27 April 2013

The Mortal Soul's Journey To Liberation


The microcosm needs a soul, because a microcosm without a soul is a living-dead organism. A soul-less microcosm is like a plan that has not been carried out.

The microcosm that is familiar to us, and to which the human soul-state belongs, does not contain an immortal soul-state because the Original Soul-Life principle belonging to the microcosm cannot be vivified. This Soul-Life principle belonging to the microcosmic organism cannot be vivified. This Soul-Life principle continually lives in a living-dead state. It is like a rosebud that stays hidden under its covering petals. There is, as yet, no life-giving sun that can make it develop. The life-giving sun is present, but for the Rosebud, it is hidden in darkness. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness cannot see it.

The cause of this is a total dis-organization of the microcosm. It has become crystallized. It is like a nearly-extinguished fire, and accordingly, the Original Soul has died and disappeared. Only a rudiment has remained, like a seed, but this seed cannot be put in fertile soil in order to germinate.

In accordance with this situation, a provisional measure has been instituted in the nature-of-death, namely, the manifestation of a mortal soul-state. This manifestation does not in the least resemble the Original One, because it arises completely from the materials of the nature-of-death. It also exists and is maintained in a quite different way than the Original one, but this is nevertheless a wonderful mercy and a help to all fallen and disorganized microcosms.

We are referring to the earthly birth process of living souls. In this way, the microcosm is given a kind of ensoulment, albeit a mortal one, far removed from the Original ensoulment.

The Pistis Sophia says that the mortal soul-state arise from the cosmic sphere of the aeons. You could visualize the cosmic sphere as a great and mighty sphere enclosing all life and movement known to us.

This sphere is divided into twelve aspects, twelve spheres of power, twelve rays. These twelve aeonic rays or waves are absorbed by the magnetic system of the auric being, which in turn projects them into the magnetic system in the brain. When this magnetic system has absorbed these influences, they are then absorbed by the system of the endocrine glands. This system is threefold: One part is organically-linked to the serpent-fire, one part to the nervous system, and one part to the blood system.

You can now easily imagine how the aeonic electro-magnetic rays are concentrated in the entire human system and how all hormones arise from aeonic rays.

These hormones and their forces also build human seed. Human seed is the basic principle of provisional life. It has to be distinguished clearly from the seed-grain of Christ: the Rose of the Heart. Human seed contains aeonic soul-power that is attuned and conforms to the state-of-being of the microcosm concerned and its karmic burden. When male seed unites with the female, that is the union of a positively-charged principle with a negatively-charged one, resulting in a fiery process. The fiery principle thus generated develops from out of the serpent-fire, the nervous system, and the blood into a living soul.

A microcosm that has lost its Original ensoulment and harmonizes the most with this product receives and embraces it, and so a mortal soul is born some time later. As you will understand, this process is prone to many complications, which do indeed occur frequently.

End Part I

"A New Sun and a New Moon" - The Gnostic Mysteries of Pistis Sophia - JVR


A couple of notes:

Astral force is literally radiation from the stars. The twelvefold zodiac is composed of a twelve constellations, or star-systems, that encircle this solar system. It should be clear to see that these twelve zodiacal aeons focus their astral energies into this solar system, where they are transmitted to every human microcosm in the manner described above.

These astral energies are magnetic in nature and can therefore be attracted or repelled by the human system, which is also naturally magnetic. Therefore, it is important to note that these aeonic energies do not force their way into the microcosm. If the microcosm has an affinity to  particular astral ray, it will attract those forces into its magnetic system. As noted above, transmission is effected thusly:

1. auric being
2. brain system
3. endocrine system
4. serpent-fire system
5. nervous system
7. blood

Note the progression. Astral forces originate in the stars, then are transferred in a top-down fashion until they become anchored in our blood and nervous system. Literally speaking, what we are in our day-to-day lives is a direct result of the astral forces that are focused towards us on a constant basis. This is why we are frequently reminded that "Man does not live, he is lived".

The endocrine glands act as transformers of a sort. These glands are ductless, which means that they do not transmit their hormones via a duct. Instead, like a squeezed sponge, they secrete their hormones directly into the blood-stream, which carries them to all parts of the body in the space of a heartbeat. Guided by the line-of-transmission outlined above, it becomes apparent that as soon as we attract, receive and accept an impulse from the twelve aeons of nature, it will be acted out by the human system.

These glands have the ability to transmute electro-magnetic energy (astral energy) into the subtle fluidic substance we call hormones. This is how the contact is made. We know that water is an excellent conductor of electricity. Mud may perhaps be not so excellent, but can still act as a conductor. Well, the fluids secreted by the hormones are of a very fine nature, enabling them to transmit electro-magnetic information to every part of the dense physical body and its etheric double.

The final part of this excerpt gives a brief description of how re-incarnating microcosms are united with a mortal soul that corresponds to the karmic state of the microcosm. This is the process known to humans as conception. Again, we have an example of how attraction works in this nature-order, as from life-to-life, the re-incarnating microcosm retains the karma developed by the personalities that have succeeded each other within it. Upon re-entry into the nature-of-death, the microcosm must be "matched" with the serpent-fire principle that most closely mirrors its own karmic and hereditary requirements so that the personality which is destined to develop in the returning microcosm will be able to "pick up" where the last personality left off.

Much food for thought, and a foundation for what comes next.

~ g

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