30 September 2015

The Three Pillars


The ancient Universal Teachings being offered in our time are, living and in unveiled words, transmitted to true Seekers by the modern Rosycross. These ancient teachings rest upon three fundamental insights, upon Three Pillars. They are:

  • knowledge of the two nature-orders; a Divine one and a degenerated one;
  • knowledge of the two natures of man as a perishable personality in an imperishable microcosm
  • knowledge of the liberation of man from the cycle of reincarnation, via Transfiguration
The Two Nature-Orders

When Jesus speaks about the Kingdom of Heaven, and the Buddha about Nirvana, or Lao Tzu about Tao, they are not referring to the reflection-sphere 'hereafter' where the so-called dead sojourn. Earthly life and the hereafter are the two inseparable halves of this fallen nature-order, of dialectical nature. In this un-divine nature, instability and continuously alternating pairs of opposites rule. Whatever originates on earth, its opposite is simultaneously generated. By being, non-being is invoked.

Everything created is perishable. Nirvana is the non-being of this world of opposites; of earthly-being and non-being. Eternity simply is. Whoever exists in this Divine field is not subject to perishability, decay and death. He lives in harmony with Creation, in freedom, as a creative fellow worker. All messengers, all great Sons of God and all Holy Scriptures, like the Bible, in which the words of these messengers are recorded and passed on, testify to this Divine Kingdom. People usually do not believe the Divine message because they cannot see the Divine Kingdom with their natural senses. They turn away from, or even against, the redeeming Word as long as their distress does not give them ears to 'hear' and as long as the state of their own inner being is not a testimony to the Truth of this message, contrary to all external manifestations of willfulness.

The Small Human World

The human-being is a part of the earthly un-divine nature-order, for he has been created from it. His biological body has been built with the atoms of the nature-order of death; his astral and etheric bodies have been shaped from the more tenuous substances of this nature-order. Nothing of this natural baggage has eternal value. The second pillar of the Universal Teachings concerns the teachings of human nature and explains them.

All Messengers of the Light reveal to us that the human-being carries a spark of the eternal Light within him. Jesus called it the Kingdom of God within you; oriental philosophy speaks of the Jewel in the Lotus; the Rosicrucians speak of the Spirit-spark atom or the Rose of the Heart. The theosophists characteristically call it the Last Remnant of the Divine Human-Being.

The Microcosm Tumbles Through Space Out Of Control

The Original Fatherland of the human-being is not the dialectical nature-order, but the Kingdom of Heaven. There, he was created as one of the Sons of God, meant for a life in the eternal Divine Order. He was a shining microcosm, the expression of all powers and possibilities of the Divine Microcosm. The Universal Teachings state that I-centrality caused his fall. The lights of the microcosm were extinguished; the Divine Nucleus withdrew from the fallen being; the Divine Soul sunk into a deep sleep and the out-of-control microcosm tumbled aimlessly through chaos.

In order to save the fallen Children of God, the earthly human-being was built from the forces of nature and implanted into the microcosm as a living, ensouled and conscious being. With the help of this implanted, mortal human-being, the microcosm was able to acquire a certain form of life and consciousness and gain experience. In this unbalanced pairing of microcosm and earthly human-being, only the Lotus or Rose, the sleeping primordial principle, is still Divine. Due to the Rose, the earthly human-being is gifted and plagued. It torments him, it disturbs his peace in the world, but it also grants him the possibility to understand the Divine Word.

After an endless chain of incarnations, the microcosm becomes tired of its journey far from home. The Soul-Nucleus wakes up, and through the Original Atom's longing for its Divine Fatherland, the human-being is disturbed and driven on until he answers its Call, begins to Seek, and one day will be standing before the gate of the New Life asking to be admitted. The whole dialectical nature-order was developed to help people, to enable them to listen to the awakening Soul and, by obeying this Inner Voice, purify their microcosm.

Breaking Through The Cycle Of Life And Death

The teaching of the transformation of what is mortal into what is Immortal is the third pillar of the Universal Teachings: the knowledge of the Liberation of the human-being from the cycle of birth and death, the gospel of the resurrection of what is Eternal in a human-being. The earthly, physical human-being has been entrusted with the great task of liberating the microcosm he inhabits. Without his insight and cooperation, this Liberation is not possible. But when a human-being surrenders, and thus becomes a servant of the process of Salvation, he is taken up into what is Immortal through the process of Transformation: Death is swallowed up in Victory, Paul says.

The process of transformation, Transfiguration, means the destruction of the old temple and the construction of a new one in three days, as Jesus promises. Through this process, the whole microcosm with its Spiritual form, its Soul form and it Bodily form is renewed and becomes Immortal. He becomes an inhabitant of the Kingdom of Heaven again and a brother of the Children of God. This tremendous process can only be accomplished in the power-field of a Spiritual School, because this power-field makes available the forces and possibilities for the birth of a New Human-Being.

He who decides to walk this Path and devotes himself to it with all his strength , will withdraw his attention and longing from the earthly world and will focus ever better on the New Genesis. His longing for the New Life will give him the strength to neutralize his old being and, in this way, the New Soul will be awakened out of the dormant Divine Spark. Through the neutralization of the "I", the microcosm is purified and withdraws from the influence of the rulers of the dialectical world order (the archons and the aeons). The previously extinguished lights of the Original Microcosm will shine again as in a new firmament. The Spirit can again link itself to this renewed system. When the alchemical wedding has been celebrated, and the Spirit has been reunited with the renewed Soul, the microcosm has been saved and has returned Home. He who enables this Homecoming has sacrificed his mortal, un-divine soul in this process. He is taken up in the New Soul and at death he discards his physical body as a dead leaf.

From "The Three Pillars of the Eternal Truth" - Rosicrucians Through The Ages - K. Dietzfelbinger


That's basically it, in a nutshell.

~ g

27 September 2015

Circle, Triangle, Square and Dot


The classical hierophants depicted this field of fire, sung about by Akhenaton, with the power of the sun, which they depicted as a Circle with a Dot in its center, the point, the nucleus-principle, a field of genesis manifesting itself.

This sphere does not stand by itself, but creates something. The point generates a line and from the line, all mathematical figures like the Circle, the Triangle and the Square originate. The first number - 1 - and all subsequent numbers up to nine originate from the nucleus. This sequence ends with zero and with the 1 of a new beginning (the number '10').

Cube Placed Within The Circle

Hence, the circle points to an enclosed space in which a process develops. We know that systematic changes occur in every space: fission, divisions and multiplications. This is why the ancient philosophers placed a cube within a circle to demonstrate there is Life. This refers to a content that can be re-vivified; a field of genesis that can be found within the power-field of the Fiery Beginning, and can be described as 'Life'.

In itself, this Life is not complete if there is no possibility of achieving regeneration and fulfillment, in addition to manifestation. The ancients depicted this process with a Triangle or a Pyramid.

From this classical description of the power-field, we receive a clear image of the symbol of the Circle, Triangle and Square , the symbol of the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross. With this symbol, the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross indicates that it confronts its pupils with three aspects and that these three aspects form a perfect unity within its power-field. In this way, the Circle, Triangle and Square represent the entire power-field, including its nucleus-principle (the Dot) from which the plan of manifestation develops. A Square of Construction is realized, and the fiery triangle of the New Field of Life arises from it.


The symbol of the power-field testifies to the Divine power, manifesting as a sevenfold cosmic field, descending into unholy dialectics. In this way, the depraved dialectical world is affected by the Light; the twelvefold zodiac is pierced and a new magnetic firmament, a new heaven and a new earth, take shape. The classical Rosicrucians said that this power-field is manifested every seven hundred years in order to lead Seekers into the Field of the Light.
From "The Threefold Mystery of the Power-field" - Rosicrucians Through The Ages - K. Dietzfelbinger


May the foregoing shine additional light on the meaning embedded within the symbol of the Spiritual School.

~ g

24 September 2015

He Is Risen


Let us pose the obvious question, the one logical problem:

'How can the fallen human-being become a god again? How can the prodigal son Thotmes return home?'

This problem and its solution is given in every Universal Philosophy: we are humans who are to become gods. The Great Messengers of humanity were gods who became human in order to show humans how to become gods.

If this problem stands clearly before you, you will know it was born 'in conflict', and that the road to it was toil and trouble. Like Prince Thotmes, you have to excavate your Sphinx, which will pose a great problem to you personally. If you neglect your Work for one moment, you will sink back into the bottomless depths of this nature. Then you will feel at one with this world, and you will become accustomed to it again. You must understand that for the defeated soul the question: 'How does the fallen human become a god again?' will develop enough motivation to be able to go the Path as a pilgrim to seek an answer the that question.

Hence we can say: Whoever has seen the Sphinx will enter the Pyramid.

The Pyramid is a temple of resurrection and not of worship. It is a temple not for symbolic acts but for instruction. It is a sepulchre. People can create a lot of mystification about it, but as the Pyramid is hewn in stone its essential language cannot be destroyed.

In our opinion everyone who has seen the Sphinx from within and everyone to whom the Sphinx has spoken, like Prince Thotmes, will be able to understand the stone language of the Pyramid. We say that the Sphinx makes the Call and that the Pyramid points out the Path.

From "The Mystery of the Sphinx and the Pyramid" - The Living Word - Catharose de Petri


The ancients speak to us in symbols. Once you have the gnostic Key in hand, it is like reading an open book.

The Great Pyramid is a four-sided triangle, with a square base. Around the base one can draw a perfect circle. Triangle, Square, Circle.

These shapes have symbolic meaning:

Circle = the Eternal Spirit
Triangle = the Threefold Soul
Square = the fourfold Body

Thus the Pyramid itself represents the reunification of Spirit, Soul and Body, which is the ultimate aim of the transfiguristic Path of Return.

The interior of the Pyramid is constructed in such a way as to outline the steps of this Path using specific measurements, angles, different types of stone and sacred numerology (gematria). The exalted beings who constructed the Great Pyramid did so using a silent, common language that could speak to all human-beings, no matter what the time period. Of course, those human-beings would have to have the gnostic Key in hand.

During the time of the ancients, there were very, very few who were motivated to walk the Path of Return. Around the ancient world, those who showed that they were sincere about doing so were brought to secret places of initiation. This was the purpose of the Mayan and Aztec temples in the West. This was the purpose of the extensive system of caves in the Sabarthes region of southern France. This was the purpose of the Great Pyramid.

The Pyramid is not a tomb, as present-day bumbling archaeology chooses to define it. No physical human-being was ever buried there. It was a tomb for the I-being. It was where a true pupil was taken to complete the endura. It was where the old human-being died as to this nature and the New Man rose in its place.

That is why the "tomb" in the King's Chamber is empty. In silence, it expresses what was written regarding the Christed One on the day of His resurrection as a Divine Human Being:

"Why do you look for the Living among the dead? He is not here, He is risen". Luke 24:5-6

~ g

20 September 2015

The Mystery of the Sphinx and the Pyramid


We should not see the Sphinx as being unconnected to the Pyramid and its mystery. In ancient Egypt, the classical kings received the epithet: 'living sphinx, image of the Lord of the Universe'. That is a Sun God, descended into matter.

Perhaps you understand this symbol. The human-being is a fallen angel in a state of cleavage: one part of the microcosm imprisoned in the Original Life Field, totally incapable of any activity; the other, cast down into the nature-born urge for survival. The human-being is the Sphinx!

The knowledge of this has repeatedly been lost and not a word of this is mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. It has been lost, just as the Sphinx has repeatedly been totally covered by the desert sands. This sign, hewn out of rock and spanning the ages, is gaped at by tourists. It is said that they feel respect but they do not understand.

Perhaps many will begin to understand when their illusions of existence are torn to shreds in the impending world development. Then they may well remember the column that stands between the front paws of the Sphinx. The story on the column is, briefly:

Prince Thotmes, the son of an Egyptian king, had ordered the Sphinx to be excavated from the desert sand. He was used to riding around the desert and hunting for wild animals. On one of those hunts the prince went to rest in the shadow of the Sphinx in the afternoon. He fell asleep and dreamt that the Sphinx began to talk to him. He said:

"Look at me, my son, Thotmes. I am your Father. My face and my heart are turned towards you, for you belong to me. Behold my state of suffocation. I am in danger of being buried by the sand of this desert on which I am lying.

I have waited until you will do what was in my heart, for I knew that you were my son, my protector!

As a pupil of the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross you will understand the language of the Sphinx. You, too, have excavated the Sphinx and it is speaking to you ever more clearly.

The old, lost knowledge of Transfigurism has been excavated again in this century, not by studying or reading books, but by pilgrimage, by the process of life, by really going the Path, by real exertion, by the radiations of the Magnetic Power Field.

You, too, can clearly see the situation of the nature-born human-being as that of someone who is held in a suffocating grasp. The grip of this nature is constantly on the point of burying you. The human-being is a god who has become human according to this nature.

From "The Mystery of the Sphinx and the Pyramid" - The Living Word - Catharose de Petri


Surprise! The Sphinx represents the dual aspect of the present human-being. The body of the Sphinx represents the lower nature, the physical human-being rooted to the earth, mired in this nature-order. The top portion, the royal visage high above the earth, stares at the eastern horizon, awaiting the New Dawn. As we have moved (or will soon move, depending upon who does the calculations) into the zodiacal Age of Aquarius, the Sun rises (or will rise) in this constellation. On the western horizon, behind the Sphinx and 180 degrees opposite of Aquarius, is the constellation of Leo. The cosmic symbolism is inescapable. The Sphinx now faces the constellation that is represented as a Man pouring a pitcher of water. Behind it is the constellation that is represented as a Lion, the so-called "king of beasts".

There are no coincidences. The Sphinx is a symbolic image in limestone of what the candidate on the Path is striving to become again: a god-man. The Great Pyramid that it guards also contains a profound message -- about the Path itself.

~ g

19 September 2015

"The Strong Will Stand For The Weak" -- More On The Living Body

Over long ages of time, millions of nature-born human-beings have managed to successfully liberate themselves from the pull of matter. Each time a soul (or microcosm), is liberated, another 'cell' is added to the group-body of beings who have already obtained the Good End in past harvests. At the end of every Age there always surfaces true gnostic brotherhoods whose job it is to lend assistance to those souls who are ready to climb out of the Pit of Despair. These millions of liberated beings, incarnate and discarnate, form a chain of such brotherhoods, This chain of gnostic brotherhoods we call the Universal Brotherhood, or Living Body of the Gnosis.

Liberation means that via the rebirth of the Soul, one is reunited with the Divine Spirit and so re-establishes a link with will of The All. The microcosm is transfigured and Immortality is regained. Such a one is thus linked with the pure astral forces of the Sixth Cosmic Domain, aka the Divine Kingdom. Being linked in group unity, the Living Body is able to pull Divine forces from the Sixth Cosmic Domain down into the Seventh Cosmic Domain (the physical realm). Here, this Divine power can be made available for all Seekers who are truly looking to walk the Path of Return.

Time, space, geography and distance do not separate the members of this Living Body. If you are sincerely walking the fivefold gnostic Path, you will be taken up by the Living Body, which gives to each pupil what he or she needs, when it is needed. Nothing more will be asked of or provided for the candidate than can be safely handled. Each step taken will be taken at the candidate's own pace. Through it all, the Living Body will be there to provide the pure astral forces that the pupil will need in his or her efforts to overcome the lower nature.

When it comes to the Living Body of the Gnosis there is a saying that goes, "The strong will stand for the weak". These are not idle words. While we are here striving to effect our final detachment from this nature-order, those who have gone before us remain united in focusing and sending forth the pure astral radiations that we will need to be successful in our endeavors. If we can persevere until the Good End then someday, we too, will become a permanent part of the Living Body, from where, in Wisdom and Divine Love, we will reach back into the Pit to aid our fallen brothers and sisters.

May it be so for us all.

~ g

Answers On The Living Body, The Endura

The below are answers to questions posed by Brian in the Comments section of the post "Million-Year Journey".

Q: What is union and what is a living body or group body?

A: The gnostic Living Body is defined as follows:

"A gnostic Living Body is the 'Ark' referred to in the Book of Genesis. It is a Body that is built in co-operation with the forces of the Universal Gnostic Chain of Brotherhoods, in the service of the Harvest that must be gathered in at the end of a Cosmic Day and carried safely into the New Life-Field".

A gnostic Living Body manifests itself on all planes and sub-planes. It carries the pure astral forces of the Divine Kingdom and makes these forces available to all those who are walking the Path of Return. Those who choose to live out of these pure astral forces will be able to transmute and ultimately transfigure their microcosms, if they can remain steadfast in surrendering the 'I' and maintaining their focus on a new attitude of life.  The LRC represents the terrestrial aspect of this gnostic Living Body, which always reappears when humanity reaches the end of a minor or major world-cycle in order to gather up those souls who are ready to be liberated from the nature-of-death.

Q: When we go the Path do we give up our personality to become part of a something bigger(the brotherhood?) or re-union with the Light Force of God?

A: When we resolve to walk the Path, we are resolving to transfer control of our microcosm from the nature-born self, or I-being, to 'the Other One' that is awakening within us as a result of the effect that the Divine Touch of the Gnosis has had upon our Divine Spark. We refer to this transfer of control as 'self-surrender'. The medieval Cathars called this process the 'endura', which can be defined as follows:

"Endura is the path of I-demolition, the path of the final death, through the surrender of the 'I' to the Other One, the Immortal Man, the Christ within us. It is the path of John , who 'makes straight the paths for his Lord'. It means putting into practice the words: "He -- the heavenly Other One, must increase, and I must decrease. I must perish so that the heavenly Other One may live within me".

The path of the endura is the ancient path along which the fallen human-being rises toward his True, Immortal Self. The gnostic fire of purification brings about a complete and fundamental reversal in his life and he then returns to the Father.

Life in dialectics (duality) is a life leading to death (dissolution); the path of the endura means a voluntary death leading to True Life. It is the path of the true, God-seeking human-being: 'He who will lose his life for My sake, will find the Life".

Many are tripped up at this stage of the journey, because the thought of erasing the self will elicit fear in the new pupil. It is the I-being that creates this fear, because the 'I' is habituated to preserving itself. It knows what you are contemplating and reacts accordingly. The new pupil begins to believe that if he or she walks this Path, he or she will 'cease to exist'. That is far from the case! On the contrary, the pupil will live as never before! As the Other One increases in its influence and strength, the current personality will not be erased, but will be subsumed, absorbed into the glorious, multi-dimensional Personality that will arise, like a Phoenix, from the ashes of the old nature-born I-being.

Q: Is being an extreme individualist a hindrance to the Path? But do you have to be a bit of an extreme individualist to go on the Path to walk away from the family, cultural, religious, politic, nature born norms?

A: This is a good question and an interesting paradox. Yes, the individualization of human souls has resulted in fiercely I-centered entities whose first, third, and last thought is always that of preservation of the self, i.e., "What is best for ME?" This rigid, constant and ruthlessly self-focused thinking has resulted in all of mankind's past and current problems and is responsible for the world that we see around us today. Individualism, the idea of a separated self, in and of itself is not a 'bad' thing. It is the I-focused thinking that accompanies this sense of 'I am' that is the problem.

When one undergoes the fundamental reversal mentioned in the previous answer, the first thing that has to happen is that the pupil must no longer think of the self first ("the 'I' must decrease..."). This is why unselfish service-to-others is stressed so heavily for those who are undertaking to walk the Path of Return.

On the other hand, one does have to be more than a bit of an individualist to forge an attraction to the Gnosis, to the Christ-radiation that is not-of-this-earth. Such thinking represents a tearing-away from the aeonic forces that control the masses of humanity in the natural world. It is the height of individual thought and indicates that the current personality is inhabiting a mature microcosm that is ready to move away from the glamour of the natural world in order to pursue its true destiny, the One Goal of Humanity.

Please note that although as candidates on the Path we recognize that we must leave the things of the natural world behind, this is accomplished not by retreating to a cave in the woods to eat locusts and berries for the rest of one's life. It is impossible to physically withdraw from the world in today's age and time. Besides, there are hardly any pristine wildernesses left anywhere for one to hide in!

Therefore, we must effect our withdrawal by cultivating an attitude of life characterized by non-attachment. We must no longer become attached to the things of this world. Yes, we need to eat, but we don't need to eat to excess, or slaughter our younger brothers in the animal kingdom for their flesh, or eat things that are detrimental to the physical body simply because they look 'good' or taste 'good'.  Yes, we need clothing, but we do not need to dress to impress others, or spend enormous sums on designer clothing, or slaughter animals for their hide or fur. Yes, we may need to work for a living, but we do not need to identify with our job, or chase high salaries and positions, or hurt others in the pursuit of same.

The world is what it is. We have to live in it because it is the field of development that has been created for this life-wave to experience in. The true pupil on the Path realizes that although we are still in the world, we can no longer be of the world. Therefore, render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's (the material I-being). Render unto God, that which is God's (the reborn Soul, or microcosm).

Above all, we should not abandon our spouses or children. Our families are karmic responsibilities that we do not have the right to walk away from. Do your duty in life. Do not shirk your responsibilities. Care for those you love and for all men and women, but always with a sense of detachment. Detachment does not mean 'not caring'. It means to not become attached to outcomes, expectations, etc.  We, as pupils, must carry within us the knowledge that we are undergoing a process of surrender that requires the walking of a fine line. We are engaged in a moment-by-moment endeavor to help the Divine Man within to re-assume control over the microcosm and ultimately, to transfigure it. In order to achieve this Good End, the 'I' must steadily decrease in influence, until nothing is left of the old nature-born 'I' that can mislead or deceive us. Only then will we be on our way to becoming the pioneers of the New Race that is now being born.

~ g

17 September 2015

Million-Year Journey

The human-being reincarnates every 700 to 1,000 years, alternating between male and female with each incarnation. This means that in a single sidereal year* of 25,920 years, one can live between 25 and 36 lives.

*a sidereal year is the amount of time it takes for the earth to pass through all twelve signs of the zodiac. It takes 2,160 years to pass through one aeon, or 'age' of the zodiac.

Spiritually-advanced souls will incarnate at approximately 700-year intervals, as they require less time between incarnations to assimilate the life experience. Common souls need the extra time in the reflection-sphere to distill the benefits of the life lived and thus incarnate at the higher, 1,000-year interval.

Because each zodiacal age spans 2,160 years, we can see that a new personality is born twice under every sign, once as a male and once as a female. Sometimes there are exceptions, but that is the general rule.

So, how many lives have we lived? Let it be known that all of us have lived through the Atlantean Age and the Lemurian Age prior to that. The time of Atlantis spanned at least a 1,000,000 years of time in humanity's immediate past and was probably in existence for much longer than that. Applying the foregoing timelines, this means that in just the last one million years alone, all of us have lived at least nine hundred lives. Nine hundred.

That's hundreds of lives, countless personalities inhabiting our microcosm partaking in countless experiences. So many families, spouses, sons, daughters and siblings. Occupations as priest or priestess, black or white magician, warrior, politician, farmer, thief or murderer. An untold number of self-focused lives, resulting in selfish choices leading inevitably to dissolution and yet more turns on the Wheel of Death and Rebirth.

Through all of these lives runs a single thread, that of the seeking human-being. The human personality is forever searching for something, even though it knows not what that 'something' is. So it tries to find it in all sorts of nature-born activity. Predictably, because of the peculiar laws of duality, nothing that the human-being finds on the horizontal plane is lasting, or permanently fulfilling. Everything is evanescent, fleeting, temporal. Life is a constant rising, shining and fading.  Hundreds of lives, over and over, new personalities pursue the same futile dead-ends.

At some point during this long, long process of evolution, a personality in our microcosm may come in contact with the Gnosis. We learn of the Path of the True Way, the Path of Return. However, for whatever reason, we turn away from the Gnosis. We choose not to walk the Path in self-surrender, or we begin the Walk and then abort the effort. Although such incarnations are classified as failures, they are not completely so. For every life lived, nothing is lost. All is retained in the lipika of the microcosm, which accumulates and stores the karma and the soul-growth of the microcosm. Thus, the touch of the Gnosis experienced by a personality remains a permanent part of the microcosm.

Now we reach the present personality -- you. Within you, there is a spark of remembrance, due to your exposure to the Gnosis in a previous life or lives. You are drawn to the Universal Teachings, there is a resonance. You do not know why, but it 'feels right' to you. It is remembrance that is responsible for this. You as a personality once again face a critical choice: either act upon this pre-condition and finally take up the Path or turn away yet again and fail once more to achieve the One Goal of Humanity.

It has taken much effort, many failures and countless lives for your microcosm to develop a personality that has been able to get to this point. You now stand on the precipice of Liberation. Do not waste this opportunity. Gain insight. Direct your thinking, willing and feeling to the Transfiguristic process. Go the Path. Complete the journey that has been a million years in the making.

This is the life. You are the personality. Now is the time.

~ g

12 September 2015

Broken Vase

There was once a beautiful crystal Vase of Truth. It was renowned the world over and its Light shone brightly, its facets sparkled. One day, the Vase fell and shattered into countless pieces. The Light was no more.

People would walk by the scattered shards and, intrigued by the light that was reflected by them, would pick one up in awe.

"What a beautiful piece of Truth! I will keep it with me and show the world!". And off they would go with their piece of the Truth.

More and more people would stop and pick up a shard - after all, there were so many pieces to choose from. Soon there were shards all over the world, of different sizes and shapes. All of them glittered with their own reflected light, all were shaped differently. The people who held the shards believed that they held the whole Truth. Sadly, they did not realize that they only held a very tiny portion of the Truth.

Such is the state of man's religions in this nature-order. A sad state-of-affairs, yes. Thankfully, this is about to end as Divine Truth is in the process of being restored to mankind. The Vase is being repaired. Soon, Truth will once again be Whole. The Light will shine for all.

~ g

06 September 2015

The Machinations of Stupefaction


We live in times of great turmoil. Because of the chaos prevailing everywhere, the world has come very close to an explosion. Humanity is experiencing world events, just like watching and 'living' a film as shown in some cinema.

And so we want to lead you in your imagination to the biggest cinema in the world. This is a cinema in which people readily pay for the right to wait in the queue of the insatiable, after which they are admitted to the Temple of Moving Images.

There you see one great glittering illusion, one great imitation of everything that perhaps once was considered real or true. What you see there is the delusion of which the human-being, with his clouded vision, is proud, because the image shown him in the bewitching darkness seizes him like an hypnotic trance. It is all ostentation and pretentious display produced by soulless machines for an audience that appears to be soul-forsaken.

Like cattle being led to the slaughter, the crowds are pushed into the queues inside the guide ropes. When, after an overwhelming burst of music and darkness, a sufficient number of stupefied people has left the cinema, those waiting make room for an ever-swelling stream of new people, so that everyone gets the opportunity of being swallowed up into the monster's gullet.

The people are watched painstakingly lest anyone escape the Abyss of Oblivion. The whole show is just one great draught of Oblivion as the images rapidly follow one another and a stream of false gratification flows continuously on, for no one is allowed to get bored. No one may wake up from his doze which is like that of cattle chewing the cud. Nor is anyone allowed to think, and so the events have to succeed one another without allowing a spare second.

He cannot be allowed to wake up, let alone realize that all this is totally alien to the One True Soul Life that emanates from God.

He must not realize that this poisoned food is served to the human race to prevent any spark of Light from flaring up.

This is why events must succeed one another with frenetic speed, so that people don't have time to see what they are being served.

These ingenious machinations, composed of intelligence without any conception of deeper values, these machinations of stupefaction and decomposition, are controlled by the powers and forces of this world.

No matter how tragic this may sound, humanity is experiencing without any essential depth the emotions of this existence in a world that is meant to be a house of transition to the Eternal Reality. The majority of people are constantly waiting for new sensations. A human race totally imprisoned in the inebriated atmosphere of inferior astral turmoil in the universe: that is the state of present-day humanity.

From "Kundalini: The Power Of Eternity" - The Living Word - Catharose de Petri


This writer has stated repeatedly that all world events are staged for the purposes of manipulating, terrorizing and ultimately confusing humanity. Especially today, one atrocity follows another as we are constantly bombarded with examples of man's inhumanity to fellow man. These events are constant and unceasing. They serve to paralyze the common human-being of this nature, and to possibly demoralize the human-being of humanistic goodwill.

Nature-born man lives entire his earth-life in a daze. He then transitions without having gained any insight, or made any strides towards locating the Path of the True Way. Wave after wave of reincarnated souls follow to view "The Show", doomed to walk the same road of spiritual failure.

Those who have gained insight into the workings of the archons and aeons (the "powers and forces of this world") understand that what we are seeing on a daily basis is a vast manipulation designed to distract humanity from its true goal and purpose. As troubling as world events may appear, we must move forward without wavering, with eyes firmly set on the Prize. Success depends upon our being able to make it through the storm together, in group unity.

~ g