20 November 2011

The Great Play


The Great Play

A series of forewarnings regarding
the shadow of coming events


Impelled by the gravity of our present time and also its great spiritual opportunity, and desiring to help mankind to the very best of our ability, we wish to reveal some urgent and pressing facts that we would beseech all true hearts to seriously consider sharing with as many intelligent and open-minded people as possible in a way that may be comprehended without causing alarm.

We are here concerned with completely bypassing the veils of appearances which, in this, our illusioned existence, serve to hide the reality of things from our eyes. The following disclosures are intended as both a helping guide and a warning for everyone who, upon recognising the signs of the times, in repentance and inner spiritual maturity, wishes to take account of their responsibility toward Christ* and suffering humanity.

* There are two Divine Plans: the Divine Plan of Evolution and the Divine Plan of Salvation. The latter Plan assists all life within the fallen, undivine world. This Redemption Plan is lovingly furthered by the voluntary members of a great Body of Liberated Souls who have been called the Christ-Hierarchy.

The full weight of the motives that induce us to present these revelations lies in the absolute necessity of voicing an urgent admonition with regard to the now imminent and inevitable onslaught to which mankind's blind course of life has led, and of unprecedented events in the near future that are inseparably connected herewith and which pose a challenge as well as a spiritual test of utmost importance for the whole of humanity.

By this appeal, it is our prayer that many may be saved from the fatal grip of the unfolding great delusion perpetrated by the hierarchy of the reflection sphere*, and that more individuals may see the light in good time and so make a timely embarkation upon the Path of Liberation. May the harvest be greater than before.

* There are two spheres or fields within the fallen, dualistic universe. The material sphere is the region in which we live as physical beings. The reflection sphere is the region in which, among other things, the process between physical death and reincarnation ensues. Therefore, the reflection sphere is the temporary abode of the 'dead'.

The dualistic order is a nature of death, consisting of two main spheres: the material sphere, which is the domain of existence of man born of matter, and the reflection sphere, which is the realm of the 'dead'. In the undivine, dualistic nature order - which is characterised by its ceaseless variability of all things - all microcosms, in a circulatory process of rising, glimmering and fading (what humanity calls living and dying), are, in turn, being animated and emptied. This means that again and again they are supplied with a new personality which, after its course through the material sphere is completed, vanishes again. Hence, the material sphere is the field of life of the personality, whereas the reflection sphere is the field where the microcosms are emptied.

In the course of this uninterrupted rotation through the two spheres of this nature of death, a sum of experiences, a memory, a total result of all manifestations of various personalities is registered in every microcosm, until finally it will be possible to obtain in a microcosm a personality that, by virtue of experience and microcosmic maturity, is able to make the resolution and produce the strength to depart from this nature of death to the regions of another cosmic Order. This does not mean a departure to the reflection sphere as a consequence of corporeal death, but a victory over death and a negation of the reflection sphere as well as the dense material world.

For a growing number amongst humanity, something of the New Christine Kingdom is today becoming a reality. A very small percentage of the human population have already been led to the borders of the Promised Land; the preparatory wandering through the desert of so many lifetimes is almost a thing of the past, and some are now awakening the proper consciousness for their imminent entry into the Ark of Christ, which is today preparing for its long-prophesied voyage into the New World. It has become an urgent necessity, therefore, to inform as many receptive people as possible about a number of correlative phenomena that are arising in the world today. If we are not informed about these matters and do not have a clear insight into what is behind very many unfolding and forthcoming events, we shall doubtlessly be misled. With the best of intentions, we shall turn into ways leading away from the True Path, and become entirely lost for the Harvest.

In order to be able to correctly understand the psychological background of the coming events, it should be borne in mind that all entities in the dualistic world, by virtue of their state of birth, are bent on self-maintenance and self-protection. Apart from this pattern being in complete accordance with the fallen universe, it is also a natural 'duty', a natural impulse or instinct that makes it absolutely impossible for fallen souls to act otherwise. Whoever identifies with the I-state, whoever is bound to the I-state of birth according to fallen existence will, of necessity and from this very I-centred disposition, consider as an enemy, or at least as a danger, anyone who wants to dissolve this fallen state or to be liberated from it.

Since mankind is born according to the laws of the fallen world and is essentially one with the dualistic universe, it is clear that when Gnostically-inclined persons are turning themelves in the direction of the divine Kingdom, they undermine the foundations of duality to which they are tied, thus disorganising and weakening it. Hence, no sooner has the sincere aspirant entered upon the True Path of Return than the aeons*, with all their powers and their satellites, become one's sworn adversaries, with complete disregard for all sentimental considerations and civilised practices!

* The aeons are semi-intelligent, monstrous formations of unholy powers which, in the course of time, were called into existence by the ignorance and fear of mankind. They are irresistible powers of self-maintenance urging humanity to continue upon its self-created, wayward paths, thus securing mankind's binding in duality to the ever-turning wheel of birth and death.

He, therefore, who is turning towards the Salvation that is hidden in the Light of Christ and who is conforming his way of living thereto, is immediately confronted on all sides with enmity on Earth. This enmity, then, is a natural reaction, a natural self-protection, viewed from the angle of this dying world order. This is why the way of anyone who starts to earnestly walk the Path will be found extensively blocked and strewn with all kinds of obstacles. He immediately becomes a stranger on Earth whose very existence is begrudged him, and who meets with opposition day and night, exactly as we find it described in the historical accounts of many other great world Servants. When a man becomes truly spiritual, the fallen world rejects him, as he must reject the world. True servants of Christ have always been opposed and fought due to their very threatening state of being and their mission. However, in understanding the psychological driving forces behind those who resisted Divinity, and being solely motivated by an intense love for the soul of mankind, they did not retaliate, but responded with detached compassion and absolute abstinence from any form of violence, subtly in thought, or otherwise.

Their only weapon - if this term may be used at all - was the fact that they were entirely focused upon the current of Grace, on the electromagnetic lines of activity, directives and forces emanating from the divine Kingdom. This gave them complete safety, while by their non-reaction, they avoided any conflict that would otherwise have involved them.


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