10 November 2011

The Fall Of Man


... all mere moralizing with words is of little use when real means are necessary.

We have been moralizing in varied words for centuries, but the world remains pretty much the same. A doctor would do but little good in talking only of his remedies, it is necessary for him actually to prescribe his medicines; he has, however, first to see the real state of the sick person.

The condition of humanity - the moral sickness of man - is a true case of poisoning, consequent upon the eating of the fruit of the tree in which corruptible matter had the superiority.

The first effect of this poison resulted thus: the incorruptible principle, the Body of Life as opposed to the body of sin or death, whose expansion caused the perfection of Adam, concentrated itself inwardly, and the external part was abandoned to the government of the elements. Hence a mortal matter gradually covered the immortal essence, and the loss of this Central Light was the cause subsequently of all man's sufferings.

Communication with the World of Light was interrupted, the interior eye which had the power of seeing Truth objectively was closed, and the physical eye opened to the plane of changing phenomena (the material world).

Man lost all true happiness, and in this unhappy condition he would have for ever lost all means of restoration to health were it not that the Love and Mercy of God, Who had no other object in Creation but the greatest happiness for Its creatures, immediately afforded to fallen man a means of recovery. In this means, man, with all posterity, had the right to trust, in order that while still in his state of banishment, he might support his misfortune with humility and resignation, and, moreover, find in his pilgrimage The Great Consolation: that every corruptible thing in man could be restored perfectly through the Love of a Saviour. Despair would have been the fate of man without such revelation.

Man, before the Fall, was the living Temple of Divinity, and at the time when this Temple was destroyed, the plan to rebuild the Temple was already projected by the Wisdom of God; and at this period begin the Holy Mysteries of every religion, which are all and each in themselves, after a thousand varying modes, according to time and circumstances, and method of conception of different nations, but symbols repeated and modified of one solitary Truth, and this unique Truth is - The Re-union of Man with God.


Excerpted from "Letter V" of  The Cloud Upon The Sanctuary - published 1802 - Karl von Eckartshausen 


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