09 November 2010

For Those Who Slumber

Not much time left for small-talk. Although the window of opportunity is closing fairly rapidly, there is still time to turn away from darkness and welcome the Christ-fire into one's heart. Fantastic and hard-to-imagine events are set to occur. Those who are not prepared may be too terrified to react favorably in receipt of the Divine outpouring.

No one can say they were not warned. Even though your mass media attempts to downplay, revise and mostly flat-out ignore the sheer number of cataclysmic events taking place around the globe, only a fool could not be aware that something is very, very wrong with the planet.

Let's not mention the obvious: earthquakes in strange places, volcanic eruptions, sinkholes the world over, tsunami a household word. How about the not-so-obvious? Have you looked at the moon lately? Are the stars where they are supposed to be? Really? If you said "yes", then you haven't been paying attention to life. Pay attention!

The prophecies that we've been taught to laugh at are unfolding before us. Once again, just as in old Atlantis, humanity ignores the obvious, content to stare in the mirror, foolishly in love with its own image. Aren't we grand? Aren't we beautiful? Don't we know it all? Meanwhile, the scroll unwraps before our averted eyes and our nervous laughter.

More i-Toys! More Unnatural and Random Sex! More Alcohol and Narcotics! More Reality TV! More violent video games! Most of all, more SHOES!!!! For the men out there...more Porn/Sports/Cars (take your pick)!!!

And you are given just what you crave by the dark lords because they want you to stay asleep! They want your attention diverted to trinkets and baubles while civilization, nay, while an entire world-cycle closes down around your ears! Their hope is that when you awaken, it will be too late, and you will be their captive guests for another eternity.

How long will man continue to sleep? How long will you sleep?

Here's something to consider regarding prophecy. Prophecy is not a prediction of something that has never happened before. Prophecy is a warning of things to come based on knowledge of the past. It is the function of a cycle that warnings are given because there will always be those who remember that what is coming now, has come before.

So, the next time you finish reading Revelation and then nervously reach for the TV remote or the Blackberry for comfort, ask yourself: were those just the dreams and nightmares of some guy stuck on an island? Or, or...?

Or what?

Have you learned nothing over the last few million years? Wake up now and set out to obtain Right Understanding. Quit fiddling while Rome burns. The following location is a pretty fair starting point

But you might want to get a move on.

~ g

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