24 December 2018

Protect The Child

The birth of the Christ-child is yet another symbol. It symbolizes the awakening of the Divine Spark within the Seeking human-being.

When this Divine part of us is awakened, it is like unto a newborn babe. It is weak and frail, the result of long ages spent in latency. It is vulnerable, it is defenseless. Above all, it requires careful nurturing to grow and to thrive.

The aeons of this nature can sense this Awakening. The high frequency of the Divine vibration is diametrically opposed to the overall low vibration of the fallen human system. Every effort will be made to locate this Divine vibration and expel it. This state-of-being is symbolized by the story of Herod sending his soldiers after the newborn "king" on a search-and-destroy mission.

The newly-awakened Divine Spark can be put right back to sleep if the candidate does not resolve to provide the necessary care and feeding. Thus, there must be a "flight to Egypt", where the Divine vibration can grow in strength while evading the forces that oppose it.

It is a long road from Awakening to Transfiguration; from Birth to Resurrection; from Bethlehem to Golgotha. Your mission as a candidate on the Path is to travel this road carefully and with supreme awareness, mindful always of the great Treasure that you carry.

Protect the Child.

~ g

22 December 2018


"Watch as you may, you will not see it come. No one can tell you it is here or it is there. For the Kingdom of God is within you." 
- The Christ 

Sometimes the answer to the most important of questions stands right before our faces, hidden in plain sight.

Let it be known that within the center of your microcosm, in an area that corresponds in location to the upper right ventricle of the heart, is an atomic remnant of your Divine heritage. Over the ages this Divine Remnant has been called the Divine Spark, the Spirit-spark Atom, the Jewel in the Lotus, the Seed-grain of Jesus, the Monad and the Power. The name of this Divine Remnant matters little. It is the secret which is compressed within it that matters above all.

Every seed, natural or Divine, contains within it, the blueprint for unfolding that which it is to become. An apple seed carries the blueprint to become an apple tree only and to bear such fruit. An acorn contains the instructions to become only an oak tree, not an apple tree. The pit of an olive is a seed that is encoded with the data necessary to grow only into an olive tree that will send forth olives of its own.

As Above, So Below. As Below, So Above. The Divine Seed that you carry within is encoded with a system of lines of force that, with proper nourishment, will enable it to only grow into the True Soul, that which Hermes called the Spirit-Soul. The presence of the Spirit-Soul will enable a purification of the microcosm and a re-unification with the Spirit. Head and heart will thus be reunited and the purification of the etheric-physical body will follow. The Divine Tri-Unity of Spirit, Soul and Body will be complete. The Divine Seed will have fulfilled its purpose to grow and bring forth fruit of its kind.

This is the miracle that awaits those who become aware of the Divine Seed within, who grow to understand its ultimate purpose and work hard to bring the blueprint to life.

It is a tragedy that the vast majority of mankind does not have the faintest idea of the wonderful Treasure that lies at the center of their microcosm. This Treasure sleeps, unable to perform its miracle as long as its host, the personality, remains ignorant of its existence.

The message of the Kingdom within that was left for us by Krishna, the Buddha and the Christ has been misinterpreted and overlooked for far too long. The meaning of the message is as clear as the nose on your face:

Look within. Look within. Look within.

` g

The Other Cheek

Self-surrender is the third stage of the five-fold gnostic Path of Return. It is the fulcrum upon which the entire Journey to Liberation must turn. To surrender the self simply means that we must stop placing our wants and desires ahead of everyone else. We have to stop seeing ourselves as the center of the universe and begin to always see others as more excellent than ourselves. We have to look to provide Service wherever we can to whomever we can. We must allow Divine Love to penetrate our hearts, permeate our microcosms and radiate from us in all directions.

This is extremely difficult to accomplish because we, as microcosms, have spent many thousands of years developing an I-centered consciousness and defending our "I" from those we call "others". We are afraid to release our self-protecting shield for fear of being harmed in some way. We fear that if we let our guard down, "others" will walk all over us, exploit us, victimize us, disregard us. This is the Great Test that all true candidates on the Path must confront and overcome. Turning our focus outwards and away from the lower self, rather than inwards.

Although it seems difficult on its face, it really isn't. If one realizes that the One Goal cannot be obtained without this prerequisite, one will make whatever changes are necessary to remain firmly on the Path that leads to that Goal. Yes, "others" may attempt to walk over us, or victimize, exploit and disregard us. But in surrendering the self, we neutralize the ability to be hurt by any negativity that may come our way. Let others do what they will, we shall stand strong as a rock and continue to radiate the Divine Force that becomes the share of all serious candidates on the Path.

If we are slapped on the right cheek, we are to turn and offer them the left cheek as well. This symbolic verse is not to be looked upon as an argument for weakness. On the contrary, one has to be very, very strong to do what is being asked here. That strength will come, not from the fearful and self-focused I-being, but from the Divine Gnosis, the Christ-radiation that floods the microcosms of all those who have awakened the Spirit-Spark Atom. This divine radiation-power enriches the blood and pours out from us in all directions as a healing balm for many.

The self-focused behavior that was long ages in the making has served its purpose. Man's period of Involution has ended. Divine Evolution is now calling us.

May those of us who are ready, respond to that Call in the right way.

~ g

30 November 2018

Nearer Than Hands And Feet

The Divine Spark that sleeps within the center of your microcosm is roughly aligned with the upper right ventricle of the human heart. Our task as image-bearers is to form a link, a connection between the physical aspect of the personality and this Divine Nucleus.

The Divine part of us is linked with the Creator of All There Is. As Divine Sparks, we issued forth from the Ineffable, Unknowable All. Although our connection to the Father-Mother has been severely obstructed due to our own self-willed thinking, willing, desiring and acting it is still there, faintly active in the center of our microcosm.

If we can become aware of this Divine part of us, if we can awaken it and forge a link between it and the physical human-being, a Great Transformation will begin to take place. By way of a process, we will begin to change from animal-man into a True Human-being, the Original pre-Adamitic Man.

The Power to do so lies within you. Not in the reflection-sphere, not in some church, or some yoga exercise, or some meditation, or via the occult agencies of clairvoyance and clairaudience. This great Power is readily available to you and is nearer than hands and feet. It lies asleep in the center of your microcosm, waiting for you to hear its Silent Voice, grab the Hand of God and attach the Rose to the Cross.

~ g

27 October 2018

Which Cannot Be Found

"You long for Unity in a world of duality, for Freedom in a world of limitation and for Eternity in a world of temporality. How is that possible? How can we, who are completely made up of the elements of this life-field, long for something that absolutely cannot be found here?"

It is strange that we do not ask this question more often. Why do we persist in longing for Unity, Freedom and Eternity in this fallen nature-order, when it has to be clear that these things are not obtainable here? We persist because there is something deep within us that yearns for these things, not as relative values but as Absolutes.

Within each human heart there is an 'Other One' that is marooned and exiled on this planet. It is this Other One that longs for a return to the Divine Kingdom, the static realm, the Realm of Absolutes. We hear its faint cry and sense the sincerity of its longing but because we are bound to the things of the earth, we misinterpret its meaning. Believing that this plaintive cry originates from the personality, we then go forth into this fallen nature-order and attempt to find those things which cannot be found here. Needless to say, we meet with naught but imitation, failure and frustration.

It is only when we embark upon the gnostic Path of Return that we will be able to clearly hear this Still, Small Voice of longing. For that Path will reestablish our link with the Divine and re-open the ancient channels of communication. It is only then that we will truly realize where Unity, Freedom and Eternity are to be found.

Armed with this Inner Knowing, this Gnosis, we will then trim our sails, adjust our rudder and set our course for the Divine Realm, the Sixth Cosmic Domain, the Realm of Absolutes.

~ g

Impossibly Possible

"The Impossible is Possible because nothing is stronger than the power of the human Heart. What the Heart desires, it draws unto itself, despite apparent limitation and opposition, right through astral fields, through Worlds, even. What it attracts is Nourishment. 

One who desires the Impossible, attracts the Impossible."

- Author Unknown -

05 October 2018

Strive On

"Strive on, ... secure in the knowledge that only your body is mortal and that your true Self endures forever. The man you appear to be is not yourself at all, for your real Self is not that corporeal, palpable, changing form you see, but the Spirit inside.

Remember that you are a god, you have a god's potential for life, sensation, memory, and foresight, a god's power to rule, to govern, and to direct the body which is given to you as a servant, in the same way that God, who reigns over us, directs the entire universe. This sovereignty exercised by the eternal God over the universe is mirrored by the sovereignty your immortal Soul exercises over your frail body."

Cicero, The Dream of Scipio from On The Republic, Book VI

04 October 2018

Tomb or Temple?

The personality, with its four vehicles (the physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies) can be either a tomb or a temple.

It can be a tomb when the human-being does nothing to awaken the Divine nucleus that sleeps within the center of the microcosm. The Divine part of the human-being lies buried, unable to express itself in ths nature-order.

It can be, and should be, a temple when the human-being recognizes that he must awaken this Spark of Infinity if he/she wants to take up his/her cross and walk the liberating gnostic Path of Return. Then the personality provides a refuge for the Divine Atom. The personality will nourish and protect the fledgling spark of Light as it matures in its duty to purify the microcosm. Which is as it should be. 

Man was given a temporary body for the very special purpose of freeing the Divine nucleus within us. If we are not attending to that duty, then we have turned our Temple into a Tomb.

~ g

29 September 2018

Destiny, Fate and Karma

"DESTINY may be likened to a man who must travel to a distant city, whether or not he wishes to make the journey, the destination being his Destiny. He may choose to go by way of a river or by way of a plain; whether through mountains or through forests, on foot or on horseback, slow or fast, and whatever befalls him because of this decision is Fate.

If a tree falls on him because he chose the forest path, it was fated, for luck is an element of Fate. Destiny leaves no choice. Fate gives limited choice which may be good or bad but it cannot be averted. What is fated must be, for at no point can there be any turning back.

The circumstances of the traveller conform to the Law of Sowing and Reaping. He may travel in comfort or pain, in happiness or in sorrow, with strength or weakness, heavily burdened or lightly burdened, well-prepared or ill-prepared. When the destination is set according to the decrees of a former life, then the circumstances of the journey should conform with the desire of the traveller. For what use is it desiring a great destination when the Law of Sowing and Reaping decrees that an intolerable burden be carried on the way? Far better to have lesser aspirations. 

The decrees of Fate are many. The decrees of Destiny are few."

From In The Beginning - The Kolbrin - Chapter 5:3-4 

~ g

The Seven Cosmic Domains

It has been mentioned often in this blog that the aim of Path of Return is to guide the candidate out of the Seventh Cosmic Domain and into the Divine Kingdom, the higher Sixth Cosmic Domain. These terms may be foreign or confusing to some. Will try to explain in a simplified manner.

First off, one must remember that SEVEN is the number of the Divine. Seven Rays emanate from the Logos of a system. Each of the Seven Rays contain six sub-rays, for a total of 49 of these primordial Divine Rays. This establishes a pattern, an energy/frequency pattern that is used throughout the Creation. When this pattern is encountered, one knows that the Divine is at work.

We will now reference the diagram below.

It starts at the top with the Threefold Godhead resident on the 1st Cosmic Plane. From the Godhead emanates Seven mighty forces, Seven Rays, Seven Logoi. The diagram shows that each of these initial Seven Logoi emanates seven sub-logoi. This pattern continues throughout all of the subsequent Cosmic Domains.

A Logos is the head of a solar system. A solar system consists of a central Sun and at a family of planetary bodies.

The diagram shows us seven Cosmic Domains. The first six Cosmic Domains are Divine. The Seventh is not. It is the Seventh Cosmic Domain, the Cosmic Physical Plane, that is our current home while in exile from our true home, the Sixth.

Following the pattern introduced earlier, the Seventh Cosmic Domain is sub-divided into seven sub-domains. These domains are the ones that are more familiar to humanity:

1. The World of God corresponds to the Adi Plane

2. The World of Virgin Spirits corresponds to the Anupadaka Plane

3. The World of Divine Spirit corresponds to the Atmic Plane

4. The World of Life Spirit correspond to the Buddhic Plane

5. The World of Thought corresponds to the Manasic Plane

6. The World of Desire corresponds to the Astral Plane

7. The Physical World corresponds to the Physical Plane (You Are Here)

The inhabitants of each Cosmic Domain can see into all of the Cosmic domains below it. The inhabitants of a Cosmic Domain cannot see into the Domain(s) above it. This accounts for the difficulty of mortals to see into the Divine Kingdoms.

As the Cosmic Domains move from the First to the Seventh, the vibrational frequency decreases with each step downwards.

Each Cosmic Domain is separated by a vibration or frequency gap. In order to move from one Cosmic Domain to another, the frequency gap must be bridged. That is the purpose of the Path of Return: to increase the vibration of the microcosm until it matches the vibration of the Sixth Cosmic Domain. 

During these end-times, a bridge has been constructed that allows microcosms of the correct frequency to "cross over" into the Sixth. The Living Body of the Spiritual School constitutes such a bridge, or ark. Transfiguration is the inevitable end result, the transformation of the entire microcosm.  

“Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." D. Anka

"If you wish to find the Secrets of the Universe, you must think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration" - Nicola Tesla

Once a microcosm has been liberated by this process of transfiguration, it will disappear from physical view. This is because it has moved into a vibrational frequency that is higher than the physical human eye was designed to perceive. That's all that "invisibility" is - the inability to visually perceive higher frequencies of vibration. 

The Liberated Ones can no longer be seen but they still exist, in a higher plane, the Divine Sixth Cosmic Domain. As prevoiusly mentioned, they are able to see into the Physical Realm below them. From this vantage point, they remain willing and available to help their fallen brothers and sisters attain salvation. 

It is hoped that the foregoing has explained a little bit about the Cosmic Domains and the relationship of the Seventh to the Sixth.

~ g

28 September 2018

The Gnostic Key To The New Testament

Everyone has an opinion about the Bible. Most of these opinions are negative. The rest of them are violently defensive. The reason for the confusion and dismissal of the Bible is due primarily to humanity's tendency to interpret the Bible literally. Because of glaring inconsistencies that are sprinkled throughout the Bible, humanity finds it impossible to reconcile the Bible as "the word of God" and thus throw it in the fire. 

Be advised that over the centuries the Bible has undergone many translations. The enemies of the Gnosis were hard at work strategically inserting land mines into the Bible, modifying language, excluding entire gospels, etc. The result is the confusion that exists today. For example, the New Testament has been seriously damaged by these tactics. What the Adversary does not understand is that there is an entire narrative embedded in the New Testament that has been skillfully hidden within the Gospels. No matter how the prevailing authorities try to maim and deface the glorious message of salvation aimed at humanity, they will not succeed. Truth cannot be erased.

This post will attempt to cut through the sludge and provide a measure of clarity. We will start with the following:

The Bible cannot be understood without the Gnostic Key in hand.

What is the Gnostic Key? It is the key that opens the door of understanding to the gnostic Path of Return. This Path leads to dissolution of the personality and rebirth of the True Soul that lies sleeping within the heart of the microcosmic Spirit-Spark Atom. This is the Path that leads to Liberation from this fallen nature-order.

Since the Fall of Man, this Path was made available to humanity as a way to return to their former Divine Home. We are talking many millions of years. Unfortunately, humanity has been too distracted by the things of this material world to answer the Call that is sounded continuously. This Call is actually a Divine vibration that seeks to re-link with the Spirit-spark Atom of the human-being, which is also Divine in nature. This calling vibration is the Christ-ray, Kristos, as the ancient Greeks named it, long before the man Jesus appeared on the world-stage.

The first guide to using the gnostic key to the New Testament is to understand the over-riding purpose of the New Testament and the symbolism used to achieve that purpose. This post will not attempt to justify or explain any literal interpretations of the New Testament. We are going to focus solely upon the symbolism. In brief:

Birth of the Christ-child: represents the Awakening of the sleeping Divine Spark. This Spirit-Spark Atom is the Divine nucleus of the microcosm. Its location corresponds to the upper right ventricle of the heart. It is not part of the physical heart, it is part of the immortal microcosm. It is likened to a Rose but when it lies dormant, we call it the Rosebud. The stable where the Christ-child is born represents the cave of the human heart - filthy, unkempt and cluttered with the things of this nature.

John the Baptist: represents the human-being who has made the decision to go the Path. Such a one wants to purify the mental, astral, etheric and physical vehicles of the personality in order to create a suitable environment for the forces of the Rose to grow and work within the microcosm. That is why it is said that such a one is "as one crying in the wilderness" striving to "make straight the paths" for "the One Who Is To Come". The latter statement is a symbolic reference to the Other One, the sleeping True Soul within the heart of the microcosm that is endeavoring to re-establish Itself. 

We refer to this representation as "the Johannine man", the John-man. He represents the stage of purification on the Path. Here is where the Rose begins to bloom.

Jesus: symbolizes the Soul-man. He is the candidate on the Path who has succeeded in linking the True Soul with the radiations of the Divine Spirit, thus giving birth to the Spirit-Soul. The Spirit-Soul is the Original True Soul of the fallen Divine human-being. Its destiny is to re-link the True Soul to the Divine Spirit, the substance of the Sophia. The True Soul, emanating from the heart of the candidate, must connect with a Reason, the Divine Spirit.

The Jordan River: represents the blood, also the serpent-fire system.

The Baptism at the Jordan: Here is where the John-man hands over control of the microcosm to the Jesus-man. The candidate has advanced sufficiently on the purifying stage of the Path that he/she voluntary chooses to turn over control of all thinking, willing, feeling and action to the Divine part of him, which is growing ever stronger. 

On the banks of the Jordan, the Jesus-man is anointed ("Kristos" means "to anoint") with water from the Jordan. This water represents the purified blood-state of the candidate. As the Jesus-man is anointed, a dove comes to rest upon his forehead. Doves and eagles are ancient symbols of the Divine Spirit. So, we can see that this baptism symbolizes the radiations of the Divine Spirit re-linking with the newly reborn Soul, the Spirit-Soul. This reunification establishes the candidate on the road to transfiguration. The Spirit-Soul will now seek to unite with the Divine Spirit.  

Once the Jesus-man has been baptized in this manner, he is christened, anointed. He becomes a Christ

Shortly after the Baptism on the Jordan, John the Baptist is beheaded. This symbolizes the complete surrender of the John (the Seeking Man) to Jesus (the Soul-Man).

The Christ: the Christ is not a man. It is a mighty inter-cosmic Divine radiation. It is the Second Aspect of the Logos, which is also called The Father. The Christ-ray is called "the Son" because that which issues from a father is the son. Once the Jesus-man accepts this Christ-ray into his/her being, he/she becomes one with the Father ("I and my Father are One").

The literal interpretation of this Sonship has posed problems in understanding from the times of the Pharisees up to the present day. "How can someone claim to be the Son of God?" they cry. 

You just learned how. 

The Temptation in the Desert: the "desert" or "wilderness" always represents the material world, this fallen nature-order. Once the candidate has surrendered the self and the "I" recedes in order to allow the Other One to lead the way, the forces of this nature-order will immediately assemble to place obstacles in his/her way. These obstacles can take the form of appeals to the desire nature of the human-being or to the pride-nature of the "I". The forces of this nature attempt to derail the candidate's journey by repeatedly testing the lower nature, looking to cause a fall.

The Twelve Apostles: represent the twelve cranial nerves. These twelve nerves transmit astral impulses to the entire body. In their fallen state, these nerves respond to the aeonic forces of fallen nature and carry out their orders. The twelve cranial nerves must be purified as well, so that they can carry out the will of the Father, not that of the nature aeons.

Jerusalem: Jerusalem represents the head sanctuary.

The Upper Room: represents the optic thalamus, which is positioned in the mid-brain behind the frontal bone.

The Last Supper: represents the candidate's final farewell to the world of matter.

The Garden of Gethsemane: represents the second thoughts that many candidates have when they realize that in order to achieve liberation from this nature-order, the personality, the "I" must die. Not in the physical sense, but in the sense that the "I" must abdicate its throne and relinquish the leadership of the microcosm to the Other One, the reborn Original True Human-Being.

The Crucifixion: the physical body is hung up on the Cross of Matter. It is nailed there, indicating a permanent loss of action. This represents the death of the "I" and the end of its influence over the thinking, willing, feeling and acting of the personality.

The Resurrection: represents the rebirth of the Original Divine Man. "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He (the old personality) is not here, He (the Divine Human-Being) is risen.".

The Ascension: the liberated microcosm, the newly-Christed personality, takes leave of the world of the senses and returns to the Divine Kingdom.

The enemies of the Gnosis have done their very best to keep the Truth from you. The Universal Gnostic Brotherhood has worked just as hard to protect the Truth by providing it with an impenetrable disguise, one that enables the Truth to "hide in plain sight". You have been given the Key that will be needed to decipher the New Testament. Above all things, you must remember that

- the Christ is not a man, it is a Divine radiation, an inter-cosmic force that surrounds and interpenetrates this planet. 

- After the baptism at the Jordan, everything that the Jesus-man says is actually the Christ-Spirit speaking through him. Any miracles performed are due to the Divine powers of the Christ-ray working through the man Jesus.

- Finally, and most importantly, you must recognize that it is the destiny of all men to also become Christs ("That which I do, you shall do greater things than these"). The Christ, speaking through Jesus, implores humanity to "be My followers". Not followers in the sense of blind sheep, but followers in the sense of people of insight who wish to attain Christhood as well.

It is hoped that the foregoing will be of some use. People ask what is Truth and where can it be found? One place where it can be found is in the New Testament, protected by a disguise, waiting for Man to find the Key that will decrypt the cipher and unlock the door to the Mysteries.

You now have that Key.

~ g

14 September 2018

Answers to "Mind-Traps, Beliefs and Languages"

The following is a reponse to a recent question. The response was too long to fit in the Comments section.

Re : "I am wondering if you can ask you about mind-traps, beliefs and language.

Sometimes I feel like I am caught in words, beliefs and spiritual concepts that I am repeating from books, lectures and other more "advanced" people. For example speaking about gnosis, seven rays, light vestures, 6th cosmic domains, reflection spheres, etheric bodies and a plethora of all the invisible things in the ether.

Are all these not inexperiencal ideas for the readers and listeners rather than a living experience?"

Answer: What you have mentioned above are not simply ideas but represent Knowledge that Man once possessed but has forgotten over the ages. These truths are as old as mankind. They are not "made up" by earthly authorities but are periodically revealed to Man by Divine messengers sent for that purpose, usually during times of Harvest. We are once again in such a period.

For those who wish to walk the Path of Return, such Knowledge is indispensable. Man must first understand himself, his environment and the forces arrayed against him, or he will most certainly be victimized by negative forces and risk falling into a pit from which he cannot escape. In the words of the ancient oracle:

"Man, Know Thyself"

Can one achieve Liberation from this nature order without this Knowledge? That i cannot answer. i only know that it is better to Know than to Not-Know. It is difficult to climb a mountain when one does not have all of the gear that is required. In order to obtain a true "living experience" one must first know what it means to truly live.

Re: " If the TAO cannot be spoken, then these concepts are only a metaphorical reference point for us humans?"

Answer: TAO is the Unmanifested One. It is Ineffable, Unknowable. However, it makes itself known by that which it brings into manifestation. All of the Cosmic Domains, with their universes, galaxies, star systems, solar systems, planetary systems and mankinds are manifestations emanating from The Unmanifested One. We are tasked to learn all that we can about this Creation and to use its gifts with wisdom. Otherwise, we will continue to stumble in the dark, being constantly victimized by dark entities who know EXACTLY how this Creation works and wickedly uses that knowledge to exploit and enslave those who do not Know.

How can one begin to even think of liberation from this nature-order if one does not understand its characteristics or the design of one's own mortal vehicles? Would we hand our car keys to a 12 year old who has never been behind the wheel and say, "Drive"?

Re: " I wonder if it may be important not get to caught up fully in beliefs"

Answer: It is important to seek Gnosis, the True Knowledge of God. Then we will Know from experience and not simply Believe. Belief implies doubt. The items that you mentioned are true beyond doubt. Their reality has been hidden from humanity in order to keep us blind, ignorant and imprisoned. Even so, one should always explore all matters for oneself and confirm their truthfulness via one's own heart and mind.

Re: " Or it is necessary to fully immerse one's mind in beliefs?"

Answer: One must seek True Knowledge, not Beliefs.

Re: " Should the Light provide/transmit all that is needed for you to shine rather than books and lectures? If so, then the light is very selective on the beings that carry this out on Earth."

Answer: The Light of the Gnosis will work WITH you. It will not work FOR you.

This business of Transfiguration requires some work on the part of the human-being. Our life-wave fell to this domain due to our own poor choices. It must be our choice to leave this domain in order for Liberation to work. There has to be a VOLUNTARY SURRENDER of the "I". Secondly, at this stage our microcosms are so defiled and polluted that if the Gnosis were to attempt to transmute, transform and transfigure us without any help on our part we would burn to a crisp due to the extremely high frequency of its Divine vibration.

That is why a Plan is in place to bring us to the gate of Liberation in safety, gradually and harmoniously. However, the willing participation of the human-being is critical to the success of this Process. No guru, master or disembodied entity can do this for you. Nor can we just stand in the Light and say, "Save me!". There is work that must be done by the candidate. 

The books and presentations are not simply words. Words are Thoughts transformed into Sound. Sound is vibration. Words carry the vibration of the Gnosis to all those who read or hear about it. They act as a carrier wave to bring a Divine vibration to humanity in a format that can be safely and efficiently assimilated by the subtle vehicles of our personality. There is a magical element connected with the powers of Thought and Speech.

The Gnosis is not selective. The Gnosis is available to ALL of humanity. In fact, it is nearer than hands and feet. The problem with connecting with the Gnosis is that humanity is not checking for it. We are too involved in our phones, our alcohol, our mind-altering substances, in chasing money and sex. We simply do not bother or even care. That does not make the Gnosis selective. It reveals Man to be very, very unwise, spiritually under-developed and mentally immature.

Yet, it will always be present, always ready to assist those who wish to abandon this fallen realm and return home.

"One thing, o mortals, is established here by us, namely: that God has decided that before its end, the world will be presented with a stream of Truth, Light and Greatness, such as He ordained should accompany Adam in Paradise!" - Confessio Fraternitatis 1616

all love,

~ g

27 August 2018

The Judas Signature

Slander and calumny are nothing new to The School. The School has been attacked since its inception. Often, these attacks are prosecuted by former pupils.

Most people know the story of Judas and how he betrayed Jesus. When Jesus indicated that one of the Twelve would betray him, all were astonished. “Surely, it is not I, Lord!” they all exclaimed.

Jesus identified the traitor-to-be as "the one who has dipped his hand in the bowl with Me". That man happened to be Judas. Sure enough, a few hours later, Judas gave the Saviour over to the centurions.

Judas, who acted as treasurer for the group, was all about money and earthly glory. He wanted Jesus to use His Divine powers to become a King on earth. Whereas, Jesus had to remind everyone that His "Kingdom" was not of this world. Judas turned on the Christ in the hope that it would goad Him into using His powers and establishing dominion over the ruling classes. Being money-hungry, he also didn't mind the thirty pieces of silver that was offered to him. We call this "the Judas Signature". Jan van Rijckenborgh wrote about it thusly:

"WE are also reminded of a certain enmity that can slumber in the pupil, too. This enmity can be, yes will be present, as the momentary astral consciousness in dialectical man possesses a natural and explainable enmity towards the Gnosis. The pupil can be either unconscious or only vaguely conscious of this because, for instance, the blood-state or karmic influence draws him to the Spiritual School and, consequently, to the Gnosis. Such a person could originally be very gnostically sensitive, having already sought contact with the School while still very young, but with respect to the necessary transformation of his astral consciousness he has as yet done nothing. The astral consciousness is then exactly the same as it was years ago. In this respect he is still as the cave man, the original natural man, perhaps fiery impassionate, whereas through a hereditary factor he has become a pupil of the Spiritual School. Then, by virtue of the astral consciousness he possesses at the same time interest towards the School and enmity to the Gnosis.

Enmity expresses itself first as a certain resentment, as displeasure or irritability because the School "interferes" too much in his life. If the School announces a certain arrangement for the good of the work, he feels irritated. Because of his pupilship he fights against this enmity for a long time and he considers these things with the help of trusted friends, who are adroitly drawn into a conversation. But the enmity grows. If you try to hold the astral consciousness in check, tensions develop and at a given moment, the storm breaks loose, just as in the highest heat sphere.

We see the same development when a pupil has come too much under the control of a group or power from the astral sphere. Then such a pupil, even if he or she is not fully conscious of it, is used every possible moment against the School and its pupils in order to check the work and, if possible, to damage it, to neutralize the harvest of the Brotherhood.

In this way, the 'power with the lion’s head' existing in the astral sphere of the nature-of-death, tries to imitate the Gnosis and distributes stones for bread with a lavish hand. If you have received a lot of this substitute bread in your astral consciousness, you imagine yourself to possess the Gnosis and you feel irritated when the School fails to recognize you.

From "Escape From Astral Bondage" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. I - Jan van Rijckenborgh

When a person joins the School but is only-playacting, eventually he or she will be found out. "Unmasked" is the word that fits here. No matter how much they outwardly pretend to be down for the School, inwardly their true nature simmers. Eventually, they will expose themselves by their actions. Tensions develop from trying to suppress their base material nature in a group where pure ethers are circulating. These tensions must lead to an explosion. 

In this way, imposters will expose themselves and quit the School. Having left the School, they will proceed to blame the School for their problems instead of recognizing that it was their own vibrational incompatibility that was to blame. Because they were unable to walk the Path with their "I" they try to tell others that the Path is a sham and does not exist. 

"Saint" Augustine showed this signature when he left the Manichaeans, a gnostic brotherhood of which he was a member for some time. When he couldn't bend those teachings to serve his earthly will, he left the group in anger, stating that "Never once did I see any evidence of two separately existing nature-orders". He then went on to become a champion for the orthodox Catholic Church and a staunch opponent of all Gnostics.

The Judas Signature is real and quite easy to detect. It comes with the territory, so it’s something that all true gnostic brotherhoods have learned to live with.

~ g

13 August 2018


There are those who express doubt about the existence of the invisible worlds. Reflection-sphere entities, different planes of existence, separate cosmic domains, Christine radiations, etc. The following is for their consideration:

- do you doubt invisibility when you are using your mobile phone and snatching data out of thin air?

- do you doubt invisibility whan you are watching your favorite television program brought to you by electrical impulses that travel through copper wires?

- do you doubt invisibility when you have a thought that materializes seemingly out of nowhere?

- do you doubt invisibility when you take a breath, and then another, and another?

Then why do you doubt the existence of invisible entities occupying regions of "space" that we are unable to see with our physical eyes?

Why do you doubt the existence of a Domain that is not governed by the constant interchange of pairs of opposites? A Domain that is everything that this one is not? A Field of Life that is eternal, static, unchanging?

Why do you doubt the existence of a Divine nucleus centered in the region of the physical heart that contains the blueprint for Immortality?

Why do you doubt the immense power of Thought, of invisible thought-radiations and thought-forms that can affect other human entities for good or for ill?

One cannot have it both ways. Either one believes in invisibility, or one does not. There is no middle-ground.

Our physical eyes were purposely designed to be able to "see" within a specific frequency range. Just because wee cannot see worlds above and below us does not mean that they do not exist. It simply means that we do not (yet) have the organs necessary to be able to see them.

There is no empty space. The spot that you are occupying right now is teeming with active life. You just cannot see it. Someday, in a future not too far off, that will change. We will be temporarily granted the ability to see into those worlds. It is best to get used to the idea of invisibility now, so that you will not be taken by surprise when things that are presently unseen become visible to the naked eye.

~ g

30 July 2018


It will always be there. Lurking in the shadows. Whispering in the dark. Tapping you on the shoulder. It is the part of our being that we cannot run away from but must turn and face head-on.

When we think we have it under control is when we are the most vulnerable. It exerts a subtle, yet powerful, almost irresistible pull that we must do our best to ignore.

We have wrestled with this dragon for long ages. It is a difficult battle because this foe knows our every desire and how to awaken them in us. Those who are now on the Path will find that the battle has only gotten more difficult, more intense, as the predator doubles its efforts to hold on to its prey.

Do not be discouraged in the wake of temporary losses. Do not become overconfident by victories small or large. This is a battle that only the growing New Soul is equipped to fight. We, as personalities, are urged to stand aside. The Higher seeks to subdue the lower. The Other One steps forth to reestablish control over the microcosm. Stand aside and maintain a neutral position as the battle rages.

Those who are persevering on the Path, take heart. Victory has been assured. Eternity will triumph over Time. The dragon will be slain.

~ g

21 July 2018

Rosebud, Rose-Bloom

Dedicated To The Few.

~ g

04 July 2018

The House

A man is gifted with a furnished house. The house has a beautiful exterior. The furnishings, although serviceable, are a bit worn and in need of care. The same goes for the plumbing and the electrical wiring. But the exterior is beautiful. So much so, that passers-by are constantly stopping to stare in awe at the almost hypnotic beauty of the house.

This gives the man a great feeling of pride. He loves the attention bestowed upon his house and the sensation derived from it. He vows to always keep up the appearance of the house.

Years pass. The man spends huge sums of money beautifying the exterior of the house. A fresh coat of paint every two years, expensive windows and doors, top-of-the-line lighting. He spares no effort to present the best face possible for his home.

Meanwhile, within the house, things have not gone so well. There has been no upkeep. The furnishings have declined due to age. The plumbing is shot and the wiring is dangerously frayed. Every room is cluttered with junk and there is a general stench that is unbearable. Vermin roam freely.

Outside of the home, passers-by remain in awe and admiration of the handsome exterior of what appears to be a lovely home. None have a clue of the darkness to be found within. 

So much of humanity behaves like the man with the beautiful house. Untold hours are spent in the mirror or on the business end of a selfie, glorifying a perceived external beauty. Meanwhile, the Inner Man, the subtle bodies (etheric, astral, mental) and the soul-fluids are polluted, unbalanced, dis-eased and neglected. These ones rot from within while working obsessively to present a facade to the world.

The body is a temple, yes, but that statement refers to more than just the exterior. The tools that we need to accomplish the task of Transfiguration are kept within the human-being. The bodily fluids, organs and subtle energies must be kept in a purified state in order to work properly towards this purpose. Bear in mind that the exterior of a living thing always depends upon the state of the interior. We must do what is necessary to keep the temple/house in optimum working condition. Those who wish to walk the Path, should seek the insight necessary to achieve this purification.

It matters not what the house looks like to those who are passing by. What matters is the state of the microcosmic home that we are preparing for the rebirth of the Soul and the descent of the Spirit.

~ g

03 July 2018

The Mysteries

mys · ter · y

1. something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain

The Path of Return is the ancient path of Liberation. It is the Key to escaping this fallen nature-order. When humanity fell from the Divine Kingdom as a result of its own self-willed thinking, desiring and action, this Key of Salvation descended with us by order of the Logos, so that Man might always have the opportunity and the means to return Home.

Through the ages this knowledge has been carefully guarded and veiled from the eyes of the profane. The Gnostic Path of Return has always aimed to liberate a great Power, a Power which, in the hands of the selfish or insincere can do more harm than good. To those who were found to be worthy, these secrets were revealed. For those who remained under the spell of Matter, the Path remained a mystery.

Why a mystery? It is a mystery because it is difficult to imposssible for many to understand or accept that a human-being can be transformed into a god. The mystery is extended further by the knowledge offered that no external cause, intermediary or initiate is necessary. The Power to accomplish this Great Mystery lies within us. The ages-old Path that must be walked is a path of Self-Initiation.

The days of the guru are over. Man has reached a point in his development where he has the ability to understand these things independently, if he can free his thinking from the straitjacket of lies in which this nature-order has bound him. At the end of this major world-cycle, the training wheels have been taken off, so to speak. That which has been Hidden is now being brought to Light. It is up to each individual to see the Mystery being unfolded before him or her and to pursue the miraculous Transformation promised by that Mystery with insight, yearning, and in full self-surrender.

Awaken, brothers and sisters. Awaken and receive the Light-Vesture that you left behind, the Light-Vesture that has been yours since the Beginning.

~ g

11 June 2018

Deep Cover

You've heard stories about detectives and agents that go undercover to in order to infiltrate or investigate a group. Sometimes the assignments are short in duration. Others can last for months or even years. The longer assignments require much more preparation and planning. The agents have to assume new identities, break contact with their loved ones and adopt the practices and characteristics of the group that they have infiltrated. They have to really become "one of them them". It is said that such agents are going deep undercover, from which we derive the term "deep cover".

There's is a danger inherent in taking on such assignments.  There is a risk involved. The risk is that the agent might become so involved in becoming an authentic member of the group that he eventually forgets that he is tied to law enforcement  New friendships and loyalties develop. New bonds and attachments are made. At some point, the decision-making of the agent can become clouded because he/she no longer is in touch with who he or she really is.

The above can be used as an allegory to describe the situation that humanity presently finds itself in. Original Man was given an assignment to manage the Seventh Cosmic Doman, the physical universe. This was the Garden of the Gods, the plane of Matter that was to be used for creative purposes. Original Man was to be its steward. His assignment was to create and to supervise those creations.

But something happened to throw this blueprint into disarray. Original Man became too involved in the physical creation. He especially became enamored of the images that were being created, the symbolically-named "Adams". He chose to merge with the image and became electromagnetically chained to it. At a given point, Original Man could no longer remember his Divine origins or his assignment. He believed that he was the image. He became lost in a tar-pit from which he could not escape.

His brother agents, the Elohim, have been sent to rescue him, but before they can do so, the imprisoned Original Man must be brought to a remembrance. He has to remember his true origins before he can be motivated to come out from under deep cover. His brothers agents work tirelessly to assist the Fallen Ones in remembering.  It is a difficult task, but one that will not be abandoned until every Fallen One has been rescued and returned to the Sixth Cosmic Domain, their original Divine home.

Such is the predicament of current humanity. For many, it will be a long time before they are rescued. For those with Remembrance, salvation is near.

Shake off the cobwebs of delusion. Throw off your false persona. Awaken to your True Identity. Abandon your "cover" and find the Way Home.

~ g

03 June 2018

"Death" Is Transformation Not Understood By Man

There are two totally incorrect conception about death. One is the theological conception, the other is the historical materialistic view.

The theological conception maintains, with certain variations, that the phenomenon usually called death is a 'change' and that the process of life will be continued in 'heaven' or in the land on the 'Other Side'. This opinion is shared by many different groups, each with subtle variations on this core theme.

The materialistic view holds that death is the 'absolute end', the definite and complete discontinuation of human life.

Gnostic philosophy, when properly understood, enables one to abandon both of those incorrect concepts. It holds that death is the total discontinuation of the crystallized, diseased, wrong-living personality. The four bodies (physical, etheric, astral, mental) disintegrate and gradually dissolve. What remains is an emptied microcosm, liberated from the failed personality, containing a flaming, living nucleus, the Rose, the True Soul. 

Far from being something to grieve over, the 'death' event is actually a great blessing for the microcosm. It allows the microcosm to rid itself of a personality that had no intention of walking the Path and will provide it with an opportunity to generate a future personality that might find The Way to Transfiguration. 

From the gnostic point-of-view, death is nonsense. As Hermes rightly stated:

"Death is annihilation, but nothing that exists in the world is annihilated"

In this nature-order, that which has assumed shape but is no longer useful is dissolved and returned to its origin, while the microcosm is freed from a highly undesirable crystallized personality. Therefore, there is no such thing as "annihilation".

You, as a personality, were generated by your microcosm as the latest in a long line of temporary emergency-order personalities. Your single task, your one purpose in life, is to awaken the sleeping Divine Spark and enable the rebirth of the True Soul. If you fail in that task for whatever reason, you, as a personality will be dissolved. The forces of cohesion that hold the atoms of your mortal vehicles in place will withdraw. The withdrawal of this binding force manifests itself as decay of the physical and subtle vehicles. Your physical, etheric, astral and mental components will be recycled, returned to the matter of their constituent realms, and you, as a personality, will be no more. An entirely new personality will be generated by the microcosm at some future time and will be given the same mandate as that which you have been given: to free the Other One.

The only way that you, as a personality, can avoid going the way of all flesh is to find the Path of Return and to walk that Path to its Good End. When - with your help - the microcosmic Other One is successfully reborn via the processes of Transmutation, Transformation and Transfiguration, you will become the last personality in your microcosm and have a conscious share in the Immortal existence of the New Man. 

That which Man calls 'death' has no place in the journey back to True Life.

"He who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of My Father, and he shall not go out again" Rev. 3:12

~ g

02 June 2018

Releasing the Power of the Rose

We've all seen the mushroom cloud that develops when man crudely and inefficiently splits atoms of uranium and plutonium. A huge amount of heat energy is released, along with significant amounts of astral and etheric radiations. We've also observed the effect of these radiations on humanity. When it comes to nuclear fission, Man only has use for the explosive release of heat energy. The freed radiations are not used and are allowed to escape, contributing to the etherealization of our atmosphere. This atmospheric etherealization is not beneficial to human life-forms. Such is the power that is contained within a single atom of matter. It is a primordial power, inherited from the root-substance of the All-Manifestation.

Within the mathematical center of our microcosm, in a location that corresponds with the upper right ventricle of the human heart, is a special type of atom. It is the primordial atom, the Divine Spirit-Spark Atom.  Although it is not a material atom, it too, houses a tremendous energy, a Great Power. If we can release this Power, gradually and harmoniously, a magnificent transformation of the microcosm will be the result. This transformation will enable us to break free of the bonds of this emergency-order and allow us to return to the Divine nature-order, the Sixth Cosmic Domain.

The Divine Atom is sevenfold in construction. We can say that it has seven "petals". This is why we sometimes refer to it as the Rose, or the Rosebud. Each "petal" holds a different aspect of Divine universal power. If the Power of the Rose were released all at once, our microcosm would instantly burn up from the tremendous heat. Therefore, the Divine Atom must be "split" gently, in a gradual manner.

Unlike the crude, heavy-handed methods employed by humanity's scientists, there is a process, a Path that, when properly followed, will safely and effectively release the Great Power of the sevenfold Divine Atom. When we as candidates truly walk the Path of Return, we are engaged in this task of Divine Fission. Those who seek liberation from this nature-order should seek to obtain insight as to how this process works before embarking upon the Path. At the end of this journey of Transformation lies not deterioration, death, and dissolution, but a return to True Life, Glory and Immortality. The Spiritual School has manifested in our era to help all sincere candidates to understand the process. The power field of the School will aid the candidate in the smooth execution of the process.

If uranium and plutonium atoms can do what they do when partially split in a coarse and inefficent manner, imagine what a Divine Atom can release when it is split completely via a gradual and harmonious process. This is the task that all sincere candidates on the Path are charged with: harnessing and properly utilizing the power of the Divine Rose, a transformative Power not-of-this-world.

~ g