29 January 2018

A Place To Stay

"When I was hungry, you gave me to eat.
When I was thirsty, you gave me to drink.
When I was naked, you clothed me.
When I was homeless, you took me in."

There is an esoteric meaning to these verses. To reveal the hidden meaning, one must remember that these words were not spoken by the human personality named Jesus, but by the Christ-Spirit that was in possession of Jesus' physical vehicle and was speaking through him.

The power of the Christ Radiation, the Gnosis, surrounds and interpenetrates the physical world. This Divine radiation literally passes through the physical body of most human-beings. Being oblivious to the presence of the Christ-Ray, they are unable to assimilate this energy into their microcosmic system. Crystallization and disintegration - what man calls 'death' - are the result.

But when a person chooses to walk the Path of Return, when a person makes the decision to do all that can be done to open the heart sanctuary to this constant influx of Divine energy, the Christ Radiations will no longer pass through this person, but will begin to collect and accumulate within the microcosm.

The Divine Spark - the Christ Within - hungry for Divine food and drink, will no longer suffer starvation or thirst.

The microcosm, including all of the soul-vehicles of the Candidate, will provide clothing (the purified and renewed physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies) and shelter (the purified and renewed microcosm).

It is the sincere and dedicated Candidate on the Path who will look to provide the Christ with a place to stay.

~ g

Perceived Scarcity And Lack

We live in a world, in a society / civilization that is founded on scarcity and lack. Certain items are identified as "valuable" or "desirable" and are then hoarded by the few to create a lack for the many. A false scarcity is created where it does not really exist. Civilization is left to fight, claw and kill to acquire these things that have been falsely identified as "scarce" and "valuable".

Gold has no value. It has functions and uses but there is no intrinsic value to "owning" gold, except for the value that this society has placed upon it. When the European conquerors came to the Americas looking for gold, the natives there were dumbfounded by their visitors' fascination and lust for the metal. The natives used the metal for decoration, monuments and the creation of sacred artifacts. Not because gold was valuable, but because it was "the metal of the Sun" and representative of the Deity. It was pliable and durable, and it was plentiful. It is said that these ancient pre-Columbian cultures knew the secret to manufacturing gold, a method brought to the Americas by Atlantean colonists hundreds of thousands of years earlier.

It was the European culture with their monarchies and banking systems that stirred the craving for gold to fill their coffers. Wars were routinely fought over it, millions killed and enslaved in order to snatch it from one nation and take it to another. They brought their disease of greed to the New World and infected all those whom they came in contact with.

As we move to the present-day, we see ourselves tirelessly working and striving to achieve some sort of financial standard that ever recedes from our grasp. We do this because we are taught that we need money to survive, and that the things we need are scarce in nature and must be purchased at high cost. In truth, there is no scarcity, there is no lack. Those are manufactured concepts. There is enough land on this planet to comfortably house, on several acres, everyone of its 7 billion inhabitants. Instead we are crammed into crowded, dirty cities and forced to live in spiritual and material filth. There is enough food on this planet to fatten every single on of its 7.5 billion inhabitants, but we see that people are allowed to starve worldwide, and when help is given, it comes in the form of cereals and milk. Meanwhile heads-of-state all over the world are millionaires/billionaires, eating like kings while pretending to be "public servants".

There is no material lack. There are no material things that we actually need. The only thing that we truly lack is proper knowledge about our True Purpose and proper understanding of our current spiritual state. All the things of the material world will pass away, as they must. We are charged to utilize our brief time on earth to discover our True Purpose, to locate the Path of Return and to follow it Home.

The Power that can help us achieve this goal lies within us. It sits at the center of our microcosm, a spot that corresponds with the upper right ventricle of the physical heart. This Power lacks nothing. This Power suffers no scarcity. This Power is Divine in nature and lies sleeping, as if it were a rosebud with petals tightly closed. This Power, this Divine Spark, must be awakened from its sleep of forgetfulness so that it can unfurl its petals and liberate the Divine, transforming energies that it contains.

It behooves us to turn our attention away from the false lack designed to imprison our hearts and minds. We must address our lack of Gnosis, the Knowledge that is of and with God. Unfortunately, there is a scarcity of those who are willing to seek out that Knowledge, or to find and follow the Path of the True Way.

May you find the strength to renounce the world and all the matter therein. May you seek, and seek, and seek, until you find the Key that unlocks the door to Abundance and Freedom.

~ g

23 January 2018

"What I Have Done, All Men Can Do"

36 In flesh of man there is the essence of the resurrection of the dead. This essence, quickened by the Holy Breath, will raise the substance of the body to a higher tone,

37 And make it like the substance of the planes above, which human eyes cannot behold.

38 There is a holy ministry to death. The essence of the body cannot be quickened by the Holy Breath until the fixed is dissolved; the body must disintegrate, and this is death.

39 And then upon these pliant substances God breathes, just as He breathed upon the Chaos of the Deep when worlds were formed,

40 And Life springs forth from death; the carnal form is change to form Divine.

41 The will of man makes possible the action of the Holy Breath. When will of man and Will of God are one, the Resurrection is a fact.

42 In this we have the chemistry of mortal life, the ministry of death, the mystery of deific Life.

43 My human life was wholly given to bring my will in tune with Deific Will; when this was done my earth-tasks all were done.

44 And you, my brothers, know full well the foes I had to meet; you know about My victories in Gethsemane; my trials in the courts of men; my death upon the cross.

45 You know that all my life was one great drama for the sons of men; a pattern for the sons of men; I lived to show the possibilities of man.

46 What I have done all men can do, and what I am all men shall be.

From Materialization of the Spiritual Body of Jesus - Section XXI, Chapter 178 of The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus, The Christ

It is important to know the true nature of the "sacrifice" that was made for humanity two thousand years ago. It's all there in a nutshell.

Flesh-and-blood cannot inherit the Divine Kingdom. However, the foundation for the change-over is laid via the purification of the physical and subtle vehicles during earth-life. This purification originates with the awakening of the Divine Spark that sleeps within the center of the microcosm. Once awakened, pure Christine radiations - the Gnosis - will steadily reach the microcosm, effecting a state of reversal within the Candidate, right down to the cellular level.

Just as the butterfly temporarily loses its form during its pupa stage, so will the Candidate reach a point where the cells of the body are in a state of rearrangement. It is at this point that "God breathes" the Divine Breath on these transmuted atoms. Transfiguration is the result. An immortal, new, glorified personality vehicle emerges.

It's been done before, to show us all that it can be done. Two thousand years ago, it was done by a single special human-being. In this current Age, this alchemical transformation will be accomplished by a multitude that no one can count.

~ g

10 January 2018

The Roots Of Affliction

1 The Lord with Peter, James and John were in Jerusalem; it was the Sabbath day.

2 And as they walked along the way they saw a man who could not see. He had been blind from birth.

3 And Peter said, Lord, if diseases and imperfections all are caused by sin, who was the sinner in this case? The parents or the man himself?

4 And Jesus said, Afflictions all are partial payments on a debt, or debts, that have been made.

5 There is a Law of Recompense that never fails, and it is summarized in that true Rule of Life:

6 "Whatsoever man shall do to any other man, some other man will do to him."

7 In this we find the meaning of the Jewish law, expressed concisely in the words, "Tooth for a tooth, life for a life".

8 He who shall injure anyone in thought, or word, or deed, is judged a debtor to the Law, and someone else shall, likewise, injure him in thought, or word or deed.

9 And he who sheds the blood of any man will come upon the time when his blood shall be shed by man.

10 Affliction is a prison cell in which a man must stay until he pays his debts, unless a Master sets him free that he may have a better chance to pay his debts.

11 Affliction is a certain sign that one has debts to pay.

12 Behold this man! Once in another life he was a cruel man, and in a cruel way destroyed the eyes of one, a fellow man.

13 The parents of this man once turned their faces on a blind and helpless man, and drove him from their door.

14 Then Peter asked, Do we pay off the debts of other men when by the Word we heal them, drive the unclean spirits out, or rescue them from any form of sore distress?

15 And Jesus said, We cannot pay the debts of any man, but by the Word we may release a man from his afflictions and distress,

16 And make him free, that he may pay the debts he owes, by giving up his life in willing sacrifice for men, or other living things.

17 Behold, we make free this man, that he may better serve the race and pay his debts.

From Chapter 138 of The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus, the Christ

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Once you understand that earth existence is not a one-shot affair but a linkage of successive rebirths, perhaps you will also begin to realize the following:

- Every Cause has its Effect
- Every Effect - good or bad - will rebound to the one who created the Cause.
- Death, so-called, is no barrier to karmic justice. The debts incurred in the present life will be paid in a future life.

Examine your own life and your own situations. Reflect on those things which you characterize as "afflictions". Then, instead of cursing the Creator, understand and realize that whatever afflictions that you are dealing with in this life are the Results of Causes that you, as a prior personality, put in motion in a previous life, perhaps long ages ago.

Therefore, be mindful of the Causes that you create today. Know that the Effects of your Causes, like a boomerang, will always return to you, in force, as all outstanding debts must eventually be repaid.

~ g

07 January 2018

The First Step Taken

This post is a response to questions posed in the comment section of Kiristi : Kristos : Christ. The response was too lengthy to post there.

re: "So why would any of the 7 billion personalities presently on earth want to join LR? The odds of winning a major lottery seem better than becoming a Divine human-being."

In fact, the majority of the earth's population have not reached the stage in their spiritual evolution that would encourage them to join a modern-day mystery school such as LRC. That's why the School presently has perhaps only 20,000 members world-wide. That is approximately 0.000003 percent of total humanity.

'Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen'

Hundreds of millions of human-beings are 'life-spark' human-beings. These entities are completely of the earth and will never be interested in leaving it. In contrast, there are also many millions of  'spirit-spark' human-beings. These are the ones that may Seek. From these Seekers (the 'Called'), a small percentage will find their way to the Path and choose to walk it (the 'but Few'). These ones are not 'chosen' by some external entity. They 'choose' themselves by doing that which is necessary to walk the Path. The Path is freely available to all spirit-spark human-beings, but the human-being must seek it out.

The Path has to be a voluntary choice for it to matter. All Candidates must do the work themselves! LRC, as an earthly output of the Universal Brotherhood, only provides insight, guidance and assistance on a vibrational level (the Living Body of the School).

Actually, the odds of restoring the microcosm to its Divine state are better than the lottery, which is based on randomness and chance. The human body was specifically designed to participate in the process of transmutation and the Divine Plan of Salvation was created to assist Man in finding the process and completing it. The problem is that Man remains distracted by the glittering baubles of earth-life and so completely misses the Prize, the One Thing Needful. He then blames God for playing some sort of shell-game with humanity when in fact it is humanity that is completely absorbed in their own little game of pretending to hide from God and from their own Divine origins. Only those who are tired of this game will choose to stop playing it.

re: "People in this day and age want things instantly not maybe sometime in the future after 1000 lifetimes."

The above observation is true. However, there is no need to wait 1,000 lifetimes. We as microcosms have, in fact, already spent over 1,000 lifetimes just to get to this point in our development! The 'future' that you speak of is now here. Those who enter the Path in this life and begin the process of transmutation in this life have already achieved victory (see Victory At The Start). This is what sets the Path of the True Way apart from the pie-in-the-sky delaying tactics of common churchianity and 'paths of initiation'. Once your microcosm begins to undergo these changes, it is no longer completely earth-bound. Part of it is now composed of Divine ethers. Something immortal has entered the microcosmic system.

After the death of the personality of such a Candidate, the microcosm cannot go off to the reflection-sphere because it no longer vibrates in resonance with that realm. By way of analogy, once an ice cube begins to melt, it is no longer a cube. It cannot be placed back in the ice tray from which it came. The alchemical transformation that takes place within the Candidate, although interrupted by physical death, will have to be completed in another Realm, a realm set aside for the express purpose of housing those who have begun the Process while on earth. That realm is Shamballa, a vacuum of pure ethers that exists outside of and apart from the normal reflection-sphere.

This is why it is stated repeatedly that those who have taken even the first step on the Path of Return are blessed beyond measure, for they have assured themselves of never again having to take another turn on the Wheel of Death and Rebirth. Therefore, to paraphrase a verse from the Pistis Sophia:

"Rejoice and exult and add Joy to your Joy, for the times are completed for you to put on your Vesture, which hath been prepared for you from the Beginning, which you left behind in the Last Mystery until the time of its completion."

The 'time of completion' is now at hand.

~ g

04 January 2018

To Nothing Be Slave

"To nothing be Slave,
Nor desire Possession
Of man-child or wife,
Of home or of household;

Calmly encounter
The Painful, the Pleasant;
Adore Me only
With heart Undistracted;

Turn all your Thought
Towards solitude,
Spurning the noise of the Crowd,
Its fruitless Commotion;

Strive without ceasing
To know the Atman (God);
Seek this Knowledge
And comprehend clearly
Why you should seek It;

Such, it is said,
Are the Roots of True Wisdom;
Ignorance, merely,
Is all that denies them."

-- Krishna --