24 November 2010

Ride 'Em, Cowboy

Here is yet another analogy regarding the nature of humanity and its condition. Trust, all this eventually leads somewhere.

A wild horse is a sight to see. Untamed, unshackled and free to run with the wind. Then a cowboy comes along thinking "What a fine animal. So strong and powerful. I will tame him and bring him under control. Together, he and I can do great things!". So, the cowboy manages to rope the horse, who is quite naturally not happy with this turn of events. The horse rears, snarls and kicks as it tries to escape. The horse has now become what is known as a "bronco", as in "bucking bronco".

The cowboy is not deterred. He attempts to saddle the horse. It takes many days of trying. Finally, he is able to winch the saddle onto the bronco. Now it is time to mount the animal and teach it to cooperate with a higher being. The cowboy manages to mount the bronco, but here's where it lives up to its name: every time the cowboy gets into the saddle, the bronco bucks him off. A battle of wills begins, staged between horse and rider. One is attempting to retain its self-will, the other is attempting to harness its energy so that together, they can produce more than they would apart.

Hours pass. At first, the bronco appears to have limitless energy. The cowboy is determined, however. Bruised and dusty, he continues to attempt to "break" the bronco. As night begins to fall, the bronco begins to lose a bit of steam. His kicks and bucks decrease in energy until they are little more than nudges. Finally, as the moon begins to rise, the cowboy mounts the bronco and the animal is...STILL.

You know the rest. The rider teaches the horse how to obey commands, how to turn left, turn right, gallop on command, etc. The horse becomes an extension of the man. It even begins to love the man and finds itself eager to serve and please him. Together, the rider and the horse are able to do much important work, and the difficulties of their early days are all but forgotten.

Man is that bucking bronco. Spirit is the cowboy. Man has the ability to become so much more than what he is, but he requires the assistance of Spirit. He has to forgo living for himself, join with Spirit and begin to live for a Higher Purpose. But man is ignorantly selfish. "Doing his own thing" is all that he knows. He will rebel against any sort of perceived "control", even if it is being offered by his own Spirit.

When Man relinquishes his self-will and allows Spirit to act through his physical vehicle, then he is on his way to Remembrance. Spirit and Matter are meant to be a partnership. As long as Man continues to "buck" Spirit, he will ever be lost and unhappy, even though he thinks he is "free".

Release attachment to the physical world. Seek Truth diligently. Listen to The Voice Within. With devotion and sincerity, invite Spirit to take up residence your heart. Then stand aside and watch the magic happen.

Saddle up. Let's ride.

~ g

Bronco-busting Instructions

23 November 2010

On Becoming "A Real Boy"

On reaching home, he found the house door half open. He slipped into the room, locked the door, and threw himself on the floor, happy at his escape.

But his happiness lasted only a short time, for just then he heard someone saying:


"Who is calling me?" asked Pinocchio, greatly frightened.

"I am!"

Pinocchio turned and saw a large cricket crawling slowly up the wall.

"Tell me, Cricket, who are you?"

"I am the Talking Cricket and I have been living in this room for more than one hundred years."

"Today, however, this room is mine," said the Marionette, "and if you wish to do me a favor, get out now, and don't turn around even once."

"I refuse to leave this spot," answered the Cricket, "until I have told you a great truth."

"Tell it, then, and hurry."

"Woe to boys who refuse to obey their parents and run away from home! They will never be happy in this world, and when they are older they will be very sorry for it."

"Sing on, Cricket mine, as you please. What I know is, that tomorrow, at dawn, I leave this place forever. If I stay here the same thing will happen to me which happens to all other boys and girls. They are sent to school, and whether they want to or not, they must study. As for me, let me tell you, I hate to study! It's much more fun, I think, to chase after butterflies, climb trees, and steal birds' nests."

"Poor little silly! Don't you know that if you go on like that, you will grow into a perfect donkey and that you'll be the laughingstock of everyone?"

"Keep still, you ugly Cricket!" cried Pinocchio.

But the Cricket, who was a wise old philosopher, instead of being offended at Pinocchio's impudence, continued in the same tone:

"If you do not like going to school, why don't you at least learn a trade, so that you can earn an honest living?"

"Shall I tell you something?" asked Pinocchio, who was beginning to lose patience. "Of all the trades in the world, there is only one that really suits me."

"And what can that be?"

"That of eating, drinking, sleeping, playing, and wandering around from morning till night."

"Let me tell you, for your own good, Pinocchio," said the Talking Cricket in his calm voice, "that those who follow that trade always end up in the hospital or in prison."

"Careful, ugly Cricket! If you make me angry, you'll be sorry!"

"Poor Pinocchio, I am sorry for you."


"Because you are a Marionette and, what is much worse, you have a wooden head."

At these last words, Pinocchio jumped up in a fury, took a hammer from the bench, and threw it with all his strength at the Talking Cricket.

Perhaps he did not think he would strike it. But, sad to relate, my dear children, he did hit the Cricket, straight on its head.

With a last weak "cri-cri-cri" the poor Cricket fell from the wall, dead!

So-called 'fairy tales' carry much wisdom. The marionette, Pinocchio? He represents Fallen Man. The Talking Cricket? His conscience. Remember all the trials that Pinocchio endured simply because he refused to listen to his "conscience"? Why, he came very close to becoming firewood.

It was only when Pinocchio consciously decided to unselfishly help and serve others, and not himself, that he became what he had long dreamt of...a real boy.

Those who have ears to hear...

~ g

22 November 2010

I, Chimpanzee!

We really think we are something, don't we?

Intelligence, Technology, Government, Science, Religion, Sports and Entertainment. Oh, we are the civilized lot, eh? The Rulers of the Earth! Go forth, take dominion over all creatures, yada-yada-yada.

Such Ignorance. Such Arrogance. Such Folly. All resulting from a failure to Seek true Knowledge.

Do you know what we are?

We are biological phenomenons. Souped-up chimpanzees. Anthropoids with full-body shaves and various levels of reasoning ability. That's all we are. We are "animal-men", struggling to become hu-man (Higher Universal Man). We live suspended between the fallen animal kingdom and the divine angelic realms. This is why man is capable of dark cruelty, high spiritual devotion, and an almost infinite variety of other attributes in-between.

Do you think that our evolution is finished? Do you think that we have attained and achieved the highest and best that we are capable of? No, we have not. Not by a longshot. If your life consists of alternating periods of work-play-fight-worry, then you are asleep. If you accept as truth everything you read in a newspaper, see on a television screen, or read in a "his"-story book, then you are asleep. If you are too lazy, or too afraid, or too stubborn to seek out the Truth of this fallen existence, then you are fast asleep. At this critical juncture, the conclusion of major planetary, solar and galactic cycles, asleep is not what you want to be.

Think about this. The average human life-span is 75 years. That is hardly enough time to learn everything, one would think. So, we depend on others for our "knowledge", starting with our parents. This is Mistake Number One. This mistake can be corrected if we learn to follow our individual conscience instead of following the crowd. Alas, all too often, the crowd wins. We waste a large portion of our lives just "trying to fit in". By the time we are ready to investigate the True Meaning behind the life-illusion, death comes a-calling. Another wasted incarnation.

All sentient kingdoms are striving to move upwards on the ladder of evolution. Minerals are striving to become plants, plants look to become animals, animals aspire to become men, and men are destined for Transfiguration, Liberation from the fallen realms and Divine Glory.

But not if they remain content to be high-level chimpanzees.

Seek the Truth. Evolve Towards Destiny. Not tomorrow, not "some other time". Today. Like, NOW.

Your invitation: The New Call

~ g

09 November 2010

For Those Who Slumber

Not much time left for small-talk. Although the window of opportunity is closing fairly rapidly, there is still time to turn away from darkness and welcome the Christ-fire into one's heart. Fantastic and hard-to-imagine events are set to occur. Those who are not prepared may be too terrified to react favorably in receipt of the Divine outpouring.

No one can say they were not warned. Even though your mass media attempts to downplay, revise and mostly flat-out ignore the sheer number of cataclysmic events taking place around the globe, only a fool could not be aware that something is very, very wrong with the planet.

Let's not mention the obvious: earthquakes in strange places, volcanic eruptions, sinkholes the world over, tsunami a household word. How about the not-so-obvious? Have you looked at the moon lately? Are the stars where they are supposed to be? Really? If you said "yes", then you haven't been paying attention to life. Pay attention!

The prophecies that we've been taught to laugh at are unfolding before us. Once again, just as in old Atlantis, humanity ignores the obvious, content to stare in the mirror, foolishly in love with its own image. Aren't we grand? Aren't we beautiful? Don't we know it all? Meanwhile, the scroll unwraps before our averted eyes and our nervous laughter.

More i-Toys! More Unnatural and Random Sex! More Alcohol and Narcotics! More Reality TV! More violent video games! Most of all, more SHOES!!!! For the men out there...more Porn/Sports/Cars (take your pick)!!!

And you are given just what you crave by the dark lords because they want you to stay asleep! They want your attention diverted to trinkets and baubles while civilization, nay, while an entire world-cycle closes down around your ears! Their hope is that when you awaken, it will be too late, and you will be their captive guests for another eternity.

How long will man continue to sleep? How long will you sleep?

Here's something to consider regarding prophecy. Prophecy is not a prediction of something that has never happened before. Prophecy is a warning of things to come based on knowledge of the past. It is the function of a cycle that warnings are given because there will always be those who remember that what is coming now, has come before.

So, the next time you finish reading Revelation and then nervously reach for the TV remote or the Blackberry for comfort, ask yourself: were those just the dreams and nightmares of some guy stuck on an island? Or, or...?

Or what?

Have you learned nothing over the last few million years? Wake up now and set out to obtain Right Understanding. Quit fiddling while Rome burns. The following location is a pretty fair starting point

But you might want to get a move on.

~ g