03 November 2011

** The Coming New Man **


Perhaps you are familiar with various occult or ethnological speculations concerning the advent of a new human race on this earth and the nature and character of this race. Indeed, new human races have repeatedly emerged and disappeared over the course of millennia of years. Future dualistic manifestations (i.e., material worlds) will certainly prove no exception to this.

There are regions on our planet which can quite rightly be termed melting-pots of peoples. It is from such melting-pots that new races emerge in 'time' after undergoing much cleansing.

When cosmic revolutions occur (i.e., the end of a major world cycle), whole continents disappear and many other catastrophes terminate the lives of countless people, there are always individuals who escape and in some cases are deliberately brought to safety in advance: that is to say, they are transferred to safe regions. It is from such 'last remnants' of dualistic mankind that new races are cultivated. They offer all who perished in a cosmic revolution an opportunity to reincarnate.

No doubt you will have read fragmentary accounts of re-populations of our globe after its cleansing. Myriad legends and myths deal with this. We need to recall the story of Noah who, after escaping the flood, finds solid ground on Mount Ararat and along with his family, lays the foundation of another world-populace. We find the tale of Noah, in one form or another, in the myths of nearly every people.

Thus, the wheel of time revolves through the years, centuries and aeons; and Ecclesiastes rightly says: 'Is there anything of which one can say, See, this is new? It has already been, in the ages before us'; the same is true of the coming and going of human races. These are not essentially 'new', in the literal sense, but are older races or mixtures of them which return.

It is always the same things, facts and people, which in the constant revolutions of duality, measure up to current events. When we speak to you about the coming new man, you will immediately sense that we have no intention of informing you about a coming dualistic human race. As already stated, in its dualistic manifestation every new race already existed in bygone ages, so it is folly to call them 'new'. Even if they were new, such a racial manifestation would be meaningless to us. For we strive after liberation from the endless peregrinations through 'time', for the original life of the Kingdom of God which is not of this world.

We draw your attention to the fact that the pure, absolute Holy Language, too, contains statements relating to a new human race, in a special sense. This new race is known by various names. Sometimes we read of the coming of the people of God, sometimes of the Una Sancta, a Holy Brotherhood, etc. You will know all this but it is necessary to understand it correctly to avoid all sorts of errors.

There is a Holy Brotherhood, the Universal Brotherhood, the Brotherhood of the Original Kingdom, but the above-mentioned allusions in the Bible do not apply to this Brotherhood. No, our attention is drawn to the formation of an entirely new Brotherhood, an entirely new Una Sancta.

In order to obtain the right idea, let us consider the relevant problems from the point of view of time and space. We then see the dualistic-material world and mankind on one side, and the Kingdom of God with its inhabitants on the other. Separating these two worlds is a gaping chasm unbridgeable in time and space. Flesh and blood of the ordinary dualistic-material nature cannot cross this abyss. This is why, in the dualistic world-order, everything rotates like a wheel, continually returning, incessantly repeating.

We know that the Brotherhood of  'the other Kingdom' continually struggles to redeem fallen and captive humanity. Many people in this world react seriously and devotedly to the suggestions of the Universal Brotherhood. We do not know the exact number but they certainly exist. We do not know in which countries they live or to which peoples and nations they belong, but it is almost certain that people who thus react are to be found in practically every country.

All these people, from that immense variety of countries and nations, will, at a certain moment in world history, be drawn from those countries and from all directions, to form one community, a very special, exclusive race. It will not bear the characteristics of some region of this earth, but be lifted from the doom of the dualistic-material rotating wheel and achieve the miracle of leaping the unbridgeable abyss to the lost Fatherland. It is to this new community in genesis that the Holy Language refers.

Since the moment for the formation of such a race has come in our time, it is our duty to draw your attention to the fact. We must establish how all this will be accomplished and study various aspects of this wonderful development. We firstly intend to approach this exceptional wondrous manifestation and development of a totally new, non-dualistic type of man in this dualistic-material world from the mystical-philosophical angle. We shall then investigate how all this can be realised and which consequences we may ultimately expect.

The Coming New Man - JVR


Stay tuned.

~ g

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