24 December 2018

Protect The Child

The birth of the Christ-child is yet another symbol. It symbolizes the awakening of the Divine Spark within the Seeking human-being.

When this Divine part of us is awakened, it is like unto a newborn babe. It is weak and frail, the result of long ages spent in latency. It is vulnerable, it is defenseless. Above all, it requires careful nurturing to grow and to thrive.

The aeons of this nature can sense this Awakening. The high frequency of the Divine vibration is diametrically opposed to the overall low vibration of the fallen human system. Every effort will be made to locate this Divine vibration and expel it. This state-of-being is symbolized by the story of Herod sending his soldiers after the newborn "king" on a search-and-destroy mission.

The newly-awakened Divine Spark can be put right back to sleep if the candidate does not resolve to provide the necessary care and feeding. Thus, there must be a "flight to Egypt", where the Divine vibration can grow in strength while evading the forces that oppose it.

It is a long road from Awakening to Transfiguration; from Birth to Resurrection; from Bethlehem to Golgotha. Your mission as a candidate on the Path is to travel this road carefully and with supreme awareness, mindful always of the great Treasure that you carry.

Protect the Child.

~ g


Andrew said...


Has the Divine Spark had to go through the mineral,plant,animal and human kingdoms as some books say. If it only starts to awaken at the human stage why would it have to go through the other stages. Also does school believe in elements which apparently govern the mental realm and are the cause of our thoughts? I find it hard to envision what the mental realm is made of. I can see how our body gets every thing it needs from the physical world such as food, water, air but with our mental body I can't really see how it operates and that's why I ask about elements.

BrotherGee said...


Re: "Has the Divine Spark had to go through the mineral,plant,animal and human kingdoms as some books say. If it only starts to awaken at the human stage why would it have to go through the other stages. "

There are two human types, two human races, as it were. One is the Divine Human Race, composed of Original True Human-beings. This Divine Race has the Spirit-Spark Atom. A portion of this Divine Race fell into this lower nature-order and carried the Spark with them. Being Divine in nature, the Spark could not express itself in this un-divine realm and so it 'went to sleep', in a manner of speaking. The fallen members of this Divine Race are not here to slowly "evolve" on the earth-plane. Their purpose is to escape from it and return to the Divine Realms. Mystery schools have been established for thousands of years, in every age, to help these fallen entities remember their origins and walk the Path of Return.

The other human type consists of ensouled, natural human-beings. This race is a product of the aeons of this nature, the cosmocreators. These entities do not originate from the Divine kingdom, but are purely aeonic creations. This is the race that has had to undergo the lengthy involution that you mentioned. Their focus is directed entirely towards the earth.

These two races - the Sons of the Fire and the Sons of the Water, those who possess the Spirit-Spark and those who possess a natural soul - experience together on this planet. This makes for a complex existence that is rife with conflict.

This state-of-affairs is not acknowledged or discussed in the works that you have referred to.

Re: "Also does school believe in elements which apparently govern the mental realm and are the cause of our thoughts?"

It is not a question of belief, but of fact. "Man does not live, he is lived." A large majority of the thoughts that we have are not our own. In the New Year, there will be series of posts that will seek to explain this.


~ g

Andrew said...


It seems that all occult knowledge is useless as it is aimed at our egocentric personality which is transient. However the spirit spark atom is eternal and must be the place where we start our journey from. School talks about the kundalini of the heart, that hidden original force in our hearts which is not connected with the personality. Over the years I have been a member of many spiritual groups which are now embedded in my state of being. I ask the question about elementals controlling us because it easy getting rid of all the spiritual books we accumulate on our spiritual quest by throwing them in the rubbish bin. But thoughts about magic or occult thoughts are very hard to get rid of. Any suggestions how to start or is it simply by joining LR?

BrotherGee said...


Learn to ignore such thoughts. Thoughts are things, they have a certain life of their own. It is said that a Creator cannot forsake the work of his hands. Our Thoughts are our creations. As such, they tend to hang around in the vicinity of the Thinker. Whenever we give a Thought our attention, we feed it, and it grows stronger, more persistent.

By withdrawing our attention from the Thoughts that we no longer wish to entertain we will starve those Thoughts of the energy that they need to thrive. They will eventually die of starvation and fall away from our respiration-field.

Mind, it can't be a thing where we actively "try" to ignore unwanted Thoughts. That will still provide those Thoughts with a measure of attention. Instead, we are to practice a steady neutrality towards such Thoughts. Recognize the Thought when it presents itself but pay it no attention, either negative or positive. This is not as hard to do as it may appear. "Oh, there's that Thought again", and then let it pass. Learn to control what you focus your attention on.

Do not feed an unwanted Thought with your attention. That is an energy exchange that will only sustain the Thought. Objectively acknowledge it and then go on to think about something else, something that you want to think about. After repeated unsuccessful attempts to gain your attention, the Thought-vibration will die from lack of same.

One should join the School only out of a true Inner need to do so. The power-field of the School can be of some help to the pupil in such matters but it is important for the pupil to do the work. Ridding oneself of habitual thoughts is not easy, but it can be done. First comes the desire to do so, then the insight on how to do so, then we do it. Want-to, How-to, Then-do.

~ g