnate with a new personality. Am I understanding this correctly?

You are correct.

Keep in mind that our soul is a mortal soul, meaning that it also dissolves with the personality. It is the microcosm that is impelled to compose a new personality with a new mortal soul and return to earth-life.

Think of the microcosm as a container of sorts. It retains the sum of all karma and the meory of all experiences (good and bad) derived during the lives of the hundreds of personalities that have come before us. It is the only thing that persists from one incarnation to the next.

Someone once likened the relationship of the microcosm to the personality as follows: a candle burns for a while in an empty room and then goes out. In a little while, another candle is lit and begins to burn. The room represents the microcosm, the flame represents the physical body and the candlelight represents the mortal soul.

It is the room that is constant, not the candle or its light.


~ g