30 April 2011


"YOU know we receive an education in the schools from books. All those books that people became educated from twenty-five years ago, are wrong now, and those that are good now, will be wrong again twenty-five years from now. So if they are wrong then, they are also wrong now, and the one who is educated from the wrong books is not educated, he is misled. All books that are written are wrong, the one who is not educated cannot write a book and the one who is educated, is really not educated but he is misled and the one who is misled cannot write a book which is correct.

The misleading began when our distant ancestors began to teach their descendants. You know they knew nothing but they passed their knowledge of nothing to the coming generations and it went so innocently that nobody noticed it. That is why we are not educated.

Now I will tell you what education is according to my reasoning. An educated person is one whose senses are refined. We are born as brutes, we remain and die as the same if we do not become polished. But all senses do not take polish. Some are too coarse to take it. The main base of education is one's "self-respect". Any one lacking self-respect cannot be educated. The main basis of self-respect is the willingness to learn, to do only the things that are good and right, to believe only in the things that can be proved, to possess appreciation and self control.

Now, if you lack willingness to learn, you will remain as a brute and if you do things that are not good and right, you will be a low person, and if you believe in things that cannot be proved, any feeble-minded person can lead you, and if you lack appreciation, it takes away the incentive for good doing and if you lack self-control you will never know the limit.

So all those lacking these characteristics in their makeup are not educated."

Ed Leedskalnin, 1936.

Disagreement here only with the segment on the folly of believing in "things that cannot be proved". This characteristic falls under the category of "intuition" and is actually most vital during this ending-cycle, as many of the things we are being exposed to cannot be physically proven to us at this time. Hence, we are to utilize our own inner guide, our conscience, our intuition in order to ascertain what is Truth, even if it cannot be "proven". Truth Without Proof is a major catalyst for stimulating the will to learn and the development of the Intuition, the Sixth Sense that will be cultivated by those who move on to continue their evolution in The New Race.

Aside from that, the late Mr. Leedskalnin presented a solid argument. Mainstream "education" is a nothing more than a jumbled compilation of man's poor guesses, misconceptions and outright lies. Truth, in this dualistic existence, does not lie on the "main roads". One must travel quite a ways off the beaten path in order to locate what was left there for us to find.

~ g

28 April 2011

Balanced Preparation

"SINCE 1975, there has been a steady stream of pure Cosmic force released onto the planet and all of its life forms, by the Spiritual Hierarchy. It is designed to elevate the consciousness of both. It will help the Earth to get safely through its period of change and initiation. It will enhance the evolution of consciousness. You will encounter more and more people in all areas of the world who are thirsting to discover and fulfill their missions in life. Many of them will find that that purpose is indeed tied into a role they must play in this period of Earth changes. Many of them have incarnated specifically to go through this period and some of them have gone through such periods in the ancient past and have come to guide others through this time, those who have never lived during such a period. Others have gone through periods of upheaval before and have not survived and thus have a 'karma' with the planet itself. This is why it is so important to realize the importance, spiritually, of this period of time.

You are each on a different rung of the evolutionary ladder. You each have your own measure of knowledge and understanding of yourselves. Some of you may even have the advantage of  'remembering' lives in other times of earth upheaval. To some of you, such recall may equip you to survive this new change period, while it may cause others of you to be afraid. No matter where you are in evolution, you are all human, living in a fragile balance between life and death. You are all subject to the 'will to live'. You all have an astral or emotional body and are full of feelings that you must learn to successfully deal with in order to grow. It is, perhaps, more difficult for some than others.

I dare say that when the Earth changes, and all that accompanies that period begins, and becomes apparent enough, no teacher or informer would have too much trouble getting most people to comply with the physical survival techniques. Even those who may have scoffed at those of you who have seen the need to prepare ahead of time for this period, and have considered you as 'doomsayers'. Perhaps the majority of these people will be able to survive physically, but will they have their other bodies as prepared and in balance? This is an important question, to be sure."

From "The Earth Changes Survival Handbook" - Page Bryant (1983)

We are to prepare ourselves on all levels. Remember, we are multi-dimensional beings. In addition to our physical bodies, we (and the Earth) have an etheric body, an astral body, and a mental body. Together, these constitute the lower self, the Personality. All of these bodies are active upon their own planes, even though most humans are completely unaware of this activity. The coming Transition will affect all densities of matter in this solar system. It is our task to bring all of our vehicles as close to balance as we possibly can in an effort to maximize the beneficial effects of this Transition for the Earth and her inhabitants.

Balance your physical and etheric vehicles - completely forsake corpse-eating, alchohol and tobacco. Eat raw foods (fruits and vegetables) as much as possible. Drink pure water. Get plenty of sunshine. Keep the body as scrupulously clean as possible. Abstain from sex and the wasting of the creative force.

Balance your astral (emotional) body - be NEUTRAL in your REACTIONS to physical, emotional and mental stimuli. This requires that you consciously control your 'feeling response' to these impulses. Learn to ACT from a point of balance, not simply REACT out of habit. Open the heart centre by way of selfless service and unconditional, no-strings-attached love for your fellow souls, no matter who they are, no matter what they've done.

Balance your mental body - CONTROL WHAT THOUGHTS ENTER AND LEAVE YOUR MENTAL ARENA. You are responsible for your thoughts. Do not allow any physical or non-physical entity to impose, insert, insinuate, implant or suggest thoughts to you that violate the Commandments or the Laws of Creation and Balance. Do not gossip, judge, or criticize. Strive to maintain the highest and purest thoughts possible. Seek true Knowledge. Discern with wisdom. Meditate.

These are small suggestions. Each category a science in itself. Only a fragment can be offered here by way of advice. Everything is within your power to effect. The Harvest must be gained primarily by one's own efforts. Do your part, and Divinity will meet you halfway. Brings to mind an old axiom:

"God will work with you. He will not work for you".

~ g

27 April 2011

The Great Risk

SERVERS who have accrued new karma in their forgetfulness are in danger of both failing to be harvested themselves and so of being compelled by karmic law to reincarnate again in the future upon a physical planet alongside those of humanity who similarly fail to graduate. Such is the eminent risk taken by all Servers.

The danger of becoming karmically entangled upon the physical plane constitutes the greatest challenge that all Servers must face, and, following their departure from Earth after the planetary deadline, fallen Servers confront untold delay upon life's everlasting road. Any consciously unloving thought, feeling, or action creates unfavourable karmic repercussions. The critical need for Servers to understand the nature of the serious dangers to which they are constantly exposed during their mission cannot be over-emphasized. In order for success to be known, Servers must learn to see through the illusion of separation that is inherent within third-density experience, and to practice acceptance and love through all apparent dualities. Love is the greatest aid to remembrance for Servers, and all would do well to bear in mind always that only unconditional love is karma-free!

It is an immutable requirement of cosmic law that all karma must be balanced within the density in which it was accrued: "As ye sow, so shall ye reap." Today, a great number of Servers are teetering on the edge of a great chasm between success and failure. Many, in their forgetfulness, have indeed attracted new and deleterious karma to themselves while upon Earth, either in their present incarnations or during previous lifetimes. It is imperative that such individuals understand well that they are living in times of unprecedented grace, and that all of their past karma may be swiftly resolved as never before should they make the right decisions today. The Aquarian energies are most conducive to the rapid release of past detrimental psychological and emotional patterns. However, should Servers fail to prepare themselves for the receipt of this grace, should they continue to remain in self-regard or to react in ignorance to the symptoms of purification, and consequently should they fail to balance every last karmic debt before Judgement Day, then it is guaranteed that they will know an incompatibility with the group-soul of which they were once a part as it prepares to rise into the next level of evolutionary experience which it may have collectively merited.Servers who have become karmically contaminated will necessarily be rejected from graduating along with the greater whole.

Such, then, is the very worst possible outcome of a Server's voluntary mission; that they may become lost alongside other straggling souls who similarly cannot enter the New World for an indefinite period. However, let it now be reiterated to every single Server in every part of the world that opportunity is being given today by the unparalleled grace of the times. May each and every Server recognize the call to service and, in subsequently utilising their own free will wisely and selflessly, may they become a contributing asset to the now imminent Victory of Ages, and may they thus secure their own spiritual graduation at the Harvest Time.

Excerpted from Servers of the Divine Plan - "The Great Risk"

For those who have incarnated to live and serve in these important times but have become enmeshed in the Great Play of Duality here on Earth, the foregoing passage bears remembering. There is a tremendous risk involved in not awakening to one's service in time. One can end up stuck here in the physical realms for ages, the very realms that Servers have most likely already escaped from in ages past.

It is difficult to shake the spell of maya, this is true. However, the anticipated rewards are so much greater. A massive, herculean effort must be made to let go. Let go of Earth "life". Brush away the cobwebs and realize that you have "fallen asleep on the job" and that it is now time to awaken. Not tomorrow, or the day after...now!

Forget your "self" and your petty, insignificant, imaginary "problems". It has all been a trick, a trap, designed to distract you from remembering the mission you volunteered to be a part of. Live to Give. Service above all. Seek true Knowledge, not imitation spirituality or New Age nonsense. Wake up and remember. The sands in the hourglass are dwindling down to a precious few.

Your fellow Servers, both physical and unseen, are praying for you, waiting for the moment when your inner eye opens, and you remember "that thing" you promised you would be a part of: the Divine Plan of Salvation.

It is time for all those who are able, to take up their positions before the Hour strikes. The alternative is failure, and the Great Risk of missing the retun trip home.

~ g

23 April 2011

Beauty And The Fallen Kingdom

From The New Call Q & A:

The 'beauty' of this world is but a shade of the true Beauty. The fallen kingdom in which we live is beneath the divine Kingdom in terms of vibration. Our world is not included in God's Beauty. It is in absolute disharmony with the divine Purpose in regard to world and mankind. It does not vibrate with God's Plan. This world, this human race and everything thereof are not in harmony with the intercosmic Divine Radiation of Beauty. They are in conflict with and in contradiction with the Light-power activity of the Logos, which bears and sustains the entire Creation.

The other Kingdom, the Kingdom to which we are called back by Christ, the Nirvana of which the Buddha spoke, the Kingdom of Tao to which Lao Tzu testified, that Kingdom of God which is not of this world. . . that is the divine World to which we must return before we can truly en-Joy Life's Beauty, for that is the only place where Life and Beauty actually exist. Humanity's sham existence is a living death, and it has been so for eons. The only reason that Avatars and saints incarnate or develop upon Earth is to pull fallen souls out of this world of the shadow. Only in the other World of absoluteness, that World of Eternal Life, of Divine Light can we know freedom from pain and delusion and so partake in God's Beauty. All 'enjoyment' in the fallen kingdom is but a faint echo of the original Joy.

The real Work of Christ during this stage on Earth, the immediate consequences of the approaching Christine Power, must be a breaking-up and disintegration of the shadow, of the distorted reflection of God's Perfection, with all the attendant consequences, hence the preparation, right now, of the Ark.

'Life' in the shadowlands is but a travesty of the supernal Life in the real World. Everything in the fallen regions is in a perpetual state of decay, of atrophy and of death. Medical science has found that even in the womb the first signs of wear and aging appear in the child. This should bring us to the logical conclusion that existence as we know it does not bear the mark of Eternity or, therefore, true Life and Beauty. All disease, misery, disharmony and resultant suffering in humanity's field of existence are the tangible proof that this fallen kingdom, this world and this humanity, are not included in the great Universal Beauty of God. How could it be otherwise?

Humanity has been wandering about for eons, in incarnation upon incarnation, going through the same experiences hundreds and thousands of times in this darkened world of the treadmill, of perpetual repetition, of cyclic rising, glimmering, fading and dying. Humanity, the prodigal son, has been wandering these bleak shores for ages and ages, with its unappeased appetites, its passionate struggle and its vain attempts to escape from the suffering caused by its self-created error.

Now, mankind seeks to enjoy and even improve the fallen kingdom, which is impossible, for it has been set apart from the Kingdom of God; it is an emergency order, established by Divine Fiat in order to prevent fallen man from destroying himself completely. The so-called joys of the fallen universe are only imitative, a parody of the divine Joys known in the transcendental Universe, and there is no prospect of improving the fallen kingdom; it can never be done, but this is the great delusion in which so many people believe, and which, therefore, distracts them from the true Path that leads out of the fallen kingdom and back into the original divine Kingdom. Any focus upon the fallen world simply perpetuates man's incarceration there, and this is the crux that you need to grasp before you are out of immediate danger and before you can truly help others spiritually.

Symposiums, world-concerts, entertainment, science, art, politics, environmental work, world-peace meditations, etc., etc. are all part of the great lie that seeks to keep mankind trapped - forever. No amount of goodwill without true Knowledge can avail mankind anything more than an extended stay in the fallen kingdom, as it ensnares him ever deeper in the mire of illusion. And even today, on the eve of world-transfiguration, billions are still falling for it. Billions are still eating of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil - duality. All the selfless activity, all the dualistic knowledge, all the efforts to help mankind in the fallen kingdom are as nothing if they do not lead to Liberation.

There can never be any real peace without right understanding of how duality works in the fallen world. Although peace vigils have their value, the kind of divine force needed to help planet Earth today in its advanced state of imbalance and corruption cannot be mustered via the heterogeneous vibrations of the masses, no matter how compassionate groups may feel. By 'beaming light at Iraq', for example, the dark forces will become more enraged. Humanity is in need of the aid of far more powerful forces than it possesses by itself, and this aid is on its way.

Again, I say: obtain Knowledge and true understanding before you take one more step out into the morass that is ignorantly called 'life' here on Earth.

If a person received the spirit of Truth in our teachings, he would drop everything - everything - and follow the Christ (which today means active and uncompromising collaboration with the group-Avatar). The realization of the truth of mankind's fallen condition ever compels the soul to dash toward the portal of Liberation while offering to share the truth with others. Personal sentimentalities disguised as blessings - such as 'love and light', 'peace on Earth', etc. - are not the expressions of a rightly-informed mind.

The multitudes are so busy and distracted with dualistic work, with dualistic peace and dualistic love - which proceeds from the personal self - thereby directly serving the archons and aeons of the fallen, dualistic realm, that they have forgotten the words of Jesus: "Seek and ye shall find," and the words of the Buddha: "He who seeks the Truth with diligence and detachment will find it, and it will enlighten him".

The history of this sunken world is strewn with the records of trillions of well-intentioned men who fancied that they were ready to show others the Way and so who left the path of seeking Truth prematurely only in order to, once again, become themselves lost in the wilderness of the dark labyrinth that is the fallen kingdom. If one, therefore, seeks for Beauty in this world, he shall be forever disappointed, and worse, he shall, if he persists, be enticed down many of the well-trodden paths to arrive eventually at the centre of the luciferic maze in utter frustration and even despair. Often it takes such experience for souls to turn wholeheartedly towards the divine Kingdom, to God, which is not of this world.

16 April 2011

The Ascending Spiral

A couple of definitions:

The Four Base Corners of The Pyramid of Balance

- positive relationships with others
- selfless service
- vitality, elevation of the life-force (prana, chi)
- positive relationship with the Earth

"photon belt" = an interstellar region of Christ Consciousness

The following excerpted from "The Ascending Spiral" - The Hathor Material - Kenyon & Essene (1996)

In our understanding, the belief that alien intelligences are going to save you , and the belief that when you enter a photon belt you will be magically transformed, are just projections of human unconsciousness. The hope that someone or something will save you, that you will not have to make any changes in yourself, that you will not have to be responsible, is unrealistic.

The belief that you can stay in patterns of lethargy and unconsciousness, then take something or have something given to you that will transform you without any effort on your part, is sheer folly. It won't happen. Now there may be alien intelligences that land, for they certainly exist, but those humans who count on others to bring in their ascension and elevation without any work on their part, are going to be very disappointed. Ascension is a process of self-awareness and mastery on all levels and it necessitates bringing all those levels of one's existence upwards. That is how we see it and that is how we've done it for millenia.

The photon belt will be helpful but it will be disturbing to some. As you increase the intensity of light, there is an opportunity for the Ka [the vital body or etheric double] to draw in that light and to incorporate that into the physical body and all of its various fields. This can be an impetus to the Spiral of Ascension because you have more energy and more awareness.

Now if a person has not made that decision to move upward along the spiral and to attend to the four corners (see above), then what happens is that the light that comes in can actually be an irritant to the emotional body, thus causing a person to act more irrationally and more emotionally. And you will see, as we move into greater intensities of light, that some humans will become more aware, more balanced, and more compassionate while other humans become more irrational, more violent, and more contracted. The light fuels the fire of creation or the fire of destruction. The choice is made within each individual.

The photon belt allows greater awareness, greater spiritual opportunity. It is simply a door for opportunity. A human may take it or not. A Venusian may take it or not take it. The door of opportunity is an increased intensity of light. The increase of intensity of light is starting. It's already happening and you can see people losing their emotional balance, people doing irrational and terribly damaging things to each other.

Simultaneously, however -- and you don't see this often in your news --miracles are happening. Because most of your news is a source of entertainment emphasizing torture, violence and pain -- not joy, service, and elevation -- you miss the good information to cheer you on. There are wonderful miracles occurring -- healings between individuals and remission of illnesses occurring. This is happening worldwide but, in terms of the media, you don't often hear about it on the nightly news.

Not only is the intensity of light increasing because of the photon belt, but the galactic core is emitting high energy particles that your physicists have recently discovered. They are measuring its increase but don't grasp that these particles are seeds for higher states of consciousness. In other words, it's a gifting, if you use that way of looking at it, from the Universe. Here are these energy gifts to move you further along in the spiral, if you choose. But if a person has not made the choice to move upward along the spiral...then these elevating energies actually become a source of disturbance and imbalance. All of us, within the solar system, are clearly going through this process. And as best we can estimate, it will reach an energetic crescendo in the first decade or so of the next millenium. Probably by 2020 AD.

The photons and these particles are actually affecting you, us, and other higher dimensions as well. It's affecting all dimensions in the solar system, not just your third dimension.

- end of excerpt

The Hathors are a fourth-density, service-to-other civilization who have attained the lesser harvest in a prior cycle. They claim to experience in the etheric plane of the planet Venus. They have a karmic relationship with the Earth, having worked with humanity in the distant past. They recognize that they are not liberated, fully enlightened, or all-wise, but nonetheless have a desire to share with humanity some of the knowledge they have gained from their personal experience with end-cycle harvests and the ascension of consciousness.

It is left to your intuitive discernment as to whether the foregoing resonates or not.

~ g

15 April 2011

Obstacles = Progress

From "The Personal Program" - Servers of the Divine Plan

It is a fact that the closer one gets to one's spiritual goal, the steeper becomes the path leading to the mountain top, and the more insurmountable will life's obstacles at first appear. Such signs illustrate progress and are inevitable; they constitute an important aspect of the Law of Karma. Spiritual progress indicates greater readiness to resolve past karma and to pass more challenging trials for the sake of speedier spiritual advancement, and divine Agents will see to it that karma is apportioned to each soul perfectly appropriately in order that it may be balanced at the earliest and safest opportunity. To the esoterically-aware, therefore, difficulties and challenges along life's road are recognized for what they really are: benevolent opportunities, and are thus happily welcomed (even if sometimes only after the event!).

Therefore, if pain or struggle are known at all, and if afflicted Servers wish to learn and so obviate future educational hardships, they should seek to uncover the important lesson that is always nested within their reaction to life's spiritual opportunities.

It may be remembered that Servers incarnate to play the drama of human life at all levels, and they are ultimately destined to reawaken later into the relative perfection of their true Nature, and to realize that their temporary roles as, for example, criminals, prostitutes, tramps, etc., were assumed as a part of their program so that they could experience, learn, transmute and thus serve at that level.

- end of excerpt -

It is not the individual events of our lives that are of critical importance, it is our reaction to those events that matter most. If one gives it a bit of thought, this truth should become apparent. Stay above the fray. Measure your reactions to EVERY situation to determine if the reaction is in line with the divine Will. With practice, one will learn to think before one acts or speaks. Eventually, one's acts should come to reflect the Will of the Logos.

Your personality is a temporary role (persona is Latin for "mask", "character") that the Individuality, the Ego, has assumed for a temporary purpose. No moment is wasted in your life, know this. Every random situation, every chance encounter, every repetitive occurrence is a miniature test, custom-designed and staged for your benefit. Each moment should be lived consciously, with the foregoing in mind always. There's a reason for everything. There is always a cause that precedes the effect. Before lashing out or lapsing into self-pity when something happens "to" you, take the time to trace backwards from the effect of the current moment until you locate the cause. Revelations await you there. Please note that a little honesty will be required for this method to work properly.

As this cycle winds down, everything is moving so much faster. It is said that to have a lot of adversity thrown one's way is a sure sign that karma is quickly presenting itself for one to clear, as part of the purification and preparation that we must all go through in these times. In order to move on to the next step, we have to clear our auras of the low-vibrating baggage that we no longer require. Take advantage of these opportunities. Agree to undertake whatever lesson is being offered and learn it. Agree to allow the balancing of old karma and resolve to avoid creating a new batch. Lighten the load in preparation for what is just around the corner.

If life were easy, Man would not learn a damn thing. No Ego takes incarnation with failure in mind. If there are difficulties (so-called) in your life, you can be sure that the Lords of Destiny placed them there with the full knowledge that you would have what it would take to triumph over them

...if you so chose to do so.

~ g

14 April 2011

Release That Which Is Holding You Back

Many unawakened Servers are still struggling within "the matrix", allowing themselves to be dragged under by the crafty designs of the dark brothers. This matrix, as was aptly defined in the move of the same name, is "the world that has been pulled over your eyes". One's difficulties may be the result of an over-identification with the personality and/or pre-occupation with negative events from one's "past".

We have reached a point where those who incarnated on this planet fully intending to participate in the Divine Mission must now make the herculean effort to awaken from their slumber and remember their true calling.


AS GREATER LIGHT CONTINUES TO ILLUMINATE THE PLANETARY CONSCIOUSNESS, darkness is necessarily accentuated, for where there is light there must exist its corresponding shadow, or contrast, for in a dualistic universe one cannot exist and is meaningless without the other. More specifically, there has existed for millions of years a great protective barrier of spiritual force around our planet that was instigated and has been dutifully maintained by the Earth's own planetary Hierarchy.

This ethereal bulwark regulates the incoming flow of various energies, forces and souls to Earth, while it also functions as a shield from cosmic evil. Without such a measure humanity would have experienced much greater oppression and hardship than that which it has known heretofore. In this time leading up to the birth of the New World, certain doorways are being opened in the barrier in order to allow for a larger influx of benign entities into our Earthly spheres where their aid may be rendered. However, these doorways are presently also being used for access by entities who are rather less than friendly, even though such wayward souls have the karmic right to be here on Earth.

Servers are high-priority targets for the dark forces, of course, due to the inherent threat that they pose to the dominion of evil upon Earth, and consequently Servers will find that they generally receive attention from the brothers of shadow before that of Divinity.

Individuals with any trace of selfishness, e.g., fear, pride, etc., and even those bearing genuine goodwill but possessing weak, indecisive or rigid and thus impressionable minds, are the easiest and, therefore, favourite victims of the opposing forces, and certain awakening Servers who have yet to reconsecrate their lives in service to the Divine Plan are today being successfully victimised from the inner planes in order to minimise their chances of responding positively to their wake-up calls.

As a result, these unsuspecting Servers may suffer a variety of emotional, psychological and even physical afflictions, ranging from headaches and unnatural fatigue to advanced occult possession. As the planetary deadline approaches and as all conditions upon Earth - both good and evil, Truth and falsehood - intensify, Servers who in their forgetfulness may have become severely impaired as personalities will be presented with one of two critical choices: they must either search for and find a genuinely serviceful group, the common focus to which they should selflessly dedicate their lives (thus effecting their own healing), or they may choose to remain in the sombre gloom of selfhood and uncertainty whereby they will eventually be withdrawn from the physical plane having failed their assignment.

It should be understood well by all Servers who have yet to reunite with other kindred souls for the purposes of furthering the One Divine Work upon Earth, that true, spiritual group communion creates an impregnable protective energy field, effectively warding off all evil so that higher spiritual forces may successfully enter the physical plane. Such a radiatory field will be an indispensable asset to any group during the approaching and inevitable onslaught of malevolent and blindly-destructive powers.

These materialistic powers, which are ever pitted against spiritual progress, always tread the path of least resistance, and so they begin their maligned attack upon certain personalities at the very earliest opportunity: when the foetus is still building its new physical body in the womb. It has been scientifically proven that an unborn child experiences to a significant degree whatever the mother experiences, and thus negative influences aimed at specific individuals (particularly Servers) begin before birth via the parents. Such wilful interference generally continues throughout childhood, and many Servers may recall particular traumatic incidents that occurred very early in their lives which, upon due reflection, they may discern are responsible for certain personal dispositions or impairments that still presently exist.

Surreptitiously then, a seed of fear may be planted within a Server's personality vehicle during childhood, and this often occurs most profoundly at about the age of six or seven years old when the child's emotional constitution begins to become integrated within the individual and so is able to be permanently infected. The basic intention of evil after it has struck its first blow is for the growth of its seed to be promoted within the impressionable child by its surrounding environment which, of course, includes family, friends and acquaintances, the negative influence of whom is often further assured by perpetual incitement by those residing within hidden quarters who strive, consciously or unconsciously, under the banner of the antichrist*.

Emotional or psychological poisoning in the early stages of a child's development may so easily create serious character disorders that, in turn, provide a doorway through which agents of evil may further infect the Server by negative occult impression. In so fortifying the personality weaknesses of the imitation ego, an attempt is made to render Servers incapable of fulfilling their spiritual duty later in life.

A common pattern experienced by Servers is that of years of unreasonable persecution and abuse by others who may sometimes even appear to have a perfectly irrational personal hatred for them due to the provocation of unseen entities who are themselves at the mercy and command of masters of evil. Such violations over extended periods do little to nurture a positive and loving attitude in many Servers, and today a large number of them demonstrate various levels of psycho-emotional infirmity, which is, of course, exactly what was intended by the opposing forces.

Yet it should not be forgotten that, prior to the voluntary adoption of the veil of forgetfulness in physical embodiment, the likely incidence of such negative interference was fully apprehended and accepted by each Server as being an intrinsic factor of their sacrificial mission. All Servers understood well how evil minds seek to incite fear, doubt, anger and the like in their victims, thus rendering them easy to control; yet they also knew how all damage to the lower vehicles of consciousness could be effectively healed. Today, it is time for Servers to recollect that knowledge in order that they may be better prepared to help a world in need.

From "Opposing Forces" - Servers of the Divine Plan

[end quoting]

No matter how "real" our life's circumstances were or are, it is imperative that we attain the realization, the recollection, that none of it matters. The only thing that matters is that we wake up, abandon our response to the sharp stick of life that continuously pokes us in the eye. Mark these words, YOU ARE BEING DISTRACTED WITH THE INTENT TO DISABLE. This, because an awakened you is a severe threat to the deluded, dark energies who mistakenly feel that they can thwart the Divine Plan of Salvation unfolding upon this planet. The longer they can keep you floundering in the common B.S. that is "everyday life", the longer they can keep you from lending your considerable, but latent, energies to the cause of Transformation for this planet and her inhabitants.

Wake up! Let go of the issues, the problems, the disappointments, the obstacles. Fake, fake, fake and fake. All fake, a trick, a trap. Take up your helmet and your shield and begin the service you had every intention of rendering before you came here.

Don't wait until it's in your face to discover that this was all true. Prepare now, the hour is already very late. Remember,"the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night". There is no guarantee that there will be adequate warning. Heck, we've been given more than enough warnings. Get your Mind right, get your Heart right, get your Soul right. Then go forward, seek True Knowledge and serve your fellow souls in any small way you can. Don't let anything hold you back, no matter how "real" it may feel or appear. Release it all.

Wake UP! Wake up and embrace your destiny.

~ g

13 April 2011

As A Man Thinketh

The following is submitted for your consideration:

"THOUGHT, then, is a vibration, and as a man thinks so does he vibrate his brain cells.

How many people really think?

Thought is a particular development of ideas, something entirely apart from the "hit-or-miss," "ramshackle" process which was supposed to be thought.

Let us begin to think; let us choose the material from which we shall build our temples the temple of the "Living God."

The process that the average man calls thought is not consecutive thinking. God hasten the day when people will realize that all that is, has been or will be, is the result of thought.

Thought is both creative and destructive. Not only are we making our bodies now, but we are making those which we shall wear in the future.

By the future I mean when the individual is reincarnated.

A great thinker has said : "Know this mighty fact, the soul is but the fruitage of thought tinctured and tarnished with the emotions, passions and desires of the flesh."

First, as regards the physical body. Thought selects the food by which the body is nourished. The cells of the body are being constantly destroyed and rebuilt. The purest food possible to obtain will construct a pure body. Vegetables, fruits and grains are of much finer construction than flesh, and hence can vibrate to much higher rates of motion.

Flesh is decaying animal matter and is detrimental to the highest development of man. Much flesh-eating thoroughly coarsens the body, and the marks of his calling are stamped on the face of the butcher.

Another example is that of a man who drinks. Alcohol brings about exactly the same result. The body cannot respond to any of the higher vibrations. Just as surely as the note you strike on the piano must produce a certain tone, just so surely will your body answer to the same rate of vibration around it that it vibrates to in itself.

The high cost of flesh food during the war (WW I) has been a blessing in disguise, for it was the only means whereby people could be brought to realize that they could still live if they never ate meat. Then, after a time, they will begin to realize that they can enjoy much better health without it.

If you wished to do a fine, delicate piece of work, you would not use coarse or unwieldy instruments in doing it.

Just as true is it that the vehicle of the spirit Solomon's Temple must be delicately and finely constructed.

The body must be kept scrupulously clean and be given sufficient exercise.

If your body is not satisfactory to you, it is because you have indulged in thoughts that have marred its construction.

It is never too late to do something toward the reconstruction and regeneration of the body.

Start NOW.

Each cell of the body is a living, throbbing intelligence. Each cell actually reaches out and grasps from out the water of life that living stream of blood that is the life of the body just the material it needs in its construction.

"The quality of the force called into action in any kingdom determines the quality of the offspring."

You are directly responsible for each thought that occupies your brain.

The soul is the thought man and the emotional man that occupies the physical bodies and resembles it in form and feature. We do not here refer to the Spiritual Ego.

If, then, our thoughts build our bodies, what thoughts are the cell lives of the body filled with ? We must naturally see that they are, in vast numbers, filled with thoughts of fear, strife and blood. Fears of microbes, disease, poverty, the neighbors, the weather, the night air, the dark, burglars, etc., etc.

Eternal strife for wealth, position and power, for material benefits. Benefits, so-called.

All this brings about war, the cell life gorged with blood, calling for the blood of its brothers.

Is not the cause of war clear?

Do not thoughts pollute the very air? Is it not true that our thoughts affect those around us? What about the cells that we throw off from our bodies every minute cells that we have built and that are impregnated with our thoughts?

What is the matter with the people in the world? For there is nothing the matter with the world itself.

Each cell, then, that we throw off from our bodies, hour by hour and day by day, bears the stamp of our thoughts upon it. These go to make up the record of our lives, which those whose eyes are opened can read. In occultism this is called the Akashic record.

Then each man is the recording angel.

When the thoughts of the disciple are purified from every undesirable thought then he becomes the son of the Master for his thought flows like a river through the Consciousness of his Lord".

"As A Man Thinketh In His Heart, So Is He" -- excerpted from God-Man: The Word Made Flesh -- G.W. Perry & Inez Carey (1920)

12 April 2011


Renunciation is the wise path trod by the devotee who willingly gives up the lesser for the greater. He relinquishes passing sense pleasures for the sake of eternal joys. Renunciation is not an end in itself, but clears the ground for the manifestation of soul qualities. No one should fear the rigors of self-denial; the spiritual blessings that follow are great and incomparable.

-- Paramahansa Yogananda, "God Talks With Arjuna--The Bhagavad Gita"

At heart renounce everything, and realize that you are just playing a part in the intricate Cosmic Movie, a part that sooner or later must be over. You will then forget it as a dream. Our environment produces the delusion in us of the seeming importance of our present roles and our present tests. Rise above that temporal consciousness. So realize God within that He becomes the only influence in your life.

-- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Rajarasi Janakananda: Great Western Yogi"

It is all right to enjoy life; the secret of happiness is not to become attached to anything. Enjoy the smell of the flower, but see God in it. I have kept the consciousness of the senses only that in using them I may always perceive and think of God. "Mine eyes were made to behold Thy beauty everywhere. My ears were made to hear Thine omnipresent voice." That is Yoga, union with God. It is not necessary to go to the forest to find Him. Worldly habits will hold us fast wherever we may be until we free ourselves from them. The yogi learns to find God in the cave of his heart.

Wherever he goes, he carries with him the blissful consciousness of God's presence.

-- Paramahansa Yogananda, "Man's Eternal Quest"

What I could not understand was why everything must go; why things that where right, that were mine, that harmed no one, why all the dear little rights and privileges must be taken away from me. But they were so taken by God. He was thrusting me out of a life of dependence upon small comforts into one that should be lived for Him alone.

--Sri Gyanamata, "God Alone: The life and Letters of a Saint"

The only thing preventing you from withdrawing your focus from this fallen world is you. Better for one to take hold of oneself and choose one's destiny, than to have no say in the matter at all. When the curtain falls on this Age, may it find you on the right side of The Choice.

~ g

07 April 2011

The Eternity Of Perfection

A CHILD brought to its mother a piece of ice and asked: "What is this?".

The mother answered, "it is ice." Again the child asked, "What is there in ice?"

The mother answered: "There is water in the ice."

The child desired to find the water in the ice, and it procured a hammer, pounded the piece of ice into little bits and the warm air soon changed all the ice to water. The child was grievously disappointed, for the ice that the child supposed contained water had disappeared.

And the child said, "Where is the ice that contained this water?"

And so it came to pass that the mother was compelled, by the child's persistent questions, to say, "ice is all water; there is no such thing as ice; that which we call ice is crystalized or frozen water."

The child understood.

A student brought to his teacher some water and asked,"What is water ? What does it contain ?"

The teacher answered, "Water contains oxygen and hydrogen," and then explained how the two gases might be separated and set free by heat.

The student boiled the water until all of the molecules of oxygen and hydrogen had been set free, but he was surprised to find that all of the water had disappeared.

Then the student asked of the teacher, "Where is the water that held the gases that have escaped?"

Then was the teacher compelled by the student's persistent questions to answer, "Water itself is the product of oxygen and hydrogen. Water does not contain anything other than these gases. In reality, there is no such substances or fluid as water; that which we name water is a rate of motion set in operation by the union of two parts of hydrogen with one part of oxygen and, of course, the phenomenon disappears when the union of the gases is broken."

The student understood.

A devout scientist presented himself before God and said, "Lord, what are these gases men call oxygen and hydrogen?"

The good Lord answered and said, "They are molecules in the blood and body of the universe."

Then spake the scientist, "Lord, wilt thou tell me of the kind of molecules that compose Thy blood and body?"

The Lord replied, "These same molecules, gases or principles, compose my blood and body; for I and the universe are one and the same."

Once again the scientist said, "My Lord, may I ask, then, what is spirit and what is matter?"

And thus answered the Lord : "As ice and water are one, and the gases and water areone, so is spirit and matter one. The different phases and manifestations cognized by man in the molecules of My body that is, the universe are caused by the Word ; thus, they are My thoughts clothed with form."

Now the scientist felt bold, being redeemed from fear,and asked "is my blood, then, identical with Thy blood in composition and Divine Essence?"

And the Lord said, "Yea, thou art one with the Father."

The scientist now understood and said: "Now mine eyes are opened and I perceive that, when I eat, I partake of Thy body; when I drink, I drink of Thy blood; and when I breathe, I breathe Thy spirit."

So-called matter is Pure Intelligence and nothing else because there is not anything else.

Pure intelligence cannot progress or become better. There is nothing but Intelligence. Omnipresence, Omnipotence, Omniscience must mean Intelligence; therefore these terms are all included in the word.

Every so-called thing, whether it be animal, vegetable or mineral, molecule or atom, ion or electron, is the result of the One Intelligence expressing itself in different rates of motion.
Then what is Spirit?

Spirit means breath or life. Spirit, that which is breathed into man, must be intelligence, or man would not be intelligent. Non-intelligent substance, which is, of course, unthinkable, would not breathe into anything, nor make it intelligent if it did. Therefore, we see that Spirit, Intelligence and Matter are one and the same Essence in different rates of motion.

Excerpted from "God-Man: The Word Made Flesh" - George Carey & Inez Perry

Contemplate these things. Go look in the mirror. Who's reflection is that? Is it you? There is no "you". Could it be...?

Not only could it be, It is.

~ g