19 September 2015

"The Strong Will Stand For The Weak" -- More On The Living Body

Over long ages of time, millions of nature-born human-beings have managed to successfully liberate themselves from the pull of matter. Each time a soul (or microcosm), is liberated, another 'cell' is added to the group-body of beings who have already obtained the Good End in past harvests. At the end of every Age there always surfaces true gnostic brotherhoods whose job it is to lend assistance to those souls who are ready to climb out of the Pit of Despair. These millions of liberated beings, incarnate and discarnate, form a chain of such brotherhoods, This chain of gnostic brotherhoods we call the Universal Brotherhood, or Living Body of the Gnosis.

Liberation means that via the rebirth of the Soul, one is reunited with the Divine Spirit and so re-establishes a link with will of The All. The microcosm is transfigured and Immortality is regained. Such a one is thus linked with the pure astral forces of the Sixth Cosmic Domain, aka the Divine Kingdom. Being linked in group unity, the Living Body is able to pull Divine forces from the Sixth Cosmic Domain down into the Seventh Cosmic Domain (the physical realm). Here, this Divine power can be made available for all Seekers who are truly looking to walk the Path of Return.

Time, space, geography and distance do not separate the members of this Living Body. If you are sincerely walking the fivefold gnostic Path, you will be taken up by the Living Body, which gives to each pupil what he or she needs, when it is needed. Nothing more will be asked of or provided for the candidate than can be safely handled. Each step taken will be taken at the candidate's own pace. Through it all, the Living Body will be there to provide the pure astral forces that the pupil will need in his or her efforts to overcome the lower nature.

When it comes to the Living Body of the Gnosis there is a saying that goes, "The strong will stand for the weak". These are not idle words. While we are here striving to effect our final detachment from this nature-order, those who have gone before us remain united in focusing and sending forth the pure astral radiations that we will need to be successful in our endeavors. If we can persevere until the Good End then someday, we too, will become a permanent part of the Living Body, from where, in Wisdom and Divine Love, we will reach back into the Pit to aid our fallen brothers and sisters.

May it be so for us all.

~ g

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