30 October 2015

One Versus Two

"This, my son, is the only way to Truth, which was also followed by those who went before us and on which they received the Good.

Sublime and well-trodden is this road, but difficult for the Soul to follow as long as it is in the body.

First the Soul has to struggle against itself, achieve a great separation and allow one part to gain victory over it. For a conflict arises between one part and the other two parts: the former tries to escape while the latter try to drag the former - that is, the Soul - down from below. The result is a fight and a great trial of strength between the part that wants to escape and the two others that strive to detain the Soul.

However, it makes no small difference whether the one or the other side wins, for the one strives with great effort towards the Good, while the others make their home in the domain of perdition. The one yearns after freedom, the others embrace slavery. If the two are vanquished, they remain locked up within themselves, inactive and lonely, abandoned by the one that rules. But if the one part is defeated, it is carried off as captive by the two and deprived of everything and is punished by the life it lives here.

See, my son, this is the guide on the way that leads to Freedom: you must give up the body before it dies and overcome the life of Conflict; then, if you have won that victory, you will return to the Highest".

Corpus Hermeticum, Book 5, verses 8-14

26 October 2015

Your Protection Against Deception


There are million who, strictly speaking, are our fellow creatures. And among all these companions of race and fate there are many who take a certain standpoint with respect to others. Think of the many authorities to be found in the world, who say to you: 'This is what we say; listen to us. We know all about it; we can do it. Take such-and-such a course; this is what you must do.' Indeed, there have often been times in which those in authority have exercised compulsion, posing a threat to life and liberty. The brothers and sisters of the Tri-Unity of Light, of Grail, Cathar and Cross with Roses, could tell a tale about that!

Today, too, there are again developments which practice coercion of the conscience, in small things as well as in major issues. In many fields of life, with all kinds of motives, coercion of the conscience is flourishing anew. Tyranny is exercised by families, for instance, and in many countries by groups. We are also thinking, here, of the many inhabitants of the reflection-sphere and the life-waves which populate the etheric domain, of those who dwell on other planets and of the aeons and the archons of the aeons. Among them are those who have become extremely powerful as creatures and who glorify themselves with the names of gods, or are awarded such names by others. There are also the hordes of perpetrators of the Great Game*. In short, there are myriads of creatures with myriads of possibilities for betrayal, deception and coercion. And all of them are telling you: 'We possess the Good!'

* See J. van Rijckenborgh, Unmasking, 1958

And now we consider the Seeker, in the ocean of life, as a creature among fellow creatures. It is as if he has been submerged, and is being tossed to and fro by the waves.

Most of our readers, too, have been genuine seekers since their youth. You have been searching everywhere, haven't you? And think of all the vast quantities of literature you have devoured! And isn't it true to say that it was as if by coincidence, through a combination of circumstances beyond your control, that you came into contact with the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross?

What should the Seeker do amidst the fire of his seeking? Where should he go? What is being done to him? Where are the tides of life driving him? Thousands of voices ring in his ears: 'The Good is here!' What will become of him? For in the totality of Creation, evil takes many forms. That is why the observation is made that what is considered 'good' here, in the world of dialectics, is at best the smallest part of evil.

Who could distinguish the truth among all those wraith-like forms, among all those shadowy notions which present themselves to us? Who is able to see through all that pretense, all that delusion, all that nefariousness? How could one possibly make sense of all that immeasurable chaos? Who could remain standing in the midst of these wildly proliferating dangers? Surely it is just not possible?

Yes, it is possible! We have already given you the necessary directions. If you wish to become a priestess or priest of the Gnosis, if you want to be an Aesclepius, a healer of mankind, do not be attached to anything, neither by love, nor especially by hate. Be purely objective, well-disposed to the last, but not attached. Do not listen to any voice, any impulse, any suggestion. Our words, too, you should not accept a priori as true. Be of goodwill, and remain unbiased until from within you discover something of the Truth.

We repeat, do not listen to any voice, do not pursue the fleeting urges of your sensory organism. Stand without conceit as the autonomous creature amid the All-Manifestation. But at the same time, be extremely watchful, for as soon as you begin to enter into detachment, the entire host of aeons and archons will fall upon you. Many gods of creation, many entities who have achieved great power, will take an interest in you.

From "The Path of Self-Surrender" - The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Vol. III - Jan van Rijckenborgh


At this point in mankind's history the spiritual supermarket is overflowing with enticing selections, too many to enumerate here. Most mix a very tiny portion of the Truth with their toxic teachings. That tiny bit of authenticity speaks to what is True in the Seeker, and is usually enough to get him or her to buy into the larger, false portion of what is being offered.

Beware. A war is raging in the heavens. It is a war for men's souls. The protagonists will use every trick at their disposal to lead you away from the Truth, not by force, but by coercion. It will be your own choice that will free you or doom you. So be very careful as to what you lend your ear to.

Those of you who happen to be sensitive and are able to see into the invisible worlds or hear from them, place no importance upon what your physical senses are telling you. If you can detect something with your physical sense of sight or hearing then you can be certain that you are in contact with the reflection-sphere, the realm of the dead. Do not ascribe any undue importance to extra-sensory phenomena.

If you remain neutral and objective, that which is True will undeniably speak to that which is True within you.

~ g

21 October 2015

15 October 2015

"Today, I Baked A Pie!" (To All Readers)

There are a ton of blogposts with titles such as the above that glorify daily tasks like the one mentioned. Bloggers will talk about the most mundane subjects because those subjects mean something to them, and they want to share what is important to them with the world. They also want to make a little money advertising, gather approval from total strangers and generally be reminded of how great they are.

This is not one of those blogs.

This blog is for those whose Seeking has brought them to a Borderland. It is for those who have reached the limit of seeking on the horizontal plane and are exhausted from the fruitlessness of their endeavors. Religion, New Age, mysticism, occult practices, kabbalah, extraterrestrials, the list goes on. All leave the true Seeker frustrated and exhausted, silently screaming, "What is the Truth? Where can it be found? Why am I here? What is my purpose? Where do I come from? Where am I going?"

This writer is familiar with all of the above, intimately so. That is why it can be said without reservation that when a Seeker reaches the point where he rejects all dialectical remedies and reaches out a hand in search of salvation, that hand will be grasped, that Seeker will be guided...to a terrestrial outpost of the Universal Brotherhood. There, the Seeker will be presented with teachings that fly in the face of dialectics. He will encounter a vibration that will, if possible, serve to awaken his Divine Rosebud from its ages-long slumber.

Like attracts like. Most of you found your way here because something within you resonated with the vibration emanated from this anonymous spot. This blog is concerned primarily with the following:

- spreading The Call of the Gnosis
- exposing the true Seeker to the Universal Doctrine
- presenting teachings that will provide critical insight.
- answering those questions regarding the Gnosis that can be answered

No one is coerced to come here. No one is forced to continue to frequent this blog. There is no advertising, no entry fee. The blog asks nothing of anyone, while offering everything it can. It is here, that's all. It sits in place, like a clear puddle of water after a rain. There is no need to call the birds down to have a drink, the birds will come on their own.

This writer will always refrain from writing about himself, or his journey, or what he had for lunch today. No one comes here to read stories about this writer's life. There are a billion other blogs that can provide the reader with that sort of vicarious ride-along. This blog has a specific Service to provide and it will try to fulfill that purpose for as long as it proves to be useful to true Seekers the world over.

If an excerpt is posted here, one can be sure that there is reason for it. This writer is not going to waste the time of those who frequent this blog by posting worthless drivel. Why is so much of Jan van Rijckenborgh's and Catharose Di Petri's material posted here? There are two reasons:

1. they knew what they are writing about, from first-hand experience as former Grandmasters of the Spiritual School

2. the hope is that Seekers will be inspired to pick up these works and avail themselves of this first-hand knowledge.

Everything one needs to know about walking the Path of Return properly, in steadfastness and humility, is laid out in detail in the forty or so books written by these two people. This writer has read them all at least twice over. Some of them more times than can be counted. It was money well-spent. In former times, the same amount of money was foolishly wasted on clothing and so-called fine cognac. These works are priceless. It can be stated here without equivocation: all that is written in the works of van Rijckenborgh and di Petri is of tremendous help. All that is presented provides a critical blueprint for the Seeker, a roadmap. Through first-hand experience, this writer knows that what has been revealed in the literature of the School about the Eternal Path of the True Way is authentic.

Unfortunately, there is nothing that this writer can do to convince you, the reader, of what he knows to be true. You will have to undertake the experience for yourself, which is why excerpt after excerpt is presented for your study. It is an effort to encourage you to conduct your own investigation, to experience the Path, truly experience it for yourself.

This writer is not a guru, or a teacher, or a master or any of those things that some seekers feel a need to be "led" by. If you are here to be "led" to Liberation, you are going to be sorely disappointed, because you will not find your guru here. What you will find is one who was once like you, immersed in the cesspool of the dialectical world, who was then led from within to the fountain of the Gnosis and, when he reached it, drank from it thirstily. From there, this one underwent a fundamental life reversal. The personality that he once was began to slowly recede. In its place the emerging Other One began to assert itself.

There is nothing and no one that can shake the convictions of one who knows. The Gnosis is real. Liberation is available to all those who wish to pursue it. This blog will remain active for the sake of those who are still searching for that which was once hidden from mankind but must now be revealed to those who have made themselves worthy. It is the least Service that can be provided by one who has been fortunate enough to climb out of The Pit and obtain knowledge of The True Way.

May all of you, without exception, find the courage to pursue the insight necessary to motivate you to surrender the self, change your life's vibratory tone and walk the Path of Return to the Good End.

all love,

~ g

08 October 2015


The Original Divine Microcosm contained three soul-nuclei. One was positively-charged, one was negatively charged. These two nuclei orbited one another. The third soul-nucleus was neutral charge and orbited the other two.

These three nuclei cooperated harmoniously with the power of the All. Because the Microcosms were linked with the Divine they shared in the omnipotence and omniscient powers of God. All was well as long as the Divine Microcosms utilized this power in a centrifugal fashion. That is, the Power of God was allowed to work through them to create good works. The Microcosms acted as conduits for a great, divine Power. As long as this Power was allowed to flow through the Microcosm for the benefit of the All-Manifestation, they were able to accomplish wondrous things, among these was the ability to self-generate a glorified etheric-physical Personality at will.

When a group of these Divine Microcosms chose to utilize this Power in a centripetal fashion, when they tried to keep the Power within and use it for selfish purposes, a mighty heat began to arise within the nucleus of the Microcosm. The heat became so great that it eventually resulted in an explosion of sorts. Due to this explosion, one of the pairs of nuclei in the center of the Microcosm was ejected from the system. For some Microcosms, it was the positive soul-nucleus that was ejected. For others, it was the negative soul-nucleus that was lost. The once tri-une Divine Microcosms were now di-une. This is the cosmic truth behind the symbolic story of the separation of the sexes.

Once this occurred these severely damaged microcosms were unable to function properly in the Divine Kingdom. They were missing a critical third soul-nucleus. Due to their selfish error, they wandered as lost entities, doomed to a limbo-like existence.

With great mercy, the Logos saw fit to devise a plan for rescuing these fallen microcosms. A temporary, separate universe was generated which would be adapted for use by these damaged microcosms. This emergency order of existence would be designed in such a way as to lead these microcosms, after long experience, back to an awareness of their Origins and from there, to a restoration of their damaged microcosms and a return to the Divine Kingdom.

In place of the lost third soul-nuclei, an outside entity would be inserted into the fallen microcosm via the human phenomena called child-birth. This entity - the earthly personality - would be tasked with trying to restore the tri-une nature of the microcosm by unifying the positive and negative soul-nuclei once more.

In essence, each child-birth represents a transplant, an attempt to introduce into a damaged microcosm the missing element that could restore it to Divinity. If this unification can be accomplished, the microcosm will undergo a transmutation that will eventually lead to a transfiguration, the liberation of the Other One within and the restoration of the Divine Microcosm.

But what happens to the human personality that succeeds in executing its part in this divine rescue mission? Is it discarded like a used Kleenex? No! Indeed, the following details the reward that awaits the successful earthly personality:


This is, as it were, an operation, a transplantation: an organ originating in the emergency-order is implanted in a Being from quite another Order. And now it must be proved whether the transplanted organ is willing and able to 'take'; whether the plan to return - the aim of the operation - will be achieved.

By following a path of transfiguration it is possible to make you conscious of your state, to make you conscious of The Great Aim. If you are able to link harmoniously with the rose-atom, the neutral auric-self will immediately react. The great process of salvation will begin. With regard to you, as a product of the emergency-order, a great and intense wonder will then unfold. When an organ is transplanted into the body and it begins to react, this enables the whole body to live, so that the transplanted organ can share in its life.

In the same way, by following the fivefold gnostic procedure -- the method of transplantation -- you can be taken up into the Life of the Original Order. You will then leave the emergency-order to which you formerly belonged and enter a Higher Order, along with the system into which you were introduced. In this way, you will be incarnated, transplanted, in a Divine Being and, with that Eternal Being, you will live eternally. You can then justly be called a 'twice-born' one', born once as to what is of the earth, earthly, and once as to the Heavenly Being.

From "The Mystery of Life and Death" Jan van Rijckenborgh


And this...


For this purpose a mortal personality was created as an image-bearer of the Original Personality. This image-bearer was called to bring his microcosm back to the Immovable Kingdom with the aid of the powers hidden in the Rose. In this way, by following the Path of Transfiguration, he would gain Eternity for himself.

We are telling you this to remind you again about the image-bearer of the lost, third soul-being. It was so that you could become such an image-bearer that you were modeled from the matter of this world and are able to be active in the fallen microcosmic system. You are meant to become one with it so that you can bring it back to its former glory by reconstructing the Original Personality.

From "The Mystery of Life and Death" Jan van Rijckenborgh


You are a transplant. As an earthly personality, if you succeed in accomplishing your task to help lead your microcosm to the Good End, your reward will be a merging with the reborn, divine Other One. You will share in its restored omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience. Life as an earthly human-being will be a forgotten memory. A mission spanning countless ages will end in Victory.

May this be so for us all.

~ g

07 October 2015

Transplant (draft)

Engraving by Theodore De Bry

Microcosmic Restoration - Your Role in the Divine Plan


A microcosm is spherical in shape. Around the sphere is a complex magnetic field. If we view this sphere from a distance, our attention is attracted, first of all, by the auric being. This surface layer is sevenfold in composition and within it we find a magnetic system, a combination of magnetic points. The auric being also possesses an atomic nucleus with which the system of magnetic points forms a unity which is is to a greater or lesser extent conscious. When we speak of this conscious unity, we use the term 'auric self' or auric soul'.

The interior of the microcosmic sphere forms a void called 'the field of manifestation' and precisely in its heart a second atomic nucleus is to be found. This nucleus is known as 'the rose of the heart'  or 'the miraculous jewel in the lotus', or 'the unknown, latent soul'. On closer examination we discover that the auric soul has not one single connection, not one single contact, with the rose-heart. Although there are magnetic lines of force running inwards from the auric self, and although the field of manifestation is a space continually criss-crossed with powerful vibrations, the rose-heart does not react to them; it is asleep. So we see that we can only speak of genuine life when we look at the auric self; within the sphere's field of manifestation we only see a 'void' as far as life is concerned.

When we speak of the auric self as living, you need to understand clearly what we mean, for the life inhabiting it is very strange and not at all like the life-forms we know. The life of the auric self is neither mineral, nor vegetable, nor animal, and it certainly cannot be thought of as superhuman.

We can best approach the auric self's state of consciousness by comparing it with the consciousness of an elemental, a consciousness which is the result of the combined activity of magnetic forces, and will be clear or dull, strong or weak, good or bad in conformity with the effects of the processes going on within and around the sphere. Such a consciousness will therefore be without any deep, inner psychological reactions of its own; it will be a completely automatic, neutral consciousness.

If the consciousness is automatic, then it is clear that the microcosm must be in possession of a governing soul-being if it is to live in the highest sense of the word. However, in the conditions we have been describing, such a soul-being is not present at all. There is only the latent life in the rose-heart, and life in the auric soul which is life in name only. Apart from that, there is nothing! It is hardly possible to say that such a microcosm lives, any more than one can say that it is dead.

That, then, is the condition of an emptied microcosm in our domain of life. Such was the fate of all microcosms after the third soul in the system had died. Remember that the third soul-nucleus, in cooperation with the rose-soul, had originally caused a Glorious Personality to exist in the microcosm's field of manifestation. But this Personality disappeared and evaporated from the field of manifestation at the moment when, through centripetal activity, the arrangement of the system was disrupted.

What could be done about this situation? Well, the third soul-nucleus would need to be brought back into the system. It would need to realize unity with the rose-soul and in this way restore the original state-of-being. But where should the third soul-nucleus come from? For the third aspect of the soul had vanished; it had dissolved into energy in the heat of the fire.

This was the tremendous problem with which the Logos was faced, a problem still in the process of being solved, since not all of the microcosms have yet been rescued and brought back to the Original Kingdom.

As we explained, a cosmic emergency-order was established. Its aim was to create a being, a living being that would be able - temporarily - to inhabit the place formerly occupied by the soul and the Original Personality that had vanished. If this surrogate-being were able to act as a substitute in a microcosm's field of manifestation, this would enable a magnificent process of Transfiguration and hence, of Return.

It may be difficult for you to accept that you are the transitory end-product of an emergency-order plan. At birth, you represent the vanished third-soul nucleus, and your newly-born body represents the Glorified Figure of Old. Both this soul-nucleus and this young body are introduced into an emptied microcosm. This is, as it were, an operation, a transplantation: an organ originating in the emergency-order is implanted in a Being from quite another Order. And now it must be proved whether the transplanted organ is willing and able to 'take'; whether the plan to return - the aim of the operation - will be achieved.

By following a path of transfiguration it is possible to make you conscious of your state, to make you conscious of The Great Aim.  If you are able to link harmoniously with the rose-atom, the neutral auric-self will immediately react. The great process of salvation will begin. With regard to you, as a product of the emergency-order, a great and intense wonder will then unfold. When an organ is transplanted into the body and it begins to react, this enables the whole body to live, so that the transplanted organ can share in its life. In the same way, by following the fivefold gnostic procedure -- the method of transplantation -- you can be taken up into the Life of the  Original Order. You will then leave the emergency-order to which you formerly belonged and enter a Higher Order, along with the system into which you were introduced. In this way, you will be incarnated, transplanted, in a Divine Being and, with that Eternal Being, you will live eternally. You can then justly be called a 'twice-born' one', born once as to what is of the earth, earthly, and once as to the Heavenly Being.

If this ascent, this Second Birth, is not successful, you will know yourself what the end must be. You will die the death of your earthly state ('you are dust, and to dust you shall return'), and your microcosm, one delusion richer and often in a severely wounded state, will have to wait for another chance.

From "The Doctrine of Reincarnation" The Mystery of Life and Death - Jan van Rijckenborgh


Read the fore-going as many times as you have to. Sobering? Perhaps. Shocking? Maybe. Glorious? Absolutely! This is the Divine Plan of Salvation for those who have Fallen. This merciful Plan is tended to and lovingly administered by countless entities from numberless realms who have made, and are still making great sacrifices as they unceasingly try to show us The Way Home. The Divine Plan of Salvation is the essence of, the Truth of, the Purpose for and the Reason behind your present existence.

If you fail to comprehend and implement this Plan, if you retreat from doing your part to effect this Mighty Restoration, 'you' will not get another opportunity on the Wheel of Death and Rebirth. Do you now see what is at stake? Do you now see why the common troubles and desires of the material-world are useless, misleading and delusional?

For all those people who have ever wondered. "What is the meaning, point or purpose of my life?", well, you have just had it revealed to you. May you take this Knowledge and keep it with you as you begin your journey from darkness back into Light.

all love,

~ g

04 October 2015

The Two Human Types


You may have already realized that if anyone who studies mankind's past wishes to reach the right conclusions, he will have to view everything in a much wider context than superficial literalism would allow.

The earth is inhabited by various human races, each with a differing past and also, in many respects, with a very divergent future. There are elements present that combine these races into one community; but there are undeniably also elements that separate them. Among all these races with very divergent dispositions we find the ancient Spirit-born Ones, the Children of the Fire. In the broadest possible sense it is a group of those whose microcosms still possess elements which make possible a direct link with, and a life in, the Spirit.

All holy language, in its original, unsullied state, is directed solely towards this exceptional class of humanity, to the Spirit-born Ones of the Beginning. And from a certain point of view, these Universal Teachings are to be considered dangerous for other human types.

Why dangerous? To understand this you will need to realize that the Children of God and the children of nature have widely divergent interests. The Children of God, insofar as they are in a state of imprisonment, want to flee the word. The children of nature seek and desire to maintain the world. So their efforts are diametrically opposed. In this context, we are using the word 'world' in its narrow sense, to mean the nature-born life-field.

If the Children of God were to take the lead on earth, this would be accompanied by a complete alteration of the astral conditions of our life-field. The astral field of the nature-of-death would become like the gnostic Astral Field, a field full of serenity and the highest purity. The reflection-sphere would be emptied. All those self-maintaining reflection-sphere processes would become impossible. All the conditions of existence in our life-field would change. The earthly field of genesis would no longer provide life-spark entities with any possibility of existence. The millions of life-spark entities that populate the earth would simply not be able to exist any longer, and so it would be as if they had been murdered. The classic fratricide, the ancient drama of Cain and Abel, would be repeated.

Another possibility is that the life-spark entities could, through reconstruction of their microcosms, be restored to the Childship of God. If an entity did not possess the classic, Primordial Atom of the Spirit in his microcosm, it would be possible, by reconstructing the microcosmic field, by bringing the Spirit into it, to introduce into the microcosm what was not previously present within it.

Creatures always come forth from the Fundamental Nature. The Original Nucleus of every creature unfolds on the basis of the creative idea underlying it. If this idea and the nucleus of the creature are not from the Spirit, then a Child of God will not develop. However, if this idea is of God, then a Child of God will develop.

So the Child of God is a creature who has to behave in accordance with the Fundamental Idea underlying his being. If he deviates from that Idea, then he will have to undergo all kinds of difficulties and consuming processes until finally he has to return to the Original Idea. If the idea originates from a different cosmocracy, then a different kind of being will arise, a different orientation, a different starting point, a different aim.

However, we repeat that it is possible for entities who have an aeonic origin to be restored to, and by, the Idea of the Universal Spirit. The first prerequisite is to preach, throughout the world, a Universal Doctrine of the Spirit. The second is to realize and establish a genuine Church of the Spirit. The third is to adapt the life-field, mankind's field of genesis, to the requirements of the Spirit, as a result of which the creature will submit to the Spirit.

In this way, an entity that was not originally a Child of God from the Beginning can become one through the re-creation of the microcosm. The Tri-Unity of the Light - Rosycross, Cathar and Grail, is preparing for such a mighty effort to re-create aeonic, life-spark entities. The Universal Doctrine is resounding through the mouth of the Rosycross. The new Church of the Spirit , the aspect of the Brotherhood of the Cathars, has been founded. The great alteration of the life-field, beginning with the astral field and following the requirements of the Spirit, is underway once more; and the Brotherhood of the Holy Grail has been manifested anew.

All this forms part of the mighty activity of the Sons of the Fire. It is for this reason that the liberated Sons of the Fire came and have always come to earth. It is for this that their disciples and servants came, and have always come, for the unfolding of an intense activity, with the aim of forging all Abel-entities into Children of the Fire. And to raise up all fallen and imprisoned Cain-entities and install them in the community of God. All true holy language, all Universal Doctrine, bears witness to this mighty and glorious attempt, which has been repeated time and time again throughout history.

In many periods of man's history the necessary conditions were created to bring about this grand and glorious work of the Spirit. The true Church, the Church of the Spirit, has appeared many times on earth. Take, for instance, the Church of the Cathars mentioned just now. Think also of Appolonius of Tyana and of the gnostic churches around the Mediterranean, in Asia Minor, Greece, the Balkans, Egypt and other parts of North Africa. One can affirm with great joy that in all those periods, large numbers of entities entered the Liberating Life. There is, indeed, a multitude no one can count, gathered from all peoples, all races of the earth.

From "The Classic Betrayal (1) - There Is No Empty Space - Jan van Rijckenborgh


There are two human types: one group is born of this nature-order and lives in relative harmony with it. The other group hails from the Sons of the Fire. This group, which has fallen into matter, lives in torment and seeks to escape the nature-of-death. If you can hear and obey the Call of the Gnosis then you are most likely a fallen Child of the Fire. It is for us and those of our kind that the Divine Plan of Salvation was put into motion. We are not the first to embark upon this Path of Return, and we will not be the last.

"He was the True Light, which lighted every man who came into the world. He came to His own, but His own did not receive Him. But to those who received Him, He gave the power to become Sons of God." John 1:9, 11-12

~ g