28 April 2013

The Mortal Soul's Journey To Liberation - Conclusion


When the mortal soul has reached maturity and has been completely absorbed in the complicated convolutions of the nature-of-death, when it has experienced suffering and sorrow, and when it has tasted all the vicissitudes of dualistic life, impulses are given to it by means of the Original Principle of Life, The Rose of the Heart. These impulses do not come from the ordinary aeonic macrocosmic sphere but from the Nature-Of-Life, which also sends out its radiations. If you think about the words, 'The Light shines in the darkness...', you will understand this. You should see The Rose as a sensitive point able to reflect the rays of the Gnosis to some extent.

When the mortal soul begins to react, it hears, 'O soul, cease your futile attempts to maintain yourself in the nature-of-death and turn to the One and Only Task for which you were created, namely to vivify and liberate the Immortal Soul  to ensoul your microcosm. Begin with this Johannine work! Become the harbinger of the savior of your microcosmic, sinful little world. If you, soul, will undertake this Work, then your consciousness will merge and be absorbed into the new Immortal consciousness. Then for you also, if you understand this, there will be no more death'.

Whoever begins to undertake this Great Work of Liberation, this Work of Rebirth, will immediately be linked to the macrocosmic sphere of the Nature-Of-Life, while still also linked to the aeonic sphere. This is, of course, a highly undesirable situation. This is why the Pistis Sophia says in Chapter 25 that "the Paralemptor, the Great Receiver of the Light" -- will separate from dualistic nature all who are occupied with the great process of Purification and hand them over to the Treasury of the Light.

It is clear that alongside the ordinary dualistic process of preservation, there is a process of Liberation, in and above the nature-of-death and that has nothing to do with the nature-of-death. This nature continues gathering its materials for the vivification of mortal souls. And when the mortal soul begins to listen to the Voice of the Liberators, it is lifted out.

You may have discovered, and science has explained, that the sun and the moon are great, intense purifiers and vivifiers in the ordinary field of nature. The sun is the great principle of life in our field of nature. In many senses we would not be able to live and our microcosms would not be able to maintain themselves, if there were no solar power.

You know that the School of the Golden Rosycross often speaks about electro-magnetic radiations. The radiations that are more electric by nature come from the sun, and they support and vivify the rest of the general magnetic radiations. The electric solar power radiations make the other radiations of the aeons palpable and active, and in this process the moon is in a certain sense a precision instrument.

The sun is the more fundamental force, and the moon is the regulating force, which gives the final result. There is not a single zodiacal or galactic influence that must not first be vivified  by the moon to be able to be positively active. This dual activity of the sun and the moon, as the vivifier and manifester, explains why in antiquity the sun was seen as male and the moon as female and why there was a sun god and a moon goddess.

As it is in the nature-of-death, so it is in the Nature-Of-Life. As there are a sun and a moon in the nature-of-death totally active in all the processes of nature, so there are a Sun and a Moon in the Nature-Of-Life, acting as two foci. Many holy scriptures, myths and legends mention a Sun behind the sun (Vulcan), and a Moon behind the moon. They speak of an invisible sun and moon, active in an unknown Universe invisible to nature-born eyes.

As there is a Universal Brotherhood in the nature-of-death, a Brotherhood that cannot be explained from the nature-of-death, a Brotherhood that works to liberate fallen microcosms, so there is necessarily a Sun behind the sun and a Moon behind the moon at the service of this Brotherhood. And so there are active in our solar system a field of Solar power and one of Lunar power, which cannot be associated with the sun and moon known to us and of which the positions, phases, and activities cannot be calculated in the ordinary way. It is to these force fields that the Pistis Sophia is referring. As soon as the pupil begins the great and glorious Work of Rebirth, according to the methods and principles of the fivefold universal Gnosis, he comes into contact with the invisible field of Solar power and that of Lunar power. This Sun becomes a vivifier to him, and this Moon brings the New Life gradually to manifestation.

When this Sun rises for the candidate on The Path, it will never set. And when this Moon shines for him, he will be led through all resistances and limitations, because of the manifesting activities of this force.

In the nature-of-death, the human being is under the control of the sun and the moon of this nature; this is a scientific fact. When the process of cornerstone freemasonry causes a new Light-force to become manifest in the microcosm, the Paralemptors, the receivers of the Sun and the Moon of the mysteries, will attract this microcosm into their system. The Light-force will then be taken away from the nature-of-death and transferred to the guardians of Melchizedek. Thousands and thousands of years ago these guardians were already called the Brothers of the Sun, and the Sons of Wisdom and of the Fiery Mist.

The Eternal Day has dawned for those for whom this new Sun rises. They no longer need the sun and the moon of dualistic nature, for Eternity has revealed itself to them in time.

"A New Sun and a New Moon" - The Gnostic Mysteries of Pistis Sophia - Jan van Rijckenborgh


There is a Process of Soul Rebirth. Make no mistake, this Process is very, very real. It requires that one re-focus one's thinking, willing and desiring away from this ordinary, temporary "life" and towards the New Life that has always beckoned.

For most, this will not happen until they have been so bruised and battered by the sorrow and disappointment experienced in earth-life that the heart will cry out for a release from duality, for salvation from this misery. When the heart finally makes that silent cry, it will be heard.

The re-generative forces of this New Life have been with us since Time began. These forces call out to us every minute, every second. We have but to hear The Call with our heart, and answer with our actions.

~ g

27 April 2013

The Mortal Soul's Journey To Liberation


The microcosm needs a soul, because a microcosm without a soul is a living-dead organism. A soul-less microcosm is like a plan that has not been carried out.

The microcosm that is familiar to us, and to which the human soul-state belongs, does not contain an immortal soul-state because the Original Soul-Life principle belonging to the microcosm cannot be vivified. This Soul-Life principle belonging to the microcosmic organism cannot be vivified. This Soul-Life principle continually lives in a living-dead state. It is like a rosebud that stays hidden under its covering petals. There is, as yet, no life-giving sun that can make it develop. The life-giving sun is present, but for the Rosebud, it is hidden in darkness. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness cannot see it.

The cause of this is a total dis-organization of the microcosm. It has become crystallized. It is like a nearly-extinguished fire, and accordingly, the Original Soul has died and disappeared. Only a rudiment has remained, like a seed, but this seed cannot be put in fertile soil in order to germinate.

In accordance with this situation, a provisional measure has been instituted in the nature-of-death, namely, the manifestation of a mortal soul-state. This manifestation does not in the least resemble the Original One, because it arises completely from the materials of the nature-of-death. It also exists and is maintained in a quite different way than the Original one, but this is nevertheless a wonderful mercy and a help to all fallen and disorganized microcosms.

We are referring to the earthly birth process of living souls. In this way, the microcosm is given a kind of ensoulment, albeit a mortal one, far removed from the Original ensoulment.

The Pistis Sophia says that the mortal soul-state arise from the cosmic sphere of the aeons. You could visualize the cosmic sphere as a great and mighty sphere enclosing all life and movement known to us.

This sphere is divided into twelve aspects, twelve spheres of power, twelve rays. These twelve aeonic rays or waves are absorbed by the magnetic system of the auric being, which in turn projects them into the magnetic system in the brain. When this magnetic system has absorbed these influences, they are then absorbed by the system of the endocrine glands. This system is threefold: One part is organically-linked to the serpent-fire, one part to the nervous system, and one part to the blood system.

You can now easily imagine how the aeonic electro-magnetic rays are concentrated in the entire human system and how all hormones arise from aeonic rays.

These hormones and their forces also build human seed. Human seed is the basic principle of provisional life. It has to be distinguished clearly from the seed-grain of Christ: the Rose of the Heart. Human seed contains aeonic soul-power that is attuned and conforms to the state-of-being of the microcosm concerned and its karmic burden. When male seed unites with the female, that is the union of a positively-charged principle with a negatively-charged one, resulting in a fiery process. The fiery principle thus generated develops from out of the serpent-fire, the nervous system, and the blood into a living soul.

A microcosm that has lost its Original ensoulment and harmonizes the most with this product receives and embraces it, and so a mortal soul is born some time later. As you will understand, this process is prone to many complications, which do indeed occur frequently.

End Part I

"A New Sun and a New Moon" - The Gnostic Mysteries of Pistis Sophia - JVR


A couple of notes:

Astral force is literally radiation from the stars. The twelvefold zodiac is composed of a twelve constellations, or star-systems, that encircle this solar system. It should be clear to see that these twelve zodiacal aeons focus their astral energies into this solar system, where they are transmitted to every human microcosm in the manner described above.

These astral energies are magnetic in nature and can therefore be attracted or repelled by the human system, which is also naturally magnetic. Therefore, it is important to note that these aeonic energies do not force their way into the microcosm. If the microcosm has an affinity to  particular astral ray, it will attract those forces into its magnetic system. As noted above, transmission is effected thusly:

1. auric being
2. brain system
3. endocrine system
4. serpent-fire system
5. nervous system
7. blood

Note the progression. Astral forces originate in the stars, then are transferred in a top-down fashion until they become anchored in our blood and nervous system. Literally speaking, what we are in our day-to-day lives is a direct result of the astral forces that are focused towards us on a constant basis. This is why we are frequently reminded that "Man does not live, he is lived".

The endocrine glands act as transformers of a sort. These glands are ductless, which means that they do not transmit their hormones via a duct. Instead, like a squeezed sponge, they secrete their hormones directly into the blood-stream, which carries them to all parts of the body in the space of a heartbeat. Guided by the line-of-transmission outlined above, it becomes apparent that as soon as we attract, receive and accept an impulse from the twelve aeons of nature, it will be acted out by the human system.

These glands have the ability to transmute electro-magnetic energy (astral energy) into the subtle fluidic substance we call hormones. This is how the contact is made. We know that water is an excellent conductor of electricity. Mud may perhaps be not so excellent, but can still act as a conductor. Well, the fluids secreted by the hormones are of a very fine nature, enabling them to transmit electro-magnetic information to every part of the dense physical body and its etheric double.

The final part of this excerpt gives a brief description of how re-incarnating microcosms are united with a mortal soul that corresponds to the karmic state of the microcosm. This is the process known to humans as conception. Again, we have an example of how attraction works in this nature-order, as from life-to-life, the re-incarnating microcosm retains the karma developed by the personalities that have succeeded each other within it. Upon re-entry into the nature-of-death, the microcosm must be "matched" with the serpent-fire principle that most closely mirrors its own karmic and hereditary requirements so that the personality which is destined to develop in the returning microcosm will be able to "pick up" where the last personality left off.

Much food for thought, and a foundation for what comes next.

~ g

Chakras And The Ductless Glands

Chakras (from the Sanskrit word cakra, meaning "wheel" or "circle") are astral-etheric concentrations that are used to receive and distribute astral energies throughout the human system. Each chakra has an organic counterpart in the dense physical body. These organic counterparts correspond to the ductless glands of the endocrine system.
The ductless glands are so named because there are no ducts attached to them which can transport their fluids. Instead, they secrete their special electromagnetically-charged fluids directly into the blood and nervous system.  
The purpose of the chakras is to transfer cosmic astral forces to the mental, astral and etheric vehicles of the human personality.
Keep handy.
~ g

22 April 2013

Flight of the Phoenix

Phoenix - a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn. Associated with the sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor.

Most of us have heard of the legend of the Phoenix. We acknowledge the myth without really understanding it. The legend of the Phoenix bears an important message for you, me and all mankind. That message is this:

We have been born for a purpose. Our purpose is to make contact with certain Divine energies and form a link with these energies. If we cooperate with the power of this Divine force which is not-of-this-world, a miraculous transformation will gradually take place. The True Man, the Other One that lies imprisoned within us will re-emerge in full glory while the "I", the self-conscious personality that was us, will fade in influence.

We are image-bearers only. Our purpose: to awaken the Spark and free the Divine One trapped within.

Then, from the ashes of fallen nature will rise the Firebird, the Phoenix that represents Resurrection, Transformation, Liberation.

~ g

17 April 2013

The Johannine Type


We do not want to view the figure of John the Baptist as an historical personality, but as the type of person who can indeed be called the harbinger of Jesus, in the sense that before the Christ-radiation can take shape in any person and this person can consequently be called a Jesus-person he must first be a Johannine-person. He must be taken up in a preliminary process.

This is why John precedes Jesus  in the Gospel and why John the Baptist is a figure of all time. He manifests himself immediately when any pupil of the Spiritual School commences the Path under the same conditions and in the same power as the Johannine type. Hence a given person cannot just decide to be a Johannine type; at most, he can decide to become a Johannine type.

There are different stages of genesis and therefore also different types and sub-types:

1. the type of the ordinary dualistic person, which type can be distinguished in various gradations;

2. the Johannine type, the type which populates the ordinary visible Spiritual School;

3. The Jesus type, the type of the new, liberated human being;

4. the Christ type, the type of the divine human being.

From the announcements of the Gospel and those of the Pistis Sophia, it appears that also a miraculous birth can be connected with the Johannine type. We mean this birth not in the sense of the natural birth of a child, but the entrance into a non-dualistic state-of-being. There are three births, three stages of miraculous resurrection:

1. the birth of John, called by the Rosicrucians 'kindled by the Spirit of God'

2. the birth of Jesus, called by the Rosicrucians 'perishing in Jesus the Lord'

3. the birth of Christ, called by the Rosicrucians 'reborn through the Holy Spirit'

The first birth is the condition for Transfiguration.
The second birth is the process to Transfiguration.
The third birth posits the fact of Transfiguration.

We give you this outline for the sake of completeness, but the point of direct, primary importance for us is whether we have indeed entered the process of that first birth -- the Johannine birth. And we repeat: this concerns a miraculous . One cannot decide to be a John today. One can decided to enter the Way, and on this Way, provided the conditions are fulfilled, the factors to this birth must be granted to us. This is why it is a miraculous birth. This birth must appear out of a state-of-being, out of a very concrete mode of life in which selflessness takes the central place.

In order to make this first miraculous birth radiate clearly before your consciousness and hence to place the Johannine type before you in clear definition, it is necessary to begin with some repetition: the repetition of matters and problems that should be very familiar to you from reading and listening. We begin with the question: 'Who is to be regarded as a successful pupil of the Spiritual School?' And we mean successful in the liberating sense.

The answer is:  'A pupil who has come to the discovery through experience, out of suffering and sorrow, that our nature-order cannot possibly be the divine order'.

Consequently, such a pupil will regard every attempt at the improvement of the world on the horizontal plane as superfluous and absolutely useless. He therefore does not just accept this world, but begins to seek from within for The Other. At least he constantly wants to do this seeking from a disquiet that has consequently entered his blood.

The person who is typified by this disquiet in the blood as mentioned above sends out a certain magnetic vibration. It is a radiation that makes contact with the source of powers that the Pistis Sophia calls the power of the little Iao, the Good, who is in the Midst.

What sort of power is this? It is the power that, as Jakob Boehme says, has seized the nature-of-death in its heart. It is the fundamental, calling power of the gnostic Body of the Universal Chain, active in the world of duality. It is a power that does not originate directly from the New Field of Life, but is nevertheless connected with it and takes shape completely in the dualistic field of nature.

Yet it is obviously separated from it and can be active exclusively  in people of the type described above. This field of power is therefore within reach of every dualistic person, without him or her having to enter an unnatural state-of-being. Although it is active in duality, it is nevertheless completely under the control of Original, Divine forces.

The power of this field is sown in the type of person described above as an answer to his soul distress and is connected with the Original Atom, with the heart,. When this work has been accomplished, the second phase begins.

'The Birth of John" - The Gnostic Mysteries of Pistis Sophia - JVR


The Johannine type is that one who "makes straight the paths" preparing the way, via selflessness and self-forgetfulness, for 'He who is to come', the Jesus-man, who represents the birth of the New Soul.

One cannot begin to take this step unless and until one has first recognized that he or she has had their fill of the world, that they are through with the illusion of this temporal, finite nature-order.  It is only when this point of despair has been reached and the candidate yearns desperately for an escape from this prison that the Spark within the heart can be touched by a radiation not-of-this-world. This Touch will link the candidate to another Life-field, one that does not vibrate with this nature-order. From this earnest beginning, one is given the power needed to begin the conversion from ordinary to Johannine, one who "prepares the way".

~ g

10 April 2013

The Other One


Marsilio Ficino explained that the Spirit becomes ill when it feeds on too many dreams. Sickness through undernourishment weakens one, and a weak voice grows increasingly weaker. It is not heard; it cannot be heard, because the noise of society with all its fascinating but also heart-rending manifestations will drown it out as loudly as possible. Ultimately, it will thus grow silent, and the people will no longer be able to be bearers of the Spirit-spark, the last principle of the Light Soul. As life-sparks, they will then continue on their merry-go-round on earth, whereby they drive themselves and each other crazy, seek to kill each other, and eventually bring civilizations to an end.

Those who look around must brace themselves, they can see it happening, because guidance from above, inspiration by those who know, the bons hommes or the initiated, has vanished. And this has to be so, for the human being is not yet complete, and he must undertake the second part of his development himself, albeit under the stimulation and ultimately under the guidance of his inner inspiration, his living New Soul. This is why our era is so critical. It is still possible to hear this inspiration, this voice of the innate Soul-Spark, but the time is becoming increasingly precarious. It is certainly an exciting time in which we live. Something fundamentally different needs to be learned at short notice. What is it? What needs to be learned?

The human being himself is from nature. Everything contained in nature is also in him: growth and blossoming, learning, living, reproduction and ultimately, also sickness, decline and finally, even death. By learning to know himself, he learns to know the essence of nature and thus of the earth itself. By learning to know himself through and through, he learns to know four billion years of the earth.

Then that special psychological moment arrives in which the human being, deep within himself, recognizes, 'I am not yet complete, my development is not yet at an end, not at its peak. For the earth is also only half-way developed'. Is it then possible that he is also only half-way, like the earth? That depends. There is something more to it.  The human being must learn to know himself, certainly, but he must learn to know all of himself. For he is inclined to look always only at one half, to nature, being so close, while another, unknown half is certainly equally as important. The human being is indeed nature and of nature, but not exclusively so. In the magnificent physical body he has at his disposal, another principle is present. Deeply hidden, there is a Divine Nucleus, a Divine principle that in world literature is sometimes called the Rose of Infinite Beauty and also called the Sacred Lotus Flower Floating on the Water. The human being must learn to know this as well. Actually, this is what he must learn to know first of all. Being so near, it is a miracle that this Rose is not known, for it has inspired us with its life through which we can live. And also, this Rose of another nature has a plan and is destined to follow its own development. Its existence is found in a mighty, Divine Plan, not in time, but in the eternal.

 In fact, it has not been given to the human being to know what 'eternal' is. This is the prerogative of the Rose of the Heart, the Other One in the microcosm. And this One has been waiting. For how long? What for? Until the human being is finally able to read the characters of nature!

It is sometimes said that this Other One, this 'stranger' of the Gnostics, once underwent a Divine development, in a long-forgotten time, or rather, not long ago, but differently, outside of time. The Rose existed in Eternity. However, it was looking too much into the river of Time, too long, too intensely, causing the subtle balance of the mighty energies in which the microcosm was taken up to break, and the microcosm lost itself in Time. The human being lacks the senses to catch hold of how it was, or is, over there outside of Time. But the Other One knows and with its sensitive impulses, it awakens in the earthly human being that strange, inexplicable longing for unknown vistas, unknown beauty, for the Eternal.

But the Other One knows! Whoever can see this is able to recognize two parts, two principles, in the human being that are both engaged in a mighty learning process. On the one hand, there is the human being arisen from earthly nature and on the other hand, the Divine Rose of the Heart, originating in the Eternal, in The Other. Without this Divine Rose, we would be at the end of a long process of development. With it, the human being will experience standing at the beginning of a grand new phase in Life. The human being who decides to learn to know as well as possible both his own nature and that of The Rose, through and in the school of life, also with the help of a true spiritual school, will certainly understand...the essence of the earth, because he unfolded his inner self fully, and together with it, he went towards Unknown Horizons.

"A New Fundament"  Gnosis - Rays of Light Past and Present  Peter F.W. Huijs


06 April 2013

The Mystery Of The Endura - Conclusion


"Walking in the light" signifies complete knowledge and possession of the Original Life, the possession of a fundamental and structural suitability for this Life. Walking in the light is not a negative "basking" in the light, but a mighty power. Just as a locomotive without a driver rushes to its destruction, so the soul, abandoned by the Spirit, must perish.

And yet, there is a passion for life, expressing itself in the personality. But what kind of passion and what kind of a personality! Wholly degenerated! If you wish to gather some basic knowledge concerning this, we recommend that you study the works of philosopher Jakob Boehme. He will teach you how much the personality, detached from the Spirit by means of a speculative misuse of the four ethers which he calls "the four tastes" -- the sour, the bitter, the sharp and the sweet -- has not only crystallized but at the same time has undergone an organic alteration, a necessary structural mutation. This is the reason why "flesh and blood", that is, the dualistic personality, can no longer enter into the Original Kingdom, even by means of a refined and scientifically applied "culture".

You must learn to explore this and have the courage to draw the only possible conclusions. If you do so, you will see the Transfiguristic path before you and recognize the simple, sound and distinct logic of its requirements. The entire Path will then be seen as a mirror in which the Great Secret is reflected. Jakob Boehme says: "The learned of the world have danced around this mystery -- seeking the door but never finding it". Does not the clear logic of common sense tell us that the whole degenerated personality must be broken down? Must not the temple of dualistic nature be demolished and an effort made to build a new temple in the manner of the Original one? But how can this be done?

We answer this question with another: "What is maintaining your present temple"? It is you passion for life, your consciousness, your serpent-fire system. This life-centre accompanies, drives and carries along the dualistic personality that is continually dying and being re-born. Therefore, if you want to be a transfigurist, your serpent-fire must first relinquish its passion for life; it must lose itself; it will have to empty itself. Then a different serpent-power will descend into the system, and this will not maintain the degenerated system but break it down, simultaneously building a new temple.

As long as your consciousness-fire is not prepared to lose itself, Transfiguration remains a fantasy. And that is where so many people make a grave mistake. Let us imagine that the consciousness recognizes its powerlessness, its dependence, its great limitations and possibly also its sinfulness. Then, in the search for balance, restoration, power and strength, two reactions are possible: the mystical and the magical. In both cases the serpent-fire, feeling itself imperfect, seeks nourishment, and both cases lead to action. The mystical action leads to nature-religious inclination and the magical reaction gives rise to occult behavior.

The forces which then sustain the consciousness, in both activities, always act in harmony with the serpent-fire. They do not belong to the salniter of Regeneration, but are the acid, the bitter, the sour and the sweet of dualistic nature. In this way, the consciousness is not emptied, nor is the "I" nullified; rather, it is strengthened in accordance with the effort made.

Therefore, seen from the transfiguristic point-of-view, religion and occultism are your enemies, for they bind you more firmly than ever to the dualistic Wheel. They make you into a self-maintainer, and hence, an exploiter. Many have made this serious error and are still continuing to make it. They imagine that they are losing their "I" while they are actually busy maintaining it. May it become clear to you that the emptying of the serpent-fire system must take place in quite a different way.

Therefore, let us return to our original question: "How does one take the first steps on the Path of Transfiguration"? The answer must be: "By beginning to empty the serpent-fire system". How must that emptying take place? We shall deal with this question in greater detail in the following chapters.

As serious pupils of the Spiritual School, let us conclude that the mystical and magical reactions of the consciousness-fire are not liberating. On the contrary, all who, in this way, cry out, "Lord...Lord", are only deceiving themselves. Only he who does the will of the Father, will enter the Immovable Kingdom.

What is the will of the Father? He who is willing to lose his nature-born serpent-fire, will bring forth again that which is Imperishable.

"The Mystery Of The Endura" - The Great Revolution - JVR, CDP


Dedicating oneself to "church-life" or being a "good Christian-Moslem-Jew" will not free one from binding to the earth-plane. It will only serve to gain one entry after-death to one of the respective "heavens" that these nature-religions maintain in the reflection-sphere to trap the souls of those who unknowingly choose to follow this path to "salvation".

Dedicating oneself to "raising the kundalini fire", "merging with the higher self" or obtaining clairvoyance or clairaudience on this plane will only result in such people gaining the ability to prolong their after-death existence in the reflection-sphere, indefinitely. Such entities become, in essence, aeons themselves, as they are only able to delay their lawful dissolution in the after-life by vampirizing light-power from human beings still in physical incarnation.

Both of the above methods of dealing with duality, the mystical and the magical, are turned to in error by billions of humans who do not know what else to do. They have to be shown that there exists a door that leads to True Freedom. Sadly, many divine messengers have come forward in the past few thousand years to point the way to Liberation. They have been ridiculed, ignored, slandered and persecuted. Some have paid for their efforts with their lives.

That does not stop those who can from getting the message out to those who may have ears to hear.

~ g

03 April 2013

The Mystery Of The Endura - Part II


Hence the question: "How does one take the first step on the True Path?". You set your foot on the Path when you solve for yourself the mystery of losing the self. In that mystery lies the key to the inner Science of Return.

To fathom this mystery, the pupil must understand, fully and completely, the nature of his own consciousness. Its nucleus lies in the serpent-fire, in the vital fluid present in the serpent-fire system. The head of the consciousness-serpent corresponds with the frontal cavity of the skull, the tail with the sacral plexus. The sole attribute of the serpent-fluid is "life", "life-consciousness". This consciousness animates the personality-system and spurs it on to thinking, willing, feeling and acting.

The personality-system is twofold. That is to say, there is a crystallized personality and a tenuous, etheric-astral personality. The former corresponds to the material-sphere, the latter with the reflection-sphere. During waking-consciousness both personalities lie concentrically within one another; during sleep the denser portion is at rest, and life is then conscious and active in the other personality.

At death, the two personalities are separated once and for all. The denser one decomposes, while the other continues life in the reflection-sphere. In the reflection-sphere "dying" continues, and this process is something like the action one sees in a slow-motion film. In this way, the etheric-astral personality also decomposes, until only the consciousness remains, and even that loses the main portion of itself. All that was present in the consciousness as a legacy of the past of the microcosm, vanishes. Finally, there remains only the naked soul as a consciousness-atom

When the soul is thus completely emptied, reincarnation follows. First, the dense personality is born and the seed-atom of the consciousness, the naked soul, is linked with the borrowed and inherited serpent-fire of a new and different human generation. And again, in slow-motion, over a period of years, the second, tenuous etheric-astral personality is born, until finally maturity is attained. But long before the the state of maturity is reached, the process of dying will have already set in.

You will undoubtedly recognize, along with us, the hopelessness of this process. "Man lives but to die"...that phrase tells the whole story! So you will understand why dualistic man, with his passion for life, has devised a possibility to escape this turning of The Wheel; that is why nature-religions and occultism have come into being. Through the application of one or the other of these two systems, a remarkable "slowing down" of the dying process develops on yonder side. The slow-motion film is further decelerated, albeit by means of the crass exploitation of our fellow creatures.

Can you imagine the possibility of a life in duality which is not being lived at the expense of our fellow beings? No, you cannot! Did you know that exploitation for the purpose of self-maintenance, in a passion for life, has an increasingly earth-binding, karmic effect? If you want to escape from The Wheel, you should certainly not attempt to slow it down. Therefore, all nature-religion and occultism must be left behind once and for all.

If you are ready to do this, and have thus liberated yourself from your exploiters, you should ask yourself. "Is my consciousness a spiritual consciousness?" If you are looking for an honest answer to that question, you will encounter a bewildered "no!" It is possible for a spiritual impulse to struggle for expression in your consciousness, but to equate that consciousness with the Spirit is impossible. That is why the transfigurist says that dualistic man is a living soul but definitely not a living Spirit.

You will find this confirmed if you reflect upon the nature, the essence and the power of what can truly be called Spirit. The Bible can provide counsel in this, for it teaches that the Spirit is eternal, absolute, omniscient, omnipotent and Divine, and that the consciousness is always subordinate to it.

Your consciousness, your serpent-fire has broken away from the Universal Spirit and from the Spirit of your Original structure. Hence all your speculations and experimentations; hence all your delusions. In more than one sense, the Lord of the Spirit cannot be found in you any longer. Only a life-craving consciousness animates your system and in this there remains, at most, a small spark of Remembrance of the Original Bond with the Lord of the Spirit. Your soul-consciousness is a meager remnant of a former Splendor. You grope about in darkness, no longer possessing any pre-Remembrance; you are no longer able to walk in the Light, in the sense of the Light of the Spirit.

End of Part II

"The Mystery Of The Endura" - The Great Revolution - JVR, CDP


You are a biological phenomenom; no more and no less. This is because you possess a mortal soul and a physical body - both temporary - and no connection to Spirit.

People are fond of saying such things as "my spirit was touched", or "i felt this in my spirit", etc. Such talk proves that these people have no understanding of what Spirit truly means.

Spirit is of God. Until we re-link ourselves with Spirit, we will remain biological phenomenoms that continually come and go. If we were linked with Spirit, we would not behave as we do. We would perform the will of the Father, not that of the I-being, the self.

The Path of Transfiguration is being revealed to mankind at this time so that he may take advantage of the mighty transformative energies that are sweeping the solar system and at least begin walking towards that much-needed re-linking with Spirit. For this to happen, we must build a New Soul and then, a new material vehicle. All of these processes are part and parcel of the Path, if we but choose to travel that Path.

The endura, the "dying as to self" is a critical part of that journey. It is not an easy task because we are, for the most part, still controlled by our "I" and the "I" does not want to give up its position as ruler of the nature-born man. But this "dying" must take place. The "I" must stand aside to allow for the re-birth of The Other One that sleeps within us.

~ g